1 | ## @file
2 | # Provides interface to advanced shell functionality for parsing both handle and protocol database.
3 | # Copyright (c) 2010 - 2018, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. <BR>
4 | # (C) Copyright 2013-2015 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.<BR>
5 | # (C) Copyright 2015-2021 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development LP<BR>
6 | #
7 | # SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
8 | #
9 | #
10 | ##
11 |
12 | [Defines]
13 | INF_VERSION = 0x00010006
14 | BASE_NAME = UefiHandleParsingLib
15 | FILE_GUID = 3CDC7177-CC2A-4678-BA8F-1A936A093FA4
19 | CONSTRUCTOR = HandleParsingLibConstructor
20 | DESTRUCTOR = HandleParsingLibDestructor
21 |
22 | #
24 | #
25 |
26 | [Sources.common]
27 | UefiHandleParsingLib.c
28 | UefiHandleParsingLib.h
29 | UefiHandleParsingLib.uni
30 |
31 | [Packages]
32 | MdePkg/MdePkg.dec
33 | MdeModulePkg/MdeModulePkg.dec
34 | ShellPkg/ShellPkg.dec
35 |
36 | [LibraryClasses]
37 | UefiBootServicesTableLib
38 | MemoryAllocationLib
39 | DevicePathLib
40 | BaseLib
41 | BaseMemoryLib
42 | DebugLib
43 | FileHandleLib
44 | PrintLib
45 | UefiLib
46 | HiiLib
47 | SortLib
48 | PeCoffGetEntryPointLib
49 |
50 | [Protocols]
51 | gEfiSimpleFileSystemProtocolGuid ## SOMETIMES_CONSUMES
52 |
53 | # shell 2.0
54 | gEfiShellProtocolGuid ## SOMETIMES_CONSUMES
55 | gEfiShellParametersProtocolGuid ## SOMETIMES_CONSUMES
56 |
57 | # 'old' shell
58 | gEfiShellEnvironment2Guid ## SOMETIMES_CONSUMES
59 | gEfiShellInterfaceGuid ## SOMETIMES_CONSUMES
60 |
61 | gEfiUnicodeCollation2ProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
62 | gEfiDevicePathToTextProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
63 | gEfiBusSpecificDriverOverrideProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
64 | gEfiDevicePathUtilitiesProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
65 | gEfiDevicePathFromTextProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
66 | gEfiPlatformDriverOverrideProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
67 | gEfiSimpleTextInProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
68 | gEfiPlatformToDriverConfigurationProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
69 | gEfiDriverSupportedEfiVersionProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
70 | gEfiLoadedImageProtocolGuid ## CONSUMES
71 | gEfiDevicePathProtocolGuid ## CONSUMES
72 | gEfiLoadedImageDevicePathProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
73 | gEfiSimpleTextOutProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
74 | gEfiSimplePointerProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
75 | gEfiAbsolutePointerProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
76 | gEfiSerialIoProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
77 | gEfiEdidDiscoveredProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
78 | gEfiEdidActiveProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
79 | gEfiEdidOverrideProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
80 | gEfiLoadFileProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
81 | gEfiLoadFile2ProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
82 | gEfiTapeIoProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
83 | gEfiDiskIoProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
84 | gEfiBlockIoProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
85 | gEfiUnicodeCollationProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
86 | gEfiPciRootBridgeIoProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
87 | gEfiPciIoProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
88 | gEfiScsiPassThruProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
89 | gEfiScsiIoProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
90 | gEfiExtScsiPassThruProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
91 | gEfiIScsiInitiatorNameProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
92 | gEfiUsbIoProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
93 | gEfiUsbHcProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
94 | gEfiUsb2HcProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
95 | gEfiDebugSupportProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
96 | gEfiDebugPortProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
97 | gEfiDecompressProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
98 | gEfiAcpiTableProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
99 | gEfiEbcProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
100 | gEfiSimpleNetworkProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
101 | gEfiNetworkInterfaceIdentifierProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
102 | gEfiNetworkInterfaceIdentifierProtocolGuid_31 ## UNDEFINED
103 | gEfiPxeBaseCodeProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
104 | gEfiPxeBaseCodeCallbackProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
105 | gEfiBisProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
106 | gEfiManagedNetworkServiceBindingProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
107 | gEfiManagedNetworkProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
108 | gEfiArpServiceBindingProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
109 | gEfiArpProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
110 | gEfiDhcp4ServiceBindingProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
111 | gEfiDhcp4ProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
112 | gEfiTcp4ServiceBindingProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
113 | gEfiTcp4ProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
114 | gEfiIp4ServiceBindingProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
115 | gEfiIp4ProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
116 | gEfiIp4ConfigProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
117 | gEfiIp4Config2ProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
118 | gEfiUdp4ServiceBindingProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
119 | gEfiUdp4ProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
120 | gEfiMtftp4ServiceBindingProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
121 | gEfiMtftp4ProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
122 | gEfiAuthenticationInfoProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
123 | gEfiHashServiceBindingProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
124 | gEfiHashProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
125 | gEfiHiiFontProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
126 | gEfiHiiStringProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
127 | gEfiHiiImageProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
128 | gEfiHiiConfigRoutingProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
129 | gEfiHiiConfigAccessProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
130 | gEfiFormBrowser2ProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
131 | gEfiDeviceIoProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
132 | gEfiUgaDrawProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
133 | gEfiUgaIoProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
134 | gEfiDriverConfigurationProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
135 | gEfiDriverConfiguration2ProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
136 | gEfiSimpleTextInputExProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
137 | gEfiIp6ServiceBindingProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
138 | gEfiIp6ProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
139 | gEfiIp6ConfigProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
140 | gEfiMtftp6ServiceBindingProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
141 | gEfiMtftp6ProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
142 | gEfiDhcp6ServiceBindingProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
143 | gEfiDhcp6ProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
144 | gEfiUdp6ServiceBindingProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
145 | gEfiUdp6ProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
146 | gEfiTcp6ServiceBindingProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
147 | gEfiTcp6ProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
148 | gEfiVlanConfigProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
149 | gEfiEapProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
150 | gEfiEapManagementProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
151 | gEfiFtp4ServiceBindingProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
152 | gEfiFtp4ProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
153 | gEfiIpSecConfigProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
154 | gEfiDriverHealthProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
155 | gEfiDeferredImageLoadProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
156 | gEfiUserCredentialProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
157 | gEfiUserManagerProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
158 | gEfiAtaPassThruProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
159 | gEfiFirmwareManagementProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
160 | gEfiIpSecProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
161 | gEfiIpSec2ProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
162 | gEfiKmsProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
163 | gEfiBlockIo2ProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
164 | gEfiStorageSecurityCommandProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
165 | gEfiUserCredential2ProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
166 | gPcdProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
167 | gEfiTcgProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
168 | gEfiHiiPackageListProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
169 | gEfiDriverFamilyOverrideProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
170 | gEfiIdeControllerInitProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
171 | gEfiDiskIo2ProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
172 | gEfiAdapterInformationProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
173 | gEfiShellDynamicCommandProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
174 | gEfiDiskInfoProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
175 | gGetPcdInfoProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
176 | gEfiBdsArchProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
177 | gEfiCpuArchProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
178 | gEfiMetronomeArchProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
179 | gEfiMonotonicCounterArchProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
180 | gEfiRealTimeClockArchProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
181 | gEfiResetArchProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
182 | gEfiRuntimeArchProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
183 | gEfiSecurityArchProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
184 | gEfiTimerArchProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
185 | gEfiVariableWriteArchProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
186 | gEfiVariableArchProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
187 | gEfiSecurityPolicyProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
188 | gEfiWatchdogTimerArchProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
189 | gEfiStatusCodeRuntimeProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
190 | gEfiSmbusHcProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
191 | gEfiFirmwareVolume2ProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
192 | gEfiFirmwareVolumeBlockProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
193 | gEfiCapsuleArchProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
194 | gEfiMpServiceProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
195 | gEfiPciHostBridgeResourceAllocationProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
196 | gEfiPciPlatformProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
197 | gEfiPciOverrideProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
198 | gEfiPciEnumerationCompleteProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
199 | gEfiIncompatiblePciDeviceSupportProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
200 | gEfiPciHotPlugInitProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
201 | gEfiPciHotPlugRequestProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
202 | gEfiSmbiosProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
203 | gEfiS3SaveStateProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
204 | gEfiS3SmmSaveStateProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
205 | gEfiRscHandlerProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
206 | gEfiSmmRscHandlerProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
207 | gEfiAcpiSdtProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
208 | gEfiSioProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
209 | gEfiSmmCpuIo2ProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
210 | gEfiSmmBase2ProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
211 | gEfiSmmAccess2ProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
212 | gEfiSmmControl2ProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
213 | gEfiSmmConfigurationProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
214 | gEfiSmmReadyToLockProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
215 | gEfiDxeSmmReadyToLockProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
216 | gEfiSmmCommunicationProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
217 | gEfiSmmStatusCodeProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
218 | gEfiSmmCpuProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
219 | gEfiSmmPciRootBridgeIoProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
220 | gEfiSmmSwDispatch2ProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
221 | gEfiSmmSxDispatch2ProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
222 | gEfiSmmPeriodicTimerDispatch2ProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
223 | gEfiSmmUsbDispatch2ProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
224 | gEfiSmmGpiDispatch2ProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
225 | gEfiSmmStandbyButtonDispatch2ProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
226 | gEfiSmmPowerButtonDispatch2ProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
227 | gEfiSmmIoTrapDispatch2ProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
228 | gEfiPcdProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
229 | gEfiFirmwareVolumeBlock2ProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
230 | gEfiCpuIo2ProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
231 | gEfiLegacyRegion2ProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
232 | gEfiSecurity2ArchProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
233 | gEfiSmmEndOfDxeProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
234 | gEfiIsaHcProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
235 | gEfiIsaHcServiceBindingProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
236 | gEfiSioControlProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
237 | gEfiGetPcdInfoProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
238 | gEfiI2cMasterProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
239 | gEfiI2cIoProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
240 | gEfiI2cEnumerateProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
241 | gEfiI2cHostProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
242 | gEfiI2cBusConfigurationManagementProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
243 | gEfiTcg2ProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
244 | gEfiTimestampProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
245 | gEfiRngProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
246 | gEfiNvmExpressPassThruProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
247 | gEfiHash2ServiceBindingProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
248 | gEfiHash2ProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
249 | gEfiBlockIoCryptoProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
250 | gEfiSmartCardReaderProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
251 | gEfiSmartCardEdgeProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
252 | gEfiUsbFunctionIoProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
253 | gEfiBluetoothHcProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
254 | gEfiBluetoothIoServiceBindingProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
255 | gEfiBluetoothIoProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
256 | gEfiBluetoothConfigProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
257 | gEfiRegularExpressionProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
258 | gEfiBootManagerPolicyProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
259 | gEfiConfigKeywordHandlerProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
260 | gEfiWiFiProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
261 | gEfiEapManagement2ProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
262 | gEfiEapConfigurationProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
263 | gEfiPkcs7VerifyProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
264 | gEfiDns4ServiceBindingProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
265 | gEfiDns4ProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
266 | gEfiDns6ServiceBindingProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
267 | gEfiDns6ProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
268 | gEfiHttpServiceBindingProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
269 | gEfiHttpProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
270 | gEfiHttpUtilitiesProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
271 | gEfiRestProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
272 | gEfiRestExProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
273 | gEfiRedfishDiscoverProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
274 | gEfiMmEndOfDxeProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
275 | gEfiMmIoTrapDispatchProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
276 | gEfiMmPowerButtonDispatchProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
277 | gEfiMmStandbyButtonDispatchProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
278 | gEfiMmGpiDispatchProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
279 | gEfiMmUsbDispatchProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
280 | gEfiMmPeriodicTimerDispatchProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
281 | gEfiMmSxDispatchProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
282 | gEfiMmSwDispatchProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
283 | gEfiMmPciRootBridgeIoProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
284 | gEfiMmCpuProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
285 | gEfiMmStatusCodeProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
286 | gEfiDxeMmReadyToLockProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
287 | gEfiMmConfigurationProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
288 | gEfiMmReadyToLockProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
289 | gEfiMmControlProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
290 | gEfiMmAccessProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
291 | gEfiMmBaseProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
292 | gEfiMmCpuIoProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
293 | gEfiMmRscHandlerProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
294 | gEfiMmCommunicationProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
295 | gEfiTlsServiceBindingProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
296 | gEfiTlsProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
297 | gEfiTlsConfigurationProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
298 | gEfiSupplicantServiceBindingProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
299 | gEfiSupplicantProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
300 | gEfiWiFi2ProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
301 | gEfiRamDiskProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
302 | gEfiHiiImageDecoderProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
303 | gEfiHiiImageExProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
304 | gEfiSdMmcPassThruProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
305 | gEfiEraseBlockProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
306 | gEfiBluetoothAttributeProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
307 | gEfiBluetoothAttributeServiceBindingProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
308 | gEfiBluetoothLeConfigProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
309 | gEfiUfsDeviceConfigProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
310 | gEfiHttpBootCallbackProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
311 | gEfiResetNotificationProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
312 | gEfiPartitionInfoProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
313 | gEfiHiiPopupProtocolGuid ## UNDEFINED
314 |
315 | [Guids]
316 | gEfiFileInfoGuid ## UNDEFINED
317 | gEfiShellEnvironment2ExtGuid ## SOMETIMES_CONSUMES ## GUID
318 | gEfiPcAnsiGuid ## UNDEFINED
319 | gEfiVT100Guid ## UNDEFINED
320 | gEfiVT100PlusGuid ## UNDEFINED
321 | gEfiVTUTF8Guid ## UNDEFINED
322 | gEfiStandardErrorDeviceGuid ## UNDEFINED
323 | gEfiConsoleInDeviceGuid ## UNDEFINED
324 | gEfiConsoleOutDeviceGuid ## UNDEFINED
325 | gEfiFileSystemInfoGuid ## UNDEFINED
326 | gEfiGlobalVariableGuid ## UNDEFINED
327 | gEfiPartTypeSystemPartGuid ## UNDEFINED
328 | gEfiPartTypeLegacyMbrGuid ## UNDEFINED
329 | gHandleParsingHiiGuid ## UNDEFINED
330 | gEfiAdapterInfoMediaStateGuid ## SOMETIMES_CONSUMES ## GUID
331 | gEfiAdapterInfoNetworkBootGuid ## SOMETIMES_CONSUMES ## GUID
332 | gEfiAdapterInfoSanMacAddressGuid ## SOMETIMES_CONSUMES ## GUID
333 | gEfiAdapterInfoUndiIpv6SupportGuid ## SOMETIMES_CONSUMES ## GUID
334 |
335 | [Pcd.common]
336 | gEfiShellPkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdShellIncludeNtGuids ## CONSUMES