1 | #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 | #
3 | # CpuSleep() for ARMv7
4 | #
5 | # ARMv6 versions was:
6 | # MOV r0,#0
7 | # MCR p15,0,r0,c7,c0,4 ;Wait for Interrupt instruction
8 | #
9 | # But this is a no-op on ARMv7
10 | #
11 | # Copyright (c) 2006 - 2018, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
12 | # Portions copyright (c) 2008 - 2009, Apple Inc. All rights reserved.<BR>
13 | # SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
14 | #
15 | #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
16 |
17 | .text
18 | .p2align 2
19 | GCC_ASM_EXPORT(CpuSleep)
20 |
21 | #/**
22 | # Places the CPU in a sleep state until an interrupt is received.
23 | #
24 | # Places the CPU in a sleep state until an interrupt is received. If interrupts
25 | # are disabled prior to calling this function, then the CPU will be placed in a
26 | # sleep state indefinitely.
27 | #
28 | #**/
29 | #VOID
30 | #EFIAPI
31 | #CpuSleep (
32 | # VOID
33 | # );
34 | #
35 | ASM_PFX(CpuSleep):
36 | wfi
37 | bx lr