1 | /** @file
2 | UEFI Platform to Driver Configuration Protocol is defined in UEFI specification.
3 |
4 | This is a protocol that is optionally produced by the platform and optionally consumed
5 | by a UEFI Driver in its Start() function. This protocol allows the driver to receive
6 | configuration information as part of being started.
7 |
8 | Copyright (c) 2006 - 2018, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
9 | SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
10 |
11 | **/
12 |
15 |
17 | { 0x642cd590, 0x8059, 0x4c0a, { 0xa9, 0x58, 0xc5, 0xec, 0x7, 0xd2, 0x3c, 0x4b } }
18 |
20 |
21 | /**
22 | The UEFI driver must call Query early in the Start() function
23 | before any time consuming operations are performed. If
24 | ChildHandle is NULL the driver is requesting information from
25 | the platform about the ControllerHandle that is being started.
26 | Information returned from Query may lead to the drivers Start()
27 | function failing.
28 | If the UEFI driver is a bus driver and producing a ChildHandle,
29 | the driver must call Query after the child handle has been created
30 | and an EFI_DEVICE_PATH_PROTOCOL has been placed on that handle,
31 | but before any time consuming operation is performed. If information
32 | return by Query may lead the driver to decide to not create the
33 | ChildHandle. The driver must then cleanup and remove the ChildHandle
34 | from the system.
35 | The UEFI driver repeatedly calls Query, processes the information
36 | returned by the platform, and calls Response passing in the
37 | arguments returned from Query. The Instance value passed into
38 | Response must be the same value passed into the corresponding
39 | call to Query. The UEFI driver must continuously call Query and
40 | Response until EFI_NOT_FOUND is returned by Query.
41 | If the UEFI driver does not recognize the ParameterTypeGuid, it
42 | calls Response with a ConfigurationAction of
43 | EfiPlatformConfigurationActionUnsupportedGuid. The UEFI driver
44 | must then continue calling Query and Response until EFI_NOT_FOUND
45 | is returned by Query. This gives the platform an opportunity to
46 | pass additional configuration settings using a different
47 | ParameterTypeGuid that may be supported by the driver.
48 | An Instance value of zero means return the first ParameterBlock
49 | in the set of unprocessed parameter blocks. The driver should
50 | increment the Instance value by one for each successive call to Query.
51 |
52 | @param This A pointer to the EFI_PLATFORM_TO_DRIVER_CONFIGURATION_PROTOCOL instance.
53 |
54 | @param ControllerHandle The handle the platform will return
55 | configuration information about.
56 |
57 | @param ChildHandle The handle of the child controller to
58 | return information on. This is an optional
59 | parameter that may be NULL. It will be
60 | NULL for device drivers and for bus
61 | drivers that attempt to get options for
62 | the bus controller. It will not be NULL
63 | for a bus driver that attempts to get
64 | options for one of its child controllers.
65 |
66 |
67 | @param Instance Pointer to the Instance value. Zero means
68 | return the first query data. The caller should
69 | increment this value by one each time to retrieve
70 | successive data.
71 |
72 | @param ParameterTypeGuid An EFI_GUID that defines the contents
73 | of ParameterBlock. UEFI drivers must
74 | use the ParameterTypeGuid to determine
75 | how to parse the ParameterBlock. The caller
76 | should not attempt to free ParameterTypeGuid.
77 |
78 | @param ParameterBlock The platform returns a pointer to the
79 | ParameterBlock structure which
80 | contains details about the
81 | configuration parameters specific to
82 | the ParameterTypeGuid. This structure
83 | is defined based on the protocol and
84 | may be different for different
85 | protocols. UEFI driver decodes this
86 | structure and its contents based on
87 | ParameterTypeGuid. ParameterBlock is
88 | allocated by the platform and the
89 | platform is responsible for freeing
90 | the ParameterBlock after Result is
91 | called.
92 |
93 | @param ParameterBlockSize The platform returns the size of
94 | the ParameterBlock in bytes.
95 |
96 |
97 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS The platform return parameter
98 | information for ControllerHandle.
99 |
100 | @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND No more unread Instance exists.
101 |
102 | @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER ControllerHandle is NULL.
103 |
104 | @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER Instance is NULL.
105 |
106 | @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR A device error occurred while
107 | attempting to return parameter block
108 | information for the controller
109 | specified by ControllerHandle and
110 | ChildHandle.
111 |
112 | @retval EFI_OUT_RESOURCES There are not enough resources
113 | available to set the configuration
114 | options for the controller specified
115 | by ControllerHandle and ChildHandle.
116 |
117 |
118 | **/
119 | typedef
123 | IN CONST EFI_HANDLE ControllerHandle,
125 | IN CONST UINTN *Instance,
126 | OUT EFI_GUID **ParameterTypeGuid,
127 | OUT VOID **ParameterBlock,
128 | OUT UINTN *ParameterBlockSize
129 | );
130 |
131 | typedef enum {
132 | ///
133 | /// The controller specified by ControllerHandle is still
134 | /// in a usable state, and its configuration has been updated
135 | /// via parsing the ParameterBlock. If required by the
136 | /// parameter block, and the module supports an NVRAM store,
137 | /// the configuration information from PB was successfully
138 | /// saved to the NVRAM. No actions are required before
139 | /// this controller can be used again with the updated
140 | /// configuration settings.
141 | ///
142 | EfiPlatformConfigurationActionNone = 0,
143 |
144 | ///
145 | /// The driver has detected that the controller specified
146 | /// by ControllerHandle is not in a usable state and
147 | /// needs to be stopped. The calling agent can use the
148 | /// DisconnectControservice to perform this operation, and
149 | /// it should be performed as soon as possible.
150 | ///
151 | EfiPlatformConfigurationActionStopController = 1,
152 |
153 | ///
154 | /// This controller specified by ControllerHandle needs to
155 | /// be stopped and restarted before it can be used again.
156 | /// The calling agent can use the DisconnectController()
157 | /// and ConnectController() services to perform this
158 | /// operation. The restart operation can be delayed until
159 | /// all of the configuration options have been set.
160 | ///
161 | EfiPlatformConfigurationActionRestartController = 2,
162 |
163 | ///
164 | /// A configuration change has been made that requires the
165 | /// platform to be restarted before the controller
166 | /// specified by ControllerHandle can be used again. The
167 | /// calling agent can use the ResetSystem() services to
168 | /// perform this operation. The restart operation can be
169 | /// delayed until all of the configuration options have
170 | /// been set.
171 | ///
172 | EfiPlatformConfigurationActionRestartPlatform = 3,
173 |
174 | ///
175 | /// The controller specified by ControllerHandle is still
176 | /// in a usable state; its configuration has been updated
177 | /// via parsing the ParameterBlock. The driver tried to
178 | /// update the driver's private NVRAM store with
179 | /// information from ParameterBlock and failed. No actions
180 | /// are required before this controller can be used again
181 | /// with the updated configuration settings, but these
182 | /// configuration settings are not guaranteed to persist
183 | /// after ControllerHandle is stopped.
184 | ///
185 | EfiPlatformConfigurationActionNvramFailed = 4,
186 |
187 | ///
188 | /// The controller specified by ControllerHandle is still
189 | /// in a usable state; its configuration has not been updated
190 | /// via parsing the ParameterBlock. The driver did not support
191 | /// the ParameterBlock format identified by ParameterTypeGuid.
192 | /// No actions are required before this controller can be used
193 | /// again. On additional Query calls from this ControllerHandle,
194 | /// the platform should stop returning a ParameterBlock
195 | /// qualified by this same ParameterTypeGuid. If no other
196 | /// ParameterTypeGuid is supported by the platform, Query
197 | /// should return EFI_NOT_FOUND.
198 | ///
199 | EfiPlatformConfigurationActionUnsupportedGuid = 5,
200 | EfiPlatformConfigurationActionMaximum
202 |
203 | /**
204 | The UEFI driver repeatedly calls Query, processes the
205 | information returned by the platform, and calls Response passing
206 | in the arguments returned from Query. The UEFI driver must
207 | continuously call Query until EFI_NOT_FOUND is returned. For
208 | every call to Query that returns EFI_SUCCESS a corrisponding
209 | call to Response is required passing in the same
210 | ContollerHandle, ChildHandle, Instance, ParameterTypeGuid,
211 | ParameterBlock, and ParameterBlockSize. The UEFI driver may
212 | update values in ParameterBlock based on rules defined by
213 | ParameterTypeGuid. The platform is responsible for freeing
214 | ParameterBlock and the UEFI driver must not try to free it.
215 |
216 | @param This A pointer to the EFI_PLATFORM_TO_DRIVER_CONFIGURATION_PROTOCOL instance.
217 |
218 | @param ControllerHandle The handle the driver is returning
219 | configuration information about.
220 |
221 | @param ChildHandle The handle of the child controller to
222 | return information on. This is an optional
223 | parameter that may be NULL. It will be
224 | NULL for device drivers, and for bus
225 | drivers that attempt to get options for
226 | the bus controller. It will not be NULL
227 | for a bus driver that attempts to get
228 | options for one of its child controllers.
229 | Instance Instance data returned from
230 | Query().
231 |
232 | @param Instance Instance data passed to Query().
233 |
234 | @param ParameterTypeGuid ParameterTypeGuid returned from Query.
235 |
236 | @param ParameterBlock ParameterBlock returned from Query.
237 |
238 | @param ParameterBlockSize The ParameterBlock size returned from Query.
239 |
240 | @param ConfigurationAction The driver tells the platform what
241 | action is required for ParameterBlock to
242 | take effect.
243 |
244 |
245 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS The platform return parameter information
246 | for ControllerHandle.
247 |
248 | @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND Instance was not found.
249 |
250 | @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER ControllerHandle is NULL.
251 |
252 | @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER Instance is zero.
253 |
254 | **/
255 | typedef
259 | IN CONST EFI_HANDLE ControllerHandle,
261 | IN CONST UINTN *Instance,
262 | IN CONST EFI_GUID *ParameterTypeGuid,
263 | IN CONST VOID *ParameterBlock,
264 | IN CONST UINTN ParameterBlockSize,
266 | );
267 |
268 | ///
270 | /// UEFI driver to query the platform for configuration information.
271 | /// The UEFI driver calls Query() multiple times to get
272 | /// configuration information from the platform. For every call to
273 | /// Query() there must be a matching call to Response() so the
274 | /// UEFI driver can inform the platform how it used the
275 | /// information passed in from Query(). It's legal for a UEFI
276 | /// driver to use Response() to inform the platform it does not
277 | /// understand the data returned via Query() and thus no action was
278 | /// taken.
279 | ///
283 | };
284 |
286 | {0x345ecc0e, 0xcb6, 0x4b75, { 0xbb, 0x57, 0x1b, 0x12, 0x9c, 0x47, 0x33,0x3e } }
287 |
288 | /**
289 |
290 | ParameterTypeGuid provides the support for parameters
291 | communicated through the DMTF SM CLP Specification 1.0 Final
292 | Standard to be used to configure the UEFI driver. In this
293 | section the producer of the
295 | firmware and the consumer is the UEFI driver. Note: if future
296 | versions of the DMTF SM CLP Specification require changes to the
297 | parameter block definition, a newer ParameterTypeGuid will be
298 | used.
299 | **/
300 | typedef struct {
301 | CHAR8 *CLPCommand; ///< A pointer to the null-terminated UTF-8 string that specifies the DMTF SM CLP command
302 | ///< line that the driver is required to parse and process when this function is called.
303 | ///< See the DMTF SM CLP Specification 1.0 Final Standard for details on the
304 | ///< format and syntax of the CLP command line string. CLPCommand buffer
305 | ///< is allocated by the producer of the EFI_PLATFORM_TO_DRIVER_CONFIGURATION_PROTOOL.
306 | UINT32 CLPCommandLength; ///< The length of the CLP Command in bytes.
307 | CHAR8 *CLPReturnString; ///< A pointer to the null-terminated UTF-8 string that indicates the CLP return status
308 | ///< that the driver is required to provide to the calling agent.
309 | ///< The calling agent may parse and/ or pass
310 | ///< this for processing and user feedback. The SM CLP Command Response string
311 | ///< buffer is filled in by the UEFI driver in the "keyword=value" format
312 | ///< described in the SM CLP Specification, unless otherwise requested via the SM
313 | ///< CLP Coutput option in the Command Line string buffer. UEFI driver's support
314 | ///< for this default "keyword=value" output format is required if the UEFI
315 | ///< driver supports this protocol, while support for other SM CLP output
316 | ///< formats is optional (the UEFI Driver should return an EFI_UNSUPPORTED if
317 | ///< the SM CLP Coutput option requested by the caller is not supported by the
318 | ///< UEFI Driver). CLPReturnString buffer is allocated by the consumer of the
319 | ///< EFI_PLATFORM_TO_DRIVER_CONFIGURATION_PROTOC OL and undefined prior to the call to
320 | ///< Response().
321 | UINT32 CLPReturnStringLength; ///< The length of the CLP return status string in bytes.
322 | UINT8 CLPCmdStatus; ///< SM CLP Command Status (see DMTF SM CLP Specification 1.0 Final Standard -
323 | ///< Table 4) CLPErrorValue SM CLP Processing Error Value (see DMTF SM
324 | ///< CLP Specification 1.0 Final Standard - Table 6). This field is filled in by
326 | ///< OL and undefined prior to the call to Response().
327 | UINT8 CLPErrorValue; ///< SM CLP Processing Error Value (see DMTF SM CLP Specification 1.0 Final Standard - Table 6).
328 | ///< This field is filled in by the consumer of the EFI_PLATFORM_TO_DRIVER_CONFIGURATION_PROTOCOL and undefined prior to the call to Response().
329 | UINT16 CLPMsgCode; ///< Bit 15: OEM Message Code Flag 0 = Message Code is an SM CLP Probable
330 | ///< Cause Value. (see SM CLP Specification Table 11) 1 = Message Code is OEM
331 | ///< Specific Bits 14-0: Message Code This field is filled in by the consumer of
332 | ///< the EFI_PLATFORM_TO_DRIVER_CONFIGURATION_PROTOC OL and undefined prior to the call to
333 | ///< Response().
335 |
336 | extern EFI_GUID gEfiPlatformToDriverConfigurationClpGuid;
337 |
338 | extern EFI_GUID gEfiPlatformToDriverConfigurationProtocolGuid;
339 |
340 | #endif