1 | <?xml version="1.0"?>
2 | <xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform" version="1.0">
3 |
4 | <xsl:import href="htmlhelp/htmlhelp.xsl"/>
5 | <xsl:import href="common-formatcfg.xsl"/>
6 | <xsl:import href="common-html-formatcfg.xsl"/>
7 |
8 | <xsl:include href="titlepage-htmlhelp.xsl"/>
9 |
10 | <!-- Override the style sheet stuff from common-html-formatcfg.xsl, we don't
11 | the same as the html-chunks and html-one-page. Also, the microsoft
12 | help viewer may have limited CSS support, depending on which browser
13 | version it emulated, so keep it simple. -->
14 | <xsl:template name="user.head.content">
15 | <style type="text/css">
16 | <xsl:comment>
17 | .cmdsynopsis p
18 | {
19 | padding-left: 3.4em;
20 | text-indent: -2.2em;
21 | }
22 | p.nextcommand
23 | {
24 | margin-top: 0px;
25 | margin-bottom: 0px;
26 | }
27 | p.lastcommand
28 | {
29 | margin-top: 0px;
30 | }
31 | </xsl:comment>
32 | </style>
33 | </xsl:template>
34 |
35 |
36 | <!-- for some reason, the default docbook stuff doesn't wrap simple <arg> elements
37 | into HTML <code>, so with a default CSS a cmdsynopsis ends up with a mix of
38 | monospace and proportional fonts. Elsewhere we hack that in the CSS, here
39 | that turned out to be harded, so we just wrap things in <code>, risking
40 | nested <code> elements, but who cares as long as it works... -->
41 | <xsl:template match="group|arg">
42 | <xsl:choose>
43 | <xsl:when test="name(..) = 'arg' or name(..) = 'group'">
44 | <xsl:apply-imports/>
45 | </xsl:when>
46 | <xsl:otherwise>
47 | <code><xsl:apply-imports/></code>
48 | </xsl:otherwise>
49 | </xsl:choose>
50 | </xsl:template>
51 |
52 | </xsl:stylesheet>
53 |