1 | /** @file
2 | Definitions for the EFI Socket protocol.
3 |
4 | Copyright (c) 2011, Intel Corporation
5 | All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
6 | are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License
7 | which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at
8 | http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php
9 |
12 |
13 | **/
14 |
15 | #ifndef _EFI_SOCKET_H_
16 | #define _EFI_SOCKET_H_
17 |
18 | #include <errno.h>
19 | #include <Uefi.h>
20 |
21 | #include <netinet/in.h>
22 |
23 | #include <sys/poll.h>
24 | #include <sys/socket.h>
25 |
26 | //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
27 | // Data Types
28 | //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
29 |
30 | /**
31 | EfiSocketLib (SocketDxe) interface
32 | **/
34 |
35 | /**
36 | Constructor/Destructor
37 |
38 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS The operation was successful
39 |
40 | **/
41 | typedef
43 | (* PFN_ESL_xSTRUCTOR) (
44 | VOID
45 | );
46 |
47 | //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
48 | // Data
49 | //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
50 |
51 | extern PFN_ESL_xSTRUCTOR mpfnEslConstructor; ///< Constructor address for EslSocketLib
52 | extern PFN_ESL_xSTRUCTOR mpfnEslDestructor; ///< Destructor address for EslSocketLib
53 |
54 | extern EFI_GUID gEfiSocketProtocolGuid; ///< Socket protocol GUID
55 | extern EFI_GUID gEfiSocketServiceBindingProtocolGuid; ///< Socket layer service binding protocol GUID
56 |
57 | //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
58 | // Socket API
59 | //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
60 |
61 | /**
62 | Accept a network connection.
63 |
64 | This routine calls the network specific layer to remove the next
65 | connection from the FIFO.
66 |
67 | The ::accept calls this routine to poll for a network
68 | connection to the socket. When a connection is available
69 | this routine returns the ::EFI_SOCKET_PROTOCOL structure address
70 | associated with the new socket and the remote network address
71 | if requested.
72 |
73 | @param [in] pSocketProtocol Address of the ::EFI_SOCKET_PROTOCOL structure.
74 |
75 | @param [in] pSockAddr Address of a buffer to receive the remote
76 | network address.
77 |
78 | @param [in, out] pSockAddrLength Length in bytes of the address buffer.
79 | On output specifies the length of the
80 | remote network address.
81 |
82 | @param [out] ppSocketProtocol Address of a buffer to receive the
83 | ::EFI_SOCKET_PROTOCOL instance
84 | associated with the new socket.
85 |
86 | @param [out] pErrno Address to receive the errno value upon completion.
87 |
88 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS New connection successfully created
89 | @retval EFI_NOT_READY No connection is available
90 |
91 | **/
92 | typedef
94 | (* PFN_ACCEPT) (
95 | IN EFI_SOCKET_PROTOCOL * pSocketProtocol,
96 | IN struct sockaddr * pSockAddr,
97 | IN OUT socklen_t * pSockAddrLength,
98 | IN EFI_SOCKET_PROTOCOL ** ppSocketProtocol,
99 | IN int * pErrno
100 | );
101 |
102 | /**
103 | Bind a name to a socket.
104 |
105 | This routine calls the network specific layer to save the network
106 | address of the local connection point.
107 |
108 | The ::bind routine calls this routine to connect a name
109 | (network address and port) to a socket on the local machine.
110 |
111 | @param [in] pSocketProtocol Address of the ::EFI_SOCKET_PROTOCOL structure.
112 |
113 | @param [in] pSockAddr Address of a sockaddr structure that contains the
114 | connection point on the local machine. An IPv4 address
115 | of INADDR_ANY specifies that the connection is made to
116 | all of the network stacks on the platform. Specifying a
117 | specific IPv4 address restricts the connection to the
118 | network stack supporting that address. Specifying zero
119 | for the port causes the network layer to assign a port
120 | number from the dynamic range. Specifying a specific
121 | port number causes the network layer to use that port.
122 |
123 | @param [in] SockAddrLen Specifies the length in bytes of the sockaddr structure.
124 |
125 | @param [out] pErrno Address to receive the errno value upon completion.
126 |
127 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS - Socket successfully created
128 |
129 | **/
130 | typedef
132 | (* PFN_BIND) (
133 | IN EFI_SOCKET_PROTOCOL * pSocketProtocol,
134 | IN const struct sockaddr * pSockAddr,
135 | IN socklen_t SockAddrLength,
136 | OUT int * pErrno
137 | );
138 |
139 | /**
140 | Determine if the socket is closed
141 |
142 | This routine checks the state of the socket to determine if
143 | the network specific layer has completed the close operation.
144 |
145 | The ::close routine polls this routine to determine when the
146 | close operation is complete. The close operation needs to
147 | reverse the operations of the ::EslSocketAllocate routine.
148 |
149 | @param [in] pSocketProtocol Address of the ::EFI_SOCKET_PROTOCOL structure.
150 | @param [out] pErrno Address to receive the errno value upon completion.
151 |
152 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS Socket successfully closed
153 | @retval EFI_NOT_READY Close still in progress
154 | @retval EFI_ALREADY Close operation already in progress
155 | @retval Other Failed to close the socket
156 |
157 | **/
158 | typedef
160 | (* PFN_CLOSE_POLL) (
161 | IN EFI_SOCKET_PROTOCOL * pSocketProtocol,
162 | IN int * pErrno
163 | );
164 |
165 | /**
166 | Start the close operation on the socket
167 |
168 | This routine calls the network specific layer to initiate the
169 | close state machine. This routine then calls the network
170 | specific layer to determine if the close state machine has gone
171 | to completion. The result from this poll is returned to the
172 | caller.
173 |
174 | The ::close routine calls this routine to start the close
175 | operation which reverses the operations of the
176 | ::EslSocketAllocate routine. The close routine then polls
177 | the ::EslSocketClosePoll routine to determine when the
178 | socket is closed.
179 |
180 | @param [in] pSocketProtocol Address of the ::EFI_SOCKET_PROTOCOL structure.
181 | @param [in] bCloseNow Boolean to control close behavior
182 | @param [out] pErrno Address to receive the errno value upon completion.
183 |
184 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS Socket successfully closed
185 | @retval EFI_NOT_READY Close still in progress
186 | @retval EFI_ALREADY Close operation already in progress
187 | @retval Other Failed to close the socket
188 |
189 | **/
190 | typedef
192 | (* PFN_CLOSE_START) (
193 | IN EFI_SOCKET_PROTOCOL * pSocketProtocol,
194 | IN BOOLEAN bCloseNow,
195 | IN int * pErrno
196 | );
197 |
198 | /**
199 | Connect to a remote system via the network.
200 |
201 | This routine calls the network specific layer to establish
202 | the remote system address and establish the connection to
203 | the remote system.
204 |
205 | The ::connect routine calls this routine to establish a
206 | connection with the specified remote system. This routine
207 | is designed to be polled by the connect routine for completion
208 | of the network connection.
209 |
210 | @param [in] pSocketProtocol Address of the ::EFI_SOCKET_PROTOCOL structure.
211 |
212 | @param [in] pSockAddr Network address of the remote system.
213 |
214 | @param [in] SockAddrLength Length in bytes of the network address.
215 |
216 | @param [out] pErrno Address to receive the errno value upon completion.
217 |
218 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS The connection was successfully established.
219 | @retval EFI_NOT_READY The connection is in progress, call this routine again.
220 | @retval Others The connection attempt failed.
221 |
222 | **/
223 | typedef
225 | (* PFN_CONNECT) (
226 | IN EFI_SOCKET_PROTOCOL * pSocketProtocol,
227 | IN const struct sockaddr * pSockAddr,
228 | IN socklen_t SockAddrLength,
229 | IN int * pErrno
230 | );
231 |
232 | /**
233 | Get the local address.
234 |
235 | This routine calls the network specific layer to get the network
236 | address of the local host connection point.
237 |
238 | The ::getsockname routine calls this routine to obtain the network
239 | address associated with the local host connection point.
240 |
241 | @param [in] pSocketProtocol Address of the ::EFI_SOCKET_PROTOCOL structure.
242 |
243 | @param [out] pAddress Network address to receive the local system address
244 |
245 | @param [in,out] pAddressLength Length of the local network address structure
246 |
247 | @param [out] pErrno Address to receive the errno value upon completion.
248 |
249 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS - Local address successfully returned
250 |
251 | **/
252 | typedef
254 | (* PFN_GET_LOCAL) (
255 | IN EFI_SOCKET_PROTOCOL * pSocketProtocol,
256 | OUT struct sockaddr * pAddress,
257 | IN OUT socklen_t * pAddressLength,
258 | IN int * pErrno
259 | );
260 |
261 | /**
262 | Get the peer address.
263 |
264 | This routine calls the network specific layer to get the remote
265 | system connection point.
266 |
267 | The ::getpeername routine calls this routine to obtain the network
268 | address of the remote connection point.
269 |
270 | @param [in] pSocketProtocol Address of the ::EFI_SOCKET_PROTOCOL structure.
271 |
272 | @param [out] pAddress Network address to receive the remote system address
273 |
274 | @param [in,out] pAddressLength Length of the remote network address structure
275 |
276 | @param [out] pErrno Address to receive the errno value upon completion.
277 |
278 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS - Remote address successfully returned
279 |
280 | **/
281 | typedef
283 | (* PFN_GET_PEER) (
284 | IN EFI_SOCKET_PROTOCOL * pSocketProtocol,
285 | OUT struct sockaddr * pAddress,
286 | IN OUT socklen_t * pAddressLength,
287 | IN int * pErrno
288 | );
289 |
290 | /**
291 | Establish the known port to listen for network connections.
292 |
293 | This routine calls into the network protocol layer to establish
294 | a handler that is called upon connection completion. The handler
295 | is responsible for inserting the connection into the FIFO.
296 |
297 | The ::listen routine indirectly calls this routine to place the
298 | socket into a state that enables connection attempts. Connections
299 | are placed in a FIFO that is serviced by the application. The
300 | application calls the ::accept (::EslSocketAccept) routine to
301 | remove the next connection from the FIFO and get the associated
302 | socket and address.
303 |
304 | @param [in] pSocketProtocol Address of the socket protocol structure.
305 |
306 | @param [in] Backlog Backlog specifies the maximum FIFO depth for
307 | the connections waiting for the application
308 | to call accept. Connection attempts received
309 | while the queue is full are refused.
310 |
311 | @param [out] pErrno Address to receive the errno value upon completion.
312 |
313 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS - Socket successfully created
314 | @retval Other - Failed to enable the socket for listen
315 |
316 | **/
317 | typedef
319 | (* PFN_LISTEN) (
320 | IN EFI_SOCKET_PROTOCOL * pSocketProtocol,
321 | IN INT32 Backlog,
322 | OUT int * pErrno
323 | );
324 |
325 | /**
326 | Get the socket options
327 |
328 | This routine handles the socket level options and passes the
329 | others to the network specific layer.
330 |
331 | The ::getsockopt routine calls this routine to retrieve the
332 | socket options one at a time by name.
333 |
334 | @param [in] pSocketProtocol Address of the ::EFI_SOCKET_PROTOCOL structure.
335 | @param [in] level Option protocol level
336 | @param [in] OptionName Name of the option
337 | @param [out] pOptionValue Buffer to receive the option value
338 | @param [in,out] pOptionLength Length of the buffer in bytes,
339 | upon return length of the option value in bytes
340 | @param [out] pErrno Address to receive the errno value upon completion.
341 |
342 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS - Socket data successfully received
343 |
344 | **/
345 | typedef
347 | (* PFN_OPTION_GET) (
348 | IN EFI_SOCKET_PROTOCOL * pSocketProtocol,
349 | IN int level,
350 | IN int OptionName,
351 | OUT void * __restrict pOptionValue,
352 | IN OUT socklen_t * __restrict pOptionLength,
353 | IN int * pErrno
354 | );
355 |
356 | /**
357 | Set the socket options
358 |
359 | This routine handles the socket level options and passes the
360 | others to the network specific layer.
361 |
362 | The ::setsockopt routine calls this routine to adjust the socket
363 | options one at a time by name.
364 |
365 | @param [in] pSocketProtocol Address of the ::EFI_SOCKET_PROTOCOL structure.
366 | @param [in] level Option protocol level
367 | @param [in] OptionName Name of the option
368 | @param [in] pOptionValue Buffer containing the option value
369 | @param [in] OptionLength Length of the buffer in bytes
370 | @param [out] pErrno Address to receive the errno value upon completion.
371 |
372 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS - Option successfully set
373 |
374 | **/
375 | typedef
377 | (* PFN_OPTION_SET) (
378 | IN EFI_SOCKET_PROTOCOL * pSocketProtocol,
379 | IN int level,
380 | IN int OptionName,
381 | IN CONST void * pOptionValue,
382 | IN socklen_t OptionLength,
383 | IN int * pErrno
384 | );
385 |
386 | /**
387 | Poll a socket for pending activity.
388 |
389 | This routine builds a detected event mask which is returned to
390 | the caller in the buffer provided.
391 |
392 | The ::poll routine calls this routine to determine if the socket
393 | needs to be serviced as a result of connection, error, receive or
394 | transmit activity.
395 |
396 | @param [in] pSocketProtocol Address of the ::EFI_SOCKET_PROTOCOL structure.
397 |
398 | @param [in] Events Events of interest for this socket
399 |
400 | @param [in] pEvents Address to receive the detected events
401 |
402 | @param [out] pErrno Address to receive the errno value upon completion.
403 |
404 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS - Socket successfully polled
405 | @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER - When pEvents is NULL
406 |
407 | **/
408 | typedef
410 | (* PFN_POLL) (
411 | IN EFI_SOCKET_PROTOCOL * pSocketProtocol,
412 | IN short Events,
413 | IN short * pEvents,
414 | IN int * pErrno
415 | );
416 |
417 | /**
418 | Receive data from a network connection.
419 |
420 | This routine calls the network specific routine to remove the
421 | next portion of data from the receive queue and return it to the
422 | caller.
423 |
424 | The ::recvfrom routine calls this routine to determine if any data
425 | is received from the remote system. Note that the other routines
426 | ::recv and ::read are layered on top of ::recvfrom.
427 |
428 | @param [in] pSocketProtocol Address of the ::EFI_SOCKET_PROTOCOL structure.
429 |
430 | @param [in] Flags Message control flags
431 |
432 | @param [in] BufferLength Length of the the buffer
433 |
434 | @param [in] pBuffer Address of a buffer to receive the data.
435 |
436 | @param [in] pDataLength Number of received data bytes in the buffer.
437 |
438 | @param [out] pAddress Network address to receive the remote system address
439 |
440 | @param [in,out] pAddressLength Length of the remote network address structure
441 |
442 | @param [out] pErrno Address to receive the errno value upon completion.
443 |
444 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS - Socket data successfully received
445 |
446 | **/
447 | typedef
449 | (* PFN_RECEIVE) (
450 | IN EFI_SOCKET_PROTOCOL * pSocketProtocol,
451 | IN int Flags,
452 | IN size_t BufferLength,
453 | IN UINT8 * pBuffer,
454 | OUT size_t * pDataLength,
455 | OUT struct sockaddr * pAddress,
456 | IN OUT socklen_t * pAddressLength,
457 | IN int * pErrno
458 | );
459 |
460 | /**
461 | Shutdown the socket receive and transmit operations
462 |
463 | This routine sets a flag to stop future transmissions and calls
464 | the network specific layer to cancel the pending receive operation.
465 |
466 | The ::shutdown routine calls this routine to stop receive and transmit
467 | operations on the socket.
468 |
469 | @param [in] pSocketProtocol Address of the ::EFI_SOCKET_PROTOCOL structure.
470 |
471 | @param [in] How Which operations to stop
472 |
473 | @param [out] pErrno Address to receive the errno value upon completion.
474 |
475 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS - Socket operations successfully shutdown
476 |
477 | **/
478 | typedef
480 | (* PFN_SHUTDOWN) (
481 | IN EFI_SOCKET_PROTOCOL * pSocketProtocol,
482 | IN int How,
483 | IN int * pErrno
484 | );
485 |
486 | /**
487 | Initialize an endpoint for network communication.
488 |
489 | This routine initializes the communication endpoint.
490 |
491 | The ::socket routine calls this routine indirectly to create
492 | the communication endpoint.
493 |
494 | @param [in] pSocketProtocol Address of the socket protocol structure.
495 | @param [in] domain Select the family of protocols for the client or server
496 | application. See the ::socket documentation for values.
497 | @param [in] type Specifies how to make the network connection.
498 | See the ::socket documentation for values.
499 | @param [in] protocol Specifies the lower layer protocol to use.
500 | See the ::socket documentation for values.
501 | @param [out] pErrno Address to receive the errno value upon completion.
502 |
503 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS - Socket successfully created
504 | @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER - Invalid domain value, errno = EAFNOSUPPORT
505 | @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER - Invalid type value, errno = EINVAL
506 | @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER - Invalid protocol value, errno = EINVAL
507 |
508 | **/
509 | typedef
511 | (*PFN_SOCKET) (
512 | IN EFI_SOCKET_PROTOCOL * pSocketProtocol,
513 | IN int domain,
514 | IN int type,
515 | IN int protocol,
516 | IN int * pErrno
517 | );
518 |
519 | /**
520 | Send data using a network connection.
521 |
522 | This routine calls the network specific layer to queue the data
523 | for transmission. Eventually the buffer will reach the head of
524 | the queue and will get transmitted over the network. For datagram
525 | sockets there is no guarantee that the data reaches the application
526 | running on the remote system.
527 |
528 | The ::sendto routine calls this routine to send data to the remote
529 | system. Note that ::send and ::write are layered on top of ::sendto.
530 |
531 | @param [in] pSocketProtocol Address of the ::EFI_SOCKET_PROTOCOL structure.
532 |
533 | @param [in] Flags Message control flags
534 |
535 | @param [in] BufferLength Length of the the buffer
536 |
537 | @param [in] pBuffer Address of a buffer containing the data to send
538 |
539 | @param [in] pDataLength Address to receive the number of data bytes sent
540 |
541 | @param [in] pAddress Network address of the remote system address
542 |
543 | @param [in] AddressLength Length of the remote network address structure
544 |
545 | @param [out] pErrno Address to receive the errno value upon completion.
546 |
547 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS - Socket data successfully queued for transmit
548 |
549 | **/
550 | typedef
552 | (* PFN_TRANSMIT) (
553 | IN EFI_SOCKET_PROTOCOL * pSocketProtocol,
554 | IN int Flags,
555 | IN size_t BufferLength,
556 | IN CONST UINT8 * pBuffer,
557 | OUT size_t * pDataLength,
558 | IN const struct sockaddr * pAddress,
559 | IN socklen_t AddressLength,
560 | IN int * pErrno
561 | );
562 |
563 | //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
564 | // Socket Protocol
565 | //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
566 |
567 | /**
568 | Socket protocol declaration
569 | **/
570 | typedef struct _EFI_SOCKET_PROTOCOL {
571 | EFI_HANDLE SocketHandle; ///< Handle for the socket
572 | PFN_ACCEPT pfnAccept; ///< Accept a network connection
573 | PFN_BIND pfnBind; ///< Bind a local address to the socket
574 | PFN_CLOSE_POLL pfnClosePoll; ///< Determine if the socket is closed
575 | PFN_CLOSE_START pfnCloseStart; ///< Start the close operation
576 | PFN_CONNECT pfnConnect; ///< Connect to a remote system
577 | PFN_GET_LOCAL pfnGetLocal; ///< Get local address
578 | PFN_GET_PEER pfnGetPeer; ///< Get peer address
579 | PFN_LISTEN pfnListen; ///< Enable connection attempts on known port
580 | PFN_OPTION_GET pfnOptionGet; ///< Get socket options
581 | PFN_OPTION_SET pfnOptionSet; ///< Set socket options
582 | PFN_POLL pfnPoll; ///< Poll for socket activity
583 | PFN_RECEIVE pfnReceive; ///< Receive data from a socket
584 | PFN_SHUTDOWN pfnShutdown; ///< Shutdown receive and transmit operations
585 | PFN_SOCKET pfnSocket; ///< Initialize the socket
586 | PFN_TRANSMIT pfnTransmit; ///< Transmit data using the socket
588 |
589 | //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
590 | // Non-blocking routines
591 | //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
592 |
593 | /**
594 | Non blocking version of ::accept.
595 |
596 | @param [in] s Socket file descriptor returned from ::socket.
597 |
598 | @param [in] address Address of a buffer to receive the remote network address.
599 |
600 | @param [in, out] address_len Address of a buffer containing the Length in bytes
601 | of the remote network address buffer. Upon return,
602 | contains the length of the remote network address.
603 |
604 | @return This routine returns zero if successful and -1 when an error occurs.
605 | In the case of an error, ::errno contains more details.
606 |
607 | **/
608 | int
609 | AcceptNB (
610 | int s,
611 | struct sockaddr * address,
612 | socklen_t * address_len
613 | );
614 |
615 | /**
616 | Free the socket resources
617 |
618 | This releases the socket resources allocated by calling
619 | EslServiceGetProtocol.
620 |
621 | This routine is called from the ::close routine in BsdSocketLib
622 | to release the socket resources.
623 |
624 | @param [in] pSocketProtocol Address of an ::EFI_SOCKET_PROTOCOL
625 | structure
626 |
627 | @return Value for ::errno, zero (0) indicates success.
628 |
629 | **/
630 | int
631 | EslServiceFreeProtocol (
632 | IN EFI_SOCKET_PROTOCOL * pSocketProtocol
633 | );
634 |
635 | /**
636 | Connect to the EFI socket library
637 |
638 | @param [in] ppSocketProtocol Address to receive the socket protocol address
639 |
640 | @return Value for ::errno, zero (0) indicates success.
641 |
642 | **/
643 | int
644 | EslServiceGetProtocol (
645 | IN EFI_SOCKET_PROTOCOL ** ppSocketProtocol
646 | );
647 |
648 | //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
649 |
650 | #endif // _EFI_SOCKET_H_