1 | <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
2 | <!DOCTYPE topic PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DITA Topic//EN" "topic.dtd">
3 | <topic xml:lang="en-us" id="intro-save-machine-state">
4 | <title>Saving the State of the Machine</title>
5 | <body>
6 | <p>When you click the <b outputclass="bold">Close</b> button of your virtual machine window, at the top right of the
7 | window, just like you would close any other window on your system, <ph
8 | conkeyref="vbox-conkeyref-phrases/product-name"/> asks you whether you want to save or power off the VM. As a
9 | shortcut, you can also press <b outputclass="bold">Host key + Q</b>. </p>
10 | <p>
11 | The difference between the three options is crucial. They mean
12 | the following:
13 | </p>
14 | <ul>
15 | <li>
16 | <p><b outputclass="bold">Save the machine state:</b>
17 | With this option, <ph conkeyref="vbox-conkeyref-phrases/product-name"/>
18 | <i>freezes</i> the virtual machine by
19 | completely saving its state to your local disk.
20 | </p>
21 | <p>When you start the VM again later, you will find that the VM continues exactly where it was left off. All
22 | your programs will still be open, and your computer resumes operation. Saving the state of a virtual machine
23 | is thus in some ways similar to suspending a laptop computer by closing its lid. </p>
24 | </li>
25 | <li>
26 | <p><b outputclass="bold">Send the shutdown signal.</b>
27 | This will send an ACPI shutdown signal to the virtual
28 | machine, which has the same effect as if you had pressed the
29 | power button on a real computer. This should trigger a
30 | proper shutdown mechanism from within the VM.
31 | </p>
32 | </li>
33 | <li>
34 | <p><b outputclass="bold">Power off the machine:</b> With
35 | this option, <ph conkeyref="vbox-conkeyref-phrases/product-name"/> also stops running the virtual
36 | machine, but <i>without</i> saving its state.
37 | </p>
38 | <note type="caution">
39 | <p>This is equivalent to pulling the power plug on a real computer without shutting it down properly. If you
40 | start the machine again after powering it off, your OS will have to reboot completely and may begin a
41 | lengthy check of its virtual system disks. As a result, this should not normally be done, since it can
42 | potentially cause data loss or an inconsistent state of the guest system on disk. </p>
43 | </note>
44 | <p>As an exception, if your virtual machine has any snapshots, see <xref href="snapshots.dita#snapshots"/>, you
45 | can use this option to quickly <b outputclass="bold">restore the current snapshot</b> of the virtual machine.
46 | In that case, powering off the machine will discard the current state and any changes made since the previous
47 | snapshot was taken will be lost. </p>
48 | </li>
49 | </ul>
50 | <p>The <b outputclass="bold">Discard</b> button in the <ph conkeyref="vbox-conkeyref-phrases/vbox-mgr"/> window
51 | discards a virtual machine's saved state. This has the same effect as powering it off, and the same warnings
52 | apply. </p>
53 | </body>
54 |
55 | </topic>