1 | ##
2 | # Generate symbal for memory profile info.
3 | #
4 | # This tool depends on DIA2Dump.exe (VS) or nm (gcc) to parse debug entry.
5 | #
6 | # Copyright (c) 2016 - 2018, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
7 | # SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
8 | #
9 | ##
10 |
11 | from __future__ import print_function
12 | import os
13 | import re
14 | import sys
15 | from optparse import OptionParser
16 |
17 | versionNumber = "1.1"
18 | __copyright__ = "Copyright (c) 2016 - 2018, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved."
19 |
20 | class Symbols:
21 | def __init__(self):
22 | self.listLineAddress = []
23 | self.pdbName = ""
24 | # Cache for function
25 | self.functionName = ""
26 | # Cache for line
27 | self.sourceName = ""
28 |
29 |
30 | def getSymbol (self, rva):
31 | index = 0
32 | lineName = 0
33 | sourceName = "??"
34 | while index + 1 < self.lineCount :
35 | if self.listLineAddress[index][0] <= rva and self.listLineAddress[index + 1][0] > rva :
36 | offset = rva - self.listLineAddress[index][0]
37 | functionName = self.listLineAddress[index][1]
38 | lineName = self.listLineAddress[index][2]
39 | sourceName = self.listLineAddress[index][3]
40 | if lineName == 0 :
41 | return " (" + self.listLineAddress[index][1] + "() - " + ")"
42 | else :
43 | return " (" + self.listLineAddress[index][1] + "() - " + sourceName + ":" + str(lineName) + ")"
44 | index += 1
45 |
46 | return " (unknown)"
47 |
48 | def parse_debug_file(self, driverName, pdbName):
49 | if cmp (pdbName, "") == 0 :
50 | return
51 | self.pdbName = pdbName;
52 |
53 | try:
54 | nmCommand = "nm"
55 | nmLineOption = "-l"
56 | print("parsing (debug) - " + pdbName)
57 | os.system ('%s %s %s > nmDump.line.log' % (nmCommand, nmLineOption, pdbName))
58 | except :
59 | print('ERROR: nm command not available. Please verify PATH')
60 | return
61 |
62 | #
63 | # parse line
64 | #
65 | linefile = open("nmDump.line.log")
66 | reportLines = linefile.readlines()
67 | linefile.close()
68 |
69 | # 000113ca T AllocatePool c:\home\edk-ii\MdePkg\Library\UefiMemoryAllocationLib\MemoryAllocationLib.c:399
70 | patchLineFileMatchString = "([0-9a-fA-F]*)\s+[T|D|t|d]\s+(\w+)\s*((?:[a-zA-Z]:)?[\w+\-./_a-zA-Z0-9\\\\]*):?([0-9]*)"
71 |
72 | for reportLine in reportLines:
73 | #print "check - " + reportLine
74 | match = re.match(patchLineFileMatchString, reportLine)
75 | if match is not None:
76 | #print "match - " + reportLine[:-1]
77 | #print "0 - " + match.group(0)
78 | #print "1 - " + match.group(1)
79 | #print "2 - " + match.group(2)
80 | #print "3 - " + match.group(3)
81 | #print "4 - " + match.group(4)
82 |
83 | rva = int (match.group(1), 16)
84 | functionName = match.group(2)
85 | sourceName = match.group(3)
86 | if cmp (match.group(4), "") != 0 :
87 | lineName = int (match.group(4))
88 | else :
89 | lineName = 0
90 | self.listLineAddress.append ([rva, functionName, lineName, sourceName])
91 |
92 | self.lineCount = len (self.listLineAddress)
93 |
94 | self.listLineAddress = sorted(self.listLineAddress, key=lambda symbolAddress:symbolAddress[0])
95 |
96 | #for key in self.listLineAddress :
97 | #print "rva - " + "%x"%(key[0]) + ", func - " + key[1] + ", line - " + str(key[2]) + ", source - " + key[3]
98 |
99 | def parse_pdb_file(self, driverName, pdbName):
100 | if cmp (pdbName, "") == 0 :
101 | return
102 | self.pdbName = pdbName;
103 |
104 | try:
105 | #DIA2DumpCommand = "\"C:\\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\\DIA SDK\\Samples\\DIA2Dump\\x64\\Debug\\Dia2Dump.exe\""
106 | DIA2DumpCommand = "Dia2Dump.exe"
107 | #DIA2SymbolOption = "-p"
108 | DIA2LinesOption = "-l"
109 | print("parsing (pdb) - " + pdbName)
110 | #os.system ('%s %s %s > DIA2Dump.symbol.log' % (DIA2DumpCommand, DIA2SymbolOption, pdbName))
111 | os.system ('%s %s %s > DIA2Dump.line.log' % (DIA2DumpCommand, DIA2LinesOption, pdbName))
112 | except :
113 | print('ERROR: DIA2Dump command not available. Please verify PATH')
114 | return
115 |
116 | #
117 | # parse line
118 | #
119 | linefile = open("DIA2Dump.line.log")
120 | reportLines = linefile.readlines()
121 | linefile.close()
122 |
123 | # ** GetDebugPrintErrorLevel
124 | # line 32 at [0000C790][0001:0000B790], len = 0x3 c:\home\edk-ii\mdepkg\library\basedebugprinterrorlevellib\basedebugprinterrorlevellib.c (MD5: 687C0AE564079D35D56ED5D84A6164CC)
125 | # line 36 at [0000C793][0001:0000B793], len = 0x5
126 | # line 37 at [0000C798][0001:0000B798], len = 0x2
127 |
128 | patchLineFileMatchString = "\s+line ([0-9]+) at \[([0-9a-fA-F]{8})\]\[[0-9a-fA-F]{4}\:[0-9a-fA-F]{8}\], len = 0x[0-9a-fA-F]+\s*([\w+\-\:./_a-zA-Z0-9\\\\]*)\s*"
129 | patchLineFileMatchStringFunc = "\*\*\s+(\w+)\s*"
130 |
131 | for reportLine in reportLines:
132 | #print "check line - " + reportLine
133 | match = re.match(patchLineFileMatchString, reportLine)
134 | if match is not None:
135 | #print "match - " + reportLine[:-1]
136 | #print "0 - " + match.group(0)
137 | #print "1 - " + match.group(1)
138 | #print "2 - " + match.group(2)
139 | if cmp (match.group(3), "") != 0 :
140 | self.sourceName = match.group(3)
141 | sourceName = self.sourceName
142 | functionName = self.functionName
143 |
144 | rva = int (match.group(2), 16)
145 | lineName = int (match.group(1))
146 | self.listLineAddress.append ([rva, functionName, lineName, sourceName])
147 | else :
148 | match = re.match(patchLineFileMatchStringFunc, reportLine)
149 | if match is not None:
150 | self.functionName = match.group(1)
151 |
152 | self.lineCount = len (self.listLineAddress)
153 | self.listLineAddress = sorted(self.listLineAddress, key=lambda symbolAddress:symbolAddress[0])
154 |
155 | #for key in self.listLineAddress :
156 | #print "rva - " + "%x"%(key[0]) + ", func - " + key[1] + ", line - " + str(key[2]) + ", source - " + key[3]
157 |
158 | class SymbolsFile:
159 | def __init__(self):
160 | self.symbolsTable = {}
161 |
162 | symbolsFile = ""
163 |
164 | driverName = ""
165 | rvaName = ""
166 | symbolName = ""
167 |
168 | def getSymbolName(driverName, rva):
169 | global symbolsFile
170 |
171 | #print "driverName - " + driverName
172 |
173 | try :
174 | symbolList = symbolsFile.symbolsTable[driverName]
175 | if symbolList is not None:
176 | return symbolList.getSymbol (rva)
177 | else:
178 | return " (???)"
179 | except Exception:
180 | return " (???)"
181 |
182 | def processLine(newline):
183 | global driverName
184 | global rvaName
185 |
186 | driverPrefixLen = len("Driver - ")
187 | # get driver name
188 | if cmp(newline[0:driverPrefixLen], "Driver - ") == 0 :
189 | driverlineList = newline.split(" ")
190 | driverName = driverlineList[2]
191 | #print "Checking : ", driverName
192 |
193 | # EDKII application output
194 | pdbMatchString = "Driver - \w* \(Usage - 0x[0-9a-fA-F]+\) \(Pdb - ([:\-.\w\\\\/]*)\)\s*"
195 | pdbName = ""
196 | match = re.match(pdbMatchString, newline)
197 | if match is not None:
198 | #print "match - " + newline
199 | #print "0 - " + match.group(0)
200 | #print "1 - " + match.group(1)
201 | pdbName = match.group(1)
202 | #print "PDB - " + pdbName
203 |
204 | symbolsFile.symbolsTable[driverName] = Symbols()
205 |
206 | if cmp (pdbName[-3:], "pdb") == 0 :
207 | symbolsFile.symbolsTable[driverName].parse_pdb_file (driverName, pdbName)
208 | else :
209 | symbolsFile.symbolsTable[driverName].parse_debug_file (driverName, pdbName)
210 |
211 | elif cmp(newline, "") == 0 :
212 | driverName = ""
213 |
214 | # check entry line
215 | if newline.find ("<==") != -1 :
216 | entry_list = newline.split(" ")
217 | rvaName = entry_list[4]
218 | #print "rva : ", rvaName
219 | symbolName = getSymbolName (driverName, int(rvaName, 16))
220 | else :
221 | rvaName = ""
222 | symbolName = ""
223 |
224 | if cmp(rvaName, "") == 0 :
225 | return newline
226 | else :
227 | return newline + symbolName
228 |
229 | def myOptionParser():
230 | usage = "%prog [--version] [-h] [--help] [-i inputfile [-o outputfile]]"
231 | Parser = OptionParser(usage=usage, description=__copyright__, version="%prog " + str(versionNumber))
232 | Parser.add_option("-i", "--inputfile", dest="inputfilename", type="string", help="The input memory profile info file output from MemoryProfileInfo application in MdeModulePkg")
233 | Parser.add_option("-o", "--outputfile", dest="outputfilename", type="string", help="The output memory profile info file with symbol, MemoryProfileInfoSymbol.txt will be used if it is not specified")
234 |
235 | (Options, args) = Parser.parse_args()
236 | if Options.inputfilename is None:
237 | Parser.error("no input file specified")
238 | if Options.outputfilename is None:
239 | Options.outputfilename = "MemoryProfileInfoSymbol.txt"
240 | return Options
241 |
242 | def main():
243 | global symbolsFile
244 | global Options
245 | Options = myOptionParser()
246 |
247 | symbolsFile = SymbolsFile()
248 |
249 | try :
250 | file = open(Options.inputfilename)
251 | except Exception:
252 | print("fail to open " + Options.inputfilename)
253 | return 1
254 | try :
255 | newfile = open(Options.outputfilename, "w")
256 | except Exception:
257 | print("fail to open " + Options.outputfilename)
258 | return 1
259 |
260 | try:
261 | while True:
262 | line = file.readline()
263 | if not line:
264 | break
265 | newline = line[:-1]
266 |
267 | newline = processLine(newline)
268 |
269 | newfile.write(newline)
270 | newfile.write("\n")
271 | finally:
272 | file.close()
273 | newfile.close()
274 |
275 | if __name__ == '__main__':
276 | sys.exit(main())