1 | /** @file
2 | Definition for the CPU_HOT_EJECT_DATA structure, which shares
3 | CPU hot-eject state between OVMF's SmmCpuFeaturesLib instance in
4 | PiSmmCpuDxeSmm, and CpuHotplugSmm.
5 |
6 | CPU_HOT_EJECT_DATA is allocated in SMRAM, and pointed-to by
7 | PcdCpuHotEjectDataAddress.
8 |
9 | PcdCpuHotEjectDataAddress is valid when SMM_REQUIRE is TRUE
10 | and PcdCpuMaxLogicalProcessorNumber > 1.
11 |
12 | Copyright (C) 2021, Oracle Corporation.
13 |
14 | SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
15 | **/
16 |
17 | #ifndef CPU_HOT_EJECT_DATA_H_
18 | #define CPU_HOT_EJECT_DATA_H_
19 |
20 | /**
21 | CPU Hot-eject handler, called from SmmCpuFeaturesRendezvousExit()
22 | on each CPU at exit from SMM.
23 |
24 | @param[in] ProcessorNum ProcessorNum denotes the CPU exiting SMM,
25 | and will be used as an index into
26 | CPU_HOT_EJECT_DATA->QemuSelectorMap. It is
27 | identical to the processor handle in
29 | **/
30 | typedef
31 | VOID
33 | IN UINTN ProcessorNum
34 | );
35 |
36 | //
37 | // CPU_EJECT_QEMU_SELECTOR_INVALID marks CPUs not being ejected in
38 | // CPU_HOT_EJECT_DATA->QemuSelectorMap.
39 | //
40 | // QEMU CPU Selector is UINT32, so we choose an invalid value larger
41 | // than that type.
42 | //
44 |
45 | typedef struct {
46 | //
47 | // Maps ProcessorNum -> QemuSelector for pending hot-ejects
48 | //
49 | volatile UINT64 *QemuSelectorMap;
50 | //
51 | // Handler to do the CPU ejection
52 | //
53 | volatile CPU_HOT_EJECT_HANDLER Handler;
54 | //
55 | // Entries in the QemuSelectorMap
56 | //
57 | UINT32 ArrayLength;
59 |
60 | #endif // CPU_HOT_EJECT_DATA_H_