1 | /** @file
2 |
3 | x86_64 Page Tables structures
4 |
5 | Copyright (c) 2006 - 2016, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
6 | Copyright (c) 2017 - 2020, AMD Incorporated. All rights reserved.<BR>
7 |
8 | SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
9 |
10 | Code is derived from MdeModulePkg/Core/DxeIplPeim/X64/VirtualMemory.h
11 |
12 | **/
13 |
14 | #ifndef PAGE_TABLE_H_
15 | #define PAGE_TABLE_H_
16 |
17 | #include <Base.h>
18 |
19 | #pragma pack(1)
20 |
21 | //
22 | // Page-Map Level-4 Offset (PML4) and
23 | // Page-Directory-Pointer Offset (PDPE) entries 4K & 2MB
24 | //
25 |
26 | typedef union {
27 | struct {
28 | UINT64 Present : 1; // 0 = Not present in memory,
29 | // 1 = Present in memory
30 | UINT64 ReadWrite : 1; // 0 = Read-Only, 1= Read/Write
31 | UINT64 UserSupervisor : 1; // 0 = Supervisor, 1=User
32 | UINT64 WriteThrough : 1; // 0 = Write-Back caching,
33 | // 1 = Write-Through caching
34 | UINT64 CacheDisabled : 1; // 0 = Cached, 1=Non-Cached
35 | UINT64 Accessed : 1; // 0 = Not accessed,
36 | // 1 = Accessed (set by CPU)
37 | UINT64 Reserved : 1; // Reserved
38 | UINT64 MustBeZero : 2; // Must Be Zero
39 | UINT64 Available : 3; // Available for use by system software
40 | UINT64 PageTableBaseAddress : 40; // Page Table Base Address
41 | UINT64 AvabilableHigh : 11; // Available for use by system software
42 | UINT64 Nx : 1; // No Execute bit
43 | } Bits;
44 | UINT64 Uint64;
46 |
47 | //
48 | // Page Table Entry 4KB
49 | //
50 | typedef union {
51 | struct {
52 | UINT64 Present : 1; // 0 = Not present in memory,
53 | // 1 = Present in memory
54 | UINT64 ReadWrite : 1; // 0 = Read-Only, 1= Read/Write
55 | UINT64 UserSupervisor : 1; // 0 = Supervisor, 1=User
56 | UINT64 WriteThrough : 1; // 0 = Write-Back caching,
57 | // 1 = Write-Through caching
58 | UINT64 CacheDisabled : 1; // 0 = Cached, 1=Non-Cached
59 | UINT64 Accessed : 1; // 0 = Not accessed,
60 | // 1 = Accessed (set by CPU)
61 | UINT64 Dirty : 1; // 0 = Not Dirty, 1 = written by
62 | // processor on access to page
63 | UINT64 PAT : 1; //
64 | UINT64 Global : 1; // 0 = Not global page, 1 = global page
65 | // TLB not cleared on CR3 write
66 | UINT64 Available : 3; // Available for use by system software
67 | UINT64 PageTableBaseAddress : 40; // Page Table Base Address
68 | UINT64 AvabilableHigh : 11; // Available for use by system software
69 | UINT64 Nx : 1; // 0 = Execute Code,
70 | // 1 = No Code Execution
71 | } Bits;
72 | UINT64 Uint64;
74 |
75 | //
76 | // Page Table Entry 2MB
77 | //
78 | typedef union {
79 | struct {
80 | UINT64 Present : 1; // 0 = Not present in memory,
81 | // 1 = Present in memory
82 | UINT64 ReadWrite : 1; // 0 = Read-Only, 1= Read/Write
83 | UINT64 UserSupervisor : 1; // 0 = Supervisor, 1=User
84 | UINT64 WriteThrough : 1; // 0 = Write-Back caching,
85 | // 1=Write-Through caching
86 | UINT64 CacheDisabled : 1; // 0 = Cached, 1=Non-Cached
87 | UINT64 Accessed : 1; // 0 = Not accessed,
88 | // 1 = Accessed (set by CPU)
89 | UINT64 Dirty : 1; // 0 = Not Dirty, 1 = written by
90 | // processor on access to page
91 | UINT64 MustBe1 : 1; // Must be 1
92 | UINT64 Global : 1; // 0 = Not global page, 1 = global page
93 | // TLB not cleared on CR3 write
94 | UINT64 Available : 3; // Available for use by system software
95 | UINT64 PAT : 1; //
96 | UINT64 MustBeZero : 8; // Must be zero;
97 | UINT64 PageTableBaseAddress : 31; // Page Table Base Address
98 | UINT64 AvabilableHigh : 11; // Available for use by system software
99 | UINT64 Nx : 1; // 0 = Execute Code,
100 | // 1 = No Code Execution
101 | } Bits;
102 | UINT64 Uint64;
104 |
105 | //
106 | // Page Table Entry 1GB
107 | //
108 | typedef union {
109 | struct {
110 | UINT64 Present : 1; // 0 = Not present in memory,
111 | // 1 = Present in memory
112 | UINT64 ReadWrite : 1; // 0 = Read-Only, 1= Read/Write
113 | UINT64 UserSupervisor : 1; // 0 = Supervisor, 1=User
114 | UINT64 WriteThrough : 1; // 0 = Write-Back caching,
115 | // 1 = Write-Through caching
116 | UINT64 CacheDisabled : 1; // 0 = Cached, 1=Non-Cached
117 | UINT64 Accessed : 1; // 0 = Not accessed,
118 | // 1 = Accessed (set by CPU)
119 | UINT64 Dirty : 1; // 0 = Not Dirty, 1 = written by
120 | // processor on access to page
121 | UINT64 MustBe1 : 1; // Must be 1
122 | UINT64 Global : 1; // 0 = Not global page, 1 = global page
123 | // TLB not cleared on CR3 write
124 | UINT64 Available : 3; // Available for use by system software
125 | UINT64 PAT : 1; //
126 | UINT64 MustBeZero : 17; // Must be zero;
127 | UINT64 PageTableBaseAddress : 22; // Page Table Base Address
128 | UINT64 AvabilableHigh : 11; // Available for use by system software
129 | UINT64 Nx : 1; // 0 = Execute Code,
130 | // 1 = No Code Execution
131 | } Bits;
132 | UINT64 Uint64;
134 |
135 | #pragma pack()
136 |
137 | #define IA32_PG_P BIT0
138 | #define IA32_PG_RW BIT1
139 | #define IA32_PG_PS BIT7
140 |
141 | #define PAGING_PAE_INDEX_MASK 0x1FF
142 |
143 | #define PAGING_4K_ADDRESS_MASK_64 0x000FFFFFFFFFF000ull
144 | #define PAGING_2M_ADDRESS_MASK_64 0x000FFFFFFFE00000ull
145 | #define PAGING_1G_ADDRESS_MASK_64 0x000FFFFFC0000000ull
146 |
147 | #define PAGING_L1_ADDRESS_SHIFT 12
148 | #define PAGING_L2_ADDRESS_SHIFT 21
149 | #define PAGING_L3_ADDRESS_SHIFT 30
150 | #define PAGING_L4_ADDRESS_SHIFT 39
151 |
152 | #define PAGING_PML4E_NUMBER 4
153 |
154 | #define PAGETABLE_ENTRY_MASK ((1UL << 9) - 1)
155 | #define PML4_OFFSET(x) ( (x >> 39) & PAGETABLE_ENTRY_MASK)
156 | #define PDP_OFFSET(x) ( (x >> 30) & PAGETABLE_ENTRY_MASK)
157 | #define PDE_OFFSET(x) ( (x >> 21) & PAGETABLE_ENTRY_MASK)
158 | #define PTE_OFFSET(x) ( (x >> 12) & PAGETABLE_ENTRY_MASK)
159 | #define PAGING_1G_ADDRESS_MASK_64 0x000FFFFFC0000000ull
160 |
161 | #endif