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3 | <topic id="ts-hyperv">
4 | <title>Poor performance when using <ph conkeyref="vbox-conkeyref-phrases/product-name"/> and <b outputclass="bold">Hyper-V</b> on the same host</title>
5 | <body>
6 | <dl>
7 | <dlentry>
8 | <dt>Details</dt>
9 | <dd><ph conkeyref="vbox-conkeyref-phrases/product-name"/> and <b outputclass="bold">Hyper-V</b> can conflict with each other when run on the same host.<p>Always disable Hyper-V when running VirtualBox.</p></dd>
10 | </dlentry>
11 | <dlentry>
12 | <dt>Workaround</dt>
13 | <dd>
14 | <p>Turn off the Windows features Hyper-V Platform, Virtual Machine Platform and Windows Hypervisor Platform, and then reboot the host.</p>
15 | <p>On newer Windows versions, the device security features Core Isolation and Memory Integrity use Hyper-V, even if you have turned it off.</p>
16 | <p>Use the Microsoft Device Guard and Credential Guard hardware readiness tools to turn off more features that use Hyper-V. For example, to disable AutoReboot, use the following command: </p>
17 | <pre xml:space="preserve">.\DG_Readiness_Tool_vX.X.ps1 -Disable -AutoReboot</pre>
18 | <note>
19 | <p>Disabling Device Guard and Credential Guard features impacts on the overall security of the host. Take this into account before deciding to disable them.</p>
20 | </note>
21 | </dd>
22 | </dlentry>
23 | </dl>
24 | </body>
25 | </topic>