1 | /** @file
2 |
3 | Declarations of utility functions used by virtio device drivers.
4 |
5 | Copyright (C) 2012-2016, Red Hat, Inc.
6 | Copyright (C) 2017, AMD Inc, All rights reserved.<BR>
7 |
8 | SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
9 |
10 | **/
11 |
12 | #ifndef _VIRTIO_LIB_H_
13 | #define _VIRTIO_LIB_H_
14 |
15 | #include <Protocol/VirtioDevice.h>
16 |
17 | #include <IndustryStandard/Virtio.h>
18 |
19 | /**
20 |
21 | Configure a virtio ring.
22 |
23 | This function sets up internal storage (the guest-host communication area)
24 | and lays out several "navigation" (ie. no-ownership) pointers to parts of
25 | that storage.
26 |
27 | Relevant sections from the virtio-0.9.5 spec:
28 | - 1.1 Virtqueues,
29 | - 2.3 Virtqueue Configuration.
30 |
31 | @param[in] VirtIo The virtio device which will use the ring.
32 |
33 | @param[in] The number of descriptors to allocate for the
34 | virtio ring, as requested by the host.
35 |
36 | @param[out] Ring The virtio ring to set up.
37 |
38 | @return Status codes propagated from
39 | VirtIo->AllocateSharedPages().
40 |
41 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS Allocation and setup successful. Ring->Base
42 | (and nothing else) is responsible for
43 | deallocation.
44 |
45 | **/
48 | VirtioRingInit (
50 | IN UINT16 QueueSize,
51 | OUT VRING *Ring
52 | );
53 |
54 | /**
55 |
56 | Map the ring buffer so that it can be accessed equally by both guest
57 | and hypervisor.
58 |
59 | @param[in] VirtIo The virtio device instance.
60 |
61 | @param[in] Ring The virtio ring to map.
62 |
63 | @param[out] RingBaseShift A resulting translation offset, to be
64 | passed to VirtIo->SetQueueAddress().
65 |
66 | @param[out] Mapping A resulting token to pass to
67 | VirtIo->UnmapSharedBuffer().
68 |
69 | @return Status code from VirtIo->MapSharedBuffer()
70 | **/
73 | VirtioRingMap (
75 | IN VRING *Ring,
76 | OUT UINT64 *RingBaseShift,
77 | OUT VOID **Mapping
78 | );
79 |
80 | /**
81 |
82 | Tear down the internal resources of a configured virtio ring.
83 |
84 | The caller is responsible to stop the host from using this ring before
85 | invoking this function: the VSTAT_DRIVER_OK bit must be clear in
86 | VhdrDeviceStatus.
87 |
88 | @param[in] VirtIo The virtio device which was using the ring.
89 |
90 | @param[out] Ring The virtio ring to clean up.
91 |
92 | **/
93 | VOID
95 | VirtioRingUninit (
97 | IN OUT VRING *Ring
98 | );
99 |
100 | //
101 | // Internal use structure for tracking the submission of a multi-descriptor
102 | // request.
103 | //
104 | typedef struct {
105 | UINT16 HeadDescIdx;
106 | UINT16 NextDescIdx;
108 |
109 | /**
110 |
111 | Turn off interrupt notifications from the host, and prepare for appending
112 | multiple descriptors to the virtio ring.
113 |
114 | The calling driver must be in VSTAT_DRIVER_OK state.
115 |
116 | @param[in,out] Ring The virtio ring we intend to append descriptors to.
117 |
118 | @param[out] Indices The DESC_INDICES structure to initialize.
119 |
120 | **/
121 | VOID
122 | EFIAPI
123 | VirtioPrepare (
124 | IN OUT VRING *Ring,
125 | OUT DESC_INDICES *Indices
126 | );
127 |
128 | /**
129 |
130 | Append a contiguous buffer for transmission / reception via the virtio ring.
131 |
132 | This function implements the following section from virtio-0.9.5:
133 | - Placing Buffers into the Descriptor Table
134 |
135 | Free space is taken as granted, since the individual drivers support only
136 | synchronous requests and host side status is processed in lock-step with
137 | request submission. It is the calling driver's responsibility to verify the
138 | ring size in advance.
139 |
140 | The caller is responsible for initializing *Indices with VirtioPrepare()
141 | first.
142 |
143 | @param[in,out] Ring The virtio ring to append the buffer to,
144 | as a descriptor.
145 |
146 | @param[in] BufferDeviceAddress (Bus master device) start address of the
147 | transmit / receive buffer.
148 |
149 | @param[in] BufferSize Number of bytes to transmit or receive.
150 |
151 | @param[in] Flags A bitmask of VRING_DESC_F_* flags. The
152 | caller computes this mask dependent on
153 | further buffers to append and transfer
154 | direction. VRING_DESC_F_INDIRECT is
155 | unsupported. The VRING_DESC.Next field is
156 | always set, but the host only interprets
157 | it dependent on VRING_DESC_F_NEXT.
158 |
159 | @param[in,out] Indices Indices->HeadDescIdx is not accessed.
160 | On input, Indices->NextDescIdx identifies
161 | the next descriptor to carry the buffer.
162 | On output, Indices->NextDescIdx is
163 | incremented by one, modulo 2^16.
164 |
165 | **/
166 | VOID
167 | EFIAPI
168 | VirtioAppendDesc (
169 | IN OUT VRING *Ring,
170 | IN UINT64 BufferDeviceAddress,
171 | IN UINT32 BufferSize,
172 | IN UINT16 Flags,
173 | IN OUT DESC_INDICES *Indices
174 | );
175 |
176 | /**
177 |
178 | Notify the host about the descriptor chain just built, and wait until the
179 | host processes it.
180 |
181 | @param[in] VirtIo The target virtio device to notify.
182 |
183 | @param[in] VirtQueueId Identifies the queue for the target device.
184 |
185 | @param[in,out] Ring The virtio ring with descriptors to submit.
186 |
187 | @param[in] Indices Indices->NextDescIdx is not accessed.
188 | Indices->HeadDescIdx identifies the head descriptor
189 | of the descriptor chain.
190 |
191 | @param[out] UsedLen On success, the total number of bytes, consecutively
192 | across the buffers linked by the descriptor chain,
193 | that the host wrote. May be NULL if the caller
194 | doesn't care, or can compute the same information
195 | from device-specific request structures linked by the
196 | descriptor chain.
197 |
198 | @return Error code from VirtIo->SetQueueNotify() if it fails.
199 |
200 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS Otherwise, the host processed all descriptors.
201 |
202 | **/
204 | EFIAPI
205 | VirtioFlush (
207 | IN UINT16 VirtQueueId,
208 | IN OUT VRING *Ring,
209 | IN DESC_INDICES *Indices,
210 | OUT UINT32 *UsedLen OPTIONAL
211 | );
212 |
213 | /**
214 |
215 | Report the feature bits to the VirtIo 1.0 device that the VirtIo 1.0 driver
216 | understands.
217 |
218 | In VirtIo 1.0, a device can reject a self-inconsistent feature bitmap through
219 | the new VSTAT_FEATURES_OK status bit. (For example if the driver requests a
220 | higher level feature but clears a prerequisite feature.) This function is a
221 | small wrapper around VIRTIO_DEVICE_PROTOCOL.SetGuestFeatures() that also
222 | verifies if the VirtIo 1.0 device accepts the feature bitmap.
223 |
224 | @param[in] VirtIo Report feature bits to this device.
225 |
226 | @param[in] Features The set of feature bits that the driver wishes
227 | to report. The caller is responsible to perform
228 | any masking before calling this function; the
229 | value is directly written with
230 | VIRTIO_DEVICE_PROTOCOL.SetGuestFeatures().
231 |
232 | @param[in,out] DeviceStatus On input, the status byte most recently written
233 | to the device's status register. On output (even
234 | on error), DeviceStatus will be updated so that
235 | it is suitable for further status bit
236 | manipulation and writing to the device's status
237 | register.
238 |
239 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS The device accepted the configuration in Features.
240 |
241 | @return EFI_UNSUPPORTED The device rejected the configuration in Features.
242 |
243 | @retval EFI_UNSUPPORTED VirtIo->Revision is smaller than 1.0.0.
244 |
245 | @return Error codes from the SetGuestFeatures(),
246 | SetDeviceStatus(), GetDeviceStatus() member
247 | functions.
248 |
249 | **/
251 | EFIAPI
252 | Virtio10WriteFeatures (
254 | IN UINT64 Features,
255 | IN OUT UINT8 *DeviceStatus
256 | );
257 |
258 | /**
259 | Provides the virtio device address required to access system memory from a
260 | DMA bus master.
261 |
262 | The interface follows the same usage pattern as defined in UEFI spec 2.6
263 | (Section 13.2 PCI Root Bridge I/O Protocol)
264 |
265 | The VirtioMapAllBytesInSharedBuffer() is similar to VIRTIO_MAP_SHARED
266 | with exception that NumberOfBytes is IN-only parameter. The function
267 | maps all the bytes specified in NumberOfBytes param in one consecutive
268 | range.
269 |
270 | @param[in] VirtIo The virtio device for which the mapping is
271 | requested.
272 |
273 | @param[in] Operation Indicates if the bus master is going to
274 | read or write to system memory.
275 |
276 | @param[in] HostAddress The system memory address to map to shared
277 | buffer address.
278 |
279 | @param[in] NumberOfBytes Number of bytes to map.
280 |
281 | @param[out] DeviceAddress The resulting shared map address for the
282 | bus master to access the hosts HostAddress.
283 |
284 | @param[out] Mapping A resulting token to pass to
286 |
287 |
288 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS The NumberOfBytes is successfully mapped.
289 | @retval EFI_UNSUPPORTED The HostAddress cannot be mapped as a
290 | common buffer.
291 | @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER One or more parameters are invalid.
292 | @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES The request could not be completed due to
293 | a lack of resources. This includes the case
294 | when NumberOfBytes bytes cannot be mapped
295 | in one consecutive range.
296 | @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR The system hardware could not map the
297 | requested address.
298 | **/
300 | EFIAPI
301 | VirtioMapAllBytesInSharedBuffer (
304 | IN VOID *HostAddress,
305 | IN UINTN NumberOfBytes,
306 | OUT EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS *DeviceAddress,
307 | OUT VOID **Mapping
308 | );
309 |
310 | #endif // _VIRTIO_LIB_H_