1 |
2 | Sun xVM VirtualBox for OpenSolaris
3 | ----------------------------------
4 |
5 | Installing:
6 | -----------
7 |
8 | * Important Note:
9 | You must boot OpenSolaris in the same instruction set as the VirtualBox install package.
10 | This means if you are installing the 64-bit version of VirtualBox you MUST boot in
11 | 64-bit mode. This is because the installer will setup the VirtualBox driver.
12 |
13 | Use the command "isainfo -k" to check what instruction set is currently being used. If
14 | the output is "amd64" you have booted in 64-bit mode, otherwise it is 32-bit.
15 |
16 |
17 | After extracting the contents of the tar.gz file perform the following steps:
18 |
19 | 1. Login as root using the "su" command.
20 |
21 | 2. Run the command:
22 | pkgadd -d VirtualBox-SunOS-amd64-1.5.51-r28040.pkg
23 |
24 | 3. The installer would then ask you to "Select package(s) you wish to process"
25 | For this type "1" or "all".
26 |
27 | 4. Then type "y" when asked about continuing with the installation.
28 |
29 | Now all the necessary files would be installed on your system.
30 | Start VirtualBox by typing "VirtualBox" from a terminal.
31 |
32 |
33 | Un-Installating:
34 | ----------------
35 |
36 | To remove VirtualBox from your system perform the following steps:
37 |
38 | 1. Login as root using the "su" command.
39 |
40 | 2. Run the command:
41 | pkgrm SUNWvbox
42 |