1 | ## @file
2 | # Retrieves the people to request review from on submission of a commit.
3 | #
4 | # Copyright (c) 2019, Linaro Ltd. All rights reserved.<BR>
5 | #
6 | # SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
7 | #
8 |
9 | from __future__ import print_function
10 | from collections import defaultdict
11 | from collections import OrderedDict
12 | import argparse
13 | import os
14 | import re
15 | import SetupGit
16 |
18 | 'exclude': re.compile(r'^X:\s*(?P<exclude>.*?)\r*$'),
19 | 'file': re.compile(r'^F:\s*(?P<file>.*?)\r*$'),
20 | 'list': re.compile(r'^L:\s*(?P<list>.*?)\r*$'),
21 | 'maintainer': re.compile(r'^M:\s*(?P<maintainer>.*?)\r*$'),
22 | 'reviewer': re.compile(r'^R:\s*(?P<reviewer>.*?)\r*$'),
23 | 'status': re.compile(r'^S:\s*(?P<status>.*?)\r*$'),
24 | 'tree': re.compile(r'^T:\s*(?P<tree>.*?)\r*$'),
25 | 'webpage': re.compile(r'^W:\s*(?P<webpage>.*?)\r*$')
26 | }
27 |
28 | def printsection(section):
29 | """Prints out the dictionary describing a Maintainers.txt section."""
30 | print('===')
31 | for key in section.keys():
32 | print("Key: %s" % key)
33 | for item in section[key]:
34 | print(' %s' % item)
35 |
36 | def pattern_to_regex(pattern):
37 | """Takes a string containing regular UNIX path wildcards
38 | and returns a string suitable for matching with regex."""
39 |
40 | pattern = pattern.replace('.', r'\.')
41 | pattern = pattern.replace('?', r'.')
42 | pattern = pattern.replace('*', r'.*')
43 |
44 | if pattern.endswith('/'):
45 | pattern += r'.*'
46 | elif pattern.endswith('.*'):
47 | pattern = pattern[:-2]
48 | pattern += r'(?!.*?/.*?)'
49 |
50 | return pattern
51 |
52 | def path_in_section(path, section):
53 | """Returns True of False indicating whether the path is covered by
54 | the current section."""
55 | if not 'file' in section:
56 | return False
57 |
58 | for pattern in section['file']:
59 | regex = pattern_to_regex(pattern)
60 |
61 | match = re.match(regex, path)
62 | if match:
63 | # Check if there is an exclude pattern that applies
64 | for pattern in section['exclude']:
65 | regex = pattern_to_regex(pattern)
66 |
67 | match = re.match(regex, path)
68 | if match:
69 | return False
70 |
71 | return True
72 |
73 | return False
74 |
75 | def get_section_maintainers(path, section):
76 | """Returns a list with email addresses to any M: and R: entries
77 | matching the provided path in the provided section."""
78 | maintainers = []
79 | reviewers = []
80 | lists = []
81 | nowarn_status = ['Supported', 'Maintained']
82 |
83 | if path_in_section(path, section):
84 | for status in section['status']:
85 | if status not in nowarn_status:
86 | print('WARNING: Maintained status for "%s" is \'%s\'!' % (path, status))
87 | for address in section['maintainer']:
88 | # Convert to list if necessary
89 | if isinstance(address, list):
90 | maintainers += address
91 | else:
92 | maintainers += [address]
93 | for address in section['reviewer']:
94 | # Convert to list if necessary
95 | if isinstance(address, list):
96 | reviewers += address
97 | else:
98 | reviewers += [address]
99 | for address in section['list']:
100 | # Convert to list if necessary
101 | if isinstance(address, list):
102 | lists += address
103 | else:
104 | lists += [address]
105 |
106 | return {'maintainers': maintainers, 'reviewers': reviewers, 'lists': lists}
107 |
108 | def get_maintainers(path, sections, level=0):
109 | """For 'path', iterates over all sections, returning maintainers
110 | for matching ones."""
111 | maintainers = []
112 | reviewers = []
113 | lists = []
114 | for section in sections:
115 | recipients = get_section_maintainers(path, section)
116 | maintainers += recipients['maintainers']
117 | reviewers += recipients['reviewers']
118 | lists += recipients['lists']
119 |
120 | if not maintainers:
121 | # If no match found, look for match for (nonexistent) file
122 | # REPO.working_dir/<default>
123 | print('"%s": no maintainers found, looking for default' % path)
124 | if level == 0:
125 | recipients = get_maintainers('<default>', sections, level=level + 1)
126 | maintainers += recipients['maintainers']
127 | reviewers += recipients['reviewers']
128 | lists += recipients['lists']
129 | else:
130 | print("No <default> maintainers set for project.")
131 | if not maintainers:
132 | return None
133 |
134 | return {'maintainers': maintainers, 'reviewers': reviewers, 'lists': lists}
135 |
136 | def parse_maintainers_line(line):
137 | """Parse one line of Maintainers.txt, returning any match group and its key."""
138 | for key, expression in EXPRESSIONS.items():
139 | match = expression.match(line)
140 | if match:
141 | return key, match.group(key)
142 | return None, None
143 |
144 | def parse_maintainers_file(filename):
145 | """Parse the Maintainers.txt from top-level of repo and
146 | return a list containing dictionaries of all sections."""
147 | with open(filename, 'r') as text:
148 | line = text.readline()
149 | sectionlist = []
150 | section = defaultdict(list)
151 | while line:
152 | key, value = parse_maintainers_line(line)
153 | if key and value:
154 | section[key].append(value)
155 |
156 | line = text.readline()
157 | # If end of section (end of file, or non-tag line encountered)...
158 | if not key or not value or not line:
159 | # ...if non-empty, append section to list.
160 | if section:
161 | sectionlist.append(section.copy())
162 | section.clear()
163 |
164 | return sectionlist
165 |
166 | def get_modified_files(repo, args):
167 | """Returns a list of the files modified by the commit specified in 'args'."""
168 | commit = repo.commit(args.commit)
169 | return commit.stats.files
170 |
171 | if __name__ == '__main__':
172 | PARSER = argparse.ArgumentParser(
173 | description='Retrieves information on who to cc for review on a given commit')
174 | PARSER.add_argument('commit',
175 | action="store",
176 | help='git revision to examine (default: HEAD)',
177 | nargs='?',
178 | default='HEAD')
179 | PARSER.add_argument('-l', '--lookup',
180 | help='Find section matches for path LOOKUP',
181 | required=False)
182 | ARGS = PARSER.parse_args()
183 |
184 | REPO = SetupGit.locate_repo()
185 |
186 | CONFIG_FILE = os.path.join(REPO.working_dir, 'Maintainers.txt')
187 |
188 | SECTIONS = parse_maintainers_file(CONFIG_FILE)
189 |
190 | if ARGS.lookup:
191 | FILES = [ARGS.lookup.replace('\\','/')]
192 | else:
193 | FILES = get_modified_files(REPO, ARGS)
194 |
195 | # Accumulate a sorted list of addresses
196 | ADDRESSES = set([])
197 | for file in FILES:
198 | print(file)
199 | recipients = get_maintainers(file, SECTIONS)
200 | ADDRESSES |= set(recipients['maintainers'] + recipients['reviewers'] + recipients['lists'])
202 | ADDRESSES.sort()
203 |
204 | for address in ADDRESSES:
205 | if '<' in address and '>' in address:
206 | address = address.split('>', 1)[0] + '>'
207 | print(' %s' % address)