1 | /** @file
2 | If a GUID-defined section is encountered when doing section
3 | extraction, the section extraction driver calls the appropriate
4 | instance of the GUIDed Section Extraction Protocol to extract
5 | the section stream contained therein.
6 |
7 | Copyright (c) 2006 - 2018, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
8 | SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
9 |
10 | @par Revision Reference: PI
11 | Version 1.00.
12 |
13 | **/
14 |
17 |
18 | //
19 | // The protocol interface structures are identified by associating
20 | // them with a GUID. Each instance of a protocol with a given
21 | // GUID must have the same interface structure. While all instances
22 | // of the GUIDed Section Extraction Protocol must have the same
23 | // interface structure, they do not all have the same GUID. The
24 | // GUID that is associated with an instance of the GUIDed Section
25 | // Extraction Protocol is used to correlate it with the GUIDed
26 | // section type that it is intended to process.
27 | //
28 |
30 |
31 | /**
32 | The ExtractSection() function processes the input section and
33 | allocates a buffer from the pool in which it returns the section
34 | contents. If the section being extracted contains
35 | authentication information (the section's
36 | GuidedSectionHeader.Attributes field has the
37 | EFI_GUIDED_SECTION_AUTH_STATUS_VALID bit set), the values
38 | returned in AuthenticationStatus must reflect the results of
39 | the authentication operation. Depending on the algorithm and
40 | size of the encapsulated data, the time that is required to do
41 | a full authentication may be prohibitively long for some
42 | classes of systems. To indicate this, use
43 | EFI_SECURITY_POLICY_PROTOCOL_GUID, which may be published by
44 | the security policy driver (see the Platform Initialization
45 | Driver Execution Environment Core Interface Specification for
46 | more details and the GUID definition). If the
47 | EFI_SECURITY_POLICY_PROTOCOL_GUID exists in the handle
48 | database, then, if possible, full authentication should be
49 | skipped and the section contents simply returned in the
50 | OutputBuffer. In this case, the
51 | EFI_AUTH_STATUS_PLATFORM_OVERRIDE bit AuthenticationStatus
52 | must be set on return. ExtractSection() is callable only from
53 | TPL_NOTIFY and below. Behavior of ExtractSection() at any
54 | EFI_TPL above TPL_NOTIFY is undefined. Type EFI_TPL is
55 | defined in RaiseTPL() in the UEFI 2.0 specification.
56 |
57 |
58 | @param This Indicates the EFI_GUIDED_SECTION_EXTRACTION_PROTOCOL instance.
59 |
60 | @param InputSection Buffer containing the input GUIDed section
61 | to be processed. OutputBuffer OutputBuffer
62 | is allocated from boot services pool
63 | memory and contains the new section
64 | stream. The caller is responsible for
65 | freeing this buffer.
66 |
67 | @param OutputSize A pointer to a caller-allocated UINTN in
68 | which the size of OutputBuffer allocation
69 | is stored. If the function returns
70 | anything other than EFI_SUCCESS, the value
71 | of OutputSize is undefined.
72 |
73 | @param AuthenticationStatus A pointer to a caller-allocated
74 | UINT32 that indicates the
75 | authentication status of the
76 | output buffer. If the input
77 | section's
78 | GuidedSectionHeader.Attributes
79 | field has the
81 | bit as clear, AuthenticationStatus
82 | must return zero. Both local bits
83 | (19:16) and aggregate bits (3:0)
84 | in AuthenticationStatus are
85 | returned by ExtractSection().
86 | These bits reflect the status of
87 | the extraction operation. The bit
88 | pattern in both regions must be
89 | the same, as the local and
90 | aggregate authentication statuses
91 | have equivalent meaning at this
92 | level. If the function returns
93 | anything other than EFI_SUCCESS,
94 | the value of AuthenticationStatus
95 | is undefined.
96 |
97 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS The InputSection was successfully
98 | processed and the section contents were
99 | returned.
100 |
101 | @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES The system has insufficient
102 | resources to process the
103 | request.
104 |
105 | @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER The GUID in InputSection does
106 | not match this instance of the
107 | GUIDed Section Extraction
108 | Protocol.
109 |
110 | **/
111 | typedef
115 | IN CONST VOID *InputSection,
116 | OUT VOID **OutputBuffer,
117 | OUT UINTN *OutputSize,
118 | OUT UINT32 *AuthenticationStatus
119 | );
120 |
121 | ///
122 | /// Typically, protocol interface structures are identified by associating them with a GUID. Each
123 | /// instance of a protocol with a given GUID must have the same interface structure. While all instances
124 | /// of the GUIDed Section Extraction Protocol must have the same interface structure, they do not all
125 | /// have the same GUID. The GUID that is associated with an instance of the GUIDed Section
126 | /// Extraction Protocol is used to correlate it with the GUIDed section type that it is intended to process.
127 | ///
130 | };
131 |
132 | #endif