1 | /*
2 | * Wine debugging interface
3 | *
4 | * Copyright 1999 Patrik Stridvall
5 | *
6 | * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
7 | * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
8 | * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
9 | * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
10 | *
11 | * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
12 | * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14 | * Lesser General Public License for more details.
15 | *
16 | * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
17 | * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
18 | * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
19 | */
20 |
21 | /*
22 | * Oracle LGPL Disclaimer: For the avoidance of doubt, except that if any license choice
23 | * other than GPL or LGPL is available it will apply instead, Oracle elects to use only
24 | * the Lesser General Public License version 2.1 (LGPLv2) at this time for any software where
25 | * a choice of LGPL license versions is made available with the language indicating
26 | * that LGPLv2 or any later version may be used, or where a choice of which version
27 | * of the LGPL is applied is otherwise unspecified.
28 | */
29 |
30 | #ifndef __WINE_WINE_DEBUG_H
31 | #define __WINE_WINE_DEBUG_H
32 |
33 | #include <stdarg.h>
34 | #include <windef.h>
35 | #ifndef GUID_DEFINED
36 | #include <guiddef.h>
37 | #endif
38 |
39 | #ifdef VBOX_WITH_WDDM
40 | # ifdef VBOX_WINE_WITH_IPRT
41 | # include <iprt/assert.h>
42 | # else
43 | # define AssertBreakpoint() do { } while (0)
44 | # define Assert(_expr) do { } while (0)
45 | # define RT_BREAKPOINT()
46 | # endif
47 | #endif
48 |
49 | #ifdef __WINE_WINE_TEST_H
50 | #error This file should not be used in Wine tests
51 | #endif
52 |
53 | #ifdef __cplusplus
54 | extern "C" {
55 | #endif
56 |
57 | struct _GUID;
58 |
59 | /*
60 | * Internal definitions (do not use these directly)
61 | */
62 |
63 | enum __wine_debug_class
64 | {
69 |
70 | __WINE_DBCL_INIT = 7 /* lazy init flag */
71 | };
72 |
73 | struct __wine_debug_channel
74 | {
75 | unsigned char flags;
76 | char name[15];
77 | };
78 |
79 | #ifndef WINE_NO_TRACE_MSGS
80 | # define __WINE_GET_DEBUGGING_TRACE(dbch) ((dbch)->flags & (1 << __WINE_DBCL_TRACE))
81 | #else
82 | # define __WINE_GET_DEBUGGING_TRACE(dbch) 0
83 | #endif
84 |
85 | #ifndef WINE_NO_DEBUG_MSGS
86 | # define __WINE_GET_DEBUGGING_WARN(dbch) ((dbch)->flags & (1 << __WINE_DBCL_WARN))
87 | # if 0 && defined(VBOX_WITH_WDDM) && defined(DEBUG_misha)
88 | # define __WINE_GET_DEBUGGING_FIXME(dbch) (RT_BREAKPOINT(), ((dbch)->flags & (1 << __WINE_DBCL_FIXME)))
89 | # else
90 | # define __WINE_GET_DEBUGGING_FIXME(dbch) ((dbch)->flags & (1 << __WINE_DBCL_FIXME))
91 | # endif
92 | #else
93 | # define __WINE_GET_DEBUGGING_WARN(dbch) 0
94 | # if 0 && defined(VBOX_WITH_WDDM) && defined(DEBUG_misha)
95 | # define __WINE_GET_DEBUGGING_FIXME(dbch) (RT_BREAKPOINT(), 0)
96 | # else
97 | # define __WINE_GET_DEBUGGING_FIXME(dbch) 0
98 | # endif
99 | #endif
100 |
101 | /* define error macro regardless of what is configured */
102 | #if defined(VBOX_WITH_WDDM) && defined(DEBUG_misha)
103 | #define __WINE_GET_DEBUGGING_ERR(dbch) (RT_BREAKPOINT(), ((dbch)->flags & (1 << __WINE_DBCL_ERR)))
104 | #else
105 | #define __WINE_GET_DEBUGGING_ERR(dbch) ((dbch)->flags & (1 << __WINE_DBCL_ERR))
106 | #endif
107 |
108 | #define __WINE_GET_DEBUGGING(dbcl,dbch) __WINE_GET_DEBUGGING##dbcl(dbch)
109 |
110 | #define __WINE_IS_DEBUG_ON(dbcl,dbch) \
111 | (__WINE_GET_DEBUGGING##dbcl(dbch) && (__wine_dbg_get_channel_flags(dbch) & (1 << __WINE_DBCL##dbcl)))
112 |
113 | #ifdef __GNUC__
114 |
115 | #define __WINE_DPRINTF(dbcl,dbch) \
116 | do { if(__WINE_GET_DEBUGGING(dbcl,(dbch))) { \
117 | struct __wine_debug_channel * const __dbch = (dbch); \
118 | const enum __wine_debug_class __dbcl = __WINE_DBCL##dbcl; \
119 | __WINE_DBG_LOG
120 |
121 | #define __WINE_DBG_LOG(args...) \
122 | wine_dbg_log( __dbcl, __dbch, __FUNCTION__, args); } } while(0)
123 |
124 | #define __WINE_PRINTF_ATTR(fmt,args) __attribute__((format (printf,fmt,args)))
125 |
126 |
127 | #ifdef WINE_NO_TRACE_MSGS
128 | #define WINE_TRACE(args...) do { } while(0)
129 | #define WINE_TRACE_(ch) WINE_TRACE
130 | #endif
131 |
132 | #ifdef WINE_NO_DEBUG_MSGS
133 | #define WINE_WARN(args...) do { } while(0)
134 | #define WINE_WARN_(ch) WINE_WARN
135 | #define WINE_FIXME(args...) do { } while(0)
136 | #define WINE_FIXME_(ch) WINE_FIXME
137 | #endif
138 |
139 | #elif defined(__SUNPRO_C)
140 |
141 | #define __WINE_DPRINTF(dbcl,dbch) \
142 | do { if(__WINE_GET_DEBUGGING(dbcl,(dbch))) { \
143 | struct __wine_debug_channel * const __dbch = (dbch); \
144 | const enum __WINE_DEBUG_CLASS __dbcl = __WINE_DBCL##dbcl; \
145 | __WINE_DBG_LOG
146 |
147 | #define __WINE_DBG_LOG(...) \
148 | wine_dbg_log( __dbcl, __dbch, __func__, __VA_ARGS__); } } while(0)
149 |
150 | #define __WINE_PRINTF_ATTR(fmt,args)
151 |
152 | #ifdef WINE_NO_TRACE_MSGS
153 | #define WINE_TRACE(...) do { } while(0)
154 | #define WINE_TRACE_(ch) WINE_TRACE
155 | #endif
156 |
157 | #ifdef WINE_NO_DEBUG_MSGS
158 | #define WINE_WARN(...) do { } while(0)
159 | #define WINE_WARN_(ch) WINE_WARN
160 | #define WINE_FIXME(...) do { } while(0)
161 | #define WINE_FIXME_(ch) WINE_FIXME
162 | #endif
163 |
164 | #else /* !__GNUC__ && !__SUNPRO_C */
165 |
166 | #define __WINE_DPRINTF(dbcl,dbch) \
167 | (!__WINE_GET_DEBUGGING(dbcl,(dbch)) || \
168 | (wine_dbg_log(__WINE_DBCL##dbcl,(dbch),__FILE__,"%d: ",__LINE__) == -1)) ? \
169 | (void)0 : (void)wine_dbg_printf
170 |
171 | #define __WINE_PRINTF_ATTR(fmt, args)
172 |
173 | #endif /* !__GNUC__ && !__SUNPRO_C */
174 |
175 | struct __wine_debug_functions
176 | {
177 | char * (*get_temp_buffer)( size_t n );
178 | void (*release_temp_buffer)( char *buffer, size_t n );
179 | const char * (*dbgstr_an)( const char * s, int n );
180 | const char * (*dbgstr_wn)( const WCHAR *s, int n );
181 | int (*dbg_vprintf)( const char *format, va_list args );
182 | int (*dbg_vlog)( enum __wine_debug_class cls, struct __wine_debug_channel *channel,
183 | const char *function, const char *format, va_list args );
184 | };
185 |
186 | extern unsigned char __wine_dbg_get_channel_flags( struct __wine_debug_channel *channel );
187 | extern int __wine_dbg_set_channel_flags( struct __wine_debug_channel *channel,
188 | unsigned char set, unsigned char clear );
189 | extern void __wine_dbg_set_functions( const struct __wine_debug_functions *new_funcs,
190 | struct __wine_debug_functions *old_funcs, size_t size );
191 |
192 | /*
193 | * Exported definitions and macros
194 | */
195 |
196 | /* These functions return a printable version of a string, including
197 | quotes. The string will be valid for some time, but not indefinitely
198 | as strings are re-used. */
199 | extern const char *wine_dbgstr_an( const char * s, int n );
200 | extern const char *wine_dbgstr_wn( const WCHAR *s, int n );
201 | extern const char *wine_dbg_sprintf( const char *format, ... ) __WINE_PRINTF_ATTR(1,2);
202 |
203 | extern int wine_dbg_printf( const char *format, ... ) __WINE_PRINTF_ATTR(1,2);
204 | extern int wine_dbg_log( enum __wine_debug_class cls, struct __wine_debug_channel *ch, const char *func,
205 | const char *format, ... ) __WINE_PRINTF_ATTR(4,5);
206 |
207 | static inline const char *wine_dbgstr_a( const char *s )
208 | {
209 | return wine_dbgstr_an( s, -1 );
210 | }
211 |
212 | static inline const char *wine_dbgstr_w( const WCHAR *s )
213 | {
214 | return wine_dbgstr_wn( s, -1 );
215 | }
216 |
217 | static inline const char *wine_dbgstr_guid( const GUID *id )
218 | {
219 | if (!id) return "(null)";
220 | if (!((ULONG_PTR)id >> 16)) return wine_dbg_sprintf( "<guid-0x%04hx>", (WORD)(ULONG_PTR)id );
221 | return wine_dbg_sprintf( "{%08x-%04x-%04x-%02x%02x-%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x}",
222 | id->Data1, id->Data2, id->Data3,
223 | id->Data4[0], id->Data4[1], id->Data4[2], id->Data4[3],
224 | id->Data4[4], id->Data4[5], id->Data4[6], id->Data4[7] );
225 | }
226 |
227 | static inline const char *wine_dbgstr_point( const POINT *pt )
228 | {
229 | if (!pt) return "(null)";
230 | return wine_dbg_sprintf( "(%d,%d)", pt->x, pt->y );
231 | }
232 |
233 | static inline const char *wine_dbgstr_size( const SIZE *size )
234 | {
235 | if (!size) return "(null)";
236 | return wine_dbg_sprintf( "(%d,%d)", size->cx, size->cy );
237 | }
238 |
239 | static inline const char *wine_dbgstr_rect( const RECT *rect )
240 | {
241 | if (!rect) return "(null)";
242 | return wine_dbg_sprintf( "(%d,%d)-(%d,%d)", rect->left, rect->top,
243 | rect->right, rect->bottom );
244 | }
245 |
246 | static inline const char *wine_dbgstr_longlong( ULONGLONG ll )
247 | {
248 | if (sizeof(ll) > sizeof(unsigned long) && ll >> 32)
249 | return wine_dbg_sprintf( "%lx%08lx", (unsigned long)(ll >> 32), (unsigned long)ll );
250 | else return wine_dbg_sprintf( "%lx", (unsigned long)ll );
251 | }
252 |
253 | #ifndef WINE_TRACE
254 | #define WINE_TRACE __WINE_DPRINTF(_TRACE,__wine_dbch___default)
255 | #define WINE_TRACE_(ch) __WINE_DPRINTF(_TRACE,&__wine_dbch_##ch)
256 | #endif
257 | #define WINE_TRACE_ON(ch) __WINE_IS_DEBUG_ON(_TRACE,&__wine_dbch_##ch)
258 |
259 | #ifndef WINE_WARN
260 | #define WINE_WARN __WINE_DPRINTF(_WARN,__wine_dbch___default)
261 | #define WINE_WARN_(ch) __WINE_DPRINTF(_WARN,&__wine_dbch_##ch)
262 | #endif
263 | #define WINE_WARN_ON(ch) __WINE_IS_DEBUG_ON(_WARN,&__wine_dbch_##ch)
264 |
265 | #ifndef WINE_FIXME
266 | #define WINE_FIXME __WINE_DPRINTF(_FIXME,__wine_dbch___default)
267 | #define WINE_FIXME_(ch) __WINE_DPRINTF(_FIXME,&__wine_dbch_##ch)
268 | #endif
269 | #define WINE_FIXME_ON(ch) __WINE_IS_DEBUG_ON(_FIXME,&__wine_dbch_##ch)
270 |
271 | #define WINE_ERR __WINE_DPRINTF(_ERR,__wine_dbch___default)
272 | #define WINE_ERR_(ch) __WINE_DPRINTF(_ERR,&__wine_dbch_##ch)
273 | #define WINE_ERR_ON(ch) __WINE_IS_DEBUG_ON(_ERR,&__wine_dbch_##ch)
274 |
275 | #define WINE_DECLARE_DEBUG_CHANNEL(ch) \
276 | static struct __wine_debug_channel __wine_dbch_##ch = { ~0, #ch }
277 | #define WINE_DEFAULT_DEBUG_CHANNEL(ch) \
278 | static struct __wine_debug_channel __wine_dbch_##ch = { ~0, #ch }; \
279 | static struct __wine_debug_channel * const __wine_dbch___default = &__wine_dbch_##ch
280 |
281 | #define WINE_DPRINTF wine_dbg_printf
282 | #define WINE_MESSAGE wine_dbg_printf
283 |
284 | #ifdef __WINESRC__
285 | /* Wine uses shorter names that are very likely to conflict with other software */
286 |
287 | static inline const char *debugstr_an( const char * s, int n ) { return wine_dbgstr_an( s, n ); }
288 | static inline const char *debugstr_wn( const WCHAR *s, int n ) { return wine_dbgstr_wn( s, n ); }
289 | static inline const char *debugstr_guid( const struct _GUID *id ) { return wine_dbgstr_guid(id); }
290 | static inline const char *debugstr_a( const char *s ) { return wine_dbgstr_an( s, -1 ); }
291 | static inline const char *debugstr_w( const WCHAR *s ) { return wine_dbgstr_wn( s, -1 ); }
292 |
293 | #define TRACE WINE_TRACE
294 | #define TRACE_(ch) WINE_TRACE_(ch)
295 | #define TRACE_ON(ch) WINE_TRACE_ON(ch)
296 |
297 | #define WARN WINE_WARN
298 | #define WARN_(ch) WINE_WARN_(ch)
299 | #define WARN_ON(ch) WINE_WARN_ON(ch)
300 |
301 | #define FIXME WINE_FIXME
302 | #define FIXME_(ch) WINE_FIXME_(ch)
303 | #define FIXME_ON(ch) WINE_FIXME_ON(ch)
304 |
305 | #undef ERR /* Solaris got an 'ERR' define in <sys/reg.h> */
306 | #define ERR WINE_ERR
307 | #define ERR_(ch) WINE_ERR_(ch)
308 | #define ERR_ON(ch) WINE_ERR_ON(ch)
309 |
312 |
313 | #endif /* __WINESRC__ */
314 |
315 | #ifdef __cplusplus
316 | }
317 | #endif
318 |
319 | #endif /* __WINE_WINE_DEBUG_H */