1 | /** @file
2 | Provides interface to shell functionality for shell commands and applications.
3 |
4 | Copyright (c) 2006 - 2013, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
5 | This program and the accompanying materials
6 | are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License
7 | which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at
8 | http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php
9 |
12 |
13 | **/
14 |
15 | #ifndef __SHELL_LIB__
16 | #define __SHELL_LIB__
17 |
18 | #include <Uefi.h>
19 | #include <Guid/FileInfo.h>
20 | #include <Protocol/SimpleFileSystem.h>
21 | #include <Protocol/LoadedImage.h>
22 | #include <Protocol/EfiShellInterface.h>
23 | #include <Protocol/EfiShellEnvironment2.h>
24 | #include <Protocol/EfiShell.h>
25 | #include <Protocol/EfiShellParameters.h>
26 |
27 | // (20 * (6+5+2))+1) unicode characters from EFI FAT spec (doubled for bytes)
28 | #define MAX_FILE_NAME_LEN 512
29 |
30 | extern EFI_SHELL_PARAMETERS_PROTOCOL *gEfiShellParametersProtocol;
31 | extern EFI_SHELL_PROTOCOL *gEfiShellProtocol;
32 |
33 | /**
34 | This function will retrieve the information about the file for the handle
35 | specified and store it in allocated pool memory.
36 |
37 | This function allocates a buffer to store the file's information. It is the
38 | caller's responsibility to free the buffer.
39 |
40 | @param[in] FileHandle The file handle of the file for which information is
41 | being requested.
42 |
43 | @retval NULL Information could not be retrieved.
44 |
45 | @return The information about the file.
46 | **/
49 | ShellGetFileInfo (
51 | );
52 |
53 | /**
54 | This function sets the information about the file for the opened handle
55 | specified.
56 |
57 | @param[in] FileHandle The file handle of the file for which information
58 | is being set.
59 |
60 | @param[in] FileInfo The information to set.
61 |
62 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS The information was set.
63 | @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER A parameter was out of range or invalid.
64 | @retval EFI_UNSUPPORTED The FileHandle does not support FileInfo.
65 | @retval EFI_NO_MEDIA The device has no medium.
66 | @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR The device reported an error.
67 | @retval EFI_VOLUME_CORRUPTED The file system structures are corrupted.
68 | @retval EFI_WRITE_PROTECTED The file or medium is write protected.
69 | @retval EFI_ACCESS_DENIED The file was opened read only.
70 | @retval EFI_VOLUME_FULL The volume is full.
71 | **/
74 | ShellSetFileInfo (
76 | IN EFI_FILE_INFO *FileInfo
77 | );
78 |
79 | /**
80 | This function will open a file or directory referenced by DevicePath.
81 |
82 | This function opens a file with the open mode according to the file path. The
83 | Attributes is valid only for EFI_FILE_MODE_CREATE.
84 |
85 | @param[in, out] FilePath On input, the device path to the file. On output,
86 | the remaining device path.
87 | @param[out] DeviceHandle Pointer to the system device handle.
88 | @param[out] FileHandle Pointer to the file handle.
89 | @param[in] OpenMode The mode to open the file with.
90 | @param[in] Attributes The file's file attributes.
91 |
92 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS The information was set.
93 | @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER One of the parameters has an invalid value.
94 | @retval EFI_UNSUPPORTED Could not open the file path.
95 | @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND The specified file could not be found on the
96 | device or the file system could not be found on
97 | the device.
98 | @retval EFI_NO_MEDIA The device has no medium.
99 | @retval EFI_MEDIA_CHANGED The device has a different medium in it or the
100 | medium is no longer supported.
101 | @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR The device reported an error.
102 | @retval EFI_VOLUME_CORRUPTED The file system structures are corrupted.
103 | @retval EFI_WRITE_PROTECTED The file or medium is write protected.
104 | @retval EFI_ACCESS_DENIED The file was opened read only.
105 | @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES Not enough resources were available to open the
106 | file.
107 | @retval EFI_VOLUME_FULL The volume is full.
108 | **/
110 | EFIAPI
111 | ShellOpenFileByDevicePath(
113 | OUT EFI_HANDLE *DeviceHandle,
114 | OUT SHELL_FILE_HANDLE *FileHandle,
115 | IN UINT64 OpenMode,
116 | IN UINT64 Attributes
117 | );
118 |
119 | /**
120 | This function will open a file or directory referenced by filename.
121 |
122 | If return is EFI_SUCCESS, the Filehandle is the opened file's handle;
123 | otherwise, the Filehandle is NULL. Attributes is valid only for
125 |
126 | @param[in] FilePath The pointer to file name.
127 | @param[out] FileHandle The pointer to the file handle.
128 | @param[in] OpenMode The mode to open the file with.
129 | @param[in] Attributes The file's file attributes.
130 |
131 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS The information was set.
132 | @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER One of the parameters has an invalid value.
133 | @retval EFI_UNSUPPORTED Could not open the file path.
134 | @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND The specified file could not be found on the
135 | device or the file system could not be found
136 | on the device.
137 | @retval EFI_NO_MEDIA The device has no medium.
138 | @retval EFI_MEDIA_CHANGED The device has a different medium in it or the
139 | medium is no longer supported.
140 | @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR The device reported an error.
141 | @retval EFI_VOLUME_CORRUPTED The file system structures are corrupted.
142 | @retval EFI_WRITE_PROTECTED The file or medium is write protected.
143 | @retval EFI_ACCESS_DENIED The file was opened read only.
144 | @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES Not enough resources were available to open the
145 | file.
146 | @retval EFI_VOLUME_FULL The volume is full.
147 | **/
149 | EFIAPI
150 | ShellOpenFileByName(
151 | IN CONST CHAR16 *FilePath,
152 | OUT SHELL_FILE_HANDLE *FileHandle,
153 | IN UINT64 OpenMode,
154 | IN UINT64 Attributes
155 | );
156 |
157 | /**
158 | This function creates a directory.
159 |
160 | If return is EFI_SUCCESS, the Filehandle is the opened directory's handle;
161 | otherwise, the Filehandle is NULL. If the directory already existed, this
162 | function opens the existing directory.
163 |
164 | @param[in] DirectoryName The pointer to Directory name.
165 | @param[out] FileHandle The pointer to the file handle.
166 |
167 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS The information was set.
168 | @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER One of the parameters has an invalid value.
169 | @retval EFI_UNSUPPORTED Could not open the file path.
170 | @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND The specified file could not be found on the
171 | device, or the file system could not be found
172 | on the device.
173 | @retval EFI_NO_MEDIA The device has no medium.
174 | @retval EFI_MEDIA_CHANGED The device has a different medium in it or the
175 | medium is no longer supported.
176 | @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR The device reported an error.
177 | @retval EFI_VOLUME_CORRUPTED The file system structures are corrupted.
178 | @retval EFI_WRITE_PROTECTED The file or medium is write protected.
179 | @retval EFI_ACCESS_DENIED The file was opened read only.
180 | @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES Not enough resources were available to open the
181 | file.
182 | @retval EFI_VOLUME_FULL The volume is full.
183 | **/
185 | EFIAPI
186 | ShellCreateDirectory(
187 | IN CONST CHAR16 *DirectoryName,
189 | );
190 |
191 | /**
192 | This function reads information from an opened file.
193 |
194 | If FileHandle is not a directory, the function reads the requested number of
195 | bytes from the file at the file's current position and returns them in Buffer.
196 | If the read goes beyond the end of the file, the read length is truncated to the
197 | end of the file. The file's current position is increased by the number of bytes
198 | returned. If FileHandle is a directory, the function reads the directory entry
199 | at the file's current position and returns the entry in Buffer. If the Buffer
200 | is not large enough to hold the current directory entry, then
201 | EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL is returned and the current file position is not updated.
202 | BufferSize is set to be the size of the buffer needed to read the entry. On
203 | success, the current position is updated to the next directory entry. If there
204 | are no more directory entries, the read returns a zero-length buffer.
205 | EFI_FILE_INFO is the structure returned as the directory entry.
206 |
207 | @param[in] FileHandle The opened file handle.
208 | @param[in, out] ReadSize On input the size of buffer in bytes. On return
209 | the number of bytes written.
210 | @param[out] Buffer The buffer to put read data into.
211 |
212 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS Data was read.
213 | @retval EFI_NO_MEDIA The device has no media.
214 | @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR The device reported an error.
215 | @retval EFI_VOLUME_CORRUPTED The file system structures are corrupted.
216 | @retval EFI_BUFFER_TO_SMALL Buffer is too small. ReadSize contains required
217 | size.
218 |
219 | **/
221 | EFIAPI
222 | ShellReadFile(
223 | IN SHELL_FILE_HANDLE FileHandle,
224 | IN OUT UINTN *ReadSize,
225 | OUT VOID *Buffer
226 | );
227 |
228 | /**
229 | Write data to a file.
230 |
231 | This function writes the specified number of bytes to the file at the current
232 | file position. The current file position is advanced the actual number of bytes
233 | written, which is returned in BufferSize. Partial writes only occur when there
234 | has been a data error during the write attempt (such as "volume space full").
235 | The file is automatically grown to hold the data if required. Direct writes to
236 | opened directories are not supported.
237 |
238 | @param[in] FileHandle The opened file for writing.
239 |
240 | @param[in, out] BufferSize On input the number of bytes in Buffer. On output
241 | the number of bytes written.
242 |
243 | @param[in] Buffer The buffer containing data to write is stored.
244 |
245 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS Data was written.
246 | @retval EFI_UNSUPPORTED Writes to an open directory are not supported.
247 | @retval EFI_NO_MEDIA The device has no media.
248 | @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR The device reported an error.
249 | @retval EFI_VOLUME_CORRUPTED The file system structures are corrupted.
250 | @retval EFI_WRITE_PROTECTED The device is write-protected.
251 | @retval EFI_ACCESS_DENIED The file was open for read only.
252 | @retval EFI_VOLUME_FULL The volume is full.
253 | **/
255 | EFIAPI
256 | ShellWriteFile(
257 | IN SHELL_FILE_HANDLE FileHandle,
258 | IN OUT UINTN *BufferSize,
259 | IN VOID *Buffer
260 | );
261 |
262 | /**
263 | Close an open file handle.
264 |
265 | This function closes a specified file handle. All "dirty" cached file data is
266 | flushed to the device, and the file is closed. In all cases the handle is
267 | closed.
268 |
269 | @param[in] FileHandle The file handle to close.
270 |
271 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS The file handle was closed sucessfully.
272 | @retval INVALID_PARAMETER One of the parameters has an invalid value.
273 | **/
275 | EFIAPI
276 | ShellCloseFile (
277 | IN SHELL_FILE_HANDLE *FileHandle
278 | );
279 |
280 | /**
281 | Delete a file and close the handle
282 |
283 | This function closes and deletes a file. In all cases the file handle is closed.
284 | If the file cannot be deleted, the warning code EFI_WARN_DELETE_FAILURE is
285 | returned, but the handle is still closed.
286 |
287 | @param[in] FileHandle The file handle to delete.
288 |
289 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS The file was closed sucessfully.
290 | @retval EFI_WARN_DELETE_FAILURE The handle was closed, but the file was not
291 | deleted.
292 | @retval INVALID_PARAMETER One of the parameters has an invalid value.
293 | **/
295 | EFIAPI
296 | ShellDeleteFile (
297 | IN SHELL_FILE_HANDLE *FileHandle
298 | );
299 |
300 | /**
301 | Set the current position in a file.
302 |
303 | This function sets the current file position for the handle to the position
304 | supplied. With the exception of seeking to position 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF, only
305 | absolute positioning is supported, and moving past the end of the file is
306 | allowed (a subsequent write would grow the file). Moving to position
307 | 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF causes the current position to be set to the end of the file.
308 | If FileHandle is a directory, the only position that may be set is zero. This
309 | has the effect of starting the read process of the directory entries over.
310 |
311 | @param[in] FileHandle The file handle on which the position is being set.
312 |
313 | @param[in] Position The byte position from the begining of the file.
314 |
315 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS Operation completed sucessfully.
316 | @retval EFI_UNSUPPORTED The seek request for non-zero is not valid on
317 | directories.
318 | @retval INVALID_PARAMETER One of the parameters has an invalid value.
319 | **/
321 | EFIAPI
322 | ShellSetFilePosition (
323 | IN SHELL_FILE_HANDLE FileHandle,
324 | IN UINT64 Position
325 | );
326 |
327 | /**
328 | Gets a file's current position
329 |
330 | This function retrieves the current file position for the file handle. For
331 | directories, the current file position has no meaning outside of the file
332 | system driver and as such the operation is not supported. An error is returned
333 | if FileHandle is a directory.
334 |
335 | @param[in] FileHandle The open file handle on which to get the position.
336 | @param[out] Position The byte position from the begining of the file.
337 |
338 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS The operation completed sucessfully.
339 | @retval INVALID_PARAMETER One of the parameters has an invalid value.
340 | @retval EFI_UNSUPPORTED The request is not valid on directories.
341 | **/
343 | EFIAPI
344 | ShellGetFilePosition (
345 | IN SHELL_FILE_HANDLE FileHandle,
346 | OUT UINT64 *Position
347 | );
348 |
349 | /**
350 | Flushes data on a file
351 |
352 | This function flushes all modified data associated with a file to a device.
353 |
354 | @param[in] FileHandle The file handle on which to flush data.
355 |
356 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS The data was flushed.
357 | @retval EFI_NO_MEDIA The device has no media.
358 | @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR The device reported an error.
359 | @retval EFI_VOLUME_CORRUPTED The file system structures are corrupted.
360 | @retval EFI_WRITE_PROTECTED The file or medium is write protected.
361 | @retval EFI_ACCESS_DENIED The file was opened for read only.
362 | **/
364 | EFIAPI
365 | ShellFlushFile (
367 | );
368 |
369 | /** Retrieve first entry from a directory.
370 |
371 | This function takes an open directory handle and gets information from the
372 | first entry in the directory. A buffer is allocated to contain
373 | the information and a pointer to the buffer is returned in *Buffer. The
374 | caller can use ShellFindNextFile() to get subsequent directory entries.
375 |
376 | The buffer will be freed by ShellFindNextFile() when the last directory
377 | entry is read. Otherwise, the caller must free the buffer, using FreePool,
378 | when finished with it.
379 |
380 | @param[in] DirHandle The file handle of the directory to search.
381 | @param[out] Buffer The pointer to the buffer for the file's information.
382 |
383 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS Found the first file.
384 | @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND Cannot find the directory.
385 | @retval EFI_NO_MEDIA The device has no media.
386 | @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR The device reported an error.
387 | @retval EFI_VOLUME_CORRUPTED The file system structures are corrupted.
388 | @return Others Status of ShellGetFileInfo, ShellSetFilePosition,
389 | or ShellReadFile.
390 |
391 | @sa ShellReadFile
392 | **/
394 | EFIAPI
395 | ShellFindFirstFile (
397 | OUT EFI_FILE_INFO **Buffer
398 | );
399 |
400 | /** Retrieve next entries from a directory.
401 |
402 | To use this function, the caller must first call the ShellFindFirstFile()
403 | function to get the first directory entry. Subsequent directory entries are
404 | retrieved by using the ShellFindNextFile() function. This function can
405 | be called several times to get each entry from the directory. If the call of
406 | ShellFindNextFile() retrieved the last directory entry, the next call of
407 | this function will set *NoFile to TRUE and free the buffer.
408 |
409 | @param[in] DirHandle The file handle of the directory.
410 | @param[in, out] Buffer The pointer to buffer for file's information.
411 | @param[in, out] NoFile The pointer to boolean when last file is found.
412 |
413 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS Found the next file.
414 | @retval EFI_NO_MEDIA The device has no media.
415 | @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR The device reported an error.
416 | @retval EFI_VOLUME_CORRUPTED The file system structures are corrupted.
417 |
418 | @sa ShellReadFile
419 | **/
421 | EFIAPI
422 | ShellFindNextFile(
424 | IN OUT EFI_FILE_INFO *Buffer,
425 | IN OUT BOOLEAN *NoFile
426 | );
427 |
428 | /**
429 | Retrieve the size of a file.
430 |
431 | This function extracts the file size info from the FileHandle's EFI_FILE_INFO
432 | data.
433 |
434 | @param[in] FileHandle The file handle from which size is retrieved.
435 | @param[out] Size The pointer to size.
436 |
437 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS The operation was completed sucessfully.
438 | @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR Cannot access the file.
439 | **/
441 | EFIAPI
442 | ShellGetFileSize (
443 | IN SHELL_FILE_HANDLE FileHandle,
444 | OUT UINT64 *Size
445 | );
446 |
447 | /**
448 | Retrieves the status of the break execution flag
449 |
450 | This function is useful to check whether the application is being asked to halt by the shell.
451 |
452 | @retval TRUE The execution break is enabled.
453 | @retval FALSE The execution break is not enabled.
454 | **/
456 | EFIAPI
457 | ShellGetExecutionBreakFlag(
458 | VOID
459 | );
460 |
461 | /**
462 | Return the value of an environment variable.
463 |
464 | This function gets the value of the environment variable set by the
465 | ShellSetEnvironmentVariable function.
466 |
467 | @param[in] EnvKey The key name of the environment variable.
468 |
469 | @retval NULL The named environment variable does not exist.
470 | @return != NULL The pointer to the value of the environment variable.
471 | **/
472 | CONST CHAR16*
473 | EFIAPI
474 | ShellGetEnvironmentVariable (
475 | IN CONST CHAR16 *EnvKey
476 | );
477 |
478 | /**
479 | Set the value of an environment variable.
480 |
481 | This function changes the current value of the specified environment variable. If the
482 | environment variable exists and the Value is an empty string, then the environment
483 | variable is deleted. If the environment variable exists and the Value is not an empty
484 | string, then the value of the environment variable is changed. If the environment
485 | variable does not exist and the Value is an empty string, there is no action. If the
486 | environment variable does not exist and the Value is a non-empty string, then the
487 | environment variable is created and assigned the specified value.
488 |
489 | This is not supported pre-UEFI Shell 2.0.
490 |
491 | @param[in] EnvKey The key name of the environment variable.
492 | @param[in] EnvVal The Value of the environment variable
493 | @param[in] Volatile Indicates whether the variable is non-volatile (FALSE) or volatile (TRUE).
494 |
495 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS The operation completed sucessfully
496 | @retval EFI_UNSUPPORTED This operation is not allowed in pre-UEFI 2.0 Shell environments.
497 | **/
499 | EFIAPI
500 | ShellSetEnvironmentVariable (
501 | IN CONST CHAR16 *EnvKey,
502 | IN CONST CHAR16 *EnvVal,
503 | IN BOOLEAN Volatile
504 | );
505 |
506 | /**
507 | Cause the shell to parse and execute a command line.
508 |
509 | This function creates a nested instance of the shell and executes the specified
510 | command (CommandLine) with the specified environment (Environment). Upon return,
511 | the status code returned by the specified command is placed in StatusCode.
512 | If Environment is NULL, then the current environment is used and all changes made
513 | by the commands executed will be reflected in the current environment. If the
514 | Environment is non-NULL, then the changes made will be discarded.
515 | The CommandLine is executed from the current working directory on the current
516 | device.
517 |
518 | The EnvironmentVariables and Status parameters are ignored in a pre-UEFI Shell 2.0
519 | environment. The values pointed to by the parameters will be unchanged by the
520 | ShellExecute() function. The Output parameter has no effect in a
521 | UEFI Shell 2.0 environment.
522 |
523 | @param[in] ParentHandle The parent image starting the operation.
524 | @param[in] CommandLine The pointer to a NULL terminated command line.
525 | @param[in] Output True to display debug output. False to hide it.
526 | @param[in] EnvironmentVariables Optional pointer to array of environment variables
527 | in the form "x=y". If NULL, the current set is used.
528 | @param[out] Status The status of the run command line.
529 |
530 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS The operation completed sucessfully. Status
531 | contains the status code returned.
532 | @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER A parameter contains an invalid value.
533 | @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES Out of resources.
534 | @retval EFI_UNSUPPORTED The operation is not allowed.
535 | **/
537 | EFIAPI
538 | ShellExecute (
539 | IN EFI_HANDLE *ParentHandle,
540 | IN CHAR16 *CommandLine,
541 | IN BOOLEAN Output,
542 | IN CHAR16 **EnvironmentVariables,
543 | OUT EFI_STATUS *Status
544 | );
545 |
546 | /**
547 | Retreives the current directory path.
548 |
549 | If the DeviceName is NULL, it returns the current device's current directory
550 | name. If the DeviceName is not NULL, it returns the current directory name
551 | on specified drive.
552 |
553 | @param[in] DeviceName The name of the file system to get directory on.
554 |
555 | @retval NULL The directory does not exist.
556 | @retval != NULL The directory.
557 | **/
558 | CONST CHAR16*
559 | EFIAPI
560 | ShellGetCurrentDir (
561 | IN CHAR16 * CONST DeviceName OPTIONAL
562 | );
563 |
564 | /**
565 | Sets (enabled or disabled) the page break mode.
566 |
567 | When page break mode is enabled the screen will stop scrolling
568 | and wait for operator input before scrolling a subsequent screen.
569 |
570 | @param[in] CurrentState TRUE to enable and FALSE to disable.
571 | **/
572 | VOID
573 | EFIAPI
574 | ShellSetPageBreakMode (
575 | IN BOOLEAN CurrentState
576 | );
577 |
578 | /**
579 | Opens a group of files based on a path.
580 |
581 | This function uses the Arg to open all the matching files. Each matched
582 | file has a SHELL_FILE_ARG structure to record the file information. These
583 | structures are placed on the list ListHead. Users can get the SHELL_FILE_ARG
584 | structures from ListHead to access each file. This function supports wildcards
585 | and will process '?' and '*' as such. The list must be freed with a call to
586 | ShellCloseFileMetaArg().
587 |
588 | If you are NOT appending to an existing list *ListHead must be NULL. If
589 | *ListHead is NULL then it must be callee freed.
590 |
591 | @param[in] Arg The pointer to path string.
592 | @param[in] OpenMode Mode to open files with.
593 | @param[in, out] ListHead Head of linked list of results.
594 |
595 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS The operation was sucessful and the list head
596 | contains the list of opened files.
597 | @retval != EFI_SUCCESS The operation failed.
598 |
599 | @sa InternalShellConvertFileListType
600 | **/
602 | EFIAPI
603 | ShellOpenFileMetaArg (
604 | IN CHAR16 *Arg,
605 | IN UINT64 OpenMode,
607 | );
608 |
609 | /**
610 | Free the linked list returned from ShellOpenFileMetaArg.
611 |
612 | @param[in, out] ListHead The pointer to free.
613 |
614 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS The operation was sucessful.
615 | @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER A parameter was invalid.
616 | **/
618 | EFIAPI
619 | ShellCloseFileMetaArg (
621 | );
622 |
623 | /**
624 | Find a file by searching the CWD and then the path.
625 |
626 | If FileName is NULL, then ASSERT.
627 |
628 | If the return value is not NULL then the memory must be caller freed.
629 |
630 | @param[in] FileName Filename string.
631 |
632 | @retval NULL The file was not found.
633 | @retval !NULL The path to the file.
634 | **/
635 | CHAR16 *
636 | EFIAPI
637 | ShellFindFilePath (
638 | IN CONST CHAR16 *FileName
639 | );
640 |
641 | /**
642 | Find a file by searching the CWD and then the path with a variable set of file
643 | extensions. If the file is not found it will append each extension in the list
644 | in the order provided and return the first one that is successful.
645 |
646 | If FileName is NULL, then ASSERT.
647 | If FileExtension is NULL, then the behavior is identical to ShellFindFilePath.
648 |
649 | If the return value is not NULL then the memory must be caller freed.
650 |
651 | @param[in] FileName The filename string.
652 | @param[in] FileExtension Semicolon delimited list of possible extensions.
653 |
654 | @retval NULL The file was not found.
655 | @retval !NULL The path to the file.
656 | **/
657 | CHAR16 *
658 | EFIAPI
659 | ShellFindFilePathEx (
660 | IN CONST CHAR16 *FileName,
661 | IN CONST CHAR16 *FileExtension
662 | );
663 |
664 | typedef enum {
665 | TypeFlag = 0, ///< A flag that is present or not present only (IE "-a").
666 | TypeValue, ///< A flag that has some data following it with a space (IE "-a 1").
667 | TypePosition, ///< Some data that did not follow a parameter (IE "filename.txt").
668 | TypeStart, ///< A flag that has variable value appended to the end (IE "-ad", "-afd", "-adf", etc...).
669 | TypeDoubleValue, ///< A flag that has 2 space seperated value data following it (IE "-a 1 2").
670 | TypeMaxValue, ///< A flag followed by all the command line data before the next flag.
671 | TypeMax,
673 |
674 | typedef struct {
675 | CHAR16 *Name;
678 |
679 |
680 | /// Helper structure for no parameters (besides -? and -b)
681 | extern SHELL_PARAM_ITEM EmptyParamList[];
682 |
683 | /// Helper structure for -sfo only (besides -? and -b)
684 | extern SHELL_PARAM_ITEM SfoParamList[];
685 |
686 | /**
687 | Checks the command line arguments passed against the list of valid ones.
688 | Optionally removes NULL values first.
689 |
690 | If no initialization is required, then return RETURN_SUCCESS.
691 |
692 | @param[in] CheckList The pointer to list of parameters to check.
693 | @param[out] CheckPackage The package of checked values.
694 | @param[out] ProblemParam Optional pointer to pointer to unicode string for
695 | the paramater that caused failure.
696 | @param[in] AutoPageBreak Will automatically set PageBreakEnabled.
697 | @param[in] AlwaysAllowNumbers Will never fail for number based flags.
698 |
699 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS The operation completed sucessfully.
700 | @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES A memory allocation failed.
701 | @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER A parameter was invalid.
702 | @retval EFI_VOLUME_CORRUPTED The command line was corrupt.
703 | @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR The commands contained 2 opposing arguments. One
704 | of the command line arguments was returned in
705 | ProblemParam if provided.
706 | @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND A argument required a value that was missing.
707 | The invalid command line argument was returned in
708 | ProblemParam if provided.
709 | **/
711 | EFIAPI
712 | ShellCommandLineParseEx (
714 | OUT LIST_ENTRY **CheckPackage,
715 | OUT CHAR16 **ProblemParam OPTIONAL,
716 | IN BOOLEAN AutoPageBreak,
717 | IN BOOLEAN AlwaysAllowNumbers
718 | );
719 |
720 | /// Make it easy to upgrade from older versions of the shell library.
721 | #define ShellCommandLineParse(CheckList,CheckPackage,ProblemParam,AutoPageBreak) ShellCommandLineParseEx(CheckList,CheckPackage,ProblemParam,AutoPageBreak,FALSE)
722 |
723 | /**
724 | Frees shell variable list that was returned from ShellCommandLineParse.
725 |
726 | This function will free all the memory that was used for the CheckPackage
727 | list of postprocessed shell arguments.
728 |
729 | If CheckPackage is NULL, then return.
730 |
731 | @param[in] CheckPackage The list to de-allocate.
732 | **/
733 | VOID
734 | EFIAPI
735 | ShellCommandLineFreeVarList (
736 | IN LIST_ENTRY *CheckPackage
737 | );
738 |
739 | /**
740 | Checks for presence of a flag parameter.
741 |
742 | Flag arguments are in the form of "-<Key>" or "/<Key>", but do not have a value following the key.
743 |
744 | If CheckPackage is NULL then return FALSE.
745 | If KeyString is NULL then ASSERT().
746 |
747 | @param[in] CheckPackage The package of parsed command line arguments.
748 | @param[in] KeyString The Key of the command line argument to check for.
749 |
750 | @retval TRUE The flag is on the command line.
751 | @retval FALSE The flag is not on the command line.
752 | **/
754 | EFIAPI
755 | ShellCommandLineGetFlag (
756 | IN CONST LIST_ENTRY * CONST CheckPackage,
757 | IN CONST CHAR16 * CONST KeyString
758 | );
759 |
760 | /**
761 | Returns value from command line argument.
762 |
763 | Value parameters are in the form of "-<Key> value" or "/<Key> value".
764 |
765 | If CheckPackage is NULL, then return NULL.
766 |
767 | @param[in] CheckPackage The package of parsed command line arguments.
768 | @param[in] KeyString The Key of the command line argument to check for.
769 |
770 | @retval NULL The flag is not on the command line.
771 | @retval !=NULL The pointer to unicode string of the value.
772 | **/
773 | CONST CHAR16*
774 | EFIAPI
775 | ShellCommandLineGetValue (
776 | IN CONST LIST_ENTRY *CheckPackage,
777 | IN CHAR16 *KeyString
778 | );
779 |
780 | /**
781 | Returns raw value from command line argument.
782 |
783 | Raw value parameters are in the form of "value" in a specific position in the list.
784 |
785 | If CheckPackage is NULL, then return NULL.
786 |
787 | @param[in] CheckPackage The package of parsed command line arguments.
788 | @param[in] Position The position of the value.
789 |
790 | @retval NULL The flag is not on the command line.
791 | @retval !=NULL The pointer to unicode string of the value.
792 | **/
793 | CONST CHAR16*
794 | EFIAPI
795 | ShellCommandLineGetRawValue (
796 | IN CONST LIST_ENTRY * CONST CheckPackage,
797 | IN UINTN Position
798 | );
799 |
800 | /**
801 | Returns the number of command line value parameters that were parsed.
802 |
803 | This will not include flags.
804 |
805 | @param[in] CheckPackage The package of parsed command line arguments.
806 |
807 | @retval (UINTN)-1 No parsing has occurred.
808 | @retval other The number of value parameters found.
809 | **/
810 | UINTN
811 | EFIAPI
812 | ShellCommandLineGetCount(
813 | IN CONST LIST_ENTRY *CheckPackage
814 | );
815 |
816 | /**
817 | Determines if a parameter is duplicated.
818 |
819 | If Param is not NULL, then it will point to a callee-allocated string buffer
820 | with the parameter value, if a duplicate is found.
821 |
822 | If CheckPackage is NULL, then ASSERT.
823 |
824 | @param[in] CheckPackage The package of parsed command line arguments.
825 | @param[out] Param Upon finding one, a pointer to the duplicated parameter.
826 |
827 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS No parameters were duplicated.
828 | @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR A duplicate was found.
829 | **/
831 | EFIAPI
832 | ShellCommandLineCheckDuplicate (
833 | IN CONST LIST_ENTRY *CheckPackage,
834 | OUT CHAR16 **Param
835 | );
836 |
837 | /**
838 | This function causes the shell library to initialize itself. If the shell library
839 | is already initialized it will de-initialize all the current protocol pointers and
840 | re-populate them again.
841 |
842 | When the library is used with PcdShellLibAutoInitialize set to true this function
843 | will return EFI_SUCCESS and perform no actions.
844 |
845 | This function is intended for internal access for shell commands only.
846 |
847 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS The initialization was complete sucessfully.
848 |
849 | **/
851 | EFIAPI
852 | ShellInitialize (
853 | VOID
854 | );
855 |
856 | /**
857 | Print at a specific location on the screen.
858 |
859 | This function will move the cursor to a given screen location and print the specified string.
860 |
861 | If -1 is specified for either the Row or Col the current screen location for BOTH
862 | will be used.
863 |
864 | If either Row or Col is out of range for the current console, then ASSERT.
865 | If Format is NULL, then ASSERT.
866 |
867 | In addition to the standard %-based flags as supported by UefiLib Print() this supports
868 | the following additional flags:
869 | %N - Set output attribute to normal
870 | %H - Set output attribute to highlight
871 | %E - Set output attribute to error
872 | %B - Set output attribute to blue color
873 | %V - Set output attribute to green color
874 |
875 | Note: The background color is controlled by the shell command cls.
876 |
877 | @param[in] Col The column to print at.
878 | @param[in] Row The row to print at.
879 | @param[in] Format The format string.
880 | @param[in] ... The variable argument list.
881 |
882 | @return EFI_SUCCESS The printing was successful.
883 | @return EFI_DEVICE_ERROR The console device reported an error.
884 | **/
886 | EFIAPI
887 | ShellPrintEx(
888 | IN INT32 Col OPTIONAL,
889 | IN INT32 Row OPTIONAL,
890 | IN CONST CHAR16 *Format,
891 | ...
892 | );
893 |
894 | /**
895 | Print at a specific location on the screen.
896 |
897 | This function will move the cursor to a given screen location and print the specified string.
898 |
899 | If -1 is specified for either the Row or Col the current screen location for BOTH
900 | will be used.
901 |
902 | If either Row or Col is out of range for the current console, then ASSERT.
903 | If Format is NULL, then ASSERT.
904 |
905 | In addition to the standard %-based flags as supported by UefiLib Print() this supports
906 | the following additional flags:
907 | %N - Set output attribute to normal.
908 | %H - Set output attribute to highlight.
909 | %E - Set output attribute to error.
910 | %B - Set output attribute to blue color.
911 | %V - Set output attribute to green color.
912 |
913 | Note: The background color is controlled by the shell command cls.
914 |
915 | @param[in] Col The column to print at.
916 | @param[in] Row The row to print at.
917 | @param[in] Language The language of the string to retrieve. If this parameter
918 | is NULL, then the current platform language is used.
919 | @param[in] HiiFormatStringId The format string Id for getting from Hii.
920 | @param[in] HiiFormatHandle The format string Handle for getting from Hii.
921 | @param[in] ... The variable argument list.
922 |
923 | @return EFI_SUCCESS The printing was successful.
924 | @return EFI_DEVICE_ERROR The console device reported an error.
925 | **/
927 | EFIAPI
928 | ShellPrintHiiEx(
929 | IN INT32 Col OPTIONAL,
930 | IN INT32 Row OPTIONAL,
931 | IN CONST CHAR8 *Language OPTIONAL,
932 | IN CONST EFI_STRING_ID HiiFormatStringId,
933 | IN CONST EFI_HANDLE HiiFormatHandle,
934 | ...
935 | );
936 |
937 | /**
938 | Function to determine if a given filename represents a directory.
939 |
940 | If DirName is NULL, then ASSERT.
941 |
942 | @param[in] DirName Path to directory to test.
943 |
944 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS The Path represents a directory.
945 | @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND The Path does not represent a directory.
946 | @retval other The path failed to open.
947 | **/
949 | EFIAPI
950 | ShellIsDirectory(
951 | IN CONST CHAR16 *DirName
952 | );
953 |
954 | /**
955 | Function to determine if a given filename represents a file.
956 |
957 | This will search the CWD only.
958 |
959 | If Name is NULL, then ASSERT.
960 |
961 | @param[in] Name Path to file to test.
962 |
963 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS The Path represents a file.
964 | @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND The Path does not represent a file.
965 | @retval other The path failed to open.
966 | **/
968 | EFIAPI
969 | ShellIsFile(
970 | IN CONST CHAR16 *Name
971 | );
972 |
973 | /**
974 | Function to determine if a given filename represents a file.
975 |
976 | This will search the CWD and then the Path.
977 |
978 | If Name is NULL, then ASSERT.
979 |
980 | @param[in] Name Path to file to test.
981 |
982 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS The Path represents a file.
983 | @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND The Path does not represent a file.
984 | @retval other The path failed to open.
985 | **/
987 | EFIAPI
988 | ShellIsFileInPath(
989 | IN CONST CHAR16 *Name
990 | );
991 |
992 | /**
993 | Function to determine whether a string is decimal or hex representation of a number
994 | and return the number converted from the string.
995 |
996 | Note: this function cannot be used when (UINTN)(-1), (0xFFFFFFFF) may be a valid
997 | result. Use ShellConvertStringToUint64 instead.
998 |
999 | @param[in] String String representation of a number.
1000 |
1001 | @return The unsigned integer result of the conversion.
1002 | @retval (UINTN)(-1) An error occured.
1003 | **/
1004 | UINTN
1005 | EFIAPI
1006 | ShellStrToUintn(
1007 | IN CONST CHAR16 *String
1008 | );
1009 |
1010 | /**
1011 | Function return the number converted from a hex representation of a number.
1012 |
1013 | Note: this function cannot be used when (UINTN)(-1), (0xFFFFFFFF) may be a valid
1014 | result. Use ShellConvertStringToUint64 instead.
1015 |
1016 | @param[in] String String representation of a number.
1017 |
1018 | @return The unsigned integer result of the conversion.
1019 | @retval (UINTN)(-1) An error occured.
1020 | **/
1021 | UINTN
1022 | EFIAPI
1023 | ShellHexStrToUintn(
1024 | IN CONST CHAR16 *String
1025 | );
1026 |
1027 | /**
1028 | Safely append with automatic string resizing given length of Destination and
1029 | desired length of copy from Source.
1030 |
1031 | Append the first D characters of Source to the end of Destination, where D is
1032 | the lesser of Count and the StrLen() of Source. If appending those D characters
1033 | will fit within Destination (whose Size is given as CurrentSize) and
1034 | still leave room for a NULL terminator, then those characters are appended,
1035 | starting at the original terminating NULL of Destination, and a new terminating
1036 | NULL is appended.
1037 |
1038 | If appending D characters onto Destination will result in a overflow of the size
1039 | given in CurrentSize the string will be grown such that the copy can be performed
1040 | and CurrentSize will be updated to the new size.
1041 |
1042 | If Source is NULL, there is nothing to append, so return the current buffer in
1043 | Destination.
1044 |
1045 | If Destination is NULL, then ASSERT().
1046 | If Destination's current length (including NULL terminator) is already more than
1047 | CurrentSize, then ASSERT().
1048 |
1049 | @param[in, out] Destination The String to append onto.
1050 | @param[in, out] CurrentSize On call, the number of bytes in Destination. On
1051 | return, possibly the new size (still in bytes). If NULL,
1052 | then allocate whatever is needed.
1053 | @param[in] Source The String to append from.
1054 | @param[in] Count The maximum number of characters to append. If 0, then
1055 | all are appended.
1056 |
1057 | @return The Destination after appending the Source.
1058 | **/
1059 | CHAR16*
1060 | EFIAPI
1061 | StrnCatGrow (
1062 | IN OUT CHAR16 **Destination,
1063 | IN OUT UINTN *CurrentSize,
1064 | IN CONST CHAR16 *Source,
1065 | IN UINTN Count
1066 | );
1067 |
1068 | /**
1069 | This is a find and replace function. Upon successful return the NewString is a copy of
1070 | SourceString with each instance of FindTarget replaced with ReplaceWith.
1071 |
1072 | If SourceString and NewString overlap the behavior is undefined.
1073 |
1074 | If the string would grow bigger than NewSize it will halt and return error.
1075 |
1076 | @param[in] SourceString The string with source buffer.
1077 | @param[in, out] NewString The string with resultant buffer.
1078 | @param[in] NewSize The size in bytes of NewString.
1079 | @param[in] FindTarget The string to look for.
1080 | @param[in] ReplaceWith The string to replace FindTarget with.
1081 | @param[in] SkipPreCarrot If TRUE will skip a FindTarget that has a '^'
1082 | immediately before it.
1083 | @param[in] ParameterReplacing If TRUE will add "" around items with spaces.
1084 |
1085 | @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER SourceString was NULL.
1086 | @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER NewString was NULL.
1087 | @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER FindTarget was NULL.
1088 | @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER ReplaceWith was NULL.
1089 | @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER FindTarget had length < 1.
1090 | @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER SourceString had length < 1.
1091 | @retval EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL NewSize was less than the minimum size to hold
1092 | the new string (truncation occurred).
1093 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS The string was successfully copied with replacement.
1094 | **/
1096 | EFIAPI
1097 | ShellCopySearchAndReplace(
1098 | IN CHAR16 CONST *SourceString,
1099 | IN OUT CHAR16 *NewString,
1100 | IN UINTN NewSize,
1101 | IN CONST CHAR16 *FindTarget,
1102 | IN CONST CHAR16 *ReplaceWith,
1103 | IN CONST BOOLEAN SkipPreCarrot,
1104 | IN CONST BOOLEAN ParameterReplacing
1105 | );
1106 |
1107 | /**
1108 | Check if a Unicode character is a hexadecimal character.
1109 |
1110 | This internal function checks if a Unicode character is a
1111 | numeric character. The valid hexadecimal characters are
1112 | L'0' to L'9', L'a' to L'f', or L'A' to L'F'.
1113 |
1114 |
1115 | @param Char The character to check against.
1116 |
1117 | @retval TRUE The Char is a hexadecmial character.
1118 | @retval FALSE The Char is not a hexadecmial character.
1119 |
1120 | **/
1121 | BOOLEAN
1122 | EFIAPI
1123 | ShellIsHexaDecimalDigitCharacter (
1124 | IN CHAR16 Char
1125 | );
1126 |
1127 | /**
1128 | Check if a Unicode character is a decimal character.
1129 |
1130 | This internal function checks if a Unicode character is a
1131 | decimal character. The valid characters are
1132 | L'0' to L'9'.
1133 |
1134 |
1135 | @param Char The character to check against.
1136 |
1137 | @retval TRUE The Char is a hexadecmial character.
1138 | @retval FALSE The Char is not a hexadecmial character.
1139 |
1140 | **/
1141 | BOOLEAN
1142 | EFIAPI
1143 | ShellIsDecimalDigitCharacter (
1144 | IN CHAR16 Char
1145 | );
1146 |
1147 | ///
1148 | /// What type of answer is requested.
1149 | ///
1150 | typedef enum {
1151 | ShellPromptResponseTypeYesNo,
1152 | ShellPromptResponseTypeYesNoCancel,
1153 | ShellPromptResponseTypeFreeform,
1154 | ShellPromptResponseTypeQuitContinue,
1155 | ShellPromptResponseTypeYesNoAllCancel,
1156 | ShellPromptResponseTypeEnterContinue,
1157 | ShellPromptResponseTypeAnyKeyContinue,
1158 | ShellPromptResponseTypeMax
1160 |
1161 | ///
1162 | /// What answer was given.
1163 | ///
1164 | typedef enum {
1165 | ShellPromptResponseYes,
1166 | ShellPromptResponseNo,
1167 | ShellPromptResponseCancel,
1168 | ShellPromptResponseQuit,
1169 | ShellPromptResponseContinue,
1170 | ShellPromptResponseAll,
1171 | ShellPromptResponseMax
1173 |
1174 | /**
1175 | Prompt the user and return the resultant answer to the requestor.
1176 |
1177 | This function will display the requested question on the shell prompt and then
1178 | wait for an apropriate answer to be input from the console.
1179 |
1182 |
1183 | If the SHELL_PROMPT_REQUEST_TYPE is ShellPromptResponseTypeFreeform then *Response is of type
1184 | CHAR16*.
1185 |
1186 | In either case *Response must be callee freed if Response was not NULL;
1187 |
1188 | @param Type What type of question is asked. This is used to filter the input
1189 | to prevent invalid answers to question.
1190 | @param Prompt The pointer to a string prompt used to request input.
1191 | @param Response The pointer to Response, which will be populated upon return.
1192 |
1193 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS The operation was successful.
1194 | @retval EFI_UNSUPPORTED The operation is not supported as requested.
1195 | @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER A parameter was invalid.
1196 | @return other The operation failed.
1197 | **/
1199 | EFIAPI
1200 | ShellPromptForResponse (
1202 | IN CHAR16 *Prompt OPTIONAL,
1203 | IN OUT VOID **Response OPTIONAL
1204 | );
1205 |
1206 | /**
1207 | Prompt the user and return the resultant answer to the requestor.
1208 |
1209 | This function is the same as ShellPromptForResponse, except that the prompt is
1210 | automatically pulled from HII.
1211 |
1212 | @param[in] Type What type of question is asked. This is used to filter the input
1213 | to prevent invalid answers to question.
1214 | @param[in] HiiFormatStringId The format string Id for getting from Hii.
1215 | @param[in] HiiFormatHandle The format string Handle for getting from Hii.
1216 | @param[in, out] Response The pointer to Response, which will be populated upon return.
1217 |
1218 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS The operation was sucessful.
1219 | @return other The operation failed.
1220 |
1221 | @sa ShellPromptForResponse
1222 | **/
1224 | EFIAPI
1225 | ShellPromptForResponseHii (
1227 | IN CONST EFI_STRING_ID HiiFormatStringId,
1228 | IN CONST EFI_HANDLE HiiFormatHandle,
1229 | IN OUT VOID **Response
1230 | );
1231 |
1232 | /**
1233 | Function to determin if an entire string is a valid number.
1234 |
1235 | If Hex it must be preceeded with a 0x, 0X, or has ForceHex set TRUE.
1236 |
1237 | @param[in] String The string to evaluate.
1238 | @param[in] ForceHex TRUE - always assume hex.
1239 | @param[in] StopAtSpace TRUE to halt upon finding a space, FALSE to keep going.
1240 |
1241 | @retval TRUE It is all numeric (dec/hex) characters.
1242 | @retval FALSE There is a non-numeric character.
1243 | **/
1244 | BOOLEAN
1245 | EFIAPI
1246 | ShellIsHexOrDecimalNumber (
1247 | IN CONST CHAR16 *String,
1248 | IN CONST BOOLEAN ForceHex,
1249 | IN CONST BOOLEAN StopAtSpace
1250 | );
1251 |
1252 | /**
1253 | Function to verify and convert a string to its numerical 64 bit representation.
1254 |
1255 | If Hex it must be preceeded with a 0x, 0X, or has ForceHex set TRUE.
1256 |
1257 | @param[in] String The string to evaluate.
1258 | @param[out] Value Upon a successful return the value of the conversion.
1259 | @param[in] ForceHex TRUE - always assume hex.
1260 | @param[in] StopAtSpace TRUE to halt upon finding a space, FALSE to
1261 | process the entire String.
1262 |
1263 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS The conversion was successful.
1264 | @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER String contained an invalid character.
1265 | @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND String was a number, but Value was NULL.
1266 | **/
1268 | EFIAPI
1269 | ShellConvertStringToUint64(
1270 | IN CONST CHAR16 *String,
1271 | OUT UINT64 *Value,
1272 | IN CONST BOOLEAN ForceHex,
1273 | IN CONST BOOLEAN StopAtSpace
1274 | );
1275 |
1276 | /**
1277 | Function to determine if a given filename exists.
1278 |
1279 | @param[in] Name Path to test.
1280 |
1281 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS The Path represents a file.
1282 | @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND The Path does not represent a file.
1283 | @retval other The path failed to open.
1284 | **/
1286 | EFIAPI
1287 | ShellFileExists(
1288 | IN CONST CHAR16 *Name
1289 | );
1290 |
1291 | /**
1292 | Function to read a single line from a SHELL_FILE_HANDLE. The \n is not included in the returned
1293 | buffer. The returned buffer must be callee freed.
1294 |
1295 | If the position upon start is 0, then the Ascii Boolean will be set. This should be
1296 | maintained and not changed for all operations with the same file.
1297 |
1298 | @param[in] Handle SHELL_FILE_HANDLE to read from.
1299 | @param[in, out] Ascii Boolean value for indicating whether the file is
1300 | Ascii (TRUE) or UCS2 (FALSE).
1301 |
1302 | @return The line of text from the file.
1303 |
1304 | @sa ShellFileHandleReadLine
1305 | **/
1306 | CHAR16*
1307 | EFIAPI
1308 | ShellFileHandleReturnLine(
1310 | IN OUT BOOLEAN *Ascii
1311 | );
1312 |
1313 | /**
1314 | Function to read a single line (up to but not including the \n) from a SHELL_FILE_HANDLE.
1315 |
1316 | If the position upon start is 0, then the Ascii Boolean will be set. This should be
1317 | maintained and not changed for all operations with the same file.
1318 |
1319 | @param[in] Handle SHELL_FILE_HANDLE to read from.
1320 | @param[in, out] Buffer The pointer to buffer to read into.
1321 | @param[in, out] Size The pointer to number of bytes in Buffer.
1322 | @param[in] Truncate If the buffer is large enough, this has no effect.
1323 | If the buffer is is too small and Truncate is TRUE,
1324 | the line will be truncated.
1325 | If the buffer is is too small and Truncate is FALSE,
1326 | then no read will occur.
1327 |
1328 | @param[in, out] Ascii Boolean value for indicating whether the file is
1329 | Ascii (TRUE) or UCS2 (FALSE).
1330 |
1331 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS The operation was successful. The line is stored in
1332 | Buffer.
1333 | @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER Handle was NULL.
1334 | @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER Size was NULL.
1335 | @retval EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL Size was not large enough to store the line.
1336 | Size was updated to the minimum space required.
1337 | **/
1339 | EFIAPI
1340 | ShellFileHandleReadLine(
1342 | IN OUT CHAR16 *Buffer,
1343 | IN OUT UINTN *Size,
1344 | IN BOOLEAN Truncate,
1345 | IN OUT BOOLEAN *Ascii
1346 | );
1347 |
1348 | /**
1349 | Function to delete a file by name
1350 |
1351 | @param[in] FileName Pointer to file name to delete.
1352 |
1353 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS the file was deleted sucessfully
1354 | @retval EFI_WARN_DELETE_FAILURE the handle was closed, but the file was not
1355 | deleted
1356 | @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER One of the parameters has an invalid value.
1357 | @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND The specified file could not be found on the
1358 | device or the file system could not be found
1359 | on the device.
1360 | @retval EFI_NO_MEDIA The device has no medium.
1361 | @retval EFI_MEDIA_CHANGED The device has a different medium in it or the
1362 | medium is no longer supported.
1363 | @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR The device reported an error.
1364 | @retval EFI_VOLUME_CORRUPTED The file system structures are corrupted.
1365 | @retval EFI_WRITE_PROTECTED The file or medium is write protected.
1366 | @retval EFI_ACCESS_DENIED The file was opened read only.
1367 | @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES Not enough resources were available to open the
1368 | file.
1369 | @retval other The file failed to open
1370 | **/
1372 | EFIAPI
1373 | ShellDeleteFileByName(
1374 | IN CONST CHAR16 *FileName
1375 | );
1376 |
1377 | /**
1378 | Function to print help file / man page content in the spec from the UEFI Shell protocol GetHelpText function.
1379 |
1380 | @param[in] CommandToGetHelpOn Pointer to a string containing the command name of help file to be printed.
1381 | @param[in] SectionToGetHelpOn Pointer to the section specifier(s).
1382 | @param[in] PrintCommandText If TRUE, prints the command followed by the help content, otherwise prints
1383 | the help content only.
1384 | @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR The help data format was incorrect.
1385 | @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND The help data could not be found.
1386 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS The operation was successful.
1387 | **/
1389 | EFIAPI
1390 | ShellPrintHelp (
1391 | IN CONST CHAR16 *CommandToGetHelpOn,
1392 | IN CONST CHAR16 *SectionToGetHelpOn,
1393 | IN BOOLEAN PrintCommandText
1394 | );
1395 |
1396 | #endif // __SHELL_LIB__