1 | /** @file
2 | FAT recovery PEIM entry point, Ppi Functions and FAT Api functions.
3 |
4 | Copyright (c) 2006 - 2019, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
5 |
6 | SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
7 |
8 | **/
9 |
10 | #include "FatLitePeim.h"
11 |
12 | PEI_FAT_PRIVATE_DATA *mPrivateData = NULL;
13 |
14 | /**
15 | BlockIo installation notification function. Find out all the current BlockIO
16 | PPIs in the system and add them into private data. Assume there is
17 |
18 | @param PeiServices General purpose services available to every
19 | PEIM.
20 | @param NotifyDescriptor The typedef structure of the notification
21 | descriptor. Not used in this function.
22 | @param Ppi The typedef structure of the PPI descriptor.
23 | Not used in this function.
24 |
25 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS The function completed successfully.
26 |
27 | **/
30 | BlockIoNotifyEntry (
31 | IN EFI_PEI_SERVICES **PeiServices,
32 | IN EFI_PEI_NOTIFY_DESCRIPTOR *NotifyDescriptor,
33 | IN VOID *Ppi
34 | );
35 |
36 | /**
37 | Discover all the block I/O devices to find the FAT volume.
38 |
39 | @param PrivateData Global memory map for accessing global
40 | variables.
41 | @param BlockIo2 Boolean to show whether using BlockIo2 or BlockIo
42 |
43 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS The function completed successfully.
44 |
45 | **/
47 | UpdateBlocksAndVolumes (
49 | IN BOOLEAN BlockIo2
50 | )
51 | {
52 | EFI_STATUS Status;
53 | EFI_PEI_PPI_DESCRIPTOR *TempPpiDescriptor;
54 | UINTN BlockIoPpiInstance;
57 | UINTN NumberBlockDevices;
58 | UINTN Index;
61 | PEI_FAT_VOLUME Volume;
62 | EFI_PEI_SERVICES **PeiServices;
63 |
64 | PeiServices = (EFI_PEI_SERVICES **)GetPeiServicesTablePointer ();
65 | BlockIo2Ppi = NULL;
66 | BlockIoPpi = NULL;
67 | //
68 | // Clean up caches
69 | //
70 | for (Index = 0; Index < PEI_FAT_CACHE_SIZE; Index++) {
71 | PrivateData->CacheBuffer[Index].Valid = FALSE;
72 | }
73 |
74 | PrivateData->BlockDeviceCount = 0;
75 |
76 | //
77 | // Find out all Block Io Ppi instances within the system
78 | // Assuming all device Block Io Peims are dispatched already
79 | //
80 | for (BlockIoPpiInstance = 0; BlockIoPpiInstance < PEI_FAT_MAX_BLOCK_IO_PPI; BlockIoPpiInstance++) {
81 | if (BlockIo2) {
82 | Status = PeiServicesLocatePpi (
83 | &gEfiPeiVirtualBlockIo2PpiGuid,
84 | BlockIoPpiInstance,
85 | &TempPpiDescriptor,
86 | (VOID **)&BlockIo2Ppi
87 | );
88 | } else {
89 | Status = PeiServicesLocatePpi (
90 | &gEfiPeiVirtualBlockIoPpiGuid,
91 | BlockIoPpiInstance,
92 | &TempPpiDescriptor,
93 | (VOID **)&BlockIoPpi
94 | );
95 | }
96 |
97 | if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
98 | //
99 | // Done with all Block Io Ppis
100 | //
101 | break;
102 | }
103 |
104 | if (BlockIo2) {
105 | Status = BlockIo2Ppi->GetNumberOfBlockDevices (
106 | PeiServices,
107 | BlockIo2Ppi,
108 | &NumberBlockDevices
109 | );
110 | } else {
111 | Status = BlockIoPpi->GetNumberOfBlockDevices (
112 | PeiServices,
113 | BlockIoPpi,
114 | &NumberBlockDevices
115 | );
116 | }
117 |
118 | if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
119 | continue;
120 | }
121 |
122 | for (Index = 1; Index <= NumberBlockDevices && PrivateData->BlockDeviceCount < PEI_FAT_MAX_BLOCK_DEVICE; Index++) {
123 | if (BlockIo2) {
124 | Status = BlockIo2Ppi->GetBlockDeviceMediaInfo (
125 | PeiServices,
126 | BlockIo2Ppi,
127 | Index,
128 | &Media2
129 | );
130 | if (EFI_ERROR (Status) || !Media2.MediaPresent) {
131 | continue;
132 | }
133 |
134 | PrivateData->BlockDevice[PrivateData->BlockDeviceCount].BlockIo2 = BlockIo2Ppi;
135 | PrivateData->BlockDevice[PrivateData->BlockDeviceCount].InterfaceType = Media2.InterfaceType;
136 | PrivateData->BlockDevice[PrivateData->BlockDeviceCount].LastBlock = Media2.LastBlock;
137 | PrivateData->BlockDevice[PrivateData->BlockDeviceCount].BlockSize = Media2.BlockSize;
138 | } else {
139 | Status = BlockIoPpi->GetBlockDeviceMediaInfo (
140 | PeiServices,
141 | BlockIoPpi,
142 | Index,
143 | &Media
144 | );
145 | if (EFI_ERROR (Status) || !Media.MediaPresent) {
146 | continue;
147 | }
148 |
149 | PrivateData->BlockDevice[PrivateData->BlockDeviceCount].BlockIo = BlockIoPpi;
150 | PrivateData->BlockDevice[PrivateData->BlockDeviceCount].DevType = Media.DeviceType;
151 | PrivateData->BlockDevice[PrivateData->BlockDeviceCount].LastBlock = Media.LastBlock;
152 | PrivateData->BlockDevice[PrivateData->BlockDeviceCount].BlockSize = (UINT32)Media.BlockSize;
153 | }
154 |
155 | PrivateData->BlockDevice[PrivateData->BlockDeviceCount].IoAlign = 0;
156 | //
157 | // Not used here
158 | //
159 | PrivateData->BlockDevice[PrivateData->BlockDeviceCount].Logical = FALSE;
160 | PrivateData->BlockDevice[PrivateData->BlockDeviceCount].PartitionChecked = FALSE;
161 |
162 | PrivateData->BlockDevice[PrivateData->BlockDeviceCount].PhysicalDevNo = (UINT8)Index;
163 | PrivateData->BlockDeviceCount++;
164 | }
165 | }
166 |
167 | //
168 | // Find out all logical devices
169 | //
170 | FatFindPartitions (PrivateData);
171 |
172 | //
173 | // Build up file system volume array
174 | //
175 | PrivateData->VolumeCount = 0;
176 | for (Index = 0; Index < PrivateData->BlockDeviceCount; Index++) {
177 | Volume.BlockDeviceNo = Index;
178 | Status = FatGetBpbInfo (PrivateData, &Volume);
179 | if (Status == EFI_SUCCESS) {
180 | //
181 | // Add the detected volume to the volume array
182 | //
183 | CopyMem (
184 | (UINT8 *)&(PrivateData->Volume[PrivateData->VolumeCount]),
185 | (UINT8 *)&Volume,
186 | sizeof (PEI_FAT_VOLUME)
187 | );
188 | PrivateData->VolumeCount += 1;
189 | if (PrivateData->VolumeCount >= PEI_FAT_MAX_VOLUME) {
190 | break;
191 | }
192 | }
193 | }
194 |
195 | return EFI_SUCCESS;
196 | }
197 |
198 | /**
199 | BlockIo installation notification function. Find out all the current BlockIO
200 | PPIs in the system and add them into private data. Assume there is
201 |
202 | @param PeiServices General purpose services available to every
203 | PEIM.
204 | @param NotifyDescriptor The typedef structure of the notification
205 | descriptor. Not used in this function.
206 | @param Ppi The typedef structure of the PPI descriptor.
207 | Not used in this function.
208 |
209 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS The function completed successfully.
210 |
211 | **/
213 | EFIAPI
214 | BlockIoNotifyEntry (
215 | IN EFI_PEI_SERVICES **PeiServices,
216 | IN EFI_PEI_NOTIFY_DESCRIPTOR *NotifyDescriptor,
217 | IN VOID *Ppi
218 | )
219 | {
220 | if (CompareGuid (NotifyDescriptor->Guid, &gEfiPeiVirtualBlockIo2PpiGuid)) {
221 | UpdateBlocksAndVolumes (mPrivateData, TRUE);
222 | } else {
223 | UpdateBlocksAndVolumes (mPrivateData, FALSE);
224 | }
225 |
226 | return EFI_SUCCESS;
227 | }
228 |
229 | /**
230 | Installs the Device Recovery Module PPI, Initialize BlockIo Ppi
231 | installation notification
232 |
233 | @param FileHandle Handle of the file being invoked. Type
234 | EFI_PEI_FILE_HANDLE is defined in
235 | FfsFindNextFile().
236 | @param PeiServices Describes the list of possible PEI Services.
237 |
238 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS The entry point was executed successfully.
239 | @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES There is no enough memory to complete the
240 | operations.
241 |
242 | **/
244 | EFIAPI
245 | FatPeimEntry (
246 | IN EFI_PEI_FILE_HANDLE FileHandle,
248 | )
249 | {
250 | EFI_STATUS Status;
252 | PEI_FAT_PRIVATE_DATA *PrivateData;
253 |
254 | Status = PeiServicesRegisterForShadow (FileHandle);
255 | if (!EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
256 | return Status;
257 | }
258 |
259 | Status = PeiServicesAllocatePages (
260 | EfiBootServicesCode,
262 | &Address
263 | );
264 | if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
265 | return EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES;
266 | }
267 |
268 | PrivateData = (PEI_FAT_PRIVATE_DATA *)(UINTN)Address;
269 |
270 | //
271 | // Initialize Private Data (to zero, as is required by subsequent operations)
272 | //
273 | ZeroMem ((UINT8 *)PrivateData, sizeof (PEI_FAT_PRIVATE_DATA));
274 |
275 | PrivateData->Signature = PEI_FAT_PRIVATE_DATA_SIGNATURE;
276 |
277 | //
278 | // Installs Ppi
279 | //
280 | PrivateData->DeviceRecoveryPpi.GetNumberRecoveryCapsules = GetNumberRecoveryCapsules;
281 | PrivateData->DeviceRecoveryPpi.GetRecoveryCapsuleInfo = GetRecoveryCapsuleInfo;
282 | PrivateData->DeviceRecoveryPpi.LoadRecoveryCapsule = LoadRecoveryCapsule;
283 |
285 | PrivateData->PpiDescriptor.Guid = &gEfiPeiDeviceRecoveryModulePpiGuid;
286 | PrivateData->PpiDescriptor.Ppi = &PrivateData->DeviceRecoveryPpi;
287 |
288 | Status = PeiServicesInstallPpi (&PrivateData->PpiDescriptor);
289 | if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
290 | return EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES;
291 | }
292 |
293 | //
294 | // Other initializations
295 | //
296 | PrivateData->BlockDeviceCount = 0;
297 |
298 | UpdateBlocksAndVolumes (PrivateData, TRUE);
299 | UpdateBlocksAndVolumes (PrivateData, FALSE);
300 |
301 | //
302 | // PrivateData is allocated now, set it to the module variable
303 | //
304 | mPrivateData = PrivateData;
305 |
306 | //
307 | // Installs Block Io Ppi notification function
308 | //
309 | PrivateData->NotifyDescriptor[0].Flags =
310 | (
312 | );
313 | PrivateData->NotifyDescriptor[0].Guid = &gEfiPeiVirtualBlockIoPpiGuid;
314 | PrivateData->NotifyDescriptor[0].Notify = BlockIoNotifyEntry;
315 | PrivateData->NotifyDescriptor[1].Flags =
316 | (
319 | );
320 | PrivateData->NotifyDescriptor[1].Guid = &gEfiPeiVirtualBlockIo2PpiGuid;
321 | PrivateData->NotifyDescriptor[1].Notify = BlockIoNotifyEntry;
322 | return PeiServicesNotifyPpi (&PrivateData->NotifyDescriptor[0]);
323 | }
324 |
325 | /**
326 | Returns the number of DXE capsules residing on the device.
327 |
328 | This function searches for DXE capsules from the associated device and returns
329 | the number and maximum size in bytes of the capsules discovered. Entry 1 is
330 | assumed to be the highest load priority and entry N is assumed to be the lowest
331 | priority.
332 |
333 | @param[in] PeiServices General-purpose services that are available
334 | to every PEIM
335 | @param[in] This Indicates the EFI_PEI_DEVICE_RECOVERY_MODULE_PPI
336 | instance.
337 | @param[out] NumberRecoveryCapsules Pointer to a caller-allocated UINTN. On
338 | output, *NumberRecoveryCapsules contains
339 | the number of recovery capsule images
340 | available for retrieval from this PEIM
341 | instance.
342 |
343 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS One or more capsules were discovered.
344 | @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR A device error occurred.
345 | @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND A recovery DXE capsule cannot be found.
346 |
347 | **/
349 | EFIAPI
350 | GetNumberRecoveryCapsules (
351 | IN EFI_PEI_SERVICES **PeiServices,
353 | OUT UINTN *NumberRecoveryCapsules
354 | )
355 | {
356 | EFI_STATUS Status;
357 | PEI_FAT_PRIVATE_DATA *PrivateData;
358 | UINTN Index;
359 | UINTN RecoveryCapsuleCount;
360 | PEI_FILE_HANDLE Handle;
361 |
362 | PrivateData = PEI_FAT_PRIVATE_DATA_FROM_THIS (This);
363 |
364 | //
365 | // Search each volume in the root directory for the Recovery capsule
366 | //
367 | RecoveryCapsuleCount = 0;
368 | for (Index = 0; Index < PrivateData->VolumeCount; Index++) {
369 | Status = FindRecoveryFile (PrivateData, Index, (CHAR16 *)PcdGetPtr (PcdRecoveryFileName), &Handle);
370 | if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
371 | continue;
372 | }
373 |
374 | RecoveryCapsuleCount++;
375 | }
376 |
377 | *NumberRecoveryCapsules = RecoveryCapsuleCount;
378 |
379 | if (*NumberRecoveryCapsules == 0) {
380 | return EFI_NOT_FOUND;
381 | }
382 |
383 | return EFI_SUCCESS;
384 | }
385 |
386 | /**
387 | Returns the size and type of the requested recovery capsule.
388 |
389 | This function gets the size and type of the capsule specified by CapsuleInstance.
390 |
391 | @param[in] PeiServices General-purpose services that are available to every PEIM
392 | @param[in] This Indicates the EFI_PEI_DEVICE_RECOVERY_MODULE_PPI
393 | instance.
394 | @param[in] CapsuleInstance Specifies for which capsule instance to retrieve
395 | the information. This parameter must be between
396 | one and the value returned by GetNumberRecoveryCapsules()
397 | in NumberRecoveryCapsules.
398 | @param[out] Size A pointer to a caller-allocated UINTN in which
399 | the size of the requested recovery module is
400 | returned.
401 | @param[out] CapsuleType A pointer to a caller-allocated EFI_GUID in which
402 | the type of the requested recovery capsule is
403 | returned. The semantic meaning of the value
404 | returned is defined by the implementation.
405 |
406 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS One or more capsules were discovered.
407 | @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR A device error occurred.
408 | @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND A recovery DXE capsule cannot be found.
409 |
410 | **/
412 | EFIAPI
413 | GetRecoveryCapsuleInfo (
414 | IN EFI_PEI_SERVICES **PeiServices,
416 | IN UINTN CapsuleInstance,
417 | OUT UINTN *Size,
418 | OUT EFI_GUID *CapsuleType
419 | )
420 | {
421 | EFI_STATUS Status;
422 | PEI_FAT_PRIVATE_DATA *PrivateData;
423 | UINTN Index;
424 | UINTN BlockDeviceNo;
425 | UINTN RecoveryCapsuleCount;
426 | PEI_FILE_HANDLE Handle;
427 | UINTN NumberRecoveryCapsules;
428 |
429 | Status = GetNumberRecoveryCapsules (PeiServices, This, &NumberRecoveryCapsules);
430 |
431 | if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
432 | return Status;
433 | }
434 |
435 | if ((CapsuleInstance == 0) || (CapsuleInstance > NumberRecoveryCapsules)) {
436 | return EFI_NOT_FOUND;
437 | }
438 |
439 | PrivateData = PEI_FAT_PRIVATE_DATA_FROM_THIS (This);
440 |
441 | //
442 | // Search each volume in the root directory for the Recovery capsule
443 | //
444 | RecoveryCapsuleCount = 0;
445 | for (Index = 0; Index < PrivateData->VolumeCount; Index++) {
446 | Status = FindRecoveryFile (PrivateData, Index, (CHAR16 *)PcdGetPtr (PcdRecoveryFileName), &Handle);
447 |
448 | if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
449 | continue;
450 | }
451 |
452 | if (CapsuleInstance - 1 == RecoveryCapsuleCount) {
453 | //
454 | // Get file size
455 | //
456 | *Size = (UINTN)(((PEI_FAT_FILE *)Handle)->FileSize);
457 |
458 | //
459 | // Find corresponding physical block device
460 | //
461 | BlockDeviceNo = PrivateData->Volume[Index].BlockDeviceNo;
462 | while (BlockDeviceNo < PrivateData->BlockDeviceCount && PrivateData->BlockDevice[BlockDeviceNo].Logical) {
463 | BlockDeviceNo = PrivateData->BlockDevice[BlockDeviceNo].ParentDevNo;
464 | }
465 |
466 | //
467 | // Fill in the Capsule Type GUID according to the block device type
468 | //
469 | if (BlockDeviceNo < PrivateData->BlockDeviceCount) {
470 | if (PrivateData->BlockDevice[BlockDeviceNo].BlockIo2 != NULL) {
471 | switch (PrivateData->BlockDevice[BlockDeviceNo].InterfaceType) {
472 | case MSG_ATAPI_DP:
473 | CopyGuid (CapsuleType, &gRecoveryOnFatIdeDiskGuid);
474 | break;
475 |
476 | case MSG_USB_DP:
477 | CopyGuid (CapsuleType, &gRecoveryOnFatUsbDiskGuid);
478 | break;
479 |
481 | CopyGuid (CapsuleType, &gRecoveryOnFatNvmeDiskGuid);
482 | break;
483 |
484 | default:
485 | break;
486 | }
487 | }
488 |
489 | if (PrivateData->BlockDevice[BlockDeviceNo].BlockIo != NULL) {
490 | switch (PrivateData->BlockDevice[BlockDeviceNo].DevType) {
491 | case LegacyFloppy:
492 | CopyGuid (CapsuleType, &gRecoveryOnFatFloppyDiskGuid);
493 | break;
494 |
495 | case IdeCDROM:
496 | case IdeLS120:
497 | CopyGuid (CapsuleType, &gRecoveryOnFatIdeDiskGuid);
498 | break;
499 |
500 | case UsbMassStorage:
501 | CopyGuid (CapsuleType, &gRecoveryOnFatUsbDiskGuid);
502 | break;
503 |
504 | default:
505 | break;
506 | }
507 | }
508 | }
509 |
510 | return EFI_SUCCESS;
511 | }
512 |
513 | RecoveryCapsuleCount++;
514 | }
515 |
516 | return EFI_NOT_FOUND;
517 | }
518 |
519 | /**
520 | Loads a DXE capsule from some media into memory.
521 |
522 | This function, by whatever mechanism, retrieves a DXE capsule from some device
523 | and loads it into memory. Note that the published interface is device neutral.
524 |
525 | @param[in] PeiServices General-purpose services that are available
526 | to every PEIM
527 | @param[in] This Indicates the EFI_PEI_DEVICE_RECOVERY_MODULE_PPI
528 | instance.
529 | @param[in] CapsuleInstance Specifies which capsule instance to retrieve.
530 | @param[out] Buffer Specifies a caller-allocated buffer in which
531 | the requested recovery capsule will be returned.
532 |
533 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS The capsule was loaded correctly.
534 | @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR A device error occurred.
535 | @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND A requested recovery DXE capsule cannot be found.
536 |
537 | **/
539 | EFIAPI
540 | LoadRecoveryCapsule (
541 | IN EFI_PEI_SERVICES **PeiServices,
543 | IN UINTN CapsuleInstance,
544 | OUT VOID *Buffer
545 | )
546 | {
547 | EFI_STATUS Status;
548 | PEI_FAT_PRIVATE_DATA *PrivateData;
549 | UINTN Index;
550 | UINTN RecoveryCapsuleCount;
551 | PEI_FILE_HANDLE Handle;
552 | UINTN NumberRecoveryCapsules;
553 |
554 | Status = GetNumberRecoveryCapsules (PeiServices, This, &NumberRecoveryCapsules);
555 |
556 | if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
557 | return Status;
558 | }
559 |
560 | if ((CapsuleInstance == 0) || (CapsuleInstance > NumberRecoveryCapsules)) {
561 | return EFI_NOT_FOUND;
562 | }
563 |
564 | PrivateData = PEI_FAT_PRIVATE_DATA_FROM_THIS (This);
565 |
566 | //
567 | // Search each volume in the root directory for the Recovery capsule
568 | //
569 | RecoveryCapsuleCount = 0;
570 | for (Index = 0; Index < PrivateData->VolumeCount; Index++) {
571 | Status = FindRecoveryFile (PrivateData, Index, (CHAR16 *)PcdGetPtr (PcdRecoveryFileName), &Handle);
572 | if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
573 | continue;
574 | }
575 |
576 | if (CapsuleInstance - 1 == RecoveryCapsuleCount) {
577 | Status = FatReadFile (
578 | PrivateData,
579 | Handle,
580 | (UINTN)(((PEI_FAT_FILE *)Handle)->FileSize),
581 | Buffer
582 | );
583 | return Status;
584 | }
585 |
586 | RecoveryCapsuleCount++;
587 | }
588 |
589 | return EFI_NOT_FOUND;
590 | }
591 |
592 | /**
593 | Finds the recovery file on a FAT volume.
594 | This function finds the recovery file named FileName on a specified FAT volume and returns
595 | its FileHandle pointer.
596 |
597 | @param PrivateData Global memory map for accessing global
598 | variables.
599 | @param VolumeIndex The index of the volume.
600 | @param FileName The recovery file name to find.
601 | @param Handle The output file handle.
602 |
603 | @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR Some error occurred when operating the FAT
604 | volume.
605 | @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND The recovery file was not found.
606 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS The recovery file was successfully found on the
607 | FAT volume.
608 |
609 | **/
611 | FindRecoveryFile (
612 | IN PEI_FAT_PRIVATE_DATA *PrivateData,
613 | IN UINTN VolumeIndex,
614 | IN CHAR16 *FileName,
616 | )
617 | {
618 | EFI_STATUS Status;
619 | PEI_FAT_FILE Parent;
620 | PEI_FAT_FILE *File;
621 |
622 | File = &PrivateData->File;
623 |
624 | //
625 | // VolumeIndex must be less than PEI_FAT_MAX_VOLUME because PrivateData->VolumeCount
626 | // cannot be larger than PEI_FAT_MAX_VOLUME when detecting recovery volume.
627 | //
628 | ASSERT (VolumeIndex < PEI_FAT_MAX_VOLUME);
629 |
630 | //
631 | // Construct root directory file
632 | //
633 | ZeroMem (&Parent, sizeof (PEI_FAT_FILE));
634 | Parent.IsFixedRootDir = (BOOLEAN)((PrivateData->Volume[VolumeIndex].FatType == Fat32) ? FALSE : TRUE);
635 | Parent.Attributes = FAT_ATTR_DIRECTORY;
636 | Parent.CurrentPos = 0;
637 | Parent.CurrentCluster = Parent.IsFixedRootDir ? 0 : PrivateData->Volume[VolumeIndex].RootDirCluster;
638 | Parent.StartingCluster = Parent.CurrentCluster;
639 | Parent.Volume = &PrivateData->Volume[VolumeIndex];
640 |
641 | Status = FatSetFilePos (PrivateData, &Parent, 0);
642 | if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
643 | return EFI_DEVICE_ERROR;
644 | }
645 |
646 | //
647 | // Search for recovery capsule in root directory
648 | //
649 | Status = FatReadNextDirectoryEntry (PrivateData, &Parent, File);
650 | while (Status == EFI_SUCCESS) {
651 | //
652 | // Compare whether the file name is recovery file name.
653 | //
654 | if (EngStriColl (PrivateData, FileName, File->FileName)) {
655 | break;
656 | }
657 |
658 | Status = FatReadNextDirectoryEntry (PrivateData, &Parent, File);
659 | }
660 |
661 | if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
662 | return EFI_NOT_FOUND;
663 | }
664 |
665 | //
666 | // Get the recovery file, set its file position to 0.
667 | //
668 | if (File->StartingCluster != 0) {
669 | Status = FatSetFilePos (PrivateData, File, 0);
670 | }
671 |
672 | *Handle = File;
673 |
674 | return EFI_SUCCESS;
675 | }