1 | /** @file
2 | Security Architectural Protocol as defined in PI Specification VOLUME 2 DXE
3 |
4 | Used to provide Security services. Specifically, dependening upon the
5 | authentication state of a discovered driver in a Firmware Volume, the
6 | portable DXE Core Dispatcher will call into the Security Architectural
7 | Protocol (SAP) with the authentication state of the driver.
8 |
9 | This call-out allows for OEM-specific policy decisions to be made, such
10 | as event logging for attested boots, locking flash in response to discovering
11 | an unsigned driver or failed signature check, or other exception response.
12 |
13 | The SAP can also change system behavior by having the DXE core put a driver
14 | in the Schedule-On-Request (SOR) state. This will allow for later disposition
15 | of the driver by platform agent, such as Platform BDS.
16 |
17 | Copyright (c) 2006 - 2018, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
18 | SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
19 |
20 | **/
21 |
24 |
25 | ///
26 | /// Global ID for the Security Code Architectural Protocol
27 | ///
29 | { 0xA46423E3, 0x4617, 0x49f1, {0xB9, 0xFF, 0xD1, 0xBF, 0xA9, 0x11, 0x58, 0x39 } }
30 |
32 |
33 | /**
34 | The EFI_SECURITY_ARCH_PROTOCOL (SAP) is used to abstract platform-specific
35 | policy from the DXE core response to an attempt to use a file that returns a
36 | given status for the authentication check from the section extraction protocol.
37 |
38 | The possible responses in a given SAP implementation may include locking
39 | flash upon failure to authenticate, attestation logging for all signed drivers,
40 | and other exception operations. The File parameter allows for possible logging
41 | within the SAP of the driver.
42 |
43 | If File is NULL, then EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER is returned.
44 |
45 | If the file specified by File with an authentication status specified by
46 | AuthenticationStatus is safe for the DXE Core to use, then EFI_SUCCESS is returned.
47 |
48 | If the file specified by File with an authentication status specified by
49 | AuthenticationStatus is not safe for the DXE Core to use under any circumstances,
50 | then EFI_ACCESS_DENIED is returned.
51 |
52 | If the file specified by File with an authentication status specified by
53 | AuthenticationStatus is not safe for the DXE Core to use right now, but it
54 | might be possible to use it at a future time, then EFI_SECURITY_VIOLATION is
55 | returned.
56 |
57 | @param This The EFI_SECURITY_ARCH_PROTOCOL instance.
58 | @param AuthenticationStatus
59 | This is the authentication type returned from the Section
60 | Extraction protocol. See the Section Extraction Protocol
61 | Specification for details on this type.
62 | @param File This is a pointer to the device path of the file that is
63 | being dispatched. This will optionally be used for logging.
64 |
65 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS The file specified by File did authenticate, and the
66 | platform policy dictates that the DXE Core may use File.
67 | @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER Driver is NULL.
68 | @retval EFI_SECURITY_VIOLATION The file specified by File did not authenticate, and
69 | the platform policy dictates that File should be placed
70 | in the untrusted state. A file may be promoted from
71 | the untrusted to the trusted state at a future time
72 | with a call to the Trust() DXE Service.
73 | @retval EFI_ACCESS_DENIED The file specified by File did not authenticate, and
74 | the platform policy dictates that File should not be
75 | used for any purpose.
76 |
77 | **/
78 | typedef
82 | IN UINT32 AuthenticationStatus,
84 | );
85 |
86 | ///
87 | /// The EFI_SECURITY_ARCH_PROTOCOL is used to abstract platform-specific policy
88 | /// from the DXE core. This includes locking flash upon failure to authenticate,
89 | /// attestation logging, and other exception operations.
90 | ///
93 | };
94 |
95 | extern EFI_GUID gEfiSecurityArchProtocolGuid;
96 |
97 | #endif