/** $Id: DBGCCommands.cpp 6000 2007-12-07 15:12:49Z vboxsync $ */ /** @file * DBGC - Debugger Console, Native Commands. */ /* * Copyright (C) 2006-2007 innotek GmbH * * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as * available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software; * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU * General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software * Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the * VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind. */ /******************************************************************************* * Header Files * *******************************************************************************/ #define LOG_GROUP LOG_GROUP_DBGC #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "DBGCInternal.h" /******************************************************************************* * Internal Functions * *******************************************************************************/ static DECLCALLBACK(int) dbgcCmdHelp(PCDBGCCMD pCmd, PDBGCCMDHLP pCmdHlp, PVM pVM, PCDBGCVAR paArgs, unsigned cArgs, PDBGCVAR pResult); static DECLCALLBACK(int) dbgcCmdQuit(PCDBGCCMD pCmd, PDBGCCMDHLP pCmdHlp, PVM pVM, PCDBGCVAR paArgs, unsigned cArgs, PDBGCVAR pResult); static DECLCALLBACK(int) dbgcCmdStop(PCDBGCCMD pCmd, PDBGCCMDHLP pCmdHlp, PVM pVM, PCDBGCVAR paArgs, unsigned cArgs, PDBGCVAR pResult); static DECLCALLBACK(int) dbgcCmdInfo(PCDBGCCMD pCmd, PDBGCCMDHLP pCmdHlp, PVM pVM, PCDBGCVAR paArgs, unsigned cArgs, PDBGCVAR pResult); static DECLCALLBACK(int) dbgcCmdLog(PCDBGCCMD pCmd, PDBGCCMDHLP pCmdHlp, PVM pVM, PCDBGCVAR paArgs, unsigned cArgs, PDBGCVAR pResult); static DECLCALLBACK(int) dbgcCmdLogDest(PCDBGCCMD pCmd, PDBGCCMDHLP pCmdHlp, PVM pVM, PCDBGCVAR paArgs, unsigned cArgs, PDBGCVAR pResult); static DECLCALLBACK(int) dbgcCmdLogFlags(PCDBGCCMD pCmd, PDBGCCMDHLP pCmdHlp, PVM pVM, PCDBGCVAR paArgs, unsigned cArgs, PDBGCVAR pResult); static DECLCALLBACK(int) dbgcCmdFormat(PCDBGCCMD pCmd, PDBGCCMDHLP pCmdHlp, PVM pVM, PCDBGCVAR paArgs, unsigned cArgs, PDBGCVAR pResult); static DECLCALLBACK(int) dbgcCmdLoadSyms(PCDBGCCMD pCmd, PDBGCCMDHLP pCmdHlp, PVM pVM, PCDBGCVAR paArgs, unsigned cArgs, PDBGCVAR pResult); static DECLCALLBACK(int) dbgcCmdSet(PCDBGCCMD pCmd, PDBGCCMDHLP pCmdHlp, PVM pVM, PCDBGCVAR paArgs, unsigned cArgs, PDBGCVAR pResult); static DECLCALLBACK(int) dbgcCmdUnset(PCDBGCCMD pCmd, PDBGCCMDHLP pCmdHlp, PVM pVM, PCDBGCVAR paArgs, unsigned cArgs, PDBGCVAR pResult); static DECLCALLBACK(int) dbgcCmdLoadVars(PCDBGCCMD pCmd, PDBGCCMDHLP pCmdHlp, PVM pVM, PCDBGCVAR paArgs, unsigned cArgs, PDBGCVAR pResult); static DECLCALLBACK(int) dbgcCmdShowVars(PCDBGCCMD pCmd, PDBGCCMDHLP pCmdHlp, PVM pVM, PCDBGCVAR paArgs, unsigned cArgs, PDBGCVAR pResult); static DECLCALLBACK(int) dbgcCmdHarakiri(PCDBGCCMD pCmd, PDBGCCMDHLP pCmdHlp, PVM pVM, PCDBGCVAR paArgs, unsigned cArgs, PDBGCVAR pResult); static DECLCALLBACK(int) dbgcCmdEcho(PCDBGCCMD pCmd, PDBGCCMDHLP pCmdHlp, PVM pVM, PCDBGCVAR paArgs, unsigned cArgs, PDBGCVAR pResult); static DECLCALLBACK(int) dbgcCmdRunScript(PCDBGCCMD pCmd, PDBGCCMDHLP pCmdHlp, PVM pVM, PCDBGCVAR paArgs, unsigned cArgs, PDBGCVAR pResult); /******************************************************************************* * Global Variables * *******************************************************************************/ /** One argument of any kind. */ static const DBGCVARDESC g_aArgAny[] = { /* cTimesMin, cTimesMax, enmCategory, fFlags, pszName, pszDescription */ { 0, 1, DBGCVAR_CAT_ANY, 0, "var", "Any type of argument." }, }; /** Multiple string arguments (min 1). */ static const DBGCVARDESC g_aArgMultiStr[] = { /* cTimesMin, cTimesMax, enmCategory, fFlags, pszName, pszDescription */ { 1, ~0, DBGCVAR_CAT_STRING, 0, "strings", "One or more strings." }, }; /** Filename string. */ static const DBGCVARDESC g_aArgFilename[] = { /* cTimesMin, cTimesMax, enmCategory, fFlags, pszName, pszDescription */ { 1, 1, DBGCVAR_CAT_STRING, 0, "path", "Filename string." }, }; /** 'help' arguments. */ static const DBGCVARDESC g_aArgHelp[] = { /* cTimesMin, cTimesMax, enmCategory, fFlags, pszName, pszDescription */ { 0, ~0, DBGCVAR_CAT_STRING, 0, "cmd/op", "Zero or more command or operator names." }, }; /** 'info' arguments. */ static const DBGCVARDESC g_aArgInfo[] = { /* cTimesMin, cTimesMax, enmCategory, fFlags, pszName, pszDescription */ { 1, 1, DBGCVAR_CAT_STRING, 0, "info", "The name of the info to display." }, { 0, 1, DBGCVAR_CAT_STRING, 0, "args", "String arguments to the handler." }, }; /** loadsyms arguments. */ static const DBGCVARDESC g_aArgLoadSyms[] = { /* cTimesMin, cTimesMax, enmCategory, fFlags, pszName, pszDescription */ { 1, 1, DBGCVAR_CAT_STRING, 0, "path", "Filename string." }, { 0, 1, DBGCVAR_CAT_NUMBER, 0, "delta", "Delta to add to the loaded symbols. (optional)" }, { 0, 1, DBGCVAR_CAT_STRING, 0, "module name", "Module name." }, { 0, 1, DBGCVAR_CAT_POINTER, DBGCVD_FLAGS_DEP_PREV, "module address", "Module address." }, { 0, 1, DBGCVAR_CAT_NUMBER, 0, "module size", "The module size. (optional)" }, }; /** log arguments. */ static const DBGCVARDESC g_aArgLog[] = { /* cTimesMin, cTimesMax, enmCategory, fFlags, pszName, pszDescription */ { 1, 1, DBGCVAR_CAT_STRING, 0, "groups", "Group modifier string (quote it!)." } }; /** logdest arguments. */ static const DBGCVARDESC g_aArgLogDest[] = { /* cTimesMin, cTimesMax, enmCategory, fFlags, pszName, pszDescription */ { 1, 1, DBGCVAR_CAT_STRING, 0, "dests", "Destination modifier string (quote it!)." } }; /** logflags arguments. */ static const DBGCVARDESC g_aArgLogFlags[] = { /* cTimesMin, cTimesMax, enmCategory, fFlags, pszName, pszDescription */ { 1, 1, DBGCVAR_CAT_STRING, 0, "flags", "Flag modifier string (quote it!)." } }; /** 'set' arguments */ static const DBGCVARDESC g_aArgSet[] = { /* cTimesMin, cTimesMax, enmCategory, fFlags, pszName, pszDescription */ { 1, 1, DBGCVAR_CAT_STRING, 0, "var", "Variable name." }, { 1, 1, DBGCVAR_CAT_ANY, 0, "value", "Value to assign to the variable." }, }; /** Command descriptors for the basic commands. */ const DBGCCMD g_aCmds[] = { /* pszCmd, cArgsMin, cArgsMax, paArgDescs, cArgDescs, pResultDesc, fFlags, pfnHandler pszSyntax, ....pszDescription */ { "bye", 0, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, dbgcCmdQuit, "", "Exits the debugger." }, { "echo", 1, ~0, &g_aArgMultiStr[0], ELEMENTS(g_aArgMultiStr), NULL, 0, dbgcCmdEcho, " [str2..[strN]]", "Displays the strings separated by one blank space and the last one followed by a newline." }, { "exit", 0, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, dbgcCmdQuit, "", "Exits the debugger." }, { "format", 1, 1, &g_aArgAny[0], ELEMENTS(g_aArgAny), NULL, 0, dbgcCmdFormat, "", "Evaluates an expression and formats it." }, { "harakiri", 0, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, dbgcCmdHarakiri, "", "Kills debugger process." }, { "help", 0, ~0, &g_aArgHelp[0], ELEMENTS(g_aArgHelp), NULL, 0, dbgcCmdHelp, "[cmd/op [..]]", "Display help. For help about info items try 'info help'." }, { "info", 1, 2, &g_aArgInfo[0], ELEMENTS(g_aArgInfo), NULL, 0, dbgcCmdInfo, " [args]", "Display info register in the DBGF. For a list of info items try 'info help'." }, { "loadsyms", 1, 5, &g_aArgLoadSyms[0], ELEMENTS(g_aArgLoadSyms), NULL, 0, dbgcCmdLoadSyms, " [delta] [module] [module address]", "Loads symbols from a text file. Optionally giving a delta and a module." }, { "loadvars", 1, 1, &g_aArgFilename[0], ELEMENTS(g_aArgFilename), NULL, 0, dbgcCmdLoadVars, "", "Load variables from file. One per line, same as the args to the set command." }, { "log", 1, 1, &g_aArgLog[0], ELEMENTS(g_aArgLog), NULL, 0, dbgcCmdLog, "", "Modifies the logging group settings (VBOX_LOG)" }, { "logdest", 1, 1, &g_aArgLogDest[0], ELEMENTS(g_aArgLogDest), NULL, 0, dbgcCmdLogDest, "", "Modifies the logging destination (VBOX_LOG_DEST)." }, { "logflags", 1, 1, &g_aArgLogFlags[0], ELEMENTS(g_aArgLogFlags), NULL, 0, dbgcCmdLogFlags, "", "Modifies the logging flags (VBOX_LOG_FLAGS)." }, { "quit", 0, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, dbgcCmdQuit, "", "Exits the debugger." }, { "runscript", 1, 1, &g_aArgFilename[0], ELEMENTS(g_aArgFilename), NULL, 0, dbgcCmdRunScript, "", "Runs the command listed in the script. Lines starting with '#' (after removing blanks) are comment. blank lines are ignored. Stops on failure." }, { "set", 2, 2, &g_aArgSet[0], ELEMENTS(g_aArgSet), NULL, 0, dbgcCmdSet, " ", "Sets a global variable." }, { "showvars", 0, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, dbgcCmdShowVars, "", "List all the defined variables." }, { "stop", 0, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, dbgcCmdStop, "", "Stop execution." }, { "unset", 1, ~0, &g_aArgMultiStr[0], ELEMENTS(g_aArgMultiStr), NULL, 0, dbgcCmdUnset, " [var1..[varN]]", "Unsets (delete) one or more global variables." }, }; /** The number of native commands. */ const unsigned g_cCmds = RT_ELEMENTS(g_aCmds); /** * Pointer to head of the list of external commands. */ static PDBGCEXTCMDS g_pExtCmdsHead; /** @todo rw protect g_pExtCmdsHead! */ /** Locks the g_pExtCmdsHead list for reading. */ #define DBGCEXTCMDS_LOCK_RD() do { } while (0) /** Locks the g_pExtCmdsHead list for writing. */ #define DBGCEXTCMDS_LOCK_WR() do { } while (0) /** UnLocks the g_pExtCmdsHead list after reading. */ #define DBGCEXTCMDS_UNLOCK_RD() do { } while (0) /** UnLocks the g_pExtCmdsHead list after writing. */ #define DBGCEXTCMDS_UNLOCK_WR() do { } while (0) /** * Finds a routine. * * @returns Pointer to the command descriptor. * If the request was for an external command, the caller is responsible for * unlocking the external command list. * @returns NULL if not found. * @param pDbgc The debug console instance. * @param pachName Pointer to the routine string (not terminated). * @param cchName Length of the routine name. * @param fExternal Whether or not the routine is external. */ PCDBGCCMD dbgcRoutineLookup(PDBGC pDbgc, const char *pachName, size_t cchName, bool fExternal) { if (!fExternal) { /* emulation first, so commands can be overloaded (info ++). */ PCDBGCCMD pCmd = pDbgc->paEmulationCmds; unsigned cLeft = pDbgc->cEmulationCmds; while (cLeft-- > 0) { if ( !strncmp(pachName, pCmd->pszCmd, cchName) && !pCmd->pszCmd[cchName]) return pCmd; pCmd++; } for (unsigned iCmd = 0; iCmd < ELEMENTS(g_aCmds); iCmd++) { if ( !strncmp(pachName, g_aCmds[iCmd].pszCmd, cchName) && !g_aCmds[iCmd].pszCmd[cchName]) return &g_aCmds[iCmd]; } } else { DBGCEXTCMDS_LOCK_RD(); for (PDBGCEXTCMDS pExtCmds = g_pExtCmdsHead; pExtCmds; pExtCmds = pExtCmds->pNext) { for (unsigned iCmd = 0; iCmd < pExtCmds->cCmds; iCmd++) { if ( !strncmp(pachName, pExtCmds->paCmds[iCmd].pszCmd, cchName) && !pExtCmds->paCmds[iCmd].pszCmd[cchName]) return &pExtCmds->paCmds[iCmd]; } } DBGCEXTCMDS_UNLOCK_RD(); } NOREF(pDbgc); return NULL; } /** * Register one or more external commands. * * @returns VBox status. * @param paCommands Pointer to an array of command descriptors. * The commands must be unique. It's not possible * to register the same commands more than once. * @param cCommands Number of commands. */ DBGDECL(int) DBGCRegisterCommands(PCDBGCCMD paCommands, unsigned cCommands) { /* * Lock the list. */ DBGCEXTCMDS_LOCK_WR(); PDBGCEXTCMDS pCur = g_pExtCmdsHead; while (pCur) { if (paCommands == pCur->paCmds) { DBGCEXTCMDS_UNLOCK_WR(); AssertMsgFailed(("Attempt at re-registering %d command(s)!\n", cCommands)); return VWRN_DBGC_ALREADY_REGISTERED; } pCur = pCur->pNext; } /* * Allocate new chunk. */ int rc = 0; pCur = (PDBGCEXTCMDS)RTMemAlloc(sizeof(*pCur)); if (pCur) { pCur->cCmds = cCommands; pCur->paCmds = paCommands; pCur->pNext = g_pExtCmdsHead; g_pExtCmdsHead = pCur; } else rc = VERR_NO_MEMORY; DBGCEXTCMDS_UNLOCK_WR(); return rc; } /** * Deregister one or more external commands previously registered by * DBGCRegisterCommands(). * * @returns VBox status. * @param paCommands Pointer to an array of command descriptors * as given to DBGCRegisterCommands(). * @param cCommands Number of commands. */ DBGDECL(int) DBGCDeregisterCommands(PCDBGCCMD paCommands, unsigned cCommands) { /* * Lock the list. */ DBGCEXTCMDS_LOCK_WR(); PDBGCEXTCMDS pPrev = NULL; PDBGCEXTCMDS pCur = g_pExtCmdsHead; while (pCur) { if (paCommands == pCur->paCmds) { if (pPrev) pPrev->pNext = pCur->pNext; else g_pExtCmdsHead = pCur->pNext; DBGCEXTCMDS_UNLOCK_WR(); RTMemFree(pCur); return VINF_SUCCESS; } pPrev = pCur; pCur = pCur->pNext; } DBGCEXTCMDS_UNLOCK_WR(); NOREF(cCommands); return VERR_DBGC_COMMANDS_NOT_REGISTERED; } /** * Prints full command help. */ static int dbgcPrintHelp(PDBGCCMDHLP pCmdHlp, PCDBGCCMD pCmd, bool fExternal) { int rc; /* the command */ rc = pCmdHlp->pfnPrintf(pCmdHlp, NULL, "%s%-*s %-30s %s", fExternal ? "." : "", fExternal ? 10 : 11, pCmd->pszCmd, pCmd->pszSyntax, pCmd->pszDescription); if (!pCmd->cArgsMin && pCmd->cArgsMin == pCmd->cArgsMax) rc = pCmdHlp->pfnPrintf(pCmdHlp, NULL, " \n"); else if (pCmd->cArgsMin == pCmd->cArgsMax) rc = pCmdHlp->pfnPrintf(pCmdHlp, NULL, " <%u args>\n", pCmd->cArgsMin); else if (pCmd->cArgsMax == ~0U) rc = pCmdHlp->pfnPrintf(pCmdHlp, NULL, " <%u+ args>\n", pCmd->cArgsMin); else rc = pCmdHlp->pfnPrintf(pCmdHlp, NULL, " <%u to %u args>\n", pCmd->cArgsMin, pCmd->cArgsMax); /* argument descriptions. */ for (unsigned i = 0; i < pCmd->cArgDescs; i++) { rc = pCmdHlp->pfnPrintf(pCmdHlp, NULL, " %-12s %s", pCmd->paArgDescs[i].pszName, pCmd->paArgDescs[i].pszDescription); if (!pCmd->paArgDescs[i].cTimesMin) { if (pCmd->paArgDescs[i].cTimesMax == ~0U) rc = pCmdHlp->pfnPrintf(pCmdHlp, NULL, " \n"); else rc = pCmdHlp->pfnPrintf(pCmdHlp, NULL, " \n", pCmd->paArgDescs[i].cTimesMax); } else { if (pCmd->paArgDescs[i].cTimesMax == ~0U) rc = pCmdHlp->pfnPrintf(pCmdHlp, NULL, " <%u+>\n", pCmd->paArgDescs[i].cTimesMin); else rc = pCmdHlp->pfnPrintf(pCmdHlp, NULL, " <%u-%u>\n", pCmd->paArgDescs[i].cTimesMin, pCmd->paArgDescs[i].cTimesMax); } } return rc; } /** * The 'help' command. * * @returns VBox status. * @param pCmd Pointer to the command descriptor (as registered). * @param pCmdHlp Pointer to command helper functions. * @param pVM Pointer to the current VM (if any). * @param paArgs Pointer to (readonly) array of arguments. * @param cArgs Number of arguments in the array. */ static DECLCALLBACK(int) dbgcCmdHelp(PCDBGCCMD pCmd, PDBGCCMDHLP pCmdHlp, PVM pVM, PCDBGCVAR paArgs, unsigned cArgs, PDBGCVAR pResult) { PDBGC pDbgc = DBGC_CMDHLP2DBGC(pCmdHlp); int rc = VINF_SUCCESS; unsigned i; if (!cArgs) { /* * All the stuff. */ rc = pCmdHlp->pfnPrintf(pCmdHlp, NULL, "VirtualBox Debugger\n" "-------------------\n" "\n" "Commands and Functions:\n"); for (i = 0; i < ELEMENTS(g_aCmds); i++) rc = pCmdHlp->pfnPrintf(pCmdHlp, NULL, "%-11s %-30s %s\n", g_aCmds[i].pszCmd, g_aCmds[i].pszSyntax, g_aCmds[i].pszDescription); rc = pCmdHlp->pfnPrintf(pCmdHlp, NULL, "\n" "Emulation: %s\n", pDbgc->pszEmulation); PCDBGCCMD pCmd = pDbgc->paEmulationCmds; for (i = 0; i < pDbgc->cEmulationCmds; i++, pCmd++) rc = pCmdHlp->pfnPrintf(pCmdHlp, NULL, "%-11s %-30s %s\n", pCmd->pszCmd, pCmd->pszSyntax, pCmd->pszDescription); if (g_pExtCmdsHead) { DBGCEXTCMDS_LOCK_RD(); rc = pCmdHlp->pfnPrintf(pCmdHlp, NULL, "\n" "External Commands and Functions:\n"); for (PDBGCEXTCMDS pExtCmd = g_pExtCmdsHead; pExtCmd; pExtCmd = pExtCmd->pNext) for (i = 0; i < pExtCmd->cCmds; i++) rc = pCmdHlp->pfnPrintf(pCmdHlp, NULL, ".%-10s %-30s %s\n", pExtCmd->paCmds[i].pszCmd, pExtCmd->paCmds[i].pszSyntax, pExtCmd->paCmds[i].pszDescription); DBGCEXTCMDS_UNLOCK_RD(); } rc = pCmdHlp->pfnPrintf(pCmdHlp, NULL, "\n" "Operators:\n"); unsigned iPrecedence = 0; unsigned cLeft = g_cOps; while (cLeft > 0) { for (i = 0; i < g_cOps; i++) if (g_aOps[i].iPrecedence == iPrecedence) { rc = pCmdHlp->pfnPrintf(pCmdHlp, NULL, "%-10s %s %s\n", g_aOps[i].szName, g_aOps[i].fBinary ? "Binary" : "Unary ", g_aOps[i].pszDescription); cLeft--; } iPrecedence++; } } else { /* * Search for the arguments (strings). */ for (unsigned iArg = 0; iArg < cArgs; iArg++) { Assert(paArgs[iArg].enmType == DBGCVAR_TYPE_STRING); bool fFound = false; /* lookup in the emulation command list first */ for (i = 0; i < pDbgc->cEmulationCmds; i++) if (!strcmp(pDbgc->paEmulationCmds[i].pszCmd, paArgs[iArg].u.pszString)) { rc = dbgcPrintHelp(pCmdHlp, &pDbgc->paEmulationCmds[i], false); fFound = true; break; } /* lookup in the command list (even when found in the emulation) */ for (i = 0; i < ELEMENTS(g_aCmds); i++) if (!strcmp(g_aCmds[i].pszCmd, paArgs[iArg].u.pszString)) { rc = dbgcPrintHelp(pCmdHlp, &g_aCmds[i], false); fFound = true; break; } /* external commands */ if ( !fFound && g_pExtCmdsHead && paArgs[iArg].u.pszString[0] == '.') { DBGCEXTCMDS_LOCK_RD(); for (PDBGCEXTCMDS pExtCmd = g_pExtCmdsHead; pExtCmd; pExtCmd = pExtCmd->pNext) for (i = 0; i < pExtCmd->cCmds; i++) if (!strcmp(pExtCmd->paCmds[i].pszCmd, paArgs[iArg].u.pszString + 1)) { rc = dbgcPrintHelp(pCmdHlp, &g_aCmds[i], true); fFound = true; break; } DBGCEXTCMDS_UNLOCK_RD(); } /* operators */ if (!fFound && strlen(paArgs[iArg].u.pszString) < sizeof(g_aOps[i].szName)) { for (i = 0; i < g_cOps; i++) if (!strcmp(g_aOps[i].szName, paArgs[iArg].u.pszString)) { rc = pCmdHlp->pfnPrintf(pCmdHlp, NULL, "%-10s %s %s\n", g_aOps[i].szName, g_aOps[i].fBinary ? "Binary" : "Unary ", g_aOps[i].pszDescription); fFound = true; break; } } /* found? */ if (!fFound) rc = pCmdHlp->pfnPrintf(pCmdHlp, NULL, "error: '%s' was not found!\n", paArgs[iArg].u.pszString); } /* foreach argument */ } NOREF(pCmd); NOREF(pVM); NOREF(pResult); return rc; } /** * The 'quit', 'exit' and 'bye' commands. * * @returns VBox status. * @param pCmd Pointer to the command descriptor (as registered). * @param pCmdHlp Pointer to command helper functions. * @param pVM Pointer to the current VM (if any). * @param paArgs Pointer to (readonly) array of arguments. * @param cArgs Number of arguments in the array. */ static DECLCALLBACK(int) dbgcCmdQuit(PCDBGCCMD pCmd, PDBGCCMDHLP pCmdHlp, PVM pVM, PCDBGCVAR paArgs, unsigned cArgs, PDBGCVAR pResult) { pCmdHlp->pfnPrintf(pCmdHlp, NULL, "Quitting console...\n"); NOREF(pCmd); NOREF(pVM); NOREF(paArgs); NOREF(cArgs); NOREF(pResult); return VERR_DBGC_QUIT; } /** * The 'stop' command. * * @returns VBox status. * @param pCmd Pointer to the command descriptor (as registered). * @param pCmdHlp Pointer to command helper functions. * @param pVM Pointer to the current VM (if any). * @param paArgs Pointer to (readonly) array of arguments. * @param cArgs Number of arguments in the array. */ static DECLCALLBACK(int) dbgcCmdStop(PCDBGCCMD pCmd, PDBGCCMDHLP pCmdHlp, PVM pVM, PCDBGCVAR paArgs, unsigned cArgs, PDBGCVAR pResult) { /* * Check if the VM is halted or not before trying to halt it. */ int rc; if (DBGFR3IsHalted(pVM)) rc = pCmdHlp->pfnPrintf(pCmdHlp, NULL, "warning: The VM is already halted...\n"); else { rc = DBGFR3Halt(pVM); if (VBOX_SUCCESS(rc)) rc = VWRN_DBGC_CMD_PENDING; else rc = pCmdHlp->pfnVBoxError(pCmdHlp, rc, "Executing DBGFR3Halt()."); } NOREF(pCmd); NOREF(paArgs); NOREF(cArgs); NOREF(pResult); return rc; } /** * The 'echo' command. * * @returns VBox status. * @param pCmd Pointer to the command descriptor (as registered). * @param pCmdHlp Pointer to command helper functions. * @param pVM Pointer to the current VM (if any). * @param paArgs Pointer to (readonly) array of arguments. * @param cArgs Number of arguments in the array. */ static DECLCALLBACK(int) dbgcCmdEcho(PCDBGCCMD pCmd, PDBGCCMDHLP pCmdHlp, PVM pVM, PCDBGCVAR paArgs, unsigned cArgs, PDBGCVAR pResult) { /* * Loop thru the arguments and print them with one space between. */ int rc = 0; for (unsigned i = 0; i < cArgs; i++) { if (paArgs[i].enmType == DBGCVAR_TYPE_STRING) rc = pCmdHlp->pfnPrintf(pCmdHlp, NULL, i ? " %s" : "%s", paArgs[i].u.pszString); else rc = pCmdHlp->pfnPrintf(pCmdHlp, NULL, i ? " " : ""); if (VBOX_FAILURE(rc)) return rc; } NOREF(pCmd); NOREF(pResult); NOREF(pVM); return pCmdHlp->pfnPrintf(pCmdHlp, NULL, "\n"); } /** * The 'runscript' command. * * @returns VBox status. * @param pCmd Pointer to the command descriptor (as registered). * @param pCmdHlp Pointer to command helper functions. * @param pVM Pointer to the current VM (if any). * @param paArgs Pointer to (readonly) array of arguments. * @param cArgs Number of arguments in the array. */ static DECLCALLBACK(int) dbgcCmdRunScript(PCDBGCCMD pCmd, PDBGCCMDHLP pCmdHlp, PVM pVM, PCDBGCVAR paArgs, unsigned cArgs, PDBGCVAR pResult) { /* check that the parser did what it's supposed to do. */ if ( cArgs != 1 || paArgs[0].enmType != DBGCVAR_TYPE_STRING) return pCmdHlp->pfnPrintf(pCmdHlp, NULL, "parser error\n"); /* * Try open the script. */ const char *pszFilename = paArgs[0].u.pszString; FILE *pFile = fopen(pszFilename, "r"); if (!pFile) return pCmdHlp->pfnPrintf(pCmdHlp, NULL, "Failed to open '%s'.\n", pszFilename); /* * Execute it line by line. */ int rc = 0; unsigned iLine = 0; char szLine[8192]; while (fgets(szLine, sizeof(szLine), pFile)) { /* check that the line isn't too long. */ char *pszEnd = strchr(szLine, '\0'); if (pszEnd == &szLine[sizeof(szLine) - 1]) { rc = pCmdHlp->pfnPrintf(pCmdHlp, NULL, "runscript error: Line #%u is too long\n", iLine); break; } iLine++; /* strip leading blanks and check for comment / blank line. */ char *psz = RTStrStripL(szLine); if ( *psz == '\0' || *psz == '\n' || *psz == '#') continue; /* strip trailing blanks and check for empty line (\r case). */ while ( pszEnd > psz && isspace(pszEnd[-1])) /* isspace includes \n and \r normally. */ *--pszEnd = '\0'; /** @todo check for Control-C / Cancel at this point... */ /* * Execute the command. * * This is a bit wasteful with scratch space btw., can fix it later. * The whole return code crap should be fixed too, so that it's possible * to know whether a command succeeded (VBOX_SUCCESS()) or failed, and * more importantly why it failed. */ rc = pCmdHlp->pfnExec(pCmdHlp, "%s", psz); if (VBOX_FAILURE(rc)) { if (rc == VERR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW) rc = pCmdHlp->pfnPrintf(pCmdHlp, NULL, "runscript error: Line #%u is too long (exec overflowed)\n", iLine); break; } if (rc == VWRN_DBGC_CMD_PENDING) { rc = pCmdHlp->pfnPrintf(pCmdHlp, NULL, "runscript error: VWRN_DBGC_CMD_PENDING on line #%u, script terminated\n", iLine); break; } } fclose(pFile); NOREF(pCmd); NOREF(pResult); NOREF(pVM); return rc; } /** * Print formatted string. * * @param pHlp Pointer to this structure. * @param pszFormat The format string. * @param ... Arguments. */ static DECLCALLBACK(void) dbgcCmdInfo_Printf(PCDBGFINFOHLP pHlp, const char *pszFormat, ...) { PDBGCCMDHLP pCmdHlp = *(PDBGCCMDHLP *)(pHlp + 1); va_list args; va_start(args, pszFormat); pCmdHlp->pfnPrintfV(pCmdHlp, NULL, pszFormat, args); va_end(args); } /** * Print formatted string. * * @param pHlp Pointer to this structure. * @param pszFormat The format string. * @param args Argument list. */ static DECLCALLBACK(void) dbgcCmdInfo_PrintfV(PCDBGFINFOHLP pHlp, const char *pszFormat, va_list args) { PDBGCCMDHLP pCmdHlp = *(PDBGCCMDHLP *)(pHlp + 1); pCmdHlp->pfnPrintfV(pCmdHlp, NULL, pszFormat, args); } /** * The 'info' command. * * @returns VBox status. * @param pCmd Pointer to the command descriptor (as registered). * @param pCmdHlp Pointer to command helper functions. * @param pVM Pointer to the current VM (if any). * @param paArgs Pointer to (readonly) array of arguments. * @param cArgs Number of arguments in the array. */ static DECLCALLBACK(int) dbgcCmdInfo(PCDBGCCMD pCmd, PDBGCCMDHLP pCmdHlp, PVM pVM, PCDBGCVAR paArgs, unsigned cArgs, PDBGCVAR pResult) { /* * Validate input. */ if ( cArgs < 1 || cArgs > 2 || paArgs[0].enmType != DBGCVAR_TYPE_STRING || paArgs[cArgs - 1].enmType != DBGCVAR_TYPE_STRING) return pCmdHlp->pfnPrintf(pCmdHlp, NULL, "internal error: The parser doesn't do its job properly yet.. quote the string.\n"); if (!pVM) return pCmdHlp->pfnPrintf(pCmdHlp, NULL, "error: No VM.\n"); /* * Dump it. */ struct { DBGFINFOHLP Hlp; PDBGCCMDHLP pCmdHlp; } Hlp = { { dbgcCmdInfo_Printf, dbgcCmdInfo_PrintfV }, pCmdHlp }; int rc = DBGFR3Info(pVM, paArgs[0].u.pszString, cArgs == 2 ? paArgs[1].u.pszString : NULL, &Hlp.Hlp); if (VBOX_FAILURE(rc)) return pCmdHlp->pfnVBoxError(pCmdHlp, rc, "DBGFR3Info()\n"); NOREF(pCmd); NOREF(pResult); return 0; } /** * The 'log' command. * * @returns VBox status. * @param pCmd Pointer to the command descriptor (as registered). * @param pCmdHlp Pointer to command helper functions. * @param pVM Pointer to the current VM (if any). * @param paArgs Pointer to (readonly) array of arguments. * @param cArgs Number of arguments in the array. */ static DECLCALLBACK(int) dbgcCmdLog(PCDBGCCMD pCmd, PDBGCCMDHLP pCmdHlp, PVM pVM, PCDBGCVAR paArgs, unsigned cArgs, PDBGCVAR pResult) { int rc = DBGFR3LogModifyGroups(pVM, paArgs[0].u.pszString); if (VBOX_SUCCESS(rc)) return VINF_SUCCESS; NOREF(pCmd); NOREF(cArgs); NOREF(pResult); return pCmdHlp->pfnVBoxError(pCmdHlp, rc, "DBGFR3LogModifyGroups(%p,'%s')\n", pVM, paArgs[0].u.pszString); } /** * The 'logdest' command. * * @returns VBox status. * @param pCmd Pointer to the command descriptor (as registered). * @param pCmdHlp Pointer to command helper functions. * @param pVM Pointer to the current VM (if any). * @param paArgs Pointer to (readonly) array of arguments. * @param cArgs Number of arguments in the array. */ static DECLCALLBACK(int) dbgcCmdLogDest(PCDBGCCMD pCmd, PDBGCCMDHLP pCmdHlp, PVM pVM, PCDBGCVAR paArgs, unsigned cArgs, PDBGCVAR pResult) { int rc = DBGFR3LogModifyDestinations(pVM, paArgs[0].u.pszString); if (VBOX_SUCCESS(rc)) return VINF_SUCCESS; NOREF(pCmd); NOREF(cArgs); NOREF(pResult); return pCmdHlp->pfnVBoxError(pCmdHlp, rc, "DBGFR3LogModifyDestinations(%p,'%s')\n", pVM, paArgs[0].u.pszString); } /** * The 'logflags' command. * * @returns VBox status. * @param pCmd Pointer to the command descriptor (as registered). * @param pCmdHlp Pointer to command helper functions. * @param pVM Pointer to the current VM (if any). * @param paArgs Pointer to (readonly) array of arguments. * @param cArgs Number of arguments in the array. */ static DECLCALLBACK(int) dbgcCmdLogFlags(PCDBGCCMD pCmd, PDBGCCMDHLP pCmdHlp, PVM pVM, PCDBGCVAR paArgs, unsigned cArgs, PDBGCVAR pResult) { int rc = DBGFR3LogModifyFlags(pVM, paArgs[0].u.pszString); if (VBOX_SUCCESS(rc)) return VINF_SUCCESS; NOREF(pCmd); NOREF(cArgs); NOREF(pResult); return pCmdHlp->pfnVBoxError(pCmdHlp, rc, "DBGFR3LogModifyFlags(%p,'%s')\n", pVM, paArgs[0].u.pszString); } /** * The 'format' command. * * @returns VBox status. * @param pCmd Pointer to the command descriptor (as registered). * @param pCmdHlp Pointer to command helper functions. * @param pVM Pointer to the current VM (if any). * @param paArgs Pointer to (readonly) array of arguments. * @param cArgs Number of arguments in the array. */ static DECLCALLBACK(int) dbgcCmdFormat(PCDBGCCMD pCmd, PDBGCCMDHLP pCmdHlp, PVM pVM, PCDBGCVAR paArgs, unsigned cArgs, PDBGCVAR pResult) { LogFlow(("dbgcCmdFormat\n")); static const char *apszRangeDesc[] = { "none", "bytes", "elements" }; int rc; for (unsigned iArg = 0; iArg < cArgs; iArg++) { switch (paArgs[iArg].enmType) { case DBGCVAR_TYPE_UNKNOWN: rc = pCmdHlp->pfnPrintf(pCmdHlp, NULL, "Unknown variable type!\n"); break; case DBGCVAR_TYPE_GC_FLAT: if (paArgs[iArg].enmRangeType != DBGCVAR_RANGE_NONE) rc = pCmdHlp->pfnPrintf(pCmdHlp, NULL, "Guest flat address: %%%08x range %lld %s\n", paArgs[iArg].u.GCFlat, paArgs[iArg].u64Range, apszRangeDesc[paArgs[iArg].enmRangeType]); else rc = pCmdHlp->pfnPrintf(pCmdHlp, NULL, "Guest flat address: %%%08x\n", paArgs[iArg].u.GCFlat); break; case DBGCVAR_TYPE_GC_FAR: if (paArgs[iArg].enmRangeType != DBGCVAR_RANGE_NONE) rc = pCmdHlp->pfnPrintf(pCmdHlp, NULL, "Guest far address: %04x:%08x range %lld %s\n", paArgs[iArg].u.GCFar.sel, paArgs[iArg].u.GCFar.off, paArgs[iArg].u64Range, apszRangeDesc[paArgs[iArg].enmRangeType]); else rc = pCmdHlp->pfnPrintf(pCmdHlp, NULL, "Guest far address: %04x:%08x\n", paArgs[iArg].u.GCFar.sel, paArgs[iArg].u.GCFar.off); break; case DBGCVAR_TYPE_GC_PHYS: if (paArgs[iArg].enmRangeType != DBGCVAR_RANGE_NONE) rc = pCmdHlp->pfnPrintf(pCmdHlp, NULL, "Guest physical address: %%%%%08x range %lld %s\n", paArgs[iArg].u.GCPhys, paArgs[iArg].u64Range, apszRangeDesc[paArgs[iArg].enmRangeType]); else rc = pCmdHlp->pfnPrintf(pCmdHlp, NULL, "Guest physical address: %%%%%08x\n", paArgs[iArg].u.GCPhys); break; case DBGCVAR_TYPE_HC_FLAT: if (paArgs[iArg].enmRangeType != DBGCVAR_RANGE_NONE) rc = pCmdHlp->pfnPrintf(pCmdHlp, NULL, "Host flat address: %%%08x range %lld %s\n", paArgs[iArg].u.pvHCFlat, paArgs[iArg].u64Range, apszRangeDesc[paArgs[iArg].enmRangeType]); else rc = pCmdHlp->pfnPrintf(pCmdHlp, NULL, "Host flat address: %%%08x\n", paArgs[iArg].u.pvHCFlat); break; case DBGCVAR_TYPE_HC_FAR: if (paArgs[iArg].enmRangeType != DBGCVAR_RANGE_NONE) rc = pCmdHlp->pfnPrintf(pCmdHlp, NULL, "Host far address: %04x:%08x range %lld %s\n", paArgs[iArg].u.HCFar.sel, paArgs[iArg].u.HCFar.off, paArgs[iArg].u64Range, apszRangeDesc[paArgs[iArg].enmRangeType]); else rc = pCmdHlp->pfnPrintf(pCmdHlp, NULL, "Host far address: %04x:%08x\n", paArgs[iArg].u.HCFar.sel, paArgs[iArg].u.HCFar.off); break; case DBGCVAR_TYPE_HC_PHYS: if (paArgs[iArg].enmRangeType != DBGCVAR_RANGE_NONE) rc = pCmdHlp->pfnPrintf(pCmdHlp, NULL, "Host physical address: %VHp range %lld %s\n", paArgs[iArg].u.HCPhys, paArgs[iArg].u64Range, apszRangeDesc[paArgs[iArg].enmRangeType]); else rc = pCmdHlp->pfnPrintf(pCmdHlp, NULL, "Host physical address: %VHp\n", paArgs[iArg].u.HCPhys); break; case DBGCVAR_TYPE_STRING: rc = pCmdHlp->pfnPrintf(pCmdHlp, NULL, "String, %lld bytes long: %s\n", paArgs[iArg].u64Range, paArgs[iArg].u.pszString); break; case DBGCVAR_TYPE_NUMBER: if (paArgs[iArg].enmRangeType != DBGCVAR_RANGE_NONE) rc = pCmdHlp->pfnPrintf(pCmdHlp, NULL, "Number: hex %llx dec 0i%lld oct 0t%llo range %lld %s\n", paArgs[iArg].u.u64Number, paArgs[iArg].u.u64Number, paArgs[iArg].u.u64Number, paArgs[iArg].u64Range, apszRangeDesc[paArgs[iArg].enmRangeType]); else rc = pCmdHlp->pfnPrintf(pCmdHlp, NULL, "Number: hex %llx dec 0i%lld oct 0t%llo\n", paArgs[iArg].u.u64Number, paArgs[iArg].u.u64Number, paArgs[iArg].u.u64Number); break; default: rc = pCmdHlp->pfnPrintf(pCmdHlp, NULL, "Invalid argument type %d\n", paArgs[iArg].enmType); break; } } /* arg loop */ NOREF(pCmd); NOREF(pVM); NOREF(pResult); return 0; } /** * The 'loadsyms' command. * * @returns VBox status. * @param pCmd Pointer to the command descriptor (as registered). * @param pCmdHlp Pointer to command helper functions. * @param pVM Pointer to the current VM (if any). * @param paArgs Pointer to (readonly) array of arguments. * @param cArgs Number of arguments in the array. */ static DECLCALLBACK(int) dbgcCmdLoadSyms(PCDBGCCMD pCmd, PDBGCCMDHLP pCmdHlp, PVM pVM, PCDBGCVAR paArgs, unsigned cArgs, PDBGCVAR pResult) { /* * Validate the parsing and make sense of the input. * This is a mess as usual because we don't trust the parser yet. */ if ( cArgs < 1 || paArgs[0].enmType != DBGCVAR_TYPE_STRING) { AssertMsgFailed(("Parse error, first argument required to be string!\n")); return VERR_PARSE_INCORRECT_ARG_TYPE; } DBGCVAR AddrVar; RTGCUINTPTR Delta = 0; const char *pszModule = NULL; RTGCUINTPTR ModuleAddress = 0; unsigned cbModule = 0; if (cArgs > 1) { unsigned iArg = 1; if (paArgs[iArg].enmType == DBGCVAR_TYPE_NUMBER) { Delta = (RTGCUINTPTR)paArgs[iArg].u.u64Number; iArg++; } if (iArg < cArgs) { if (paArgs[iArg].enmType != DBGCVAR_TYPE_STRING) { AssertMsgFailed(("Parse error, module argument required to be string!\n")); return VERR_PARSE_INCORRECT_ARG_TYPE; } pszModule = paArgs[iArg].u.pszString; iArg++; if (iArg < cArgs) { if (DBGCVAR_ISPOINTER(paArgs[iArg].enmType)) { AssertMsgFailed(("Parse error, module argument required to be GC pointer!\n")); return VERR_PARSE_INCORRECT_ARG_TYPE; } int rc = pCmdHlp->pfnEval(pCmdHlp, &AddrVar, "%%(%Dv)", &paArgs[iArg]); if (VBOX_FAILURE(rc)) return pCmdHlp->pfnVBoxError(pCmdHlp, rc, "Module address cast %%(%Dv) failed.", &paArgs[iArg]); ModuleAddress = paArgs[iArg].u.GCFlat; iArg++; if (iArg < cArgs) { if (paArgs[iArg].enmType != DBGCVAR_TYPE_NUMBER) { AssertMsgFailed(("Parse error, module argument required to be an interger!\n")); return VERR_PARSE_INCORRECT_ARG_TYPE; } cbModule = (unsigned)paArgs[iArg].u.u64Number; iArg++; if (iArg < cArgs) { AssertMsgFailed(("Parse error, too many arguments!\n")); return VERR_PARSE_TOO_MANY_ARGUMENTS; } } } } } /* * Call the debug info manager about this loading... */ int rc = DBGFR3ModuleLoad(pVM, paArgs[0].u.pszString, Delta, pszModule, ModuleAddress, cbModule); if (VBOX_FAILURE(rc)) return pCmdHlp->pfnVBoxError(pCmdHlp, rc, "DBGInfoSymbolLoad(, '%s', %VGv, '%s', %VGv, 0)\n", paArgs[0].u.pszString, Delta, pszModule, ModuleAddress); NOREF(pCmd); NOREF(pResult); return VINF_SUCCESS; } /** * The 'set' command. * * @returns VBox status. * @param pCmd Pointer to the command descriptor (as registered). * @param pCmdHlp Pointer to command helper functions. * @param pVM Pointer to the current VM (if any). * @param paArgs Pointer to (readonly) array of arguments. * @param cArgs Number of arguments in the array. */ static DECLCALLBACK(int) dbgcCmdSet(PCDBGCCMD pCmd, PDBGCCMDHLP pCmdHlp, PVM pVM, PCDBGCVAR paArgs, unsigned cArgs, PDBGCVAR pResult) { PDBGC pDbgc = DBGC_CMDHLP2DBGC(pCmdHlp); /* parse sanity check. */ AssertMsg(paArgs[0].enmType == DBGCVAR_TYPE_STRING, ("expected string not %d as first arg!\n", paArgs[0].enmType)); if (paArgs[0].enmType != DBGCVAR_TYPE_STRING) return VERR_PARSE_INCORRECT_ARG_TYPE; /* * A variable must start with an alpha chars and only contain alpha numerical chars. */ const char *pszVar = paArgs[0].u.pszString; if (!isalpha(*pszVar) || *pszVar == '_') return pCmdHlp->pfnPrintf(pCmdHlp, NULL, "syntax error: Invalid variable name '%s'. Variable names must match regex '[_a-zA-Z][_a-zA-Z0-9*'!", paArgs[0].u.pszString); while (isalnum(*pszVar) || *pszVar == '_') *pszVar++; if (*pszVar) return pCmdHlp->pfnPrintf(pCmdHlp, NULL, "syntax error: Invalid variable name '%s'. Variable names must match regex '[_a-zA-Z][_a-zA-Z0-9*]'!", paArgs[0].u.pszString); /* * Calc variable size. */ size_t cbVar = (size_t)paArgs[0].u64Range + sizeof(DBGCNAMEDVAR); if (paArgs[1].enmType == DBGCVAR_TYPE_STRING) cbVar += 1 + (size_t)paArgs[1].u64Range; /* * Look for existing one. */ pszVar = paArgs[0].u.pszString; for (unsigned iVar = 0; iVar < pDbgc->cVars; iVar++) { if (!strcmp(pszVar, pDbgc->papVars[iVar]->szName)) { /* * Update existing variable. */ void *pv = RTMemRealloc(pDbgc->papVars[iVar], cbVar); if (!pv) return VERR_PARSE_NO_MEMORY; PDBGCNAMEDVAR pVar = pDbgc->papVars[iVar] = (PDBGCNAMEDVAR)pv; pVar->Var = paArgs[1]; memcpy(pVar->szName, paArgs[0].u.pszString, (size_t)paArgs[0].u64Range + 1); if (paArgs[1].enmType == DBGCVAR_TYPE_STRING) pVar->Var.u.pszString = (char *)memcpy(&pVar->szName[paArgs[0].u64Range + 1], paArgs[1].u.pszString, (size_t)paArgs[1].u64Range + 1); return 0; } } /* * Allocate another. */ PDBGCNAMEDVAR pVar = (PDBGCNAMEDVAR)RTMemAlloc(cbVar); pVar->Var = paArgs[1]; memcpy(pVar->szName, pszVar, (size_t)paArgs[0].u64Range + 1); if (paArgs[1].enmType == DBGCVAR_TYPE_STRING) pVar->Var.u.pszString = (char *)memcpy(&pVar->szName[paArgs[0].u64Range + 1], paArgs[1].u.pszString, (size_t)paArgs[1].u64Range + 1); /* need to reallocate the pointer array too? */ if (!(pDbgc->cVars % 0x20)) { void *pv = RTMemRealloc(pDbgc->papVars, (pDbgc->cVars + 0x20) * sizeof(pDbgc->papVars[0])); if (!pv) { RTMemFree(pVar); return VERR_PARSE_NO_MEMORY; } pDbgc->papVars = (PDBGCNAMEDVAR *)pv; } pDbgc->papVars[pDbgc->cVars++] = pVar; NOREF(pCmd); NOREF(pVM); NOREF(cArgs); NOREF(pResult); return 0; } /** * The 'unset' command. * * @returns VBox status. * @param pCmd Pointer to the command descriptor (as registered). * @param pCmdHlp Pointer to command helper functions. * @param pVM Pointer to the current VM (if any). * @param paArgs Pointer to (readonly) array of arguments. * @param cArgs Number of arguments in the array. */ static DECLCALLBACK(int) dbgcCmdUnset(PCDBGCCMD pCmd, PDBGCCMDHLP pCmdHlp, PVM pVM, PCDBGCVAR paArgs, unsigned cArgs, PDBGCVAR pResult) { PDBGC pDbgc = DBGC_CMDHLP2DBGC(pCmdHlp); /* * Don't trust the parser. */ for (unsigned i = 0; i < cArgs; i++) if (paArgs[i].enmType != DBGCVAR_TYPE_STRING) { AssertMsgFailed(("expected strings only. (arg=%d)!\n", i)); return VERR_PARSE_INCORRECT_ARG_TYPE; } /* * Iterate the variables and unset them. */ for (unsigned iArg = 0; iArg < cArgs; iArg++) { const char *pszVar = paArgs[iArg].u.pszString; /* * Look up the variable. */ for (unsigned iVar = 0; iVar < pDbgc->cVars; iVar++) { if (!strcmp(pszVar, pDbgc->papVars[iVar]->szName)) { /* * Shuffle the array removing this entry. */ void *pvFree = pDbgc->papVars[iVar]; if (iVar + 1 < pDbgc->cVars) memmove(&pDbgc->papVars[iVar], &pDbgc->papVars[iVar + 1], (pDbgc->cVars - iVar - 1) * sizeof(pDbgc->papVars[0])); pDbgc->papVars[--pDbgc->cVars] = NULL; RTMemFree(pvFree); } } /* lookup */ } /* arg loop */ NOREF(pCmd); NOREF(pVM); NOREF(pResult); return 0; } /** * The 'loadvars' command. * * @returns VBox status. * @param pCmd Pointer to the command descriptor (as registered). * @param pCmdHlp Pointer to command helper functions. * @param pVM Pointer to the current VM (if any). * @param paArgs Pointer to (readonly) array of arguments. * @param cArgs Number of arguments in the array. */ static DECLCALLBACK(int) dbgcCmdLoadVars(PCDBGCCMD pCmd, PDBGCCMDHLP pCmdHlp, PVM pVM, PCDBGCVAR paArgs, unsigned cArgs, PDBGCVAR pResult) { /* * Don't trust the parser. */ if ( cArgs != 1 || paArgs[0].enmType != DBGCVAR_TYPE_STRING) { AssertMsgFailed(("Expected one string exactly!\n")); return VERR_PARSE_INCORRECT_ARG_TYPE; } /* * Iterate the variables and unset them. */ FILE *pFile = fopen(paArgs[0].u.pszString, "r"); if (pFile) { char szLine[4096]; while (fgets(szLine, sizeof(szLine), pFile)) { /* Strip it. */ char *psz = szLine; while (isblank(*psz)) psz++; int i = (int)strlen(psz) - 1; while (i >= 0 && isspace(psz[i])) psz[i--] ='\0'; /* Execute it if not comment or empty line. */ if ( *psz != '\0' && *psz != '#' && *psz != ';') { pCmdHlp->pfnPrintf(pCmdHlp, NULL, "dbg: set %s", psz); pCmdHlp->pfnExec(pCmdHlp, "set %s", psz); } } fclose(pFile); } else return pCmdHlp->pfnPrintf(pCmdHlp, NULL, "Failed to open file '%s'.\n", paArgs[0].u.pszString); NOREF(pCmd); NOREF(pVM); NOREF(pResult); return 0; } /** * The 'showvars' command. * * @returns VBox status. * @param pCmd Pointer to the command descriptor (as registered). * @param pCmdHlp Pointer to command helper functions. * @param pVM Pointer to the current VM (if any). * @param paArgs Pointer to (readonly) array of arguments. * @param cArgs Number of arguments in the array. */ static DECLCALLBACK(int) dbgcCmdShowVars(PCDBGCCMD pCmd, PDBGCCMDHLP pCmdHlp, PVM pVM, PCDBGCVAR paArgs, unsigned cArgs, PDBGCVAR pResult) { PDBGC pDbgc = DBGC_CMDHLP2DBGC(pCmdHlp); for (unsigned iVar = 0; iVar < pDbgc->cVars; iVar++) { int rc = pCmdHlp->pfnPrintf(pCmdHlp, NULL, "%-20s ", &pDbgc->papVars[iVar]->szName); if (!rc) rc = dbgcCmdFormat(pCmd, pCmdHlp, pVM, &pDbgc->papVars[iVar]->Var, 1, NULL); if (rc) return rc; } NOREF(paArgs); NOREF(cArgs); NOREF(pResult); return 0; } /** * The 'harakiri' command. * * @returns VBox status. * @param pCmd Pointer to the command descriptor (as registered). * @param pCmdHlp Pointer to command helper functions. * @param pVM Pointer to the current VM (if any). * @param paArgs Pointer to (readonly) array of arguments. * @param cArgs Number of arguments in the array. */ static DECLCALLBACK(int) dbgcCmdHarakiri(PCDBGCCMD pCmd, PDBGCCMDHLP pCmdHlp, PVM pVM, PCDBGCVAR paArgs, unsigned cArgs, PDBGCVAR pResult) { Log(("dbgcCmdHarakiri\n")); for (;;) exit(126); NOREF(pCmd); NOREF(pCmdHlp); NOREF(pVM); NOREF(paArgs); NOREF(cArgs); NOREF(pResult); }