1 | ;
2 | ; Copyright (c) 2011, Hewlett-Packard Company. All rights reserved.<BR>
3 | ;
4 | ; SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
5 | ;
6 |
7 | ; Copy this to your C:\T32 directory
8 | ;Default startup program for TRACE32
9 | ;
10 | ;This startup program can be modified according to your needs.
11 |
12 | ; update this path to reflect YOUR current working dir
13 | GLOBAL &wcdir
14 | &wcdir="D:\bios"
15 |
16 | ;choose hex mode for input
17 | radix hex
18 |
19 | ;Add some extra buttons to the toolbar
20 |
21 | menu.rp
22 | (
23 | add
24 | toolbar
25 | (
26 | separator
27 | toolitem "Source/List" ":list" "Data.List"
28 | toolitem "Memory Dump" ":dump" "Data.dump"
29 | toolitem "Register" ":reg" "Register"
30 | separator
31 | toolitem "Watch" ":varwatch" "Var.Watch"
32 | toolitem "Stack" ":varframe" "Var.Frame /l /c"
33 | toolitem "Automatic Watch" ":varref" "Var.Ref"
34 | separator
35 | toolitem "List Breakpoints" ":break" "Break.List"
36 | toolitem "List Symbols" ":symbols" "sYmbol.Browse"
37 | toolitem "System Settings" ":config" "SYStem"
38 | separator
39 | )
40 | )
41 |
42 | if language()!=""
43 | (
44 | local &menuname
45 | &menuname="~~/t32"+language()+".men"
46 | if os.file(&menuname)
47 | menu.rp &menuname
48 | )
49 |
50 | ;Recall and Define History File
51 | autostore , history bookmark
52 |
53 | ; Execute EFI setup script
54 | chdir &wcdir\Platform\T32_Scripts
55 | do EFI
56 |
57 | enddo
58 |
59 |