1 | /** @file
2 | EFI_DHCP4_PROTOCOL as defined in UEFI 2.0.
4 | These protocols are used to collect configuration information for the EFI IPv4 Protocol
5 | drivers and to provide DHCPv4 server and PXE boot server discovery services.
6 |
7 | Copyright (c) 2006 - 2010, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
8 | This program and the accompanying materials are licensed and made available under
9 | the terms and conditions of the BSD License that accompanies this distribution.
10 | The full text of the license may be found at
11 | http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php.
12 |
15 |
16 | @par Revision Reference:
17 | This Protocol was introduced in UEFI Specification 2.0.
18 |
19 | **/
20 |
21 | #ifndef __EFI_DHCP4_PROTOCOL_H__
22 | #define __EFI_DHCP4_PROTOCOL_H__
23 |
24 | #define EFI_DHCP4_PROTOCOL_GUID \
25 | { \
26 | 0x8a219718, 0x4ef5, 0x4761, {0x91, 0xc8, 0xc0, 0xf0, 0x4b, 0xda, 0x9e, 0x56 } \
27 | }
28 |
30 | { \
31 | 0x9d9a39d8, 0xbd42, 0x4a73, {0xa4, 0xd5, 0x8e, 0xe9, 0x4b, 0xe1, 0x13, 0x80 } \
32 | }
33 |
35 |
36 |
37 | #pragma pack(1)
38 | typedef struct {
39 | ///
40 | /// DHCP option code.
41 | ///
42 | UINT8 OpCode;
43 | ///
44 | /// Length of the DHCP option data. Not present if OpCode is 0 or 255.
45 | ///
46 | UINT8 Length;
47 | ///
48 | /// Start of the DHCP option data. Not present if OpCode is 0 or 255 or if Length is zero.
49 | ///
50 | UINT8 Data[1];
52 | #pragma pack()
53 |
54 |
55 | #pragma pack(1)
56 | ///
57 | /// EFI_DHCP4_PACKET defines the format of DHCPv4 packets. See RFC 2131 for more information.
58 | ///
59 | typedef struct {
60 | UINT8 OpCode;
61 | UINT8 HwType;
62 | UINT8 HwAddrLen;
63 | UINT8 Hops;
64 | UINT32 Xid;
65 | UINT16 Seconds;
66 | UINT16 Reserved;
67 | EFI_IPv4_ADDRESS ClientAddr; ///< Client IP address from client.
68 | EFI_IPv4_ADDRESS YourAddr; ///< Client IP address from server.
69 | EFI_IPv4_ADDRESS ServerAddr; ///< IP address of next server in bootstrap.
70 | EFI_IPv4_ADDRESS GatewayAddr; ///< Relay agent IP address.
71 | UINT8 ClientHwAddr[16]; ///< Client hardware address.
72 | CHAR8 ServerName[64];
73 | CHAR8 BootFileName[128];
75 | #pragma pack()
76 |
77 |
78 | #pragma pack(1)
79 | typedef struct {
80 | ///
81 | /// Size of the EFI_DHCP4_PACKET buffer.
82 | ///
83 | UINT32 Size;
84 | ///
85 | /// Length of the EFI_DHCP4_PACKET from the first byte of the Header field
86 | /// to the last byte of the Option[] field.
87 | ///
88 | UINT32 Length;
89 |
90 | struct {
91 | ///
92 | /// DHCP packet header.
93 | ///
94 | EFI_DHCP4_HEADER Header;
95 | ///
96 | /// DHCP magik cookie in network byte order.
97 | ///
98 | UINT32 Magik;
99 | ///
100 | /// Start of the DHCP packed option data.
101 | ///
102 | UINT8 Option[1];
103 | } Dhcp4;
105 | #pragma pack()
106 |
107 |
108 | typedef enum {
109 | ///
110 | /// The EFI DHCPv4 Protocol driver is stopped.
111 | ///
112 | Dhcp4Stopped = 0x0,
113 | ///
114 | /// The EFI DHCPv4 Protocol driver is inactive.
115 | ///
116 | Dhcp4Init = 0x1,
117 | ///
118 | /// The EFI DHCPv4 Protocol driver is collecting DHCP offer packets from DHCP servers.
119 | ///
120 | Dhcp4Selecting = 0x2,
121 | ///
122 | /// The EFI DHCPv4 Protocol driver has sent the request to the DHCP server and is waiting for a response.
123 | ///
124 | Dhcp4Requesting = 0x3,
125 | ///
126 | /// The DHCP configuration has completed.
127 | ///
128 | Dhcp4Bound = 0x4,
129 | ///
130 | /// The DHCP configuration is being renewed and another request has
131 | /// been sent out, but it has not received a response from the server yet.
132 | ///
133 | Dhcp4Renewing = 0x5,
134 | ///
135 | /// The DHCP configuration has timed out and the EFI DHCPv4
136 | /// Protocol driver is trying to extend the lease time.
137 | ///
138 | Dhcp4Rebinding = 0x6,
139 | ///
140 | /// The EFI DHCPv4 Protocol driver was initialized with a previously
141 | /// allocated or known IP address.
142 | ///
143 | Dhcp4InitReboot = 0x7,
144 | ///
145 | /// The EFI DHCPv4 Protocol driver is seeking to reuse the previously
146 | /// allocated IP address by sending a request to the DHCP server.
147 | ///
148 | Dhcp4Rebooting = 0x8
149 | } EFI_DHCP4_STATE;
150 |
151 |
152 | typedef enum{
153 | ///
154 | /// The packet to start the configuration sequence is about to be sent.
155 | ///
156 | Dhcp4SendDiscover = 0x01,
157 | ///
158 | /// A reply packet was just received.
159 | ///
160 | Dhcp4RcvdOffer = 0x02,
161 | ///
162 | /// It is time for Dhcp4Callback to select an offer.
163 | ///
164 | Dhcp4SelectOffer = 0x03,
165 | ///
166 | /// A request packet is about to be sent.
167 | ///
168 | Dhcp4SendRequest = 0x04,
169 | ///
170 | /// A DHCPACK packet was received and will be passed to Dhcp4Callback.
171 | ///
172 | Dhcp4RcvdAck = 0x05,
173 | ///
174 | /// A DHCPNAK packet was received and will be passed to Dhcp4Callback.
175 | ///
176 | Dhcp4RcvdNak = 0x06,
177 | ///
178 | /// A decline packet is about to be sent.
179 | ///
180 | Dhcp4SendDecline = 0x07,
181 | ///
182 | /// The DHCP configuration process has completed. No packet is associated with this event.
183 | ///
184 | Dhcp4BoundCompleted = 0x08,
185 | ///
186 | /// It is time to enter the Dhcp4Renewing state and to contact the server
187 | /// that originally issued the network address. No packet is associated with this event.
188 | ///
189 | Dhcp4EnterRenewing = 0x09,
190 | ///
191 | /// It is time to enter the Dhcp4Rebinding state and to contact any server.
192 | /// No packet is associated with this event.
193 | ///
194 | Dhcp4EnterRebinding = 0x0a,
195 | ///
196 | /// The configured IP address was lost either because the lease has expired,
197 | /// the user released the configuration, or a DHCPNAK packet was received in
198 | /// the Dhcp4Renewing or Dhcp4Rebinding state. No packet is associated with this event.
199 | ///
200 | Dhcp4AddressLost = 0x0b,
201 | ///
202 | /// The DHCP process failed because a DHCPNAK packet was received or the user
203 | /// aborted the DHCP process at a time when the configuration was not available yet.
204 | /// No packet is associated with this event.
205 | ///
206 | Dhcp4Fail = 0x0c
207 | } EFI_DHCP4_EVENT;
208 |
209 | /**
210 | Callback routine.
211 |
212 | EFI_DHCP4_CALLBACK is provided by the consumer of the EFI DHCPv4 Protocol driver
213 | to intercept events that occurred in the configuration process. This structure
214 | provides advanced control of each state transition of the DHCP process. The
215 | returned status code determines the behavior of the EFI DHCPv4 Protocol driver.
216 | There are three possible returned values, which are described in the following
217 | table.
218 |
219 | @param This The pointer to the EFI DHCPv4 Protocol instance that is used to
220 | configure this callback function.
221 | @param Context The pointer to the context that is initialized by
222 | EFI_DHCP4_PROTOCOL.Configure().
223 | @param CurrentState The current operational state of the EFI DHCPv4 Protocol
224 | driver.
225 | @param Dhcp4Event The event that occurs in the current state, which usually means a
226 | state transition.
227 | @param Packet The DHCP packet that is going to be sent or already received.
228 | @param NewPacket The packet that is used to replace the above Packet.
229 |
230 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS Tells the EFI DHCPv4 Protocol driver to continue the DHCP process.
231 | When it is in the Dhcp4Selecting state, it tells the EFI DHCPv4 Protocol
232 | driver to stop collecting additional packets. The driver will exit
233 | the Dhcp4Selecting state and enter the Dhcp4Requesting state.
234 | @retval EFI_NOT_READY Only used in the Dhcp4Selecting state. The EFI DHCPv4 Protocol
235 | driver will continue to wait for more packets until the retry
236 | timeout expires.
237 | @retval EFI_ABORTED Tells the EFI DHCPv4 Protocol driver to abort the current process and
238 | return to the Dhcp4Init or Dhcp4InitReboot state.
239 |
240 | **/
241 | typedef
245 | IN VOID *Context,
246 | IN EFI_DHCP4_STATE CurrentState,
247 | IN EFI_DHCP4_EVENT Dhcp4Event,
250 | );
251 |
252 | typedef struct {
253 | ///
254 | /// The number of times to try sending a packet during the Dhcp4SendDiscover
255 | /// event and waiting for a response during the Dhcp4RcvdOffer event.
256 | /// Set to zero to use the default try counts and timeout values.
257 | ///
258 | UINT32 DiscoverTryCount;
259 | ///
260 | /// The maximum amount of time (in seconds) to wait for returned packets in each
261 | /// of the retries. Timeout values of zero will default to a timeout value
262 | /// of one second. Set to NULL to use default timeout values.
263 | ///
264 | UINT32 *DiscoverTimeout;
265 | ///
266 | /// The number of times to try sending a packet during the Dhcp4SendRequest event
267 | /// and waiting for a response during the Dhcp4RcvdAck event before accepting
268 | /// failure. Set to zero to use the default try counts and timeout values.
269 | ///
270 | UINT32 RequestTryCount;
271 | ///
272 | /// The maximum amount of time (in seconds) to wait for return packets in each of the retries.
273 | /// Timeout values of zero will default to a timeout value of one second.
274 | /// Set to NULL to use default timeout values.
275 | ///
276 | UINT32 *RequestTimeout;
277 | ///
278 | /// For a DHCPDISCOVER, setting this parameter to the previously allocated IP
279 | /// address will cause the EFI DHCPv4 Protocol driver to enter the Dhcp4InitReboot state.
280 | /// And set this field to to enter the Dhcp4Init state.
281 | /// For a DHCPINFORM this parameter should be set to the client network address
282 | /// which was assigned to the client during a DHCPDISCOVER.
283 | ///
284 | EFI_IPv4_ADDRESS ClientAddress;
285 | ///
286 | /// The callback function to intercept various events that occurred in
287 | /// the DHCP configuration process. Set to NULL to ignore all those events.
288 | ///
289 | EFI_DHCP4_CALLBACK Dhcp4Callback;
290 | ///
291 | /// The pointer to the context that will be passed to Dhcp4Callback when it is called.
292 | ///
293 | VOID *CallbackContext;
294 | ///
295 | /// Number of DHCP options in the OptionList.
296 | ///
297 | UINT32 OptionCount;
298 | ///
299 | /// List of DHCP options to be included in every packet that is sent during the
300 | /// Dhcp4SendDiscover event. Pad options are appended automatically by DHCP driver
301 | /// in outgoing DHCP packets. If OptionList itself contains pad option, they are
302 | /// ignored by the driver. OptionList can be freed after EFI_DHCP4_PROTOCOL.Configure()
303 | /// returns. Ignored if OptionCount is zero.
304 | ///
305 | EFI_DHCP4_PACKET_OPTION **OptionList;
307 |
308 |
309 | typedef struct {
310 | ///
311 | /// The EFI DHCPv4 Protocol driver operating state.
312 | ///
313 | EFI_DHCP4_STATE State;
314 | ///
315 | /// The configuration data of the current EFI DHCPv4 Protocol driver instance.
316 | ///
317 | EFI_DHCP4_CONFIG_DATA ConfigData;
318 | ///
319 | /// The client IP address that was acquired from the DHCP server. If it is zero,
320 | /// the DHCP acquisition has not completed yet and the following fields in this structure are undefined.
321 | ///
322 | EFI_IPv4_ADDRESS ClientAddress;
323 | ///
324 | /// The local hardware address.
325 | ///
326 | EFI_MAC_ADDRESS ClientMacAddress;
327 | ///
328 | /// The server IP address that is providing the DHCP service to this client.
329 | ///
330 | EFI_IPv4_ADDRESS ServerAddress;
331 | ///
332 | /// The router IP address that was acquired from the DHCP server.
333 | /// May be zero if the server does not offer this address.
334 | ///
335 | EFI_IPv4_ADDRESS RouterAddress;
336 | ///
337 | /// The subnet mask of the connected network that was acquired from the DHCP server.
338 | ///
339 | EFI_IPv4_ADDRESS SubnetMask;
340 | ///
341 | /// The lease time (in 1-second units) of the configured IP address.
342 | /// The value 0xFFFFFFFF means that the lease time is infinite.
343 | /// A default lease of 7 days is used if the DHCP server does not provide a value.
344 | ///
345 | UINT32 LeaseTime;
346 | ///
347 | /// The cached latest DHCPACK or DHCPNAK or BOOTP REPLY packet. May be NULL if no packet is cached.
348 | ///
349 | EFI_DHCP4_PACKET *ReplyPacket;
351 |
352 |
353 | typedef struct {
354 | ///
355 | /// Alternate listening address. It can be a unicast, multicast, or broadcast address.
356 | ///
357 | EFI_IPv4_ADDRESS ListenAddress;
358 | ///
359 | /// The subnet mask of above listening unicast/broadcast IP address.
360 | /// Ignored if ListenAddress is a multicast address.
361 | ///
362 | EFI_IPv4_ADDRESS SubnetMask;
363 | ///
364 | /// Alternate station source (or listening) port number.
365 | /// If zero, then the default station port number (68) will be used.
366 | ///
367 | UINT16 ListenPort;
369 |
370 |
371 | typedef struct {
372 | ///
373 | /// The completion status of transmitting and receiving.
374 | ///
375 | EFI_STATUS Status;
376 | ///
377 | /// If not NULL, the event that will be signaled when the collection process
378 | /// completes. If NULL, this function will busy-wait until the collection process competes.
379 | ///
380 | EFI_EVENT CompletionEvent;
381 | ///
382 | /// The pointer to the server IP address. This address may be a unicast, multicast, or broadcast address.
383 | ///
384 | EFI_IPv4_ADDRESS RemoteAddress;
385 | ///
386 | /// The server listening port number. If zero, the default server listening port number (67) will be used.
387 | ///
388 | UINT16 RemotePort;
389 | ///
390 | /// The pointer to the gateway address to override the existing setting.
391 | ///
392 | EFI_IPv4_ADDRESS GatewayAddress;
393 | ///
394 | /// The number of entries in ListenPoints. If zero, the default station address and port number 68 are used.
395 | ///
396 | UINT32 ListenPointCount;
397 | ///
398 | /// An array of station address and port number pairs that are used as receiving filters.
399 | /// The first entry is also used as the source address and source port of the outgoing packet.
400 | ///
401 | EFI_DHCP4_LISTEN_POINT *ListenPoints;
402 | ///
403 | /// The number of seconds to collect responses. Zero is invalid.
404 | ///
405 | UINT32 TimeoutValue;
406 | ///
407 | /// The pointer to the packet to be transmitted.
408 | ///
409 | EFI_DHCP4_PACKET *Packet;
410 | ///
411 | /// Number of received packets.
412 | ///
413 | UINT32 ResponseCount;
414 | ///
415 | /// The pointer to the allocated list of received packets.
416 | ///
417 | EFI_DHCP4_PACKET *ResponseList;
419 |
420 |
421 | /**
422 | Returns the current operating mode and cached data packet for the EFI DHCPv4 Protocol driver.
423 |
424 | The GetModeData() function returns the current operating mode and cached data
425 | packet for the EFI DHCPv4 Protocol driver.
426 |
427 | @param This The pointer to the EFI_DHCP4_PROTOCOL instance.
428 | @param Dhcp4ModeData The pointer to storage for the EFI_DHCP4_MODE_DATA structure.
429 |
430 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS The mode data was returned.
431 | @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER This is NULL.
432 |
433 | **/
434 | typedef
438 | OUT EFI_DHCP4_MODE_DATA *Dhcp4ModeData
439 | );
440 |
441 | /**
442 | Initializes, changes, or resets the operational settings for the EFI DHCPv4 Protocol driver.
443 |
444 | The Configure() function is used to initialize, change, or reset the operational
445 | settings of the EFI DHCPv4 Protocol driver for the communication device on which
446 | the EFI DHCPv4 Service Binding Protocol is installed. This function can be
447 | successfully called only if both of the following are true:
448 | * This instance of the EFI DHCPv4 Protocol driver is in the Dhcp4Stopped, Dhcp4Init,
449 | Dhcp4InitReboot, or Dhcp4Bound states.
450 | * No other EFI DHCPv4 Protocol driver instance that is controlled by this EFI
451 | DHCPv4 Service Binding Protocol driver instance has configured this EFI DHCPv4
452 | Protocol driver.
453 | When this driver is in the Dhcp4Stopped state, it can transfer into one of the
454 | following two possible initial states:
455 | * Dhcp4Init
456 | * Dhcp4InitReboot.
457 | The driver can transfer into these states by calling Configure() with a non-NULL
458 | Dhcp4CfgData. The driver will transfer into the appropriate state based on the
459 | supplied client network address in the ClientAddress parameter and DHCP options
460 | in the OptionList parameter as described in RFC 2131.
461 | When Configure() is called successfully while Dhcp4CfgData is set to NULL, the
462 | default configuring data will be reset in the EFI DHCPv4 Protocol driver and
463 | the state of the EFI DHCPv4 Protocol driver will not be changed. If one instance
464 | wants to make it possible for another instance to configure the EFI DHCPv4 Protocol
465 | driver, it must call this function with Dhcp4CfgData set to NULL.
466 |
467 | @param This The pointer to the EFI_DHCP4_PROTOCOL instance.
468 | @param Dhcp4CfgData The pointer to the EFI_DHCP4_CONFIG_DATA.
469 |
470 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS The EFI DHCPv4 Protocol driver is now in the Dhcp4Init or
471 | Dhcp4InitReboot state, if the original state of this driver
472 | was Dhcp4Stopped, Dhcp4Init,Dhcp4InitReboot, or Dhcp4Bound
473 | and the value of Dhcp4CfgData was not NULL.
474 | Otherwise, the state was left unchanged.
475 | @retval EFI_ACCESS_DENIED This instance of the EFI DHCPv4 Protocol driver was not in the
476 | Dhcp4Stopped, Dhcp4Init, Dhcp4InitReboot, or Dhcp4Bound state;
477 | Or onother instance of this EFI DHCPv4 Protocol driver is already
478 | in a valid configured state.
479 | @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER One or more following conditions are TRUE:
480 | This is NULL.
481 | DiscoverTryCount > 0 and DiscoverTimeout is NULL
482 | RequestTryCount > 0 and RequestTimeout is NULL.
483 | OptionCount >0 and OptionList is NULL.
484 | ClientAddress is not a valid unicast address.
485 | @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES Required system resources could not be allocated.
486 | @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR An unexpected system or network error occurred.
487 |
488 | **/
489 | typedef
494 | );
495 |
496 |
497 | /**
498 | Starts the DHCP configuration process.
499 |
500 | The Start() function starts the DHCP configuration process. This function can
501 | be called only when the EFI DHCPv4 Protocol driver is in the Dhcp4Init or
502 | Dhcp4InitReboot state.
503 | If the DHCP process completes successfully, the state of the EFI DHCPv4 Protocol
504 | driver will be transferred through Dhcp4Selecting and Dhcp4Requesting to the
505 | Dhcp4Bound state. The CompletionEvent will then be signaled if it is not NULL.
506 | If the process aborts, either by the user or by some unexpected network error,
507 | the state is restored to the Dhcp4Init state. The Start() function can be called
508 | again to restart the process.
509 | Refer to RFC 2131 for precise state transitions during this process. At the
510 | time when each event occurs in this process, the callback function that was set
511 | by EFI_DHCP4_PROTOCOL.Configure() will be called and the user can take this
512 | opportunity to control the process.
513 |
514 | @param This The pointer to the EFI_DHCP4_PROTOCOL instance.
515 | @param CompletionEvent If not NULL, it indicates the event that will be signaled when the
516 | EFI DHCPv4 Protocol driver is transferred into the
517 | Dhcp4Bound state or when the DHCP process is aborted.
518 | EFI_DHCP4_PROTOCOL.GetModeData() can be called to
519 | check the completion status. If NULL,
520 | EFI_DHCP4_PROTOCOL.Start() will wait until the driver
521 | is transferred into the Dhcp4Bound state or the process fails.
522 |
523 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS The DHCP configuration process has started, or it has completed
524 | when CompletionEvent is NULL.
525 | @retval EFI_NOT_STARTED The EFI DHCPv4 Protocol driver is in the Dhcp4Stopped
526 | state. EFI_DHCP4_PROTOCOL. Configure() needs to be called.
527 | @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER This is NULL.
528 | @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES Required system resources could not be allocated.
529 | @retval EFI_TIMEOUT The DHCP configuration process failed because no response was
530 | received from the server within the specified timeout value.
531 | @retval EFI_ABORTED The user aborted the DHCP process.
532 | @retval EFI_ALREADY_STARTED Some other EFI DHCPv4 Protocol instance already started the
533 | DHCP process.
534 | @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR An unexpected system or network error occurred.
535 | @retval EFI_NO_MEDIA There was a media error.
536 |
537 | **/
538 | typedef
542 | IN EFI_EVENT CompletionEvent OPTIONAL
543 | );
544 |
545 | /**
546 | Extends the lease time by sending a request packet.
547 |
548 | The RenewRebind() function is used to manually extend the lease time when the
549 | EFI DHCPv4 Protocol driver is in the Dhcp4Bound state, and the lease time has
550 | not expired yet. This function will send a request packet to the previously
551 | found server (or to any server when RebindRequest is TRUE) and transfer the
552 | state into the Dhcp4Renewing state (or Dhcp4Rebinding when RebindingRequest is
553 | TRUE). When a response is received, the state is returned to Dhcp4Bound.
554 | If no response is received before the try count is exceeded (the RequestTryCount
555 | field that is specified in EFI_DHCP4_CONFIG_DATA) but before the lease time that
556 | was issued by the previous server expires, the driver will return to the Dhcp4Bound
557 | state, and the previous configuration is restored. The outgoing and incoming packets
558 | can be captured by the EFI_DHCP4_CALLBACK function.
559 |
560 | @param This The pointer to the EFI_DHCP4_PROTOCOL instance.
561 | @param RebindRequest If TRUE, this function broadcasts the request packets and enters
562 | the Dhcp4Rebinding state. Otherwise, it sends a unicast
563 | request packet and enters the Dhcp4Renewing state.
564 | @param CompletionEvent If not NULL, this event is signaled when the renew/rebind phase
565 | completes or some error occurs.
566 | EFI_DHCP4_PROTOCOL.GetModeData() can be called to
567 | check the completion status. If NULL,
568 | EFI_DHCP4_PROTOCOL.RenewRebind() will busy-wait
569 | until the DHCP process finishes.
570 |
571 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS The EFI DHCPv4 Protocol driver is now in the
572 | Dhcp4Renewing state or is back to the Dhcp4Bound state.
573 | @retval EFI_NOT_STARTED The EFI DHCPv4 Protocol driver is in the Dhcp4Stopped
574 | state. EFI_DHCP4_PROTOCOL.Configure() needs to
575 | be called.
576 | @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER This is NULL.
577 | @retval EFI_TIMEOUT There was no response from the server when the try count was
578 | exceeded.
579 | @retval EFI_ACCESS_DENIED The driver is not in the Dhcp4Bound state.
580 | @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR An unexpected system or network error occurred.
581 |
582 | **/
583 | typedef
587 | IN BOOLEAN RebindRequest,
588 | IN EFI_EVENT CompletionEvent OPTIONAL
589 | );
590 |
591 | /**
592 | Releases the current address configuration.
593 |
594 | The Release() function releases the current configured IP address by doing either
595 | of the following:
596 | * Sending a DHCPRELEASE packet when the EFI DHCPv4 Protocol driver is in the
597 | Dhcp4Bound state
598 | * Setting the previously assigned IP address that was provided with the
599 | EFI_DHCP4_PROTOCOL.Configure() function to when the driver is in
600 | Dhcp4InitReboot state
601 | After a successful call to this function, the EFI DHCPv4 Protocol driver returns
602 | to the Dhcp4Init state, and any subsequent incoming packets will be discarded silently.
603 |
604 | @param This The pointer to the EFI_DHCP4_PROTOCOL instance.
605 |
606 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS The EFI DHCPv4 Protocol driver is now in the Dhcp4Init phase.
607 | @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER This is NULL.
608 | @retval EFI_ACCESS_DENIED The EFI DHCPv4 Protocol driver is not Dhcp4InitReboot state.
609 | @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR An unexpected system or network error occurred.
610 |
611 | **/
612 | typedef
616 | );
617 |
618 | /**
619 | Stops the current address configuration.
620 |
621 | The Stop() function is used to stop the DHCP configuration process. After this
622 | function is called successfully, the EFI DHCPv4 Protocol driver is transferred
623 | into the Dhcp4Stopped state. EFI_DHCP4_PROTOCOL.Configure() needs to be called
624 | before DHCP configuration process can be started again. This function can be
625 | called when the EFI DHCPv4 Protocol driver is in any state.
626 |
627 | @param This The pointer to the EFI_DHCP4_PROTOCOL instance.
628 |
629 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS The EFI DHCPv4 Protocol driver is now in the Dhcp4Stopped phase.
630 | @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER This is NULL.
631 |
632 | **/
633 | typedef
637 | );
638 |
639 | /**
640 | Builds a DHCP packet, given the options to be appended or deleted or replaced.
641 |
642 | The Build() function is used to assemble a new packet from the original packet
643 | by replacing or deleting existing options or appending new options. This function
644 | does not change any state of the EFI DHCPv4 Protocol driver and can be used at
645 | any time.
646 |
647 | @param This The pointer to the EFI_DHCP4_PROTOCOL instance.
648 | @param SeedPacket Initial packet to be used as a base for building new packet.
649 | @param DeleteCount Number of opcodes in the DeleteList.
650 | @param DeleteList List of opcodes to be deleted from the seed packet.
651 | Ignored if DeleteCount is zero.
652 | @param AppendCount Number of entries in the OptionList.
653 | @param AppendList The pointer to a DHCP option list to be appended to SeedPacket.
654 | If SeedPacket also contains options in this list, they are
655 | replaced by new options (except pad option). Ignored if
656 | AppendCount is zero. Type EFI_DHCP4_PACKET_OPTION
657 | @param NewPacket The pointer to storage for the pointer to the new allocated packet.
658 | Use the EFI Boot Service FreePool() on the resulting pointer
659 | when done with the packet.
660 |
661 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS The new packet was built.
662 | @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES Storage for the new packet could not be allocated.
663 | @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER One or more of the following conditions is TRUE:
664 | This is NULL.
665 | SeedPacket is NULL.
666 | SeedPacket is not a well-formed DHCP packet.
667 | AppendCount is not zero and AppendList is NULL.
668 | DeleteCount is not zero and DeleteList is NULL.
669 | NewPacket is NULL
670 | Both DeleteCount and AppendCount are zero and
671 | NewPacket is not NULL.
672 |
673 | **/
674 | typedef
678 | IN EFI_DHCP4_PACKET *SeedPacket,
679 | IN UINT32 DeleteCount,
680 | IN UINT8 *DeleteList OPTIONAL,
681 | IN UINT32 AppendCount,
683 | OUT EFI_DHCP4_PACKET **NewPacket
684 | );
685 |
686 |
687 | /**
688 | Transmits a DHCP formatted packet and optionally waits for responses.
689 |
690 | The TransmitReceive() function is used to transmit a DHCP packet and optionally
691 | wait for the response from servers. This function does not change the state of
692 | the EFI DHCPv4 Protocol driver. It can be used at any time because of this.
693 |
694 | @param This The pointer to the EFI_DHCP4_PROTOCOL instance.
695 | @param Token The pointer to the EFI_DHCP4_TRANSMIT_RECEIVE_TOKEN structure.
696 |
697 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS The packet was successfully queued for transmission.
698 | @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER One or more of the following conditions is TRUE:
699 | This is NULL.
700 | Token.RemoteAddress is zero.
701 | Token.Packet is NULL.
702 | Token.Packet is not a well-formed DHCP packet.
703 | The transaction ID in Token.Packet is in use by another DHCP process.
704 | @retval EFI_NOT_READY The previous call to this function has not finished yet. Try to call
705 | this function after collection process completes.
706 | @retval EFI_NO_MAPPING The default station address is not available yet.
707 | @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES Required system resources could not be allocated.
708 | @retval EFI_UNSUPPORTED The implementation doesn't support this function
709 | @retval Others Some other unexpected error occurred.
710 |
711 | **/
712 | typedef
717 | );
718 |
719 |
720 | /**
721 | Parses the packed DHCP option data.
722 |
723 | The Parse() function is used to retrieve the option list from a DHCP packet.
724 | If *OptionCount isn't zero, and there is enough space for all the DHCP options
725 | in the Packet, each element of PacketOptionList is set to point to somewhere in
726 | the Packet->Dhcp4.Option where a new DHCP option begins. If RFC3396 is supported,
727 | the caller should reassemble the parsed DHCP options to get the final result.
728 | If *OptionCount is zero or there isn't enough space for all of them, the number
729 | of DHCP options in the Packet is returned in OptionCount.
730 |
731 | @param This The pointer to the EFI_DHCP4_PROTOCOL instance.
732 | @param Packet The pointer to packet to be parsed.
733 | @param OptionCount On input, the number of entries in the PacketOptionList.
734 | On output, the number of entries that were written into the
735 | PacketOptionList.
736 | @param PacketOptionList A list of packet option entries to be filled in. End option or pad
737 | options are not included.
738 |
739 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS The packet was successfully parsed.
740 | @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER One or more of the following conditions is TRUE:
741 | This is NULL.
742 | The packet is NULL.
743 | The packet is not a well-formed DHCP packet.
744 | OptionCount is NULL.
745 | @retval EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL One or more of the following conditions is TRUE:
746 | 1) *OptionCount is smaller than the number of options that
747 | were found in the Packet.
748 | 2) PacketOptionList is NULL.
749 | @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCE The packet failed to parse because of a resource shortage.
750 |
751 | **/
752 | typedef
756 | IN EFI_DHCP4_PACKET *Packet,
757 | IN OUT UINT32 *OptionCount,
759 | );
760 |
761 | ///
762 | /// This protocol is used to collect configuration information for the EFI IPv4 Protocol drivers
763 | /// and to provide DHCPv4 server and PXE boot server discovery services.
764 | ///
765 | struct _EFI_DHCP4_PROTOCOL {
766 | EFI_DHCP4_GET_MODE_DATA GetModeData;
767 | EFI_DHCP4_CONFIGURE Configure;
768 | EFI_DHCP4_START Start;
769 | EFI_DHCP4_RENEW_REBIND RenewRebind;
770 | EFI_DHCP4_RELEASE Release;
771 | EFI_DHCP4_STOP Stop;
772 | EFI_DHCP4_BUILD Build;
773 | EFI_DHCP4_TRANSMIT_RECEIVE TransmitReceive;
774 | EFI_DHCP4_PARSE Parse;
775 | };
776 |
777 | extern EFI_GUID gEfiDhcp4ProtocolGuid;
778 | extern EFI_GUID gEfiDhcp4ServiceBindingProtocolGuid;
779 |
780 | #endif