1 | /************************************************************
2 | Copyright 1987 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. Mountain View, CA.
3 |
4 | All Rights Reserved
5 |
6 | Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this
7 | software and its documentation for any purpose and without
8 | fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright no-
9 | tice appear in all copies and that both that copyright no-
10 | tice and this permission notice appear in supporting docu-
11 | mentation, and that the names of Sun or The Open Group
12 | not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to
13 | distribution of the software without specific prior
14 | written permission. Sun and The Open Group make no
15 | representations about the suitability of this software for
16 | any purpose. It is provided "as is" without any express or
17 | implied warranty.
18 |
27 |
28 | ********************************************************/
29 |
30 | /* Optimizations for PSZ == 32 added by Kyle Marvin (marvin@vitec.com) */
31 |
32 | #include <X11/X.h>
33 | #include <X11/Xmd.h>
34 | #include "servermd.h"
35 | #if defined(XFREE86) || ( defined(__OpenBSD__) && defined(__alpha__) ) \
36 | || (defined(__bsdi__))
37 | #include "compiler.h"
38 | #endif
39 |
40 | /*
41 | * ==========================================================================
42 | * Converted from mfb to support memory-mapped color framebuffer by smarks@sun,
43 | * April-May 1987.
44 | *
45 | * The way I did the conversion was to consider each longword as an
46 | * array of four bytes instead of an array of 32 one-bit pixels. So
47 | * getbits() and putbits() retain much the same calling sequence, but
48 | * they move bytes around instead of bits. Of course, this entails the
49 | * removal of all of the one-bit-pixel dependencies from the other
50 | * files, but the major bit-hacking stuff should be covered here.
51 | *
52 | * I've created some new macros that make it easier to understand what's
53 | * going on in the pixel calculations, and that make it easier to change the
54 | * pixel size.
55 | *
56 | * name explanation
57 | * ---- -----------
58 | * PSZ pixel size (in bits)
59 | * PGSZ pixel group size (in bits)
60 | * PGSZB pixel group size (in bytes)
61 | * PGSZBMSK mask with lowest PGSZB bits set to 1
62 | * PPW pixels per word (pixels per pixel group)
63 | * PPWMSK mask with lowest PPW bits set to 1
64 | * PLST index of last pixel in a word (should be PPW-1)
65 | * PIM pixel index mask (index within a pixel group)
66 | * PWSH pixel-to-word shift (should be log2(PPW))
67 | * PMSK mask with lowest PSZ bits set to 1
68 | *
69 | *
70 | * Here are some sample values. In the notation cfbA,B: A is PSZ, and
71 | * B is PGSZB. All the other values are derived from these
72 | * two. This table does not show all combinations!
73 | *
74 | * name cfb8,4 cfb24,4 cfb32,4 cfb8,8 cfb24,8 cfb32,8
75 | * ---- ------ ------- ------ ------ ------ -------
76 | * PSZ 8 24 32 8 24 32
77 | * PGSZ 32 32 32 64 64 64
78 | * PGSZB 4 4 4 8 8 8
79 | * PGSZBMSK 0xF 0xF? 0xF 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF
80 | * PPW 4 1 1 8 2 2
81 | * PPWMSK 0xF 0x1 0x1 0xFF 0x3? 0x3
82 | * PLST 3 0 0 7 1 1
83 | * PIM 0x3 0x0 0x0 0x7 0x1? 0x1
84 | * PWSH 2 0 0 3 1 1
86 | *
87 | *
88 | * I have also added a new macro, PFILL, that takes one pixel and
89 | * replicates it throughout a word. This macro definition is dependent
90 | * upon pixel and word size; it doesn't use macros like PPW and so
91 | * forth. Examples: for monochrome, PFILL(1) => 0xffffffff, PFILL(0) =>
92 | * 0x00000000. For 8-bit color, PFILL(0x5d) => 0x5d5d5d5d. This macro
93 | * is used primarily for replicating a plane mask into a word.
94 | *
95 | * Color framebuffers operations also support the notion of a plane
96 | * mask. This mask determines which planes of the framebuffer can be
97 | * altered; the others are left unchanged. I have added another
98 | * parameter to the putbits and putbitsrop macros that is the plane
99 | * mask.
100 | * ==========================================================================
101 | *
102 | * Keith Packard (keithp@suse.com)
103 | * 64bit code is no longer supported; it requires DIX support
104 | * for repadding images which significantly impacts performance
105 | */
106 |
107 | /*
108 | * PSZ needs to be defined before we get here. Usually it comes from a
109 | * -DPSZ=foo on the compilation command line.
110 | */
111 |
112 | #ifndef PSZ
113 | #define PSZ 8
114 | #endif
115 |
116 | /*
117 | * PixelGroup is the data type used to operate on groups of pixels.
118 | * We typedef it here to CARD32 with the assumption that you
119 | * want to manipulate 32 bits worth of pixels at a time as you can. If CARD32
120 | * is not appropriate for your server, define it to something else
121 | * before including this file. In this case you will also have to define
122 | * PGSZB to the size in bytes of PixelGroup.
123 | */
124 | #ifndef PixelGroup
125 | #define PixelGroup CARD32
126 | #define PGSZB 4
127 | #endif /* PixelGroup */
128 |
129 | #ifndef CfbBits
130 | #define CfbBits CARD32
131 | #endif
132 |
133 | #define PGSZ (PGSZB << 3)
134 | #define PPW (PGSZ/PSZ)
135 | #define PLST (PPW-1)
136 | #define PIM PLST
137 | #define PMSK (((PixelGroup)1 << PSZ) - 1)
138 | #define PPWMSK (((PixelGroup)1 << PPW) - 1) /* instead of BITMSK */
139 | #define PGSZBMSK (((PixelGroup)1 << PGSZB) - 1)
140 |
141 | /* set PWSH = log2(PPW) using brute force */
142 |
143 | #if PPW == 1
144 | #define PWSH 0
145 | #else
146 | #if PPW == 2
147 | #define PWSH 1
148 | #else
149 | #if PPW == 4
150 | #define PWSH 2
151 | #else
152 | #if PPW == 8
153 | #define PWSH 3
154 | #else
155 | #if PPW == 16
156 | #define PWSH 4
157 | #endif /* PPW == 16 */
158 | #endif /* PPW == 8 */
159 | #endif /* PPW == 4 */
160 | #endif /* PPW == 2 */
161 | #endif /* PPW == 1 */
162 |
163 | /* Defining PIXEL_ADDR means that individual pixels are addressable by this
164 | * machine (as type PixelType). A possible CFB architecture which supported
165 | * 8-bits-per-pixel on a non byte-addressable machine would not have this
166 | * defined.
167 | *
168 | * Defining FOUR_BIT_CODE means that cfb knows how to stipple on this machine;
169 | * eventually, stippling code for 16 and 32 bit devices should be written
170 | * which would allow them to also use FOUR_BIT_CODE. There isn't that
171 | * much to do in those cases, but it would make them quite a bit faster.
172 | */
173 |
174 | #if PSZ == 8
175 | #define PIXEL_ADDR
176 | typedef CARD8 PixelType;
177 | #define FOUR_BIT_CODE
178 | #endif
179 |
180 | #if PSZ == 16
181 | #define PIXEL_ADDR
182 | typedef CARD16 PixelType;
183 | #endif
184 |
185 | #if PSZ == 24
186 | #undef PMSK
187 | #define PMSK 0xFFFFFF
188 | /*#undef PIM
189 | #define PIM 3*/
190 | #define PIXEL_ADDR
191 | typedef CARD32 PixelType;
192 | #endif
193 |
194 | #if PSZ == 32
195 | #undef PMSK
196 | #define PMSK 0xFFFFFFFF
197 | #define PIXEL_ADDR
198 | typedef CARD32 PixelType;
199 | #endif
200 |
201 |
202 | /* the following notes use the following conventions:
204 | in this file and maskbits.c, left and right refer to screen coordinates,
205 | NOT bit numbering in registers.
206 |
207 | cfbstarttab[n]
208 | pixels[0,n-1] = 0's pixels[n,PPW-1] = 1's
209 | cfbendtab[n] =
210 | pixels[0,n-1] = 1's pixels[n,PPW-1] = 0's
211 |
212 | cfbstartpartial[], cfbendpartial[]
213 | these are used as accelerators for doing putbits and masking out
214 | bits that are all contained between longword boudaries. the extra
215 | 256 bytes of data seems a small price to pay -- code is smaller,
216 | and narrow things (e.g. window borders) go faster.
217 |
218 | the names may seem misleading; they are derived not from which end
219 | of the word the bits are turned on, but at which end of a scanline
220 | the table tends to be used.
221 |
222 | look at the tables and macros to understand boundary conditions.
223 | (careful readers will note that starttab[n] = ~endtab[n] for n != 0)
224 |
225 | -----------------------------------------------------------------------
226 | these two macros depend on the screen's bit ordering.
227 | in both of them x is a screen position. they are used to
228 | combine bits collected from multiple longwords into a
229 | single destination longword, and to unpack a single
230 | source longword into multiple destinations.
231 |
232 | SCRLEFT(dst, x)
233 | takes dst[x, PPW] and moves them to dst[0, PPW-x]
234 | the contents of the rest of dst are 0 ONLY IF
235 | dst is UNSIGNED.
236 | is cast as an unsigned.
237 | this is a right shift on the VAX, left shift on
238 | Sun and pc-rt.
239 |
240 | SCRRIGHT(dst, x)
241 | takes dst[0,x] and moves them to dst[PPW-x, PPW]
242 | the contents of the rest of dst are 0 ONLY IF
243 | dst is UNSIGNED.
244 | this is a left shift on the VAX, right shift on
245 | Sun and pc-rt.
246 |
247 |
248 | the remaining macros are cpu-independent; all bit order dependencies
249 | are built into the tables and the two macros above.
250 |
251 | maskbits(x, w, startmask, endmask, nlw)
252 | for a span of width w starting at position x, returns
253 | a mask for ragged pixels at start, mask for ragged pixels at end,
254 | and the number of whole longwords between the ends.
255 |
256 | maskpartialbits(x, w, mask)
257 | works like maskbits(), except all the pixels are in the
258 | same longword (i.e. (x&0xPIM + w) <= PPW)
259 |
260 | mask32bits(x, w, startmask, endmask, nlw)
261 | as maskbits, but does not calculate nlw. it is used by
262 | cfbGlyphBlt to put down glyphs <= PPW bits wide.
263 |
264 | getbits(psrc, x, w, dst)
265 | starting at position x in psrc (x < PPW), collect w
266 | pixels and put them in the screen left portion of dst.
267 | psrc is a longword pointer. this may span longword boundaries.
268 | it special-cases fetching all w bits from one longword.
269 |
270 | +--------+--------+ +--------+
271 | | | m |n| | ==> | m |n| |
272 | +--------+--------+ +--------+
273 | x x+w 0 w
274 | psrc psrc+1 dst
275 | m = PPW - x
276 | n = w - m
277 |
278 | implementation:
279 | get m pixels, move to screen-left of dst, zeroing rest of dst;
280 | get n pixels from next word, move screen-right by m, zeroing
281 | lower m pixels of word.
282 | OR the two things together.
283 |
284 | putbits(src, x, w, pdst, planemask)
285 | starting at position x in pdst, put down the screen-leftmost
286 | w bits of src. pdst is a longword pointer. this may
287 | span longword boundaries.
288 | it special-cases putting all w bits into the same longword.
289 |
290 | +--------+ +--------+--------+
291 | | m |n| | ==> | | m |n| |
292 | +--------+ +--------+--------+
293 | 0 w x x+w
294 | dst pdst pdst+1
295 | m = PPW - x
296 | n = w - m
297 |
298 | implementation:
299 | get m pixels, shift screen-right by x, zero screen-leftmost x
300 | pixels; zero rightmost m bits of *pdst and OR in stuff
301 | from before the semicolon.
302 | shift src screen-left by m, zero bits n-32;
303 | zero leftmost n pixels of *(pdst+1) and OR in the
304 | stuff from before the semicolon.
305 |
306 | putbitsrop(src, x, w, pdst, planemask, ROP)
307 | like putbits but calls DoRop with the rasterop ROP (see cfb.h for
308 | DoRop)
309 |
310 | getleftbits(psrc, w, dst)
311 | get the leftmost w (w<=PPW) bits from *psrc and put them
312 | in dst. this is used by the cfbGlyphBlt code for glyphs
313 | <=PPW bits wide.
314 | */
315 |
316 | #if (BITMAP_BIT_ORDER == MSBFirst)
317 | #define BitRight(lw,n) ((lw) >> (n))
318 | #define BitLeft(lw,n) ((lw) << (n))
319 | #else /* (BITMAP_BIT_ORDER == LSBFirst) */
320 | #define BitRight(lw,n) ((lw) << (n))
321 | #define BitLeft(lw,n) ((lw) >> (n))
322 | #endif /* (BITMAP_BIT_ORDER == MSBFirst) */
323 |
324 | #define SCRLEFT(lw, n) BitLeft (lw, (n) * PSZ)
325 | #define SCRRIGHT(lw, n) BitRight(lw, (n) * PSZ)
326 |
327 | /*
328 | * Note that the shift direction is independent of the byte ordering of the
329 | * machine. The following is portable code.
330 | */
331 | #if PPW == 16
332 | #define PFILL(p) ( ((p)&PMSK) | \
333 | ((p)&PMSK) << PSZ | \
334 | ((p)&PMSK) << 2*PSZ | \
335 | ((p)&PMSK) << 3*PSZ | \
336 | ((p)&PMSK) << 4*PSZ | \
337 | ((p)&PMSK) << 5*PSZ | \
338 | ((p)&PMSK) << 6*PSZ | \
339 | ((p)&PMSK) << 7*PSZ | \
340 | ((p)&PMSK) << 8*PSZ | \
341 | ((p)&PMSK) << 9*PSZ | \
342 | ((p)&PMSK) << 10*PSZ | \
343 | ((p)&PMSK) << 11*PSZ | \
344 | ((p)&PMSK) << 12*PSZ | \
345 | ((p)&PMSK) << 13*PSZ | \
346 | ((p)&PMSK) << 14*PSZ | \
347 | ((p)&PMSK) << 15*PSZ )
348 | #define PFILL2(p, pf) { \
349 | pf = (p) & PMSK; \
350 | pf |= (pf << PSZ); \
351 | pf |= (pf << 2*PSZ); \
352 | pf |= (pf << 4*PSZ); \
353 | pf |= (pf << 8*PSZ); \
354 | }
355 | #endif /* PPW == 16 */
356 | #if PPW == 8
357 | #define PFILL(p) ( ((p)&PMSK) | \
358 | ((p)&PMSK) << PSZ | \
359 | ((p)&PMSK) << 2*PSZ | \
360 | ((p)&PMSK) << 3*PSZ | \
361 | ((p)&PMSK) << 4*PSZ | \
362 | ((p)&PMSK) << 5*PSZ | \
363 | ((p)&PMSK) << 6*PSZ | \
364 | ((p)&PMSK) << 7*PSZ )
365 | #define PFILL2(p, pf) { \
366 | pf = (p) & PMSK; \
367 | pf |= (pf << PSZ); \
368 | pf |= (pf << 2*PSZ); \
369 | pf |= (pf << 4*PSZ); \
370 | }
371 | #endif
372 | #if PPW == 4
373 | #define PFILL(p) ( ((p)&PMSK) | \
374 | ((p)&PMSK) << PSZ | \
375 | ((p)&PMSK) << 2*PSZ | \
376 | ((p)&PMSK) << 3*PSZ )
377 | #define PFILL2(p, pf) { \
378 | pf = (p) & PMSK; \
379 | pf |= (pf << PSZ); \
380 | pf |= (pf << 2*PSZ); \
381 | }
382 | #endif
383 | #if PPW == 2
384 | #define PFILL(p) ( ((p)&PMSK) | \
385 | ((p)&PMSK) << PSZ )
386 | #define PFILL2(p, pf) { \
387 | pf = (p) & PMSK; \
388 | pf |= (pf << PSZ); \
389 | }
390 | #endif
391 | #if PPW == 1
392 | #define PFILL(p) (p)
393 | #define PFILL2(p,pf) (pf = (p))
394 | #endif
395 |
396 | /*
397 | * Reduced raster op - using precomputed values, perform the above
398 | * in three instructions
399 | */
400 |
401 | #define DoRRop(dst, and, xor) (((dst) & (and)) ^ (xor))
402 |
403 | #define DoMaskRRop(dst, and, xor, mask) \
404 | (((dst) & ((and) | ~(mask))) ^ (xor & mask))
405 |
406 | #if PSZ != 32 || PPW != 1
407 |
408 | # if (PSZ == 24 && PPW == 1)
409 | #define maskbits(x, w, startmask, endmask, nlw) {\
410 | startmask = cfbstarttab[(x)&3]; \
411 | endmask = cfbendtab[((x)+(w)) & 3]; \
412 | nlw = ((((x)+(w))*3)>>2) - (((x)*3 +3)>>2); \
413 | }
414 |
415 | #define mask32bits(x, w, startmask, endmask) \
416 | startmask = cfbstarttab[(x)&3]; \
417 | endmask = cfbendtab[((x)+(w)) & 3];
418 |
419 | #define maskpartialbits(x, w, mask) \
420 | mask = cfbstartpartial[(x) & 3] & cfbendpartial[((x)+(w)) & 3];
421 |
422 | #define maskbits24(x, w, startmask, endmask, nlw) \
423 | startmask = cfbstarttab24[(x) & 3]; \
424 | endmask = cfbendtab24[((x)+(w)) & 3]; \
425 | if (startmask){ \
426 | nlw = (((w) - (4 - ((x) & 3))) >> 2); \
427 | } else { \
428 | nlw = (w) >> 2; \
429 | }
430 |
431 | #define getbits24(psrc, dst, index) {\
432 | register int idx; \
433 | switch(idx = ((index)&3)<<1){ \
434 | case 0: \
435 | dst = (*(psrc) &cfbmask[idx]); \
436 | break; \
437 | case 6: \
438 | dst = BitLeft((*(psrc) &cfbmask[idx]), cfb24Shift[idx]); \
439 | break; \
440 | default: \
441 | dst = BitLeft((*(psrc) &cfbmask[idx]), cfb24Shift[idx]) | \
442 | BitRight(((*((psrc)+1)) &cfbmask[idx+1]), cfb24Shift[idx+1]); \
443 | }; \
444 | }
445 |
446 | #define putbits24(src, w, pdst, planemask, index) {\
447 | register PixelGroup dstpixel; \
448 | register unsigned int idx; \
449 | switch(idx = ((index)&3)<<1){ \
450 | case 0: \
451 | dstpixel = (*(pdst) &cfbmask[idx]); \
452 | break; \
453 | case 6: \
454 | dstpixel = BitLeft((*(pdst) &cfbmask[idx]), cfb24Shift[idx]); \
455 | break; \
456 | default: \
457 | dstpixel = BitLeft((*(pdst) &cfbmask[idx]), cfb24Shift[idx])| \
458 | BitRight(((*((pdst)+1)) &cfbmask[idx+1]), cfb24Shift[idx+1]); \
459 | }; \
460 | dstpixel &= ~(planemask); \
461 | dstpixel |= (src & planemask); \
462 | *(pdst) &= cfbrmask[idx]; \
463 | switch(idx){ \
464 | case 0: \
465 | *(pdst) |= (dstpixel & cfbmask[idx]); \
466 | break; \
467 | case 2: \
468 | case 4: \
469 | pdst++;idx++; \
470 | *(pdst) = ((*(pdst)) & cfbrmask[idx]) | \
471 | (BitLeft(dstpixel, cfb24Shift[idx]) & cfbmask[idx]); \
472 | pdst--;idx--; \
473 | case 6: \
474 | *(pdst) |= (BitRight(dstpixel, cfb24Shift[idx]) & cfbmask[idx]); \
475 | break; \
476 | }; \
477 | }
478 |
479 | #define putbitsrop24(src, x, pdst, planemask, rop) \
480 | { \
481 | register PixelGroup t1, dstpixel; \
482 | register unsigned int idx; \
483 | switch(idx = (x)<<1){ \
484 | case 0: \
485 | dstpixel = (*(pdst) &cfbmask[idx]); \
486 | break; \
487 | case 6: \
488 | dstpixel = BitLeft((*(pdst) &cfbmask[idx]), cfb24Shift[idx]); \
489 | break; \
490 | default: \
491 | dstpixel = BitLeft((*(pdst) &cfbmask[idx]), cfb24Shift[idx])| \
492 | BitRight(((*((pdst)+1)) &cfbmask[idx+1]), cfb24Shift[idx+1]); \
493 | }; \
494 | DoRop(t1, rop, (src), dstpixel); \
495 | dstpixel &= ~planemask; \
496 | dstpixel |= (t1 & planemask); \
497 | *(pdst) &= cfbrmask[idx]; \
498 | switch(idx){ \
499 | case 0: \
500 | *(pdst) |= (dstpixel & cfbmask[idx]); \
501 | break; \
502 | case 2: \
503 | case 4: \
504 | *((pdst)+1) = ((*((pdst)+1)) & cfbrmask[idx+1]) | \
505 | (BitLeft(dstpixel, cfb24Shift[idx+1]) & (cfbmask[idx+1])); \
506 | case 6: \
507 | *(pdst) |= (BitRight(dstpixel, cfb24Shift[idx]) & cfbmask[idx]); \
508 | }; \
509 | }
510 | # else /* PSZ == 24 && PPW == 1 */
511 | #define maskbits(x, w, startmask, endmask, nlw) \
512 | startmask = cfbstarttab[(x)&PIM]; \
513 | endmask = cfbendtab[((x)+(w)) & PIM]; \
514 | if (startmask) \
515 | nlw = (((w) - (PPW - ((x)&PIM))) >> PWSH); \
516 | else \
517 | nlw = (w) >> PWSH;
518 |
519 | #define maskpartialbits(x, w, mask) \
520 | mask = cfbstartpartial[(x) & PIM] & cfbendpartial[((x) + (w)) & PIM];
521 |
522 | #define mask32bits(x, w, startmask, endmask) \
523 | startmask = cfbstarttab[(x)&PIM]; \
524 | endmask = cfbendtab[((x)+(w)) & PIM];
525 |
526 | /* FIXME */
527 | #define maskbits24(x, w, startmask, endmask, nlw) \
528 | abort()
529 | #define getbits24(psrc, dst, index) \
530 | abort()
531 | #define putbits24(src, w, pdst, planemask, index) \
532 | abort()
533 | #define putbitsrop24(src, x, pdst, planemask, rop) \
534 | abort()
535 |
536 | #endif /* PSZ == 24 && PPW == 1 */
537 |
538 | #define getbits(psrc, x, w, dst) \
539 | if ( ((x) + (w)) <= PPW) \
540 | { \
541 | dst = SCRLEFT(*(psrc), (x)); \
542 | } \
543 | else \
544 | { \
545 | int m; \
546 | m = PPW-(x); \
547 | dst = (SCRLEFT(*(psrc), (x)) & cfbendtab[m]) | \
548 | (SCRRIGHT(*((psrc)+1), m) & cfbstarttab[m]); \
549 | }
550 |
551 |
552 | #define putbits(src, x, w, pdst, planemask) \
553 | if ( ((x)+(w)) <= PPW) \
554 | { \
555 | PixelGroup tmpmask; \
556 | maskpartialbits((x), (w), tmpmask); \
557 | tmpmask &= PFILL(planemask); \
558 | *(pdst) = (*(pdst) & ~tmpmask) | (SCRRIGHT(src, x) & tmpmask); \
559 | } \
560 | else \
561 | { \
562 | unsigned int m; \
563 | unsigned int n; \
564 | PixelGroup pm = PFILL(planemask); \
565 | m = PPW-(x); \
566 | n = (w) - m; \
567 | *(pdst) = (*(pdst) & (cfbendtab[x] | ~pm)) | \
568 | (SCRRIGHT(src, x) & (cfbstarttab[x] & pm)); \
569 | *((pdst)+1) = (*((pdst)+1) & (cfbstarttab[n] | ~pm)) | \
570 | (SCRLEFT(src, m) & (cfbendtab[n] & pm)); \
571 | }
572 | #if defined(__GNUC__) && defined(mc68020)
573 | #undef getbits
574 | #define FASTGETBITS(psrc, x, w, dst) \
575 | asm ("bfextu %3{%1:%2},%0" \
576 | : "=d" (dst) : "di" (x), "di" (w), "o" (*(char *)(psrc)))
577 |
578 | #define getbits(psrc,x,w,dst) \
579 | { \
580 | FASTGETBITS(psrc, (x) * PSZ, (w) * PSZ, dst); \
581 | dst = SCRLEFT(dst,PPW-(w)); \
582 | }
583 |
584 | #define FASTPUTBITS(src, x, w, pdst) \
585 | asm ("bfins %3,%0{%1:%2}" \
586 | : "=o" (*(char *)(pdst)) \
587 | : "di" (x), "di" (w), "d" (src), "0" (*(char *) (pdst)))
588 |
589 | #undef putbits
590 | #define putbits(src, x, w, pdst, planemask) \
591 | { \
592 | if (planemask != PMSK) { \
593 | PixelGroup _m, _pm; \
594 | FASTGETBITS(pdst, (x) * PSZ , (w) * PSZ, _m); \
595 | PFILL2(planemask, _pm); \
596 | _m &= (~_pm); \
597 | _m |= (SCRRIGHT(src, PPW-(w)) & _pm); \
598 | FASTPUTBITS(_m, (x) * PSZ, (w) * PSZ, pdst); \
599 | } else { \
600 | FASTPUTBITS(SCRRIGHT(src, PPW-(w)), (x) * PSZ, (w) * PSZ, pdst); \
601 | } \
602 | }
603 |
604 |
605 | #endif /* mc68020 */
606 |
607 | #define putbitsrop(src, x, w, pdst, planemask, rop) \
608 | if ( ((x)+(w)) <= PPW) \
609 | { \
610 | PixelGroup tmpmask; \
611 | PixelGroup t1, t2; \
612 | maskpartialbits((x), (w), tmpmask); \
613 | PFILL2(planemask, t1); \
614 | tmpmask &= t1; \
615 | t1 = SCRRIGHT((src), (x)); \
616 | DoRop(t2, rop, t1, *(pdst)); \
617 | *(pdst) = (*(pdst) & ~tmpmask) | (t2 & tmpmask); \
618 | } \
619 | else \
620 | { \
621 | CfbBits m; \
622 | CfbBits n; \
623 | PixelGroup t1, t2; \
624 | PixelGroup pm; \
625 | PFILL2(planemask, pm); \
626 | m = PPW-(x); \
627 | n = (w) - m; \
628 | t1 = SCRRIGHT((src), (x)); \
629 | DoRop(t2, rop, t1, *(pdst)); \
630 | *(pdst) = (*(pdst) & (cfbendtab[x] | ~pm)) | (t2 & (cfbstarttab[x] & pm));\
631 | t1 = SCRLEFT((src), m); \
632 | DoRop(t2, rop, t1, *((pdst) + 1)); \
633 | *((pdst)+1) = (*((pdst)+1) & (cfbstarttab[n] | ~pm)) | \
634 | (t2 & (cfbendtab[n] & pm)); \
635 | }
636 |
637 | #else /* PSZ == 32 && PPW == 1*/
638 |
639 | /*
640 | * These macros can be optimized for 32-bit pixels since there is no
641 | * need to worry about left/right edge masking. These macros were
642 | * derived from the above using the following reductions:
643 | *
644 | * - x & PIW = 0 [since PIW = 0]
645 | * - all masking tables are only indexed by 0 [ due to above ]
646 | * - cfbstartab[0] and cfbendtab[0] = 0 [ no left/right edge masks]
647 | * - cfbstartpartial[0] and cfbendpartial[0] = ~0 [no partial pixel mask]
648 | *
649 | * Macro reduction based upon constants cannot be performed automatically
650 | * by the compiler since it does not know the contents of the masking
651 | * arrays in cfbmskbits.c.
652 | */
653 | #define maskbits(x, w, startmask, endmask, nlw) \
654 | startmask = endmask = 0; \
655 | nlw = (w);
656 |
657 | #define maskpartialbits(x, w, mask) \
658 | mask = 0xFFFFFFFF;
659 |
660 | #define mask32bits(x, w, startmask, endmask) \
661 | startmask = endmask = 0;
662 |
663 | /*
664 | * For 32-bit operations, getbits(), putbits(), and putbitsrop()
665 | * will only be invoked with x = 0 and w = PPW (1). The getbits()
666 | * macro is only called within left/right edge logic, which doesn't
667 | * happen for 32-bit pixels.
668 | */
669 | #define getbits(psrc, x, w, dst) (dst) = *(psrc)
670 |
671 | #define putbits(src, x, w, pdst, planemask) \
672 | *(pdst) = (*(pdst) & ~planemask) | (src & planemask);
673 |
674 | #define putbitsrop(src, x, w, pdst, planemask, rop) \
675 | { \
676 | PixelGroup t1; \
677 | DoRop(t1, rop, (src), *(pdst)); \
678 | *(pdst) = (*(pdst) & ~planemask) | (t1 & planemask); \
679 | }
680 |
681 | #endif /* PSZ != 32 */
682 |
683 | /*
684 | * Use these macros only when you're using the MergeRop stuff
685 | * in ../mfb/mergerop.h
686 | */
687 |
688 | /* useful only when not spanning destination longwords */
689 | #if PSZ == 24
690 | #define putbitsmropshort24(src,x,w,pdst,index) {\
691 | PixelGroup _tmpmask; \
692 | PixelGroup _t1; \
693 | maskpartialbits ((x), (w), _tmpmask); \
694 | _t1 = SCRRIGHT((src), (x)); \
695 | DoMaskMergeRop24(_t1, pdst, _tmpmask, index); \
696 | }
697 | #endif
698 | #define putbitsmropshort(src,x,w,pdst) {\
699 | PixelGroup _tmpmask; \
700 | PixelGroup _t1; \
701 | maskpartialbits ((x), (w), _tmpmask); \
702 | _t1 = SCRRIGHT((src), (x)); \
703 | *pdst = DoMaskMergeRop(_t1, *pdst, _tmpmask); \
704 | }
705 |
706 | /* useful only when spanning destination longwords */
707 | #define putbitsmroplong(src,x,w,pdst) { \
708 | PixelGroup _startmask, _endmask; \
709 | int _m; \
710 | PixelGroup _t1; \
711 | _m = PPW - (x); \
712 | _startmask = cfbstarttab[x]; \
713 | _endmask = cfbendtab[(w) - _m]; \
714 | _t1 = SCRRIGHT((src), (x)); \
715 | pdst[0] = DoMaskMergeRop(_t1,pdst[0],_startmask); \
716 | _t1 = SCRLEFT ((src),_m); \
717 | pdst[1] = DoMaskMergeRop(_t1,pdst[1],_endmask); \
718 | }
719 |
720 | #define putbitsmrop(src,x,w,pdst) \
721 | if ((x) + (w) <= PPW) {\
722 | putbitsmropshort(src,x,w,pdst); \
723 | } else { \
724 | putbitsmroplong(src,x,w,pdst); \
725 | }
726 |
728 | #define getleftbits(psrc, w, dst) dst = *((unsigned int *) psrc)
729 | #define getleftbits24(psrc, w, dst, idx){ \
730 | regiseter int index; \
731 | switch(index = ((idx)&3)<<1){ \
732 | case 0: \
733 | dst = (*((unsigned int *) psrc))&cfbmask[index]; \
734 | break; \
735 | case 2: \
736 | case 4: \
737 | dst = BitLeft(((*((unsigned int *) psrc))&cfbmask[index]), cfb24Shift[index]); \
738 | dst |= BitRight(((*((unsigned int *) psrc)+1)&cfbmask[index]), cfb4Shift[index]); \
739 | break; \
740 | case 6: \
741 | dst = BitLeft((*((unsigned int *) psrc)),cfb24Shift[index]); \
742 | break; \
743 | }; \
744 | }
745 | #endif /* GETLEFTBITS_ALIGNMENT == 1 */
746 |
747 | #define getglyphbits(psrc, x, w, dst) \
748 | { \
749 | dst = BitLeft((unsigned) *(psrc), (x)); \
750 | if ( ((x) + (w)) > 32) \
751 | dst |= (BitRight((unsigned) *((psrc)+1), 32-(x))); \
752 | }
754 | #define getleftbits(psrc, w, dst) \
755 | { \
756 | if ( ((int)(psrc)) & 0x01 ) \
757 | getglyphbits( ((unsigned int *)(((char *)(psrc))-1)), 8, (w), (dst) ); \
758 | else \
759 | dst = *((unsigned int *) psrc); \
760 | }
761 | #endif /* GETLEFTBITS_ALIGNMENT == 2 */
762 |
764 | #define getleftbits(psrc, w, dst) \
765 | { \
766 | int off, off_b; \
767 | off_b = (off = ( ((int)(psrc)) & 0x03)) << 3; \
768 | getglyphbits( \
769 | (unsigned int *)( ((char *)(psrc)) - off), \
770 | (off_b), (w), (dst) \
771 | ); \
772 | }
773 | #endif /* GETLEFTBITS_ALIGNMENT == 4 */
774 |
775 | /*
776 | * getstipplepixels( psrcstip, x, w, ones, psrcpix, destpix )
777 | *
778 | * Converts bits to pixels in a reasonable way. Takes w (1 <= w <= PPW)
779 | * bits from *psrcstip, starting at bit x; call this a quartet of bits.
780 | * Then, takes the pixels from *psrcpix corresponding to the one-bits (if
781 | * ones is TRUE) or the zero-bits (if ones is FALSE) of the quartet
782 | * and puts these pixels into destpix.
783 | *
784 | * Example:
785 | *
786 | * getstipplepixels( &(0x08192A3B), 17, 4, 1, &(0x4C5D6E7F), dest )
787 | *
788 | * 0x08192A3B = 0000 1000 0001 1001 0010 1010 0011 1011
789 | *
790 | * This will take 4 bits starting at bit 17, so the quartet is 0x5 = 0101.
791 | * It will take pixels from 0x4C5D6E7F corresponding to the one-bits in this
792 | * quartet, so dest = 0x005D007F.
793 | *
794 | * XXX Works with both byte order.
795 | * XXX This works for all values of x and w within a doubleword.
796 | */
797 | #if (BITMAP_BIT_ORDER == MSBFirst)
798 | #define getstipplepixels( psrcstip, x, w, ones, psrcpix, destpix ) \
799 | { \
800 | PixelGroup q; \
801 | int m; \
802 | if ((m = ((x) - ((PPW*PSZ)-PPW))) > 0) { \
803 | q = (*(psrcstip)) << m; \
804 | if ( (x)+(w) > (PPW*PSZ) ) \
805 | q |= *((psrcstip)+1) >> ((PPW*PSZ)-m); \
806 | } \
807 | else \
808 | q = (*(psrcstip)) >> -m; \
809 | q = QuartetBitsTable[(w)] & ((ones) ? q : ~q); \
810 | *(destpix) = (*(psrcpix)) & QuartetPixelMaskTable[q]; \
811 | }
812 | /* I just copied this to get the linker satisfied on PowerPC,
813 | * so this may not be correct at all.
814 | */
815 | #define getstipplepixels24(psrcstip,xt,ones,psrcpix,destpix,stipindex) \
816 | { \
817 | PixelGroup q; \
818 | q = *(psrcstip) >> (xt); \
819 | q = ((ones) ? q : ~q) & 1; \
820 | *(destpix) = (*(psrcpix)) & QuartetPixelMaskTable[q]; \
821 | }
822 | #else /* BITMAP_BIT_ORDER == LSB */
823 |
824 | /* this must load 32 bits worth; for most machines, thats an int */
825 | #define CfbFetchUnaligned(x) ldl_u(x)
826 |
827 | #define getstipplepixels( psrcstip, xt, w, ones, psrcpix, destpix ) \
828 | { \
829 | PixelGroup q; \
830 | q = CfbFetchUnaligned(psrcstip) >> (xt); \
831 | if ( ((xt)+(w)) > (PPW*PSZ) ) \
832 | q |= (CfbFetchUnaligned((psrcstip)+1)) << ((PPW*PSZ)-(xt)); \
833 | q = QuartetBitsTable[(w)] & ((ones) ? q : ~q); \
834 | *(destpix) = (*(psrcpix)) & QuartetPixelMaskTable[q]; \
835 | }
836 | #if PSZ == 24
837 | # if 0
838 | #define getstipplepixels24(psrcstip,xt,w,ones,psrcpix,destpix,stipindex,srcindex,dstindex) \
839 | { \
840 | PixelGroup q; \
841 | CfbBits src; \
842 | register unsigned int sidx; \
843 | register unsigned int didx; \
844 | sidx = ((srcindex) & 3)<<1; \
845 | didx = ((dstindex) & 3)<<1; \
846 | q = *(psrcstip) >> (xt); \
847 | /* if((srcindex)!=0)*/ \
848 | /* src = (((*(psrcpix)) << cfb24Shift[sidx]) & (cfbmask[sidx])) |*/ \
849 | /* (((*((psrcpix)+1)) << cfb24Shift[sidx+1]) & (cfbmask[sidx+1])); */\
850 | /* else */\
851 | src = (*(psrcpix))&0xFFFFFF; \
852 | if ( ((xt)+(w)) > PGSZ ) \
853 | q |= (*((psrcstip)+1)) << (PGSZ -(xt)); \
854 | q = QuartetBitsTable[(w)] & ((ones) ? q : ~q); \
855 | src &= QuartetPixelMaskTable[q]; \
856 | *(destpix) &= cfbrmask[didx]; \
857 | switch(didx) {\
858 | case 0: \
859 | *(destpix) |= (src &cfbmask[didx]); \
860 | break; \
861 | case 2: \
862 | case 4: \
863 | destpix++;didx++; \
864 | *(destpix) = ((*(destpix)) & (cfbrmask[didx]))| \
865 | (BitLeft(src, cfb24Shift[didx]) & (cfbmask[didx])); \
866 | destpix--; didx--;\
867 | case 6: \
868 | *(destpix) |= (BitRight(src, cfb24Shift[didx]) & cfbmask[didx]); \
869 | break; \
870 | }; \
871 | }
872 | # else
873 | #define getstipplepixels24(psrcstip,xt,ones,psrcpix,destpix,stipindex) \
874 | { \
875 | PixelGroup q; \
876 | q = *(psrcstip) >> (xt); \
877 | q = ((ones) ? q : ~q) & 1; \
878 | *(destpix) = (*(psrcpix)) & QuartetPixelMaskTable[q]; \
879 | }
880 | # endif
881 | #endif /* PSZ == 24 */
882 | #endif
883 |
884 | extern PixelGroup cfbstarttab[];
885 | extern PixelGroup cfbendtab[];
886 | extern PixelGroup cfbstartpartial[];
887 | extern PixelGroup cfbendpartial[];
888 | extern PixelGroup cfbrmask[];
889 | extern PixelGroup cfbmask[];
890 | extern PixelGroup QuartetBitsTable[];
891 | extern PixelGroup QuartetPixelMaskTable[];
892 | #if PSZ == 24
893 | extern int cfb24Shift[];
894 | #endif