1 | /** @file
2 | The Firmware Volume Protocol provides file-level access to the firmware volume.
3 | Each firmware volume driver must produce an instance of the
4 | Firmware Volume Protocol if the firmware volume is to be visible to
5 | the system during the DXE phase. The Firmware Volume Protocol also provides
6 | mechanisms for determining and modifying some attributes of the firmware volume.
7 |
8 | Copyright (c) 2006 - 2018, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
9 | SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
10 |
11 | @par Revision Reference: PI
12 | Version 1.00.
13 |
14 | **/
15 |
16 | #ifndef __FIRMWARE_VOLUME2_H__
17 | #define __FIRMWARE_VOLUME2_H__
18 |
20 | { 0x220e73b6, 0x6bdb, 0x4413, { 0x84, 0x5, 0xb9, 0x74, 0xb1, 0x8, 0x61, 0x9a } }
21 |
23 |
24 | ///
26 | ///
27 | typedef UINT64 EFI_FV_ATTRIBUTES;
28 |
29 | //
30 | // EFI_FV_ATTRIBUTES bit definitions
31 | //
32 | // EFI_FV_ATTRIBUTES bit semantics
33 | #define EFI_FV2_READ_DISABLE_CAP 0x0000000000000001ULL
34 | #define EFI_FV2_READ_ENABLE_CAP 0x0000000000000002ULL
35 | #define EFI_FV2_READ_STATUS 0x0000000000000004ULL
36 | #define EFI_FV2_WRITE_DISABLE_CAP 0x0000000000000008ULL
37 | #define EFI_FV2_WRITE_ENABLE_CAP 0x0000000000000010ULL
38 | #define EFI_FV2_WRITE_STATUS 0x0000000000000020ULL
39 | #define EFI_FV2_LOCK_CAP 0x0000000000000040ULL
40 | #define EFI_FV2_LOCK_STATUS 0x0000000000000080ULL
41 | #define EFI_FV2_WRITE_POLICY_RELIABLE 0x0000000000000100ULL
42 | #define EFI_FV2_READ_LOCK_CAP 0x0000000000001000ULL
43 | #define EFI_FV2_READ_LOCK_STATUS 0x0000000000002000ULL
44 | #define EFI_FV2_WRITE_LOCK_CAP 0x0000000000004000ULL
45 | #define EFI_FV2_WRITE_LOCK_STATUS 0x0000000000008000ULL
46 | #define EFI_FV2_ALIGNMENT 0x00000000001F0000ULL
47 | #define EFI_FV2_ALIGNMENT_1 0x0000000000000000ULL
48 | #define EFI_FV2_ALIGNMENT_2 0x0000000000010000ULL
49 | #define EFI_FV2_ALIGNMENT_4 0x0000000000020000ULL
50 | #define EFI_FV2_ALIGNMENT_8 0x0000000000030000ULL
51 | #define EFI_FV2_ALIGNMENT_16 0x0000000000040000ULL
52 | #define EFI_FV2_ALIGNMENT_32 0x0000000000050000ULL
53 | #define EFI_FV2_ALIGNMENT_64 0x0000000000060000ULL
54 | #define EFI_FV2_ALIGNMENT_128 0x0000000000070000ULL
55 | #define EFI_FV2_ALIGNMENT_256 0x0000000000080000ULL
56 | #define EFI_FV2_ALIGNMENT_512 0x0000000000090000ULL
57 | #define EFI_FV2_ALIGNMENT_1K 0x00000000000A0000ULL
58 | #define EFI_FV2_ALIGNMENT_2K 0x00000000000B0000ULL
59 | #define EFI_FV2_ALIGNMENT_4K 0x00000000000C0000ULL
60 | #define EFI_FV2_ALIGNMENT_8K 0x00000000000D0000ULL
61 | #define EFI_FV2_ALIGNMENT_16K 0x00000000000E0000ULL
62 | #define EFI_FV2_ALIGNMENT_32K 0x00000000000F0000ULL
63 | #define EFI_FV2_ALIGNMENT_64K 0x0000000000100000ULL
64 | #define EFI_FV2_ALIGNMENT_128K 0x0000000000110000ULL
65 | #define EFI_FV2_ALIGNMENT_256K 0x0000000000120000ULL
66 | #define EFI_FV2_ALIGNMENT_512K 0x0000000000130000ULL
67 | #define EFI_FV2_ALIGNMENT_1M 0x0000000000140000ULL
68 | #define EFI_FV2_ALIGNMENT_2M 0x0000000000150000ULL
69 | #define EFI_FV2_ALIGNMENT_4M 0x0000000000160000ULL
70 | #define EFI_FV2_ALIGNMENT_8M 0x0000000000170000ULL
71 | #define EFI_FV2_ALIGNMENT_16M 0x0000000000180000ULL
72 | #define EFI_FV2_ALIGNMENT_32M 0x0000000000190000ULL
73 | #define EFI_FV2_ALIGNMENT_64M 0x00000000001A0000ULL
74 | #define EFI_FV2_ALIGNMENT_128M 0x00000000001B0000ULL
75 | #define EFI_FV2_ALIGNMENT_256M 0x00000000001C0000ULL
76 | #define EFI_FV2_ALIGNMENT_512M 0x00000000001D0000ULL
77 | #define EFI_FV2_ALIGNMENT_1G 0x00000000001E0000ULL
78 | #define EFI_FV2_ALIGNMENT_2G 0x00000000001F0000ULL
79 |
80 | /**
81 | Returns the attributes and current settings of the firmware volume.
82 |
83 | Because of constraints imposed by the underlying firmware
84 | storage, an instance of the Firmware Volume Protocol may not
85 | be to able to support all possible variations of this
86 | architecture. These constraints and the current state of the
87 | firmware volume are exposed to the caller using the
88 | GetVolumeAttributes() function. GetVolumeAttributes() is
89 | callable only from TPL_NOTIFY and below. Behavior of
90 | GetVolumeAttributes() at any EFI_TPL above TPL_NOTIFY is
91 | undefined.
92 |
93 | @param This Indicates the EFI_FIRMWARE_VOLUME2_PROTOCOL instance.
94 |
95 | @param FvAttributes Pointer to an EFI_FV_ATTRIBUTES in which
96 | the attributes and current settings are
97 | returned.
98 |
99 |
100 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS The firmware volume attributes were
101 | returned.
102 |
103 | **/
104 | typedef
108 | OUT EFI_FV_ATTRIBUTES *FvAttributes
109 | );
110 |
111 | /**
112 | Modifies the current settings of the firmware volume according to the input parameter.
113 |
114 | The SetVolumeAttributes() function is used to set configurable
115 | firmware volume attributes. Only EFI_FV_READ_STATUS,
116 | EFI_FV_WRITE_STATUS, and EFI_FV_LOCK_STATUS may be modified, and
117 | then only in accordance with the declared capabilities. All
118 | other bits of FvAttributes are ignored on input. On successful
119 | return, all bits of *FvAttributes are valid and it contains the
120 | completed EFI_FV_ATTRIBUTES for the volume. To modify an
121 | attribute, the corresponding status bit in the EFI_FV_ATTRIBUTES
122 | is set to the desired value on input. The EFI_FV_LOCK_STATUS bit
123 | does not affect the ability to read or write the firmware
124 | volume. Rather, once the EFI_FV_LOCK_STATUS bit is set, it
125 | prevents further modification to all the attribute bits.
126 | SetVolumeAttributes() is callable only from TPL_NOTIFY and
127 | below. Behavior of SetVolumeAttributes() at any EFI_TPL above
128 | TPL_NOTIFY is undefined.
129 |
130 | @param This Indicates the EFI_FIRMWARE_VOLUME2_PROTOCOL instance.
131 |
132 | @param FvAttributes On input, FvAttributes is a pointer to
133 | an EFI_FV_ATTRIBUTES containing the
134 | desired firmware volume settings. On
135 | successful return, it contains the new
136 | settings of the firmware volume. On
137 | unsuccessful return, FvAttributes is not
138 | modified and the firmware volume
139 | settings are not changed.
140 |
141 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS The requested firmware volume attributes
142 | were set and the resulting
143 | EFI_FV_ATTRIBUTES is returned in
144 | FvAttributes.
145 |
147 | is set to 1 on input, but the
148 | device does not support enabling
149 | reads
150 | (FvAttributes:EFI_FV_READ_ENABLE
151 | is clear on return from
152 | GetVolumeAttributes()). Actual
153 | volume attributes are unchanged.
154 |
156 | is cleared to 0 on input, but
157 | the device does not support
158 | disabling reads
159 | (FvAttributes:EFI_FV_READ_DISABL
160 | is clear on return from
161 | GetVolumeAttributes()). Actual
162 | volume attributes are unchanged.
163 |
165 | is set to 1 on input, but the
166 | device does not support enabling
167 | writes
168 | (FvAttributes:EFI_FV_WRITE_ENABL
169 | is clear on return from
170 | GetVolumeAttributes()). Actual
171 | volume attributes are unchanged.
172 |
174 | is cleared to 0 on input, but
175 | the device does not support
176 | disabling writes
177 | (FvAttributes:EFI_FV_WRITE_DISAB
178 | is clear on return from
179 | GetVolumeAttributes()). Actual
180 | volume attributes are unchanged.
181 |
183 | is set on input, but the device
184 | does not support locking
185 | (FvAttributes:EFI_FV_LOCK_CAP is
186 | clear on return from
187 | GetVolumeAttributes()). Actual
188 | volume attributes are unchanged.
189 |
190 | @retval EFI_ACCESS_DENIED Device is locked and does not
191 | allow attribute modification
192 | (FvAttributes:EFI_FV_LOCK_STATUS
193 | is set on return from
194 | GetVolumeAttributes()). Actual
195 | volume attributes are unchanged.
196 |
197 | **/
198 | typedef
202 | IN OUT EFI_FV_ATTRIBUTES *FvAttributes
203 | );
204 |
205 | /**
206 | Retrieves a file and/or file information from the firmware volume.
207 |
208 | ReadFile() is used to retrieve any file from a firmware volume
209 | during the DXE phase. The actual binary encoding of the file in
210 | the firmware volume media may be in any arbitrary format as long
211 | as it does the following: It is accessed using the Firmware
212 | Volume Protocol. The image that is returned follows the image
213 | format defined in Code Definitions: PI Firmware File Format.
214 | If the input value of Buffer==NULL, it indicates the caller is
215 | requesting only that the type, attributes, and size of the
216 | file be returned and that there is no output buffer. In this
217 | case, the following occurs:
218 | - BufferSize is returned with the size that is required to
219 | successfully complete the read.
220 | - The output parameters FoundType and *FileAttributes are
221 | returned with valid values.
222 | - The returned value of *AuthenticationStatus is undefined.
223 |
224 | If the input value of Buffer!=NULL, the output buffer is
225 | specified by a double indirection of the Buffer parameter. The
226 | input value of *Buffer is used to determine if the output
227 | buffer is caller allocated or is dynamically allocated by
228 | ReadFile(). If the input value of *Buffer!=NULL, it indicates
229 | the output buffer is caller allocated. In this case, the input
230 | value of *BufferSize indicates the size of the
231 | caller-allocated output buffer. If the output buffer is not
232 | large enough to contain the entire requested output, it is
233 | filled up to the point that the output buffer is exhausted and
234 | EFI_WARN_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL is returned, and then BufferSize is
235 | returned with the size required to successfully complete the
236 | read. All other output parameters are returned with valid
237 | values. If the input value of *Buffer==NULL, it indicates the
238 | output buffer is to be allocated by ReadFile(). In this case,
239 | ReadFile() will allocate an appropriately sized buffer from
240 | boot services pool memory, which will be returned in Buffer.
241 | The size of the new buffer is returned in BufferSize and all
242 | other output parameters are returned with valid values.
243 | ReadFile() is callable only from TPL_NOTIFY and below.
244 | Behavior of ReadFile() at any EFI_TPL above TPL_NOTIFY is
245 | undefined.
246 |
247 | @param This Indicates the EFI_FIRMWARE_VOLUME2_PROTOCOL instance.
248 |
249 | @param NameGuid Pointer to an EFI_GUID, which is the file
250 | name. All firmware file names are EFI_GUIDs.
251 | A single firmware volume must not have two
252 | valid files with the same file name
253 | EFI_GUID.
254 |
255 | @param Buffer Pointer to a pointer to a buffer in which the
256 | file contents are returned, not including the
257 | file header.
258 |
259 | @param BufferSize Pointer to a caller-allocated UINTN. It
260 | indicates the size of the memory
261 | represented by Buffer.
262 |
263 | @param FoundType Pointer to a caller-allocated EFI_FV_FILETYPE.
264 |
265 | @param FileAttributes Pointer to a caller-allocated
267 |
268 | @param AuthenticationStatus Pointer to a caller-allocated
269 | UINT32 in which the
270 | authentication status is
271 | returned.
272 |
273 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS The call completed successfully.
274 |
275 | @retval EFI_WARN_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL The buffer is too small to
276 | contain the requested
277 | output. The buffer is
278 | filled and the output is
279 | truncated.
280 |
281 | @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES An allocation failure occurred.
282 |
283 | @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND Name was not found in the firmware volume.
284 |
285 | @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR A hardware error occurred when
286 | attempting to access the firmware volume.
287 |
288 | @retval EFI_ACCESS_DENIED The firmware volume is configured to
289 | disallow reads.
290 |
291 | **/
292 | typedef
296 | IN CONST EFI_GUID *NameGuid,
297 | IN OUT VOID **Buffer,
298 | IN OUT UINTN *BufferSize,
299 | OUT EFI_FV_FILETYPE *FoundType,
300 | OUT EFI_FV_FILE_ATTRIBUTES *FileAttributes,
301 | OUT UINT32 *AuthenticationStatus
302 | );
303 |
304 | /**
305 | Locates the requested section within a file and returns it in a buffer.
306 |
307 | ReadSection() is used to retrieve a specific section from a file
308 | within a firmware volume. The section returned is determined
309 | using a depth-first, left-to-right search algorithm through all
310 | sections found in the specified file. The output buffer is specified by a double indirection
311 | of the Buffer parameter. The input value of Buffer is used to
312 | determine if the output buffer is caller allocated or is
313 | dynamically allocated by ReadSection(). If the input value of
314 | Buffer!=NULL, it indicates that the output buffer is caller
315 | allocated. In this case, the input value of *BufferSize
316 | indicates the size of the caller-allocated output buffer. If
317 | the output buffer is not large enough to contain the entire
318 | requested output, it is filled up to the point that the output
319 | buffer is exhausted and EFI_WARN_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL is returned,
320 | and then BufferSize is returned with the size that is required
321 | to successfully complete the read. All other
322 | output parameters are returned with valid values. If the input
323 | value of *Buffer==NULL, it indicates the output buffer is to
324 | be allocated by ReadSection(). In this case, ReadSection()
325 | will allocate an appropriately sized buffer from boot services
326 | pool memory, which will be returned in *Buffer. The size of
327 | the new buffer is returned in *BufferSize and all other output
328 | parameters are returned with valid values. ReadSection() is
329 | callable only from TPL_NOTIFY and below. Behavior of
330 | ReadSection() at any EFI_TPL above TPL_NOTIFY is
331 | undefined.
332 |
333 | @param This Indicates the EFI_FIRMWARE_VOLUME2_PROTOCOL instance.
334 |
335 | @param NameGuid Pointer to an EFI_GUID, which indicates the
336 | file name from which the requested section
337 | will be read.
338 |
339 | @param SectionType Indicates the section type to return.
340 | SectionType in conjunction with
341 | SectionInstance indicates which section to
342 | return.
343 |
344 | @param SectionInstance Indicates which instance of sections
345 | with a type of SectionType to return.
346 | SectionType in conjunction with
347 | SectionInstance indicates which
348 | section to return. SectionInstance is
349 | zero based.
350 |
351 | @param Buffer Pointer to a pointer to a buffer in which the
352 | section contents are returned, not including
353 | the section header.
354 |
355 | @param BufferSize Pointer to a caller-allocated UINTN. It
356 | indicates the size of the memory
357 | represented by Buffer.
358 |
359 | @param AuthenticationStatus Pointer to a caller-allocated
360 | UINT32 in which the authentication
361 | status is returned.
362 |
363 |
364 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS The call completed successfully.
365 |
366 | @retval EFI_WARN_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL The caller-allocated
367 | buffer is too small to
368 | contain the requested
369 | output. The buffer is
370 | filled and the output is
371 | truncated.
372 |
373 | @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES An allocation failure occurred.
374 |
375 | @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND The requested file was not found in
376 | the firmware volume. EFI_NOT_FOUND The
377 | requested section was not found in the
378 | specified file.
379 |
380 | @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR A hardware error occurred when
381 | attempting to access the firmware
382 | volume.
383 |
384 | @retval EFI_ACCESS_DENIED The firmware volume is configured to
385 | disallow reads. EFI_PROTOCOL_ERROR
386 | The requested section was not found,
387 | but the file could not be fully
388 | parsed because a required
390 | was not found. It is possible the
391 | requested section exists within the
392 | file and could be successfully
393 | extracted once the required
395 | is published.
396 |
397 | **/
398 | typedef
402 | IN CONST EFI_GUID *NameGuid,
403 | IN EFI_SECTION_TYPE SectionType,
404 | IN UINTN SectionInstance,
405 | IN OUT VOID **Buffer,
406 | IN OUT UINTN *BufferSize,
407 | OUT UINT32 *AuthenticationStatus
408 | );
409 |
410 | ///
411 | /// EFI_FV_WRITE_POLICY, two policies (unreliable write and reliable write) are defined.
412 | ///
413 | typedef UINT32 EFI_FV_WRITE_POLICY;
414 | #define EFI_FV_UNRELIABLE_WRITE 0x00000000
415 | #define EFI_FV_RELIABLE_WRITE 0x00000001
416 |
417 | //
419 | //
420 | typedef struct {
421 | ///
422 | /// Pointer to a GUID, which is the file name to be written.
423 | ///
424 | EFI_GUID *NameGuid;
425 | ///
426 | /// Indicates the type of file to be written.
427 | ///
429 | ///
430 | /// Indicates the attributes for the file to be written.
431 | ///
432 | EFI_FV_FILE_ATTRIBUTES FileAttributes;
433 | ///
434 | /// Pointer to a buffer containing the file to be written.
435 | ///
436 | VOID *Buffer;
437 | ///
438 | /// Indicates the size of the file image contained in Buffer.
439 | ///
440 | UINT32 BufferSize;
442 |
443 | /**
444 | Locates the requested section within a file and returns it in a buffer.
445 |
446 | WriteFile() is used to write one or more files to a firmware
447 | volume. Each file to be written is described by an
448 | EFI_FV_WRITE_FILE_DATA structure. The caller must ensure that
449 | any required alignment for all files listed in the FileData
450 | array is compatible with the firmware volume. Firmware volume
451 | capabilities can be determined using the GetVolumeAttributes()
452 | call. Similarly, if the WritePolicy is set to
453 | EFI_FV_RELIABLE_WRITE, the caller must check the firmware volume
454 | capabilities to ensure EFI_FV_RELIABLE_WRITE is supported by the
455 | firmware volume. EFI_FV_UNRELIABLE_WRITE must always be
456 | supported. Writing a file with a size of zero
457 | (FileData[n].BufferSize == 0) deletes the file from the firmware
458 | volume if it exists. Deleting a file must be done one at a time.
459 | Deleting a file as part of a multiple file write is not allowed.
460 | Platform Initialization Specification VOLUME 3 Shared
461 | Architectural Elements 84 August 21, 2006 Version 1.0
462 | WriteFile() is callable only from TPL_NOTIFY and below.
463 | Behavior of WriteFile() at any EFI_TPL above TPL_NOTIFY is
464 | undefined.
465 |
466 | @param This Indicates the EFI_FIRMWARE_VOLUME2_PROTOCOL instance.
467 |
468 | @param NumberOfFiles Indicates the number of elements in the array pointed to by FileData
469 |
470 | @param WritePolicy Indicates the level of reliability for the
471 | write in the event of a power failure or
472 | other system failure during the write
473 | operation.
474 |
475 | @param FileData Pointer to an array of
476 | EFI_FV_WRITE_FILE_DATA. Each element of
477 | FileData[] represents a file to be written.
478 |
479 |
480 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS The write completed successfully.
481 |
482 | @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES The firmware volume does not
483 | have enough free space to
484 | storefile(s).
485 |
486 | @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR A hardware error occurred when
487 | attempting to access the firmware volume.
488 |
489 | @retval EFI_WRITE_PROTECTED The firmware volume is
490 | configured to disallow writes.
491 |
492 | @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND A delete was requested, but the
493 | requested file was not found in the
494 | firmware volume.
495 |
496 | @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER A delete was requested with a
497 | multiple file write.
498 |
499 | @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER An unsupported WritePolicy was
500 | requested.
501 |
502 | @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER An unknown file type was
503 | specified.
504 |
505 | @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER A file system specific error
506 | has occurred.
507 |
508 | **/
509 | typedef
513 | IN UINT32 NumberOfFiles,
514 | IN EFI_FV_WRITE_POLICY WritePolicy,
516 | );
517 |
518 | /**
519 | Retrieves information about the next file in the firmware volume store
520 | that matches the search criteria.
521 |
522 | GetNextFile() is the interface that is used to search a firmware
523 | volume for a particular file. It is called successively until
524 | the desired file is located or the function returns
525 | EFI_NOT_FOUND. To filter uninteresting files from the output,
526 | the type of file to search for may be specified in FileType. For
527 | example, if *FileType is EFI_FV_FILETYPE_DRIVER, only files of
528 | this type will be returned in the output. If *FileType is
529 | EFI_FV_FILETYPE_ALL, no filtering of file types is done. The Key
530 | parameter is used to indicate a starting point of the search. If
531 | the buffer *Key is completely initialized to zero, the search
532 | re-initialized and starts at the beginning. Subsequent calls to
533 | GetNextFile() must maintain the value of *Key returned by the
534 | immediately previous call. The actual contents of *Key are
535 | implementation specific and no semantic content is implied.
536 | GetNextFile() is callable only from TPL_NOTIFY and below.
537 | Behavior of GetNextFile() at any EFI_TPL above TPL_NOTIFY is
538 | undefined.
539 |
540 | @param This Indicates the EFI_FIRMWARE_VOLUME2_PROTOCOL instance.
541 |
542 | @param Key Pointer to a caller-allocated buffer that contains implementation-specific data that is
543 | used to track where to begin the search for the next file. The size of the buffer must be
544 | at least This->KeySize bytes long. To re-initialize the search and begin from the
545 | beginning of the firmware volume, the entire buffer must be cleared to zero. Other
546 | than clearing the buffer to initiate a new search, the caller must not modify the data in
547 | the buffer between calls to GetNextFile().
548 |
549 | @param FileType Pointer to a caller-allocated
550 | EFI_FV_FILETYPE. The GetNextFile() API can
551 | filter its search for files based on the
552 | value of the FileType input. A *FileType
553 | input of EFI_FV_FILETYPE_ALL causes
554 | GetNextFile() to search for files of all
555 | types. If a file is found, the file's type
556 | is returned in FileType. *FileType is not
557 | modified if no file is found.
558 |
559 | @param NameGuid Pointer to a caller-allocated EFI_GUID. If a
560 | matching file is found, the file's name is
561 | returned in NameGuid. If no matching file is
562 | found, *NameGuid is not modified.
563 |
564 | @param Attributes Pointer to a caller-allocated
565 | EFI_FV_FILE_ATTRIBUTES. If a matching file
566 | is found, the file's attributes are returned
567 | in Attributes. If no matching file is found,
568 | Attributes is not modified. Type
569 | EFI_FV_FILE_ATTRIBUTES is defined in
570 | ReadFile().
571 |
572 | @param Size Pointer to a caller-allocated UINTN. If a
573 | matching file is found, the file's size is
574 | returned in *Size. If no matching file is found,
575 | Size is not modified.
576 |
577 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS The output parameters are filled with data
578 | obtained from the first matching file that
579 | was found.
580 |
581 | @retval FI_NOT_FOUND No files of type FileType were found.
582 |
583 |
584 | @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR A hardware error occurred when
585 | attempting to access the firmware
586 | volume.
587 |
588 | @retval EFI_ACCESS_DENIED The firmware volume is configured to
589 | disallow reads.
590 |
591 |
592 | **/
593 | typedef
597 | IN OUT VOID *Key,
599 | OUT EFI_GUID *NameGuid,
601 | OUT UINTN *Size
602 | );
603 |
604 | /**
605 | Return information about a firmware volume.
606 |
607 | The GetInfo() function returns information of type
608 | InformationType for the requested firmware volume. If the volume
609 | does not support the requested information type, then
610 | EFI_UNSUPPORTED is returned. If the buffer is not large enough
611 | to hold the requested structure, EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL is
612 | returned and the BufferSize is set to the size of buffer that is
613 | required to make the request. The information types defined by
614 | this specification are required information types that all file
615 | systems must support.
616 |
617 | @param This A pointer to the EFI_FIRMWARE_VOLUME2_PROTOCOL
618 | instance that is the file handle the requested
619 | information is for.
620 |
621 | @param InformationType The type identifier for the
622 | information being requested.
623 |
624 | @param BufferSize On input, the size of Buffer. On output,
625 | the amount of data returned in Buffer. In
626 | both cases, the size is measured in bytes.
627 |
628 | @param Buffer A pointer to the data buffer to return. The
629 | buffer's type is indicated by InformationType.
630 |
631 |
632 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS The information was retrieved.
633 |
634 | @retval EFI_UNSUPPORTED The InformationType is not known.
635 |
636 | @retval EFI_NO_MEDIA The device has no medium.
637 |
638 | @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR The device reported an error.
639 |
640 | @retval EFI_VOLUME_CORRUPTED The file system structures are
641 | corrupted.
642 |
643 | @retval EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL The BufferSize is too small to
644 | read the current directory
645 | entry. BufferSize has been
646 | updated with the size needed to
647 | complete the request.
648 |
649 |
650 | **/
651 | typedef
655 | IN CONST EFI_GUID *InformationType,
656 | IN OUT UINTN *BufferSize,
657 | OUT VOID *Buffer
658 | );
659 |
660 | /**
661 | Sets information about a firmware volume.
662 |
663 | The SetInfo() function sets information of type InformationType
664 | on the requested firmware volume.
665 |
666 |
667 | @param This A pointer to the EFI_FIRMWARE_VOLUME2_PROTOCOL
668 | instance that is the file handle the information
669 | is for.
670 |
671 | @param InformationType The type identifier for the
672 | information being set.
673 |
674 | @param BufferSize The size, in bytes, of Buffer.
675 |
676 | @param Buffer A pointer to the data buffer to write. The
677 | buffer's type is indicated by InformationType.
678 |
679 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS The information was set.
680 |
681 | @retval EFI_UNSUPPORTED The InformationType is not known.
682 |
683 | @retval EFI_NO_MEDIA The device has no medium.
684 |
685 | @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR The device reported an error.
686 |
687 | @retval EFI_VOLUME_CORRUPTED The file system structures are
688 | corrupted.
689 |
690 |
691 | @retval EFI_WRITE_PROTECTED The media is read only.
692 |
693 | @retval EFI_VOLUME_FULL The volume is full.
694 |
695 | @retval EFI_BAD_BUFFER_SIZE BufferSize is smaller than the
696 | size of the type indicated by
697 | InformationType.
698 |
699 | **/
700 | typedef
704 | IN CONST EFI_GUID *InformationType,
705 | IN UINTN BufferSize,
706 | IN CONST VOID *Buffer
707 | );
708 |
709 | ///
710 | /// The Firmware Volume Protocol contains the file-level
711 | /// abstraction to the firmware volume as well as some firmware
712 | /// volume attribute reporting and configuration services. The
713 | /// Firmware Volume Protocol is the interface used by all parts of
714 | /// DXE that are not directly involved with managing the firmware
715 | /// volume itself. This abstraction allows many varied types of
716 | /// firmware volume implementations. A firmware volume may be a
717 | /// flash device or it may be a file in the UEFI system partition,
718 | /// for example. This level of firmware volume implementation
719 | /// detail is not visible to the consumers of the Firmware Volume
720 | /// Protocol.
721 | ///
723 | EFI_FV_GET_ATTRIBUTES GetVolumeAttributes;
724 | EFI_FV_SET_ATTRIBUTES SetVolumeAttributes;
725 | EFI_FV_READ_FILE ReadFile;
726 | EFI_FV_READ_SECTION ReadSection;
727 | EFI_FV_WRITE_FILE WriteFile;
728 | EFI_FV_GET_NEXT_FILE GetNextFile;
729 |
730 | ///
731 | /// Data field that indicates the size in bytes
732 | /// of the Key input buffer for the
733 | /// GetNextFile() API.
734 | ///
735 | UINT32 KeySize;
736 |
737 | ///
738 | /// Handle of the parent firmware volume.
739 | ///
740 | EFI_HANDLE ParentHandle;
741 | EFI_FV_GET_INFO GetInfo;
742 | EFI_FV_SET_INFO SetInfo;
743 | };
744 |
745 | extern EFI_GUID gEfiFirmwareVolume2ProtocolGuid;
746 |
747 | #endif