1 | #!/usr/bin/env bash
2 | #python `dirname $0`/RunToolFromSource.py `basename $0` $*
3 |
4 | # If a ${PYTHON_COMMAND} command is available, use it in preference to python
5 | if command -v ${PYTHON_COMMAND} >/dev/null 2>&1; then
6 | python_exe=${PYTHON_COMMAND}
7 | fi
8 |
9 | full_cmd=${BASH_SOURCE:-$0} # see http://mywiki.wooledge.org/BashFAQ/028 for a discussion of why $0 is not a good choice here
10 | dir=$(dirname "$full_cmd")
11 | exe=$(basename "$full_cmd")
12 |
13 | export PYTHONPATH="$dir/../../Source/Python${PYTHONPATH:+:"$PYTHONPATH"}"
14 | exec "${python_exe:-python}" "$dir/../../Source/Python/$exe/$exe.py" "$@"