/** @file * ATL lookalike, just the tiny subset we actually need. */ /* * Copyright (C) 2016-2019 Oracle Corporation * * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as * available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software; * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU * General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software * Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the * VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind. * * The contents of this file may alternatively be used under the terms * of the Common Development and Distribution License Version 1.0 * (CDDL) only, as it comes in the "COPYING.CDDL" file of the * VirtualBox OSE distribution, in which case the provisions of the * CDDL are applicable instead of those of the GPL. * * You may elect to license modified versions of this file under the * terms and conditions of either the GPL or the CDDL or both. */ #ifndef VBOX_INCLUDED_com_microatl_h #define VBOX_INCLUDED_com_microatl_h #ifndef RT_WITHOUT_PRAGMA_ONCE # pragma once #endif #include /* VBOX_STRICT */ #include #include #include /* RT_FAILURE() */ #include #include namespace ATL { #define ATL_NO_VTABLE __declspec(novtable) class CAtlModule; __declspec(selectany) CAtlModule *_pAtlModule = NULL; class CComModule; __declspec(selectany) CComModule *_pModule = NULL; typedef HRESULT (WINAPI FNCREATEINSTANCE)(void *pv, REFIID riid, void **ppv); typedef FNCREATEINSTANCE *PFNCREATEINSTANCE; typedef HRESULT (WINAPI FNINTERFACEMAPHELPER)(void *pv, REFIID riid, void **ppv, DWORD_PTR dw); typedef FNINTERFACEMAPHELPER *PFNINTERFACEMAPHELPER; typedef void (__stdcall FNATLTERMFUNC)(void *pv); typedef FNATLTERMFUNC *PFNATLTERMFUNC; struct _ATL_TERMFUNC_ELEM { PFNATLTERMFUNC pfn; void *pv; _ATL_TERMFUNC_ELEM *pNext; }; struct _ATL_INTMAP_ENTRY { const IID *piid; // interface ID DWORD_PTR dw; PFNINTERFACEMAPHELPER pFunc; // NULL: end of array, 1: offset based map entry, other: function pointer }; #define COM_SIMPLEMAPENTRY ((ATL::PFNINTERFACEMAPHELPER)1) #define DECLARE_CLASSFACTORY_EX(c) typedef ATL::CComCreator > _ClassFactoryCreatorClass; #define DECLARE_CLASSFACTORY() DECLARE_CLASSFACTORY_EX(ATL::CComClassFactory) #define DECLARE_CLASSFACTORY_SINGLETON(o) DECLARE_CLASSFACTORY_EX(ATL::CComClassFactorySingleton) #define DECLARE_AGGREGATABLE(c) \ public: \ typedef ATL::CComCreator2 >, ATL::CComCreator > > _CreatorClass; #define DECLARE_NOT_AGGREGATABLE(c) \ public: \ typedef ATL::CComCreator2 >, ATL::CComFailCreator > _CreatorClass; #define DECLARE_PROTECT_FINAL_CONSTRUCT() \ void InternalFinalConstructAddRef() \ { \ InternalAddRef(); \ } \ void InternalFinalConstructRelease() \ { \ InternalRelease(); \ } #define BEGIN_COM_MAP(c) \ public: \ typedef c _ComClass; \ HRESULT _InternalQueryInterface(REFIID iid, void **ppvObj) throw() \ { \ return InternalQueryInterface(this, _GetEntries(), iid, ppvObj); \ } \ const static ATL::_ATL_INTMAP_ENTRY *WINAPI _GetEntries() throw() \ { \ static const ATL::_ATL_INTMAP_ENTRY _aInterfaces[] = \ { #define COM_INTERFACE_ENTRY(c) \ { &__uuidof(c), (DWORD_PTR)(static_cast((_ComClass *)8))-8, COM_SIMPLEMAPENTRY }, #define COM_INTERFACE_ENTRY2(c, c2) \ { &__uuidof(c), (DWORD_PTR)(static_cast(static_cast((_ComClass *)8)))-8, COM_SIMPLEMAPENTRY }, #define COM_INTERFACE_ENTRY_AGGREGATE(iid, pUnk) \ { &iid, (DWORD_PTR)RT_UOFFSETOF(_ComClass, pUnk), _Delegate}, #define END_COM_MAP() \ { NULL, 0, NULL} \ }; \ return _aInterfaces; \ } \ virtual ULONG STDMETHODCALLTYPE AddRef(void) throw() = 0; \ virtual ULONG STDMETHODCALLTYPE Release(void) throw() = 0; \ STDMETHOD(QueryInterface)(REFIID, void **) throw() = 0; struct _ATL_OBJMAP_ENTRY { const CLSID *pclsid; PFNCREATEINSTANCE pfnGetClassObject; PFNCREATEINSTANCE pfnCreateInstance; IUnknown *pCF; DWORD dwRegister; }; #define BEGIN_OBJECT_MAP(o) static ATL::_ATL_OBJMAP_ENTRY o[] = { #define END_OBJECT_MAP() {NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0}}; #define OBJECT_ENTRY(clsid, c) {&clsid, c::_ClassFactoryCreatorClass::CreateInstance, c::_CreatorClass::CreateInstance, NULL, 0 }, class CComCriticalSection { public: CComCriticalSection() throw() { memset(&m_CritSect, 0, sizeof(m_CritSect)); } ~CComCriticalSection() { } HRESULT Lock() throw() { RTCritSectEnter(&m_CritSect); return S_OK; } HRESULT Unlock() throw() { RTCritSectLeave(&m_CritSect); return S_OK; } HRESULT Init() throw() { HRESULT hrc = S_OK; if (RT_FAILURE(RTCritSectInit(&m_CritSect))) hrc = E_FAIL; return hrc; } HRESULT Term() throw() { RTCritSectDelete(&m_CritSect); return S_OK; } RTCRITSECT m_CritSect; }; template class CComCritSectLock { public: CComCritSectLock(CComCriticalSection &cs, bool fInitialLock = true) : m_cs(cs), m_fLocked(false) { if (fInitialLock) { HRESULT hrc = Lock(); if (FAILED(hrc)) throw hrc; } } ~CComCritSectLock() throw() { if (m_fLocked) Unlock(); } HRESULT Lock() { Assert(!m_fLocked); HRESULT hrc = m_cs.Lock(); if (FAILED(hrc)) return hrc; m_fLocked = true; return S_OK; } void Unlock() throw() { Assert(m_fLocked); m_cs.Unlock(); m_fLocked = false; } private: TLock &m_cs; bool m_fLocked; CComCritSectLock(const CComCritSectLock&) throw(); // Do not call. CComCritSectLock &operator=(const CComCritSectLock &) throw(); // Do not call. }; class CComFakeCriticalSection { public: HRESULT Lock() throw() { return S_OK; } HRESULT Unlock() throw() { return S_OK; } HRESULT Init() throw() { return S_OK; } HRESULT Term() throw() { return S_OK; } }; class CComAutoCriticalSection : public CComCriticalSection { public: CComAutoCriticalSection() { HRESULT hrc = CComCriticalSection::Init(); if (FAILED(hrc)) throw hrc; } ~CComAutoCriticalSection() throw() { CComCriticalSection::Term(); } private : HRESULT Init() throw(); // Do not call. HRESULT Term() throw(); // Do not call. }; class CComAutoDeleteCriticalSection : public CComCriticalSection { public: CComAutoDeleteCriticalSection(): m_fInit(false) { } ~CComAutoDeleteCriticalSection() throw() { if (!m_fInit) return; m_fInit = false; CComCriticalSection::Term(); } HRESULT Init() throw() { Assert(!m_fInit); HRESULT hrc = CComCriticalSection::Init(); if (SUCCEEDED(hrc)) m_fInit = true; return hrc; } HRESULT Lock() { Assert(m_fInit); return CComCriticalSection::Lock(); } HRESULT Unlock() { Assert(m_fInit); return CComCriticalSection::Unlock(); } private: HRESULT Term() throw(); bool m_fInit; }; class CComMultiThreadModelNoCS { public: static ULONG WINAPI Increment(LONG *pL) throw() { return InterlockedIncrement(pL); } static ULONG WINAPI Decrement(LONG *pL) throw() { return InterlockedDecrement(pL); } typedef CComFakeCriticalSection AutoCriticalSection; typedef CComFakeCriticalSection AutoDeleteCriticalSection; typedef CComMultiThreadModelNoCS ThreadModelNoCS; }; class CComMultiThreadModel { public: static ULONG WINAPI Increment(LONG *pL) throw() { return InterlockedIncrement(pL); } static ULONG WINAPI Decrement(LONG *pL) throw() { return InterlockedDecrement(pL); } typedef CComAutoCriticalSection AutoCriticalSection; typedef CComAutoDeleteCriticalSection AutoDeleteCriticalSection; typedef CComMultiThreadModelNoCS ThreadModelNoCS; }; class ATL_NO_VTABLE CAtlModule { public: static GUID m_LibID; CComCriticalSection m_csStaticDataInitAndTypeInfo; CAtlModule() throw() { // One instance only per linking namespace! AssertMsg(!_pAtlModule, ("CAtlModule: trying to create more than one instance per linking namespace\n")); fInit = false; m_cLock = 0; m_pTermFuncs = NULL; _pAtlModule = this; if (FAILED(m_csStaticDataInitAndTypeInfo.Init())) { AssertMsgFailed(("CAtlModule: failed to init critsect\n")); return; } fInit = true; } void Term() throw() { if (!fInit) return; // Call all term functions. if (m_pTermFuncs) { _ATL_TERMFUNC_ELEM *p = m_pTermFuncs; _ATL_TERMFUNC_ELEM *pNext; while (p) { p->pfn(p->pv); pNext = p->pNext; delete p; p = pNext; } m_pTermFuncs = NULL; } m_csStaticDataInitAndTypeInfo.Term(); fInit = false; } virtual ~CAtlModule() throw() { Term(); } virtual LONG Lock() throw() { return CComMultiThreadModel::Increment(&m_cLock); } virtual LONG Unlock() throw() { return CComMultiThreadModel::Decrement(&m_cLock); } virtual LONG GetLockCount() throw() { return m_cLock; } HRESULT AddTermFunc(PFNATLTERMFUNC pfn, void *pv) { _ATL_TERMFUNC_ELEM *pNew = new(std::nothrow) _ATL_TERMFUNC_ELEM; if (!pNew) return E_OUTOFMEMORY; pNew->pfn = pfn; pNew->pv = pv; CComCritSectLock lock(m_csStaticDataInitAndTypeInfo, false); HRESULT hrc = lock.Lock(); if (SUCCEEDED(hrc)) { pNew->pNext = m_pTermFuncs; m_pTermFuncs = pNew; } else { delete pNew; AssertMsgFailed(("CComModule::AddTermFunc: failed to lock critsect\n")); } return hrc; } protected: bool fInit; LONG m_cLock; _ATL_TERMFUNC_ELEM *m_pTermFuncs; }; __declspec(selectany) GUID CAtlModule::m_LibID = {0x0, 0x0, 0x0, {0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0} }; struct _ATL_COM_MODULE { HINSTANCE m_hInstTypeLib; CComCriticalSection m_csObjMap; }; #ifndef _delayimp_h extern "C" IMAGE_DOS_HEADER __ImageBase; #endif class CAtlComModule : public _ATL_COM_MODULE { public: static bool m_fInitFailed; CAtlComModule() throw() { m_hInstTypeLib = reinterpret_cast(&__ImageBase); if (FAILED(m_csObjMap.Init())) { AssertMsgFailed(("CAtlComModule: critsect init failed\n")); m_fInitFailed = true; return; } } ~CAtlComModule() { Term(); } void Term() { m_csObjMap.Term(); } }; __declspec(selectany) bool CAtlComModule::m_fInitFailed = false; __declspec(selectany) CAtlComModule _AtlComModule; template class ATL_NO_VTABLE CAtlModuleT : public CAtlModule { public: CAtlModuleT() throw() { T::InitLibId(); } static void InitLibId() throw() { } }; /** * * This class not _not_ be statically instantiated as a global variable! It may * use VBoxRT before it's initialized otherwise, messing up logging and whatnot. * * When possible create the instance inside the TrustedMain() or main() as a * stack variable. In DLLs use 'new' to instantiate it in the DllMain function. */ class CComModule : public CAtlModuleT { public: CComModule() { // One instance only per linking namespace! AssertMsg(!_pModule, ("CComModule: trying to create more than one instance per linking namespace\n")); _pModule = this; m_pObjMap = NULL; } ~CComModule() { } _ATL_OBJMAP_ENTRY *m_pObjMap; HRESULT Init(_ATL_OBJMAP_ENTRY *p, HINSTANCE h, const GUID *pLibID = NULL) throw() { RT_NOREF1(h); if (pLibID) m_LibID = *pLibID; // Go over the object map to do some sanity checking, making things // crash early if something is seriously busted. _ATL_OBJMAP_ENTRY *pEntry; if (p != (_ATL_OBJMAP_ENTRY *)-1) { m_pObjMap = p; if (m_pObjMap) { pEntry = m_pObjMap; while (pEntry->pclsid) pEntry++; } } return S_OK; } void Term() throw() { _ATL_OBJMAP_ENTRY *pEntry; if (m_pObjMap) { pEntry = m_pObjMap; while (pEntry->pclsid) { if (pEntry->pCF) pEntry->pCF->Release(); pEntry->pCF = NULL; pEntry++; } } CAtlModuleT::Term(); } HRESULT GetClassObject(REFCLSID rclsid, REFIID riid, void **ppv) throw() { *ppv = NULL; HRESULT hrc = S_OK; if (m_pObjMap) { const _ATL_OBJMAP_ENTRY *pEntry = m_pObjMap; while (pEntry->pclsid) { if (pEntry->pfnGetClassObject && rclsid == *pEntry->pclsid) { if (!pEntry->pCF) { CComCritSectLock lock(_AtlComModule.m_csObjMap, false); hrc = lock.Lock(); if (FAILED(hrc)) { AssertMsgFailed(("CComModule::GetClassObject: failed to lock critsect\n")); break; } if (!pEntry->pCF) { hrc = pEntry->pfnGetClassObject(pEntry->pfnCreateInstance, __uuidof(IUnknown), (void **)&pEntry->pCF); } } if (pEntry->pCF) { hrc = pEntry->pCF->QueryInterface(riid, ppv); } break; } pEntry++; } } return hrc; } // For EXE only: register all class factories with COM. HRESULT RegisterClassObjects(DWORD dwClsContext, DWORD dwFlags) throw() { HRESULT hrc = S_OK; _ATL_OBJMAP_ENTRY *pEntry; if (m_pObjMap) { pEntry = m_pObjMap; while (pEntry->pclsid && SUCCEEDED(hrc)) { if (pEntry->pfnGetClassObject) { IUnknown *p; hrc = pEntry->pfnGetClassObject(pEntry->pfnCreateInstance, __uuidof(IUnknown), (void **)&p); if (SUCCEEDED(hrc)) hrc = CoRegisterClassObject(*(pEntry->pclsid), p, dwClsContext, dwFlags, &pEntry->dwRegister); if (p) p->Release(); } pEntry++; } } return hrc; } // For EXE only: revoke all class factories with COM. HRESULT RevokeClassObjects() throw() { HRESULT hrc = S_OK; _ATL_OBJMAP_ENTRY *pEntry; if (m_pObjMap != NULL) { pEntry = m_pObjMap; while (pEntry->pclsid && SUCCEEDED(hrc)) { if (pEntry->dwRegister) hrc = CoRevokeClassObject(pEntry->dwRegister); pEntry++; } } return hrc; } }; template class CComCreator { public: static HRESULT WINAPI CreateInstance(void *pv, REFIID riid, void **ppv) { AssertReturn(ppv, E_POINTER); *ppv = NULL; HRESULT hrc = E_OUTOFMEMORY; T *p = new(std::nothrow) T(pv); if (p) { p->SetVoid(pv); p->InternalFinalConstructAddRef(); hrc = p->_AtlInitialConstruct(); if (SUCCEEDED(hrc)) hrc = p->FinalConstruct(); p->InternalFinalConstructRelease(); if (SUCCEEDED(hrc)) hrc = p->QueryInterface(riid, ppv); if (FAILED(hrc)) delete p; } return hrc; } }; template class CComFailCreator { public: static HRESULT WINAPI CreateInstance(void *, REFIID, void **ppv) { AssertReturn(ppv, E_POINTER); *ppv = NULL; return hrc; } }; template class CComCreator2 { public: static HRESULT WINAPI CreateInstance(void *pv, REFIID riid, void **ppv) { AssertReturn(ppv, E_POINTER); return !pv ? T1::CreateInstance(NULL, riid, ppv) : T2::CreateInstance(pv, riid, ppv); } }; template class CComObjectCached : public Base { public: CComObjectCached(void * = NULL) { } virtual ~CComObjectCached() { // Catch refcount screwups by setting refcount to -(LONG_MAX/2). m_iRef = -(LONG_MAX/2); FinalRelease(); } STDMETHOD_(ULONG, AddRef)() throw() { // If you get errors about undefined InternalAddRef then Base does not // derive from CComObjectRootEx. ULONG l = InternalAddRef(); if (l == 2) { AssertMsg(_pAtlModule, ("ATL: referring to ATL module without having one declared in this linking namespace\n")); _pAtlModule->Lock(); } return l; } STDMETHOD_(ULONG, Release)() throw() { // If you get errors about undefined InternalRelease then Base does not // derive from CComObjectRootEx. ULONG l = InternalRelease(); if (l == 0) delete this; else if (l == 1) { AssertMsg(_pAtlModule, ("ATL: referring to ATL module without having one declared in this linking namespace\n")); _pAtlModule->Unlock(); } return l; } STDMETHOD(QueryInterface)(REFIID iid, void **ppvObj) throw() { // If you get errors about undefined _InternalQueryInterface then // double check BEGIN_COM_MAP in the class definition. return _InternalQueryInterface(iid, ppvObj); } static HRESULT WINAPI CreateInstance(CComObjectCached **pp) throw() { AssertReturn(pp, E_POINTER); *pp = NULL; HRESULT hrc = E_OUTOFMEMORY; CComObjectCached *p = new(std::nothrow) CComObjectCached(); if (p) { p->SetVoid(NULL); p->InternalFinalConstructAddRef(); hrc = p->_AtlInitialConstruct(); if (SUCCEEDED(hrc)) hrc = p->FinalConstruct(); p->InternalFinalConstructRelease(); if (FAILED(hrc)) delete p; else *pp = p; } return hrc; } }; template class CComObjectNoLock : public Base { public: CComObjectNoLock(void * = NULL) { } virtual ~CComObjectNoLock() { // Catch refcount screwups by setting refcount to -(LONG_MAX/2). m_iRef = -(LONG_MAX/2); FinalRelease(); } STDMETHOD_(ULONG, AddRef)() throw() { // If you get errors about undefined InternalAddRef then Base does not // derive from CComObjectRootEx. return InternalAddRef(); } STDMETHOD_(ULONG, Release)() throw() { // If you get errors about undefined InternalRelease then Base does not // derive from CComObjectRootEx. ULONG l = InternalRelease(); if (l == 0) delete this; return l; } STDMETHOD(QueryInterface)(REFIID iid, void **ppvObj) throw() { // If you get errors about undefined _InternalQueryInterface then // double check BEGIN_COM_MAP in the class definition. return _InternalQueryInterface(iid, ppvObj); } }; class CComTypeInfoHolder { /** @todo implement type info caching, making stuff more efficient - would we benefit? */ public: const GUID *m_pGUID; const GUID *m_pLibID; WORD m_iMajor; WORD m_iMinor; ITypeInfo *m_pTInfo; HRESULT GetTypeInfo(UINT iTInfo, LCID lcid, ITypeInfo **ppTInfo) { if (iTInfo != 0) return DISP_E_BADINDEX; return GetTI(lcid, ppTInfo); } HRESULT GetIDsOfNames(REFIID riid, LPOLESTR *pwszNames, UINT cNames, LCID lcid, DISPID *pDispID) { RT_NOREF1(riid); /* should be IID_NULL */ HRESULT hrc = FetchTI(lcid); if (m_pTInfo) hrc = m_pTInfo->GetIDsOfNames(pwszNames, cNames, pDispID); return hrc; } HRESULT Invoke(IDispatch *p, DISPID DispID, REFIID riid, LCID lcid, WORD iFlags, DISPPARAMS *pDispParams, VARIANT *pVarResult, EXCEPINFO *pExcepInfo, UINT *puArgErr) { RT_NOREF1(riid); /* should be IID_NULL */ HRESULT hrc = FetchTI(lcid); if (m_pTInfo) hrc = m_pTInfo->Invoke(p, DispID, iFlags, pDispParams, pVarResult, pExcepInfo, puArgErr); return hrc; } private: static void __stdcall Cleanup(void *pv) { AssertReturnVoid(pv); CComTypeInfoHolder *p = (CComTypeInfoHolder *)pv; if (p->m_pTInfo != NULL) p->m_pTInfo->Release(); p->m_pTInfo = NULL; } HRESULT GetTI(LCID lcid) { AssertMsg(_pAtlModule, ("ATL: referring to ATL module without having one declared in this linking namespace\n")); Assert(m_pLibID && m_pGUID); if (m_pTInfo) return S_OK; CComCritSectLock lock(_pAtlModule->m_csStaticDataInitAndTypeInfo, false); HRESULT hrc = lock.Lock(); ITypeLib *pTypeLib = NULL; Assert(*m_pLibID != GUID_NULL); hrc = LoadRegTypeLib(*m_pLibID, m_iMajor, m_iMinor, lcid, &pTypeLib); if (SUCCEEDED(hrc)) { ITypeInfo *pTypeInfo; hrc = pTypeLib->GetTypeInfoOfGuid(*m_pGUID, &pTypeInfo); if (SUCCEEDED(hrc)) { ITypeInfo2 *pTypeInfo2; if (SUCCEEDED(pTypeInfo->QueryInterface(__uuidof(ITypeInfo2), (void **)&pTypeInfo2))) { pTypeInfo->Release(); pTypeInfo = pTypeInfo2; } m_pTInfo = pTypeInfo; _pAtlModule->AddTermFunc(Cleanup, (void *)this); } pTypeLib->Release(); } return hrc; } HRESULT GetTI(LCID lcid, ITypeInfo **ppTInfo) { AssertReturn(ppTInfo, E_POINTER); HRESULT hrc = S_OK; if (!m_pTInfo) hrc = GetTI(lcid); if (m_pTInfo) { m_pTInfo->AddRef(); hrc = S_OK; } *ppTInfo = m_pTInfo; return hrc; } HRESULT FetchTI(LCID lcid) { if (!m_pTInfo) return GetTI(lcid); return S_OK; } }; template class CComObjectRootEx { public: typedef ThreadModel _ThreadModel; CComObjectRootEx() { m_iRef = 0L; } ~CComObjectRootEx() { } ULONG InternalAddRef() { Assert(m_iRef != -1L); return ThreadModel::Increment(&m_iRef); } ULONG InternalRelease() { #ifdef VBOX_STRICT LONG c = ThreadModel::Decrement(&m_iRef); AssertMsg(c >= -(LONG_MAX / 2), /* See ~CComObjectNoLock, ~CComObject & ~CComAggObject. */ ("Release called on object which has been already destroyed!\n")); return c; #else return ThreadModel::Decrement(&m_iRef); #endif } ULONG OuterAddRef() { return m_pOuterUnknown->AddRef(); } ULONG OuterRelease() { return m_pOuterUnknown->Release(); } HRESULT OuterQueryInterface(REFIID iid, void **ppvObject) { return m_pOuterUnknown->QueryInterface(iid, ppvObject); } HRESULT _AtlInitialConstruct() { return m_CritSect.Init(); } void Lock() { m_CritSect.Lock(); } void Unlock() { m_CritSect.Unlock(); } void SetVoid(void *) { } void InternalFinalConstructAddRef() { } void InternalFinalConstructRelease() { Assert(m_iRef == 0); } HRESULT FinalConstruct() { return S_OK; } void FinalRelease() { } static HRESULT WINAPI InternalQueryInterface(void *pThis, const _ATL_INTMAP_ENTRY *pEntries, REFIID iid, void **ppvObj) { AssertReturn(pThis, E_INVALIDARG); AssertReturn(pEntries, E_INVALIDARG); AssertReturn(ppvObj, E_POINTER); *ppvObj = NULL; if (iid == IID_IUnknown) { // For IUnknown use first interface, must be simple map entry. Assert(pEntries->pFunc == COM_SIMPLEMAPENTRY); IUnknown *pObj = (IUnknown *)((INT_PTR)pThis + pEntries->dw); pObj->AddRef(); *ppvObj = pObj; return S_OK; } while (pEntries->pFunc) { if (iid == *pEntries->piid) { if (pEntries->pFunc == COM_SIMPLEMAPENTRY) { IUnknown *pObj = (IUnknown *)((INT_PTR)pThis + pEntries->dw); pObj->AddRef(); *ppvObj = pObj; return S_OK; } else return pEntries->pFunc(pThis, iid, ppvObj, pEntries->dw); } pEntries++; } return E_NOINTERFACE; } static HRESULT WINAPI _Delegate(void *pThis, REFIID iid, void **ppvObj, DWORD_PTR dw) { AssertPtrReturn(pThis, E_NOINTERFACE); IUnknown *pObj = *(IUnknown **)((DWORD_PTR)pThis + dw); // If this assertion fails then the object has a delegation with a NULL // object pointer, which is highly unusual often means that the pointer // was not set up correctly. Check the COM interface map of the class // for bugs with initializing. AssertPtrReturn(pObj, E_NOINTERFACE); return pObj->QueryInterface(iid, ppvObj); } union { LONG m_iRef; IUnknown *m_pOuterUnknown; }; private: typename ThreadModel::AutoDeleteCriticalSection m_CritSect; }; template class CComObject : public Base { public: CComObject(void * = NULL) throw() { AssertMsg(_pAtlModule, ("ATL: referring to ATL module without having one declared in this linking namespace\n")); _pAtlModule->Lock(); } virtual ~CComObject() throw() { AssertMsg(_pAtlModule, ("ATL: referring to ATL module without having one declared in this linking namespace\n")); // Catch refcount screwups by setting refcount to -(LONG_MAX/2). m_iRef = -(LONG_MAX/2); FinalRelease(); _pAtlModule->Unlock(); } STDMETHOD_(ULONG, AddRef)() { // If you get errors about undefined InternalAddRef then Base does not // derive from CComObjectRootEx. return InternalAddRef(); } STDMETHOD_(ULONG, Release)() { // If you get errors about undefined InternalRelease then Base does not // derive from CComObjectRootEx. ULONG l = InternalRelease(); if (l == 0) delete this; return l; } STDMETHOD(QueryInterface)(REFIID iid, void **ppvObj) throw() { // If you get errors about undefined _InternalQueryInterface then // double check BEGIN_COM_MAP in the class definition. return _InternalQueryInterface(iid, ppvObj); } static HRESULT WINAPI CreateInstance(CComObject **pp) throw() { AssertReturn(pp, E_POINTER); *pp = NULL; HRESULT hrc = E_OUTOFMEMORY; CComObject *p = NULL; try { p = new CComObject(); } catch (std::bad_alloc &) { p = NULL; } if (p) { p->InternalFinalConstructAddRef(); try { hrc = p->_AtlInitialConstruct(); if (SUCCEEDED(hrc)) hrc = p->FinalConstruct(); } catch (std::bad_alloc &) { hrc = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } p->InternalFinalConstructRelease(); if (FAILED(hrc)) { delete p; p = NULL; } } *pp = p; return hrc; } }; template class ATL_NO_VTABLE IDispatchImpl : public T { public: // IDispatch STDMETHOD(GetTypeInfoCount)(UINT *pcTInfo) { if (!pcTInfo) return E_POINTER; *pcTInfo = 1; return S_OK; } STDMETHOD(GetTypeInfo)(UINT cTInfo, LCID lcid, ITypeInfo **ppTInfo) { return tih.GetTypeInfo(cTInfo, lcid, ppTInfo); } STDMETHOD(GetIDsOfNames)(REFIID riid, LPOLESTR *pwszNames, UINT cNames, LCID lcid, DISPID *pDispID) { return tih.GetIDsOfNames(riid, pwszNames, cNames, lcid, pDispID); } STDMETHOD(Invoke)(DISPID DispID, REFIID riid, LCID lcid, WORD iFlags, DISPPARAMS *pDispParams, VARIANT *pVarResult, EXCEPINFO *pExcepInfo, UINT *puArgErr) { return tih.Invoke((IDispatch *)this, DispID, riid, lcid, iFlags, pDispParams, pVarResult, pExcepInfo, puArgErr); } protected: static CComTypeInfoHolder tih; static HRESULT GetTI(LCID lcid, ITypeInfo **ppTInfo) { return tih.GetTI(lcid, ppTInfo); } }; template CComTypeInfoHolder IDispatchImpl::tih = { piid, pLibID, iMajor, iMinor, NULL }; template class CComContainedObject : public Base { public: CComContainedObject(void *pv) { m_pOuterUnknown = (IUnknown *)pv; } STDMETHOD_(ULONG, AddRef)() throw() { return OuterAddRef(); } STDMETHOD_(ULONG, Release)() throw() { return OuterRelease(); } STDMETHOD(QueryInterface)(REFIID iid, void **ppvObj) throw() { return OuterQueryInterface(iid, ppvObj); } }; template class CComAggObject : public IUnknown, public CComObjectRootEx { public: CComAggObject(void *pv) : m_Aggregated(pv) { AssertMsg(_pAtlModule, ("ATL: referring to ATL module without having one declared in this linking namespace\n")); _pAtlModule->Lock(); } virtual ~CComAggObject() { AssertMsg(_pAtlModule, ("ATL: referring to ATL module without having one declared in this linking namespace\n")); // Catch refcount screwups by setting refcount to -(LONG_MAX/2). m_iRef = -(LONG_MAX/2); FinalRelease(); _pAtlModule->Unlock(); } HRESULT _AtlInitialConstruct() { HRESULT hrc = m_Aggregated._AtlInitialConstruct(); if (SUCCEEDED(hrc)) { hrc = CComObjectRootEx::_AtlInitialConstruct(); } return hrc; } HRESULT FinalConstruct() { CComObjectRootEx::FinalConstruct(); return m_Aggregated.FinalConstruct(); } void FinalRelease() { CComObjectRootEx::FinalRelease(); m_Aggregated.FinalRelease(); } STDMETHOD_(ULONG, AddRef)() { return InternalAddRef(); } STDMETHOD_(ULONG, Release)() { ULONG l = InternalRelease(); if (l == 0) delete this; return l; } STDMETHOD(QueryInterface)(REFIID iid, void **ppvObj) { AssertReturn(ppvObj, E_POINTER); *ppvObj = NULL; HRESULT hrc = S_OK; if (iid == __uuidof(IUnknown)) { *ppvObj = (void *)(IUnknown *)this; AddRef(); } else hrc = m_Aggregated._InternalQueryInterface(iid, ppvObj); return hrc; } static HRESULT WINAPI CreateInstance(LPUNKNOWN pUnkOuter, CComAggObject **pp) { AssertReturn(pp, E_POINTER); *pp = NULL; HRESULT hrc = E_OUTOFMEMORY; CComAggObject *p = new(std::nothrow) CComAggObject(pUnkOuter); if (p) { p->SetVoid(NULL); p->InternalFinalConstructAddRef(); hrc = p->_AtlInitialConstruct(); if (SUCCEEDED(hrc)) hrc = p->FinalConstruct(); p->InternalFinalConstructRelease(); if (FAILED(hrc)) delete p; else *pp = p; } return hrc; } CComContainedObject m_Aggregated; }; class CComClassFactory: public IClassFactory, public CComObjectRootEx { public: BEGIN_COM_MAP(CComClassFactory) COM_INTERFACE_ENTRY(IClassFactory) END_COM_MAP() virtual ~CComClassFactory() { } // IClassFactory STDMETHOD(CreateInstance)(LPUNKNOWN pUnkOuter, REFIID riid, void **ppvObj) { Assert(m_pfnCreateInstance); HRESULT hrc = E_POINTER; if (ppvObj) { *ppvObj = NULL; if (pUnkOuter && riid != __uuidof(IUnknown)) { AssertMsgFailed(("CComClassFactory: cannot create an aggregated object other than IUnknown\n")); hrc = CLASS_E_NOAGGREGATION; } else hrc = m_pfnCreateInstance(pUnkOuter, riid, ppvObj); } return hrc; } STDMETHOD(LockServer)(BOOL fLock) { AssertMsg(_pAtlModule, ("ATL: referring to ATL module without having one declared in this linking namespace\n")); if (fLock) _pAtlModule->Lock(); else _pAtlModule->Unlock(); return S_OK; } // Set creator for use by the factory. void SetVoid(void *pv) { m_pfnCreateInstance = (PFNCREATEINSTANCE)pv; } PFNCREATEINSTANCE m_pfnCreateInstance; }; template class CComClassFactorySingleton : public CComClassFactory { public: CComClassFactorySingleton() : m_hrc(S_OK), m_pObj(NULL) { } virtual ~CComClassFactorySingleton() { if (m_pObj) m_pObj->Release(); } // IClassFactory STDMETHOD(CreateInstance)(LPUNKNOWN pUnkOuter, REFIID riid, void **pvObj) { HRESULT hrc = E_POINTER; if (ppvObj) { *ppvObj = NULL; // Singleton factories do not support aggregation. AssertReturn(!pUnkOuter, CLASS_E_NOAGGREGATION); // Test if singleton is already created. Do it outside the lock, // relying on atomic checks. Remember the inherent race! if (SUCCEEDED(m_hrc) && !m_pObj) { Lock(); // Make sure that the module is in use, otherwise the // module can terminate while we're creating a new // instance, which leads to strange errors. LockServer(true); __try { // Repeat above test to avoid races when multiple threads // want to create a singleton simultaneously. if (SUCCEEDED(m_hrc) && !m_pObj) { CComObjectCached *p; m_hrc = CComObjectCached::CreateInstance(&p); if (SUCCEEDED(m_hrc)) { m_hrc = p->QueryInterface(IID_IUnknown, (void **)&m_pObj); if (FAILED(m_hrc)) { delete p; } } } } __finally { Unlock(); LockServer(false); } } if (SUCCEEDED(m_hrc)) { hrc = m_pObj->QueryInterface(riid, ppvObj); } else { hrc = m_hrc; } } return hrc; } HRESULT m_hrc; IUnknown *m_pObj; }; template class CComCoClass { public: DECLARE_CLASSFACTORY() DECLARE_AGGREGATABLE(T) static const CLSID& WINAPI GetObjectCLSID() { return *pClsID; } template static HRESULT CreateInstance(Q **pp) { return T::_CreatorClass::CreateInstance(NULL, __uuidof(Q), (void **)pp); } }; } /* namespace ATL */ #endif /* !VBOX_INCLUDED_com_microatl_h */