1 | /** @file
2 | This contains the business logic for the module-specific Reset Helper functions.
3 |
4 | Copyright (c) 2017 - 2019 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
5 | Copyright (c) 2016 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
6 |
7 | SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
8 |
9 | **/
10 | #include <Uefi.h>
11 | #include <Library/BaseLib.h>
12 | #include <Library/DebugLib.h>
13 | #include <Library/BaseMemoryLib.h>
14 | #include <Library/ResetSystemLib.h>
15 |
16 | #pragma pack(1)
17 | typedef struct {
18 | CHAR16 NullTerminator;
19 | GUID ResetSubtype;
21 | #pragma pack()
22 |
25 | "sizeof (RESET_UTILITY_GUID_SPECIFIC_RESET_DATA) is expected to be 18 bytes"
26 | );
27 |
28 | /**
29 | This is a shorthand helper function to reset with reset type and a subtype
30 | so that the caller doesn't have to bother with a function that has half
31 | a dozen parameters.
32 |
33 | This will generate a reset with status EFI_SUCCESS, a NULL string, and
34 | no custom data. The subtype will be formatted in such a way that it can be
35 | picked up by notification registrations and custom handlers.
36 |
37 | NOTE: This call will fail if the architectural ResetSystem underpinnings
38 | are not initialized. For DXE, you can add gEfiResetArchProtocolGuid
39 | to your DEPEX.
40 |
41 | @param[in] ResetType The default EFI_RESET_TYPE of the reset.
42 | @param[in] ResetSubtype GUID pointer for the reset subtype to be used.
43 |
44 | **/
45 | VOID
47 | ResetSystemWithSubtype (
48 | IN EFI_RESET_TYPE ResetType,
49 | IN CONST GUID *ResetSubtype
50 | )
51 | {
53 |
54 | ResetData.NullTerminator = CHAR_NULL;
55 | CopyGuid (
57 | ResetSubtype
58 | );
59 |
60 | ResetSystem (ResetType, EFI_SUCCESS, sizeof (ResetData), &ResetData);
61 | }
62 |
63 | /**
64 | This is a shorthand helper function to reset with the reset type
65 | 'EfiResetPlatformSpecific' and a subtype so that the caller doesn't
66 | have to bother with a function that has half a dozen parameters.
67 |
68 | This will generate a reset with status EFI_SUCCESS, a NULL string, and
69 | no custom data. The subtype will be formatted in such a way that it can be
70 | picked up by notification registrations and custom handlers.
71 |
72 | NOTE: This call will fail if the architectural ResetSystem underpinnings
73 | are not initialized. For DXE, you can add gEfiResetArchProtocolGuid
74 | to your DEPEX.
75 |
76 | @param[in] ResetSubtype GUID pointer for the reset subtype to be used.
77 |
78 | **/
79 | VOID
81 | ResetPlatformSpecificGuid (
82 | IN CONST GUID *ResetSubtype
83 | )
84 | {
85 | ResetSystemWithSubtype (EfiResetPlatformSpecific, ResetSubtype);
86 | }
87 |
88 | /**
89 | This function examines the DataSize and ResetData parameters passed to
90 | to ResetSystem() and detemrines if the ResetData contains a Null-terminated
91 | Unicode string followed by a GUID specific subtype. If the GUID specific
92 | subtype is present, then a pointer to the GUID value in ResetData is returned.
93 |
94 | @param[in] DataSize The size, in bytes, of ResetData.
95 | @param[in] ResetData Pointer to the data buffer passed into ResetSystem().
96 |
97 | @retval Pointer Pointer to the GUID value in ResetData.
98 | @retval NULL ResetData is NULL.
99 | @retval NULL ResetData does not start with a Null-terminated
100 | Unicode string.
101 | @retval NULL A Null-terminated Unicode string is present, but there
102 | are less than sizeof (GUID) bytes after the string.
103 | @retval NULL No subtype is found.
104 |
105 | **/
106 | GUID *
107 | EFIAPI
108 | GetResetPlatformSpecificGuid (
109 | IN UINTN DataSize,
110 | IN CONST VOID *ResetData
111 | )
112 | {
113 | UINTN ResetDataStringSize;
114 | GUID *ResetSubtypeGuid;
115 |
116 | //
117 | // Make sure parameters are valid
118 | //
119 | if ((ResetData == NULL) || (DataSize < sizeof (GUID))) {
120 | return NULL;
121 | }
122 |
123 | //
124 | // Determine the number of bytes in the Null-terminated Unicode string
125 | // at the beginning of ResetData including the Null terminator.
126 | //
127 | ResetDataStringSize = StrnSizeS (ResetData, (DataSize / sizeof (CHAR16)));
128 |
129 | //
130 | // Now, assuming that we have enough data for a GUID after the string, the
131 | // GUID should be immediately after the string itself.
132 | //
133 | if ((ResetDataStringSize < DataSize) && (DataSize - ResetDataStringSize) >= sizeof (GUID)) {
134 | ResetSubtypeGuid = (GUID *)((UINT8 *)ResetData + ResetDataStringSize);
135 | DEBUG ((DEBUG_VERBOSE, "%a - Detected reset subtype %g...\n", __FUNCTION__, ResetSubtypeGuid));
136 | return ResetSubtypeGuid;
137 | }
138 | return NULL;
139 | }
140 |
141 | /**
142 | This is a helper function that creates the reset data buffer that can be
143 | passed into ResetSystem().
144 |
145 | The reset data buffer is returned in ResetData and contains ResetString
146 | followed by the ResetSubtype GUID followed by the ExtraData.
147 |
148 | NOTE: Strings are internally limited by MAX_UINT16.
149 |
150 | @param[in, out] ResetDataSize On input, the size of the ResetData buffer. On
151 | output, either the total number of bytes
152 | copied, or the required buffer size.
153 | @param[in, out] ResetData A pointer to the buffer in which to place the
154 | final structure.
155 | @param[in] ResetSubtype Pointer to the GUID specific subtype. This
156 | parameter is optional and may be NULL.
157 | @param[in] ResetString Pointer to a Null-terminated Unicode string
158 | that describes the reset. This parameter is
159 | optional and may be NULL.
160 | @param[in] ExtraDataSize The size, in bytes, of ExtraData buffer.
161 | @param[in] ExtraData Pointer to a buffer of extra data. This
162 | parameter is optional and may be NULL.
163 |
164 | @retval RETURN_SUCCESS ResetDataSize and ResetData are updated.
165 | @retval RETURN_INVALID_PARAMETER ResetDataSize is NULL.
166 | @retval RETURN_INVALID_PARAMETER ResetData is NULL.
167 | @retval RETURN_INVALID_PARAMETER ExtraData was provided without a
168 | ResetSubtype. This is not supported by the
169 | UEFI spec.
170 | @retval RETURN_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL An insufficient buffer was provided.
171 | ResetDataSize is updated with minimum size
172 | required.
173 | **/
175 | EFIAPI
176 | BuildResetData (
177 | IN OUT UINTN *ResetDataSize,
178 | IN OUT VOID *ResetData,
179 | IN CONST GUID *ResetSubtype OPTIONAL,
180 | IN CONST CHAR16 *ResetString OPTIONAL,
181 | IN UINTN ExtraDataSize OPTIONAL,
183 | )
184 | {
185 | UINTN ResetStringSize;
186 | UINTN ResetDataBufferSize;
187 | UINT8 *Data;
188 |
189 | //
190 | // If the size return pointer is NULL.
191 | //
192 | if (ResetDataSize == NULL) {
194 | }
195 | //
196 | // If extra data is indicated, but pointer is NULL.
197 | //
198 | if (ExtraDataSize > 0 && ExtraData == NULL) {
200 | }
201 | //
202 | // If extra data is indicated, but no subtype GUID is supplied.
203 | //
204 | if (ResetSubtype == NULL && ExtraDataSize > 0) {
206 | }
207 |
208 | //
209 | // Determine the final string.
210 | //
211 | if (ResetString == NULL) {
212 | ResetString = L""; // Use an empty string.
213 | }
214 |
215 | //
216 | // Calculate the total buffer required for ResetData.
217 | //
218 | ResetStringSize = StrnSizeS (ResetString, MAX_UINT16);
219 | ResetDataBufferSize = ResetStringSize + ExtraDataSize;
220 | if (ResetSubtype != NULL) {
221 | ResetDataBufferSize += sizeof (GUID);
222 | }
223 |
224 | //
225 | // At this point, if the buffer isn't large enough (or if
226 | // the buffer is NULL) we cannot proceed.
227 | //
228 | if (*ResetDataSize < ResetDataBufferSize) {
229 | *ResetDataSize = ResetDataBufferSize;
231 | }
232 | *ResetDataSize = ResetDataBufferSize;
233 | if (ResetData == NULL) {
235 | }
236 |
237 | //
238 | // Fill in ResetData with ResetString, the ResetSubtype GUID, and extra data
239 | //
240 | Data = (UINT8 *)ResetData;
241 | CopyMem (Data, ResetString, ResetStringSize);
242 | Data += ResetStringSize;
243 | if (ResetSubtype != NULL) {
244 | CopyMem (Data, ResetSubtype, sizeof (GUID));
245 | Data += sizeof (GUID);
246 | }
247 | if (ExtraDataSize > 0) {
248 | CopyMem (Data, ExtraData, ExtraDataSize);
249 | }
250 |
251 | return RETURN_SUCCESS;
252 | }