/******************************Module*Header*******************************\ * * Copyright (C) 2006-2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as * available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software; * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU * General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software * Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the * VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind. * * Please contact Sun Microsystems, Inc., 4150 Network Circle, Santa * Clara, CA 95054 USA or visit http://www.sun.com if you need * additional information or have any questions. */ /* * Based in part on Microsoft DDK sample code * * ******************* * * GDI SAMPLE CODE * * ******************* * * Module Name: driver.h * * contains prototypes for the frame buffer driver. * * Copyright (c) 1992-1998 Microsoft Corporation \**************************************************************************/ #include "stddef.h" #include #include "windef.h" #include "wingdi.h" #include "winddi.h" #include "devioctl.h" #include "ntddvdeo.h" #include "debug.h" #include "../Miniport/vboxioctl.h" #include /* Forward declaration. */ struct _PDEV; typedef struct _PDEV PDEV; typedef PDEV *PPDEV; typedef struct _VBOXDISPLAYINFO { VBOXVIDEOINFOHDR hdrLink; VBOXVIDEOINFOLINK link; VBOXVIDEOINFOHDR hdrScreen; VBOXVIDEOINFOSCREEN screen; VBOXVIDEOINFOHDR hdrHostEvents; VBOXVIDEOINFOHOSTEVENTS hostEvents; VBOXVIDEOINFOHDR hdrEnd; } VBOXDISPLAYINFO; #include "vbvavrdp.h" #include "vrdpbmp.h" /* Saved screen bits information. */ typedef struct _SSB { ULONG ident; /* 1 based index in the stack = the handle returned by DrvSaveScreenBits (SS_SAVE) */ BYTE *pBuffer; /* Buffer where screen bits are saved. */ } SSB; /* VRAM * | | | | | * 0+framebuffer+ddraw heap+VBVA buffer+displayinfo=cScreenSize */ typedef struct _VRAMLAYOUT { ULONG cbVRAM; ULONG offFrameBuffer; ULONG cbFrameBuffer; ULONG offDDRAWHeap; //@todo ULONG cbDDRAWHeap; ULONG offVBVABuffer; ULONG cbVBVABuffer; ULONG offDisplayInformation; ULONG cbDisplayInformation; } VRAMLAYOUT; typedef struct { PPDEV ppdev; } VBOXSURF, *PVBOXSURF; struct _PDEV { HANDLE hDriver; // Handle to \Device\Screen HDEV hdevEng; // Engine's handle to PDEV HSURF hsurfScreenBitmap; // Engine's handle to VRAM screen bitmap surface SURFOBJ *psoScreenBitmap; // VRAM screen bitmap surface HSURF hsurfScreen; // Engine's handle to VRAM screen device surface ULONG ulBitmapType; HPALETTE hpalDefault; // Handle to the default palette for device. PBYTE pjScreen; // This is pointer to base screen address ULONG cxScreen; // Visible screen width ULONG cyScreen; // Visible screen height POINTL ptlOrg; // Where this display is anchored in // the virtual desktop. POINTL ptlDevOrg; // Device origin for DualView (0,0 for primary view). ULONG ulMode; // Mode the mini-port driver is in. LONG lDeltaScreen; // Distance from one scan to the next. PVOID pOffscreenList; // linked list of DCI offscreen surfaces. FLONG flRed; // For bitfields device, Red Mask FLONG flGreen; // For bitfields device, Green Mask FLONG flBlue; // For bitfields device, Blue Mask ULONG cPaletteShift; // number of bits the 8-8-8 palette must // be shifted by to fit in the hardware // palette. ULONG ulBitCount; // # of bits per pel 8,16,24,32 are only supported. POINTL ptlHotSpot; // adjustment for pointer hot spot VIDEO_POINTER_CAPABILITIES PointerCapabilities; // HW pointer abilities PVIDEO_POINTER_ATTRIBUTES pPointerAttributes; // hardware pointer attributes DWORD cjPointerAttributes; // Size of buffer allocated BOOL fHwCursorActive; // Are we currently using the hw cursor PALETTEENTRY *pPal; // If this is pal managed, this is the pal BOOL bSupportDCI; // Does the miniport support DCI? FLONG flHooks; #ifndef VBOX_WITH_HGSMI VBVAENABLERESULT vbva; uint32_t u32VRDPResetFlag; #endif /* !VBOX_WITH_HGSMI */ BOOL fHwBufferOverflow; VBVARECORD *pRecord; VRDPBC cache; ULONG cSSB; // Number of active saved screen bits records in the following array. SSB aSSB[4]; // LIFO type stack for saved screen areas. #ifndef VBOX_WITH_HGSMI VBOXDISPLAYINFO *pInfo; BOOLEAN bVBoxVideoSupported; #endif /* !VBOX_WITH_HGSMI */ ULONG iDevice; VRAMLAYOUT layout; PVBOXSURF pdsurfScreen; #ifdef VBOX_WITH_DDRAW BOOL bDdExclusiveMode; DWORD dwNewDDSurfaceOffset; DWORD cHeaps; VIDEOMEMORY* pvmList; struct { DWORD bLocked; RECTL rArea; } ddLock; #endif /* VBOX_WITH_DDRAW */ #ifdef VBOX_WITH_HGSMI BOOLEAN bHGSMISupported; HGSMIHEAP hgsmiDisplayHeap; VBVABUFFER *pVBVA; /* Pointer to the pjScreen + layout->offVBVABuffer. NULL if VBVA is not enabled. */ #endif /* VBOX_WITH_HGSMI */ }; #ifdef VBOX_WITH_OPENGL typedef struct { DWORD dwVersion; DWORD dwDriverVersion; WCHAR szDriverName[256]; } OPENGL_INFO, *POPENGL_INFO; #endif #ifndef VBOX_WITH_HGSMI /* The global semaphore handle for all driver instances. */ extern HSEMAPHORE ghsemHwBuffer; #endif /* !VBOX_WITH_HGSMI */ #ifdef VBOX_WITH_HGSMI #define VBE_DISPI_IOPORT_INDEX 0x01CE #define VBE_DISPI_IOPORT_DATA 0x01CF #define VBE_DISPI_INDEX_VBVA_GUEST 0xc #endif /* VBOX_WITH_HGSMI */ extern BOOL g_bOnNT40; DWORD getAvailableModes(HANDLE, PVIDEO_MODE_INFORMATION *, DWORD *); BOOL bInitPDEV(PPDEV, PDEVMODEW, GDIINFO *, DEVINFO *); BOOL bInitSURF(PPDEV, BOOL); BOOL bInitPaletteInfo(PPDEV, DEVINFO *); BOOL bInitPointer(PPDEV, DEVINFO *); BOOL bInit256ColorPalette(PPDEV); BOOL bInitNotificationThread(PPDEV); VOID vStopNotificationThread (PPDEV); VOID vDisablePalette(PPDEV); VOID vDisableSURF(PPDEV); #define MAX_CLUT_SIZE (sizeof(VIDEO_CLUT) + (sizeof(ULONG) * 256)) // // Determines the size of the DriverExtra information in the DEVMODE // structure passed to and from the display driver. // #define DRIVER_EXTRA_SIZE 0 #define DLL_NAME L"VBoxDisp" // Name of the DLL in UNICODE #define STANDARD_DEBUG_PREFIX "VBOXDISP: " // All debug output is prefixed #define ALLOC_TAG 'bvDD' // Four byte tag (characters in // reverse order) used for memory // allocations // VBOX typedef struct _CLIPRECTS { ULONG c; RECTL arcl[64]; } CLIPRECTS; typedef struct _VRDPCLIPRECTS { RECTL rclDstOrig; /* Original bounding rectancle. */ RECTL rclDst; /* Bounding rectangle of all rects. */ CLIPRECTS rects; /* Rectangles to update. */ } VRDPCLIPRECTS; BOOL vboxVbvaEnable (PPDEV ppdev); void vboxVbvaDisable (PPDEV ppdev); BOOL vboxHwBufferBeginUpdate (PPDEV ppdev); void vboxHwBufferEndUpdate (PPDEV ppdev); BOOL vboxWrite (PPDEV ppdev, const void *pv, uint32_t cb); BOOL vboxOrderSupported (PPDEV ppdev, unsigned code); void VBoxProcessDisplayInfo(PPDEV ppdev); void VBoxUpdateDisplayInfo (PPDEV ppdev); void drvLoadEng (void); BOOL bIsScreenSurface (SURFOBJ *pso); __inline SURFOBJ *getSurfObj (SURFOBJ *pso) { if (pso) { PPDEV ppdev = (PPDEV)pso->dhpdev; if (ppdev) { if (ppdev->psoScreenBitmap && pso->hsurf == ppdev->hsurfScreen) { /* Convert the device PSO to the bitmap PSO which can be passed to Eng*. */ pso = ppdev->psoScreenBitmap; } } } return pso; } #define CONV_SURF(_pso) getSurfObj (_pso) __inline int format2BytesPerPixel(const SURFOBJ *pso) { switch (pso->iBitmapFormat) { case BMF_16BPP: return 2; case BMF_24BPP: return 3; case BMF_32BPP: return 4; } return 0; } #ifdef VBOX_VBVA_ADJUST_RECT void vrdpAdjustRect (SURFOBJ *pso, RECTL *prcl); BOOL vbvaFindChangedRect (SURFOBJ *psoDest, SURFOBJ *psoSrc, RECTL *prclDest, POINTL *pptlSrc); #endif /* VBOX_VBVA_ADJUST_RECT */ void vrdpReportDirtyRect (PPDEV ppdev, RECTL *prcl); void vbvaReportDirtyRect (PPDEV ppdev, RECTL *prcl); #define VRDP_TEXT_MAX_GLYPH_SIZE 0x100 #define VRDP_TEXT_MAX_GLYPHS 0xfe BOOL vboxReportText (PPDEV ppdev, VRDPCLIPRECTS *pClipRects, STROBJ *pstro, FONTOBJ *pfo, RECTL *prclOpaque, ULONG ulForeRGB, ULONG ulBackRGB ); BOOL vrdpReportOrderGeneric (PPDEV ppdev, const VRDPCLIPRECTS *pClipRects, const void *pvOrder, unsigned cbOrder, unsigned code); #include #define VBVA_ASSERT(expr) \ do { \ if (!(expr)) \ { \ AssertMsg1(#expr, __LINE__, __FILE__, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); \ AssertMsg2("!!!\n"); \ } \ } while (0) #ifdef STAT_sunlover extern ULONG gStatCopyBitsOffscreenToScreen; extern ULONG gStatCopyBitsScreenToScreen; extern ULONG gStatBitBltOffscreenToScreen; extern ULONG gStatBitBltScreenToScreen; extern ULONG gStatUnchangedOffscreenToScreen; extern ULONG gStatUnchangedOffscreenToScreenCRC; extern ULONG gStatNonTransientEngineBitmaps; extern ULONG gStatTransientEngineBitmaps; extern ULONG gStatUnchangedBitmapsCRC; extern ULONG gStatUnchangedBitmapsDeviceCRC; extern ULONG gStatBitmapsCRC; extern ULONG gStatBitBltScreenPattern; extern ULONG gStatBitBltScreenSquare; extern ULONG gStatBitBltScreenPatternReported; extern ULONG gStatBitBltScreenSquareReported; extern ULONG gStatCopyBitsScreenSquare; extern ULONG gStatEnablePDEV; extern ULONG gStatCompletePDEV; extern ULONG gStatDisablePDEV; extern ULONG gStatEnableSurface; extern ULONG gStatDisableSurface; extern ULONG gStatAssertMode; extern ULONG gStatDisableDriver; extern ULONG gStatCreateDeviceBitmap; extern ULONG gStatDeleteDeviceBitmap; extern ULONG gStatDitherColor; extern ULONG gStatStrokePath; extern ULONG gStatFillPath; extern ULONG gStatStrokeAndFillPath; extern ULONG gStatPaint; extern ULONG gStatBitBlt; extern ULONG gStatCopyBits; extern ULONG gStatStretchBlt; extern ULONG gStatSetPalette; extern ULONG gStatTextOut; extern ULONG gStatSetPointerShape; extern ULONG gStatMovePointer; extern ULONG gStatLineTo; extern ULONG gStatSynchronize; extern ULONG gStatGetModes; extern ULONG gStatGradientFill; extern ULONG gStatStretchBltROP; extern ULONG gStatPlgBlt; extern ULONG gStatAlphaBlend; extern ULONG gStatTransparentBlt; void statPrint (void); #define STATDRVENTRY(a, b) do { if (bIsScreenSurface (b)) gStat##a++; } while (0) #define STATPRINT do { statPrint (); } while (0) #else #define STATDRVENTRY(a, b) #define STATPRINT #endif /* STAT_sunlover */