/******************************Module*Header*******************************\ * * Copyright (C) 2006-2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as * available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software; * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU * General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software * Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the * VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind. * * Please contact Sun Microsystems, Inc., 4150 Network Circle, Santa * Clara, CA 95054 USA or visit http://www.sun.com if you need * additional information or have any questions. * * Based in part on Microsoft DDK sample code * * ******************* * * GDI SAMPLE CODE * * ******************* * * Module Name: pointer.c * * * * This module contains the hardware Pointer support for the framebuffer * * * * Copyright (c) 1992-1998 Microsoft Corporation * \**************************************************************************/ #include "driver.h" #include /* for VBOX_MOUSE_POINTER_* flags */ #ifndef SPS_ALPHA #define SPS_ALPHA 0x00000010L #endif BOOL bCopyColorPointer( PPDEV ppdev, SURFOBJ *psoScreen, SURFOBJ *psoMask, SURFOBJ *psoColor, XLATEOBJ *pxlo, FLONG fl); BOOL bCopyMonoPointer( PPDEV ppdev, SURFOBJ *psoMask); BOOL bSetHardwarePointerShape( SURFOBJ *pso, SURFOBJ *psoMask, SURFOBJ *psoColor, XLATEOBJ *pxlo, LONG x, LONG y, FLONG fl); /******************************Public*Routine******************************\ * DrvMovePointer * * Moves the hardware pointer to a new position. * \**************************************************************************/ VOID DrvMovePointer ( SURFOBJ *pso, LONG x, LONG y, RECTL *prcl ) { PPDEV ppdev = (PPDEV) pso->dhpdev; DWORD returnedDataLength; VIDEO_POINTER_POSITION NewPointerPosition; // We don't use the exclusion rectangle because we only support // hardware Pointers. If we were doing our own Pointer simulations // we would want to update prcl so that the engine would call us // to exclude out pointer before drawing to the pixels in prcl. UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(prcl); // Convert the pointer's position from relative to absolute // coordinates (this is only significant for multiple board // support). x -= ppdev->ptlOrg.x; y -= ppdev->ptlOrg.y; // If x is -1 after the offset then take down the cursor. if (x == -1) { // // A new position of (-1,-1) means hide the pointer. // if (EngDeviceIoControl(ppdev->hDriver, IOCTL_VIDEO_DISABLE_POINTER, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, &returnedDataLength)) { // // Not the end of the world, print warning in checked build. // DISPDBG((1, "DISP vMoveHardwarePointer failed IOCTL_VIDEO_DISABLE_POINTER\n")); } } else { NewPointerPosition.Column = (SHORT) x - (SHORT) (ppdev->ptlHotSpot.x); NewPointerPosition.Row = (SHORT) y - (SHORT) (ppdev->ptlHotSpot.y); // // Call miniport driver to move Pointer. // if (EngDeviceIoControl(ppdev->hDriver, IOCTL_VIDEO_SET_POINTER_POSITION, &NewPointerPosition, sizeof(VIDEO_POINTER_POSITION), NULL, 0, &returnedDataLength)) { // // Not the end of the world, print warning in checked build. // DISPDBG((1, "DISP vMoveHardwarePointer failed IOCTL_VIDEO_SET_POINTER_POSITION\n")); } } } /******************************Public*Routine******************************\ * DrvSetPointerShape * * Sets the new pointer shape. * \**************************************************************************/ ULONG DrvSetPointerShape ( SURFOBJ *pso, SURFOBJ *psoMask, SURFOBJ *psoColor, XLATEOBJ *pxlo, LONG xHot, LONG yHot, LONG x, LONG y, RECTL *prcl, FLONG fl ) { PPDEV ppdev = (PPDEV) pso->dhpdev; DWORD returnedDataLength; DISPDBG((0, "DISP bSetHardwarePointerShape SPS_ALPHA = %d\n", fl & SPS_ALPHA)); // We don't use the exclusion rectangle because we only support // hardware Pointers. If we were doing our own Pointer simulations // we would want to update prcl so that the engine would call us // to exclude out pointer before drawing to the pixels in prcl. UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(prcl); if (ppdev->pPointerAttributes == (PVIDEO_POINTER_ATTRIBUTES) NULL) { // Mini-port has no hardware Pointer support. return(SPS_ERROR); } ppdev->ptlHotSpot.x = xHot; ppdev->ptlHotSpot.y = yHot; if (!bSetHardwarePointerShape(pso,psoMask,psoColor,pxlo,x,y,fl)) { if (ppdev->fHwCursorActive) { ppdev->fHwCursorActive = FALSE; if (EngDeviceIoControl(ppdev->hDriver, IOCTL_VIDEO_DISABLE_POINTER, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, &returnedDataLength)) { DISPDBG((1, "DISP bSetHardwarePointerShape failed IOCTL_VIDEO_DISABLE_POINTER\n")); } } // // Mini-port declines to realize this Pointer // return(SPS_DECLINE); } else { ppdev->fHwCursorActive = TRUE; } return(SPS_ACCEPT_NOEXCLUDE); } /******************************Public*Routine******************************\ * bSetHardwarePointerShape * * Changes the shape of the Hardware Pointer. * * Returns: True if successful, False if Pointer shape can't be hardware. * \**************************************************************************/ BOOL bSetHardwarePointerShape( SURFOBJ *pso, SURFOBJ *psoMask, SURFOBJ *psoColor, XLATEOBJ *pxlo, LONG x, LONG y, FLONG fl) { PPDEV ppdev = (PPDEV) pso->dhpdev; PVIDEO_POINTER_ATTRIBUTES pPointerAttributes = ppdev->pPointerAttributes; DWORD returnedDataLength; if (psoColor != (SURFOBJ *) NULL) { if ((ppdev->PointerCapabilities.Flags & VIDEO_MODE_COLOR_POINTER) && bCopyColorPointer(ppdev, pso, psoMask, psoColor, pxlo, fl)) { pPointerAttributes->Flags = VIDEO_MODE_COLOR_POINTER; } else { return(FALSE); } } else { if ((ppdev->PointerCapabilities.Flags & VIDEO_MODE_MONO_POINTER) && bCopyMonoPointer(ppdev, psoMask)) { pPointerAttributes->Flags = VIDEO_MODE_MONO_POINTER; } else { return(FALSE); } } // // Initialize Pointer attributes and position // if (x == -1) { /* Pointer should be created invisible */ pPointerAttributes->Column = -1; pPointerAttributes->Row = -1; pPointerAttributes->Enable = VBOX_MOUSE_POINTER_SHAPE; } else { /* New coordinates of pointer's hot spot */ pPointerAttributes->Column = (SHORT)(x) - (SHORT)(ppdev->ptlHotSpot.x); pPointerAttributes->Row = (SHORT)(y) - (SHORT)(ppdev->ptlHotSpot.y); pPointerAttributes->Enable = VBOX_MOUSE_POINTER_VISIBLE | VBOX_MOUSE_POINTER_SHAPE; } /* VBOX: We have to pass to miniport hot spot coordinates and alpha flag. * They will be encoded in the pPointerAttributes::Enable field. * High word will contain hot spot info and low word - flags. */ pPointerAttributes->Enable |= (ppdev->ptlHotSpot.y & 0xFF) << 24; pPointerAttributes->Enable |= (ppdev->ptlHotSpot.x & 0xFF) << 16; if (fl & SPS_ALPHA) { pPointerAttributes->Enable |= VBOX_MOUSE_POINTER_ALPHA; } // // set animate flags // if (fl & SPS_ANIMATESTART) { pPointerAttributes->Flags |= VIDEO_MODE_ANIMATE_START; } else if (fl & SPS_ANIMATEUPDATE) { pPointerAttributes->Flags |= VIDEO_MODE_ANIMATE_UPDATE; } // // Set the new Pointer shape. // if (EngDeviceIoControl(ppdev->hDriver, IOCTL_VIDEO_SET_POINTER_ATTR, pPointerAttributes, ppdev->cjPointerAttributes, NULL, 0, &returnedDataLength)) { DISPDBG((1, "DISP:Failed IOCTL_VIDEO_SET_POINTER_ATTR call\n")); return(FALSE); } // // Set new pointer position // if (x != -1) { VIDEO_POINTER_POSITION vpp; vpp.Column = pPointerAttributes->Column; vpp.Row = pPointerAttributes->Row; if (EngDeviceIoControl(ppdev->hDriver, IOCTL_VIDEO_SET_POINTER_POSITION, &vpp, sizeof (vpp), NULL, 0, &returnedDataLength)) { // Should never fail, informational message. DISPDBG((1, "DISP:Failed IOCTL_VIDEO_SET_POINTER_POSITION call\n")); } } return(TRUE); } /******************************Public*Routine******************************\ * bCopyMonoPointer * * Copies two monochrome masks into a buffer of the maximum size handled by the * miniport, with any extra bits set to 0. The masks are converted to topdown * form if they aren't already. Returns TRUE if we can handle this pointer in * hardware, FALSE if not. * \**************************************************************************/ BOOL bCopyMonoPointer( PPDEV ppdev, SURFOBJ *psoMask) { PBYTE pjSrc = NULL; ULONG cy = 0; PVIDEO_POINTER_ATTRIBUTES pPointerAttributes = ppdev->pPointerAttributes; PBYTE pjDstAnd = pPointerAttributes->Pixels; ULONG cjAnd = 0; PBYTE pjDstXor = pPointerAttributes->Pixels; ULONG cxSrc = psoMask->sizlBitmap.cx; ULONG cySrc = psoMask->sizlBitmap.cy / 2; /* /2 because both masks are in there */ // Make sure the new pointer isn't too big to handle, // strip the size to 64x64 if necessary if (cxSrc > ppdev->PointerCapabilities.MaxWidth) { cxSrc = ppdev->PointerCapabilities.MaxWidth; } if (cySrc > ppdev->PointerCapabilities.MaxHeight) { cySrc = ppdev->PointerCapabilities.MaxWidth; } /* Size of AND mask in bytes */ cjAnd = ((cxSrc + 7) / 8) * cySrc; /* Pointer to XOR mask is 4-bytes aligned */ pjDstXor += (cjAnd + 3) & ~3; pPointerAttributes->Width = cxSrc; pPointerAttributes->Height = cySrc; pPointerAttributes->WidthInBytes = cxSrc * 4; /* Init AND mask to 1 */ RtlFillMemory (pjDstAnd, cjAnd, 0xFF); /* * Copy AND mask. */ DISPDBG((0, "DISP bCopyMonoPointer going to copy AND mask\n")); pjSrc = (PBYTE)psoMask->pvScan0; for (cy = 0; cy < cySrc; cy++) { RtlCopyMemory (pjDstAnd, pjSrc, (cxSrc + 7) / 8); // Point to next source and dest scans pjSrc += psoMask->lDelta; pjDstAnd += (cxSrc + 7) / 8; } DISPDBG((0, "DISP bCopyMonoPointer AND mask copied\n")); DISPDBG((0, "DISP bCopyMonoPointer going to create RGB0 XOR mask\n")); for (cy = 0; cy < cySrc; ++cy) { ULONG cx; UCHAR bitmask = 0x80; for (cx = 0; cx < cxSrc; cx++, bitmask >>= 1) { if (bitmask == 0) { bitmask = 0x80; } if (pjSrc[cx / 8] & bitmask) { *(ULONG *)&pjDstXor[cx * 4] = 0x00FFFFFF; } else { *(ULONG *)&pjDstXor[cx * 4] = 0; } } // Point to next source and dest scans pjSrc += psoMask->lDelta; pjDstXor += cxSrc * 4; } DISPDBG((0, "DISP bCopyMonoPointer created RGB0 XOR mask\n")); return(TRUE); } /******************************Public*Routine******************************\ * bCopyColorPointer * * Copies the mono and color masks into the buffer of maximum size * handled by the miniport with any extra bits set to 0. Color translation * is handled at this time. The masks are converted to topdown form if they * aren't already. Returns TRUE if we can handle this pointer in hardware, * FALSE if not. * \**************************************************************************/ BOOL bCopyColorPointer( PPDEV ppdev, SURFOBJ *psoScreen, SURFOBJ *psoMask, SURFOBJ *psoColor, XLATEOBJ *pxlo, FLONG fl) { /* Format of "hardware" pointer is: * 1 bpp AND mask with byte aligned scanlines, * B G R A bytes of XOR mask that starts on the next 4 byte aligned offset after AND mask. * * If fl & SPS_ALPHA then A bytes contain alpha channel information. * Otherwise A bytes are undefined (but will be 0). * */ /* To simplify this function we use the following method: * for pointers with alpha channel * we have BGRA values in psoColor and will simply copy them to pPointerAttributes->Pixels * for color pointers * always convert supplied bitmap to 32 bit BGR0 * copy AND mask and new BGR0 XOR mask to pPointerAttributes->Pixels */ HSURF hsurf32bpp = NULL; SURFOBJ *pso32bpp = NULL; PBYTE pjSrcAnd = NULL; PBYTE pjSrcXor = NULL; ULONG cy = 0; PVIDEO_POINTER_ATTRIBUTES pPointerAttributes = ppdev->pPointerAttributes; PBYTE pjDstAnd = pPointerAttributes->Pixels; ULONG cjAnd = 0; PBYTE pjDstXor = pPointerAttributes->Pixels; ULONG cxSrc = psoColor->sizlBitmap.cx; ULONG cySrc = psoColor->sizlBitmap.cy; // Make sure the new pointer isn't too big to handle, // strip the size to 64x64 if necessary if (cxSrc > ppdev->PointerCapabilities.MaxWidth) { cxSrc = ppdev->PointerCapabilities.MaxWidth; } if (cySrc > ppdev->PointerCapabilities.MaxHeight) { cySrc = ppdev->PointerCapabilities.MaxWidth; } /* Size of AND mask in bytes */ cjAnd = ((cxSrc + 7) / 8) * cySrc; /* Pointer to XOR mask is 4-bytes aligned */ pjDstXor += (cjAnd + 3) & ~3; pPointerAttributes->Width = cxSrc; pPointerAttributes->Height = cySrc; pPointerAttributes->WidthInBytes = cxSrc * 4; /* Init AND mask to 1 */ RtlFillMemory (pjDstAnd, cjAnd, 0xFF); if (fl & SPS_ALPHA) { PBYTE pjSrcAlpha = (PBYTE)psoColor->pvScan0; DISPDBG((0, "DISP bCopyColorPointer SPS_ALPHA\n")); pso32bpp = psoColor; /* * Emulate AND mask to provide viewable mouse pointer for * hardware which does not support alpha channel. */ DISPDBG((0, "DISP bCopyColorPointer going to emulate AND mask\n")); for (cy = 0; cy < cySrc; cy++) { ULONG cx; UCHAR bitmask = 0x80; for (cx = 0; cx < cxSrc; cx++, bitmask >>= 1) { if (bitmask == 0) { bitmask = 0x80; } if (pjSrcAlpha[cx * 4 + 3] > 0x7f) { pjDstAnd[cx / 8] &= ~bitmask; } } // Point to next source and dest scans pjSrcAlpha += pso32bpp->lDelta; pjDstAnd += (cxSrc + 7) / 8; } DISPDBG((0, "DISP bCopyColorPointer AND mask emulated\n")); } else { if (!psoMask) { /* This can not be, mask must be supplied for a color pointer. */ return (FALSE); } /* * Copy AND mask. */ DISPDBG((0, "DISP bCopyColorPointer going to copy AND mask\n")); pjSrcAnd = (PBYTE)psoMask->pvScan0; for (cy = 0; cy < cySrc; cy++) { RtlCopyMemory (pjDstAnd, pjSrcAnd, (cxSrc + 7) / 8); // Point to next source and dest scans pjSrcAnd += psoMask->lDelta; pjDstAnd += (cxSrc + 7) / 8; } DISPDBG((0, "DISP bCopyColorPointer AND mask copied\n")); /* * Convert given psoColor to 32 bit BGR0. */ DISPDBG((0, "DISP bCopyColorPointer psoScreen t = %d, f = %d, psoColor t = %d, f = %d, pxlo = %p, psoColor->lDelta = %d, ->cx = %d\n", psoScreen->iType, psoScreen->iBitmapFormat, psoColor->iType, psoColor->iBitmapFormat, pxlo, psoColor->lDelta, psoColor->sizlBitmap.cx)); if (psoColor->iType == STYPE_BITMAP && psoColor->iBitmapFormat == BMF_32BPP) { /* The psoColor is already in desired format */ DISPDBG((0, "DISP bCopyColorPointer XOR mask already in 32 bpp\n")); pso32bpp = psoColor; } else { HSURF hsurfBitmap = NULL; SURFOBJ *psoBitmap = NULL; SIZEL sizl = psoColor->sizlBitmap; if ((pxlo != NULL && pxlo->flXlate != XO_TRIVIAL) || (psoColor->iType != STYPE_BITMAP)) { /* Convert the unknown format to a screen format bitmap. */ RECTL rclDst; POINTL ptlSrc; DISPDBG((0, "DISP bCopyColorPointer going to convert XOR mask to bitmap\n")); hsurfBitmap = (HSURF)EngCreateBitmap (sizl, 0, psoScreen->iBitmapFormat, BMF_TOPDOWN, NULL); if (hsurfBitmap == NULL) { return FALSE; } psoBitmap = EngLockSurface (hsurfBitmap); if (psoBitmap == NULL) { EngDeleteSurface (hsurfBitmap); return FALSE; } /* Now do the bitmap conversion using EngCopyBits(). */ rclDst.left = 0; rclDst.top = 0; rclDst.right = sizl.cx; rclDst.bottom = sizl.cy; ptlSrc.x = 0; ptlSrc.y = 0; if (!EngCopyBits (psoBitmap, psoColor, NULL, pxlo, &rclDst, &ptlSrc)) { EngUnlockSurface (psoBitmap); EngDeleteSurface (hsurfBitmap); return FALSE; } DISPDBG((0, "DISP bCopyColorPointer XOR mask converted to bitmap\n")); } else { DISPDBG((0, "DISP bCopyColorPointer XOR mask is already a bitmap\n")); psoBitmap = psoColor; } /* Create 32 bpp surface for XOR mask */ hsurf32bpp = (HSURF)EngCreateBitmap (sizl, 0, BMF_32BPP, BMF_TOPDOWN, NULL); if (hsurf32bpp != NULL) { pso32bpp = EngLockSurface (hsurf32bpp); if (pso32bpp == NULL) { EngDeleteSurface (hsurf32bpp); hsurf32bpp = NULL; } } if (pso32bpp) { /* Convert psoBitmap bits to pso32bpp bits for known formats */ if (psoBitmap->iBitmapFormat == BMF_8BPP && ppdev->pPal) { PBYTE src = (PBYTE)psoBitmap->pvScan0; PBYTE dst = (PBYTE)pso32bpp->pvScan0; PPALETTEENTRY pPal = ppdev->pPal; ULONG cPalette = 256; /* 256 is hardcoded in the driver in palette.c */ DISPDBG((0, "DISP bCopyColorPointer XOR mask conv 8 bpp to 32 bpp palette: %d entries\n", cPalette)); for (cy = 0; cy < (ULONG)sizl.cy; cy++) { ULONG cx; PBYTE d = dst; for (cx = 0; cx < (ULONG)sizl.cx; cx++) { BYTE index = src[cx]; *d++ = pPal[index].peBlue; /* B */ *d++ = pPal[index].peGreen; /* G */ *d++ = pPal[index].peRed; /* R */ *d++ = 0; /* destination is 32 bpp */ } /* Point to next source and dest scans */ src += psoBitmap->lDelta; dst += pso32bpp->lDelta; } DISPDBG((0, "DISP bCopyColorPointer XOR mask conv 8 bpp to 32 bpp completed\n")); } else if (psoBitmap->iBitmapFormat == BMF_16BPP) { PBYTE src = (PBYTE)psoBitmap->pvScan0; PBYTE dst = (PBYTE)pso32bpp->pvScan0; DISPDBG((0, "DISP bCopyColorPointer XOR mask conv 16 bpp to 32 bpp\n")); for (cy = 0; cy < (ULONG)sizl.cy; cy++) { ULONG cx; PBYTE d = dst; for (cx = 0; cx < (ULONG)sizl.cx; cx++) { USHORT usSrc = *(USHORT *)&src[cx * 2]; *d++ = (BYTE)( usSrc << 3); /* B */ *d++ = (BYTE)((usSrc >> 5) << 2); /* G */ *d++ = (BYTE)((usSrc >> 11) << 3); /* R */ *d++ = 0; /* destination is 32 bpp */ } /* Point to next source and dest scans */ src += psoBitmap->lDelta; dst += pso32bpp->lDelta; } DISPDBG((0, "DISP bCopyColorPointer XOR mask conv 16 bpp to 32 bpp completed\n")); } else if (psoBitmap->iBitmapFormat == BMF_24BPP) { PBYTE src = (PBYTE)psoBitmap->pvScan0; PBYTE dst = (PBYTE)pso32bpp->pvScan0; DISPDBG((0, "DISP bCopyColorPointer XOR mask conv 24 bpp to 32 bpp\n")); for (cy = 0; cy < (ULONG)sizl.cy; cy++) { ULONG cx; PBYTE s = src; PBYTE d = dst; for (cx = 0; cx < (ULONG)sizl.cx; cx++) { *d++ = *s++; /* B */ *d++ = *s++; /* G */ *d++ = *s++; /* R */ *d++ = 0; /* destination is 32 bpp */ } /* Point to next source and dest scans */ src += psoBitmap->lDelta; dst += pso32bpp->lDelta; } DISPDBG((0, "DISP bCopyColorPointer XOR mask conv 24 bpp to 32 bpp completed\n")); } else if (psoBitmap->iBitmapFormat == BMF_32BPP) { DISPDBG((0, "DISP bCopyColorPointer XOR mask conv 32 bpp to 32 bpp, pso32bpp->cjBits = %d, psoBitmap->cjBits = %d\n", pso32bpp->cjBits, psoBitmap->cjBits)); RtlCopyMemory (pso32bpp->pvBits, psoBitmap->pvBits, min(pso32bpp->cjBits, psoBitmap->cjBits)); DISPDBG((0, "DISP bCopyColorPointer XOR mask conv 32 bpp to 32 bpp completed\n")); } else { DISPDBG((0, "DISP bCopyColorPointer XOR mask unsupported bpp\n")); EngUnlockSurface (pso32bpp); pso32bpp = NULL; EngDeleteSurface (hsurf32bpp); hsurf32bpp = NULL; } } if (hsurfBitmap) { EngUnlockSurface (psoBitmap); psoBitmap = NULL; EngDeleteSurface (hsurfBitmap); hsurfBitmap = NULL; } } } if (!pso32bpp) { return (FALSE); } /* * pso is 32 bit BGRX bitmap. Copy it to Pixels */ pjSrcXor = (PBYTE)pso32bpp->pvScan0; for (cy = 0; cy < cySrc; cy++) { /* 32 bit bitmap is being copied */ RtlCopyMemory (pjDstXor, pjSrcXor, cxSrc * 4); /* Point to next source and dest scans */ pjSrcXor += pso32bpp->lDelta; pjDstXor += pPointerAttributes->WidthInBytes; } if (pso32bpp != psoColor) { /* Deallocate the temporary 32 bit pso */ EngUnlockSurface (pso32bpp); EngDeleteSurface (hsurf32bpp); } return (TRUE); } /******************************Public*Routine******************************\ * bInitPointer * * Initialize the Pointer attributes. * \**************************************************************************/ BOOL bInitPointer(PPDEV ppdev, DEVINFO *pdevinfo) { DWORD returnedDataLength; ppdev->pPointerAttributes = (PVIDEO_POINTER_ATTRIBUTES) NULL; ppdev->cjPointerAttributes = 0; // initialized in screen.c // // Ask the miniport whether it provides pointer support. // if (EngDeviceIoControl(ppdev->hDriver, IOCTL_VIDEO_QUERY_POINTER_CAPABILITIES, &ppdev->ulMode, sizeof(PVIDEO_MODE), &ppdev->PointerCapabilities, sizeof(ppdev->PointerCapabilities), &returnedDataLength)) { return(FALSE); } // // If neither mono nor color hardware pointer is supported, there's no // hardware pointer support and we're done. // if ((!(ppdev->PointerCapabilities.Flags & VIDEO_MODE_MONO_POINTER)) && (!(ppdev->PointerCapabilities.Flags & VIDEO_MODE_COLOR_POINTER))) { return(TRUE); } // // Note: The buffer itself is allocated after we set the // mode. At that time we know the pixel depth and we can // allocate the correct size for the color pointer if supported. // // // Set the asynchronous support status (async means miniport is capable of // drawing the Pointer at any time, with no interference with any ongoing // drawing operation) // if (ppdev->PointerCapabilities.Flags & VIDEO_MODE_ASYNC_POINTER) { pdevinfo->flGraphicsCaps |= GCAPS_ASYNCMOVE; } else { pdevinfo->flGraphicsCaps &= ~GCAPS_ASYNCMOVE; } /* VBOX supports pointers with alpha channel */ pdevinfo->flGraphicsCaps2 |= GCAPS2_ALPHACURSOR; return(TRUE); }