1 | /* $XFree86: xc/programs/Xserver/hw/xfree86/common/xf86.h,v 3.169 2003/02/13 10:49:38 eich Exp $ */
2 |
3 | /*
4 | * Copyright (c) 1997 by The XFree86 Project, Inc.
5 | */
6 |
7 | /*
8 | * This file contains declarations for public XFree86 functions and variables,
9 | * and definitions of public macros.
10 | *
11 | * "public" means available to video drivers.
12 | */
13 |
14 | #ifndef _XF86_H
15 | #define _XF86_H
16 |
17 | #include "xf86str.h"
18 | #include "xf86Opt.h"
19 | #include <X11/Xfuncproto.h>
20 | #ifndef IN_MODULE
21 | #include <stdarg.h>
22 | #else
23 | #include "xf86_ansic.h"
24 | #endif
25 |
26 | #include "propertyst.h"
27 |
28 | /* General parameters */
29 | extern int xf86DoConfigure;
30 | extern Bool xf86DoConfigurePass1;
31 | extern int xf86ScreenIndex; /* Index into pScreen.devPrivates */
32 | extern int xf86CreateRootWindowIndex; /* Index into pScreen.devPrivates */
33 | extern int xf86PixmapIndex;
34 | extern Bool xf86ResAccessEnter;
35 | extern ScrnInfoPtr *xf86Screens; /* List of pointers to ScrnInfoRecs */
36 | extern const unsigned char byte_reversed[256];
37 | extern PropertyPtr *xf86RegisteredPropertiesTable;
38 | extern ScrnInfoPtr xf86CurrentScreen;
39 | extern Bool pciSlotClaimed;
40 | extern Bool isaSlotClaimed;
41 | extern Bool fbSlotClaimed;
42 | #ifdef __sparc__
43 | extern Bool sbusSlotClaimed;
44 | #endif
45 | extern confDRIRec xf86ConfigDRI;
46 | extern Bool xf86inSuspend;
47 |
48 | #define XF86SCRNINFO(p) ((ScrnInfoPtr)((p)->devPrivates[xf86ScreenIndex].ptr))
49 |
50 | #define XF86FLIP_PIXELS() \
51 | do { \
52 | if (xf86GetFlipPixels()) { \
53 | pScreen->whitePixel = (pScreen->whitePixel) ? 0 : 1; \
54 | pScreen->blackPixel = (pScreen->blackPixel) ? 0 : 1; \
55 | } \
56 | while (0)
57 |
58 | #define BOOLTOSTRING(b) ((b) ? "TRUE" : "FALSE")
59 |
60 | #define PIX24TOBPP(p) (((p) == Pix24Use24) ? 24 : \
61 | (((p) == Pix24Use32) ? 32 : 0))
62 |
63 | /* variables for debugging */
64 | #ifdef BUILDDEBUG
65 | extern char* xf86p8bit[];
66 | extern CARD32 xf86DummyVar1;
67 | extern CARD32 xf86DummyVar2;
68 | extern CARD32 xf86DummyVar3;
69 | #endif
70 |
71 | /* Function Prototypes */
72 | #ifndef _NO_XF86_PROTOTYPES
73 |
74 | /* xf86Bus.c */
75 |
76 | Bool xf86CheckPciSlot(int bus, int device, int func);
77 | int xf86ClaimPciSlot(int bus, int device, int func, DriverPtr drvp,
78 | int chipset, GDevPtr dev, Bool active);
79 | Bool xf86ParsePciBusString(const char *busID, int *bus, int *device,
80 | int *func);
81 | Bool xf86ComparePciBusString(const char *busID, int bus, int device, int func);
82 | void xf86FormatPciBusNumber(int busnum, char *buffer);
83 | pciVideoPtr *xf86GetPciVideoInfo(void);
84 | pciConfigPtr *xf86GetPciConfigInfo(void);
85 | void xf86SetPciVideo(pciVideoPtr, resType);
86 | void xf86PrintResList(int verb, resPtr list);
87 | resPtr xf86AddRangesToList(resPtr list, resRange *pRange, int entityIndex);
88 | int xf86ClaimIsaSlot(DriverPtr drvp, int chipset, GDevPtr dev, Bool active);
89 | int xf86GetIsaInfoForScreen(int scrnIndex);
90 | int xf86GetFbInfoForScreen(int scrnIndex);
91 | Bool xf86ParseIsaBusString(const char *busID);
92 | int xf86ClaimFbSlot(DriverPtr drvp, int chipset, GDevPtr dev, Bool active);
93 | int xf86ClaimNoSlot(DriverPtr drvp, int chipset, GDevPtr dev, Bool active);
94 | void xf86EnableAccess(ScrnInfoPtr pScrn);
95 | void xf86SetCurrentAccess(Bool Enable, ScrnInfoPtr pScrn);
96 | Bool xf86IsPrimaryPci(pciVideoPtr pPci);
97 | Bool xf86IsPrimaryIsa(void);
98 | int xf86CheckPciGAType(pciVideoPtr pPci);
99 | /* new RAC */
100 | resPtr xf86AddResToList(resPtr rlist, resRange *Range, int entityIndex);
101 | resPtr xf86JoinResLists(resPtr rlist1, resPtr rlist2);
102 | resPtr xf86DupResList(const resPtr rlist);
103 | void xf86FreeResList(resPtr rlist);
104 | void xf86ClaimFixedResources(resList list, int entityIndex);
105 | Bool xf86DriverHasEntities(DriverPtr drvp);
106 | void xf86AddEntityToScreen(ScrnInfoPtr pScrn, int entityIndex);
107 | void xf86SetEntityInstanceForScreen(ScrnInfoPtr pScrn, int entityIndex,
108 | int instance);
109 | int xf86GetNumEntityInstances(int entityIndex);
110 | GDevPtr xf86GetDevFromEntity(int entityIndex, int instance);
111 | void xf86RemoveEntityFromScreen(ScrnInfoPtr pScrn, int entityIndex);
112 | EntityInfoPtr xf86GetEntityInfo(int entityIndex);
113 | pciVideoPtr xf86GetPciInfoForEntity(int entityIndex);
114 | int xf86GetPciEntity(int bus, int dev, int func);
115 | Bool xf86SetEntityFuncs(int entityIndex, EntityProc init,
116 | EntityProc enter, EntityProc leave, pointer);
117 | void xf86DeallocateResourcesForEntity(int entityIndex, unsigned long type);
118 | resPtr xf86RegisterResources(int entityIndex, resList list,
119 | unsigned long Access);
120 | Bool xf86CheckPciMemBase(pciVideoPtr pPci, memType base);
121 | void xf86SetAccessFuncs(EntityInfoPtr pEnt, xf86SetAccessFuncPtr funcs,
122 | xf86SetAccessFuncPtr oldFuncs);
123 | Bool xf86IsEntityPrimary(int entityIndex);
124 | Bool xf86FixPciResource(int entityIndex, int prt, memType alignment,
125 | unsigned long type);
126 | resPtr xf86ReallocatePciResources(int entityIndex, resPtr pRes);
127 | resPtr xf86SetOperatingState(resList list, int entityIndex, int mask);
128 | void xf86EnterServerState(xf86State state);
129 | resRange xf86GetBlock(unsigned long type, memType size,
130 | memType window_start, memType window_end,
131 | memType align_mask, resPtr avoid);
132 | resRange xf86GetSparse(unsigned long type, memType fixed_bits,
133 | memType decode_mask, memType address_mask,
134 | resPtr avoid);
135 | memType xf86ChkConflict(resRange *rgp, int entityIndex);
136 | Bool xf86IsPciDevPresent(int bus, int dev, int func);
137 | ScrnInfoPtr xf86FindScreenForEntity(int entityIndex);
138 | Bool xf86NoSharedResources(int screenIndex, resType res);
139 | resPtr xf86FindIntersectOfLists(resPtr l1, resPtr l2);
140 | pciVideoPtr xf86FindPciDeviceVendor(CARD16 vendorID, CARD16 deviceID,
141 | char n, pciVideoPtr pvp_exclude);
142 | pciVideoPtr xf86FindPciClass(CARD8 intf, CARD8 subClass, CARD16 class,
143 | char n, pciVideoPtr pvp_exclude);
145 | void xf86EnablePciBusMaster(pciVideoPtr pPci, Bool enable);
146 | #endif
147 | void xf86RegisterStateChangeNotificationCallback(xf86StateChangeNotificationCallbackFunc func, pointer arg);
148 | Bool xf86DeregisterStateChangeNotificationCallback(xf86StateChangeNotificationCallbackFunc func);
149 | #ifdef async
150 | Bool xf86QueueAsyncEvent(void (*func)(pointer),pointer arg);
151 | #endif
152 |
153 | int xf86GetLastScrnFlag(int entityIndex);
154 | void xf86SetLastScrnFlag(int entityIndex, int scrnIndex);
155 | Bool xf86IsEntityShared(int entityIndex);
156 | void xf86SetEntityShared(int entityIndex);
157 | Bool xf86IsEntitySharable(int entityIndex);
158 | void xf86SetEntitySharable(int entityIndex);
159 | Bool xf86IsPrimInitDone(int entityIndex);
160 | void xf86SetPrimInitDone(int entityIndex);
161 | void xf86ClearPrimInitDone(int entityIndex);
162 | int xf86AllocateEntityPrivateIndex(void);
163 | DevUnion *xf86GetEntityPrivate(int entityIndex, int privIndex);
164 |
165 | /* xf86Configure.c */
166 | GDevPtr xf86AddBusDeviceToConfigure(const char *driver, BusType bus,
167 | void *busData, int chipset);
168 | GDevPtr xf86AddDeviceToConfigure(const char *driver, pciVideoPtr pVideo,
169 | int chipset);
170 |
171 | /* xf86Cursor.c */
172 |
173 | void xf86LockZoom(ScreenPtr pScreen, int lock);
174 | void xf86InitViewport(ScrnInfoPtr pScr);
175 | void xf86SetViewport(ScreenPtr pScreen, int x, int y);
176 | void xf86ZoomViewport(ScreenPtr pScreen, int zoom);
177 | Bool xf86SwitchMode(ScreenPtr pScreen, DisplayModePtr mode);
178 | void *xf86GetPointerScreenFuncs(void);
179 | void xf86InitOrigins(void);
180 | void xf86ReconfigureLayout(void);
181 |
182 | /* xf86DPMS.c */
183 |
184 | Bool xf86DPMSInit(ScreenPtr pScreen, DPMSSetProcPtr set, int flags);
185 |
186 | /* xf86DGA.c */
187 |
188 | Bool DGAInit(ScreenPtr pScreen, DGAFunctionPtr funcs, DGAModePtr modes,
189 | int num);
190 | xf86SetDGAModeProc xf86SetDGAMode;
191 |
192 | /* xf86Events.c */
193 |
194 | void SetTimeSinceLastInputEvent(void);
195 | pointer xf86AddInputHandler(int fd, InputHandlerProc proc, pointer data);
196 | int xf86RemoveInputHandler(pointer handler);
197 | void xf86DisableInputHandler(pointer handler);
198 | void xf86EnableInputHandler(pointer handler);
199 | void xf86InterceptSignals(int *signo);
200 | Bool xf86EnableVTSwitch(Bool new);
201 | Bool xf86CommonSpecialKey(int key, Bool down, int modifiers);
202 | void xf86ProcessActionEvent(ActionEvent action, void *arg);
203 |
204 | /* xf86Helper.c */
205 |
206 | void xf86AddDriver(DriverPtr driver, pointer module, int flags);
207 | void xf86DeleteDriver(int drvIndex);
208 | ScrnInfoPtr xf86AllocateScreen(DriverPtr drv, int flags);
209 | void xf86DeleteScreen(int scrnIndex, int flags);
210 | int xf86AllocateScrnInfoPrivateIndex(void);
211 | Bool xf86AddPixFormat(ScrnInfoPtr pScrn, int depth, int bpp, int pad);
212 | Bool xf86SetDepthBpp(ScrnInfoPtr scrp, int depth, int bpp, int fbbpp,
213 | int depth24flags);
214 | void xf86PrintDepthBpp(ScrnInfoPtr scrp);
215 | Bool xf86SetWeight(ScrnInfoPtr scrp, rgb weight, rgb mask);
216 | Bool xf86SetDefaultVisual(ScrnInfoPtr scrp, int visual);
217 | Bool xf86SetGamma(ScrnInfoPtr scrp, Gamma newGamma);
218 | void xf86SetDpi(ScrnInfoPtr pScrn, int x, int y);
219 | void xf86SetBlackWhitePixels(ScreenPtr pScreen);
220 | void xf86EnableDisableFBAccess(int scrnIndex, Bool enable);
221 | void xf86VDrvMsgVerb(int scrnIndex, MessageType type, int verb,
222 | const char *format, va_list args);
223 | void xf86DrvMsgVerb(int scrnIndex, MessageType type, int verb,
224 | const char *format, ...);
225 | void xf86DrvMsg(int scrnIndex, MessageType type, const char *format, ...);
226 | void xf86MsgVerb(MessageType type, int verb, const char *format, ...);
227 | void xf86Msg(MessageType type, const char *format, ...);
228 | void xf86ErrorFVerb(int verb, const char *format, ...);
229 | void xf86ErrorF(const char *format, ...);
230 | const char *xf86TokenToString(SymTabPtr table, int token);
231 | int xf86StringToToken(SymTabPtr table, const char *string);
232 | void xf86ShowClocks(ScrnInfoPtr scrp, MessageType from);
233 | void xf86PrintChipsets(const char *drvname, const char *drvmsg,
234 | SymTabPtr chips);
235 | int xf86MatchDevice(const char *drivername, GDevPtr **driversectlist);
236 | int xf86MatchPciInstances(const char *driverName, int vendorID,
237 | SymTabPtr chipsets, PciChipsets *PCIchipsets,
238 | GDevPtr *devList, int numDevs, DriverPtr drvp,
239 | int **foundEntities);
240 | int xf86MatchIsaInstances(const char *driverName, SymTabPtr chipsets,
241 | IsaChipsets *ISAchipsets, DriverPtr drvp,
242 | FindIsaDevProc FindIsaDevice, GDevPtr *devList,
243 | int numDevs, int **foundEntities);
244 | void xf86GetClocks(ScrnInfoPtr pScrn, int num,
245 | Bool (*ClockFunc)(ScrnInfoPtr, int),
246 | void (*ProtectRegs)(ScrnInfoPtr, Bool),
247 | void (*BlankScreen)(ScrnInfoPtr, Bool),
248 | IOADDRESS vertsyncreg, int maskval,
249 | int knownclkindex, int knownclkvalue);
250 | void xf86SetPriority(Bool up);
251 | const char *xf86GetVisualName(int visual);
252 | int xf86GetVerbosity(void);
253 | Pix24Flags xf86GetPix24(void);
254 | int xf86GetDepth(void);
255 | rgb xf86GetWeight(void);
256 | Gamma xf86GetGamma(void);
257 | Bool xf86GetFlipPixels(void);
258 | const char *xf86GetServerName(void);
259 | Bool xf86ServerIsExiting(void);
260 | Bool xf86ServerIsResetting(void);
261 | Bool xf86ServerIsInitialising(void);
262 | Bool xf86ServerIsOnlyDetecting(void);
263 | Bool xf86ServerIsOnlyProbing(void);
264 | Bool xf86CaughtSignal(void);
265 | Bool xf86GetVidModeAllowNonLocal(void);
266 | Bool xf86GetVidModeEnabled(void);
267 | Bool xf86GetModInDevAllowNonLocal(void);
268 | Bool xf86GetModInDevEnabled(void);
269 | Bool xf86GetAllowMouseOpenFail(void);
270 | Bool xf86IsPc98(void);
271 | void xf86DisableRandR(void);
272 | CARD32 xf86GetVersion(void);
273 | CARD32 xf86GetModuleVersion(pointer module);
274 | pointer xf86LoadDrvSubModule(DriverPtr drv, const char *name);
275 | pointer xf86LoadSubModule(ScrnInfoPtr pScrn, const char *name);
276 | pointer xf86LoadOneModule(char *name, pointer optlist);
277 | void xf86UnloadSubModule(pointer mod);
278 | Bool xf86LoaderCheckSymbol(const char *name);
279 | void xf86LoaderReqSymLists(const char **, ...);
280 | void xf86LoaderReqSymbols(const char *, ...);
281 | void xf86LoaderRefSymLists(const char **, ...);
282 | void xf86LoaderRefSymbols(const char *, ...);
283 | void xf86SetBackingStore(ScreenPtr pScreen);
284 | void xf86SetSilkenMouse(ScreenPtr pScreen);
285 | int xf86NewSerialNumber(WindowPtr p, pointer unused);
286 | pointer xf86FindXvOptions(int scrnIndex, int adapt_index, char *port_name,
287 | char **adaptor_name, pointer *adaptor_options);
288 | void xf86GetOS(const char **name, int *major, int *minor, int *teeny);
289 | ScrnInfoPtr xf86ConfigPciEntity(ScrnInfoPtr pScrn, int scrnFlag,
290 | int entityIndex,PciChipsets *p_chip,
291 | resList res, EntityProc init,
292 | EntityProc enter, EntityProc leave,
293 | pointer private);
294 | ScrnInfoPtr xf86ConfigIsaEntity(ScrnInfoPtr pScrn, int scrnFlag,
295 | int entityIndex, IsaChipsets *i_chip,
296 | resList res, EntityProc init,
297 | EntityProc enter, EntityProc leave,
298 | pointer private);
299 | ScrnInfoPtr xf86ConfigFbEntity(ScrnInfoPtr pScrn, int scrnFlag,
300 | int entityIndex, EntityProc init,
301 | EntityProc enter, EntityProc leave,
302 | pointer private);
303 | /* Obsolete! don't use */
304 | Bool xf86ConfigActivePciEntity(ScrnInfoPtr pScrn,
305 | int entityIndex,PciChipsets *p_chip,
306 | resList res, EntityProc init,
307 | EntityProc enter, EntityProc leave,
308 | pointer private);
309 | /* Obsolete! don't use */
310 | Bool xf86ConfigActiveIsaEntity(ScrnInfoPtr pScrn,
311 | int entityIndex, IsaChipsets *i_chip,
312 | resList res, EntityProc init,
313 | EntityProc enter, EntityProc leave,
314 | pointer private);
315 | void xf86ConfigPciEntityInactive(EntityInfoPtr pEnt, PciChipsets *p_chip,
316 | resList res, EntityProc init,
317 | EntityProc enter, EntityProc leave,
318 | pointer private);
319 | void xf86ConfigIsaEntityInactive(EntityInfoPtr pEnt, IsaChipsets *i_chip,
320 | resList res, EntityProc init,
321 | EntityProc enter, EntityProc leave,
322 | pointer private);
323 | void xf86ConfigFbEntityInactive(EntityInfoPtr pEnt, EntityProc init,
324 | EntityProc enter, EntityProc leave,
325 | pointer private);
326 | Bool xf86IsScreenPrimary(int scrnIndex);
327 | int xf86RegisterRootWindowProperty(int ScrnIndex, Atom property, Atom type,
328 | int format, unsigned long len,
329 | pointer value);
330 | Bool xf86IsUnblank(int mode);
331 |
332 | #ifdef XFree86LOADER
333 | void xf86AddModuleInfo(ModuleInfoPtr info, pointer module);
334 | void xf86DeleteModuleInfo(int idx);
335 | #endif
336 |
337 | /* xf86Debug.c */
338 | #ifdef BUILDDEBUG
339 | void xf86Break1(void);
340 | void xf86Break2(void);
341 | void xf86Break3(void);
342 | CARD8 xf86PeekFb8(CARD8 *p);
343 | CARD16 xf86PeekFb16(CARD16 *p);
344 | CARD32 xf86PeekFb32(CARD32 *p);
345 | void xf86PokeFb8(CARD8 *p, CARD8 v);
346 | void xf86PokeFb16(CARD16 *p, CARD16 v);
347 | void xf86PokeFb32(CARD16 *p, CARD32 v);
348 | CARD8 xf86PeekMmio8(pointer Base, unsigned long Offset);
349 | CARD16 xf86PeekMmio16(pointer Base, unsigned long Offset);
350 | CARD32 xf86PeekMmio32(pointer Base, unsigned long Offset);
351 | void xf86PokeMmio8(pointer Base, unsigned long Offset, CARD8 v);
352 | void xf86PokeMmio16(pointer Base, unsigned long Offset, CARD16 v);
353 | void xf86PokeMmio32(pointer Base, unsigned long Offset, CARD32 v);
354 | extern void xf86SPTimestamp(xf86TsPtr* timestamp, char* string);
355 | extern void xf86STimestamp(xf86TsPtr* timestamp);
356 | #endif
357 |
358 | /* xf86Init.c */
359 |
360 | PixmapFormatPtr xf86GetPixFormat(ScrnInfoPtr pScrn, int depth);
361 | int xf86GetBppFromDepth(ScrnInfoPtr pScrn, int depth);
362 |
363 | /* xf86Mode.c */
364 |
365 | int xf86GetNearestClock(ScrnInfoPtr scrp, int freq, Bool allowDiv2,
366 | int DivFactor, int MulFactor, int *divider);
367 | const char *xf86ModeStatusToString(ModeStatus status);
368 | ModeStatus xf86LookupMode(ScrnInfoPtr scrp, DisplayModePtr modep,
369 | ClockRangePtr clockRanges, LookupModeFlags strategy);
370 | ModeStatus xf86CheckModeForMonitor(DisplayModePtr mode, MonPtr monitor);
371 | ModeStatus xf86InitialCheckModeForDriver(ScrnInfoPtr scrp, DisplayModePtr mode,
372 | ClockRangePtr clockRanges,
373 | LookupModeFlags strategy,
374 | int maxPitch, int virtualX,
375 | int virtualY);
376 | ModeStatus xf86CheckModeForDriver(ScrnInfoPtr scrp, DisplayModePtr mode,
377 | int flags);
378 | int xf86ValidateModes(ScrnInfoPtr scrp, DisplayModePtr availModes,
379 | char **modeNames, ClockRangePtr clockRanges,
380 | int *linePitches, int minPitch, int maxPitch,
381 | int minHeight, int maxHeight, int pitchInc,
382 | int virtualX, int virtualY, int apertureSize,
383 | LookupModeFlags strategy);
384 | void xf86DeleteMode(DisplayModePtr *modeList, DisplayModePtr mode);
385 | void xf86PruneDriverModes(ScrnInfoPtr scrp);
386 | void xf86SetCrtcForModes(ScrnInfoPtr scrp, int adjustFlags);
387 | void xf86PrintModes(ScrnInfoPtr scrp);
388 | void xf86ShowClockRanges(ScrnInfoPtr scrp, ClockRangePtr clockRanges);
389 |
390 | /* xf86Option.c */
391 |
392 | void xf86CollectOptions(ScrnInfoPtr pScrn, pointer extraOpts);
393 |
394 |
395 | /* xf86RandR.c */
396 | #ifdef RANDR
397 | Bool xf86RandRInit (ScreenPtr pScreen);
398 | void xf86RandRSetInitialMode (ScreenPtr pScreen);
399 | #endif
400 |
401 | /* xf86VidModeExtentionInit.c */
402 |
403 | Bool VidModeExtensionInit(ScreenPtr pScreen);
404 |
405 | #endif /* _NO_XF86_PROTOTYPES */
406 |
407 | #endif /* _XF86_H */