1 | Shading Language
2 | ================
3 |
4 | This page describes the features and status of Mesa's support for the
5 | `OpenGL Shading Language <https://www.khronos.org/opengl/wiki/OpenGL_Shading_Language>`__.
6 |
7 | .. _envvars:
8 |
9 | Environment Variables
10 | ---------------------
11 |
12 | The **MESA_GLSL** environment variable can be set to a comma-separated
13 | list of keywords to control some aspects of the GLSL compiler and shader
14 | execution. These are generally used for debugging.
15 |
16 | - **dump** - print GLSL shader code, IR, and NIR to stdout at link time
17 | - **source** - print GLSL shader code to stdout at link time
18 | - **log** - log all GLSL shaders to files. The filenames will be
19 | "shader_X.vert" or "shader_X.frag" where X the shader ID.
20 | - **cache_info** - print debug information about shader cache
21 | - **cache_fb** - force cached shaders to be ignored and do a full
22 | recompile via the fallback path
23 | - **uniform** - print message to stdout when glUniform is called
24 | - **nopvert** - force vertex shaders to be a simple shader that just
25 | transforms the vertex position with ftransform() and passes through
26 | the color and texcoord[0] attributes.
27 | - **nopfrag** - force fragment shader to be a simple shader that passes
28 | through the color attribute.
29 | - **useprog** - log glUseProgram calls to stderr
30 | - **errors** - GLSL compilation and link errors will be reported to
31 | stderr.
32 |
33 | Example: export MESA_GLSL=dump,nopt
34 |
35 | .. _replacement:
36 |
37 | Experimenting with Shader Replacements
38 | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
39 |
40 | Shaders can be dumped and replaced on runtime for debugging purposes.
41 | This is controlled via following environment variables:
42 |
43 | - **MESA_SHADER_DUMP_PATH** - path where shader sources are dumped
44 | - **MESA_SHADER_READ_PATH** - path where replacement shaders are read
45 |
46 | Note, path set must exist before running for dumping or replacing to
47 | work. When both are set, these paths should be different so the dumped
48 | shaders do not clobber the replacement shaders. Also, the filenames of
49 | the replacement shaders should match the filenames of the corresponding
50 | dumped shaders.
51 |
52 | .. _capture:
53 |
54 | Capturing Shaders
55 | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
56 |
57 | Setting **MESA_SHADER_CAPTURE_PATH** to a directory will cause the
58 | compiler to write ``.shader_test`` files for use with
59 | `shader-db <https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/mesa/shader-db>`__, a tool
60 | which compiler developers can use to gather statistics about shaders
61 | (instructions, cycles, memory accesses, and so on).
62 |
63 | Notably, this captures linked GLSL shaders - with all stages together -
64 | as well as ARB programs.
65 |
66 | GLSL Version
67 | ------------
68 |
69 | The GLSL compiler currently supports version 3.30 of the shading
70 | language.
71 |
72 | Several GLSL extensions are also supported:
73 |
74 | - :ext:`GL_ARB_draw_buffers`
75 | - :ext:`GL_ARB_fragment_coord_conventions`
76 | - :ext:`GL_ARB_shader_bit_encoding`
77 |
78 | Unsupported Features
79 | --------------------
80 |
81 | XXX update this section
82 |
83 | The following features of the shading language are not yet fully
84 | supported in Mesa:
85 |
86 | - Linking of multiple shaders does not always work. Currently, linking
87 | is implemented through shader concatenation and re-compiling. This
88 | doesn't always work because of some #pragma and preprocessor issues.
89 | - The gl_Color and gl_SecondaryColor varying vars are interpolated
90 | without perspective correction
91 |
92 | All other major features of the shading language should function.
93 |
94 | Implementation Notes
95 | --------------------
96 |
97 | - Shading language programs are compiled into low-level programs very
98 | similar to those of :ext:`GL_ARB_vertex_program` /
99 | :ext:`GL_ARB_fragment_program`.
100 | - All vector types (vec2, vec3, vec4, bvec2, etc) currently occupy full
101 | float[4] registers.
102 | - Float constants and variables are packed so that up to four floats
103 | can occupy one program parameter/register.
104 | - All function calls are inlined.
105 | - Shaders which use too many registers will not compile.
106 | - The quality of generated code is pretty good, register usage is fair.
107 | - Shader error detection and reporting of errors (InfoLog) is not very
108 | good yet.
109 | - The ftransform() function doesn't necessarily match the results of
110 | fixed-function transformation.
111 |
112 | These issues will be addressed/resolved in the future.
113 |
114 | Programming Hints
115 | -----------------
116 |
117 | - Use the built-in library functions whenever possible. For example,
118 | instead of writing this:
119 |
120 | .. code-block:: glsl
121 |
122 | float x = 1.0 / sqrt(y);
123 |
124 | Write this:
125 |
126 | .. code-block:: glsl
127 |
128 | float x = inversesqrt(y);
129 |
130 | Stand-alone GLSL Compiler
131 | -------------------------
132 |
133 | The stand-alone GLSL compiler program can be used to compile GLSL
134 | shaders into GLSL IR code.
135 |
136 | This tool is useful for:
137 |
138 | - Inspecting GLSL frontend behavior to gain insight into compilation
139 | - Debugging the GLSL compiler itself
140 |
141 | After building Mesa with the ``-Dtools=glsl`` meson option, the compiler will be
142 | installed as the binary ``glsl_compiler``.
143 |
144 | Here's an example of using the compiler to compile a vertex shader and
145 | emit :ext:`GL_ARB_vertex_program`-style instructions:
146 |
147 | .. code-block:: console
148 |
149 | src/compiler/glsl/glsl_compiler --version XXX --dump-ast myshader.vert
150 |
151 | Options include
152 |
153 | - **--dump-ast** - dump source syntax tree
154 | - **--dump-hir** - dump high-level IR code
155 | - **--dump-lir** - dump low-level IR code
156 | - **--dump-builder** - dump C++ ir_builder code to generate the shader's GLSL IR
157 | - **--link** - link shaders
158 | - **--just-log** - display only shader / linker info if exist, without
159 | any header or separator
160 | - **--version** - [Mandatory] define the GLSL version to use
161 |
162 | Compiler Implementation
163 | -----------------------
164 |
165 | The source code for Mesa's shading language compiler is in the
166 | ``src/compiler/glsl/`` directory.
167 |
168 | XXX provide some info about the compiler....
169 |
170 | The final vertex and fragment programs may be interpreted in software
171 | (see prog_execute.c) or translated into a specific hardware architecture
172 | (see drivers/dri/i915/i915_fragprog.c for example).
173 |
174 | Compiler Validation
175 | -------------------
176 |
177 | Developers working on the GLSL compiler should test frequently to avoid
178 | regressions.
179 |
180 | The `Piglit <https://piglit.freedesktop.org/>`__ project has many GLSL
181 | tests.
182 |
183 | The Mesa demos repository also has some good GLSL tests.