1 | /** @file
2 | Type definitions related to the VBE (VESA BIOS Extension, Int10h AH=4Fh)
3 | services GET INFORMATION (AL=00h) and GET MODE INFORMATION (AL=01h).
4 |
5 | For reference, see Ralf Brown's Interrupt List:
6 | <http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~ralf/files.html>
7 | <http://www.ctyme.com/rbrown.htm>
8 |
9 | Copyright (C) 2014, Red Hat, Inc.
10 |
11 | SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
12 | **/
13 |
14 | #ifndef __LEGACY_VGA_BIOS_H__
15 | #define __LEGACY_VGA_BIOS_H__
16 |
17 | #include <Base.h>
18 |
19 | #pragma pack (1)
20 | typedef struct {
21 | UINT8 Signature[4];
22 | UINT16 VesaVersion;
23 | UINT32 OemNameAddress;
24 | UINT32 Capabilities;
25 | UINT32 ModeListAddress;
26 | UINT16 VideoMem64K;
27 | UINT16 OemSoftwareVersion;
28 | UINT32 VendorNameAddress;
29 | UINT32 ProductNameAddress;
30 | UINT32 ProductRevAddress;
32 |
33 | typedef struct {
34 | VBE_INFO_BASE Base;
35 | UINT8 Buffer[256 - sizeof (VBE_INFO_BASE)];
36 | } VBE_INFO;
37 |
38 | typedef struct {
39 | UINT16 ModeAttr;
40 | UINT8 WindowAAttr;
41 | UINT8 WindowBAttr;
42 | UINT16 WindowGranularityKB;
43 | UINT16 WindowSizeKB;
44 | UINT16 WindowAStartSegment;
45 | UINT16 WindowBStartSegment;
46 | UINT32 WindowPositioningAddress;
47 | UINT16 BytesPerScanLine;
48 |
49 | UINT16 Width;
50 | UINT16 Height;
51 | UINT8 CharCellWidth;
52 | UINT8 CharCellHeight;
53 | UINT8 NumPlanes;
54 | UINT8 BitsPerPixel;
55 | UINT8 NumBanks;
56 | UINT8 MemoryModel;
57 | UINT8 BankSizeKB;
58 | UINT8 NumImagePagesLessOne;
59 | UINT8 Vbe3;
60 |
61 | UINT8 RedMaskSize;
62 | UINT8 RedMaskPos;
63 | UINT8 GreenMaskSize;
64 | UINT8 GreenMaskPos;
65 | UINT8 BlueMaskSize;
66 | UINT8 BlueMaskPos;
67 | UINT8 ReservedMaskSize;
68 | UINT8 ReservedMaskPos;
69 | UINT8 DirectColorModeInfo;
70 |
71 | UINT32 LfbAddress;
72 | UINT32 OffScreenAddress;
73 | UINT16 OffScreenSizeKB;
74 |
75 | UINT16 BytesPerScanLineLinear;
76 | UINT8 NumImagesLessOneBanked;
77 | UINT8 NumImagesLessOneLinear;
78 | UINT8 RedMaskSizeLinear;
79 | UINT8 RedMaskPosLinear;
80 | UINT8 GreenMaskSizeLinear;
81 | UINT8 GreenMaskPosLinear;
82 | UINT8 BlueMaskSizeLinear;
83 | UINT8 BlueMaskPosLinear;
84 | UINT8 ReservedMaskSizeLinear;
85 | UINT8 ReservedMaskPosLinear;
86 | UINT32 MaxPixelClockHz;
87 | UINT8 Reserved[190];
89 |
90 | typedef struct {
91 | UINT16 ModeAttr;
92 | UINT8 WindowAAttr;
93 | UINT8 WindowBAttr;
94 | UINT16 WindowGranularityKB;
95 | UINT16 WindowSizeKB;
96 | UINT16 WindowAStartSegment;
97 | UINT16 WindowBStartSegment;
98 | UINT32 WindowPositioningAddress;
99 | UINT16 BytesPerScanLine;
100 |
101 | UINT16 Width;
102 | UINT16 Height;
103 | UINT8 CharCellWidth;
104 | UINT8 CharCellHeight;
105 | UINT8 NumPlanes;
106 | UINT8 BitsPerPixel;
107 | UINT8 NumBanks;
108 | UINT8 MemoryModel;
109 | UINT8 BankSizeKB;
110 | UINT8 NumImagePagesLessOne;
111 | UINT8 Vbe3;
112 |
113 | UINT8 RedMaskSize;
114 | UINT8 RedMaskPos;
115 | UINT8 GreenMaskSize;
116 | UINT8 GreenMaskPos;
117 | UINT8 BlueMaskSize;
118 | UINT8 BlueMaskPos;
119 | UINT8 ReservedMaskSize;
120 | UINT8 ReservedMaskPos;
121 | UINT8 DirectColorModeInfo;
122 |
123 | UINT32 LfbAddress;
124 | UINT32 OffScreenAddress;
125 | UINT16 OffScreenSizeKB;
126 | } VBE2_MODE_INFO;
127 | #pragma pack ()
128 |
129 | #endif