/** @file * * VBoxControl - Guest Additions Utility * * Copyright (C) 2006-2007 innotek GmbH * * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as * available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software; * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU * General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software * Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the * VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include void printHelp() { printf("VBoxControl getversion\n" "\n" "VBoxControl getvideoacceleration\n" "\n" "VBoxControl setvideoacceleration \n" "\n" "VBoxControl listcustommodes\n" "\n" "VBoxControl addcustommode \n" "\n" "VBoxControl removecustommode \n" "\n" "VBoxControl setvideomode \n"); } void printVersion() { printf("%d.%d.%dr%d\n", VBOX_VERSION_MAJOR, VBOX_VERSION_MINOR, VBOX_VERSION_BUILD, VBOX_SVN_REV); } #if defined(DEBUG) || defined(LOG_ENABLED) #define dprintf(a) do { int err = GetLastError (); printf a; SetLastError (err); } while (0) #else #define dprintf(a) do {} while (0) #endif /* DEBUG */ LONG (WINAPI * gpfnChangeDisplaySettingsEx)(LPCTSTR lpszDeviceName, LPDEVMODE lpDevMode, HWND hwnd, DWORD dwflags, LPVOID lParam); static unsigned nextAdjacentRectXP (RECTL *paRects, unsigned nRects, unsigned iRect) { unsigned i; for (i = 0; i < nRects; i++) { if (paRects[iRect].right == paRects[i].left) { return i; } } return ~0; } static unsigned nextAdjacentRectXN (RECTL *paRects, unsigned nRects, unsigned iRect) { unsigned i; for (i = 0; i < nRects; i++) { if (paRects[iRect].left == paRects[i].right) { return i; } } return ~0; } static unsigned nextAdjacentRectYP (RECTL *paRects, unsigned nRects, unsigned iRect) { unsigned i; for (i = 0; i < nRects; i++) { if (paRects[iRect].bottom == paRects[i].top) { return i; } } return ~0; } unsigned nextAdjacentRectYN (RECTL *paRects, unsigned nRects, unsigned iRect) { unsigned i; for (i = 0; i < nRects; i++) { if (paRects[iRect].top == paRects[i].bottom) { return i; } } return ~0; } void resizeRect(RECTL *paRects, unsigned nRects, unsigned iPrimary, unsigned iResized, int NewWidth, int NewHeight) { RECTL *paNewRects = (RECTL *)alloca (sizeof (RECTL) * nRects); memcpy (paNewRects, paRects, sizeof (RECTL) * nRects); paNewRects[iResized].right += NewWidth - (paNewRects[iResized].right - paNewRects[iResized].left); paNewRects[iResized].bottom += NewHeight - (paNewRects[iResized].bottom - paNewRects[iResized].top); /* Verify all pairs of originally adjacent rectangles for all 4 directions. * If the pair has a "good" delta (that is the first rectangle intersects the second) * at a direction and the second rectangle is not primary one (which can not be moved), * move the second rectangle to make it adjacent to the first one. */ /* X positive. */ unsigned iRect; for (iRect = 0; iRect < nRects; iRect++) { /* Find the next adjacent original rect in x positive direction. */ unsigned iNextRect = nextAdjacentRectXP (paRects, nRects, iRect); dprintf(("next %d -> %d\n", iRect, iNextRect)); if (iNextRect == ~0 || iNextRect == iPrimary) { continue; } /* Check whether there is an X intesection between these adjacent rects in the new rectangles * and fix the intersection if delta is "good". */ int delta = paNewRects[iRect].right - paNewRects[iNextRect].left; if (delta > 0) { dprintf(("XP intersection right %d left %d, diff %d\n", paNewRects[iRect].right, paNewRects[iNextRect].left, delta)); paNewRects[iNextRect].left += delta; paNewRects[iNextRect].right += delta; } } /* X negative. */ for (iRect = 0; iRect < nRects; iRect++) { /* Find the next adjacent original rect in x negative direction. */ unsigned iNextRect = nextAdjacentRectXN (paRects, nRects, iRect); dprintf(("next %d -> %d\n", iRect, iNextRect)); if (iNextRect == ~0 || iNextRect == iPrimary) { continue; } /* Check whether there is an X intesection between these adjacent rects in the new rectangles * and fix the intersection if delta is "good". */ int delta = paNewRects[iRect].left - paNewRects[iNextRect].right; if (delta < 0) { dprintf(("XN intersection left %d right %d, diff %d\n", paNewRects[iRect].left, paNewRects[iNextRect].right, delta)); paNewRects[iNextRect].left += delta; paNewRects[iNextRect].right += delta; } } /* Y positive (in the computer sence, top->down). */ for (iRect = 0; iRect < nRects; iRect++) { /* Find the next adjacent original rect in y positive direction. */ unsigned iNextRect = nextAdjacentRectYP (paRects, nRects, iRect); dprintf(("next %d -> %d\n", iRect, iNextRect)); if (iNextRect == ~0 || iNextRect == iPrimary) { continue; } /* Check whether there is an Y intesection between these adjacent rects in the new rectangles * and fix the intersection if delta is "good". */ int delta = paNewRects[iRect].bottom - paNewRects[iNextRect].top; if (delta > 0) { dprintf(("YP intersection bottom %d top %d, diff %d\n", paNewRects[iRect].bottom, paNewRects[iNextRect].top, delta)); paNewRects[iNextRect].top += delta; paNewRects[iNextRect].bottom += delta; } } /* Y negative (in the computer sence, down->top). */ for (iRect = 0; iRect < nRects; iRect++) { /* Find the next adjacent original rect in x negative direction. */ unsigned iNextRect = nextAdjacentRectYN (paRects, nRects, iRect); dprintf(("next %d -> %d\n", iRect, iNextRect)); if (iNextRect == ~0 || iNextRect == iPrimary) { continue; } /* Check whether there is an Y intesection between these adjacent rects in the new rectangles * and fix the intersection if delta is "good". */ int delta = paNewRects[iRect].top - paNewRects[iNextRect].bottom; if (delta < 0) { dprintf(("YN intersection top %d bottom %d, diff %d\n", paNewRects[iRect].top, paNewRects[iNextRect].bottom, delta)); paNewRects[iNextRect].top += delta; paNewRects[iNextRect].bottom += delta; } } memcpy (paRects, paNewRects, sizeof (RECTL) * nRects); return; } /* Returns TRUE to try again. */ static BOOL ResizeDisplayDevice(ULONG Id, DWORD Width, DWORD Height, DWORD BitsPerPixel) { BOOL fModeReset = (Width == 0 && Height == 0 && BitsPerPixel == 0); DISPLAY_DEVICE DisplayDevice; ZeroMemory(&DisplayDevice, sizeof(DisplayDevice)); DisplayDevice.cb = sizeof(DisplayDevice); /* Find out how many display devices the system has */ DWORD NumDevices = 0; DWORD i = 0; while (EnumDisplayDevices (NULL, i, &DisplayDevice, 0)) { dprintf(("[%d] %s\n", i, DisplayDevice.DeviceName)); if (DisplayDevice.StateFlags & DISPLAY_DEVICE_PRIMARY_DEVICE) { dprintf(("Found primary device. err %d\n", GetLastError ())); NumDevices++; } else if (!(DisplayDevice.StateFlags & DISPLAY_DEVICE_MIRRORING_DRIVER)) { dprintf(("Found secondary device. err %d\n", GetLastError ())); NumDevices++; } ZeroMemory(&DisplayDevice, sizeof(DisplayDevice)); DisplayDevice.cb = sizeof(DisplayDevice); i++; } dprintf(("Found total %d devices. err %d\n", NumDevices, GetLastError ())); if (NumDevices == 0 || Id >= NumDevices) { dprintf(("Requested identifier %d is invalid. err %d\n", Id, GetLastError ())); return FALSE; } DISPLAY_DEVICE *paDisplayDevices = (DISPLAY_DEVICE *)alloca (sizeof (DISPLAY_DEVICE) * NumDevices); DEVMODE *paDeviceModes = (DEVMODE *)alloca (sizeof (DEVMODE) * NumDevices); RECTL *paRects = (RECTL *)alloca (sizeof (RECTL) * NumDevices); /* Fetch information about current devices and modes. */ DWORD DevNum = 0; DWORD DevPrimaryNum = 0; ZeroMemory(&DisplayDevice, sizeof(DISPLAY_DEVICE)); DisplayDevice.cb = sizeof(DISPLAY_DEVICE); i = 0; while (EnumDisplayDevices (NULL, i, &DisplayDevice, 0)) { dprintf(("[%d(%d)] %s\n", i, DevNum, DisplayDevice.DeviceName)); BOOL bFetchDevice = FALSE; if (DisplayDevice.StateFlags & DISPLAY_DEVICE_PRIMARY_DEVICE) { dprintf(("Found primary device. err %d\n", GetLastError ())); DevPrimaryNum = DevNum; bFetchDevice = TRUE; } else if (!(DisplayDevice.StateFlags & DISPLAY_DEVICE_MIRRORING_DRIVER)) { dprintf(("Found secondary device. err %d\n", GetLastError ())); bFetchDevice = TRUE; } if (bFetchDevice) { if (DevNum >= NumDevices) { dprintf(("%d >= %d\n", NumDevices, DevNum)); return FALSE; } paDisplayDevices[DevNum] = DisplayDevice; ZeroMemory(&paDeviceModes[DevNum], sizeof(DEVMODE)); paDeviceModes[DevNum].dmSize = sizeof(DEVMODE); if (!EnumDisplaySettings((LPSTR)DisplayDevice.DeviceName, ENUM_REGISTRY_SETTINGS, &paDeviceModes[DevNum])) { dprintf(("EnumDisplaySettings err %d\n", GetLastError ())); return FALSE; } dprintf(("%dx%d at %d,%d\n", paDeviceModes[DevNum].dmPelsWidth, paDeviceModes[DevNum].dmPelsHeight, paDeviceModes[DevNum].dmPosition.x, paDeviceModes[DevNum].dmPosition.y)); paRects[DevNum].left = paDeviceModes[DevNum].dmPosition.x; paRects[DevNum].top = paDeviceModes[DevNum].dmPosition.y; paRects[DevNum].right = paDeviceModes[DevNum].dmPosition.x + paDeviceModes[DevNum].dmPelsWidth; paRects[DevNum].bottom = paDeviceModes[DevNum].dmPosition.y + paDeviceModes[DevNum].dmPelsHeight; DevNum++; } ZeroMemory(&DisplayDevice, sizeof(DISPLAY_DEVICE)); DisplayDevice.cb = sizeof(DISPLAY_DEVICE); i++; } if (Width == 0) { Width = paRects[Id].right - paRects[Id].left; } if (Height == 0) { Height = paRects[Id].bottom - paRects[Id].top; } /* Check whether a mode reset or a change is requested. */ if ( !fModeReset && paRects[Id].right - paRects[Id].left == Width && paRects[Id].bottom - paRects[Id].top == Height && paDeviceModes[Id].dmBitsPerPel == BitsPerPixel) { dprintf(("VBoxDisplayThread : already at desired resolution.\n")); return FALSE; } resizeRect(paRects, NumDevices, DevPrimaryNum, Id, Width, Height); #ifdef dprintf for (i = 0; i < NumDevices; i++) { dprintf(("[%d]: %d,%d %dx%d\n", i, paRects[i].left, paRects[i].top, paRects[i].right - paRects[i].left, paRects[i].bottom - paRects[i].top)); } #endif /* dprintf */ /* Without this, Windows will not ask the miniport for its * mode table but uses an internal cache instead. */ DEVMODE tempDevMode; ZeroMemory (&tempDevMode, sizeof (tempDevMode)); tempDevMode.dmSize = sizeof(DEVMODE); EnumDisplaySettings(NULL, 0xffffff, &tempDevMode); /* Assign the new rectangles to displays. */ for (i = 0; i < NumDevices; i++) { paDeviceModes[i].dmPosition.x = paRects[i].left; paDeviceModes[i].dmPosition.y = paRects[i].top; paDeviceModes[i].dmPelsWidth = paRects[i].right - paRects[i].left; paDeviceModes[i].dmPelsHeight = paRects[i].bottom - paRects[i].top; paDeviceModes[i].dmFields = DM_POSITION | DM_PELSHEIGHT | DM_PELSWIDTH; if ( i == Id && BitsPerPixel != 0) { paDeviceModes[i].dmFields |= DM_BITSPERPEL; paDeviceModes[i].dmBitsPerPel = BitsPerPixel; } dprintf(("calling pfnChangeDisplaySettingsEx %x\n", gpfnChangeDisplaySettingsEx)); gpfnChangeDisplaySettingsEx((LPSTR)paDisplayDevices[i].DeviceName, &paDeviceModes[i], NULL, CDS_NORESET | CDS_UPDATEREGISTRY, NULL); dprintf(("ChangeDisplaySettings position err %d\n", GetLastError ())); } /* A second call to ChangeDisplaySettings updates the monitor. */ LONG status = ChangeDisplaySettings(NULL, 0); dprintf(("ChangeDisplaySettings update status %d\n", status)); if (status == DISP_CHANGE_SUCCESSFUL || status == DISP_CHANGE_BADMODE) { /* Successfully set new video mode or our driver can not set the requested mode. Stop trying. */ return FALSE; } /* Retry the request. */ return TRUE; } void handleSetVideoMode(int argc, char *argv[]) { if (argc != 3 && argc != 4) { printf("Error: not enough parameters!\n"); return; } DWORD xres = atoi(argv[0]); DWORD yres = atoi(argv[1]); DWORD bpp = atoi(argv[2]); DWORD scr = 0; if (argc == 4) { scr = atoi(argv[3]); } HMODULE hUser = GetModuleHandle("USER32"); if (hUser) { *(uintptr_t *)&gpfnChangeDisplaySettingsEx = (uintptr_t)GetProcAddress(hUser, "ChangeDisplaySettingsExA"); dprintf(("VBoxService: pChangeDisplaySettingsEx = %p\n", gpfnChangeDisplaySettingsEx)); if (gpfnChangeDisplaySettingsEx) { /* The screen index is 0 based in the ResizeDisplayDevice call. */ scr = scr > 0? scr - 1: 0; /* Horizontal resolution must be a multiple of 8, round down. */ xres &= ~0x7; ResizeDisplayDevice(scr, xres, yres, bpp); } } } HKEY getVideoKey(bool writable) { HKEY hkeyDeviceMap = 0; HKEY hkeyVideo = 0; LONG status; status = RegOpenKeyExA(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "HARDWARE\\DEVICEMAP\\VIDEO", 0, KEY_READ, &hkeyDeviceMap); if ((status != ERROR_SUCCESS) || !hkeyDeviceMap) { printf("Error opening video device map registry key!\n"); return 0; } char szVideoLocation[256]; DWORD dwKeyType; szVideoLocation[0] = 0; DWORD len = sizeof(szVideoLocation); status = RegQueryValueExA(hkeyDeviceMap, "\\Device\\Video0", NULL, &dwKeyType, (LPBYTE)szVideoLocation, &len); /* * This value will start with a weird value: \REGISTRY\Machine * Make sure this is true. */ if ( (status == ERROR_SUCCESS) && (dwKeyType == REG_SZ) && (_strnicmp(szVideoLocation, "\\REGISTRY\\Machine", 17) == 0)) { /* open that branch */ status = RegOpenKeyExA(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, &szVideoLocation[18], 0, KEY_READ | (writable ? KEY_WRITE : 0), &hkeyVideo); } else { printf("Error opening registry key '%s'\n", &szVideoLocation[18]); } RegCloseKey(hkeyDeviceMap); return hkeyVideo; } void handleGetVideoAcceleration(int argc, char *argv[]) { ULONG status; HKEY hkeyVideo = getVideoKey(false); if (hkeyVideo) { /* query the actual value */ DWORD fAcceleration = 1; DWORD len = sizeof(fAcceleration); DWORD dwKeyType; status = RegQueryValueExA(hkeyVideo, "EnableVideoAccel", NULL, &dwKeyType, (LPBYTE)&fAcceleration, &len); if (status != ERROR_SUCCESS) printf("Video acceleration: default\n"); else printf("Video acceleration: %s\n", fAcceleration ? "on" : "off"); RegCloseKey(hkeyVideo); } } void handleSetVideoAcceleration(int argc, char *argv[]) { ULONG status; HKEY hkeyVideo; /* must have exactly one argument: the new offset */ if ( (argc != 1) || ( strcmp(argv[0], "on") && strcmp(argv[0], "off"))) { printf("Error: invalid video acceleration status!\n"); return; } hkeyVideo = getVideoKey(true); if (hkeyVideo) { int fAccel = 0; if (!strcmp(argv[0], "on")) fAccel = 1; /* set a new value */ status = RegSetValueExA(hkeyVideo, "EnableVideoAccel", 0, REG_DWORD, (LPBYTE)&fAccel, sizeof(fAccel)); if (status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { printf("Error %d writing video acceleration status!\n", status); } RegCloseKey(hkeyVideo); } } #define MAX_CUSTOM_MODES 128 /* the table of custom modes */ struct { DWORD xres; DWORD yres; DWORD bpp; } customModes[MAX_CUSTOM_MODES] = {0}; void getCustomModes(HKEY hkeyVideo) { ULONG status; int curMode = 0; /* null out the table */ memset(customModes, 0, sizeof(customModes)); do { char valueName[20]; DWORD xres, yres, bpp = 0; DWORD dwType; DWORD dwLen = sizeof(DWORD); sprintf(valueName, "CustomMode%dWidth", curMode); status = RegQueryValueExA(hkeyVideo, valueName, NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE)&xres, &dwLen); if (status != ERROR_SUCCESS) break; sprintf(valueName, "CustomMode%dHeight", curMode); status = RegQueryValueExA(hkeyVideo, valueName, NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE)&yres, &dwLen); if (status != ERROR_SUCCESS) break; sprintf(valueName, "CustomMode%dBPP", curMode); status = RegQueryValueExA(hkeyVideo, valueName, NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE)&bpp, &dwLen); if (status != ERROR_SUCCESS) break; /* check if the mode is OK */ if ( (xres > (1 << 16)) && (yres > (1 << 16)) && ( (bpp != 16) || (bpp != 24) || (bpp != 32))) break; /* add mode to table */ customModes[curMode].xres = xres; customModes[curMode].yres = yres; customModes[curMode].bpp = bpp; ++curMode; if (curMode >= MAX_CUSTOM_MODES) break; } while(1); } void writeCustomModes(HKEY hkeyVideo) { ULONG status; int tableIndex = 0; int modeIndex = 0; /* first remove all values */ for (int i = 0; i < MAX_CUSTOM_MODES; i++) { char valueName[20]; sprintf(valueName, "CustomMode%dWidth", i); RegDeleteValueA(hkeyVideo, valueName); sprintf(valueName, "CustomMode%dHeight", i); RegDeleteValueA(hkeyVideo, valueName); sprintf(valueName, "CustomMode%dBPP", i); RegDeleteValueA(hkeyVideo, valueName); } do { if (tableIndex >= MAX_CUSTOM_MODES) break; /* is the table entry present? */ if ( (!customModes[tableIndex].xres) || (!customModes[tableIndex].yres) || (!customModes[tableIndex].bpp)) { tableIndex++; continue; } printf("writing mode %d (%dx%dx%d)\n", modeIndex, customModes[tableIndex].xres, customModes[tableIndex].yres, customModes[tableIndex].bpp); char valueName[20]; sprintf(valueName, "CustomMode%dWidth", modeIndex); status = RegSetValueExA(hkeyVideo, valueName, 0, REG_DWORD, (LPBYTE)&customModes[tableIndex].xres, sizeof(customModes[tableIndex].xres)); sprintf(valueName, "CustomMode%dHeight", modeIndex); RegSetValueExA(hkeyVideo, valueName, 0, REG_DWORD, (LPBYTE)&customModes[tableIndex].yres, sizeof(customModes[tableIndex].yres)); sprintf(valueName, "CustomMode%dBPP", modeIndex); RegSetValueExA(hkeyVideo, valueName, 0, REG_DWORD, (LPBYTE)&customModes[tableIndex].bpp, sizeof(customModes[tableIndex].bpp)); modeIndex++; tableIndex++; } while(1); } void handleListCustomModes(int argc, char *argv[]) { if (argc != 0) { printf("Error: too many parameters!"); return; } HKEY hkeyVideo = getVideoKey(false); if (hkeyVideo) { getCustomModes(hkeyVideo); for (int i = 0; i < (sizeof(customModes) / sizeof(customModes[0])); i++) { if ( !customModes[i].xres || !customModes[i].yres || !customModes[i].bpp) continue; printf("Mode: %d x %d x %d\n", customModes[i].xres, customModes[i].yres, customModes[i].bpp); } RegCloseKey(hkeyVideo); } } void handleAddCustomMode(int argc, char *argv[]) { if (argc != 3) { printf("Error: not enough parameters!\n"); return; } DWORD xres = atoi(argv[0]); DWORD yres = atoi(argv[1]); DWORD bpp = atoi(argv[2]); /** @todo better check including xres mod 8 = 0! */ if ( (xres > (1 << 16)) && (yres > (1 << 16)) && ( (bpp != 16) || (bpp != 24) || (bpp != 32))) { printf("Error: invalid mode specified!\n"); return; } HKEY hkeyVideo = getVideoKey(true); if (hkeyVideo) { int i; int fModeExists = 0; getCustomModes(hkeyVideo); for (i = 0; i < MAX_CUSTOM_MODES; i++) { /* mode exists? */ if ( customModes[i].xres == xres && customModes[i].yres == yres && customModes[i].bpp == bpp ) { fModeExists = 1; } } if (!fModeExists) { for (i = 0; i < MAX_CUSTOM_MODES; i++) { /* item free? */ if (!customModes[i].xres) { customModes[i].xres = xres; customModes[i].yres = yres; customModes[i].bpp = bpp; break; } } writeCustomModes(hkeyVideo); } RegCloseKey(hkeyVideo); } } void handleRemoveCustomMode(int argc, char *argv[]) { if (argc != 3) { printf("Error: not enough parameters!\n"); return; } DWORD xres = atoi(argv[0]); DWORD yres = atoi(argv[1]); DWORD bpp = atoi(argv[2]); HKEY hkeyVideo = getVideoKey(true); if (hkeyVideo) { getCustomModes(hkeyVideo); for (int i = 0; i < MAX_CUSTOM_MODES; i++) { /* correct item? */ if ( (customModes[i].xres == xres) && (customModes[i].yres == yres) && (customModes[i].bpp == bpp)) { printf("found mode at index %d\n", i); memset(&customModes[i], 0, sizeof(customModes[i])); break; } } writeCustomModes(hkeyVideo); RegCloseKey(hkeyVideo); } } /** * Main function */ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { if (argc < 2) { printHelp(); return 1; } /* todo: add better / stable command line handling here! */ /* determine which command */ if ((stricmp(argv[1], "getversion") == 0) || (stricmp(argv[1], "-v") == 0) || (stricmp(argv[1], "--version") == 0) || (stricmp(argv[1], "-version") == 0)) { printVersion(); } else if (stricmp(argv[1], "getvideoacceleration") == 0) { handleGetVideoAcceleration(argc - 2, &argv[2]); } else if (stricmp(argv[1], "setvideoacceleration") == 0) { handleSetVideoAcceleration(argc - 2, &argv[2]); } else if (stricmp(argv[1], "listcustommodes") == 0) { handleListCustomModes(argc - 2, &argv[2]); } else if (stricmp(argv[1], "addcustommode") == 0) { handleAddCustomMode(argc - 2, &argv[2]); } else if (stricmp(argv[1], "removecustommode") == 0) { handleRemoveCustomMode(argc - 2, &argv[2]); } else if (stricmp(argv[1], "setvideomode") == 0) { handleSetVideoMode(argc - 2, &argv[2]); } else { printHelp(); return 1; } return 0; }