1 | /** @file
2 | Reset System Library functions for OVMF
3 |
4 | Copyright (c) 2006 - 2019, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
5 | SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
6 |
7 | **/
8 |
9 | #include <Base.h> // BIT1
10 |
11 | #include <Library/BaseLib.h> // CpuDeadLoop()
12 | #include <Library/IoLib.h> // IoWrite8()
13 | #include <Library/ResetSystemLib.h> // ResetCold()
14 | #include <Library/TimerLib.h> // MicroSecondDelay()
15 |
16 | /**
17 | Calling this function causes a system-wide reset. This sets
18 | all circuitry within the system to its initial state. This type of reset
19 | is asynchronous to system operation and operates without regard to
20 | cycle boundaries.
21 |
22 | System reset should not return, if it returns, it means the system does
23 | not support cold reset.
24 | **/
25 | VOID
27 | ResetCold (
28 | VOID
29 | )
30 | {
31 | IoWrite8 (0xCF9, BIT2 | BIT1); // 1st choice: PIIX3 RCR, RCPU|SRST
32 | MicroSecondDelay (50);
33 |
34 | IoWrite8 (0x64, 0xfe); // 2nd choice: keyboard controller
35 | CpuDeadLoop ();
36 | }
37 |
38 | /**
39 | Calling this function causes a system-wide initialization. The processors
40 | are set to their initial state, and pending cycles are not corrupted.
41 |
42 | System reset should not return, if it returns, it means the system does
43 | not support warm reset.
44 | **/
45 | VOID
47 | ResetWarm (
48 | VOID
49 | )
50 | {
51 | IoWrite8 (0x64, 0xfe);
52 | CpuDeadLoop ();
53 | }
54 |
55 | /**
56 | This function causes a systemwide reset. The exact type of the reset is
57 | defined by the EFI_GUID that follows the Null-terminated Unicode string
58 | passed into ResetData. If the platform does not recognize the EFI_GUID in
59 | ResetData the platform must pick a supported reset type to perform.The
60 | platform may optionally log the parameters from any non-normal reset that
61 | occurs.
62 |
63 | @param[in] DataSize The size, in bytes, of ResetData.
64 | @param[in] ResetData The data buffer starts with a Null-terminated string,
65 | followed by the EFI_GUID.
66 | **/
67 | VOID
69 | ResetPlatformSpecific (
70 | IN UINTN DataSize,
71 | IN VOID *ResetData
72 | )
73 | {
74 | ResetCold ();
75 | }
76 |
77 | /**
78 | The ResetSystem function resets the entire platform.
79 |
80 | @param[in] ResetType The type of reset to perform.
81 | @param[in] ResetStatus The status code for the reset.
82 | @param[in] DataSize The size, in bytes, of ResetData.
83 | @param[in] ResetData For a ResetType of EfiResetCold, EfiResetWarm, or
84 | EfiResetShutdown the data buffer starts with a
85 | Null-terminated string, optionally followed by
86 | additional binary data. The string is a description
87 | that the caller may use to further indicate the
88 | reason for the system reset.
89 | **/
90 | VOID
92 | ResetSystem (
93 | IN EFI_RESET_TYPE ResetType,
94 | IN EFI_STATUS ResetStatus,
95 | IN UINTN DataSize,
96 | IN VOID *ResetData OPTIONAL
97 | )
98 | {
99 | switch (ResetType) {
100 | case EfiResetWarm:
101 | ResetWarm ();
102 | break;
103 |
104 | case EfiResetCold:
105 | ResetCold ();
106 | break;
107 |
108 | case EfiResetShutdown:
109 | ResetShutdown ();
110 | break;
111 |
112 | case EfiResetPlatformSpecific:
113 | ResetPlatformSpecific (DataSize, ResetData);
114 | break;
115 |
116 | default:
117 | break;
118 | }
119 | }