1 | # This file contains the complete list, excluding modules of undefined symbols
2 | # which are allowed in XFree86 4.3 binary driver modules.
3 |
4 | AddCallback
5 | AddEnabledDevice
6 | AddExtension
7 | AddExtensionAlias
8 | AddResource
9 | AdjustWaitForDelay
10 | AllocateClientPrivate
11 | AllocateClientPrivateIndex
12 | AllocateColormapPrivateIndex
13 | AllocateGCPrivate
14 | AllocateGCPrivateIndex
15 | AllocatePixmap
16 | AllocatePixmapPrivate
17 | AllocatePixmapPrivateIndex
18 | AllocateScreenPrivateIndex
19 | AllocateWindowPrivate
20 | AllocateWindowPrivateIndex
21 | AllocColor
22 | _alpha_inb
23 | _alpha_inl
24 | _alpha_inw
25 | _alpha_outb
26 | _alpha_outl
27 | _alpha_outw
28 | AltICD2061SetClock
29 | AssignTypeAndName
30 | Att409SetClock
31 | AttendClient
32 | BadShmSegCode
33 | BitOrderInvert
34 | BufFileRead
35 | BufFileWrite
36 | _bus_base
37 | byte_reversed
38 | ChangeGC
39 | ChangeResourceValue
40 | ChangeWindowAttributes
41 | ChangeWindowProperty
42 | CheckCursorConfinement
43 | CheckExtension
44 | CheckFSFormat
45 | CheckWindowOptionalNeed
46 | Chrontel8391SetClock
47 | CirrusFindClock
48 | CirrusSetClock
49 | clients
50 | ClientSleep
51 | ClientSleepUntil
52 | ClientStateCallback
53 | ClientTimeToServerTime
54 | ClientWakeup
55 | CloseFont
56 | commonCalcClock
57 | CompareTimeStamps
58 | ConfiguredMonitor
59 | CopyGC
60 | CopyISOLatin1Lowered
61 | CopySwap32Write
62 | CreateColormap
63 | CreateFontRec
64 | CreateGC
65 | CreateNewResourceClass
66 | CreateNewResourceType
67 | CreateScratchGC
68 | CreateUnclippedWinSize
69 | CreateWindow
70 | currentMaxClients
71 | CurrentSelections
72 | currentTime
73 | dacInTi3026IndReg
74 | dacOutTi3026IndReg
75 | debug_inb
76 | debug_inl
77 | debug_inw
78 | debug_outb
79 | debug_outl
80 | debug_outw
81 | DeclareExtensionSecurity
82 | defaultColorVisualClass
83 | defaultDPMSEnabled
84 | DeleteCallback
85 | DeliverEvents
86 | deltaSaveUndersViewable
87 | DestroyFontRec
88 | DeviceEventCallback
89 | DGAActive
90 | DGAAvailable
91 | DGABlitRect
92 | DGABlitTransRect
93 | DGAChangePixmapMode
94 | DGACloseFramebuffer
95 | DGACreateColormap
96 | DGAFillRect
97 | DGAGetModeInfo
98 | DGAGetModes
99 | DGAGetOldDGAMode
100 | DGAGetViewportStatus
101 | DGAInit
102 | DGAInstallCmap
103 | DGAOpenFramebuffer
104 | DGASelectInput
105 | DGASetInputMode
106 | DGASetMode
107 | DGASetViewport
108 | DGASync
109 | dispatchException
110 | div
111 | __div64
112 | __divdf3
113 | __divdi3
114 | __divl
115 | __divlu
116 | __divq
117 | __divqu
118 | __divsf3
119 | __divsi3
120 | dixChangeGC
121 | DoChangeGC
122 | DPMSCapableFlag
123 | DPMSDisabledSwitch
124 | DPMSEnabled
125 | DPMSEnabledSwitch
126 | DPMSGet
127 | DPMSOffTime
128 | DPMSPowerLevel
129 | DPMSSet
130 | DPMSStandbyTime
131 | DPMSSupported
132 | DPMSSuspendTime
133 | DuplicateModule
134 | eieio
135 | erel->rel->r_info
136 | Error
137 | ErrorF
138 | Et4000AltICD2061SetClock
139 | ET4000gendacSetClock
140 | ET4000stg1703SetClock
141 | ET6000SetClock
142 | EventCallback
143 | EventSwapVector
144 | ex
145 | FakeAllocColor
146 | FakeClientID
147 | FakeFreeColor
148 | FatalError
149 | FindAllClientResources
150 | FindClientResourcesByType
151 | FindWindowWithOptional
152 | FlushCallback
153 | FontCacheChangeSettings
154 | FontCacheCloseCache
155 | FontCacheGetBitmap
156 | FontCacheGetEntry
157 | FontCacheGetSettings
158 | FontCacheGetStatistics
159 | FontCacheInsertEntry
160 | FontCacheOpenCache
161 | FontCacheSearchEntry
162 | FontComputeInfoAccelerators
163 | FontCouldBeTerminal
164 | FontDefaultFormat
165 | FontEncDirectory
166 | FontEncFind
167 | FontEncFromXLFD
168 | FontEncMapFind
169 | FontEncName
170 | font_encoding_find
171 | font_encoding_from_xlfd
172 | font_encoding_name
173 | font_encoding_recode
174 | FontEncRecode
175 | FontFileBitmapSources
176 | FontFileClose
177 | FontFileCloseFont
178 | FontFileCompleteXLFD
179 | FontFileCountDashes
180 | FontFileFindNameInDir
181 | FontFileMatchRenderer
182 | FontFileOpen
183 | FontFileOpenBitmap
184 | FontFilePriorityRegisterRenderer
185 | FontFileRegisterRenderer
186 | FontMapFind
187 | FontMapReverse
188 | FontMapReverseFree
189 | FontParseXLFDName
190 | FontToXError
191 | FourByteSwap
192 | fpe_functions
193 | FreeColors
194 | FreeCursor
195 | FreeGC
196 | FreeResource
197 | FreeResourceByType
198 | FreeScratchGC
199 | FreeScratchPixmapHeader
200 | func
201 | func
202 | gendacMNToClock
203 | GetGlyphs
204 | GetScratchGC
205 | GetScratchPixmapHeader
206 | GetTimeInMillis
207 | GetXIDList
208 | GetXIDRange
209 | GiveUp
210 | globalSerialNumber
211 | GrabInProgress
212 | GravityTranslate
213 | header
214 | IBMRGBSetClock
215 | ICS2595SetClock
216 | ICS5342SetClock
217 | identifyEncodingFile
218 | IgnoreClient
219 | inb
220 | _inb
221 | InitButtonClassDeviceStruct
222 | InitFocusClassDeviceStruct
223 | InitKeyboardDeviceStruct
224 | InitKeyClassDeviceStruct
225 | InitLedFeedbackClassDeviceStruct
226 | InitPointerDeviceStruct
227 | InitProximityClassDeviceStruct
228 | InitPtrFeedbackClassDeviceStruct
229 | InitValuatorAxisStruct
230 | InitValuatorClassDeviceStruct
231 | inl
232 | _inl
233 | inputInfo
234 | inw
235 | _inw
236 | ioBase
237 | isItTimeToYield
238 | lastDeviceEventTime
239 | lastResourceType
240 | ldl_brx
241 | ldl_u
242 | ldq_u
243 | ldw_brx
244 | ldw_u
245 | LegalNewID
246 | LoaderCheckUnresolved
247 | LoaderDefaultFunc
248 | LoaderErrorMsg
249 | LoaderFreeDirList
250 | LoaderGetOS
251 | LoaderListDirs
252 | LoaderRefSymbols
253 | LoaderRefSymLists
254 | LoaderReqSymbols
255 | LoaderReqSymLists
256 | LoaderSymbol
257 | LoadExtension
258 | LoadFont
259 | LoadGlyphs
260 | LoadSubModule
261 | LocalClient
262 | LookupClient
263 | LookupDrawable
264 | LookupIDByClass
265 | LookupIDByType
266 | LookupKeyboardDevice
267 | LookupPointerDevice
268 | LookupWindow
269 | MakeAtom
270 | MakeClientGrabImpervious
271 | MakeClientGrabPervious
272 | MakeWindowOptional
273 | MapWindow
274 | mem_barrier
275 | memcpy
276 | "memcpy",xf86memcpy
277 | memset
278 | "memset",xf86memset
279 | miAllocateGCPrivateIndex
280 | miChangeBorderWidth
281 | miChangeClip
282 | miChangeGC
283 | miClearDrawable
284 | miClearToBackground
285 | miClearVisualTypes
286 | miClipNotify
287 | miClipSpans
288 | miCompositeRects
289 | miComputeCompositeClip
290 | miComputeCompositeRegion
291 | miCopyArea
292 | miCopyClip
293 | miCopyGC
294 | miCopyPlane
295 | miCreateDefColormap
296 | miCreateGCOps
297 | miCreateScreenResources
298 | miDCInitialize
299 | miDestroyClip
300 | miDestroyGC
301 | miDestroyGCOps
302 | miEmptyBox
303 | miEmptyData
304 | miExpandDirectColors
305 | miFillArcSetup
306 | miFillArcSliceSetup
307 | miFillConvexPoly
308 | miFillPolygon
309 | miFindMaxBand
310 | miGetDefaultVisualMask
311 | miGetImage
312 | miGetScreenPixmap
313 | miGlyphExtents
314 | miGlyphs
315 | miHandleExposures
316 | miHandleValidateExposures
317 | miHookInitVisuals
318 | miImageGlyphBlt
319 | miImageText16
320 | miImageText8
321 | miInitializeBackingStore
322 | miInitializeBanking
323 | miInitializeColormap
324 | miInitOverlay
325 | miInitVisuals
326 | miInitVisualsProc
327 | miInstallColormap
328 | miInstalledMaps
329 | miIntersect
330 | miInverse
331 | miListInstalledColormaps
332 | miModifyBanking
333 | miModifyPixmapHeader
334 | MinorOpcodeOfRequest
335 | miOverlayCollectUnderlayRegions
336 | miOverlayComputeCompositeClip
337 | miOverlayCopyUnderlay
338 | miOverlayGetPrivateClips
339 | miOverlaySetRootClip
340 | miOverlaySetTransFunction
341 | miPaintWindow
342 | miPictureInit
343 | miPointerAbsoluteCursor
344 | miPointerCurrentScreen
345 | miPointerGetMotionBufferSize
346 | miPointerGetMotionEvents
347 | miPointerInitialize
348 | miPointerPosition
349 | miPointerScreenIndex
350 | miPointerWarpCursor
351 | miPointInRegion
352 | miPolyArc
353 | miPolyBuildEdge
354 | miPolyBuildPoly
355 | miPolyFillArc
356 | miPolyFillRect
357 | miPolyGlyphBlt
358 | miPolyPoint
359 | miPolyRectangle
360 | miPolySegment
361 | miPolyText16
362 | miPolyText8
363 | miPushPixels
364 | miPutImage
365 | miRecolorCursor
366 | miRectAlloc
367 | miRectIn
368 | miRectsToRegion
369 | miRegionAppend
370 | miRegionCopy
371 | miRegionCreate
372 | miRegionDestroy
373 | miRegionEmpty
374 | miRegionExtents
375 | miRegionInit
376 | miRegionNotEmpty
377 | miRegionReset
378 | miRegionUninit
379 | miRegionValidate
380 | miResolveColor
381 | miRoundCapClip
382 | miRoundJoinClip
383 | MiscExtApply
384 | MiscExtCreateStruct
385 | MiscExtDestroyStruct
386 | MiscExtGetFilePaths
387 | MiscExtGetKbdSettings
388 | MiscExtGetKbdValue
389 | MiscExtGetMouseSettings
390 | MiscExtGetMouseValue
391 | MiscExtSetGrabKeysState
392 | MiscExtSetKbdValue
393 | MiscExtSetMouseDevice
394 | MiscExtSetMouseValue
395 | miScreenInit
396 | miSegregateChildren
397 | miSendGraphicsExpose
398 | miSetPixmapDepths
399 | miSetScreenPixmap
400 | miSetShape
401 | miSetVisualTypes
402 | miSetVisualTypesAndMasks
403 | miSetZeroLineBias
404 | miShapedWindowIn
405 | miSpritePointerFuncs
406 | miStepDash
407 | miSubtract
408 | miTranslateRegion
409 | miUninstallColormap
410 | miUnion
411 | miWideDash
412 | miWideLine
413 | miWindowExposures
414 | miZeroArcSetup
415 | miZeroClipLine
416 | miZeroDashLine
417 | miZeroLine
418 | miZeroLineScreenIndex
419 | miZeroPolyArc
420 | __moddi3
421 | __modsi3
422 | monitorResolution
423 | MoveWindowInStack
424 | mul
425 | __mul64
426 | __muldf3
427 | __muldi3
428 | __mulsf3
429 | __mulsi3
430 | Must_have_memory
431 | NameForAtom
432 | name, func
433 | name, var
434 | NewCurrentScreen
435 | NoopDDA
436 | noPanoramiXExtension
437 | NotClippedByChildren
438 | noTestExtensions
439 | NotImplemented
440 | noXkbExtension
441 | NumCurrentSelections
442 | numSaveUndersViewable
443 | Ones
444 | outb
445 | _outb
446 | outl
447 | _outl
448 | outw
449 | _outw
450 | panoramiXdataPtr
451 | PanoramiXNumScreens
452 | PciAvoid
453 | pciBusAddrToHostAddr
454 | pciFindFirst
455 | pciFindNext
456 | pciHostAddrToBusAddr
457 | pciNumBuses
458 | pciReadByte
459 | pciReadLong
460 | pciReadWord
461 | pciSetBitsLong
462 | pciTag
463 | pciWriteByte
464 | pciWriteLong
465 | pciWriteWord
466 | permitOldBugs
467 | PictureAddFilter
468 | PictureGetSubpixelOrder
469 | PictureInit
470 | PictureScreenPrivateIndex
471 | PictureSetFilterAlias
472 | PictureSetSubpixelOrder
473 | PictureTransformPoint
474 | PixmapWidthPaddingInfo
475 | PointerConfinedToScreen
476 | ProcBadRequest
477 | ProcVector
478 | QueryColors
479 | QueryGlyphExtents
480 | QueueWorkProc
481 | RegisterBlockAndWakeupHandlers
482 | RegisterResourceName
483 | rel[i].r_info
484 | rel->r_info
485 | rem
486 | __reml
487 | __remlu
488 | RemoveBlockAndWakeupHandlers
489 | RemoveEnabledDevice
490 | __remq
491 | __remqu
492 | RepadBitmap
493 | ReplyCallback
494 | ReplySwapVector
495 | res8514Exclusive
496 | res8514Shared
497 | ResetCurrentRequest
498 | ResizeChildrenWinSize
499 | ResourceNames
500 | _restf14
501 | _restf17
502 | _restf18
503 | _restf19
504 | _restf20
505 | _restf22
506 | _restf23
507 | _restf24
508 | _restf25
509 | _restf26
510 | _restf27
511 | _restf28
512 | _restf29
513 | resVgaExclusive
514 | resVgaIoShared
515 | resVgaMemShared
516 | resVgaShared
517 | resVgaSparseExclusive
518 | resVgaSparseShared
519 | resVgaUnusedExclusive
520 | resVgaUnusedShared
521 | S3AuroraSetClock
522 | S3gendacSetClock
523 | s3IBMRGB_Init
524 | s3IBMRGB_Probe
525 | s3InIBMRGBIndReg
526 | s3OutIBMRGBIndReg
527 | S3Trio64V2SetClock
528 | S3TrioSetClock
529 | savedScreenInfo
530 | _savef14
531 | _savef17
532 | _savef18
533 | _savef19
534 | _savef20
535 | _savef22
536 | _savef23
537 | _savef24
538 | _savef25
539 | _savef26
540 | _savef27
541 | _savef28
542 | _savef29
543 | SaveScreens
544 | SC11412SetClock
545 | screenInfo
546 | screenIsSaved
547 | ScreenSaverBlanking
548 | ScreenSaverTime
549 | SecurityLookupDrawable
550 | SecurityLookupIDByClass
551 | SecurityLookupIDByType
552 | SecurityLookupWindow
553 | SendErrorToClient
554 | SendMappingNotify
555 | SendVisibilityNotify
556 | serverClient
557 | serverGeneration
558 | ServerGrabCallback
559 | SetBorderSize
560 | SetClipRects
561 | SetCriticalEvent
562 | SetCriticalOutputPending
563 | SetDashes
564 | SetInputCheck
565 | SetTimeSinceLastInputEvent
566 | SetWinSize
567 | ShmCompletionCode
568 | ShmSegType
569 | SkippedRequestsCallback
570 | sparcPromClose
571 | sparcPromGetBool
572 | sparcPromGetProperty
573 | sparcPromInit
574 | StandardMinorOpcode
575 | STG1703getIndex
576 | STG1703magic
577 | STG1703SetClock
578 | STG1703setIndex
579 | stl_brx
580 | stl_u
581 | StoreColors
582 | stq_u
583 | stw_brx
584 | stw_u
585 | Swap32Write
586 | SwapColorItem
587 | SwapConnSetupInfo
588 | SwapConnSetupPrefix
589 | SwapLongs
590 | SwapShorts
591 | sysctlbyname
592 | TellGainedMap
593 | TellLostMap
594 | Ti3025SetClock
595 | Ti3026SetClock
596 | Ti3030SetClock
597 | TimerCancel
598 | TimerFree
599 | TimerSet
600 | TraverseTree
601 | TryClientEvents
602 | TwoByteSwap
603 | TypeMask
604 | udiv
605 | __udivdi3
606 | __udivsi3
607 | __umoddi3
608 | __umodsi3
609 | umul
610 | UnloadSubModule
611 | UnmapWindow
612 | UpdateCurrentTime
613 | UpdateCurrentTimeIf
614 | urem
615 | ValidateGC
616 | ValidAtom
617 | var
618 | VerifyRectOrder
619 | VErrorF
620 | VidModeAddModeline
621 | VidModeCheckModeForDriver
622 | VidModeCheckModeForMonitor
623 | VidModeCopyMode
624 | VidModeCreateMode
625 | VidModeDeleteModeline
626 | VidModeExtensionInit
627 | VidModeGetClocks
628 | VidModeGetCurrentModeline
629 | VidModeGetDotClock
630 | VidModeGetFirstModeline
631 | VidModeGetGamma
632 | VidModeGetGammaRamp
633 | VidModeGetGammaRampSize
634 | VidModeGetModeValue
635 | VidModeGetMonitor
636 | VidModeGetMonitorValue
637 | VidModeGetNextModeline
638 | VidModeGetNumOfClocks
639 | VidModeGetNumOfModes
640 | VidModeGetViewPort
641 | VidModeLockZoom
642 | VidModeSetCrtcForMode
643 | VidModeSetGamma
644 | VidModeSetGammaRamp
645 | VidModeSetModeValue
646 | VidModeSetViewPort
647 | VidModeSwitchMode
648 | VidModeZoomViewport
649 | WalkTree
650 | WindowsRestructured
651 | WindowTable
652 | WriteEventsToClient
653 | write_mem_barrier
654 | WriteToClient
655 | x
656 | Xalloc
657 | Xcalloc
658 | XDGAEventBase
659 | xf86abort
660 | xf86abs
661 | xf86access
662 | xf86acos
663 | xf86AcquireGART
664 | xf86AddDeviceToConfigure
665 | xf86AddDriver
666 | xf86AddEnabledDevice
667 | xf86AddEntityToScreen
668 | xf86AddInputDriver
669 | xf86AddInputHandler
670 | xf86AddModuleInfo
671 | xf86AddNewOption
672 | xf86AddPixFormat
673 | xf86AddResToList
674 | xf86AgpGARTSupported
675 | xf86AllocateEntityPrivateIndex
676 | xf86AllocateGARTMemory
677 | xf86AllocateInput
678 | xf86AllocateLinearOffscreenArea
679 | xf86AllocateOffscreenArea
680 | xf86AllocateOffscreenLinear
681 | xf86AllocateScreen
682 | xf86AllocateScrnInfoPrivateIndex
683 | xf86asin
684 | xf86atan
685 | xf86atan2
686 | xf86atof
687 | xf86atoi
688 | xf86atol
689 | xf86BindGARTMemory
690 | xf86BlockSIGIO
691 | xf86Break1
692 | xf86Break2
693 | xf86Break3
694 | xf86bsearch
695 | xf86BusToMem
696 | xf86bzero
697 | xf86calloc
698 | xf86CaughtSignal
699 | xf86ceil
700 | xf86CheckIfOptionUsed
701 | xf86CheckIfOptionUsedByName
702 | xf86CheckModeForDriver
703 | xf86CheckModeForMonitor
704 | xf86CheckMTRR
705 | xf86CheckPciGAType
706 | xf86CheckPciMemBase
707 | xf86CheckPciSlot
708 | xf86ChkConflict
709 | xf86chmod
710 | xf86chown
711 | xf86ClaimFbSlot
712 | xf86ClaimFixedResources
713 | xf86ClaimIsaSlot
714 | xf86ClaimNoSlot
715 | xf86ClaimPciSlot
716 | xf86clearerr
717 | xf86ClearPrimInitDone
718 | xf86close
719 | xf86closedir
720 | xf86CloseSerial
721 | xf86clrdaccommbit
722 | xf86CollectInputOptions
723 | xf86CollectOptions
724 | xf86CommonSpecialKey
725 | xf86ComparePciBusString
726 | xf86ConfigActiveIsaEntity
727 | xf86ConfigActivePciEntity
728 | xf86ConfigDRI
729 | xf86ConfigFbEntity
730 | xf86ConfigIsaEntity
731 | xf86ConfigIsaEntityInactive
732 | xf86ConfigPciEntity
733 | xf86ConfigPciEntityInactive
734 | xf86cos
735 | xf86CurrentScreen
736 | xf86dactocomm
737 | xf86dactopel
738 | xf86DeallocateResourcesForEntity
739 | xf86DeleteDriver
740 | xf86DeleteInput
741 | xf86DeleteMode
742 | xf86DeleteModuleInfo
743 | xf86DeleteScreen
744 | xf86DeregisterStateChangeNotificationCallback
745 | xf86DisableInputHandler
746 | xf86DisableInterrupts
747 | xf86DisableIO
748 | xf86DisableRandR
749 | xf86DPMSInit
750 | xf86DrvMsg
751 | xf86DrvMsgVerb
752 | xf86DummyVar1
753 | xf86DummyVar2
754 | xf86DummyVar3
755 | xf86DupResList
756 | xf86EnableAccess
757 | xf86EnableAGP
758 | xf86EnableDisableFBAccess
759 | xf86EnableInputHandler
760 | xf86EnableInterrupts
761 | xf86EnableIO
762 | xf86EnablePciBusMaster
763 | xf86EnableVTSwitch
764 | xf86EnterServerState
765 | xf86eqEnqueue
766 | xf86errno
767 | xf86ErrorF
768 | xf86ErrorFVerb
769 | xf86execl
770 | xf86exit
771 | xf86exp
772 | xf86fabs
773 | xf86FBManagerRunning
774 | xf86fclose
775 | xf86feof
776 | xf86ferror
777 | xf86fflush
778 | xf86ffs
779 | xf86fgetc
780 | xf86fgetpos
781 | xf86fgets
782 | xf86FindOption
783 | xf86FindOptionValue
784 | xf86FindPciClass
785 | xf86FindPciDeviceVendor
786 | xf86FindScreenForEntity
787 | xf86FindXvOptions
788 | xf86finite
789 | xf86FirstLocalDevice
790 | xf86FixPciResource
791 | xf86floor
792 | xf86FlushInput
793 | xf86fmod
794 | xf86fopen
795 | xf86FormatPciBusNumber
796 | xf86fpossize
797 | xf86fprintf
798 | xf86fputc
799 | xf86fputs
800 | xf86fread
801 | xf86free
802 | xf86FreeOffscreenArea
803 | xf86FreeOffscreenLinear
804 | xf86FreeResList
805 | xf86freopen
806 | xf86frexp
807 | xf86fscanf
808 | xf86fseek
809 | xf86fsetpos
810 | xf86fstat
811 | xf86ftell
812 | xf86fwrite
813 | xf86GARTCloseScreen
814 | xf86GetAGPInfo
815 | xf86GetAllowMouseOpenFail
816 | xf86GetBlock
817 | xf86GetBppFromDepth
818 | xf86getc
819 | xf86GetClocks
820 | xf86getdaccomm
821 | xf86GetDepth
822 | xf86GetDevFromEntity
823 | xf86getegid
824 | xf86GetEntityForSbusInfo
825 | xf86GetEntityInfo
826 | xf86GetEntityPrivate
827 | xf86getenv
828 | xf86GetErrno
829 | xf86geteuid
830 | xf86GetFlipPixels
831 | xf86GetGamma
832 | xf86getjmptype
833 | xf86GetLastScrnFlag
834 | xf86GetModInDevAllowNonLocal
835 | xf86GetModInDevEnabled
836 | xf86GetModuleVersion
837 | xf86GetMotionEvents
838 | xf86GetNearestClock
839 | xf86GetNumEntityInstances
840 | xf86GetOptValBool
841 | xf86GetOptValFreq
842 | xf86GetOptValInteger
843 | xf86GetOptValReal
844 | xf86GetOptValString
845 | xf86GetOptValULong
846 | xf86GetOS
847 | xf86getpagesize
848 | xf86GetPciConfigInfo
849 | xf86GetPciDomain
850 | xf86GetPciEntity
851 | xf86GetPciInfoForEntity
852 | xf86GetPciVideoInfo
853 | xf86getpid
854 | xf86GetPix24
855 | xf86GetPixFormat
856 | xf86GetPointerScreenFuncs
857 | xf86GetSbusInfoForEntity
858 | xf86getsecs
859 | xf86GetSerialModemState
860 | xf86GetServerName
861 | xf86GetSparse
862 | xf86GetVerbosity
863 | xf86GetVersion
864 | xf86GetVidModeAllowNonLocal
865 | xf86GetVidModeEnabled
866 | xf86GetVisualName
867 | xf86GetWeight
868 | xf86HandleColormaps
869 | xf86HUGE_VAL
870 | xf86hypot
871 | xf86InitFBManager
872 | xf86InitFBManagerArea
873 | xf86InitFBManagerRegion
874 | xf86InitialCheckModeForDriver
875 | xf86InitValuatorAxisStruct
876 | xf86InitValuatorDefaults
877 | xf86InstallSIGIOHandler
878 | xf86inSuspend
879 | xf86InterceptSignals
880 | xf86ioctl
881 | xf86IODelay
882 | xf86isalnum
883 | xf86isalpha
884 | xf86iscntrl
885 | xf86IsCorePointer
886 | xf86isdigit
887 | xf86IsEntityPrimary
888 | xf86IsEntitySharable
889 | xf86IsEntityShared
890 | xf86isgraph
891 | xf86islower
892 | xf86IsOptionSet
893 | xf86IsPc98
894 | xf86IsPciDevPresent
895 | xf86IsPrimaryIsa
896 | xf86IsPrimaryPci
897 | xf86IsPrimInitDone
898 | xf86isprint
899 | xf86ispunct
900 | xf86IsScreenPrimary
901 | xf86isspace
902 | xf86IsUnblank
903 | xf86isupper
904 | xf86isxdigit
905 | xf86JoinResLists
906 | xf86labs
907 | xf86ldexp
908 | xf86LinearVidMem
909 | xf86LoadDrvSubModule
910 | xf86LoaderCheckSymbol
911 | xf86LoaderRefSymbols
912 | xf86LoaderRefSymLists
913 | xf86LoaderReqSymbols
914 | xf86LoaderReqSymLists
915 | xf86LoadKernelModule
916 | xf86LoadOneModule
917 | xf86LoadSubModule
918 | xf86log
919 | xf86log10
920 | "xf86longjmp",longjmp
921 | xf86LookupMode
922 | xf86lseek
923 | xf86malloc
924 | xf86MapDomainIO
925 | xf86MapDomainMemory
926 | xf86MapPciMem
927 | xf86MapReadSideEffects
928 | xf86MapSbusMem
929 | xf86MapVidMem
930 | xf86MarkOptionUsed
931 | xf86MarkOptionUsedByName
932 | xf86MatchDevice
933 | xf86MatchIsaInstances
934 | xf86MatchPciInstances
935 | xf86MatchSbusInstances
936 | xf86memchr
937 | xf86memcmp
938 | xf86memcpy
939 | xf86memmove
940 | xf86memset
941 | xf86MemToBus
942 | xf86mkdir
943 | xf86mknod
944 | xf86mmap
945 | xf86ModeStatusToString
946 | xf86modf
947 | xf86MotionHistoryAllocate
948 | xf86Msg
949 | xf86MsgVerb
950 | xf86munmap
951 | xf86NameCmp
952 | xf86NewOption
953 | xf86NewSerialNumber
954 | xf86NextOption
955 | xf86NoSharedResources
956 | xf86open
957 | xf86opendir
958 | xf86OpenSerial
959 | xf86OptionListCreate
960 | xf86OptionListFree
961 | xf86OptionListMerge
962 | xf86OptionListReport
963 | xf86OptionName
964 | xf86OptionValue
965 | xf86OSKbdPreInit
966 | xf86OSMouseInit
967 | xf86p8bit
968 | xf86ParseIsaBusString
969 | xf86ParsePciBusString
970 | xf86perror
971 | xf86PixmapIndex
972 | xf86PostButtonEvent
973 | xf86PostKeyboardEvent
974 | xf86PostKeyEvent
975 | xf86PostMotionEvent
976 | xf86PostProximityEvent
977 | xf86pow
978 | xf86PrintChipsets
979 | xf86PrintDepthBpp
980 | xf86printf
981 | xf86PrintModes
982 | xf86PrintResList
983 | xf86ProcessCommonOptions
984 | xf86ProcessOptions
985 | xf86PruneDriverModes
986 | xf86PurgeUnlockedOffscreenAreas
987 | xf86qsort
988 | xf86QueryLargestOffscreenArea
989 | xf86QueryLargestOffscreenLinear
990 | xf86QueueAsyncEvent
991 | xf86read
992 | xf86ReadBIOS
993 | xf86readdir
994 | xf86ReadDomainMemory
995 | xf86ReadMmio16
996 | xf86ReadMmio32
997 | xf86ReadMmio8
998 | xf86ReadPciBIOS
999 | xf86ReadSerial
1000 | xf86realloc
1001 | xf86ReallocatePciResources
1002 | xf86RegisterFreeBoxCallback
1003 | xf86RegisterOffscreenManager
1004 | xf86RegisterResources
1005 | xf86RegisterRootWindowProperty
1006 | xf86RegisterStateChangeNotificationCallback
1007 | xf86ReleaseGART
1008 | xf86remove
1009 | xf86RemoveEnabledDevice
1010 | xf86RemoveEntityFromScreen
1011 | xf86RemoveInputHandler
1012 | xf86RemoveSIGIOHandler
1013 | xf86rename
1014 | xf86ReplaceBoolOption
1015 | xf86ReplaceIntOption
1016 | xf86ReplaceStrOption
1017 | xf86ResizeOffscreenArea
1018 | xf86ResizeOffscreenLinear
1019 | xf86ReturnOptValBool
1020 | xf86rewind
1021 | xf86rewinddir
1022 | xf86SbusHandleColormaps
1023 | xf86SbusHideOsHwCursor
1024 | xf86SbusSetOsHwCursorCmap
1025 | xf86SbusUseBuiltinMode
1026 | xf86ScaleAxis
1027 | xf86scanpci
1028 | xf86ScreenIndex
1029 | xf86Screens
1030 | xf86SerialModemClearBits
1031 | xf86SerialModemSetBits
1032 | xf86SerialSendBreak
1033 | xf86ServerIsExiting
1034 | xf86ServerIsOnlyDetecting
1035 | xf86ServerIsOnlyProbing
1036 | xf86ServerIsResetting
1037 | xf86SetAccessFuncs
1038 | xf86SetBackingStore
1039 | xf86SetBlackWhitePixels
1040 | xf86SetBoolOption
1041 | xf86setbuf
1042 | xf86SetCrtcForModes
1043 | xf86SetCurrentAccess
1044 | xf86setdaccomm
1045 | xf86setdaccommbit
1046 | xf86SetDefaultVisual
1047 | xf86SetDepthBpp
1048 | xf86SetDpi
1049 | xf86SetEntityFuncs
1050 | xf86SetEntityInstanceForScreen
1051 | xf86SetEntitySharable
1052 | xf86SetEntityShared
1053 | xf86SetGamma
1054 | xf86SetIntOption
1055 | xf86setjmp
1056 | xf86setjmp1
1057 | xf86setjmp1_arg2
1058 | "xf86setjmp1",__sigsetjmp
1059 | xf86setjmperror
1060 | "xf86setjmp",setjmp
1061 | xf86SetLastScrnFlag
1062 | xf86SetOperatingState
1063 | xf86SetPciVideo
1064 | xf86SetPrimInitDone
1065 | xf86SetPriority
1066 | xf86SetRealOption
1067 | xf86SetSerial
1068 | xf86SetSerialModemState
1069 | xf86SetSerialSpeed
1070 | xf86SetSilkenMouse
1071 | xf86SetStrOption
1072 | xf86setvbuf
1073 | xf86SetWeight
1074 | xf86shmat
1075 | xf86shmctl
1076 | xf86shmdt
1077 | xf86shmget
1078 | xf86ShowClockRanges
1079 | xf86ShowClocks
1080 | xf86ShowUnusedOptions
1081 | xf86sin
1082 | xf86sleep
1083 | xf86SlowBcopy
1084 | xf86SlowBCopyFromBus
1085 | xf86SlowBCopyToBus
1086 | xf86snprintf
1087 | xf86SoundKbdBell
1088 | xf86sprintf
1089 | xf86SPTimestamp
1090 | xf86sqrt
1091 | xf86sscanf
1092 | xf86stat
1093 | xf86stderr
1094 | xf86stdin
1095 | xf86stdout
1096 | xf86STimestamp
1097 | xf86strcasecmp
1098 | xf86strcat
1099 | xf86strchr
1100 | xf86strcmp
1101 | xf86strcpy
1102 | xf86strcspn
1103 | xf86strdup
1104 | xf86strerror
1105 | xf86StringToToken
1106 | xf86strlen
1107 | xf86strncasecmp
1108 | xf86strncat
1109 | xf86strncmp
1110 | xf86strncpy
1111 | xf86strpbrk
1112 | xf86strrchr
1113 | xf86strspn
1114 | xf86strstr
1115 | xf86strtod
1116 | xf86strtok
1117 | xf86strtol
1118 | xf86strtoul
1119 | xf86tan
1120 | xf86tmpfile
1121 | xf86TokenToOptinfo
1122 | xf86TokenToOptName
1123 | xf86TokenToString
1124 | xf86tolower
1125 | xf86toupper
1126 | xf86UDelay
1127 | xf86UnbindGARTMemory
1128 | xf86UnblockSIGIO
1129 | xf86ungetc
1130 | xf86UnloadSubModule
1131 | xf86UnmapSbusMem
1132 | xf86UnMapVidMem
1133 | xf86usleep
1134 | xf86ValidateModes
1135 | xf86VDrvMsgVerb
1136 | xf86vfprintf
1137 | xf86vsnprintf
1138 | xf86vsprintf
1139 | xf86WaitForInput
1140 | xf86write
1141 | xf86WriteMmio16
1142 | xf86WriteMmio32
1143 | xf86WriteMmio8
1144 | xf86WriteMmioNB16
1145 | xf86WriteMmioNB32
1146 | xf86WriteMmioNB8
1147 | xf86writepci
1148 | xf86WriteSerial
1149 | xf86XInputSetScreen
1150 | xf86XInputSetSendCoreEvents
1151 | xf86XVAllocateVideoAdaptorRec
1152 | xf86XVClipVideoHelper
1153 | xf86XVFillKeyHelper
1154 | xf86XVFreeVideoAdaptorRec
1155 | xf86XVListGenericAdaptors
1156 | xf86XvMCScreenInit
1157 | xf86XVQueryOffscreenImages
1158 | xf86XVRegisterGenericAdaptorDriver
1159 | xf86XVRegisterOffscreenImages
1160 | xf86XVScreenInit
1161 | Xfree
1162 | XineramaDeleteResource
1163 | XineramaGetCursorScreen
1164 | XineramaRegisterConnectionBlockCallback
1165 | XisbBlockDuration
1166 | XisbFree
1167 | XisbNew
1168 | XisbRead
1169 | XisbTrace
1170 | XisbWrite
1171 | XkbInitKeyboardDeviceStruct
1172 | XkbSetRulesDflts
1173 | XNFalloc
1174 | XNFcalloc
1175 | XNFrealloc
1176 | XNFstrdup
1178 | Xrealloc
1180 | XRT_GC
1183 | Xstrdup
1184 | XvGetRTPortProc
1185 | XvGetScreenIndexProc
1186 | XvMCScreenInitProc
1187 | XvScreenInitProc