/* $Id: VBoxDnDDataObject.cpp 69498 2017-10-28 15:07:25Z vboxsync $ */ /** @file * VBoxDnDDataObject.cpp - IDataObject implementation. */ /* * Copyright (C) 2013-2016 Oracle Corporation * * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as * available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software; * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU * General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software * Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the * VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind. */ #include #include /* For bad_alloc. */ #include #include #include #include #ifdef LOG_GROUP # undef LOG_GROUP #endif #define LOG_GROUP LOG_GROUP_GUEST_DND #include #include "VBoxTray.h" #include "VBoxHelpers.h" #include "VBoxDnD.h" #ifdef DEBUG /* Enable the following line to get much more debug output about * (un)known clipboard formats. */ //# define VBOX_DND_DEBUG_FORMATS #endif /** @todo Implement IDataObjectAsyncCapability interface? */ VBoxDnDDataObject::VBoxDnDDataObject(LPFORMATETC pFormatEtc, LPSTGMEDIUM pStgMed, ULONG cFormats) : mStatus(Uninitialized), mRefCount(1), mcFormats(0), mpvData(NULL), mcbData(0) { HRESULT hr; ULONG cFixedFormats = 1; ULONG cAllFormats = cFormats + cFixedFormats; try { mpFormatEtc = new FORMATETC[cAllFormats]; RT_BZERO(mpFormatEtc, sizeof(FORMATETC) * cAllFormats); mpStgMedium = new STGMEDIUM[cAllFormats]; RT_BZERO(mpStgMedium, sizeof(STGMEDIUM) * cAllFormats); /* * Registration of dynamic formats needed? */ LogFlowFunc(("%RU32 dynamic formats\n", cFormats)); if (cFormats) { AssertPtr(pFormatEtc); AssertPtr(pStgMed); for (ULONG i = 0; i < cFormats; i++) { LogFlowFunc(("Format %RU32: cfFormat=%RI16, tyMed=%RU32, dwAspect=%RU32\n", i, pFormatEtc[i].cfFormat, pFormatEtc[i].tymed, pFormatEtc[i].dwAspect)); mpFormatEtc[i] = pFormatEtc[i]; mpStgMedium[i] = pStgMed[i]; } } hr = S_OK; } catch (std::bad_alloc &) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { int rc2 = RTSemEventCreate(&mSemEvent); AssertRC(rc2); /* * Register fixed formats. */ #if 0 /* CF_HDROP. */ RegisterFormat(&mpFormatEtc[cFormats], CF_HDROP); mpStgMedium[cFormats++].tymed = TYMED_HGLOBAL; /* IStream. */ RegisterFormat(&mpFormatEtc[cFormats++], RegisterClipboardFormat(CFSTR_FILEDESCRIPTOR)); RegisterFormat(&mpFormatEtc[cFormats++], RegisterClipboardFormat(CFSTR_FILECONTENTS), TYMED_ISTREAM, 0 /* lIndex */); /* Required for e.g. Windows Media Player. */ RegisterFormat(&mpFormatEtc[cFormats++], RegisterClipboardFormat(CFSTR_FILENAME)); RegisterFormat(&mpFormatEtc[cFormats++], RegisterClipboardFormat(CFSTR_FILENAMEW)); RegisterFormat(&mpFormatEtc[cFormats++], RegisterClipboardFormat(CFSTR_SHELLIDLIST)); RegisterFormat(&mpFormatEtc[cFormats++], RegisterClipboardFormat(CFSTR_SHELLIDLISTOFFSET)); #endif mcFormats = cFormats; mStatus = Initialized; } LogFlowFunc(("cFormats=%RU32, hr=%Rhrc\n", cFormats, hr)); } VBoxDnDDataObject::~VBoxDnDDataObject(void) { if (mpFormatEtc) delete[] mpFormatEtc; if (mpStgMedium) delete[] mpStgMedium; if (mpvData) RTMemFree(mpvData); LogFlowFunc(("mRefCount=%RI32\n", mRefCount)); } /* * IUnknown methods. */ STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) VBoxDnDDataObject::AddRef(void) { return InterlockedIncrement(&mRefCount); } STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) VBoxDnDDataObject::Release(void) { LONG lCount = InterlockedDecrement(&mRefCount); if (lCount == 0) { delete this; return 0; } return lCount; } STDMETHODIMP VBoxDnDDataObject::QueryInterface(REFIID iid, void **ppvObject) { AssertPtrReturn(ppvObject, E_INVALIDARG); if ( iid == IID_IDataObject || iid == IID_IUnknown) { AddRef(); *ppvObject = this; return S_OK; } *ppvObject = 0; return E_NOINTERFACE; } /** * Retrieves the data stored in this object and store the result in * pMedium. * * @return IPRT status code. * @return HRESULT * @param pFormatEtc * @param pMedium */ STDMETHODIMP VBoxDnDDataObject::GetData(LPFORMATETC pFormatEtc, LPSTGMEDIUM pMedium) { AssertPtrReturn(pFormatEtc, DV_E_FORMATETC); AssertPtrReturn(pMedium, DV_E_FORMATETC); ULONG lIndex; if (!LookupFormatEtc(pFormatEtc, &lIndex)) /* Format supported? */ return DV_E_FORMATETC; if (lIndex >= mcFormats) /* Paranoia. */ return DV_E_FORMATETC; LPFORMATETC pThisFormat = &mpFormatEtc[lIndex]; AssertPtr(pThisFormat); LPSTGMEDIUM pThisMedium = &mpStgMedium[lIndex]; AssertPtr(pThisMedium); LogFlowFunc(("Using pThisFormat=%p, pThisMedium=%p\n", pThisFormat, pThisMedium)); HRESULT hr = DV_E_FORMATETC; /* Play safe. */ LogFlowFunc(("mStatus=%ld\n", mStatus)); if (mStatus == Dropping) { LogFlowFunc(("Waiting for event ...\n")); int rc2 = RTSemEventWait(mSemEvent, RT_INDEFINITE_WAIT); LogFlowFunc(("rc2=%Rrc, mStatus=%ld\n", rc2, mStatus)); NOREF(rc2); } if (mStatus == Dropped) { LogRel3(("DnD: cfFormat=%RI16, sFormat=%s, tyMed=%RU32, dwAspect=%RU32\n", pThisFormat->cfFormat, VBoxDnDDataObject::ClipboardFormatToString(pFormatEtc->cfFormat), pThisFormat->tymed, pThisFormat->dwAspect)); LogRel3(("DnD: Got strFormat=%s, pvData=%p, cbData=%RU32\n", mstrFormat.c_str(), mpvData, mcbData)); /* * Initialize default values. */ pMedium->tymed = pThisFormat->tymed; pMedium->pUnkForRelease = NULL; /* * URI list handling. */ if (mstrFormat.equalsIgnoreCase("text/uri-list")) { int rc = VINF_SUCCESS; RTCList lstFilesURI = RTCString((char*)mpvData, mcbData).split("\r\n"); RTCList lstFiles; for (size_t i = 0; i < lstFilesURI.size(); i++) { char *pszFilePath = RTUriFilePath(lstFilesURI.at(i).c_str()); if (pszFilePath) { lstFiles.append(pszFilePath); RTStrFree(pszFilePath); } else /* Unable to parse -- refuse entire request. */ { lstFiles.clear(); rc = VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER; break; } } size_t cFiles = lstFiles.size(); if ( RT_SUCCESS(rc) && cFiles) { #ifdef DEBUG LogFlowFunc(("Files (%zu)\n", cFiles)); for (size_t i = 0; i < cFiles; i++) LogFlowFunc(("\tFile: %s\n", lstFiles.at(i).c_str())); #endif #if 0 if ( (pFormatEtc->tymed & TYMED_ISTREAM) && (pFormatEtc->dwAspect == DVASPECT_CONTENT) && (pFormatEtc->cfFormat == CF_FILECONTENTS)) { } else if ( (pFormatEtc->tymed & TYMED_HGLOBAL) && (pFormatEtc->dwAspect == DVASPECT_CONTENT) && (pFormatEtc->cfFormat == CF_FILEDESCRIPTOR)) { } else if ( (pFormatEtc->tymed & TYMED_HGLOBAL) && (pFormatEtc->cfFormat == CF_PREFERREDDROPEFFECT)) { HGLOBAL hData = GlobalAlloc(GMEM_MOVEABLE | GMEM_SHARE | GMEM_ZEROINIT, sizeof(DWORD)); DWORD *pdwEffect = (DWORD *)GlobalLock(hData); AssertPtr(pdwEffect); *pdwEffect = DROPEFFECT_COPY; GlobalUnlock(hData); pMedium->hGlobal = hData; pMedium->tymed = TYMED_HGLOBAL; } else #endif if ( (pFormatEtc->tymed & TYMED_HGLOBAL) && (pFormatEtc->dwAspect == DVASPECT_CONTENT) && (pFormatEtc->cfFormat == CF_TEXT)) { pMedium->hGlobal = GlobalAlloc(GHND, mcbData + 1); if (pMedium->hGlobal) { char *pcDst = (char *)GlobalLock(pMedium->hGlobal); memcpy(pcDst, mpvData, mcbData); pcDst[mcbData] = '\0'; GlobalUnlock(pMedium->hGlobal); hr = S_OK; } } else if ( (pFormatEtc->tymed & TYMED_HGLOBAL) && (pFormatEtc->dwAspect == DVASPECT_CONTENT) && (pFormatEtc->cfFormat == CF_HDROP)) { size_t cchFiles = 0; /* Number of ASCII characters. */ for (size_t i = 0; i < cFiles; i++) { cchFiles += strlen(lstFiles.at(i).c_str()); cchFiles += 1; /* Terminating '\0'. */ } size_t cbBuf = sizeof(DROPFILES) + ((cchFiles + 1) * sizeof(RTUTF16)); DROPFILES *pBuf = (DROPFILES *)RTMemAllocZ(cbBuf); if (pBuf) { pBuf->pFiles = sizeof(DROPFILES); pBuf->fWide = 1; /* We use unicode. Always. */ uint8_t *pCurFile = (uint8_t *)pBuf + pBuf->pFiles; AssertPtr(pCurFile); for (size_t i = 0; i < cFiles && RT_SUCCESS(rc); i++) { size_t cchCurFile; PRTUTF16 pwszFile; rc = RTStrToUtf16(lstFiles.at(i).c_str(), &pwszFile); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { cchCurFile = RTUtf16Len(pwszFile); Assert(cchCurFile); memcpy(pCurFile, pwszFile, cchCurFile * sizeof(RTUTF16)); RTUtf16Free(pwszFile); } else break; pCurFile += cchCurFile * sizeof(RTUTF16); /* Terminate current file name. */ *pCurFile = L'\0'; pCurFile += sizeof(RTUTF16); } if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { *pCurFile = L'\0'; /* Final list terminator. */ pMedium->tymed = TYMED_HGLOBAL; pMedium->pUnkForRelease = NULL; pMedium->hGlobal = GlobalAlloc( GMEM_ZEROINIT | GMEM_MOVEABLE | GMEM_DDESHARE, cbBuf); if (pMedium->hGlobal) { LPVOID pMem = GlobalLock(pMedium->hGlobal); if (pMem) { memcpy(pMem, pBuf, cbBuf); GlobalUnlock(pMedium->hGlobal); hr = S_OK; } } } RTMemFree(pBuf); } else rc = VERR_NO_MEMORY; } } if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) hr = DV_E_FORMATETC; } /* * Plain text handling. */ else if ( mstrFormat.equalsIgnoreCase("text/plain") || mstrFormat.equalsIgnoreCase("text/html") || mstrFormat.equalsIgnoreCase("text/plain;charset=utf-8") || mstrFormat.equalsIgnoreCase("text/plain;charset=utf-16") || mstrFormat.equalsIgnoreCase("text/richtext") || mstrFormat.equalsIgnoreCase("UTF8_STRING") || mstrFormat.equalsIgnoreCase("TEXT") || mstrFormat.equalsIgnoreCase("STRING")) { pMedium->hGlobal = GlobalAlloc(GHND, mcbData + 1); if (pMedium->hGlobal) { char *pcDst = (char *)GlobalLock(pMedium->hGlobal); memcpy(pcDst, mpvData, mcbData); pcDst[mcbData] = '\0'; GlobalUnlock(pMedium->hGlobal); hr = S_OK; } } else LogRel(("DnD: Error: Format '%s' not implemented\n", mstrFormat.c_str())); } /* Error handling; at least return some basic data. */ if (FAILED(hr)) { LogFlowFunc(("Copying medium ...\n")); switch (pThisMedium->tymed) { case TYMED_HGLOBAL: pMedium->hGlobal = (HGLOBAL)OleDuplicateData(pThisMedium->hGlobal, pThisFormat->cfFormat, NULL); break; default: break; } pMedium->tymed = pThisFormat->tymed; pMedium->pUnkForRelease = NULL; } if (hr == DV_E_FORMATETC) LogRel(("DnD: Error handling format '%s' (%RU32 bytes)\n", mstrFormat.c_str(), mcbData)); LogFlowFunc(("hr=%Rhrc\n", hr)); return hr; } /** * Only required for IStream / IStorage interfaces. * * @return IPRT status code. * @return HRESULT * @param pFormatEtc * @param pMedium */ STDMETHODIMP VBoxDnDDataObject::GetDataHere(LPFORMATETC pFormatEtc, LPSTGMEDIUM pMedium) { RT_NOREF(pFormatEtc, pMedium); LogFlowFunc(("\n")); return DATA_E_FORMATETC; } /** * Query if this objects supports a specific format. * * @return IPRT status code. * @return HRESULT * @param pFormatEtc */ STDMETHODIMP VBoxDnDDataObject::QueryGetData(LPFORMATETC pFormatEtc) { LogFlowFunc(("\n")); return (LookupFormatEtc(pFormatEtc, NULL /* puIndex */)) ? S_OK : DV_E_FORMATETC; } STDMETHODIMP VBoxDnDDataObject::GetCanonicalFormatEtc(LPFORMATETC pFormatEtc, LPFORMATETC pFormatEtcOut) { RT_NOREF(pFormatEtc); LogFlowFunc(("\n")); /* Set this to NULL in any case. */ pFormatEtcOut->ptd = NULL; return E_NOTIMPL; } STDMETHODIMP VBoxDnDDataObject::SetData(LPFORMATETC pFormatEtc, LPSTGMEDIUM pMedium, BOOL fRelease) { RT_NOREF(pFormatEtc, pMedium, fRelease); return E_NOTIMPL; } STDMETHODIMP VBoxDnDDataObject::EnumFormatEtc(DWORD dwDirection, IEnumFORMATETC **ppEnumFormatEtc) { LogFlowFunc(("dwDirection=%RI32, mcFormats=%RI32, mpFormatEtc=%p\n", dwDirection, mcFormats, mpFormatEtc)); HRESULT hr; if (dwDirection == DATADIR_GET) hr = VBoxDnDEnumFormatEtc::CreateEnumFormatEtc(mcFormats, mpFormatEtc, ppEnumFormatEtc); else hr = E_NOTIMPL; LogFlowFunc(("hr=%Rhrc\n", hr)); return hr; } STDMETHODIMP VBoxDnDDataObject::DAdvise(LPFORMATETC pFormatEtc, DWORD fAdvise, IAdviseSink *pAdvSink, DWORD *pdwConnection) { RT_NOREF(pFormatEtc, fAdvise, pAdvSink, pdwConnection); return OLE_E_ADVISENOTSUPPORTED; } STDMETHODIMP VBoxDnDDataObject::DUnadvise(DWORD dwConnection) { RT_NOREF(dwConnection); return OLE_E_ADVISENOTSUPPORTED; } STDMETHODIMP VBoxDnDDataObject::EnumDAdvise(IEnumSTATDATA **ppEnumAdvise) { RT_NOREF(ppEnumAdvise); return OLE_E_ADVISENOTSUPPORTED; } /* * Own stuff. */ int VBoxDnDDataObject::Abort(void) { LogFlowFunc(("Aborting ...\n")); mStatus = Aborted; return RTSemEventSignal(mSemEvent); } /* static */ const char* VBoxDnDDataObject::ClipboardFormatToString(CLIPFORMAT fmt) { #if 0 char szFormat[128]; if (GetClipboardFormatName(fmt, szFormat, sizeof(szFormat))) LogFlowFunc(("wFormat=%RI16, szName=%s\n", fmt, szFormat)); #endif switch (fmt) { case 1: return "CF_TEXT"; case 2: return "CF_BITMAP"; case 3: return "CF_METAFILEPICT"; case 4: return "CF_SYLK"; case 5: return "CF_DIF"; case 6: return "CF_TIFF"; case 7: return "CF_OEMTEXT"; case 8: return "CF_DIB"; case 9: return "CF_PALETTE"; case 10: return "CF_PENDATA"; case 11: return "CF_RIFF"; case 12: return "CF_WAVE"; case 13: return "CF_UNICODETEXT"; case 14: return "CF_ENHMETAFILE"; case 15: return "CF_HDROP"; case 16: return "CF_LOCALE"; case 17: return "CF_DIBV5"; case 18: return "CF_MAX"; case 49158: return "FileName"; case 49159: return "FileNameW"; case 49161: return "DATAOBJECT"; case 49171: return "Ole Private Data"; case 49314: return "Shell Object Offsets"; case 49316: return "File Contents"; case 49317: return "File Group Descriptor"; case 49323: return "Preferred Drop Effect"; case 49380: return "Shell Object Offsets"; case 49382: return "FileContents"; case 49383: return "FileGroupDescriptor"; case 49389: return "Preferred DropEffect"; case 49268: return "Shell IDList Array"; case 49619: return "RenPrivateFileAttachments"; default: break; } return "unknown"; } bool VBoxDnDDataObject::LookupFormatEtc(LPFORMATETC pFormatEtc, ULONG *puIndex) { AssertReturn(pFormatEtc, false); /* puIndex is optional. */ for (ULONG i = 0; i < mcFormats; i++) { if( (pFormatEtc->tymed & mpFormatEtc[i].tymed) && pFormatEtc->cfFormat == mpFormatEtc[i].cfFormat && pFormatEtc->dwAspect == mpFormatEtc[i].dwAspect) { LogRel3(("DnD: Format found: tyMed=%RI32, cfFormat=%RI16, sFormats=%s, dwAspect=%RI32, ulIndex=%RU32\n", pFormatEtc->tymed, pFormatEtc->cfFormat, VBoxDnDDataObject::ClipboardFormatToString(mpFormatEtc[i].cfFormat), pFormatEtc->dwAspect, i)); if (puIndex) *puIndex = i; return true; } } LogRel3(("DnD: Format NOT found: tyMed=%RI32, cfFormat=%RI16, sFormats=%s, dwAspect=%RI32\n", pFormatEtc->tymed, pFormatEtc->cfFormat, VBoxDnDDataObject::ClipboardFormatToString(pFormatEtc->cfFormat), pFormatEtc->dwAspect)); return false; } /* static */ HGLOBAL VBoxDnDDataObject::MemDup(HGLOBAL hMemSource) { DWORD dwLen = GlobalSize(hMemSource); AssertReturn(dwLen, NULL); PVOID pvSource = GlobalLock(hMemSource); if (pvSource) { PVOID pvDest = GlobalAlloc(GMEM_FIXED, dwLen); if (pvDest) memcpy(pvDest, pvSource, dwLen); GlobalUnlock(hMemSource); return pvDest; } return NULL; } void VBoxDnDDataObject::RegisterFormat(LPFORMATETC pFormatEtc, CLIPFORMAT clipFormat, TYMED tyMed, LONG lIndex, DWORD dwAspect, DVTARGETDEVICE *pTargetDevice) { AssertPtr(pFormatEtc); pFormatEtc->cfFormat = clipFormat; pFormatEtc->tymed = tyMed; pFormatEtc->lindex = lIndex; pFormatEtc->dwAspect = dwAspect; pFormatEtc->ptd = pTargetDevice; LogFlowFunc(("Registered format=%ld, sFormat=%s\n", pFormatEtc->cfFormat, VBoxDnDDataObject::ClipboardFormatToString(pFormatEtc->cfFormat))); } void VBoxDnDDataObject::SetStatus(Status status) { LogFlowFunc(("Setting status to %ld\n", status)); mStatus = status; } int VBoxDnDDataObject::Signal(const RTCString &strFormat, const void *pvData, uint32_t cbData) { LogFlowFunc(("Signalling ...\n")); int rc; mStatus = Dropped; mstrFormat = strFormat; if (cbData) { mpvData = RTMemAlloc(cbData); if (mpvData) { memcpy(mpvData, pvData, cbData); mcbData = cbData; rc = VINF_SUCCESS; } else rc = VERR_NO_MEMORY; } else rc = VINF_SUCCESS; if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) mStatus = Aborted; /* Signal in any case. */ int rc2 = RTSemEventSignal(mSemEvent); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) rc = rc2; return rc; }