1 | # Copyright (c) 2001, Stanford University
2 | # All rights reserved.
3 | #
4 | # See the file LICENSE.txt for information on redistributing this software.
5 |
6 | from __future__ import print_function
7 | import sys
8 | curver = sys.version_info[0] + sys.version_info[1]/10.0
9 | if curver < 2.2:
10 | print("Your python is version %g. Chromium requires at least"%(curver), file=sys.stderr)
11 | print("version 2.2. Please upgrade your python installation.", file=sys.stderr)
12 | sys.exit(1)
13 |
14 | import string;
15 | import re;
16 |
17 | def CopyrightC( ):
18 | print("""/* Copyright (c) 2001, Stanford University
19 | All rights reserved.
20 |
21 | See the file LICENSE.txt for information on redistributing this software. */
22 | """)
23 |
24 | def CopyrightDef( ):
25 | print("""; Copyright (c) 2001, Stanford University
26 | ; All rights reserved.
27 | ;
28 | ; See the file LICENSE.txt for information on redistributing this software.
29 | """)
30 |
31 | def DecoderName( glName ):
32 | return "crUnpack" + glName
33 |
34 | def OpcodeName( glName ):
35 | # This is a bit of a hack. We want to implement the glVertexAttrib*NV
36 | # functions in terms of the glVertexAttrib*ARB opcodes.
37 | m = re.search( "VertexAttrib([1234](ub|b|us|s|ui|i|f|d|)v?)NV", glName )
38 | if m:
39 | dataType = m.group(1)
40 | if dataType == "4ub":
41 | dataType = "4Nub"
42 | elif dataType == "4ubv":
43 | dataType = "4Nubv"
44 | glName = "VertexAttrib" + dataType + "ARB"
45 | return "CR_" + string.upper( glName ) + "_OPCODE"
46 |
47 | def ExtendedOpcodeName( glName ):
48 | return "CR_" + string.upper( glName ) + "_EXTEND_OPCODE"
49 |
50 | def PackFunction( glName ):
51 | return "crPack" + glName
52 |
53 | def DoPackFunctionMapping( glName ):
54 | return "__glpack_" + glName
55 |
56 | def DoStateFunctionMapping( glName ):
57 | return "__glstate_" + glName
58 |
59 | def DoImmediateMapping( glName ):
60 | return "__glim_" + glName
61 |
62 |
63 |
64 | # Annotations are a generalization of Specials (below).
65 | # Each line of an annotation file is a set of words.
66 | # The first word is a key; the remainder are all annotations
67 | # for that key. This is a useful model for grouping keys
68 | # (like GL function names) into overlapping subsets, all in
69 | # a single file.
70 | annotations = {}
71 | def LoadAnnotations(filename):
72 | table = {}
73 | try:
74 | f = open(filename, "r")
75 | except:
76 | annotations[filename] = {}
77 | return {}
78 |
79 | for line in f.readlines():
80 | line = line.strip()
81 | if line == "" or line[0] == '#':
82 | continue
83 | subtable = {}
84 | words = line.split()
85 | for word in words[1:]:
86 | subtable[word] = 1
87 | table[words[0]] = subtable
88 |
89 | annotations[filename] = table
90 | return table
91 |
92 | def GetAnnotations( filename, key ):
93 | table = {}
94 | try:
95 | table = annotations[filename]
96 | except KeyError:
97 | table = LoadAnnotations(filename)
98 |
99 | try:
100 | subtable = table[key]
101 | except KeyError:
102 | return []
103 |
104 | return sorted(subtable.keys())
105 |
106 | def FindAnnotation( filename, key, subkey ):
107 | table = {}
108 | try:
109 | table = annotations[filename]
110 | except KeyError:
111 | table = LoadAnnotations(filename)
112 |
113 | try:
114 | subtable = table[key]
115 | except KeyError:
116 | return 0
117 |
118 | try:
119 | return subtable[subkey]
120 | except KeyError:
121 | return 0
122 |
123 |
124 |
125 | specials = {}
126 |
127 | def LoadSpecials( filename ):
128 | table = {}
129 | try:
130 | f = open( filename, "r" )
131 | except:
132 | specials[filename] = {}
133 | return {}
134 |
135 | for line in f.readlines():
136 | line = string.strip(line)
137 | if line == "" or line[0] == '#':
138 | continue
139 | table[line] = 1
140 |
141 | specials[filename] = table
142 | return table
143 |
144 | def FindSpecial( table_file, glName ):
145 | table = {}
146 | filename = table_file + "_special"
147 | try:
148 | table = specials[filename]
149 | except KeyError:
150 | table = LoadSpecials( filename )
151 |
152 | try:
153 | if (table[glName] == 1):
154 | return 1
155 | else:
156 | return 0 #should never happen
157 | except KeyError:
158 | return 0
159 |
160 | def AllSpecials( table_file ):
161 | table = {}
162 | filename = table_file + "_special"
163 | try:
164 | table = specials[filename]
165 | except KeyError:
166 | table = LoadSpecials( filename )
167 |
168 | return sorted(table.keys())
169 |
170 | def AllSpecials( table_file ):
171 | filename = table_file + "_special"
172 |
173 | table = {}
174 | try:
175 | table = specials[filename]
176 | except KeyError:
177 | table = LoadSpecials(filename)
178 |
179 | return sorted(table.keys())
180 |
181 | def NumSpecials( table_file ):
182 | filename = table_file + "_special"
183 |
184 | table = {}
185 | try:
186 | table = specials[filename]
187 | except KeyError:
188 | table = LoadSpecials(filename)
189 |
190 | return len(table.keys())
191 |
192 | lengths = {}
193 | lengths['GLbyte'] = 1
194 | lengths['GLubyte'] = 1
195 | lengths['GLshort'] = 2
196 | lengths['GLushort'] = 2
197 | lengths['GLint'] = 4
198 | lengths['GLuint'] = 4
199 | lengths['GLfloat'] = 4
200 | lengths['GLclampf'] = 4
201 | lengths['GLdouble'] = 8
202 | lengths['GLclampd'] = 8
203 |
204 | lengths['GLenum'] = 4
205 | lengths['GLboolean'] = 1
206 | lengths['GLsizei'] = 4
207 | lengths['GLbitfield'] = 4
208 |
209 | lengths['void'] = 0
210 | lengths['int'] = 4
211 |
212 | align_types = 1
213 |
214 | def FixAlignment( pos, alignment ):
215 | # if we want double-alignment take word-alignment instead,
216 | # yes, this is super-lame, but we know what we are doing
217 | if alignment > 4:
218 | alignment = 4
219 | if align_types and alignment and ( pos % alignment ):
220 | pos += alignment - ( pos % alignment )
221 | return pos
222 |
223 | def WordAlign( pos ):
224 | return FixAlignment( pos, 4 )
225 |
226 | def PointerSize():
227 | return 8 # Leave room for a 64 bit pointer
228 |
229 | def PacketLength( arg_types ):
230 | len = 0
231 | for arg in arg_types:
232 | if string.find( arg, '*') != -1:
233 | size = PointerSize()
234 | else:
235 | temp_arg = re.sub("const ", "", arg)
236 | size = lengths[temp_arg]
237 | len = FixAlignment( len, size ) + size
238 | len = WordAlign( len )
239 | return len
240 |
241 | def InternalArgumentString( arg_names, arg_types ):
242 | """Return string of C-style function declaration arguments."""
243 | output = ''
244 | for index in range(0,len(arg_names)):
245 | if len(arg_names) != 1 and arg_names[index] == '':
246 | continue
247 | output += arg_types[index]
248 | if arg_types[index][-1:] != '*' and arg_names[index] != '':
249 | output += " ";
250 | output += arg_names[index]
251 | if index != len(arg_names) - 1:
252 | output += ", "
253 | return output
254 |
255 | def ArgumentString( arg_names, arg_types ):
256 | """Return InternalArgumentString inside parenthesis."""
257 | output = '( ' + InternalArgumentString(arg_names, arg_types) + ' )'
258 | return output
259 |
260 | def InternalCallString( arg_names ):
261 | output = ''
262 | for index in range(0,len(arg_names)):
263 | output += arg_names[index]
264 | if arg_names[index] != '' and index != len(arg_names) - 1:
265 | output += ", "
266 | return output
267 |
268 | def CallString( arg_names ):
269 | output = '( '
270 | output += InternalCallString(arg_names)
271 | output += " )"
272 | return output
273 |
274 | def IsVector ( func_name ) :
275 | m = re.search( r"^(SecondaryColor|Color|EdgeFlag|EvalCoord|Index|Normal|TexCoord|MultiTexCoord|Vertex|RasterPos|VertexAttrib|FogCoord|WindowPos|ProgramParameter)([1234]?)N?(ub|b|us|s|ui|i|f|d|)v(ARB|EXT|NV)?$", func_name )
276 | if m :
277 | if m.group(2) :
278 | return string.atoi( m.group(2) )
279 | else:
280 | return 1
281 | else:
282 | return 0