1 | /*
2 | * Copyright (C) 2007 Google (Evan Stade)
3 | *
4 | * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
5 | * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
6 | * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
7 | * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
8 | *
9 | * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10 | * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12 | * Lesser General Public License for more details.
13 | *
14 | * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
15 | * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
16 | * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
17 | */
18 |
19 | /*
20 | * Sun LGPL Disclaimer: For the avoidance of doubt, except that if any license choice
21 | * other than GPL or LGPL is available it will apply instead, Sun elects to use only
22 | * the Lesser General Public License version 2.1 (LGPLv2) at this time for any software where
23 | * a choice of LGPL license versions is made available with the language indicating
24 | * that LGPLv2 or any later version may be used, or where a choice of which version
25 | * of the LGPL is applied is otherwise unspecified.
26 | */
27 |
28 | #ifndef _GDIPLUSENUMS_H
29 | #define _GDIPLUSENUMS_H
30 |
31 | typedef UINT GraphicsState;
32 | typedef UINT GraphicsContainer;
33 |
34 | enum Unit
35 | {
36 | UnitWorld = 0,
37 | UnitDisplay = 1,
38 | UnitPixel = 2,
39 | UnitPoint = 3,
40 | UnitInch = 4,
41 | UnitDocument = 5,
42 | UnitMillimeter = 6
43 | };
44 |
45 | enum BrushType
46 | {
47 | BrushTypeSolidColor = 0,
48 | BrushTypeHatchFill = 1,
49 | BrushTypeTextureFill = 2,
50 | BrushTypePathGradient = 3,
51 | BrushTypeLinearGradient = 4
52 | };
53 |
54 | enum FillMode
55 | {
56 | FillModeAlternate = 0,
57 | FillModeWinding = 1
58 | };
59 |
60 | enum LineCap
61 | {
62 | LineCapFlat = 0x00,
63 | LineCapSquare = 0x01,
64 | LineCapRound = 0x02,
65 | LineCapTriangle = 0x03,
66 |
67 | LineCapNoAnchor = 0x10,
68 | LineCapSquareAnchor = 0x11,
69 | LineCapRoundAnchor = 0x12,
70 | LineCapDiamondAnchor = 0x13,
71 | LineCapArrowAnchor = 0x14,
72 |
73 | LineCapCustom = 0xff,
74 | LineCapAnchorMask = 0xf0
75 | };
76 |
77 | enum PathPointType{
78 | PathPointTypeStart = 0, /* start of a figure */
79 | PathPointTypeLine = 1,
80 | PathPointTypeBezier = 3,
81 | PathPointTypePathTypeMask = 7,
82 | PathPointTypePathDashMode = 16, /* not used */
83 | PathPointTypePathMarker = 32,
84 | PathPointTypeCloseSubpath = 128, /* end of a closed figure */
85 | PathPointTypeBezier3 = 3
86 | };
87 |
88 | enum PenType
89 | {
90 | PenTypeSolidColor = BrushTypeSolidColor,
91 | PenTypeHatchFill = BrushTypeHatchFill,
92 | PenTypeTextureFill = BrushTypeTextureFill,
93 | PenTypePathGradient = BrushTypePathGradient,
94 | PenTypeLinearGradient = BrushTypeLinearGradient,
95 | PenTypeUnknown = -1
96 | };
97 |
98 | enum LineJoin
99 | {
100 | LineJoinMiter = 0,
101 | LineJoinBevel = 1,
102 | LineJoinRound = 2,
103 | LineJoinMiterClipped = 3
104 | };
105 |
106 | enum QualityMode
107 | {
108 | QualityModeInvalid = -1,
109 | QualityModeDefault = 0,
110 | QualityModeLow = 1,
111 | QualityModeHigh = 2
112 | };
113 |
114 | enum SmoothingMode
115 | {
116 | SmoothingModeInvalid = QualityModeInvalid,
117 | SmoothingModeDefault = QualityModeDefault,
118 | SmoothingModeHighSpeed = QualityModeLow,
119 | SmoothingModeHighQuality = QualityModeHigh,
120 | SmoothingModeNone,
121 | SmoothingModeAntiAlias
122 | };
123 |
124 | enum CompositingQuality
125 | {
126 | CompositingQualityInvalid = QualityModeInvalid,
127 | CompositingQualityDefault = QualityModeDefault,
128 | CompositingQualityHighSpeed = QualityModeLow,
129 | CompositingQualityHighQuality = QualityModeHigh,
130 | CompositingQualityGammaCorrected,
131 | CompositingQualityAssumeLinear
132 | };
133 |
134 | enum InterpolationMode
135 | {
136 | InterpolationModeInvalid = QualityModeInvalid,
137 | InterpolationModeDefault = QualityModeDefault,
138 | InterpolationModeLowQuality = QualityModeLow,
139 | InterpolationModeHighQuality = QualityModeHigh,
140 | InterpolationModeBilinear,
141 | InterpolationModeBicubic,
142 | InterpolationModeNearestNeighbor,
143 | InterpolationModeHighQualityBilinear,
144 | InterpolationModeHighQualityBicubic
145 | };
146 |
147 | enum PenAlignment
148 | {
149 | PenAlignmentCenter = 0,
150 | PenAlignmentInset = 1
151 | };
152 |
153 | enum PixelOffsetMode
154 | {
155 | PixelOffsetModeInvalid = QualityModeInvalid,
156 | PixelOffsetModeDefault = QualityModeDefault,
157 | PixelOffsetModeHighSpeed = QualityModeLow,
158 | PixelOffsetModeHighQuality = QualityModeHigh,
159 | PixelOffsetModeNone,
160 | PixelOffsetModeHalf
161 | };
162 |
163 | enum DashCap
164 | {
165 | DashCapFlat = 0,
166 | DashCapRound = 2,
167 | DashCapTriangle = 3
168 | };
169 |
170 | enum DashStyle
171 | {
172 | DashStyleSolid,
173 | DashStyleDash,
174 | DashStyleDot,
175 | DashStyleDashDot,
176 | DashStyleDashDotDot,
177 | DashStyleCustom
178 | };
179 |
180 | enum MatrixOrder
181 | {
182 | MatrixOrderPrepend = 0,
183 | MatrixOrderAppend = 1
184 | };
185 |
186 | enum ImageType
187 | {
188 | ImageTypeUnknown,
189 | ImageTypeBitmap,
190 | ImageTypeMetafile
191 | };
192 |
193 | enum WrapMode
194 | {
195 | WrapModeTile,
196 | WrapModeTileFlipX,
197 | WrapModeTileFlipY,
198 | WrapModeTileFlipXY,
199 | WrapModeClamp
200 | };
201 |
202 | enum MetafileType
203 | {
204 | MetafileTypeInvalid,
205 | MetafileTypeWmf,
206 | MetafileTypeWmfPlaceable,
207 | MetafileTypeEmf,
208 | MetafileTypeEmfPlusOnly,
209 | MetafileTypeEmfPlusDual
210 | };
211 |
212 | enum LinearGradientMode
213 | {
214 | LinearGradientModeHorizontal,
215 | LinearGradientModeVertical,
216 | LinearGradientModeForwardDiagonal,
217 | LinearGradientModeBackwardDiagonal
218 | };
219 |
220 | enum EmfType
221 | {
222 | EmfTypeEmfOnly = MetafileTypeEmf,
223 | EmfTypeEmfPlusOnly = MetafileTypeEmfPlusOnly,
224 | EmfTypeEmfPlusDual = MetafileTypeEmfPlusDual
225 | };
226 |
227 | enum CompositingMode
228 | {
229 | CompositingModeSourceOver,
230 | CompositingModeSourceCopy
231 | };
232 |
233 | enum TextRenderingHint
234 | {
235 | TextRenderingHintSystemDefault = 0,
236 | TextRenderingHintSingleBitPerPixelGridFit,
237 | TextRenderingHintSingleBitPerPixel,
238 | TextRenderingHintAntiAliasGridFit,
239 | TextRenderingHintAntiAlias,
240 | TextRenderingHintClearTypeGridFit
241 | };
242 |
243 | enum StringAlignment
244 | {
245 | StringAlignmentNear = 0,
246 | StringAlignmentCenter = 1,
247 | StringAlignmentFar = 2
248 | };
249 |
250 | enum StringDigitSubstitute
251 | {
252 | StringDigitSubstituteUser = 0,
253 | StringDigitSubstituteNone = 1,
254 | StringDigitSubstituteNational = 2,
255 | StringDigitSubstituteTraditional = 3
256 | };
257 |
258 | enum StringFormatFlags
259 | {
260 | StringFormatFlagsDirectionRightToLeft = 0x00000001,
261 | StringFormatFlagsDirectionVertical = 0x00000002,
262 | StringFormatFlagsNoFitBlackBox = 0x00000004,
263 | StringFormatFlagsDisplayFormatControl = 0x00000020,
264 | StringFormatFlagsNoFontFallback = 0x00000400,
265 | StringFormatFlagsMeasureTrailingSpaces = 0x00000800,
266 | StringFormatFlagsNoWrap = 0x00001000,
267 | StringFormatFlagsLineLimit = 0x00002000,
268 | StringFormatFlagsNoClip = 0x00004000
269 | };
270 |
271 | enum StringTrimming
272 | {
273 | StringTrimmingNone = 0,
274 | StringTrimmingCharacter = 1,
275 | StringTrimmingWord = 2,
276 | StringTrimmingEllipsisCharacter = 3,
277 | StringTrimmingEllipsisWord = 4,
278 | StringTrimmingEllipsisPath = 5
279 | };
280 |
281 | enum FontStyle
282 | {
283 | FontStyleRegular = 0,
284 | FontStyleBold = 1,
285 | FontStyleItalic = 2,
286 | FontStyleBoldItalic = 3,
287 | FontStyleUnderline = 4,
288 | FontStyleStrikeout = 8
289 | };
290 |
291 | enum HotkeyPrefix
292 | {
293 | HotkeyPrefixNone = 0,
294 | HotkeyPrefixShow = 1,
295 | HotkeyPrefixHide = 2
296 | };
297 |
298 | enum ImageCodecFlags
299 | {
300 | ImageCodecFlagsEncoder = 1,
301 | ImageCodecFlagsDecoder = 2,
302 | ImageCodecFlagsSupportBitmap = 4,
303 | ImageCodecFlagsSupportVector = 8,
304 | ImageCodecFlagsSeekableEncode = 16,
305 | ImageCodecFlagsBlockingDecode = 32,
306 | ImageCodecFlagsBuiltin = 65536,
307 | ImageCodecFlagsSystem = 131072,
308 | ImageCodecFlagsUser = 262144
309 | };
310 |
311 | enum ImageFlags
312 | {
313 | ImageFlagsNone = 0,
314 | ImageFlagsScalable = 0x0001,
315 | ImageFlagsHasAlpha = 0x0002,
316 | ImageFlagsHasTranslucent = 0x0004,
317 | ImageFlagsPartiallyScalable = 0x0008,
318 | ImageFlagsColorSpaceRGB = 0x0010,
319 | ImageFlagsColorSpaceCMYK = 0x0020,
320 | ImageFlagsColorSpaceGRAY = 0x0040,
321 | ImageFlagsColorSpaceYCBCR = 0x0080,
322 | ImageFlagsColorSpaceYCCK = 0x0100,
323 | ImageFlagsHasRealDPI = 0x1000,
324 | ImageFlagsHasRealPixelSize = 0x2000,
325 | ImageFlagsReadOnly = 0x00010000,
326 | ImageFlagsCaching = 0x00020000
327 | };
328 |
329 | enum CombineMode
330 | {
331 | CombineModeReplace,
332 | CombineModeIntersect,
333 | CombineModeUnion,
334 | CombineModeXor,
335 | CombineModeExclude,
336 | CombineModeComplement
337 | };
338 |
339 | enum FlushIntention
340 | {
341 | FlushIntentionFlush = 0,
342 | FlushIntentionSync = 1
343 | };
344 |
345 | enum CoordinateSpace
346 | {
347 | CoordinateSpaceWorld,
348 | CoordinateSpacePage,
349 | CoordinateSpaceDevice
350 | };
351 |
352 | enum GpTestControlEnum
353 | {
354 | TestControlForceBilinear = 0,
355 | TestControlNoICM = 1,
356 | TestControlGetBuildNumber = 2
357 | };
358 |
359 | enum MetafileFrameUnit
360 | {
361 | MetafileFrameUnitPixel = UnitPixel,
362 | MetafileFrameUnitPoint = UnitPoint,
363 | MetafileFrameUnitInch = UnitInch,
364 | MetafileFrameUnitDocument = UnitDocument,
365 | MetafileFrameUnitMillimeter = UnitMillimeter,
366 | MetafileFrameUnitGdi
367 | };
368 |
369 | enum HatchStyle
370 | {
371 | HatchStyleHorizontal = 0,
372 | HatchStyleVertical = 1,
373 | HatchStyleForwardDiagonal = 2,
374 | HatchStyleBackwardDiagonal = 3,
375 | HatchStyleCross = 4,
376 | HatchStyleDiagonalCross = 5,
377 | HatchStyle05Percent = 6,
378 | HatchStyle10Percent = 7,
379 | HatchStyle20Percent = 8,
380 | HatchStyle25Percent = 9,
381 | HatchStyle30Percent = 10,
382 | HatchStyle40Percent = 11,
383 | HatchStyle50Percent = 12,
384 | HatchStyle60Percent = 13,
385 | HatchStyle70Percent = 14,
386 | HatchStyle75Percent = 15,
387 | HatchStyle80Percent = 16,
388 | HatchStyle90Percent = 17,
389 | HatchStyleLightDownwardDiagonal = 18,
390 | HatchStyleLightUpwardDiagonal = 19,
391 | HatchStyleDarkDownwardDiagonal = 20,
392 | HatchStyleDarkUpwardDiagonal = 21,
393 | HatchStyleWideDownwardDiagonal = 22,
394 | HatchStyleWideUpwardDiagonal = 23,
395 | HatchStyleLightVertical = 24,
396 | HatchStyleLightHorizontal = 25,
397 | HatchStyleNarrowVertical = 26,
398 | HatchStyleNarrowHorizontal = 27,
399 | HatchStyleDarkVertical = 28,
400 | HatchStyleDarkHorizontal = 29,
401 | HatchStyleDashedDownwardDiagonal = 30,
402 | HatchStyleDashedUpwardDiagonal = 31,
403 | HatchStyleDashedHorizontal = 32,
404 | HatchStyleDashedVertical = 33,
405 | HatchStyleSmallConfetti = 34,
406 | HatchStyleLargeConfetti = 35,
407 | HatchStyleZigZag = 36,
408 | HatchStyleWave = 37,
409 | HatchStyleDiagonalBrick = 38,
410 | HatchStyleHorizontalBrick = 39,
411 | HatchStyleWeave = 40,
412 | HatchStylePlaid = 41,
413 | HatchStyleDivot = 42,
414 | HatchStyleDottedGrid = 43,
415 | HatchStyleDottedDiamond = 44,
416 | HatchStyleShingle = 45,
417 | HatchStyleTrellis = 46,
418 | HatchStyleSphere = 47,
419 | HatchStyleSmallGrid = 48,
420 | HatchStyleSmallCheckerBoard = 49,
421 | HatchStyleLargeCheckerBoard = 50,
422 | HatchStyleOutlinedDiamond = 51,
423 | HatchStyleSolidDiamond = 52,
424 | HatchStyleTotal = 53,
425 | HatchStyleLargeGrid = HatchStyleCross,
426 | HatchStyleMin = HatchStyleHorizontal,
427 | HatchStyleMax = HatchStyleTotal - 1
428 | };
429 |
430 | #ifndef __cplusplus
431 |
432 | typedef enum Unit Unit;
433 | typedef enum BrushType BrushType;
434 | typedef enum FillMode FillMode;
435 | typedef enum LineCap LineCap;
436 | typedef enum PathPointType PathPointType;
437 | typedef enum LineJoin LineJoin;
438 | typedef enum QualityMode QualityMode;
439 | typedef enum SmoothingMode SmoothingMode;
440 | typedef enum CompositingQuality CompositingQuality;
441 | typedef enum InterpolationMode InterpolationMode;
442 | typedef enum PixelOffsetMode PixelOffsetMode;
443 | typedef enum DashCap DashCap;
444 | typedef enum DashStyle DashStyle;
445 | typedef enum MatrixOrder MatrixOrder;
446 | typedef enum ImageType ImageType;
447 | typedef enum ImageFlags ImageFlags;
448 | typedef enum WrapMode WrapMode;
449 | typedef enum MetafileType MetafileType;
450 | typedef enum LinearGradientMode LinearGradientMode;
451 | typedef enum EmfType EmfType;
452 | typedef enum CompositingMode CompositingMode;
453 | typedef enum TextRenderingHint TextRenderingHint;
454 | typedef enum StringAlignment StringAlignment;
455 | typedef enum StringDigitSubstitute StringDigitSubstitute;
456 | typedef enum StringTrimming StringTrimming;
457 | typedef enum FontStyle FontStyle;
458 | typedef enum StringFormatFlags StringFormatFlags;
459 | typedef enum HotkeyPrefix HotkeyPrefix;
460 | typedef enum PenAlignment GpPenAlignment;
461 | typedef enum ImageCodecFlags ImageCodecFlags;
462 | typedef enum CombineMode CombineMode;
463 | typedef enum FlushIntention FlushIntention;
464 | typedef enum CoordinateSpace CoordinateSpace;
465 | typedef enum GpTestControlEnum GpTestControlEnum;
466 | typedef enum MetafileFrameUnit MetafileFrameUnit;
467 | typedef enum PenType PenType;
468 | typedef enum HatchStyle HatchStyle;
469 |
470 | #endif /* end of c typedefs */
471 |
472 | #endif