1 | /** @file
2 | This files describes the CPU I/O 2 Protocol.
3 |
4 | This protocol provides an I/O abstraction for a system processor. This protocol
5 | is used by a PCI root bridge I/O driver to perform memory-mapped I/O and I/O transactions.
6 | The I/O or memory primitives can be used by the consumer of the protocol to materialize
7 | bus-specific configuration cycles, such as the transitional configuration address and data
8 | ports for PCI. Only drivers that require direct access to the entire system should use this
9 | protocol.
10 |
11 | Note: This is a boot-services only protocol and it may not be used by runtime drivers after
12 | ExitBootServices(). It is different from the Framework CPU I/O Protocol, which is a runtime
13 | protocol and can be used by runtime drivers after ExitBootServices().
14 |
15 | Copyright (c) 2007 - 2018, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
16 | SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
17 |
18 | @par Revision Reference:
19 | This Protocol is defined in UEFI Platform Initialization Specification 1.2
20 | Volume 5: Standards
21 |
22 | **/
23 |
24 | #ifndef __CPU_IO2_H__
25 | #define __CPU_IO2_H__
26 |
27 | #define EFI_CPU_IO2_PROTOCOL_GUID \
28 | { \
29 | 0xad61f191, 0xae5f, 0x4c0e, {0xb9, 0xfa, 0xe8, 0x69, 0xd2, 0x88, 0xc6, 0x4f} \
30 | }
31 |
33 |
34 | ///
35 | /// Enumeration that defines the width of the I/O operation.
36 | ///
37 | typedef enum {
38 | EfiCpuIoWidthUint8,
39 | EfiCpuIoWidthUint16,
40 | EfiCpuIoWidthUint32,
41 | EfiCpuIoWidthUint64,
42 | EfiCpuIoWidthFifoUint8,
43 | EfiCpuIoWidthFifoUint16,
44 | EfiCpuIoWidthFifoUint32,
45 | EfiCpuIoWidthFifoUint64,
46 | EfiCpuIoWidthFillUint8,
47 | EfiCpuIoWidthFillUint16,
48 | EfiCpuIoWidthFillUint32,
49 | EfiCpuIoWidthFillUint64,
50 | EfiCpuIoWidthMaximum
52 |
53 | /**
54 | Enables a driver to access registers in the PI CPU I/O space.
55 |
56 | The Io.Read() and Io.Write() functions enable a driver to access PCI controller
57 | registers in the PI CPU I/O space.
58 |
59 | The I/O operations are carried out exactly as requested. The caller is responsible
60 | for satisfying any alignment and I/O width restrictions that a PI System on a
61 | platform might require. For example on some platforms, width requests of
62 | EfiCpuIoWidthUint64 do not work. Misaligned buffers, on the other hand, will
63 | be handled by the driver.
64 |
65 | If Width is EfiCpuIoWidthUint8, EfiCpuIoWidthUint16, EfiCpuIoWidthUint32,
66 | or EfiCpuIoWidthUint64, then both Address and Buffer are incremented for
67 | each of the Count operations that is performed.
68 |
69 | If Width is EfiCpuIoWidthFifoUint8, EfiCpuIoWidthFifoUint16,
70 | EfiCpuIoWidthFifoUint32, or EfiCpuIoWidthFifoUint64, then only Buffer is
71 | incremented for each of the Count operations that is performed. The read or
72 | write operation is performed Count times on the same Address.
73 |
74 | If Width is EfiCpuIoWidthFillUint8, EfiCpuIoWidthFillUint16,
75 | EfiCpuIoWidthFillUint32, or EfiCpuIoWidthFillUint64, then only Address is
76 | incremented for each of the Count operations that is performed. The read or
77 | write operation is performed Count times from the first element of Buffer.
78 |
79 | @param[in] This A pointer to the EFI_CPU_IO2_PROTOCOL instance.
80 | @param[in] Width Signifies the width of the I/O or Memory operation.
81 | @param[in] Address The base address of the I/O operation.
82 | @param[in] Count The number of I/O operations to perform. The number
83 | of bytes moved is Width size * Count, starting at Address.
84 | @param[in, out] Buffer For read operations, the destination buffer to store the results.
85 | For write operations, the source buffer from which to write data.
86 |
87 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS The data was read from or written to the PI system.
88 | @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER Width is invalid for this PI system.
89 | @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER Buffer is NULL.
90 | @retval EFI_UNSUPPORTED The Buffer is not aligned for the given Width.
91 | @retval EFI_UNSUPPORTED The address range specified by Address, Width,
92 | and Count is not valid for this PI system.
93 |
94 | **/
95 | typedef
100 | IN UINT64 Address,
101 | IN UINTN Count,
102 | IN OUT VOID *Buffer
103 | );
104 |
105 | ///
106 | /// Service for read and write accesses.
107 | ///
108 | typedef struct {
109 | ///
110 | /// This service provides the various modalities of memory and I/O read.
111 | ///
113 | ///
114 | /// This service provides the various modalities of memory and I/O write.
115 | ///
118 |
119 | ///
120 | /// Provides the basic memory and I/O interfaces that are used to abstract
121 | /// accesses to devices in a system.
122 | ///
123 | struct _EFI_CPU_IO2_PROTOCOL {
124 | ///
125 | /// Enables a driver to access memory-mapped registers in the EFI system memory space.
126 | ///
128 | ///
129 | /// Enables a driver to access registers in the EFI CPU I/O space.
130 | ///
132 | };
133 |
134 | extern EFI_GUID gEfiCpuIo2ProtocolGuid;
135 |
136 | #endif