/* $Id: VBoxServiceControlExec.cpp 38157 2011-07-25 13:10:12Z vboxsync $ */ /** @file * VBoxServiceControlExec - Utility functions for process execution. */ /* * Copyright (C) 2011 Oracle Corporation * * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as * available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software; * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU * General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software * Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the * VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind. */ /******************************************************************************* * Header Files * *******************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "VBoxServiceInternal.h" #include "VBoxServiceUtils.h" #include "VBoxServicePipeBuf.h" #include "VBoxServiceControlExecThread.h" using namespace guestControl; extern RTLISTNODE g_GuestControlThreads; extern RTCRITSECT g_GuestControlThreadsCritSect; /** * Handle an error event on standard input. * * @returns IPRT status code. * @param hPollSet The polling set. * @param fPollEvt The event mask returned by RTPollNoResume. * @param phStdInW The standard input pipe handle. * @param pStdInBuf The standard input buffer. */ static int VBoxServiceControlExecProcHandleStdInErrorEvent(RTPOLLSET hPollSet, uint32_t fPollEvt, PRTPIPE phStdInW, PVBOXSERVICECTRLEXECPIPEBUF pStdInBuf) { int rc = RTPollSetRemove(hPollSet, VBOXSERVICECTRLPIPEID_STDIN_WRITABLE); /* Don't assert if writable handle is not in poll set anymore. */ if ( RT_FAILURE(rc) && rc != VERR_POLL_HANDLE_ID_NOT_FOUND) { AssertRC(rc); } /* Close writable stdin pipe. */ rc = RTPipeClose(*phStdInW); AssertRC(rc); *phStdInW = NIL_RTPIPE; /* Mark the stdin buffer as dead; we're not using it anymore. */ rc = VBoxServicePipeBufSetStatus(pStdInBuf, false /* Disabled */); AssertRC(rc); /* Remove stdin error handle from set. */ rc = RTPollSetRemove(hPollSet, VBOXSERVICECTRLPIPEID_STDIN_ERROR); /* Don't assert if writable handle is not in poll set anymore. */ if ( RT_FAILURE(rc) && rc != VERR_POLL_HANDLE_ID_NOT_FOUND) { AssertRC(rc); } else rc = VINF_SUCCESS; return rc; } /** * Try write some more data to the standard input of the child. * * @returns IPRT status code. * @retval VINF_TRY_AGAIN if there is still data left in the buffer. * * @param hPollSet The polling set. * @param pStdInBuf The standard input buffer. * @param hStdInW The standard input pipe. * @param pfClose Pointer to a flag whether the pipe needs to be closed afterwards. */ static int VBoxServiceControlExecProcWriteStdIn(RTPOLLSET hPollSet, PVBOXSERVICECTRLEXECPIPEBUF pStdInBuf, RTPIPE hStdInW, size_t *pcbWritten, bool *pfClose) { AssertPtrReturn(pStdInBuf, VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER); AssertPtrReturn(pcbWritten, VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER); AssertPtrReturn(pfClose, VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER); size_t cbLeft; int rc = VBoxServicePipeBufWriteToPipe(pStdInBuf, hStdInW, pcbWritten, &cbLeft); /* If we have written all data which is in the buffer set the close flag. */ *pfClose = (cbLeft == 0) && VBoxServicePipeBufIsClosing(pStdInBuf); if ( !*pcbWritten && VBoxServicePipeBufIsEnabled(pStdInBuf)) { /* * Nothing else left to write now? Remove the writable event from the poll set * to not trigger too high CPU loads. */ int rc2 = RTPollSetRemove(hPollSet, VBOXSERVICECTRLPIPEID_STDIN_WRITABLE); AssertRC(rc2); } VBoxServiceVerbose(3, "VBoxServiceControlExecProcWriteStdIn: Written=%u, Left=%u, rc=%Rrc\n", *pcbWritten, cbLeft, rc); return rc; } /** * Handle an event indicating we can write to the standard input pipe of the * child process. * * @returns IPRT status code. * @param hPollSet The polling set. * @param fPollEvt The event mask returned by RTPollNoResume. * @param phStdInW The standard input pipe. * @param pStdInBuf The standard input buffer. * @param pcbWritten Where to return the number of bytes written. */ static int VBoxServiceControlExecProcHandleStdInWritableEvent(RTPOLLSET hPollSet, uint32_t fPollEvt, PRTPIPE phStdInW, PVBOXSERVICECTRLEXECPIPEBUF pStdInBuf, size_t *pcbWritten) { AssertPtrReturn(pcbWritten, VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER); int rc; if (!(fPollEvt & RTPOLL_EVT_ERROR)) { bool fClose; rc = VBoxServiceControlExecProcWriteStdIn(hPollSet, pStdInBuf, *phStdInW, pcbWritten, &fClose); if ( rc == VINF_TRY_AGAIN || rc == VERR_MORE_DATA) rc = VINF_SUCCESS; if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) { if ( rc == VERR_BAD_PIPE || rc == VERR_BROKEN_PIPE) { rc = RTPollSetRemove(hPollSet, VBOXSERVICECTRLPIPEID_STDIN_WRITABLE); AssertRC(rc); } else { /** @todo Do we need to do something about this error condition? */ AssertRC(rc); } } else if (fClose) { /* If the pipe needs to be closed, do so. */ rc = VBoxServiceControlExecProcHandleStdInErrorEvent(hPollSet, fPollEvt, phStdInW, pStdInBuf); } } else { *pcbWritten = 0; rc = VBoxServiceControlExecProcHandleStdInErrorEvent(hPollSet, fPollEvt, phStdInW, pStdInBuf); } return rc; } /** * Handle pending output data/error on stdout or stderr. * * @return IPRT status code. * @param hPollSet The polling set. * @param fPollEvt The event mask returned by RTPollNoResume. * @param phPipeR The pipe to be read from. * @param uHandleId Handle ID of the pipe to be read from. * @param pBuf Pointer to pipe buffer to store the read data into. */ static int VBoxServiceControlExecProcHandleOutputEvent(RTPOLLSET hPollSet, uint32_t fPollEvt, PRTPIPE phPipeR, uint32_t uHandleId, PVBOXSERVICECTRLEXECPIPEBUF pBuf) { AssertPtrReturn(phPipeR, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); AssertPtrReturn(pBuf, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); /* * Try drain the pipe before acting on any errors. */ int rc = VINF_SUCCESS; size_t cbRead; uint8_t abBuf[_64K]; int rc2 = RTPipeRead(*phPipeR, abBuf, sizeof(abBuf), &cbRead); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc2) && cbRead) { uint32_t cbWritten; rc = VBoxServicePipeBufWriteToBuf(pBuf, abBuf, cbRead, false /* Pending close */, &cbWritten); #ifdef DEBUG_andy VBoxServiceVerbose(4, "ControlExec: Written output event [%u %u], cbRead=%u, cbWritten=%u, rc=%Rrc, uHandleId=%u, fPollEvt=%#x\n", pBuf->uPID, pBuf->uPipeId, cbRead, cbWritten, rc, uHandleId, fPollEvt); #endif if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { Assert(cbRead == cbWritten); /* Make sure we go another poll round in case there was too much data for the buffer to hold. */ fPollEvt &= RTPOLL_EVT_ERROR; } } else if (RT_FAILURE(rc2)) { fPollEvt |= RTPOLL_EVT_ERROR; AssertMsg(rc2 == VERR_BROKEN_PIPE, ("%Rrc\n", rc)); } /* * If an error was signalled, close reading stdout/stderr pipe. */ if (fPollEvt & RTPOLL_EVT_ERROR) { rc2 = RTPollSetRemove(hPollSet, uHandleId); AssertRC(rc2); rc2 = RTPipeClose(*phPipeR); AssertRC(rc2); *phPipeR = NIL_RTPIPE; } return rc; } int VBoxServiceControlExecProcHandleStdInputNotify(RTPOLLSET hPollSet, PRTPIPE phNotificationPipeR, PRTPIPE phInputPipeW) { #ifdef DEBUG_andy VBoxServiceVerbose(4, "ControlExec: HandleStdInputNotify\n"); #endif /* Drain the notification pipe. */ uint8_t abBuf[8]; size_t cbIgnore; int rc = RTPipeRead(*phNotificationPipeR, abBuf, sizeof(abBuf), &cbIgnore); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { /* * When the writable handle previously was removed from the poll set we need to add * it here again so that writable events from the started procecss get handled correctly. */ RTHANDLE hWritableIgnored; rc = RTPollSetQueryHandle(hPollSet, VBOXSERVICECTRLPIPEID_STDIN_WRITABLE, &hWritableIgnored); if (rc == VERR_POLL_HANDLE_ID_NOT_FOUND) rc = RTPollSetAddPipe(hPollSet, *phInputPipeW, RTPOLL_EVT_WRITE, VBOXSERVICECTRLPIPEID_STDIN_WRITABLE); } return rc; } /** * Execution loop which runs in a dedicated per-started-process thread and * handles all pipe input/output and signalling stuff. * * @return IPRT status code. * @param pThread The process' thread handle. * @param hProcess The actual process handle. * @param cMsTimeout Time limit (in ms) of the process' life time. * @param hPollSet The poll set to use. * @param hStdInW Handle to the process' stdin write end. * @param hStdOutR Handle to the process' stdout read end. * @param hStdErrR Handle to the process' stderr read end. */ static int VBoxServiceControlExecProcLoop(PVBOXSERVICECTRLTHREAD pThread, RTPROCESS hProcess, RTMSINTERVAL cMsTimeout, RTPOLLSET hPollSet, PRTPIPE phStdInW, PRTPIPE phStdOutR, PRTPIPE phStdErrR) { AssertPtrReturn(phStdInW, VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER); AssertPtrReturn(phStdOutR, VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER); AssertPtrReturn(phStdErrR, VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER); int rc; int rc2; uint64_t const MsStart = RTTimeMilliTS(); RTPROCSTATUS ProcessStatus = { 254, RTPROCEXITREASON_ABEND }; bool fProcessAlive = true; bool fProcessTimedOut = false; uint64_t MsProcessKilled = UINT64_MAX; RTMSINTERVAL const cMsPollBase = *phStdInW != NIL_RTPIPE ? 100 /* Need to poll for input. */ : 1000; /* Need only poll for process exit and aborts. */ RTMSINTERVAL cMsPollCur = 0; AssertPtr(pThread); Assert(pThread->enmType == kVBoxServiceCtrlThreadDataExec); PVBOXSERVICECTRLTHREADDATAEXEC pData = (PVBOXSERVICECTRLTHREADDATAEXEC)pThread->pvData; AssertPtr(pData); /* * Assign PID to thread data. * Also check if there already was a thread with the same PID and shut it down -- otherwise * the first (stale) entry will be found and we get really weird results! */ rc = VBoxServiceControlExecThreadAssignPID(pData, hProcess); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) { VBoxServiceError("ControlExec: Unable to assign PID to new thread, rc=%Rrc\n", rc); return rc; } /* * Before entering the loop, tell the host that we've started the guest * and that it's now OK to send input to the process. */ VBoxServiceVerbose(3, "ControlExec: [PID %u]: Process started, CID=%u, User=%s\n", pData->uPID, pThread->uContextID, pData->pszUser); rc = VbglR3GuestCtrlExecReportStatus(pThread->uClientID, pThread->uContextID, pData->uPID, PROC_STS_STARTED, 0 /* u32Flags */, NULL /* pvData */, 0 /* cbData */); /* * Process input, output, the test pipe and client requests. */ while ( RT_SUCCESS(rc) && RT_UNLIKELY(!pThread->fShutdown)) { /* * Wait/Process all pending events. */ uint32_t idPollHnd; uint32_t fPollEvt; rc2 = RTPollNoResume(hPollSet, cMsPollCur, &fPollEvt, &idPollHnd); if (pThread->fShutdown) continue; cMsPollCur = 0; /* No rest until we've checked everything. */ if (RT_SUCCESS(rc2)) { /*VBoxServiceVerbose(4, "ControlExec: [PID %u}: RTPollNoResume idPollHnd=%u\n", pData->uPID, idPollHnd);*/ switch (idPollHnd) { case VBOXSERVICECTRLPIPEID_STDIN_ERROR: rc = VBoxServiceControlExecProcHandleStdInErrorEvent(hPollSet, fPollEvt, phStdInW, &pData->stdIn); break; case VBOXSERVICECTRLPIPEID_STDIN_INPUT_NOTIFY: rc = VBoxServiceControlExecProcHandleStdInputNotify(hPollSet, &pData->stdIn.hNotificationPipeR, &pData->pipeStdInW); AssertRC(rc); /* Fall through. */ case VBOXSERVICECTRLPIPEID_STDIN_WRITABLE: { size_t cbWritten; rc = VBoxServiceControlExecProcHandleStdInWritableEvent(hPollSet, fPollEvt, phStdInW, &pData->stdIn, &cbWritten); break; } case VBOXSERVICECTRLPIPEID_STDOUT: #ifdef DEBUG VBoxServiceVerbose(4, "ControlExec: [PID %u]: StdOut fPollEvt=%#x\n", pData->uPID, fPollEvt); #endif rc = VBoxServiceControlExecProcHandleOutputEvent(hPollSet, fPollEvt, phStdOutR, VBOXSERVICECTRLPIPEID_STDOUT, &pData->stdOut); break; case VBOXSERVICECTRLPIPEID_STDERR: #ifdef DEBUG VBoxServiceVerbose(4, "ControlExec: [PID %u]: StdErr: fPollEvt=%#x\n", pData->uPID, fPollEvt); #endif rc = VBoxServiceControlExecProcHandleOutputEvent(hPollSet, fPollEvt, phStdErrR, VBOXSERVICECTRLPIPEID_STDERR, &pData->stdErr); break; default: AssertMsgFailed(("PID=%u idPollHnd=%u fPollEvt=%#x\n", pData->uPID, idPollHnd, fPollEvt)); break; } if (RT_FAILURE(rc) || rc == VINF_EOF) break; /* Abort command, or client dead or something. */ continue; } /* * Check for process death. */ if (fProcessAlive) { rc2 = RTProcWaitNoResume(hProcess, RTPROCWAIT_FLAGS_NOBLOCK, &ProcessStatus); if (RT_SUCCESS_NP(rc2)) { fProcessAlive = false; continue; } if (RT_UNLIKELY(rc2 == VERR_INTERRUPTED)) continue; if (RT_UNLIKELY(rc2 == VERR_PROCESS_NOT_FOUND)) { fProcessAlive = false; ProcessStatus.enmReason = RTPROCEXITREASON_ABEND; ProcessStatus.iStatus = 255; AssertFailed(); } else AssertMsg(rc2 == VERR_PROCESS_RUNNING, ("%Rrc\n", rc2)); } /* * If the process has terminated, we're should head out. */ if (!fProcessAlive) break; /* * Check for timed out, killing the process. */ uint32_t cMilliesLeft = RT_INDEFINITE_WAIT; if (cMsTimeout != RT_INDEFINITE_WAIT) { uint64_t u64Now = RTTimeMilliTS(); uint64_t cMsElapsed = u64Now - MsStart; if (cMsElapsed >= cMsTimeout) { VBoxServiceVerbose(3, "ControlExec: [PID %u]: Timed out (%ums elapsed > %ums timeout), killing ...", pData->uPID, cMsElapsed, cMsTimeout); fProcessTimedOut = true; if ( MsProcessKilled == UINT64_MAX || u64Now - MsProcessKilled > 1000) { if (u64Now - MsProcessKilled > 20*60*1000) break; /* Give up after 20 mins. */ RTProcTerminate(hProcess); MsProcessKilled = u64Now; continue; } cMilliesLeft = 10000; } else cMilliesLeft = cMsTimeout - (uint32_t)cMsElapsed; } /* Reset the polling interval since we've done all pending work. */ cMsPollCur = cMilliesLeft >= cMsPollBase ? cMsPollBase : cMilliesLeft; /* * Need to exit? */ if (pThread->fShutdown) break; } /* * Try kill the process if it's still alive at this point. */ if (fProcessAlive) { if (MsProcessKilled == UINT64_MAX) { VBoxServiceVerbose(3, "ControlExec: [PID %u]: Is still alive and not killed yet\n", pData->uPID); MsProcessKilled = RTTimeMilliTS(); RTProcTerminate(hProcess); RTThreadSleep(500); } for (size_t i = 0; i < 10; i++) { VBoxServiceVerbose(4, "ControlExec: [PID %u]: Kill attempt %d/10: Waiting to exit ...\n", pData->uPID, i + 1); rc2 = RTProcWait(hProcess, RTPROCWAIT_FLAGS_NOBLOCK, &ProcessStatus); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc2)) { VBoxServiceVerbose(4, "ControlExec: [PID %u]: Kill attempt %d/10: Exited\n", pData->uPID, i + 1); fProcessAlive = false; break; } if (i >= 5) { VBoxServiceVerbose(4, "ControlExec: [PID %u]: Kill attempt %d/10: Trying to terminate ...\n", pData->uPID, i + 1); RTProcTerminate(hProcess); } RTThreadSleep(i >= 5 ? 2000 : 500); } if (fProcessAlive) VBoxServiceVerbose(3, "ControlExec: [PID %u]: Could not be killed\n", pData->uPID); } /* * If we don't have a client problem (RT_FAILURE(rc)) we'll reply to the * clients exec packet now. */ if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { VBoxServicePipeBufSetStatus(&pData->stdIn, false /* Disabled */); VBoxServicePipeBufSetStatus(&pData->stdOut, false /* Disabled */); VBoxServicePipeBufSetStatus(&pData->stdErr, false /* Disabled */); /* Since the process is not alive anymore, destroy its local * stdin pipe buffer - it's not used anymore and can eat up quite * a bit of memory. */ VBoxServicePipeBufDestroy(&pData->stdIn); uint32_t uStatus = PROC_STS_UNDEFINED; uint32_t uFlags = 0; if ( fProcessTimedOut && !fProcessAlive && MsProcessKilled != UINT64_MAX) { VBoxServiceVerbose(3, "ControlExec: [PID %u]: Timed out and got killed\n", pData->uPID); uStatus = PROC_STS_TOK; } else if (fProcessTimedOut && fProcessAlive && MsProcessKilled != UINT64_MAX) { VBoxServiceVerbose(3, "ControlExec: [PID %u]: Timed out and did *not* get killed\n", pData->uPID); uStatus = PROC_STS_TOA; } else if (pThread->fShutdown && (fProcessAlive || MsProcessKilled != UINT64_MAX)) { VBoxServiceVerbose(3, "ControlExec: [PID %u]: Got terminated because system/service is about to shutdown\n", pData->uPID); uStatus = PROC_STS_DWN; /* Service is stopping, process was killed. */ uFlags = pData->uFlags; /* Return handed-in execution flags back to the host. */ } else if (fProcessAlive) { VBoxServiceError("ControlExec: [PID %u]: Is alive when it should not!\n", pData->uPID); } else if (MsProcessKilled != UINT64_MAX) { VBoxServiceError("ControlExec: [PID %u]: Has been killed when it should not!\n", pData->uPID); } else if (ProcessStatus.enmReason == RTPROCEXITREASON_NORMAL) { VBoxServiceVerbose(3, "ControlExec: [PID %u]: Ended with RTPROCEXITREASON_NORMAL (%u)\n", pData->uPID, ProcessStatus.iStatus); uStatus = PROC_STS_TEN; uFlags = ProcessStatus.iStatus; } else if (ProcessStatus.enmReason == RTPROCEXITREASON_SIGNAL) { VBoxServiceVerbose(3, "ControlExec: [PID %u]: Ended with RTPROCEXITREASON_SIGNAL (%u)\n", pData->uPID, ProcessStatus.iStatus); uStatus = PROC_STS_TES; uFlags = ProcessStatus.iStatus; } else if (ProcessStatus.enmReason == RTPROCEXITREASON_ABEND) { VBoxServiceVerbose(3, "ControlExec: [PID %u]: Ended with RTPROCEXITREASON_ABEND (%u)\n", pData->uPID, ProcessStatus.iStatus); uStatus = PROC_STS_TEA; uFlags = ProcessStatus.iStatus; } else VBoxServiceError("ControlExec: [PID %u]: Reached an undefined state!\n", pData->uPID); VBoxServiceVerbose(3, "ControlExec: [PID %u]: Ended, CID=%u, Status=%u, Flags=%u\n", pData->uPID, pThread->uContextID, uStatus, uFlags); rc = VbglR3GuestCtrlExecReportStatus(pThread->uClientID, pThread->uContextID, pData->uPID, uStatus, uFlags, NULL /* pvData */, 0 /* cbData */); VBoxServiceVerbose(3, "ControlExec: [PID %u]: Process loop ended with rc=%Rrc\n", pData->uPID, rc); /* * Dump stdout for debugging purposes. * Only do that on *very* high verbosity (5+). */ if (g_cVerbosity >= 5) { VBoxServiceVerbose(5, "[PID %u]: StdOut:\n", pData->uPID); uint8_t szBuf[_64K]; uint32_t cbOffset = 0; uint32_t cbRead, cbLeft; while ( RT_SUCCESS(VBoxServicePipeBufPeek(&pData->stdOut, szBuf, sizeof(szBuf), cbOffset, &cbRead, &cbLeft)) && cbRead) { cbOffset += cbRead; if (!cbLeft) break; } VBoxServiceVerbose(5, "\n"); } } else VBoxServiceError("ControlExec: [PID %u]: Loop failed with rc=%Rrc\n", pData->uPID, rc); return rc; } /** * Sets up the redirection / pipe / nothing for one of the standard handles. * * @returns IPRT status code. No client replies made. * @param fd Which standard handle it is (0 == stdin, 1 == * stdout, 2 == stderr). * @param ph The generic handle that @a pph may be set * pointing to. Always set. * @param pph Pointer to the RTProcCreateExec argument. * Always set. * @param phPipe Where to return the end of the pipe that we * should service. Always set. */ static int VBoxServiceControlExecSetupPipe(int fd, PRTHANDLE ph, PRTHANDLE *pph, PRTPIPE phPipe) { AssertPtrReturn(ph, VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER); AssertPtrReturn(pph, VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER); AssertPtrReturn(phPipe, VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER); ph->enmType = RTHANDLETYPE_PIPE; ph->u.hPipe = NIL_RTPIPE; *pph = NULL; *phPipe = NIL_RTPIPE; int rc; /* * Setup a pipe for forwarding to/from the client. * The ph union struct will be filled with a pipe read/write handle * to represent the "other" end to phPipe. */ if (fd == 0) /* stdin? */ { /* Connect a wrtie pipe specified by phPipe to stdin. */ rc = RTPipeCreate(&ph->u.hPipe, phPipe, RTPIPE_C_INHERIT_READ); } else /* stdout or stderr? */ { /* Connect a read pipe specified by phPipe to stdout or stderr. */ rc = RTPipeCreate(phPipe, &ph->u.hPipe, RTPIPE_C_INHERIT_WRITE); } if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) return rc; ph->enmType = RTHANDLETYPE_PIPE; *pph = ph; return rc; } /** * Expands a file name / path to its real content. This only works on Windows * for now (e.g. translating "%TEMP%\foo.exe" to "C:\Windows\Temp" when starting * with system / administrative rights). * * @return IPRT status code. * @param pszPath Path to resolve. * @param pszExpanded Pointer to string to store the resolved path in. * @param cbExpanded Size (in bytes) of string to store the resolved path. */ static int VBoxServiceControlExecMakeFullPath(const char *pszPath, char *pszExpanded, size_t cbExpanded) { int rc = VINF_SUCCESS; #ifdef RT_OS_WINDOWS if (!ExpandEnvironmentStrings(pszPath, pszExpanded, cbExpanded)) rc = RTErrConvertFromWin32(GetLastError()); #else /* No expansion for non-Windows yet. */ rc = RTStrCopy(pszExpanded, cbExpanded, pszPath); #endif #ifdef DEBUG VBoxServiceVerbose(3, "ControlExec: VBoxServiceControlExecMakeFullPath: %s -> %s\n", pszPath, pszExpanded); #endif return rc; } /** * Resolves the full path of a specified executable name. This function also * resolves internal VBoxService tools to its appropriate executable path + name. * * @return IPRT status code. * @param pszFileName File name to resovle. * @param pszResolved Pointer to a string where the resolved file name will be stored. * @param cbResolved Size (in bytes) of resolved file name string. */ static int VBoxServiceControlExecResolveExecutable(const char *pszFileName, char *pszResolved, size_t cbResolved) { int rc = VINF_SUCCESS; /* Search the path of our executable. */ char szVBoxService[RTPATH_MAX]; if (RTProcGetExecutablePath(szVBoxService, sizeof(szVBoxService))) { char *pszExecResolved = NULL; if ( (g_pszProgName && RTStrICmp(pszFileName, g_pszProgName) == 0) || !RTStrICmp(pszFileName, VBOXSERVICE_NAME)) { /* We just want to execute VBoxService (no toolbox). */ pszExecResolved = RTStrDup(szVBoxService); } else /* Nothing to resolve, copy original. */ pszExecResolved = RTStrDup(pszFileName); AssertPtr(pszExecResolved); rc = VBoxServiceControlExecMakeFullPath(pszExecResolved, pszResolved, cbResolved); #ifdef DEBUG VBoxServiceVerbose(3, "ControlExec: VBoxServiceControlExecResolveExecutable: %s -> %s\n", pszFileName, pszResolved); #endif RTStrFree(pszExecResolved); } return rc; } /** * Constructs the argv command line by resolving environment variables * and relative paths. * * @return IPRT status code. * @param pszArgv0 First argument (argv0), either original or modified version. * @param papszArgs Original argv command line from the host, starting at argv[1]. * @param ppapszArgv Pointer to a pointer with the new argv command line. * Needs to be freed with RTGetOptArgvFree. */ static int VBoxServiceControlExecPrepareArgv(const char *pszArgv0, const char * const *papszArgs, char ***ppapszArgv) { /** @todo RTGetOptArgvToString converts to MSC quoted string, while * RTGetOptArgvFromString takes bourne shell according to the docs... * Actually, converting to and from here is a very roundabout way of prepending * an entry (pszFilename) to an array (*ppapszArgv). */ int rc = VINF_SUCCESS; char *pszNewArgs = NULL; if (pszArgv0) rc = RTStrAAppend(&pszNewArgs, pszArgv0); if ( RT_SUCCESS(rc) && papszArgs) { char *pszArgs; rc = RTGetOptArgvToString(&pszArgs, papszArgs, RTGETOPTARGV_CNV_QUOTE_MS_CRT); /* RTGETOPTARGV_CNV_QUOTE_BOURNE_SH */ if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { rc = RTStrAAppend(&pszNewArgs, " "); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) rc = RTStrAAppend(&pszNewArgs, pszArgs); } } if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { int iNumArgsIgnored; rc = RTGetOptArgvFromString(ppapszArgv, &iNumArgsIgnored, pszNewArgs ? pszNewArgs : "", NULL /* Use standard separators. */); } if (pszNewArgs) RTStrFree(pszNewArgs); return rc; } /** * Helper function to create/start a process on the guest. * * @return IPRT status code. * @param pszExec Full qualified path of process to start (without arguments). * @param papszArgs Pointer to array of command line arguments. * @param hEnv Handle to environment block to use. * @param fFlags Process execution flags. * @param phStdIn Handle for the process' stdin pipe. * @param phStdOut Handle for the process' stdout pipe. * @param phStdErr Handle for the process' stderr pipe. * @param pszAsUser User name (account) to start the process under. * @param pszPassword Password of the specified user. * @param phProcess Pointer which will receive the process handle after * successful process start. */ static int VBoxServiceControlExecCreateProcess(const char *pszExec, const char * const *papszArgs, RTENV hEnv, uint32_t fFlags, PCRTHANDLE phStdIn, PCRTHANDLE phStdOut, PCRTHANDLE phStdErr, const char *pszAsUser, const char *pszPassword, PRTPROCESS phProcess) { AssertPtrReturn(pszExec, VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER); AssertPtrReturn(papszArgs, VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER); AssertPtrReturn(phProcess, VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER); int rc = VINF_SUCCESS; char szExecExp[RTPATH_MAX]; #ifdef RT_OS_WINDOWS /* * If sysprep should be executed do this in the context of VBoxService, which * (usually, if started by SCM) has administrator rights. Because of that a UI * won't be shown (doesn't have a desktop). */ if (RTStrICmp(pszExec, "sysprep") == 0) { /* Use a predefined sysprep path as default. */ char szSysprepCmd[RTPATH_MAX] = "C:\\sysprep\\sysprep.exe"; /* * On Windows Vista (and up) sysprep is located in "system32\\sysprep\\sysprep.exe", * so detect the OS and use a different path. */ OSVERSIONINFOEX OSInfoEx; RT_ZERO(OSInfoEx); OSInfoEx.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(OSVERSIONINFOEX); if ( GetVersionEx((LPOSVERSIONINFO) &OSInfoEx) && OSInfoEx.dwPlatformId == VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT && OSInfoEx.dwMajorVersion >= 6 /* Vista or later */) { rc = RTEnvGetEx(RTENV_DEFAULT, "windir", szSysprepCmd, sizeof(szSysprepCmd), NULL); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) rc = RTPathAppend(szSysprepCmd, sizeof(szSysprepCmd), "system32\\sysprep\\sysprep.exe"); } if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { char **papszArgsExp; rc = VBoxServiceControlExecPrepareArgv(szSysprepCmd /* argv0 */, papszArgs, &papszArgsExp); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { rc = RTProcCreateEx(szSysprepCmd, papszArgsExp, hEnv, 0 /* fFlags */, phStdIn, phStdOut, phStdErr, NULL /* pszAsUser */, NULL /* pszPassword */, phProcess); } RTGetOptArgvFree(papszArgsExp); } return rc; } #endif /* RT_OS_WINDOWS */ #ifdef VBOXSERVICE_TOOLBOX if (RTStrStr(pszExec, "vbox_") == pszExec) { /* We want to use the internal toolbox (all internal * tools are starting with "vbox_" (e.g. "vbox_cat"). */ rc = VBoxServiceControlExecResolveExecutable(VBOXSERVICE_NAME, szExecExp, sizeof(szExecExp)); } else { #endif /* * Do the environment variables expansion on executable and arguments. */ rc = VBoxServiceControlExecResolveExecutable(pszExec, szExecExp, sizeof(szExecExp)); #ifdef VBOXSERVICE_TOOLBOX } #endif if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { char **papszArgsExp; rc = VBoxServiceControlExecPrepareArgv(pszExec /* Always use the unmodified executable name as argv0. */, papszArgs /* Append the rest of the argument vector (if any). */, &papszArgsExp); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { uint32_t uProcFlags = 0; if (fFlags) { /* Process Main flag "ExecuteProcessFlag_Hidden". */ if (fFlags & RT_BIT(2)) uProcFlags = RTPROC_FLAGS_HIDDEN; /* Process Main flag "ExecuteProcessFlag_NoProfile". */ if (fFlags & RT_BIT(3)) uProcFlags = RTPROC_FLAGS_NO_PROFILE; } /* If no user name specified run with current credentials (e.g. * full service/system rights). This is prohibited via official Main API! * * Otherwise use the RTPROC_FLAGS_SERVICE to use some special authentication * code (at least on Windows) for running processes as different users * started from our system service. */ if (*pszAsUser) uProcFlags |= RTPROC_FLAGS_SERVICE; #ifdef DEBUG VBoxServiceVerbose(3, "ControlExec: Command: %s\n", szExecExp); for (size_t i = 0; papszArgsExp[i]; i++) VBoxServiceVerbose(3, "ControlExec:\targv[%ld]: %s\n", i, papszArgsExp[i]); #endif /* Do normal execution. */ rc = RTProcCreateEx(szExecExp, papszArgsExp, hEnv, uProcFlags, phStdIn, phStdOut, phStdErr, *pszAsUser ? pszAsUser : NULL, *pszPassword ? pszPassword : NULL, phProcess); RTGetOptArgvFree(papszArgsExp); } } return rc; } /** * The actual worker routine (lopp) for a started guest process. * * @return IPRT status code. * @param PVBOXSERVICECTRLTHREAD Thread data associated with a started process. */ static DECLCALLBACK(int) VBoxServiceControlExecProcessWorker(PVBOXSERVICECTRLTHREAD pThread) { AssertPtr(pThread); PVBOXSERVICECTRLTHREADDATAEXEC pData = (PVBOXSERVICECTRLTHREADDATAEXEC)pThread->pvData; AssertPtr(pData); VBoxServiceVerbose(3, "ControlExec: Thread of process \"%s\" started\n", pData->pszCmd); int rc = VbglR3GuestCtrlConnect(&pThread->uClientID); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) { VBoxServiceError("ControlExec: Thread failed to connect to the guest control service, aborted! Error: %Rrc\n", rc); RTThreadUserSignal(RTThreadSelf()); return rc; } bool fSignalled = false; /* Indicator whether we signalled the thread user event already. */ /* * Create the environment. */ RTENV hEnv; rc = RTEnvClone(&hEnv, RTENV_DEFAULT); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { size_t i; for (i = 0; i < pData->uNumEnvVars && pData->papszEnv; i++) { rc = RTEnvPutEx(hEnv, pData->papszEnv[i]); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) break; } if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { /* * Setup the redirection of the standard stuff. */ /** @todo consider supporting: gcc stuff.c >file 2>&1. */ RTHANDLE hStdIn; PRTHANDLE phStdIn; rc = VBoxServiceControlExecSetupPipe(0 /*STDIN_FILENO*/, &hStdIn, &phStdIn, &pData->pipeStdInW); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { RTHANDLE hStdOut; PRTHANDLE phStdOut; RTPIPE hStdOutR; rc = VBoxServiceControlExecSetupPipe(1 /*STDOUT_FILENO*/, &hStdOut, &phStdOut, &hStdOutR); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { RTHANDLE hStdErr; PRTHANDLE phStdErr; RTPIPE hStdErrR; rc = VBoxServiceControlExecSetupPipe(2 /*STDERR_FILENO*/, &hStdErr, &phStdErr, &hStdErrR); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { /* * Create a poll set for the pipes and let the * transport layer add stuff to it as well. */ RTPOLLSET hPollSet; rc = RTPollSetCreate(&hPollSet); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { rc = RTPollSetAddPipe(hPollSet, pData->pipeStdInW, RTPOLL_EVT_ERROR, VBOXSERVICECTRLPIPEID_STDIN_ERROR); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) rc = RTPollSetAddPipe(hPollSet, hStdOutR, RTPOLL_EVT_READ | RTPOLL_EVT_ERROR, VBOXSERVICECTRLPIPEID_STDOUT); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) rc = RTPollSetAddPipe(hPollSet, hStdErrR, RTPOLL_EVT_READ | RTPOLL_EVT_ERROR, VBOXSERVICECTRLPIPEID_STDERR); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) rc = RTPollSetAddPipe(hPollSet, pData->pipeStdInW, RTPOLL_EVT_WRITE, VBOXSERVICECTRLPIPEID_STDIN_WRITABLE); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) rc = RTPollSetAddPipe(hPollSet, pData->stdIn.hNotificationPipeR, RTPOLL_EVT_READ, VBOXSERVICECTRLPIPEID_STDIN_INPUT_NOTIFY); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { RTPROCESS hProcess; rc = VBoxServiceControlExecCreateProcess(pData->pszCmd, pData->papszArgs, hEnv, pData->uFlags, phStdIn, phStdOut, phStdErr, pData->pszUser, pData->pszPassword, &hProcess); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) VBoxServiceError("ControlExec: Error starting process, rc=%Rrc\n", rc); /* * Tell the control thread that it can continue * spawning services. This needs to be done after the new * process has been started because otherwise signal handling * on (Open) Solaris does not work correctly (see #5068). */ int rc2 = RTThreadUserSignal(RTThreadSelf()); if (RT_FAILURE(rc2)) rc = rc2; fSignalled = true; if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { /* * Close the child ends of any pipes and redirected files. */ rc2 = RTHandleClose(phStdIn); AssertRC(rc2); phStdIn = NULL; rc2 = RTHandleClose(phStdOut); AssertRC(rc2); phStdOut = NULL; rc2 = RTHandleClose(phStdErr); AssertRC(rc2); phStdErr = NULL; /* Enter the process loop. */ rc = VBoxServiceControlExecProcLoop(pThread, hProcess, pData->uTimeLimitMS, hPollSet, &pData->pipeStdInW, &hStdOutR, &hStdErrR); /* * The handles that are no longer in the set have * been closed by the above call in order to prevent * the guest from getting stuck accessing them. * So, NIL the handles to avoid closing them again. */ if (RT_FAILURE(RTPollSetQueryHandle(hPollSet, VBOXSERVICECTRLPIPEID_STDIN_WRITABLE, NULL))) pData->pipeStdInW = NIL_RTPIPE; if (RT_FAILURE(RTPollSetQueryHandle(hPollSet, VBOXSERVICECTRLPIPEID_STDIN_INPUT_NOTIFY, NULL))) pData->stdIn.hNotificationPipeR = NIL_RTPIPE; if (RT_FAILURE(RTPollSetQueryHandle(hPollSet, VBOXSERVICECTRLPIPEID_STDOUT, NULL))) hStdOutR = NIL_RTPIPE; if (RT_FAILURE(RTPollSetQueryHandle(hPollSet, VBOXSERVICECTRLPIPEID_STDERR, NULL))) hStdErrR = NIL_RTPIPE; } else /* Something went wrong; report error! */ { VBoxServiceError("ControlExec: Could not start process '%s' (CID: %u)! Error: %Rrc\n", pData->pszCmd, pThread->uContextID, rc); rc2 = VbglR3GuestCtrlExecReportStatus(pThread->uClientID, pThread->uContextID, pData->uPID, PROC_STS_ERROR, rc, NULL /* pvData */, 0 /* cbData */); if (RT_FAILURE(rc2)) VBoxServiceError("ControlExec: Could not report process start error! Error: %Rrc (process error %Rrc)\n", rc2, rc); } } RTPollSetDestroy(hPollSet); RTPipeClose(pData->stdIn.hNotificationPipeR); } RTPipeClose(hStdErrR); RTHandleClose(phStdErr); } RTPipeClose(hStdOutR); RTHandleClose(phStdOut); } RTPipeClose(pData->pipeStdInW); RTHandleClose(phStdIn); } } RTEnvDestroy(hEnv); } VbglR3GuestCtrlDisconnect(pThread->uClientID); VBoxServiceVerbose(3, "ControlExec: [PID %u]: Thread of process \"%s\" ended with rc=%Rrc\n", pData->uPID, pData->pszCmd, rc); /* * If something went wrong signal the user event so that others don't wait * forever on this thread. */ if (RT_FAILURE(rc) && !fSignalled) RTThreadUserSignal(RTThreadSelf()); return rc; } /** * Thread main routine for a started process. * * @return IPRT status code. * @param RTTHREAD Pointer to the thread's data. * @param void* User-supplied argument pointer. * */ static DECLCALLBACK(int) VBoxServiceControlExecThread(RTTHREAD ThreadSelf, void *pvUser) { PVBOXSERVICECTRLTHREAD pThread = (VBOXSERVICECTRLTHREAD*)pvUser; AssertPtr(pThread); return VBoxServiceControlExecProcessWorker(pThread); } /** * Executes (starts) a process on the guest. This causes a new thread to be created * so that this function will not block the overall program execution. * * @return IPRT status code. * @param uContextID Context ID to associate the process to start with. * @param pszCmd Full qualified path of process to start (without arguments). * @param uFlags Process execution flags. * @param pszArgs String of arguments to pass to the process to start. * @param uNumArgs Number of arguments specified in pszArgs. * @param pszEnv String of environment variables ("FOO=BAR") to pass to the process * to start. * @param cbEnv Size (in bytes) of environment variables. * @param uNumEnvVars Number of environment variables specified in pszEnv. * @param pszUser User name (account) to start the process under. * @param pszPassword Password of specified user name (account). * @param uTimeLimitMS Time limit (in ms) of the process' life time. */ int VBoxServiceControlExecProcess(uint32_t uContextID, const char *pszCmd, uint32_t uFlags, const char *pszArgs, uint32_t uNumArgs, const char *pszEnv, uint32_t cbEnv, uint32_t uNumEnvVars, const char *pszUser, const char *pszPassword, uint32_t uTimeLimitMS) { int rc = VBoxServiceControlExecThreadsApplyPolicies(); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) return rc; /* * Allocate new thread data and assign it to our thread list. */ PVBOXSERVICECTRLTHREAD pThread = (PVBOXSERVICECTRLTHREAD)RTMemAlloc(sizeof(VBOXSERVICECTRLTHREAD)); if (pThread) { rc = VBoxServiceControlExecThreadAlloc(pThread, uContextID, pszCmd, uFlags, pszArgs, uNumArgs, pszEnv, cbEnv, uNumEnvVars, pszUser, pszPassword, uTimeLimitMS); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { static uint32_t uCtrlExecThread = 0; char szThreadName[32]; if (!RTStrPrintf(szThreadName, sizeof(szThreadName), "controlexec%ld", uCtrlExecThread++)) AssertMsgFailed(("Unable to create unique control exec thread name!\n")); rc = RTThreadCreate(&pThread->Thread, VBoxServiceControlExecThread, (void *)(PVBOXSERVICECTRLTHREAD*)pThread, 0, RTTHREADTYPE_DEFAULT, RTTHREADFLAGS_WAITABLE, szThreadName); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) { VBoxServiceError("ControlExec: RTThreadCreate failed, rc=%Rrc\n, pThread=%p\n", rc, pThread); } else { VBoxServiceVerbose(4, "ControlExec: Waiting for thread to initialize ...\n"); /* Wait for the thread to initialize. */ RTThreadUserWait(pThread->Thread, 60 * 1000 /* 60 seconds max. */); if (pThread->fShutdown) { VBoxServiceError("ControlExec: Thread for process \"%s\" failed to start!\n", pszCmd); rc = VERR_GENERAL_FAILURE; } else { pThread->fStarted = true; /*rc =*/ RTListAppend(&g_GuestControlThreads, &pThread->Node); } } if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) VBoxServiceControlExecThreadDataDestroy((PVBOXSERVICECTRLTHREADDATAEXEC)pThread->pvData); } if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) RTMemFree(pThread); } else rc = VERR_NO_MEMORY; return rc; } /** * Handles starting processes on the guest. * * @returns IPRT status code. * @param u32ClientId The HGCM client session ID. * @param uNumParms The number of parameters the host is offering. */ int VBoxServiceControlExecHandleCmdStartProcess(uint32_t u32ClientId, uint32_t uNumParms) { uint32_t uContextID; char szCmd[_1K]; uint32_t uFlags; char szArgs[_1K]; uint32_t uNumArgs; char szEnv[_64K]; uint32_t cbEnv = sizeof(szEnv); uint32_t uNumEnvVars; char szUser[128]; char szPassword[128]; uint32_t uTimeLimitMS; #if 0 /* for valgrind */ RT_ZERO(szCmd); RT_ZERO(szArgs); RT_ZERO(szEnv); RT_ZERO(szUser); RT_ZERO(szPassword); #endif if (uNumParms != 11) return VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER; int rc = VbglR3GuestCtrlExecGetHostCmd(u32ClientId, uNumParms, &uContextID, /* Command */ szCmd, sizeof(szCmd), /* Flags */ &uFlags, /* Arguments */ szArgs, sizeof(szArgs), &uNumArgs, /* Environment */ szEnv, &cbEnv, &uNumEnvVars, /* Credentials */ szUser, sizeof(szUser), szPassword, sizeof(szPassword), /* Timelimit */ &uTimeLimitMS); #ifdef DEBUG VBoxServiceVerbose(3, "ControlExec: Start process szCmd=%s, uFlags=%u, szArgs=%s, szEnv=%s, szUser=%s, szPW=%s, uTimeout=%u\n", szCmd, uFlags, uNumArgs ? szArgs : "", uNumEnvVars ? szEnv : "", szUser, szPassword, uTimeLimitMS); #endif if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { rc = VBoxServiceControlExecProcess(uContextID, szCmd, uFlags, szArgs, uNumArgs, szEnv, cbEnv, uNumEnvVars, szUser, szPassword, uTimeLimitMS); } else VBoxServiceError("ControlExec: Failed to retrieve exec start command! Error: %Rrc\n", rc); return rc; } /** * Handles input for a started process by copying the received data into its * stdin pipe. * * @returns IPRT status code. * @param u32ClientId The HGCM client session ID. * @param uNumParms The number of parameters the host is offering. * @param cMaxBufSize The maximum buffer size for retrieving the input data. */ int VBoxServiceControlExecHandleCmdSetInput(uint32_t u32ClientId, uint32_t uNumParms, size_t cbMaxBufSize) { uint32_t uContextID; uint32_t uPID; uint32_t uFlags; uint32_t cbSize; AssertReturn(RT_IS_POWER_OF_TWO(cbMaxBufSize), VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER); uint8_t *pabBuffer = (uint8_t*)RTMemAlloc(cbMaxBufSize); AssertPtrReturn(pabBuffer, VERR_NO_MEMORY); uint32_t uStatus = INPUT_STS_UNDEFINED; /* Status sent back to the host. */ uint32_t cbWritten = 0; /* Number of bytes written to the guest. */ /* * Ask the host for the input data. */ int rc = VbglR3GuestCtrlExecGetHostCmdInput(u32ClientId, uNumParms, &uContextID, &uPID, &uFlags, pabBuffer, cbMaxBufSize, &cbSize); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) { VBoxServiceError("ControlExec: [PID %u]: Failed to retrieve exec input command! Error: %Rrc\n", uPID, rc); } else if (cbSize > cbMaxBufSize) { VBoxServiceError("ControlExec: [PID %u]: Maximum input buffer size is too small! cbSize=%u, cbMaxBufSize=%u\n", uPID, cbSize, cbMaxBufSize); rc = VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } else { /* * Is this the last input block we need to deliver? Then let the pipe know ... */ bool fPendingClose = false; if (uFlags & INPUT_FLAG_EOF) { fPendingClose = true; VBoxServiceVerbose(4, "ControlExec: [PID %u]: Got last input block of size %u ...\n", uPID, cbSize); } rc = VBoxServiceControlExecThreadSetInput(uPID, fPendingClose, pabBuffer, cbSize, &cbWritten); VBoxServiceVerbose(4, "ControlExec: [PID %u]: Written input, rc=%Rrc, uFlags=0x%x, fPendingClose=%d, cbSize=%u, cbWritten=%u\n", uPID, rc, uFlags, fPendingClose, cbSize, cbWritten); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { if (cbWritten || !cbSize) /* Did we write something or was there anything to write at all? */ { uStatus = INPUT_STS_WRITTEN; uFlags = 0; } } else { if (rc == VERR_BAD_PIPE) uStatus = INPUT_STS_TERMINATED; else if (rc == VERR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW) uStatus = INPUT_STS_OVERFLOW; } } RTMemFree(pabBuffer); /* * If there was an error and we did not set the host status * yet, then do it now. */ if ( RT_FAILURE(rc) && uStatus == INPUT_STS_UNDEFINED) { uStatus = INPUT_STS_ERROR; uFlags = rc; } Assert(uStatus > INPUT_STS_UNDEFINED); VBoxServiceVerbose(3, "ControlExec: [PID %u]: Input processed, uStatus=%u, uFlags=0x%x, cbWritten=%u\n", uPID, uStatus, uFlags, cbWritten); /* Note: Since the context ID is unique the request *has* to be completed here, * regardless whether we got data or not! Otherwise the progress object * on the host never will get completed! */ rc = VbglR3GuestCtrlExecReportStatusIn(u32ClientId, uContextID, uPID, uStatus, uFlags, (uint32_t)cbWritten); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) VBoxServiceError("ControlExec: [PID %u]: Failed to report input status! Error: %Rrc\n", uPID, rc); return rc; } /** * Handles the guest control output command. * * @return IPRT status code. * @param u32ClientId idClient The HGCM client session ID. * @param uNumParms cParms The number of parameters the host is * offering. */ int VBoxServiceControlExecHandleCmdGetOutput(uint32_t u32ClientId, uint32_t uNumParms) { uint32_t uContextID; uint32_t uPID; uint32_t uHandleID; uint32_t uFlags; int rc = VbglR3GuestCtrlExecGetHostCmdOutput(u32ClientId, uNumParms, &uContextID, &uPID, &uHandleID, &uFlags); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { uint32_t cbRead = 0; uint8_t *pBuf = (uint8_t*)RTMemAlloc(_64K); if (pBuf) { rc = VBoxServiceControlExecThreadGetOutput(uPID, uHandleID, RT_INDEFINITE_WAIT /* Timeout */, pBuf, _64K /* cbSize */, &cbRead); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) VBoxServiceVerbose(3, "ControlExec: [PID %u]: Got output, cbRead=%u, uHandle=%u, uFlags=%u\n", uPID, cbRead, uHandleID, uFlags); else VBoxServiceError("ControlExec: [PID %u]: Failed to retrieve output, uHandle=%u, rc=%Rrc\n", uPID, uHandleID, rc); /* Note: Since the context ID is unique the request *has* to be completed here, * regardless whether we got data or not! Otherwise the progress object * on the host never will get completed! */ /* cbRead now contains actual size. */ int rc2 = VbglR3GuestCtrlExecSendOut(u32ClientId, uContextID, uPID, uHandleID, uFlags, pBuf, cbRead); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) rc = rc2; RTMemFree(pBuf); } else rc = VERR_NO_MEMORY; } if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) VBoxServiceError("ControlExec: [PID %u]: Failed to handle output command! Error: %Rrc\n", uPID, rc); return rc; }