1 | /** @file
2 | UEFI Firmware Management Protocol definition
3 | Firmware Management Protocol provides an abstraction for device to provide firmware
4 | management support. The base requirements for managing device firmware images include
5 | identifying firmware image revision level and programming the image into the device.
6 |
7 | GetImageInfo() is the only required function. GetImage(), SetImage(),
8 | CheckImage(), GetPackageInfo(), and SetPackageInfo() shall return
9 | EFI_UNSUPPORTED if not supported by the driver.
10 |
11 | Copyright (c) 2009 - 2015, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
12 | Copyright (c) 2013 - 2014, Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.<BR>
13 | This program and the accompanying materials
14 | are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License
15 | which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at
16 | http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php
17 |
20 |
21 | @par Revision Reference:
22 | This Protocol is introduced in UEFI Specification 2.3
23 |
24 | **/
25 |
28 |
29 |
31 | { \
32 | 0x86c77a67, 0xb97, 0x4633, {0xa1, 0x87, 0x49, 0x10, 0x4d, 0x6, 0x85, 0xc7 } \
33 | }
34 |
36 |
37 | ///
39 | ///
40 | typedef struct {
41 | ///
42 | /// A unique number identifying the firmware image within the device. The number is
43 | /// between 1 and DescriptorCount.
44 | ///
45 | UINT8 ImageIndex;
46 | ///
47 | /// A unique GUID identifying the firmware image type.
48 | ///
49 | EFI_GUID ImageTypeId;
50 | ///
51 | /// A unique number identifying the firmware image.
52 | ///
53 | UINT64 ImageId;
54 | ///
55 | /// A pointer to a null-terminated string representing the firmware image name.
56 | ///
57 | CHAR16 *ImageIdName;
58 | ///
59 | /// Identifies the version of the device firmware. The format is vendor specific and new
60 | /// version must have a greater value than an old version.
61 | ///
62 | UINT32 Version;
63 | ///
64 | /// A pointer to a null-terminated string representing the firmware image version name.
65 | ///
66 | CHAR16 *VersionName;
67 | ///
68 | /// Size of the image in bytes. If size=0, then only ImageIndex and ImageTypeId are valid.
69 | ///
70 | UINTN Size;
71 | ///
72 | /// Image attributes that are supported by this device. See 'Image Attribute Definitions'
73 | /// for possible returned values of this parameter. A value of 1 indicates the attribute is
74 | /// supported and the current setting value is indicated in AttributesSetting. A
75 | /// value of 0 indicates the attribute is not supported and the current setting value in
76 | /// AttributesSetting is meaningless.
77 | ///
78 | UINT64 AttributesSupported;
79 | ///
80 | /// Image attributes. See 'Image Attribute Definitions' for possible returned values of
81 | /// this parameter.
82 | ///
83 | UINT64 AttributesSetting;
84 | ///
85 | /// Image compatibilities. See 'Image Compatibility Definitions' for possible returned
86 | /// values of this parameter.
87 | ///
88 | UINT64 Compatibilities;
89 | ///
90 | /// Describes the lowest ImageDescriptor version that the device will accept. Only
91 | /// present in version 2 or higher.
92 | ///
93 | UINT32 LowestSupportedImageVersion;
94 | ///
95 | /// Describes the version that was last attempted to update. If no update attempted the
96 | /// value will be 0. If the update attempted was improperly formatted and no version
97 | /// number was available then the value will be zero. Only present in version 3 or higher.
98 | UINT32 LastAttemptVersion;
99 | ///
100 | /// Describes the status that was last attempted to update. If no update has been attempted
101 | /// the value will be LAST_ATTEMPT_STATUS_SUCCESS. Only present in version 3 or higher.
102 | ///
103 | UINT32 LastAttemptStatus;
104 | ///
105 | /// An optional number to identify the unique hardware instance within the system for
106 | /// devices that may have multiple instances (Example: a plug in pci network card). This
107 | /// number must be unique within the namespace of the ImageTypeId GUID and
108 | /// ImageIndex. For FMP instances that have multiple descriptors for a single
109 | /// hardware instance, all descriptors must have the same HardwareInstance value.
110 | /// This number must be consistent between boots and should be based on some sort of
111 | /// hardware identified unique id (serial number, etc) whenever possible. If a hardware
112 | /// based number is not available the FMP provider may use some other characteristic
113 | /// such as device path, bus/dev/function, slot num, etc for generating the
114 | /// HardwareInstance. For implementations that will never have more than one
115 | /// instance a zero can be used. A zero means the FMP provider is not able to determine a
116 | /// unique hardware instance number or a hardware instance number is not needed. Only
117 | /// present in version 3 or higher.
118 | ///
119 | UINT64 HardwareInstance;
121 |
122 |
123 | //
124 | // Image Attribute Definitions
125 | //
126 | ///
127 | /// The attribute IMAGE_ATTRIBUTE_IMAGE_UPDATABLE indicates this device supports firmware
128 | /// image update.
129 | ///
130 | #define IMAGE_ATTRIBUTE_IMAGE_UPDATABLE 0x0000000000000001
131 | ///
132 | /// The attribute IMAGE_ATTRIBUTE_RESET_REQUIRED indicates a reset of the device is required
133 | /// for the new firmware image to take effect after a firmware update. The device is the device hosting
134 | /// the firmware image.
135 | ///
136 | #define IMAGE_ATTRIBUTE_RESET_REQUIRED 0x0000000000000002
137 | ///
138 | /// The attribute IMAGE_ATTRIBUTE_AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED indicates authentication is
139 | /// required to perform the following image operations: GetImage(), SetImage(), and
140 | /// CheckImage(). See 'Image Attribute - Authentication'.
141 | ///
142 | #define IMAGE_ATTRIBUTE_AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED 0x0000000000000004
143 | ///
144 | /// The attribute IMAGE_ATTRIBUTE_IN_USE indicates the current state of the firmware image.
145 | /// This distinguishes firmware images in a device that supports redundant images.
146 | ///
147 | #define IMAGE_ATTRIBUTE_IN_USE 0x0000000000000008
148 | ///
149 | /// The attribute IMAGE_ATTRIBUTE_UEFI_IMAGE indicates that this image is an EFI compatible image.
150 | ///
151 | #define IMAGE_ATTRIBUTE_UEFI_IMAGE 0x0000000000000010
152 |
153 |
154 | //
155 | // Image Compatibility Definitions
156 | //
157 | /// Values from 0x0000000000000002 thru 0x000000000000FFFF are reserved for future assignments.
158 | /// Values from 0x0000000000010000 thru 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF are used by firmware vendor for
159 | /// compatibility check.
160 | ///
161 | #define IMAGE_COMPATIBILITY_CHECK_SUPPORTED 0x0000000000000001
162 |
163 | ///
164 | /// Descriptor Version exposed by GetImageInfo() function
165 | ///
167 |
168 |
169 | ///
170 | /// Image Attribute -Authentication Required
171 | ///
172 | typedef struct {
173 | ///
174 | /// It is included in the signature of AuthInfo. It is used to ensure freshness/no replay.
175 | /// It is incremented during each firmware image operation.
176 | ///
177 | UINT64 MonotonicCount;
178 | ///
179 | /// Provides the authorization for the firmware image operations. It is a signature across
180 | /// the image data and the Monotonic Count value. Caller uses the private key that is
181 | /// associated with a public key that has been provisioned via the key exchange.
182 | /// Because this is defined as a signature, WIN_CERTIFICATE_UEFI_GUID.CertType must
183 | /// be EFI_CERT_TYPE_PKCS7_GUID.
184 | ///
187 |
188 |
189 | //
190 | // ImageUpdatable Definitions
191 | //
192 | ///
193 | /// IMAGE_UPDATABLE_VALID indicates SetImage() will accept the new image and update the
194 | /// device with the new image.
195 | ///
196 | #define IMAGE_UPDATABLE_VALID 0x0000000000000001
197 | ///
198 | /// IMAGE_UPDATABLE_INVALID indicates SetImage() will reject the new image. No additional
199 | /// information is provided for the rejection.
200 | ///
201 | #define IMAGE_UPDATABLE_INVALID 0x0000000000000002
202 | ///
203 | /// IMAGE_UPDATABLE_INVALID_TYPE indicates SetImage() will reject the new image. The
204 | /// rejection is due to the new image is not a firmware image recognized for this device.
205 | ///
206 | #define IMAGE_UPDATABLE_INVALID_TYPE 0x0000000000000004
207 | ///
208 | /// IMAGE_UPDATABLE_INVALID_OLD indicates SetImage() will reject the new image. The
209 | /// rejection is due to the new image version is older than the current firmware image
210 | /// version in the device. The device firmware update policy does not support firmware
211 | /// version downgrade.
212 | ///
213 | #define IMAGE_UPDATABLE_INVALID_OLD 0x0000000000000008
214 |
215 |
216 | //
217 | // Package Attribute Definitions
218 | //
219 | ///
220 | /// The attribute PACKAGE_ATTRIBUTE_VERSION_UPDATABLE indicates this device supports the
221 | /// update of the firmware package version.
222 | ///
223 | #define PACKAGE_ATTRIBUTE_VERSION_UPDATABLE 0x0000000000000001
224 | ///
225 | /// The attribute PACKAGE_ATTRIBUTE_RESET_REQUIRED indicates a reset of the device is
226 | /// required for the new package info to take effect after an update.
227 | ///
228 | #define PACKAGE_ATTRIBUTE_RESET_REQUIRED 0x0000000000000002
229 | ///
230 | /// The attribute PACKAGE_ATTRIBUTE_AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED indicates authentication
231 | /// is required to update the package info.
232 | ///
234 |
235 | /**
236 | Callback funtion to report the process of the firmware updating.
237 |
238 | @param[in] Completion A value between 1 and 100 indicating the current completion
239 | progress of the firmware update. Completion progress is
240 | reported as from 1 to 100 percent. A value of 0 is used by
241 | the driver to indicate that progress reporting is not supported.
242 |
243 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS SetImage() continues to do the callback if supported.
244 | @retval other SetImage() discontinues the callback and completes
245 | the update and returns.
246 |
247 | **/
248 | typedef
251 | IN UINTN Completion
252 | );
253 |
254 | /**
255 | Returns information about the current firmware image(s) of the device.
256 |
257 | This function allows a copy of the current firmware image to be created and saved.
258 | The saved copy could later been used, for example, in firmware image recovery or rollback.
259 |
260 | @param[in] This A pointer to the EFI_FIRMWARE_MANAGEMENT_PROTOCOL instance.
261 | @param[in, out] ImageInfoSize A pointer to the size, in bytes, of the ImageInfo buffer.
262 | On input, this is the size of the buffer allocated by the caller.
263 | On output, it is the size of the buffer returned by the firmware
264 | if the buffer was large enough, or the size of the buffer needed
265 | to contain the image(s) information if the buffer was too small.
266 | @param[in, out] ImageInfo A pointer to the buffer in which firmware places the current image(s)
267 | information. The information is an array of EFI_FIRMWARE_IMAGE_DESCRIPTORs.
268 | @param[out] DescriptorVersion A pointer to the location in which firmware returns the version number
269 | associated with the EFI_FIRMWARE_IMAGE_DESCRIPTOR.
270 | @param[out] DescriptorCount A pointer to the location in which firmware returns the number of
271 | descriptors or firmware images within this device.
272 | @param[out] DescriptorSize A pointer to the location in which firmware returns the size, in bytes,
273 | of an individual EFI_FIRMWARE_IMAGE_DESCRIPTOR.
274 | @param[out] PackageVersion A version number that represents all the firmware images in the device.
275 | The format is vendor specific and new version must have a greater value
276 | than the old version. If PackageVersion is not supported, the value is
277 | 0xFFFFFFFF. A value of 0xFFFFFFFE indicates that package version comparison
278 | is to be performed using PackageVersionName. A value of 0xFFFFFFFD indicates
279 | that package version update is in progress.
280 | @param[out] PackageVersionName A pointer to a pointer to a null-terminated string representing the
281 | package version name. The buffer is allocated by this function with
282 | AllocatePool(), and it is the caller's responsibility to free it with a call
283 | to FreePool().
284 |
285 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS The device was successfully updated with the new image.
286 | @retval EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL The ImageInfo buffer was too small. The current buffer size
287 | needed to hold the image(s) information is returned in ImageInfoSize.
288 | @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER ImageInfoSize is NULL.
289 | @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR Valid information could not be returned. Possible corrupted image.
290 |
291 | **/
292 | typedef
296 | IN OUT UINTN *ImageInfoSize,
298 | OUT UINT32 *DescriptorVersion,
299 | OUT UINT8 *DescriptorCount,
300 | OUT UINTN *DescriptorSize,
301 | OUT UINT32 *PackageVersion,
302 | OUT CHAR16 **PackageVersionName
303 | );
304 |
305 | /**
306 | Retrieves a copy of the current firmware image of the device.
307 |
308 | This function allows a copy of the current firmware image to be created and saved.
309 | The saved copy could later been used, for example, in firmware image recovery or rollback.
310 |
311 | @param[in] This A pointer to the EFI_FIRMWARE_MANAGEMENT_PROTOCOL instance.
312 | @param[in] ImageIndex A unique number identifying the firmware image(s) within the device.
313 | The number is between 1 and DescriptorCount.
314 | @param[out] Image Points to the buffer where the current image is copied to.
315 | @param[out] ImageSize On entry, points to the size of the buffer pointed to by Image, in bytes.
316 | On return, points to the length of the image, in bytes.
317 |
318 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS The device was successfully updated with the new image.
319 | @retval EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL The buffer specified by ImageSize is too small to hold the
320 | image. The current buffer size needed to hold the image is returned
321 | in ImageSize.
322 | @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER The Image was NULL.
323 | @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND The current image is not copied to the buffer.
324 | @retval EFI_UNSUPPORTED The operation is not supported.
325 | @retval EFI_SECURITY_VIOLATIO The operation could not be performed due to an authentication failure.
326 |
327 | **/
328 | typedef
332 | IN UINT8 ImageIndex,
333 | IN OUT VOID *Image,
334 | IN OUT UINTN *ImageSize
335 | );
336 |
337 | /**
338 | Updates the firmware image of the device.
339 |
340 | This function updates the hardware with the new firmware image.
341 | This function returns EFI_UNSUPPORTED if the firmware image is not updatable.
342 | If the firmware image is updatable, the function should perform the following minimal validations
343 | before proceeding to do the firmware image update.
344 | - Validate the image authentication if image has attribute
346 | EFI_SECURITY_VIOLATION if the validation fails.
347 | - Validate the image is a supported image for this device. The function returns EFI_ABORTED if
348 | the image is unsupported. The function can optionally provide more detailed information on
349 | why the image is not a supported image.
350 | - Validate the data from VendorCode if not null. Image validation must be performed before
351 | VendorCode data validation. VendorCode data is ignored or considered invalid if image
352 | validation failed. The function returns EFI_ABORTED if the data is invalid.
353 |
354 | VendorCode enables vendor to implement vendor-specific firmware image update policy. Null if
355 | the caller did not specify the policy or use the default policy. As an example, vendor can implement
356 | a policy to allow an option to force a firmware image update when the abort reason is due to the new
357 | firmware image version is older than the current firmware image version or bad image checksum.
358 | Sensitive operations such as those wiping the entire firmware image and render the device to be
359 | non-functional should be encoded in the image itself rather than passed with the VendorCode.
360 | AbortReason enables vendor to have the option to provide a more detailed description of the abort
361 | reason to the caller.
362 |
363 | @param[in] This A pointer to the EFI_FIRMWARE_MANAGEMENT_PROTOCOL instance.
364 | @param[in] ImageIndex A unique number identifying the firmware image(s) within the device.
365 | The number is between 1 and DescriptorCount.
366 | @param[in] Image Points to the new image.
367 | @param[in] ImageSize Size of the new image in bytes.
368 | @param[in] VendorCode This enables vendor to implement vendor-specific firmware image update policy.
369 | Null indicates the caller did not specify the policy or use the default policy.
370 | @param[in] Progress A function used by the driver to report the progress of the firmware update.
371 | @param[out] AbortReason A pointer to a pointer to a null-terminated string providing more
372 | details for the aborted operation. The buffer is allocated by this function
373 | with AllocatePool(), and it is the caller's responsibility to free it with a
374 | call to FreePool().
375 |
376 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS The device was successfully updated with the new image.
377 | @retval EFI_ABORTED The operation is aborted.
378 | @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER The Image was NULL.
379 | @retval EFI_UNSUPPORTED The operation is not supported.
380 | @retval EFI_SECURITY_VIOLATIO The operation could not be performed due to an authentication failure.
381 |
382 | **/
383 | typedef
387 | IN UINT8 ImageIndex,
388 | IN CONST VOID *Image,
389 | IN UINTN ImageSize,
390 | IN CONST VOID *VendorCode,
392 | OUT CHAR16 **AbortReason
393 | );
394 |
395 | /**
396 | Checks if the firmware image is valid for the device.
397 |
398 | This function allows firmware update application to validate the firmware image without
399 | invoking the SetImage() first.
400 |
401 | @param[in] This A pointer to the EFI_FIRMWARE_MANAGEMENT_PROTOCOL instance.
402 | @param[in] ImageIndex A unique number identifying the firmware image(s) within the device.
403 | The number is between 1 and DescriptorCount.
404 | @param[in] Image Points to the new image.
405 | @param[in] ImageSize Size of the new image in bytes.
406 | @param[out] ImageUpdatable Indicates if the new image is valid for update. It also provides,
407 | if available, additional information if the image is invalid.
408 |
409 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS The image was successfully checked.
410 | @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER The Image was NULL.
411 | @retval EFI_UNSUPPORTED The operation is not supported.
412 | @retval EFI_SECURITY_VIOLATIO The operation could not be performed due to an authentication failure.
413 |
414 | **/
415 | typedef
419 | IN UINT8 ImageIndex,
420 | IN CONST VOID *Image,
421 | IN UINTN ImageSize,
422 | OUT UINT32 *ImageUpdatable
423 | );
424 |
425 | /**
426 | Returns information about the firmware package.
427 |
428 | This function returns package information.
429 |
430 | @param[in] This A pointer to the EFI_FIRMWARE_MANAGEMENT_PROTOCOL instance.
431 | @param[out] PackageVersion A version number that represents all the firmware images in the device.
432 | The format is vendor specific and new version must have a greater value
433 | than the old version. If PackageVersion is not supported, the value is
434 | 0xFFFFFFFF. A value of 0xFFFFFFFE indicates that package version
435 | comparison is to be performed using PackageVersionName. A value of
436 | 0xFFFFFFFD indicates that package version update is in progress.
437 | @param[out] PackageVersionName A pointer to a pointer to a null-terminated string representing
438 | the package version name. The buffer is allocated by this function with
439 | AllocatePool(), and it is the caller's responsibility to free it with a
440 | call to FreePool().
441 | @param[out] PackageVersionNameMaxLen The maximum length of package version name if device supports update of
442 | package version name. A value of 0 indicates the device does not support
443 | update of package version name. Length is the number of Unicode characters,
444 | including the terminating null character.
445 | @param[out] AttributesSupported Package attributes that are supported by this device. See 'Package Attribute
446 | Definitions' for possible returned values of this parameter. A value of 1
447 | indicates the attribute is supported and the current setting value is
448 | indicated in AttributesSetting. A value of 0 indicates the attribute is not
449 | supported and the current setting value in AttributesSetting is meaningless.
450 | @param[out] AttributesSetting Package attributes. See 'Package Attribute Definitions' for possible returned
451 | values of this parameter
452 |
453 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS The package information was successfully returned.
454 | @retval EFI_UNSUPPORTED The operation is not supported.
455 |
456 | **/
457 | typedef
461 | OUT UINT32 *PackageVersion,
462 | OUT CHAR16 **PackageVersionName,
463 | OUT UINT32 *PackageVersionNameMaxLen,
464 | OUT UINT64 *AttributesSupported,
465 | OUT UINT64 *AttributesSetting
466 | );
467 |
468 | /**
469 | Updates information about the firmware package.
470 |
471 | This function updates package information.
472 | This function returns EFI_UNSUPPORTED if the package information is not updatable.
473 | VendorCode enables vendor to implement vendor-specific package information update policy.
474 | Null if the caller did not specify this policy or use the default policy.
475 |
476 | @param[in] This A pointer to the EFI_FIRMWARE_MANAGEMENT_PROTOCOL instance.
477 | @param[in] Image Points to the authentication image.
478 | Null if authentication is not required.
479 | @param[in] ImageSize Size of the authentication image in bytes.
480 | 0 if authentication is not required.
481 | @param[in] VendorCode This enables vendor to implement vendor-specific firmware
482 | image update policy.
483 | Null indicates the caller did not specify this policy or use
484 | the default policy.
485 | @param[in] PackageVersion The new package version.
486 | @param[in] PackageVersionName A pointer to the new null-terminated Unicode string representing
487 | the package version name.
488 | The string length is equal to or less than the value returned in
489 | PackageVersionNameMaxLen.
490 |
491 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS The device was successfully updated with the new package
492 | information.
493 | @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER The PackageVersionName length is longer than the value
494 | returned in PackageVersionNameMaxLen.
495 | @retval EFI_UNSUPPORTED The operation is not supported.
496 | @retval EFI_SECURITY_VIOLATIO The operation could not be performed due to an authentication failure.
497 |
498 | **/
499 | typedef
503 | IN CONST VOID *Image,
504 | IN UINTN ImageSize,
505 | IN CONST VOID *VendorCode,
506 | IN UINT32 PackageVersion,
507 | IN CONST CHAR16 *PackageVersionName
508 | );
509 |
510 | ///
512 | /// The protocol for managing firmware provides the following services.
513 | /// - Get the attributes of the current firmware image. Attributes include revision level.
514 | /// - Get a copy of the current firmware image. As an example, this service could be used by a
515 | /// management application to facilitate a firmware roll-back.
516 | /// - Program the device with a firmware image supplied by the user.
517 | /// - Label all the firmware images within a device with a single version.
518 | ///
526 | };
527 |
528 | extern EFI_GUID gEfiFirmwareManagementProtocolGuid;
529 |
530 | #endif