1 | /** @file
2 | Provides services to log the execution times and retrieve them later.
3 |
4 | Copyright (c) 2006 - 2018, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
5 | SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
6 |
7 | **/
8 |
9 | #ifndef __PERFORMANCE_LIB_H__
10 | #define __PERFORMANCE_LIB_H__
11 |
12 | ///
13 | /// Performance library propery mask bits
14 | ///
16 |
17 | //
18 | // Public Progress Identifiers for Event Records.
19 | //
20 | #define PERF_EVENT_ID 0x00
21 |
22 | #define MODULE_START_ID 0x01
23 | #define MODULE_END_ID 0x02
25 | #define MODULE_LOADIMAGE_END_ID 0x04
26 | #define MODULE_DB_START_ID 0x05
27 | #define MODULE_DB_END_ID 0x06
28 | #define MODULE_DB_SUPPORT_START_ID 0x07
29 | #define MODULE_DB_SUPPORT_END_ID 0x08
30 | #define MODULE_DB_STOP_START_ID 0x09
31 | #define MODULE_DB_STOP_END_ID 0x0A
32 |
34 | #define PERF_EVENTSIGNAL_END_ID 0x11
35 | #define PERF_CALLBACK_START_ID 0x20
36 | #define PERF_CALLBACK_END_ID 0x21
37 | #define PERF_FUNCTION_START_ID 0x30
38 | #define PERF_FUNCTION_END_ID 0x31
39 | #define PERF_INMODULE_START_ID 0x40
40 | #define PERF_INMODULE_END_ID 0x41
42 | #define PERF_CROSSMODULE_END_ID 0x51
43 |
44 | //
45 | // Declare bits for PcdPerformanceLibraryPropertyMask and
46 | // also used as the Type parameter of LogPerformanceMeasurementEnabled().
47 | //
48 | #define PERF_CORE_START_IMAGE 0x0002
49 | #define PERF_CORE_LOAD_IMAGE 0x0004
50 | #define PERF_CORE_DB_SUPPORT 0x0008
51 | #define PERF_CORE_DB_START 0x0010
52 | #define PERF_CORE_DB_STOP 0x0020
53 |
54 | #define PERF_GENERAL_TYPE 0x0040
55 |
56 | /**
57 | Creates a record for the beginning of a performance measurement.
58 |
59 | Creates a record that contains the Handle, Token, and Module.
60 | If TimeStamp is not zero, then TimeStamp is added to the record as the start time.
61 | If TimeStamp is zero, then this function reads the current time stamp
62 | and adds that time stamp value to the record as the start time.
63 |
64 | @param Handle Pointer to environment specific context used
65 | to identify the component being measured.
66 | @param Token Pointer to a Null-terminated ASCII string
67 | that identifies the component being measured.
68 | @param Module Pointer to a Null-terminated ASCII string
69 | that identifies the module being measured.
70 | @param TimeStamp 64-bit time stamp.
71 |
72 | @retval RETURN_SUCCESS The start of the measurement was recorded.
73 | @retval RETURN_OUT_OF_RESOURCES There are not enough resources to record the measurement.
74 | @retval RETURN_DEVICE_ERROR A device error reading the time stamp.
75 |
76 | **/
79 | StartPerformanceMeasurement (
83 | IN UINT64 TimeStamp
84 | );
85 |
86 | /**
87 | Fills in the end time of a performance measurement.
88 |
89 | Looks up the record that matches Handle, Token, and Module.
90 | If the record can not be found then return RETURN_NOT_FOUND.
91 | If the record is found and TimeStamp is not zero,
92 | then TimeStamp is added to the record as the end time.
93 | If the record is found and TimeStamp is zero, then this function reads
94 | the current time stamp and adds that time stamp value to the record as the end time.
95 |
96 | @param Handle Pointer to environment specific context used
97 | to identify the component being measured.
98 | @param Token Pointer to a Null-terminated ASCII string
99 | that identifies the component being measured.
100 | @param Module Pointer to a Null-terminated ASCII string
101 | that identifies the module being measured.
102 | @param TimeStamp 64-bit time stamp.
103 |
104 | @retval RETURN_SUCCESS The end of the measurement was recorded.
105 | @retval RETURN_NOT_FOUND The specified measurement record could not be found.
106 | @retval RETURN_DEVICE_ERROR A device error reading the time stamp.
107 |
108 | **/
110 | EFIAPI
111 | EndPerformanceMeasurement (
115 | IN UINT64 TimeStamp
116 | );
117 |
118 | /**
119 | Attempts to retrieve a performance measurement log entry from the performance measurement log.
120 | It can also retrieve the log created by StartPerformanceMeasurementEx and EndPerformanceMeasurementEx,
121 | and then eliminate the Identifier.
122 |
123 | Attempts to retrieve the performance log entry specified by LogEntryKey. If LogEntryKey is
124 | zero on entry, then an attempt is made to retrieve the first entry from the performance log,
125 | and the key for the second entry in the log is returned. If the performance log is empty,
126 | then no entry is retrieved and zero is returned. If LogEntryKey is not zero, then the performance
127 | log entry associated with LogEntryKey is retrieved, and the key for the next entry in the log is
128 | returned. If LogEntryKey is the key for the last entry in the log, then the last log entry is
129 | retrieved and an implementation specific non-zero key value that specifies the end of the performance
130 | log is returned. If LogEntryKey is equal this implementation specific non-zero key value, then no entry
131 | is retrieved and zero is returned. In the cases where a performance log entry can be returned,
132 | the log entry is returned in Handle, Token, Module, StartTimeStamp, and EndTimeStamp.
133 | If LogEntryKey is not a valid log entry key for the performance measurement log, then ASSERT().
134 | If Handle is NULL, then ASSERT().
135 | If Token is NULL, then ASSERT().
136 | If Module is NULL, then ASSERT().
137 | If StartTimeStamp is NULL, then ASSERT().
138 | If EndTimeStamp is NULL, then ASSERT().
139 |
140 | @param LogEntryKey On entry, the key of the performance measurement log entry to retrieve.
141 | 0, then the first performance measurement log entry is retrieved.
142 | On exit, the key of the next performance lof entry entry.
143 | @param Handle Pointer to environment specific context used to identify the component
144 | being measured.
145 | @param Token Pointer to a Null-terminated ASCII string that identifies the component
146 | being measured.
147 | @param Module Pointer to a Null-terminated ASCII string that identifies the module
148 | being measured.
149 | @param StartTimeStamp Pointer to the 64-bit time stamp that was recorded when the measurement
150 | was started.
151 | @param EndTimeStamp Pointer to the 64-bit time stamp that was recorded when the measurement
152 | was ended.
153 |
154 | @return The key for the next performance log entry (in general case).
155 |
156 | **/
157 | UINTN
158 | EFIAPI
159 | GetPerformanceMeasurement (
160 | IN UINTN LogEntryKey,
161 | OUT CONST VOID **Handle,
162 | OUT CONST CHAR8 **Token,
163 | OUT CONST CHAR8 **Module,
164 | OUT UINT64 *StartTimeStamp,
165 | OUT UINT64 *EndTimeStamp
166 | );
167 |
168 | /**
169 | Creates a record for the beginning of a performance measurement.
170 |
171 | Creates a record that contains the Handle, Token, Module and Identifier.
172 | If TimeStamp is not zero, then TimeStamp is added to the record as the start time.
173 | If TimeStamp is zero, then this function reads the current time stamp
174 | and adds that time stamp value to the record as the start time.
175 |
176 | @param Handle Pointer to environment specific context used
177 | to identify the component being measured.
178 | @param Token Pointer to a Null-terminated ASCII string
179 | that identifies the component being measured.
180 | @param Module Pointer to a Null-terminated ASCII string
181 | that identifies the module being measured.
182 | @param TimeStamp 64-bit time stamp.
183 | @param Identifier 32-bit identifier. If the value is 0, the created record
184 | is same as the one created by StartPerformanceMeasurement.
185 |
186 | @retval RETURN_SUCCESS The start of the measurement was recorded.
187 | @retval RETURN_OUT_OF_RESOURCES There are not enough resources to record the measurement.
188 | @retval RETURN_DEVICE_ERROR A device error reading the time stamp.
189 |
190 | **/
192 | EFIAPI
193 | StartPerformanceMeasurementEx (
197 | IN UINT64 TimeStamp,
198 | IN UINT32 Identifier
199 | );
200 |
201 | /**
202 | Fills in the end time of a performance measurement.
203 |
204 | Looks up the record that matches Handle, Token and Module.
205 | If the record can not be found then return RETURN_NOT_FOUND.
206 | If the record is found and TimeStamp is not zero,
207 | then TimeStamp is added to the record as the end time.
208 | If the record is found and TimeStamp is zero, then this function reads
209 | the current time stamp and adds that time stamp value to the record as the end time.
210 |
211 | @param Handle Pointer to environment specific context used
212 | to identify the component being measured.
213 | @param Token Pointer to a Null-terminated ASCII string
214 | that identifies the component being measured.
215 | @param Module Pointer to a Null-terminated ASCII string
216 | that identifies the module being measured.
217 | @param TimeStamp 64-bit time stamp.
218 | @param Identifier 32-bit identifier. If the value is 0, the found record
219 | is same as the one found by EndPerformanceMeasurement.
220 |
221 | @retval RETURN_SUCCESS The end of the measurement was recorded.
222 | @retval RETURN_NOT_FOUND The specified measurement record could not be found.
223 | @retval RETURN_DEVICE_ERROR A device error reading the time stamp.
224 |
225 | **/
227 | EFIAPI
228 | EndPerformanceMeasurementEx (
232 | IN UINT64 TimeStamp,
233 | IN UINT32 Identifier
234 | );
235 |
236 | /**
237 | Attempts to retrieve a performance measurement log entry from the performance measurement log.
238 | It can also retrieve the log created by StartPerformanceMeasurement and EndPerformanceMeasurement,
239 | and then assign the Identifier with 0.
240 |
241 | Attempts to retrieve the performance log entry specified by LogEntryKey. If LogEntryKey is
242 | zero on entry, then an attempt is made to retrieve the first entry from the performance log,
243 | and the key for the second entry in the log is returned. If the performance log is empty,
244 | then no entry is retrieved and zero is returned. If LogEntryKey is not zero, then the performance
245 | log entry associated with LogEntryKey is retrieved, and the key for the next entry in the log is
246 | returned. If LogEntryKey is the key for the last entry in the log, then the last log entry is
247 | retrieved and an implementation specific non-zero key value that specifies the end of the performance
248 | log is returned. If LogEntryKey is equal this implementation specific non-zero key value, then no entry
249 | is retrieved and zero is returned. In the cases where a performance log entry can be returned,
250 | the log entry is returned in Handle, Token, Module, StartTimeStamp, EndTimeStamp and Identifier.
251 | If LogEntryKey is not a valid log entry key for the performance measurement log, then ASSERT().
252 | If Handle is NULL, then ASSERT().
253 | If Token is NULL, then ASSERT().
254 | If Module is NULL, then ASSERT().
255 | If StartTimeStamp is NULL, then ASSERT().
256 | If EndTimeStamp is NULL, then ASSERT().
257 | If Identifier is NULL, then ASSERT().
258 |
259 | @param LogEntryKey On entry, the key of the performance measurement log entry to retrieve.
260 | 0, then the first performance measurement log entry is retrieved.
261 | On exit, the key of the next performance of entry entry.
262 | @param Handle Pointer to environment specific context used to identify the component
263 | being measured.
264 | @param Token Pointer to a Null-terminated ASCII string that identifies the component
265 | being measured.
266 | @param Module Pointer to a Null-terminated ASCII string that identifies the module
267 | being measured.
268 | @param StartTimeStamp Pointer to the 64-bit time stamp that was recorded when the measurement
269 | was started.
270 | @param EndTimeStamp Pointer to the 64-bit time stamp that was recorded when the measurement
271 | was ended.
272 | @param Identifier Pointer to the 32-bit identifier that was recorded.
273 |
274 | @return The key for the next performance log entry (in general case).
275 |
276 | **/
277 | UINTN
278 | EFIAPI
279 | GetPerformanceMeasurementEx (
280 | IN UINTN LogEntryKey,
281 | OUT CONST VOID **Handle,
282 | OUT CONST CHAR8 **Token,
283 | OUT CONST CHAR8 **Module,
284 | OUT UINT64 *StartTimeStamp,
285 | OUT UINT64 *EndTimeStamp,
286 | OUT UINT32 *Identifier
287 | );
288 |
289 | /**
290 | Returns TRUE if the performance measurement macros are enabled.
291 |
293 | PcdPerformanceLibraryPropertyMask is set. Otherwise FALSE is returned.
294 |
296 | PcdPerformanceLibraryPropertyMask is set.
298 | PcdPerformanceLibraryPropertyMask is clear.
299 |
300 | **/
302 | EFIAPI
303 | PerformanceMeasurementEnabled (
304 | VOID
305 | );
306 |
307 | /**
308 | Check whether the specified performance measurement can be logged.
309 |
310 | This function returns TRUE when the PERFORMANCE_LIBRARY_PROPERTY_MEASUREMENT_ENABLED bit of PcdPerformanceLibraryPropertyMask is set
311 | and the Type disable bit in PcdPerformanceLibraryPropertyMask is not set.
312 |
313 | @param Type - Type of the performance measurement entry.
314 |
315 | @retval TRUE The performance measurement can be logged.
316 | @retval FALSE The performance measurement can NOT be logged.
317 |
318 | **/
320 | EFIAPI
321 | LogPerformanceMeasurementEnabled (
323 | );
324 |
325 | /**
326 | Create performance record with event description.
327 |
328 | @param CallerIdentifier - Image handle or pointer to caller ID GUID
329 | @param Guid - Pointer to a GUID.
330 | Used for event signal perf and callback perf to cache the event guid.
331 | @param String - Pointer to a string describing the measurement
332 | @param Address - Pointer to a location in memory relevant to the measurement.
333 | @param Identifier - Performance identifier describing the type of measurement.
334 |
335 | @retval RETURN_SUCCESS - Successfully created performance record
336 | @retval RETURN_OUT_OF_RESOURCES - Ran out of space to store the records
337 | @retval RETURN_INVALID_PARAMETER - Invalid parameter passed to function - NULL
338 | pointer or invalid Identifier.
339 |
340 | **/
342 | EFIAPI
343 | LogPerformanceMeasurement (
344 | IN CONST VOID *CallerIdentifier OPTIONAL,
347 | IN UINT64 Address OPTIONAL,
348 | IN UINT32 Identifier
349 | );
350 |
351 | /**
352 | Begin Macro to measure the performance of StartImage in core.
353 |
354 | If the PERFORMANCE_LIBRARY_PROPERTY_MEASUREMENT_ENABLED bit of PcdPerformanceLibraryPropertyMask is set,
355 | and the BIT1 (disable PERF_CORE_START_IMAGE) of PcdPerformanceLibraryPropertyMask is not set,
356 | then LogPerformanceMeasurement() is called.
357 |
358 | **/
359 | #define PERF_START_IMAGE_BEGIN(ModuleHandle) \
360 | do { \
361 | if (LogPerformanceMeasurementEnabled (PERF_CORE_START_IMAGE)) { \
362 | LogPerformanceMeasurement (ModuleHandle, NULL, NULL, 0, MODULE_START_ID); \
363 | } \
364 | } while (FALSE)
365 |
366 | /**
367 | End Macro to measure the performance of StartImage in core.
368 |
369 | If the PERFORMANCE_LIBRARY_PROPERTY_MEASUREMENT_ENABLED bit of PcdPerformanceLibraryPropertyMask is set,
370 | and the BIT1 (disable PERF_CORE_START_IMAGE) of PcdPerformanceLibraryPropertyMask is not set,
371 | then LogPerformanceMeasurement() is called.
372 |
373 | **/
374 | #define PERF_START_IMAGE_END(ModuleHandle) \
375 | do { \
376 | if (LogPerformanceMeasurementEnabled (PERF_CORE_START_IMAGE)) { \
377 | LogPerformanceMeasurement (ModuleHandle, NULL, NULL, 0, MODULE_END_ID); \
378 | } \
379 | } while (FALSE)
380 |
381 | /**
382 | Begin Macro to measure the performance of LoadImage in core.
383 |
384 | If the PERFORMANCE_LIBRARY_PROPERTY_MEASUREMENT_ENABLED bit of PcdPerformanceLibraryPropertyMask is set,
385 | and the BIT2 (disable PERF_CORE_LOAD_IMAGE) of PcdPerformanceLibraryPropertyMask is not set,
386 | then LogPerformanceMeasurement() is called.
387 |
388 | **/
389 | #define PERF_LOAD_IMAGE_BEGIN(ModuleHandle) \
390 | do { \
391 | if (LogPerformanceMeasurementEnabled (PERF_CORE_LOAD_IMAGE)) { \
392 | LogPerformanceMeasurement (ModuleHandle, NULL, NULL, 0, MODULE_LOADIMAGE_START_ID); \
393 | } \
394 | } while (FALSE)
395 |
396 | /**
397 | End Macro to measure the performance of LoadImage in core.
398 |
399 | If the PERFORMANCE_LIBRARY_PROPERTY_MEASUREMENT_ENABLED bit of PcdPerformanceLibraryPropertyMask is set,
400 | and the BIT2 (disable PERF_CORE_LOAD_IMAGE) of PcdPerformanceLibraryPropertyMask is not set,
401 | then LogPerformanceMeasurement() is called.
402 |
403 | **/
404 | #define PERF_LOAD_IMAGE_END(ModuleHandle) \
405 | do { \
406 | if (LogPerformanceMeasurementEnabled (PERF_CORE_LOAD_IMAGE)) { \
407 | LogPerformanceMeasurement (ModuleHandle, NULL, NULL, 0, MODULE_LOADIMAGE_END_ID); \
408 | } \
409 | } while (FALSE)
410 |
411 | /**
412 | Start Macro to measure the performance of DriverBinding Support in core.
413 |
414 | If the PERFORMANCE_LIBRARY_PROPERTY_MEASUREMENT_ENABLED bit of PcdPerformanceLibraryPropertyMask is set,
415 | and the BIT3 (disable PERF_CORE_DB_SUPPORT) of PcdPerformanceLibraryPropertyMask is not set,
416 | then LogPerformanceMeasurement() is called.
417 |
418 | **/
419 | #define PERF_DRIVER_BINDING_SUPPORT_BEGIN(ModuleHandle, ControllerHandle) \
420 | do { \
421 | if (LogPerformanceMeasurementEnabled (PERF_CORE_DB_SUPPORT)) { \
422 | LogPerformanceMeasurement (ModuleHandle, NULL, NULL, (UINT64)(UINTN)ControllerHandle, MODULE_DB_SUPPORT_START_ID); \
423 | } \
424 | } while (FALSE)
425 |
426 | /**
427 | End Macro to measure the performance of DriverBinding Support in core.
428 |
429 | If the PERFORMANCE_LIBRARY_PROPERTY_MEASUREMENT_ENABLED bit of PcdPerformanceLibraryPropertyMask is set,
430 | and the BIT3 (disable PERF_CORE_DB_SUPPORT) of PcdPerformanceLibraryPropertyMask is not set,
431 | then LogPerformanceMeasurement() is called.
432 |
433 | **/
434 | #define PERF_DRIVER_BINDING_SUPPORT_END(ModuleHandle, ControllerHandle) \
435 | do { \
436 | if (LogPerformanceMeasurementEnabled (PERF_CORE_DB_SUPPORT)) { \
437 | LogPerformanceMeasurement (ModuleHandle, NULL, NULL, (UINT64)(UINTN)ControllerHandle, MODULE_DB_SUPPORT_END_ID); \
438 | } \
439 | } while (FALSE)
440 |
441 | /**
442 | Begin Macro to measure the performance of DriverBinding Start in core.
443 |
444 | If the PERFORMANCE_LIBRARY_PROPERTY_MEASUREMENT_ENABLED bit of PcdPerformanceLibraryPropertyMask is set,
445 | and the BIT4 (disable PERF_CORE_DB_START) of PcdPerformanceLibraryPropertyMask is not set,
446 | then LogPerformanceMeasurement() is called.
447 |
448 | **/
449 | #define PERF_DRIVER_BINDING_START_BEGIN(ModuleHandle, ControllerHandle) \
450 | do { \
451 | if (LogPerformanceMeasurementEnabled (PERF_CORE_DB_START)) { \
452 | LogPerformanceMeasurement (ModuleHandle, NULL, NULL, (UINT64)(UINTN)ControllerHandle, MODULE_DB_START_ID); \
453 | } \
454 | } while (FALSE)
455 |
456 | /**
457 | End Macro to measure the performance of DriverBinding Start in core.
458 |
459 | If the PERFORMANCE_LIBRARY_PROPERTY_MEASUREMENT_ENABLED bit of PcdPerformanceLibraryPropertyMask is set,
460 | and the BIT4 (disable PERF_CORE_DB_START) of PcdPerformanceLibraryPropertyMask is not set,
461 | then LogPerformanceMeasurement() is called.
462 |
463 | **/
464 | #define PERF_DRIVER_BINDING_START_END(ModuleHandle, ControllerHandle) \
465 | do { \
466 | if (LogPerformanceMeasurementEnabled (PERF_CORE_DB_START)) { \
467 | LogPerformanceMeasurement (ModuleHandle, NULL, NULL, (UINT64)(UINTN)ControllerHandle, MODULE_DB_END_ID); \
468 | } \
469 | } while (FALSE)
470 |
471 | /**
472 | Start Macro to measure the performance of DriverBinding Stop in core.
473 |
474 | If the PERFORMANCE_LIBRARY_PROPERTY_MEASUREMENT_ENABLED bit of PcdPerformanceLibraryPropertyMask is set,
475 | and the BIT5 (disable PERF_CORE_DB_STOP) of PcdPerformanceLibraryPropertyMask is not set,
476 | then LogPerformanceMeasurement() is called.
477 |
478 | **/
479 | #define PERF_DRIVER_BINDING_STOP_BEGIN(ModuleHandle, ControllerHandle) \
480 | do { \
481 | if (LogPerformanceMeasurementEnabled (PERF_CORE_DB_STOP)) { \
482 | LogPerformanceMeasurement (ModuleHandle, NULL, NULL, (UINT64)(UINTN)ControllerHandle, MODULE_DB_STOP_START_ID); \
483 | } \
484 | } while (FALSE)
485 |
486 | /**
487 | End Macro to measure the performance of DriverBinding Stop in core.
488 |
489 | If the PERFORMANCE_LIBRARY_PROPERTY_MEASUREMENT_ENABLED bit of PcdPerformanceLibraryPropertyMask is set,
490 | and the BIT5 (disable PERF_CORE_DB_STOP) of PcdPerformanceLibraryPropertyMask is not set,
491 | then LogPerformanceMeasurement() is called.
492 |
493 | **/
494 | #define PERF_DRIVER_BINDING_STOP_END(ModuleHandle, ControllerHandle) \
495 | do { \
496 | if (LogPerformanceMeasurementEnabled (PERF_CORE_DB_STOP)) { \
497 | LogPerformanceMeasurement (ModuleHandle, NULL, NULL, (UINT64)(UINTN)ControllerHandle, MODULE_DB_STOP_END_ID); \
498 | } \
499 | } while (FALSE)
500 |
501 | /**
502 | Macro to measure the time from power-on to this macro execution.
503 | It can be used to log a meaningful thing which happens at a time point.
504 |
505 | If the PERFORMANCE_LIBRARY_PROPERTY_MEASUREMENT_ENABLED bit of PcdPerformanceLibraryPropertyMask is set,
506 | and the BIT6 (disable PERF_GENERAL_TYPE) of PcdPerformanceLibraryPropertyMask is not set,
507 | then LogPerformanceMeasurement() is called.
508 |
509 | **/
510 | #define PERF_EVENT(EventString) \
511 | do { \
512 | if (LogPerformanceMeasurementEnabled (PERF_GENERAL_TYPE)) { \
513 | LogPerformanceMeasurement (&gEfiCallerIdGuid, NULL, EventString , 0, PERF_EVENT_ID); \
514 | } \
515 | } while (FALSE)
516 |
517 | /**
518 | Begin Macro to measure the performance of evnent signal behavior in any module.
519 | The event guid will be passed with this macro.
520 |
521 | If the PERFORMANCE_LIBRARY_PROPERTY_MEASUREMENT_ENABLED bit of PcdPerformanceLibraryPropertyMask is set,
522 | and the BIT6 (disable PERF_GENERAL_TYPE) of PcdPerformanceLibraryPropertyMask is not set,
523 | then LogPerformanceMeasurement() is called.
524 |
525 | **/
526 | #define PERF_EVENT_SIGNAL_BEGIN(EventGuid) \
527 | do { \
528 | if (LogPerformanceMeasurementEnabled (PERF_GENERAL_TYPE)) { \
529 | LogPerformanceMeasurement (&gEfiCallerIdGuid, EventGuid, __func__ , 0, PERF_EVENTSIGNAL_START_ID); \
530 | } \
531 | } while (FALSE)
532 |
533 | /**
534 | End Macro to measure the performance of evnent signal behavior in any module.
535 | The event guid will be passed with this macro.
536 |
537 | If the PERFORMANCE_LIBRARY_PROPERTY_MEASUREMENT_ENABLED bit of PcdPerformanceLibraryPropertyMask is set,
538 | and the BIT6 (disable PERF_GENERAL_TYPE) of PcdPerformanceLibraryPropertyMask is not set,
539 | then LogPerformanceMeasurement() is called.
540 |
541 | **/
542 | #define PERF_EVENT_SIGNAL_END(EventGuid) \
543 | do { \
544 | if (LogPerformanceMeasurementEnabled (PERF_GENERAL_TYPE)) { \
545 | LogPerformanceMeasurement (&gEfiCallerIdGuid, EventGuid, __func__ , 0, PERF_EVENTSIGNAL_END_ID); \
546 | } \
547 | } while (FALSE)
548 |
549 | /**
550 | Begin Macro to measure the performance of a callback function in any module.
551 | The event guid which trigger the callback function will be passed with this macro.
552 |
553 | If the PERFORMANCE_LIBRARY_PROPERTY_MEASUREMENT_ENABLED bit of PcdPerformanceLibraryPropertyMask is set,
554 | and the BIT6 (disable PERF_GENERAL_TYPE) of PcdPerformanceLibraryPropertyMask is not set,
555 | then LogPerformanceMeasurement() is called.
556 |
557 | **/
558 | #define PERF_CALLBACK_BEGIN(TriggerGuid) \
559 | do { \
560 | if (LogPerformanceMeasurementEnabled (PERF_GENERAL_TYPE)) { \
561 | LogPerformanceMeasurement (&gEfiCallerIdGuid, TriggerGuid, __func__ , 0, PERF_CALLBACK_START_ID); \
562 | } \
563 | } while (FALSE)
564 |
565 | /**
566 | End Macro to measure the performance of a callback function in any module.
567 | The event guid which trigger the callback function will be passed with this macro.
568 |
569 | If the PERFORMANCE_LIBRARY_PROPERTY_MEASUREMENT_ENABLED bit of PcdPerformanceLibraryPropertyMask is set,
570 | and the BIT6 (disable PERF_GENERAL_TYPE) of PcdPerformanceLibraryPropertyMask is not set,
571 | then LogPerformanceMeasurement() is called.
572 |
573 | **/
574 | #define PERF_CALLBACK_END(TriggerGuid) \
575 | do { \
576 | if (LogPerformanceMeasurementEnabled (PERF_GENERAL_TYPE)) { \
577 | LogPerformanceMeasurement (&gEfiCallerIdGuid, TriggerGuid, __func__ , 0, PERF_CALLBACK_END_ID); \
578 | } \
579 | } while (FALSE)
580 |
581 | /**
582 | Begin Macro to measure the performance of a general function in any module.
583 |
584 | If the PERFORMANCE_LIBRARY_PROPERTY_MEASUREMENT_ENABLED bit of PcdPerformanceLibraryPropertyMask is set,
585 | and the BIT6 (disable PERF_GENERAL_TYPE) of PcdPerformanceLibraryPropertyMask is not set,
586 | then LogPerformanceMeasurement() is called.
587 |
588 | **/
589 | #define PERF_FUNCTION_BEGIN() \
590 | do { \
591 | if (LogPerformanceMeasurementEnabled (PERF_GENERAL_TYPE)) { \
592 | LogPerformanceMeasurement (&gEfiCallerIdGuid, NULL, __func__ , 0, PERF_FUNCTION_START_ID); \
593 | } \
594 | } while (FALSE)
595 |
596 | /**
597 | End Macro to measure the performance of a general function in any module.
598 |
599 | If the PERFORMANCE_LIBRARY_PROPERTY_MEASUREMENT_ENABLED bit of PcdPerformanceLibraryPropertyMask is set,
600 | and the BIT6 (disable PERF_GENERAL_TYPE) of PcdPerformanceLibraryPropertyMask is not set,
601 | then LogPerformanceMeasurement() is called.
602 |
603 | **/
604 | #define PERF_FUNCTION_END() \
605 | do { \
606 | if (LogPerformanceMeasurementEnabled (PERF_GENERAL_TYPE)) { \
607 | LogPerformanceMeasurement (&gEfiCallerIdGuid, NULL, __func__ , 0, PERF_FUNCTION_END_ID); \
608 | } \
609 | } while (FALSE)
610 |
611 | /**
612 | Begin Macro to measure the performance of a behavior within one module.
613 |
614 | If the PERFORMANCE_LIBRARY_PROPERTY_MEASUREMENT_ENABLED bit of PcdPerformanceLibraryPropertyMask is set,
615 | and the BIT6 (disable PERF_GENERAL_TYPE) of PcdPerformanceLibraryPropertyMask is not set,
616 | then LogPerformanceMeasurement() is called.
617 |
618 | **/
619 | #define PERF_INMODULE_BEGIN(MeasurementString) \
620 | do { \
621 | if (LogPerformanceMeasurementEnabled (PERF_GENERAL_TYPE)) { \
622 | LogPerformanceMeasurement (&gEfiCallerIdGuid, NULL, MeasurementString, 0, PERF_INMODULE_START_ID); \
623 | } \
624 | } while (FALSE)
625 |
626 | /**
627 | End Macro to measure the performance of a behavior within one module.
628 |
629 | If the PERFORMANCE_LIBRARY_PROPERTY_MEASUREMENT_ENABLED bit of PcdPerformanceLibraryPropertyMask is set,
630 | and the BIT6 (disable PERF_GENERAL_TYPE) of PcdPerformanceLibraryPropertyMask is not set,
631 | then LogPerformanceMeasurement() is called.
632 |
633 | **/
634 | #define PERF_INMODULE_END(MeasurementString) \
635 | do { \
636 | if (LogPerformanceMeasurementEnabled (PERF_GENERAL_TYPE)) { \
637 | LogPerformanceMeasurement (&gEfiCallerIdGuid, NULL, MeasurementString, 0, PERF_INMODULE_END_ID); \
638 | } \
639 | } while (FALSE)
640 |
641 | /**
642 | Begin Macro to measure the performance of a behavior in different modules.
643 | Such as the performance of PEI phase, DXE phase, BDS phase.
644 |
645 | If the PERFORMANCE_LIBRARY_PROPERTY_MEASUREMENT_ENABLED bit of PcdPerformanceLibraryPropertyMask is set,
646 | and the BIT6 (disable PERF_GENERAL_TYPE) of PcdPerformanceLibraryPropertyMask is not set,
647 | then LogPerformanceMeasurement() is called.
648 |
649 | **/
650 | #define PERF_CROSSMODULE_BEGIN(MeasurementString) \
651 | do { \
652 | if (LogPerformanceMeasurementEnabled (PERF_GENERAL_TYPE)) { \
653 | LogPerformanceMeasurement (&gEfiCallerIdGuid, NULL, MeasurementString, 0, PERF_CROSSMODULE_START_ID); \
654 | } \
655 | } while (FALSE)
656 |
657 | /**
658 | End Macro to measure the performance of a behavior in different modules.
659 | Such as the performance of PEI phase, DXE phase, BDS phase.
660 |
661 | If the PERFORMANCE_LIBRARY_PROPERTY_MEASUREMENT_ENABLED bit of PcdPerformanceLibraryPropertyMask is set,
662 | and the BIT6 (disable PERF_GENERAL_TYPE) of PcdPerformanceLibraryPropertyMask is not set,
663 | then LogPerformanceMeasurement() is called.
664 |
665 | **/
666 | #define PERF_CROSSMODULE_END(MeasurementString) \
667 | do { \
668 | if (LogPerformanceMeasurementEnabled (PERF_GENERAL_TYPE)) { \
669 | LogPerformanceMeasurement (&gEfiCallerIdGuid, NULL, MeasurementString, 0, PERF_CROSSMODULE_END_ID); \
670 | } \
671 | } while (FALSE)
672 |
673 | /**
674 | Macro that calls EndPerformanceMeasurement().
675 |
676 | If the PERFORMANCE_LIBRARY_PROPERTY_MEASUREMENT_ENABLED bit of PcdPerformanceLibraryPropertyMask is set,
677 | then EndPerformanceMeasurement() is called.
678 |
679 | **/
680 | #define PERF_END(Handle, Token, Module, TimeStamp) \
681 | do { \
682 | if (PerformanceMeasurementEnabled ()) { \
683 | EndPerformanceMeasurement (Handle, Token, Module, TimeStamp); \
684 | } \
685 | } while (FALSE)
686 |
687 | /**
688 | Macro that calls StartPerformanceMeasurement().
689 |
690 | If the PERFORMANCE_LIBRARY_PROPERTY_MEASUREMENT_ENABLED bit of PcdPerformanceLibraryPropertyMask is set,
691 | then StartPerformanceMeasurement() is called.
692 |
693 | **/
694 | #define PERF_START(Handle, Token, Module, TimeStamp) \
695 | do { \
696 | if (PerformanceMeasurementEnabled ()) { \
697 | StartPerformanceMeasurement (Handle, Token, Module, TimeStamp); \
698 | } \
699 | } while (FALSE)
700 |
701 | /**
702 | Macro that calls EndPerformanceMeasurementEx().
703 |
704 | If the PERFORMANCE_LIBRARY_PROPERTY_MEASUREMENT_ENABLED bit of PcdPerformanceLibraryPropertyMask is set,
705 | then EndPerformanceMeasurementEx() is called.
706 |
707 | **/
708 | #define PERF_END_EX(Handle, Token, Module, TimeStamp, Identifier) \
709 | do { \
710 | if (PerformanceMeasurementEnabled ()) { \
711 | EndPerformanceMeasurementEx (Handle, Token, Module, TimeStamp, Identifier); \
712 | } \
713 | } while (FALSE)
714 |
715 | /**
716 | Macro that calls StartPerformanceMeasurementEx().
717 |
718 | If the PERFORMANCE_LIBRARY_PROPERTY_MEASUREMENT_ENABLED bit of PcdPerformanceLibraryPropertyMask is set,
719 | then StartPerformanceMeasurementEx() is called.
720 |
721 | **/
722 | #define PERF_START_EX(Handle, Token, Module, TimeStamp, Identifier) \
723 | do { \
724 | if (PerformanceMeasurementEnabled ()) { \
725 | StartPerformanceMeasurementEx (Handle, Token, Module, TimeStamp, Identifier); \
726 | } \
727 | } while (FALSE)
728 |
729 | /**
730 | Macro that marks the beginning of performance measurement source code.
731 |
732 | If the PERFORMANCE_LIBRARY_PROPERTY_MEASUREMENT_ENABLED bit of PcdPerformanceLibraryPropertyMask is set,
733 | then this macro marks the beginning of source code that is included in a module.
734 | Otherwise, the source lines between PERF_CODE_BEGIN() and PERF_CODE_END() are not included in a module.
735 |
736 | **/
737 | #define PERF_CODE_BEGIN() do { if (PerformanceMeasurementEnabled ()) { UINT8 __PerformanceCodeLocal
738 |
739 | /**
740 | Macro that marks the end of performance measurement source code.
741 |
742 | If the PERFORMANCE_LIBRARY_PROPERTY_MEASUREMENT_ENABLED bit of PcdPerformanceLibraryPropertyMask is set,
743 | then this macro marks the end of source code that is included in a module.
744 | Otherwise, the source lines between PERF_CODE_BEGIN() and PERF_CODE_END() are not included in a module.
745 |
746 | **/
747 | #define PERF_CODE_END() __PerformanceCodeLocal = 0; __PerformanceCodeLocal++; } } while (FALSE)
748 |
749 | /**
750 | Macro that declares a section of performance measurement source code.
751 |
752 | If the PERFORMANCE_LIBRARY_PROPERTY_MEASUREMENT_ENABLED bit of PcdPerformanceLibraryPropertyMask is set,
753 | then the source code specified by Expression is included in a module.
754 | Otherwise, the source specified by Expression is not included in a module.
755 |
756 | @param Expression Performance measurement source code to include in a module.
757 |
758 | **/
759 | #define PERF_CODE(Expression) \
760 | PERF_CODE_BEGIN (); \
761 | Expression \
762 | PERF_CODE_END ()
763 |
764 | #endif