1 | /** @file
2 | Device Abstraction Utility Routines
3 |
4 | Copyright (c) 2011, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
5 | This program and the accompanying materials are licensed and made available
6 | under the terms and conditions of the BSD License which accompanies this
7 | distribution. The full text of the license may be found at
8 | http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php.
9 |
12 |
13 | Depends upon: <kfile.h>
14 | **/
15 | #ifndef __DEV_UTILITY_H__
16 | #define __DEV_UTILITY_H__
17 |
18 | #define CON_COOKIE 0x62416F49 ///< 'IoAb'
19 |
20 | typedef enum {
21 | PathAbsolute = 0,
22 | PathRelative,
23 | PathMapping,
24 | PathError
25 | } PATH_CLASS;
26 |
27 | typedef struct _Device_Node {
28 | LIST_ENTRY DevList; ///< List of registered device abstractions
29 | const CHAR16 *DevName;
30 | const GUID *DevProto;
31 | void *InstanceList; ///< Array of instances for this device
32 | FO_OPEN OpenFunc;
33 | UINT32 InstanceSize; ///< Size of each instance in the InstanceList
34 | UINT32 NumInstances; ///< Number of instances in InstanceList
35 | UINT32 OpModes; ///< Supported modes of operation
36 | } DeviceNode;
37 |
39 |
40 | extern LIST_ENTRY daDeviceList; ///< List of registered devices.
41 | extern DeviceNode *daDefaultDevice; ///< Device to use if nothing else found
42 | extern DeviceNode *daRootDevice; ///< Device containing the root file system
43 | extern DeviceNode *daCurrentDevice; ///< Device currently being accessed
44 |
45 | /** Add a new device to the device list.
46 |
47 | @param DevName Name of the device to add.
48 | @param DevProto Pointer to the GUID identifying the protocol associated with this device.
49 | If DevProto is NULL, startup code will not try to find instances
50 | of this device.
51 | @param OpenFunc Pointer to the device's Open function.
52 | @param InstanceList Optional pointer to the device's initialized instance list.
53 | If InstanceList is NULL, the application startup code will
54 | scan for instances of the protocol identified by DevProto and
55 | populate the InstanceList in the order those protocols are found.
56 | @param NumInstance Number of instances in InstanceList.
57 | @param Modes Bit-mapped flags indicating operations (R, W, RW, ...) permitted to this device.
58 |
59 | **/
60 | DeviceNode * EFIAPI __DevRegister( const CHAR16 *DevName, GUID *DevProto, FO_OPEN OpenFunc,
61 | void *InstanceList, int NumInstance, UINT32 InstanceSize, UINT32 Modes);
62 |
63 | /** Find a DeviceNode matching DevName or DevProto, or both.
64 |
65 | If DevName is NULL, then the device name is not used in the search.
66 | If DevProto is NULL, then the protocol GUID is not used in the search.
67 | If both are NULL, then INVALID_PARAMETER is returned.
68 | If both DevName and DevProto are specified, then both must match.
69 | If both are specified but only one matches, then DEVICE_ERROR is returned.
70 |
71 | @param DevName Name of the Device Abstraction to find.
72 | @param DevProto GUID of the Protocol associated with the Device Abstraction.
73 | @param Node Pointer to the pointer to receive the found Device Node's address.
74 |
75 | @retval RETURN_SUCCESS The desired Device Node was found.
76 | @retval RETURN_INVALID_PARAMETER Both DevName and DevProto are NULL or Node is NULL.
77 | @retval RETURN_DEVICE_ERROR One, but not both, of DevNode and DevProto matched.
78 | **/
79 | EFI_STATUS EFIAPI __DevSearch( CHAR16 *DevName, GUID *DevProto, DeviceNode **Node);
80 |
81 | /** Identify the type of path pointed to by Path.
82 |
83 | Paths are classified based upon their initial character sequences.
84 | ^\\ Absolute Path
85 | ^\. Relative Path
86 | ^[^:\\]: Mapping Path
87 | .* Relative Path
88 |
89 | Mapping paths are broken into two parts at the ':'. The part to the left of the ':'
90 | is the Map Name, pointed to by Path, and the part to the right of the ':' is pointed
91 | to by NewPath.
92 |
93 | If Path was not a Mapping Path, then NewPath is set to Path.
94 |
95 | @param[in] Path Pointer to the path to be classified.
96 | @param[out] NewPath Pointer to the path portion of a mapping path.
97 |
98 | @retval PathAbsolute Path is an absolute path. NewPath points to the first '\'.
99 | @retval PathRelative Path is a relative path. NewPath = Path.
100 | @retval PathMapping Path is a mapping path. NewPath points to the ':'.
101 | @retval PathError Path is NULL.
102 | **/
103 | PATH_CLASS EFIAPI ClassifyPath(IN wchar_t *Path, OUT wchar_t **NewPath, int * const Length);
104 |
105 | /* Normalize a narrow-character path and produce a wide-character path
106 | that has forward slashes replaced with backslashes.
107 | Backslashes are directory separators in UEFI File Paths.
108 |
109 | It is the caller's responsibility to eventually free() the returned buffer.
110 |
111 | @param[in] path A pointer to the narrow-character path to be normalized.
112 |
113 | @return A pointer to a buffer containing the normalized, wide-character, path.
114 | */
115 | wchar_t *
116 | NormalizePath( const char *path);
117 |
118 | /** Process a MBCS path returning the final absolute path and the target device.
119 |
120 | @param path
121 | @param FullPath
122 | @param DevNode
123 |
124 | @retval RETURN_SUCCESS
126 | @retval RETURN_NOT_FOUND
127 | **/
129 | EFIAPI
130 | ParsePath( const char *path, wchar_t **FullPath, DeviceNode **DevNode, int *Which, wchar_t **MapPath);
131 |
132 | /** Process a wide character string representing a Mapping Path and extract the instance number.
133 |
134 | The instance number is the sequence of decimal digits immediately to the left
135 | of the ":" in the Map Name portion of a Mapping Path.
136 |
137 | This function is called with a pointer to beginning of the Map Name.
138 | Thus Path[Length] must be a ':' and Path[Length - 1] must be a decimal digit.
139 | If either of these are not true, an instance value of 0 is returned.
140 |
141 | If Path is NULL, an instance value of 0 is returned.
142 |
143 | @param[in] Path Points to the beginning of a Mapping Path
144 | @param[in] Length Number of valid characters to the left of the ':'
145 |
146 | @return Returns either 0 or the value of the contiguous digits to the left of the ':'.
147 | **/
148 | int
149 | EFIAPI
150 | PathInstance( const wchar_t *Path, int length);
151 |
152 | /** Transform a relative path into an absolute path.
153 |
154 | If Path is NULL, return NULL.
155 | Otherwise, pre-pend the CWD to Path then process the resulting path to:
156 | - Replace "/./" with "/"
157 | - Replace "/<dirname>/../" with "/"
158 | - Do not allow one to back up past the root, "/"
159 |
160 | Also sets the Current Working Device to the Root Device.
161 |
162 | Path must be a previously allocated buffer. PathAdjust will
163 | allocate a new buffer to hold the results of the transformation
164 | then free Path. A pointer to the newly allocated buffer is returned.
165 |
166 | @param[in] Path A pointer to the path to be transformed. This buffer
167 | will always be freed.
168 |
169 | @return A pointer to a buffer containing the transformed path.
170 | **/
171 | wchar_t *
172 | EFIAPI
173 | PathAdjust(wchar_t *Path);
174 |
175 | /** Replace the leading portion of Path with any aliases.
176 |
177 | Aliases are read from /etc/fstab. If there is an associated device, the
178 | Current Working Device is set to that device.
179 |
180 | Path must be a previously allocated buffer. PathAlias will
181 | allocate a new buffer to hold the results of the transformation
182 | then free Path. A pointer to the newly allocated buffer is returned.
183 |
184 | @param[in] Path A pointer to the original, unaliased, path. This
185 | buffer is always freed.
186 | @param[out] Node Filled in with a pointer to the Device Node describing
187 | the device abstraction associated with this path.
188 |
189 | @return A pointer to a buffer containing the aliased path.
190 | **/
191 | wchar_t *
192 | EFIAPI
193 | PathAlias(wchar_t *Path, DeviceNode **Node);
194 |
195 | /**
196 | Parses a normalized wide character path and returns a pointer to the entry
197 | following the last \. If a \ is not found in the path the return value will
198 | be the same as the input value. All error conditions return NULL.
199 |
200 | The behavior when passing in a path that has not been normalized is undefined.
201 |
202 | @param Path - A pointer to a wide character string containing a path to a
203 | directory or a file.
204 |
205 | @return Pointer to the file name or terminal directory. NULL if an error is
206 | detected.
207 | **/
208 | wchar_t *
209 | EFIAPI
210 | GetFileNameFromPath(
211 | const wchar_t *Path
212 | );
213 |
214 | __END_DECLS
215 |
216 | #endif /* __DEV_UTILITY_H__ */