/* $Id: VBoxDisplay.cpp 32588 2010-09-17 11:10:40Z vboxsync $ */ /** @file * VBoxSeamless - Display notifications. */ /* * Copyright (C) 2006-2007 Oracle Corporation * * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as * available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software; * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU * General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software * Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the * VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind. */ #define _WIN32_WINNT 0x0500 #include #include "VBoxTray.h" #include "VBoxSeamless.h" #include #include #include #include #include "helpers.h" #include typedef struct _VBOXDISPLAYCONTEXT { const VBOXSERVICEENV *pEnv; /* ChangeDisplaySettingsEx does not exist in NT. ResizeDisplayDevice uses the function. */ LONG (WINAPI * pfnChangeDisplaySettingsEx)(LPCTSTR lpszDeviceName, LPDEVMODE lpDevMode, HWND hwnd, DWORD dwflags, LPVOID lParam); /* EnumDisplayDevices does not exist in NT. isVBoxDisplayDriverActive et al. are using these functions. */ BOOL (WINAPI * pfnEnumDisplayDevices)(IN LPCSTR lpDevice, IN DWORD iDevNum, OUT PDISPLAY_DEVICEA lpDisplayDevice, IN DWORD dwFlags); } VBOXDISPLAYCONTEXT; static VBOXDISPLAYCONTEXT gCtx = {0}; #ifdef VBOXWDDM static bool vboxWddmReinitVideoModes(VBOXDISPLAYCONTEXT *pCtx) { VBOXDISPIFESCAPE escape = {0}; escape.escapeCode = VBOXESC_REINITVIDEOMODES; DWORD err = VBoxDispIfEscape(&pCtx->pEnv->dispIf, &escape, 0); if (err != NO_ERROR) { Log((__FUNCTION__": VBoxDispIfEscape failed with err (%d)\n", err)); return false; } return true; } typedef enum { VBOXDISPLAY_DRIVER_TYPE_UNKNOWN = 0, VBOXDISPLAY_DRIVER_TYPE_XPDM = 1, VBOXDISPLAY_DRIVER_TYPE_WDDM = 2 } VBOXDISPLAY_DRIVER_TYPE; static VBOXDISPLAY_DRIVER_TYPE getVBoxDisplayDriverType (VBOXDISPLAYCONTEXT *pCtx); #endif int VBoxDisplayInit(const VBOXSERVICEENV *pEnv, void **ppInstance, bool *pfStartThread) { OSVERSIONINFO OSinfo; OSinfo.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof (OSinfo); GetVersionEx (&OSinfo); HMODULE hUser = GetModuleHandle("USER32"); gCtx.pEnv = pEnv; if (NULL == hUser) { Log(("VBoxTray: Could not get module handle of USER32.DLL!\n")); return VERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } else if (OSinfo.dwMajorVersion >= 5) /* APIs available only on W2K and up! */ { *(uintptr_t *)&gCtx.pfnChangeDisplaySettingsEx = (uintptr_t)GetProcAddress(hUser, "ChangeDisplaySettingsExA"); Log(("VBoxTray: pfnChangeDisplaySettingsEx = %p\n", gCtx.pfnChangeDisplaySettingsEx)); *(uintptr_t *)&gCtx.pfnEnumDisplayDevices = (uintptr_t)GetProcAddress(hUser, "EnumDisplayDevicesA"); Log(("VBoxTray: pfnEnumDisplayDevices = %p\n", gCtx.pfnEnumDisplayDevices)); #ifdef VBOXWDDM if (OSinfo.dwMajorVersion >= 6) { /* this is vista and up, check if we need to switch the display driver if to WDDM mode */ Log(("VBoxTray: this is vista and up\n")); VBOXDISPLAY_DRIVER_TYPE enmType = getVBoxDisplayDriverType (&gCtx); if (enmType == VBOXDISPLAY_DRIVER_TYPE_WDDM) { Log(("VBoxTray: WDDM driver is installed, switching display driver if to WDDM mode\n")); /* this is hacky, but the most easiest way */ DWORD err = VBoxDispIfSwitchMode(const_cast(&pEnv->dispIf), VBOXDISPIF_MODE_WDDM, NULL /* old mode, we don't care about it */); if (err == NO_ERROR) Log(("VBoxTray: DispIf switched to WDDM mode successfully\n")); else Log(("VBoxTray: failed to switch DispIf to WDDM mode, err (%d)\n", err)); } } #endif } else if (OSinfo.dwMajorVersion <= 4) /* Windows NT 4.0 */ { /* Nothing to do here yet */ } else /* Unsupported platform */ { Log(("VBoxTray: Warning, display for platform not handled yet!\n")); return VERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } Log(("VBoxTray: Display init successful.\n")); *pfStartThread = true; *ppInstance = (void *)&gCtx; return VINF_SUCCESS; } void VBoxDisplayDestroy (const VBOXSERVICEENV *pEnv, void *pInstance) { return; } #ifdef VBOXWDDM static VBOXDISPLAY_DRIVER_TYPE getVBoxDisplayDriverType (VBOXDISPLAYCONTEXT *pCtx) #else static bool isVBoxDisplayDriverActive (VBOXDISPLAYCONTEXT *pCtx) #endif { #ifdef VBOXWDDM VBOXDISPLAY_DRIVER_TYPE enmType = VBOXDISPLAY_DRIVER_TYPE_UNKNOWN; #else bool result = false; #endif if( pCtx->pfnEnumDisplayDevices ) { INT devNum = 0; DISPLAY_DEVICE dispDevice; FillMemory(&dispDevice, sizeof(DISPLAY_DEVICE), 0); dispDevice.cb = sizeof(DISPLAY_DEVICE); Log(("VBoxTray: Checking for active VBox display driver (W2K+)...\n")); while (EnumDisplayDevices(NULL, devNum, &dispDevice, 0)) { Log(("VBoxTray: DevNum:%d\nName:%s\nString:%s\nID:%s\nKey:%s\nFlags=%08X\n\n", devNum, &dispDevice.DeviceName[0], &dispDevice.DeviceString[0], &dispDevice.DeviceID[0], &dispDevice.DeviceKey[0], dispDevice.StateFlags)); if (dispDevice.StateFlags & DISPLAY_DEVICE_PRIMARY_DEVICE) { Log(("VBoxTray: Primary device.\n")); if (strcmp(&dispDevice.DeviceString[0], "VirtualBox Graphics Adapter") == 0) #ifndef VBOXWDDM result = true; #else enmType = VBOXDISPLAY_DRIVER_TYPE_XPDM; else if (strcmp(&dispDevice.DeviceString[0], "VirtualBox Graphics Adapter (Microsoft Corporation - WDDM)") == 0) enmType = VBOXDISPLAY_DRIVER_TYPE_WDDM; #endif break; } FillMemory(&dispDevice, sizeof(DISPLAY_DEVICE), 0); dispDevice.cb = sizeof(DISPLAY_DEVICE); devNum++; } } else /* This must be NT 4 or something really old, so don't use EnumDisplayDevices() here ... */ { Log(("VBoxTray: Checking for active VBox display driver (NT or older)...\n")); DEVMODE tempDevMode; ZeroMemory (&tempDevMode, sizeof (tempDevMode)); tempDevMode.dmSize = sizeof(DEVMODE); EnumDisplaySettings(NULL, ENUM_CURRENT_SETTINGS, &tempDevMode); /* Get current display device settings */ /* Check for the short name, because all long stuff would be truncated */ if (strcmp((char*)&tempDevMode.dmDeviceName[0], "VBoxDisp") == 0) #ifndef VBOXWDDM result = true; #else enmType = VBOXDISPLAY_DRIVER_TYPE_XPDM; #endif } #ifndef VBOXWDDM return result; #else return enmType; #endif } /* Returns TRUE to try again. */ static BOOL ResizeDisplayDevice( ULONG Id, DWORD Width, DWORD Height, DWORD BitsPerPixel ) { BOOL fModeReset = (Width == 0 && Height == 0 && BitsPerPixel == 0); DISPLAY_DEVICE DisplayDevice; ZeroMemory(&DisplayDevice, sizeof(DisplayDevice)); DisplayDevice.cb = sizeof(DisplayDevice); /* Find out how many display devices the system has */ DWORD NumDevices = 0; DWORD i = 0; while (EnumDisplayDevices (NULL, i, &DisplayDevice, 0)) { Log(("VBoxTray: [%d] %s\n", i, DisplayDevice.DeviceName)); if (DisplayDevice.StateFlags & DISPLAY_DEVICE_PRIMARY_DEVICE) { Log(("VBoxTray: ResizeDisplayDevice: Found primary device. err %d\n", GetLastError ())); NumDevices++; } else if (!(DisplayDevice.StateFlags & DISPLAY_DEVICE_MIRRORING_DRIVER)) { Log(("VBoxTray: ResizeDisplayDevice: Found secondary device. err %d\n", GetLastError ())); NumDevices++; } ZeroMemory(&DisplayDevice, sizeof(DisplayDevice)); DisplayDevice.cb = sizeof(DisplayDevice); i++; } Log(("VBoxTray: ResizeDisplayDevice: Found total %d devices. err %d\n", NumDevices, GetLastError ())); if (NumDevices == 0 || Id >= NumDevices) { Log(("VBoxTray: ResizeDisplayDevice: Requested identifier %d is invalid. err %d\n", Id, GetLastError ())); return FALSE; } DISPLAY_DEVICE *paDisplayDevices = (DISPLAY_DEVICE *)alloca (sizeof (DISPLAY_DEVICE) * NumDevices); DEVMODE *paDeviceModes = (DEVMODE *)alloca (sizeof (DEVMODE) * NumDevices); RECTL *paRects = (RECTL *)alloca (sizeof (RECTL) * NumDevices); /* Fetch information about current devices and modes. */ DWORD DevNum = 0; DWORD DevPrimaryNum = 0; ZeroMemory(&DisplayDevice, sizeof(DISPLAY_DEVICE)); DisplayDevice.cb = sizeof(DISPLAY_DEVICE); i = 0; while (EnumDisplayDevices (NULL, i, &DisplayDevice, 0)) { Log(("VBoxTray: ResizeDisplayDevice: [%d(%d)] %s\n", i, DevNum, DisplayDevice.DeviceName)); BOOL bFetchDevice = FALSE; if (DisplayDevice.StateFlags & DISPLAY_DEVICE_PRIMARY_DEVICE) { Log(("VBoxTray: ResizeDisplayDevice: Found primary device. err %d\n", GetLastError ())); DevPrimaryNum = DevNum; bFetchDevice = TRUE; } else if (!(DisplayDevice.StateFlags & DISPLAY_DEVICE_MIRRORING_DRIVER)) { Log(("VBoxTray: ResizeDisplayDevice: Found secondary device. err %d\n", GetLastError ())); bFetchDevice = TRUE; } if (bFetchDevice) { if (DevNum >= NumDevices) { Log(("VBoxTray: ResizeDisplayDevice: %d >= %d\n", NumDevices, DevNum)); return FALSE; } paDisplayDevices[DevNum] = DisplayDevice; /* First try to get the video mode stored in registry (ENUM_REGISTRY_SETTINGS). * A secondary display could be not active at the moment and would not have * a current video mode (ENUM_CURRENT_SETTINGS). */ ZeroMemory(&paDeviceModes[DevNum], sizeof(DEVMODE)); paDeviceModes[DevNum].dmSize = sizeof(DEVMODE); if (!EnumDisplaySettings((LPSTR)DisplayDevice.DeviceName, ENUM_REGISTRY_SETTINGS, &paDeviceModes[DevNum])) { Log(("VBoxTray: ResizeDisplayDevice: EnumDisplaySettings err %d\n", GetLastError ())); return FALSE; } if ( paDeviceModes[DevNum].dmPelsWidth == 0 || paDeviceModes[DevNum].dmPelsHeight == 0) { /* No ENUM_REGISTRY_SETTINGS yet. Seen on Vista after installation. * Get the current video mode then. */ ZeroMemory(&paDeviceModes[DevNum], sizeof(DEVMODE)); paDeviceModes[DevNum].dmSize = sizeof(DEVMODE); if (!EnumDisplaySettings((LPSTR)DisplayDevice.DeviceName, ENUM_CURRENT_SETTINGS, &paDeviceModes[DevNum])) { /* ENUM_CURRENT_SETTINGS returns FALSE when the display is not active: * for example a disabled secondary display. * Do not return here, ignore the error and set the display info to 0x0x0. */ Log(("VBoxTray: EnumDisplaySettings(ENUM_CURRENT_SETTINGS) err %d\n", GetLastError ())); ZeroMemory(&paDeviceModes[DevNum], sizeof(DEVMODE)); } } Log(("VBoxTray: ResizeDisplayDevice: %dx%dx%d at %d,%d\n", paDeviceModes[DevNum].dmPelsWidth, paDeviceModes[DevNum].dmPelsHeight, paDeviceModes[DevNum].dmBitsPerPel, paDeviceModes[DevNum].dmPosition.x, paDeviceModes[DevNum].dmPosition.y)); paRects[DevNum].left = paDeviceModes[DevNum].dmPosition.x; paRects[DevNum].top = paDeviceModes[DevNum].dmPosition.y; paRects[DevNum].right = paDeviceModes[DevNum].dmPosition.x + paDeviceModes[DevNum].dmPelsWidth; paRects[DevNum].bottom = paDeviceModes[DevNum].dmPosition.y + paDeviceModes[DevNum].dmPelsHeight; DevNum++; } ZeroMemory(&DisplayDevice, sizeof(DISPLAY_DEVICE)); DisplayDevice.cb = sizeof(DISPLAY_DEVICE); i++; } /* Width, height equal to 0 means that this value must be not changed. * Update input parameters if necessary. * Note: BitsPerPixel is taken into account later, when new rectangles * are assigned to displays. */ if (Width == 0) { Width = paRects[Id].right - paRects[Id].left; } if (Height == 0) { Height = paRects[Id].bottom - paRects[Id].top; } /* Check whether a mode reset or a change is requested. */ if ( !fModeReset && paRects[Id].right - paRects[Id].left == Width && paRects[Id].bottom - paRects[Id].top == Height && paDeviceModes[Id].dmBitsPerPel == BitsPerPixel) { Log(("VBoxTray: ResizeDisplayDevice: Already at desired resolution.\n")); return FALSE; } resizeRect(paRects, NumDevices, DevPrimaryNum, Id, Width, Height); #ifdef Log for (i = 0; i < NumDevices; i++) { Log(("VBoxTray: ResizeDisplayDevice: [%d]: %d,%d %dx%d\n", i, paRects[i].left, paRects[i].top, paRects[i].right - paRects[i].left, paRects[i].bottom - paRects[i].top)); } #endif /* Log */ /* Without this, Windows will not ask the miniport for its * mode table but uses an internal cache instead. */ for (i = 0; i < NumDevices; i++) { DEVMODE tempDevMode; ZeroMemory (&tempDevMode, sizeof (tempDevMode)); tempDevMode.dmSize = sizeof(DEVMODE); EnumDisplaySettings((LPSTR)paDisplayDevices[i].DeviceName, 0xffffff, &tempDevMode); Log(("VBoxTray: ResizeDisplayDevice: EnumDisplaySettings last error %d\n", GetLastError ())); } /* Assign the new rectangles to displays. */ for (i = 0; i < NumDevices; i++) { paDeviceModes[i].dmPosition.x = paRects[i].left; paDeviceModes[i].dmPosition.y = paRects[i].top; paDeviceModes[i].dmPelsWidth = paRects[i].right - paRects[i].left; paDeviceModes[i].dmPelsHeight = paRects[i].bottom - paRects[i].top; /* On Vista one must specify DM_BITSPERPEL. * Note that the current mode dmBitsPerPel is already in the DEVMODE structure. */ paDeviceModes[i].dmFields = DM_POSITION | DM_PELSHEIGHT | DM_PELSWIDTH | DM_BITSPERPEL; if ( i == Id && BitsPerPixel != 0) { /* Change dmBitsPerPel if requested. */ paDeviceModes[i].dmBitsPerPel = BitsPerPixel; } Log(("VBoxTray: ResizeDisplayDevice: pfnChangeDisplaySettingsEx %x: %dx%dx%d at %d,%d\n", gCtx.pfnChangeDisplaySettingsEx, paDeviceModes[i].dmPelsWidth, paDeviceModes[i].dmPelsHeight, paDeviceModes[i].dmBitsPerPel, paDeviceModes[i].dmPosition.x, paDeviceModes[i].dmPosition.y)); LONG status = gCtx.pfnChangeDisplaySettingsEx((LPSTR)paDisplayDevices[i].DeviceName, &paDeviceModes[i], NULL, CDS_NORESET | CDS_UPDATEREGISTRY, NULL); Log(("VBoxTray: ResizeDisplayDevice: ChangeDisplaySettingsEx position status %d, err %d\n", status, GetLastError ())); } /* A second call to ChangeDisplaySettings updates the monitor. */ LONG status = gCtx.pfnChangeDisplaySettingsEx(NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL); Log(("VBoxTray: ResizeDisplayDevice: ChangeDisplaySettings update status %d\n", status)); if (status == DISP_CHANGE_SUCCESSFUL || status == DISP_CHANGE_BADMODE) { /* Successfully set new video mode or our driver can not set the requested mode. Stop trying. */ return FALSE; } /* Retry the request. */ return TRUE; } /** * Thread function to wait for and process display change * requests */ unsigned __stdcall VBoxDisplayThread (void *pInstance) { VBOXDISPLAYCONTEXT *pCtx = (VBOXDISPLAYCONTEXT *)pInstance; HANDLE gVBoxDriver = pCtx->pEnv->hDriver; bool fTerminate = false; VBoxGuestFilterMaskInfo maskInfo; DWORD cbReturned; maskInfo.u32OrMask = VMMDEV_EVENT_DISPLAY_CHANGE_REQUEST | VMMDEV_EVENT_MOUSE_CAPABILITIES_CHANGED; maskInfo.u32NotMask = 0; if (DeviceIoControl (gVBoxDriver, VBOXGUEST_IOCTL_CTL_FILTER_MASK, &maskInfo, sizeof (maskInfo), NULL, 0, &cbReturned, NULL)) { Log(("VBoxTray: VBoxDisplayThread: DeviceIOControl(CtlMask - or) succeeded\n")); } else { Log(("VBoxTray: VBoxDisplayThread: DeviceIOControl(CtlMask) failed, DisplayChangeThread exited\n")); return -1; } do { /* wait for a display change event */ VBoxGuestWaitEventInfo waitEvent; waitEvent.u32TimeoutIn = 1000; waitEvent.u32EventMaskIn = VMMDEV_EVENT_DISPLAY_CHANGE_REQUEST | VMMDEV_EVENT_MOUSE_CAPABILITIES_CHANGED; if (DeviceIoControl(gVBoxDriver, VBOXGUEST_IOCTL_WAITEVENT, &waitEvent, sizeof(waitEvent), &waitEvent, sizeof(waitEvent), &cbReturned, NULL)) { /*Log(("VBoxTray: VBoxDisplayThread: DeviceIOControl succeded\n"));*/ if (NULL == pCtx) { Log(("VBoxTray: VBoxDisplayThread: Invalid context detected!\n")); break; } if (NULL == pCtx->pEnv) { Log(("VBoxTray: VBoxDisplayThread: Invalid context environment detected!\n")); break; } /* are we supposed to stop? */ if (WaitForSingleObject(pCtx->pEnv->hStopEvent, 0) == WAIT_OBJECT_0) break; /*Log(("VBoxTray: VBoxDisplayThread: checking event\n"));*/ /* did we get the right event? */ if (waitEvent.u32EventFlagsOut & VMMDEV_EVENT_DISPLAY_CHANGE_REQUEST) { Log(("VBoxTray: VBoxDisplayThread: going to get display change information\n")); /* We got at least one event. Read the requested resolution * and try to set it until success. New events will not be seen * but a new resolution will be read in this poll loop. */ for (;;) { /* get the display change request */ VMMDevDisplayChangeRequest2 displayChangeRequest = {0}; displayChangeRequest.header.size = sizeof(VMMDevDisplayChangeRequest2); displayChangeRequest.header.version = VMMDEV_REQUEST_HEADER_VERSION; displayChangeRequest.header.requestType = VMMDevReq_GetDisplayChangeRequest2; displayChangeRequest.eventAck = VMMDEV_EVENT_DISPLAY_CHANGE_REQUEST; BOOL fDisplayChangeQueried = DeviceIoControl(gVBoxDriver, VBOXGUEST_IOCTL_VMMREQUEST(sizeof(VMMDevDisplayChangeRequest2)), &displayChangeRequest, sizeof(VMMDevDisplayChangeRequest2), &displayChangeRequest, sizeof(VMMDevDisplayChangeRequest2), &cbReturned, NULL); if (!fDisplayChangeQueried) { /* Try the old version of the request for old VBox hosts. */ displayChangeRequest.header.size = sizeof(VMMDevDisplayChangeRequest); displayChangeRequest.header.version = VMMDEV_REQUEST_HEADER_VERSION; displayChangeRequest.header.requestType = VMMDevReq_GetDisplayChangeRequest; displayChangeRequest.eventAck = VMMDEV_EVENT_DISPLAY_CHANGE_REQUEST; fDisplayChangeQueried = DeviceIoControl(gVBoxDriver, VBOXGUEST_IOCTL_VMMREQUEST(sizeof(VMMDevDisplayChangeRequest)), &displayChangeRequest, sizeof(VMMDevDisplayChangeRequest), &displayChangeRequest, sizeof(VMMDevDisplayChangeRequest), &cbReturned, NULL); displayChangeRequest.display = 0; } if (fDisplayChangeQueried) { Log(("VBoxTray: VBoxDisplayThread: VMMDevReq_GetDisplayChangeRequest2: %dx%dx%d at %d\n", displayChangeRequest.xres, displayChangeRequest.yres, displayChangeRequest.bpp, displayChangeRequest.display)); /* Horizontal resolution must be a multiple of 8, round down. */ displayChangeRequest.xres &= 0xfff8; /* * Only try to change video mode if the active display driver is VBox additions. */ #ifdef VBOXWDDM VBOXDISPLAY_DRIVER_TYPE enmDriverType = getVBoxDisplayDriverType (pCtx); if (enmDriverType == VBOXDISPLAY_DRIVER_TYPE_WDDM) Log(("VBoxTray: VBoxDisplayThread: Detected WDDM Driver\n")); if (enmDriverType != VBOXDISPLAY_DRIVER_TYPE_UNKNOWN) #else if (isVBoxDisplayDriverActive (pCtx)) #endif { Log(("VBoxTray: VBoxDisplayThread: Display driver is active!\n")); if (pCtx->pfnChangeDisplaySettingsEx != 0) { Log(("VBoxTray: VBoxDisplayThread: Detected W2K or later\n")); #ifdef VBOXWDDM if (enmDriverType == VBOXDISPLAY_DRIVER_TYPE_WDDM) { DWORD err = VBoxDispIfResize(&pCtx->pEnv->dispIf, displayChangeRequest.display, displayChangeRequest.xres, displayChangeRequest.yres, displayChangeRequest.bpp); if (err == NO_ERROR) { Log(("VBoxTray: VBoxDisplayThread: VBoxDispIfResize succeeded\n")); break; } Log(("VBoxTray: VBoxDisplayThread: VBoxDispIfResize failed err(%d)\n", err)); } #endif /* W2K or later. */ if (!ResizeDisplayDevice(displayChangeRequest.display, displayChangeRequest.xres, displayChangeRequest.yres, displayChangeRequest.bpp )) { break; } } else { Log(("VBoxTray: VBoxDisplayThread: Detected NT\n")); /* Single monitor NT. */ DEVMODE devMode; RT_ZERO(devMode); devMode.dmSize = sizeof(DEVMODE); /* get the current screen setup */ if (EnumDisplaySettings(NULL, ENUM_REGISTRY_SETTINGS, &devMode)) { Log(("VBoxTray: VBoxDisplayThread: Current mode: %d x %d x %d at %d,%d\n", devMode.dmPelsWidth, devMode.dmPelsHeight, devMode.dmBitsPerPel, devMode.dmPosition.x, devMode.dmPosition.y)); /* Check whether a mode reset or a change is requested. */ if (displayChangeRequest.xres || displayChangeRequest.yres || displayChangeRequest.bpp) { /* A change is requested. * Set values which are not to be changed to the current values. */ if (!displayChangeRequest.xres) displayChangeRequest.xres = devMode.dmPelsWidth; if (!displayChangeRequest.yres) displayChangeRequest.yres = devMode.dmPelsHeight; if (!displayChangeRequest.bpp) displayChangeRequest.bpp = devMode.dmBitsPerPel; } else { /* All zero values means a forced mode reset. Do nothing. */ Log(("VBoxTray: VBoxDisplayThread: Forced mode reset\n")); } /* Verify that the mode is indeed changed. */ if ( devMode.dmPelsWidth == displayChangeRequest.xres && devMode.dmPelsHeight == displayChangeRequest.yres && devMode.dmBitsPerPel == displayChangeRequest.bpp) { Log(("VBoxTray: VBoxDisplayThread: already at desired resolution\n")); break; } // without this, Windows will not ask the miniport for its // mode table but uses an internal cache instead DEVMODE tempDevMode = {0}; tempDevMode.dmSize = sizeof(DEVMODE); EnumDisplaySettings(NULL, 0xffffff, &tempDevMode); /* adjust the values that are supposed to change */ if (displayChangeRequest.xres) devMode.dmPelsWidth = displayChangeRequest.xres; if (displayChangeRequest.yres) devMode.dmPelsHeight = displayChangeRequest.yres; if (displayChangeRequest.bpp) devMode.dmBitsPerPel = displayChangeRequest.bpp; Log(("VBoxTray: VBoxDisplayThread: setting new mode %d x %d, %d BPP\n", devMode.dmPelsWidth, devMode.dmPelsHeight, devMode.dmBitsPerPel)); /* set the new mode */ LONG status = ChangeDisplaySettings(&devMode, CDS_UPDATEREGISTRY); if (status != DISP_CHANGE_SUCCESSFUL) { Log(("VBoxTray: VBoxDisplayThread: error from ChangeDisplaySettings: %d\n", status)); if (status == DISP_CHANGE_BADMODE) { /* Our driver can not set the requested mode. Stop trying. */ break; } } else { /* Successfully set new video mode. */ break; } } else { Log(("VBoxTray: VBoxDisplayThread: error from EnumDisplaySettings: %d\n", GetLastError ())); break; } } } else { Log(("VBoxTray: VBoxDisplayThread: vboxDisplayDriver is not active\n")); } /* Retry the change a bit later. */ /* are we supposed to stop? */ if (WaitForSingleObject(pCtx->pEnv->hStopEvent, 1000) == WAIT_OBJECT_0) { fTerminate = true; break; } } else { Log(("VBoxTray: VBoxDisplayThread: error from DeviceIoControl VBOXGUEST_IOCTL_VMMREQUEST\n")); /* sleep a bit to not eat too much CPU while retrying */ /* are we supposed to stop? */ if (WaitForSingleObject(pCtx->pEnv->hStopEvent, 50) == WAIT_OBJECT_0) { fTerminate = true; break; } } } } if (waitEvent.u32EventFlagsOut & VMMDEV_EVENT_MOUSE_CAPABILITIES_CHANGED) VBoxServiceReloadCursor(); } else { Log(("VBoxTray: VBoxDisplayThread: error 0 from DeviceIoControl VBOXGUEST_IOCTL_WAITEVENT\n")); /* sleep a bit to not eat too much CPU in case the above call always fails */ if (WaitForSingleObject(pCtx->pEnv->hStopEvent, 10) == WAIT_OBJECT_0) { fTerminate = true; break; } } } while (!fTerminate); maskInfo.u32OrMask = 0; maskInfo.u32NotMask = VMMDEV_EVENT_DISPLAY_CHANGE_REQUEST | VMMDEV_EVENT_MOUSE_CAPABILITIES_CHANGED; if (DeviceIoControl (gVBoxDriver, VBOXGUEST_IOCTL_CTL_FILTER_MASK, &maskInfo, sizeof (maskInfo), NULL, 0, &cbReturned, NULL)) { Log(("VBoxTray: VBoxDisplayThread: DeviceIOControl(CtlMask - not) succeeded\n")); } else { Log(("VBoxTray: VBoxDisplayThread: DeviceIOControl(CtlMask) failed\n")); } Log(("VBoxTray: VBoxDisplayThread: finished display change request thread\n")); return 0; }