/** @file * X11 Seamless mode. */ /* * Copyright (C) 2008 Oracle Corporation * * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as * available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software; * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU * General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software * Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the * VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind. */ /***************************************************************************** * Header files * *****************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include "seamless-guest.h" #include #include #include #include "vector.h" #ifdef TESTCASE #undef DefaultRootWindow #define DefaultRootWindow XDefaultRootWindow #endif /***************************************************************************** * Static functions * *****************************************************************************/ static unsigned char *XXGetProperty (Display *aDpy, Window aWnd, Atom aPropType, const char *aPropName, unsigned long *nItems) { LogRelFlowFunc(("\n")); Atom propNameAtom = XInternAtom (aDpy, aPropName, True /* only_if_exists */); if (propNameAtom == None) { return NULL; } Atom actTypeAtom = None; int actFmt = 0; unsigned long nBytesAfter = 0; unsigned char *propVal = 0; int rc = XGetWindowProperty (aDpy, aWnd, propNameAtom, 0, LONG_MAX, False /* delete */, aPropType, &actTypeAtom, &actFmt, nItems, &nBytesAfter, &propVal); if (rc != Success) return NULL; LogRelFlowFunc(("returning\n")); return propVal; } /** * Initialise the guest and ensure that it is capable of handling seamless mode * * @returns true if it can handle seamless, false otherwise */ int VBoxGuestSeamlessX11::init(VBoxGuestSeamlessObserver *pObserver) { int rc = VINF_SUCCESS; LogRelFlowFunc(("\n")); if (0 != mObserver) /* Assertion */ { LogRel(("VBoxClient: ERROR: attempt to initialise seamless guest object twice!\n")); return VERR_INTERNAL_ERROR; } if (!(mDisplay = XOpenDisplay(NULL))) { LogRel(("VBoxClient: seamless guest object failed to acquire a connection to the display.\n")); return VERR_ACCESS_DENIED; } mObserver = pObserver; LogRelFlowFunc(("returning %Rrc\n", rc)); return rc; } /** * Read information about currently visible windows in the guest and subscribe to X11 * events about changes to this information. * * @note This class does not contain its own event thread, so an external thread must * call nextEvent() for as long as events are wished. * @todo This function should switch the guest to fullscreen mode. */ int VBoxGuestSeamlessX11::start(void) { int rc = VINF_SUCCESS; /** Dummy values for XShapeQueryExtension */ int error, event; LogRelFlowFunc(("\n")); mSupportsShape = XShapeQueryExtension(mDisplay, &event, &error); mEnabled = true; monitorClientList(); rebuildWindowTree(); LogRelFlowFunc(("returning %Rrc\n", rc)); return rc; } /** Stop reporting seamless events to the host. Free information about guest windows and stop requesting updates. */ void VBoxGuestSeamlessX11::stop(void) { LogRelFlowFunc(("\n")); mEnabled = false; unmonitorClientList(); freeWindowTree(); LogRelFlowFunc(("returning\n")); } void VBoxGuestSeamlessX11::monitorClientList(void) { LogRelFlowFunc(("called\n")); XSelectInput(mDisplay, DefaultRootWindow(mDisplay), SubstructureNotifyMask); } void VBoxGuestSeamlessX11::unmonitorClientList(void) { LogRelFlowFunc(("called\n")); XSelectInput(mDisplay, DefaultRootWindow(mDisplay), 0); } /** * Recreate the table of toplevel windows of clients on the default root window of the * X server. */ void VBoxGuestSeamlessX11::rebuildWindowTree(void) { LogRelFlowFunc(("called\n")); freeWindowTree(); addClients(DefaultRootWindow(mDisplay)); mChanged = true; } /** * Look at the list of children of a virtual root window and add them to the list of clients * if they belong to a client which is not a virtual root. * * @param hRoot the virtual root window to be examined */ void VBoxGuestSeamlessX11::addClients(const Window hRoot) { /** Unused out parameters of XQueryTree */ Window hRealRoot, hParent; /** The list of children of the root supplied, raw pointer */ Window *phChildrenRaw = NULL; /** The list of children of the root supplied, auto-pointer */ Window *phChildren; /** The number of children of the root supplied */ unsigned cChildren; LogRelFlowFunc(("\n")); if (!XQueryTree(mDisplay, hRoot, &hRealRoot, &hParent, &phChildrenRaw, &cChildren)) return; phChildren = phChildrenRaw; for (unsigned i = 0; i < cChildren; ++i) addClientWindow(phChildren[i]); XFree(phChildrenRaw); LogRelFlowFunc(("returning\n")); } void VBoxGuestSeamlessX11::addClientWindow(const Window hWin) { LogRelFlowFunc(("\n")); XWindowAttributes winAttrib; bool fAddWin = true; char *pszWinName = NULL; Window hClient = XmuClientWindow(mDisplay, hWin); if (isVirtualRoot(hClient)) fAddWin = false; if (fAddWin && !XGetWindowAttributes(mDisplay, hWin, &winAttrib)) { LogRelFunc(("VBoxClient: Failed to get the window attributes for window %d\n", hWin)); fAddWin = false; } if (fAddWin && (winAttrib.map_state == IsUnmapped)) fAddWin = false; XSizeHints dummyHints; long dummyLong; if (fAddWin && (!XGetWMNormalHints(mDisplay, hClient, &dummyHints, &dummyLong))) { LogRelFlowFunc(("window %lu, client window %lu has no size hints\n", hWin, hClient)); fAddWin = false; } if (fAddWin) { XRectangle *pRects = NULL; int cRects = 0, iOrdering; bool hasShape = false; LogRelFlowFunc(("adding window %lu, client window %lu\n", hWin, hClient)); if (mSupportsShape) { XShapeSelectInput(mDisplay, hWin, ShapeNotifyMask); pRects = XShapeGetRectangles(mDisplay, hWin, ShapeBounding, &cRects, &iOrdering); if (!pRects) cRects = 0; else { if ( (cRects > 1) || (pRects[0].x != 0) || (pRects[0].y != 0) || (pRects[0].width != winAttrib.width) || (pRects[0].height != winAttrib.height) ) hasShape = true; } } mGuestWindows.addWindow(hWin, hasShape, winAttrib.x, winAttrib.y, winAttrib.width, winAttrib.height, cRects, pRects); } LogRelFlowFunc(("returning\n")); } /** * Checks whether a window is a virtual root. * @returns true if it is, false otherwise * @param hWin the window to be examined */ bool VBoxGuestSeamlessX11::isVirtualRoot(Window hWin) { unsigned char *windowTypeRaw = NULL; Atom *windowType; unsigned long ulCount; bool rc = false; LogRelFlowFunc(("\n")); windowTypeRaw = XXGetProperty(mDisplay, hWin, XA_ATOM, WM_TYPE_PROP, &ulCount); if (windowTypeRaw != NULL) { windowType = (Atom *)(windowTypeRaw); if ( (ulCount != 0) && (*windowType == XInternAtom(mDisplay, WM_TYPE_DESKTOP_PROP, True))) rc = true; } if (windowTypeRaw) XFree(windowTypeRaw); LogRelFlowFunc(("returning %s\n", rc ? "true" : "false")); return rc; } DECLCALLBACK(int) VBoxGuestWinFree(VBoxGuestWinInfo *pInfo, void *pvParam) { Display *pDisplay = (Display *)pvParam; XShapeSelectInput(pDisplay, pInfo->Core.Key, 0); delete pInfo; return VINF_SUCCESS; } /** * Free all information in the tree of visible windows */ void VBoxGuestSeamlessX11::freeWindowTree(void) { /* We use post-increment in the operation to prevent the iterator from being invalidated. */ LogRelFlowFunc(("\n")); mGuestWindows.detachAll(VBoxGuestWinFree, mDisplay); LogRelFlowFunc(("returning\n")); } /** * Waits for a position or shape-related event from guest windows * * @note Called from the guest event thread. */ void VBoxGuestSeamlessX11::nextEvent(void) { XEvent event; LogRelFlowFunc(("\n")); /* Start by sending information about the current window setup to the host. We do this here because we want to send all such information from a single thread. */ if (mChanged) { updateRects(); mObserver->notify(); } mChanged = false; XNextEvent(mDisplay, &event); switch (event.type) { case ConfigureNotify: doConfigureEvent(event.xconfigure.window); break; case MapNotify: doMapEvent(event.xmap.window); break; case VBoxShapeNotify: /* This is defined wrong in my X11 header files! */ /* the window member in xany is in the same place as in the shape event */ doShapeEvent(event.xany.window); break; case UnmapNotify: doUnmapEvent(event.xunmap.window); break; default: break; } LogRelFlowFunc(("returning\n")); } /** * Handle a configuration event in the seamless event thread by setting the new position. * * @param event the X11 event structure */ void VBoxGuestSeamlessX11::doConfigureEvent(Window hWin) { LogRelFlowFunc(("\n")); VBoxGuestWinInfo *pInfo = mGuestWindows.find(hWin); if (pInfo) { XWindowAttributes winAttrib; if (!XGetWindowAttributes(mDisplay, hWin, &winAttrib)) return; pInfo->mX = winAttrib.x; pInfo->mY = winAttrib.y; pInfo->mWidth = winAttrib.width; pInfo->mHeight = winAttrib.height; if (pInfo->mhasShape) { XRectangle *pRects; int cRects = 0, iOrdering; pRects = XShapeGetRectangles(mDisplay, hWin, ShapeBounding, &cRects, &iOrdering); if (!pRects) cRects = 0; if (pInfo->mpRects) XFree(pInfo->mpRects); pInfo->mcRects = cRects; pInfo->mpRects = pRects; } mChanged = true; } LogRelFlowFunc(("returning\n")); } /** * Handle a map event in the seamless event thread. * * @param event the X11 event structure */ void VBoxGuestSeamlessX11::doMapEvent(Window hWin) { LogRelFlowFunc(("\n")); VBoxGuestWinInfo *pInfo = mGuestWindows.find(hWin); if (!pInfo) { addClientWindow(hWin); mChanged = true; } LogRelFlowFunc(("returning\n")); } /** * Handle a window shape change event in the seamless event thread. * * @param event the X11 event structure */ void VBoxGuestSeamlessX11::doShapeEvent(Window hWin) { LogRelFlowFunc(("\n")); VBoxGuestWinInfo *pInfo = mGuestWindows.find(hWin); if (pInfo) { XRectangle *pRects; int cRects = 0, iOrdering; pRects = XShapeGetRectangles(mDisplay, hWin, ShapeBounding, &cRects, &iOrdering); if (!pRects) cRects = 0; pInfo->mhasShape = true; if (pInfo->mpRects) XFree(pInfo->mpRects); pInfo->mcRects = cRects; pInfo->mpRects = pRects; mChanged = true; } LogRelFlowFunc(("returning\n")); } /** * Handle an unmap event in the seamless event thread. * * @param event the X11 event structure */ void VBoxGuestSeamlessX11::doUnmapEvent(Window hWin) { LogRelFlowFunc(("\n")); VBoxGuestWinInfo *pInfo = mGuestWindows.removeWindow(hWin); if (pInfo) { VBoxGuestWinFree(pInfo, mDisplay); mChanged = true; } LogRelFlowFunc(("returning\n")); } /** * Gets the list of visible rectangles */ RTRECT *VBoxGuestSeamlessX11::getRects(void) { return mpRects; } /** * Gets the number of rectangles in the visible rectangle list */ size_t VBoxGuestSeamlessX11::getRectCount(void) { return mcRects; } RTVEC_DECL(RectList, RTRECT) DECLCALLBACK(int) getRectsCallback(VBoxGuestWinInfo *pInfo, struct RectList *pRects) { if (pInfo->mhasShape) { for (int i = 0; i < pInfo->mcRects; ++i) { RTRECT *pRect; pRect = RectListPushBack(pRects); if (!pRect) return VERR_NO_MEMORY; pRect->xLeft = pInfo->mX + pInfo->mpRects[i].x; pRect->yBottom = pInfo->mY + pInfo->mpRects[i].y + pInfo->mpRects[i].height; pRect->xRight = pInfo->mX + pInfo->mpRects[i].x + pInfo->mpRects[i].width; pRect->yTop = pInfo->mY + pInfo->mpRects[i].y; } } else { RTRECT *pRect; pRect = RectListPushBack(pRects); if (!pRect) return VERR_NO_MEMORY; pRect->xLeft = pInfo->mX; pRect->yBottom = pInfo->mY + pInfo->mHeight; pRect->xRight = pInfo->mX + pInfo->mWidth; pRect->yTop = pInfo->mY; } return VINF_SUCCESS; } /** * Updates the list of seamless rectangles */ int VBoxGuestSeamlessX11::updateRects(void) { LogRelFlowFunc(("\n")); unsigned cRects = 0; struct RectList rects = RTVEC_INITIALIZER; if (0 != mcRects) { int rc = RectListReserve(&rects, mcRects * 2); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) return rc; } mGuestWindows.doWithAll((PVBOXGUESTWINCALLBACK)getRectsCallback, &rects); if (mpRects) RTMemFree(mpRects); mcRects = RectListSize(&rects); mpRects = RectListDetach(&rects); LogRelFlowFunc(("returning\n")); return VINF_SUCCESS; } /** * Send a client event to wake up the X11 seamless event loop prior to stopping it. * * @note This function should only be called from the host event thread. */ bool VBoxGuestSeamlessX11::interruptEvent(void) { bool rc = false; LogRelFlowFunc(("\n")); /* Message contents set to zero. */ XClientMessageEvent clientMessage = { ClientMessage, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 8 }; if (0 != XSendEvent(mDisplay, DefaultRootWindow(mDisplay), false, PropertyChangeMask, reinterpret_cast(&clientMessage))) { XFlush(mDisplay); rc = true; } LogRelFlowFunc(("returning %s\n", rc ? "true" : "false")); return rc; }