1 | /** @file
2 | EFI IPSEC Protocol Definition
3 | The EFI_IPSEC_PROTOCOL is used to abstract the ability to deal with the individual
4 | packets sent and received by the host and provide packet-level security for IP
5 | datagram.
6 | The EFI_IPSEC2_PROTOCOL is used to abstract the ability to deal with the individual
7 | packets sent and received by the host and provide packet-level security for IP
8 | datagram. In addition, it supports the Option (extension header) processing in
9 | IPsec which doesn't support in EFI_IPSEC_PROTOCOL. It is also recommended to
10 | use EFI_IPSEC2_PROTOCOL instead of EFI_IPSEC_PROTOCOL especially for IPsec Tunnel
11 | Mode.
12 |
13 | Copyright (c) 2009 - 2018, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
14 | SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
15 |
16 | @par Revision Reference:
17 | The EFI_IPSEC2_PROTOCOL is introduced in UEFI Specification 2.3D.
18 |
19 | **/
20 |
21 | #ifndef __EFI_IPSEC_PROTOCOL_H__
22 | #define __EFI_IPSEC_PROTOCOL_H__
23 |
24 | #include <Protocol/IpSecConfig.h>
25 |
27 | { \
28 | 0xdfb386f7, 0xe100, 0x43ad, {0x9c, 0x9a, 0xed, 0x90, 0xd0, 0x8a, 0x5e, 0x12 } \
29 | }
30 |
32 | { \
33 | 0xa3979e64, 0xace8, 0x4ddc, {0xbc, 0x7, 0x4d, 0x66, 0xb8, 0xfd, 0x9, 0x77 } \
34 | }
35 |
38 |
39 | ///
41 | /// defines the instances of packet fragments.
42 | ///
43 | typedef struct _EFI_IPSEC_FRAGMENT_DATA {
44 | UINT32 FragmentLength;
45 | VOID *FragmentBuffer;
47 |
48 | /**
49 | Handles IPsec packet processing for inbound and outbound IP packets.
50 |
51 | The EFI_IPSEC_PROCESS process routine handles each inbound or outbound packet.
52 | The behavior is that it can perform one of the following actions:
53 | bypass the packet, discard the packet, or protect the packet.
54 |
55 | @param[in] This Pointer to the EFI_IPSEC_PROTOCOL instance.
56 | @param[in] NicHandle Instance of the network interface.
57 | @param[in] IpVer IPV4 or IPV6.
58 | @param[in, out] IpHead Pointer to the IP Header.
59 | @param[in] LastHead The protocol of the next layer to be processed by IPsec.
60 | @param[in] OptionsBuffer Pointer to the options buffer.
61 | @param[in] OptionsLength Length of the options buffer.
62 | @param[in, out] FragmentTable Pointer to a list of fragments.
63 | @param[in] FragmentCount Number of fragments.
64 | @param[in] TrafficDirection Traffic direction.
65 | @param[out] RecycleSignal Event for recycling of resources.
66 |
67 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS The packet was bypassed and all buffers remain the same.
68 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS The packet was protected.
69 | @retval EFI_ACCESS_DENIED The packet was discarded.
70 |
71 | **/
72 | typedef
76 | IN EFI_HANDLE NicHandle,
77 | IN UINT8 IpVer,
78 | IN OUT VOID *IpHead,
79 | IN UINT8 *LastHead,
80 | IN VOID *OptionsBuffer,
81 | IN UINT32 OptionsLength,
83 | IN UINT32 *FragmentCount,
84 | IN EFI_IPSEC_TRAFFIC_DIR TrafficDirection,
85 | OUT EFI_EVENT *RecycleSignal
86 | );
87 |
88 | ///
90 | /// provides the ability for securing IP communications by authenticating
91 | /// and/or encrypting each IP packet in a data stream.
92 | // EFI_IPSEC_PROTOCOL can be consumed by both the IPv4 and IPv6 stack.
93 | // A user can employ this protocol for IPsec package handling in both IPv4
94 | // and IPv6 environment.
95 | ///
96 | struct _EFI_IPSEC_PROTOCOL {
97 | EFI_IPSEC_PROCESS Process; ///< Handle the IPsec message.
98 | EFI_EVENT DisabledEvent; ///< Event signaled when the interface is disabled.
99 | BOOLEAN DisabledFlag; ///< State of the interface.
100 | };
101 |
102 | /**
103 | Handles IPsec processing for both inbound and outbound IP packets. Compare with
104 | Process() in EFI_IPSEC_PROTOCOL, this interface has the capability to process
105 | Option(Extension Header).
106 |
107 | The EFI_IPSEC2_PROCESS process routine handles each inbound or outbound packet.
108 | The behavior is that it can perform one of the following actions:
109 | bypass the packet, discard the packet, or protect the packet.
110 |
111 | @param[in] This Pointer to the EFI_IPSEC2_PROTOCOL instance.
112 | @param[in] NicHandle Instance of the network interface.
113 | @param[in] IpVer IP version.IPv4 or IPv6.
114 | @param[in, out] IpHead Pointer to the IP Header it is either
116 | On input, it contains the IP header.
117 | On output, 1) in tunnel mode and the
118 | traffic direction is inbound, the buffer
119 | will be reset to zero by IPsec; 2) in
120 | tunnel mode and the traffic direction
121 | is outbound, the buffer will reset to
122 | be the tunnel IP header.3) in transport
123 | mode, the related fielders (like payload
124 | length, Next header) in IP header will
125 | be modified according to the condition.
126 | @param[in, out] LastHead For IP4, it is the next protocol in IP
127 | header. For IP6 it is the Next Header
128 | of the last extension header.
129 | @param[in, out] OptionsBuffer On input, it contains the options
130 | (extensions header) to be processed by
131 | IPsec. On output, 1) in tunnel mode and
132 | the traffic direction is outbound, it
133 | will be set to NULL, and that means this
134 | contents was wrapped after inner header
135 | and should not be concatenated after
136 | tunnel header again; 2) in transport
137 | mode and the traffic direction is inbound,
138 | if there are IP options (extension headers)
139 | protected by IPsec, IPsec will concatenate
140 | the those options after the input options
141 | (extension headers); 3) on other situations,
142 | the output of contents of OptionsBuffer
143 | might be same with input's. The caller
144 | should take the responsibility to free
145 | the buffer both on input and on output.
146 | @param[in, out] OptionsLength On input, the input length of the options
147 | buffer. On output, the output length of
148 | the options buffer.
149 | @param[in, out] FragmentTable Pointer to a list of fragments. On input,
150 | these fragments contain the IP payload.
151 | On output, 1) in tunnel mode and the traffic
152 | direction is inbound, the fragments contain
153 | the whole IP payload which is from the
154 | IP inner header to the last byte of the
155 | packet; 2) in tunnel mode and the traffic
156 | direction is the outbound, the fragments
157 | contains the whole encapsulated payload
158 | which encapsulates the whole IP payload
159 | between the encapsulated header and
160 | encapsulated trailer fields. 3) in transport
161 | mode and the traffic direction is inbound,
162 | the fragments contains the IP payload
163 | which is from the next layer protocol to
164 | the last byte of the packet; 4) in transport
165 | mode and the traffic direction is outbound,
166 | the fragments contains the whole encapsulated
167 | payload which encapsulates the next layer
168 | protocol information between the encapsulated
169 | header and encapsulated trailer fields.
170 | @param[in, out] FragmentCount Number of fragments.
171 | @param[in] TrafficDirection Traffic direction.
172 | @param[out] RecycleSignal Event for recycling of resources.
173 |
174 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS The packet was processed by IPsec successfully.
175 | @retval EFI_ACCESS_DENIED The packet was discarded.
176 | @retval EFI_NOT_READY The IKE negotiation is invoked and the packet
177 | was discarded.
178 | @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER One or more of following are TRUE:
179 | If OptionsBuffer is NULL;
180 | If OptionsLength is NULL;
181 | If FragmentTable is NULL;
182 | If FragmentCount is NULL.
183 |
184 | **/
185 | typedef
189 | IN EFI_HANDLE NicHandle,
190 | IN UINT8 IpVer,
191 | IN OUT VOID *IpHead,
192 | IN OUT UINT8 *LastHead,
193 | IN OUT VOID **OptionsBuffer,
194 | IN OUT UINT32 *OptionsLength,
196 | IN OUT UINT32 *FragmentCount,
197 | IN EFI_IPSEC_TRAFFIC_DIR TrafficDirection,
198 | OUT EFI_EVENT *RecycleSignal
199 | );
200 |
201 | ///
203 | /// supports the Option (extension header) processing in IPsec which doesn't support
204 | /// in EFI_IPSEC_PROTOCOL. It is also recommended to use EFI_IPSEC2_PROTOCOL instead
205 | /// of EFI_IPSEC_PROTOCOL especially for IPsec Tunnel Mode.
206 | /// provides the ability for securing IP communications by authenticating and/or
207 | /// encrypting each IP packet in a data stream.
208 | ///
209 | struct _EFI_IPSEC2_PROTOCOL {
211 | EFI_EVENT DisabledEvent;
212 | BOOLEAN DisabledFlag;
213 | };
214 |
215 | extern EFI_GUID gEfiIpSecProtocolGuid;
216 | extern EFI_GUID gEfiIpSec2ProtocolGuid;
217 | #endif