1 | /** @file
2 | Declaration of internal functions in BaseSynchronizationLib.
3 |
4 | Copyright (c) 2006 - 2018, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
5 | SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
6 |
7 | **/
8 |
11 |
12 | #include <Base.h>
13 | #include <Library/SynchronizationLib.h>
14 | #include <Library/BaseLib.h>
15 | #include <Library/DebugLib.h>
16 | #include <Library/TimerLib.h>
17 | #include <Library/PcdLib.h>
18 |
19 | /**
20 | Performs an atomic increment of an 32-bit unsigned integer.
21 |
22 | Performs an atomic increment of the 32-bit unsigned integer specified by
23 | Value and returns the incremented value. The increment operation must be
24 | performed using MP safe mechanisms.
25 |
26 | @param Value A pointer to the 32-bit value to increment.
27 |
28 | @return The incremented value.
29 |
30 | **/
31 | UINT32
33 | InternalSyncIncrement (
34 | IN volatile UINT32 *Value
35 | );
36 |
37 | /**
38 | Performs an atomic decrement of an 32-bit unsigned integer.
39 |
40 | Performs an atomic decrement of the 32-bit unsigned integer specified by
41 | Value and returns the decrement value. The decrement operation must be
42 | performed using MP safe mechanisms.
43 |
44 | @param Value A pointer to the 32-bit value to decrement.
45 |
46 | @return The decrement value.
47 |
48 | **/
49 | UINT32
51 | InternalSyncDecrement (
52 | IN volatile UINT32 *Value
53 | );
54 |
55 | /**
56 | Performs an atomic compare exchange operation on a 16-bit unsigned integer.
57 |
58 | Performs an atomic compare exchange operation on the 16-bit unsigned integer
59 | specified by Value. If Value is equal to CompareValue, then Value is set to
60 | ExchangeValue and CompareValue is returned. If Value is not equal to CompareValue,
61 | then Value is returned. The compare exchange operation must be performed using
62 | MP safe mechanisms.
63 |
64 | @param Value A pointer to the 16-bit value for the compare exchange
65 | operation.
66 | @param CompareValue A 16-bit value used in compare operation.
67 | @param ExchangeValue A 16-bit value used in exchange operation.
68 |
69 | @return The original *Value before exchange.
70 |
71 | **/
72 | UINT16
74 | InternalSyncCompareExchange16 (
75 | IN volatile UINT16 *Value,
76 | IN UINT16 CompareValue,
77 | IN UINT16 ExchangeValue
78 | );
79 |
80 | /**
81 | Performs an atomic compare exchange operation on a 32-bit unsigned integer.
82 |
83 | Performs an atomic compare exchange operation on the 32-bit unsigned integer
84 | specified by Value. If Value is equal to CompareValue, then Value is set to
85 | ExchangeValue and CompareValue is returned. If Value is not equal to CompareValue,
86 | then Value is returned. The compare exchange operation must be performed using
87 | MP safe mechanisms.
88 |
89 | @param Value A pointer to the 32-bit value for the compare exchange
90 | operation.
91 | @param CompareValue A 32-bit value used in compare operation.
92 | @param ExchangeValue A 32-bit value used in exchange operation.
93 |
94 | @return The original *Value before exchange.
95 |
96 | **/
97 | UINT32
99 | InternalSyncCompareExchange32 (
100 | IN volatile UINT32 *Value,
101 | IN UINT32 CompareValue,
102 | IN UINT32 ExchangeValue
103 | );
104 |
105 | /**
106 | Performs an atomic compare exchange operation on a 64-bit unsigned integer.
107 |
108 | Performs an atomic compare exchange operation on the 64-bit unsigned integer specified
109 | by Value. If Value is equal to CompareValue, then Value is set to ExchangeValue and
110 | CompareValue is returned. If Value is not equal to CompareValue, then Value is returned.
111 | The compare exchange operation must be performed using MP safe mechanisms.
112 |
113 | @param Value A pointer to the 64-bit value for the compare exchange
114 | operation.
115 | @param CompareValue A 64-bit value used in compare operation.
116 | @param ExchangeValue A 64-bit value used in exchange operation.
117 |
118 | @return The original *Value before exchange.
119 |
120 | **/
121 | UINT64
122 | EFIAPI
123 | InternalSyncCompareExchange64 (
124 | IN volatile UINT64 *Value,
125 | IN UINT64 CompareValue,
126 | IN UINT64 ExchangeValue
127 | );
128 |
129 | /**
130 | Internal function to retrieve the architecture specific spin lock alignment
131 | requirements for optimal spin lock performance.
132 |
133 | @return The architecture specific spin lock alignment.
134 |
135 | **/
136 | UINTN
137 | InternalGetSpinLockProperties (
138 | VOID
139 | );
140 |
141 | #endif