1 | /** @file
2 | IA32 CPU Exception Handler functons.
3 |
4 | Copyright (c) 2012 - 2022, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
5 | SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
6 |
7 | **/
8 |
9 | #include "CpuExceptionCommon.h"
10 |
11 | /**
12 | Return address map of exception handler template so that C code can generate
13 | exception tables.
14 |
15 | @param IdtEntry Pointer to IDT entry to be updated.
16 | @param InterruptHandler IDT handler value.
17 |
18 | **/
19 | VOID
20 | ArchUpdateIdtEntry (
22 | IN UINTN InterruptHandler
23 | )
24 | {
25 | IdtEntry->Bits.OffsetLow = (UINT16)(UINTN)InterruptHandler;
26 | IdtEntry->Bits.OffsetHigh = (UINT16)((UINTN)InterruptHandler >> 16);
27 | IdtEntry->Bits.GateType = IA32_IDT_GATE_TYPE_INTERRUPT_32;
28 | }
29 |
30 | /**
31 | Read IDT handler value from IDT entry.
32 |
33 | @param IdtEntry Pointer to IDT entry to be read.
34 |
35 | **/
36 | UINTN
37 | ArchGetIdtHandler (
39 | )
40 | {
41 | return (UINTN)IdtEntry->Bits.OffsetLow + (((UINTN)IdtEntry->Bits.OffsetHigh) << 16);
42 | }
43 |
44 | /**
45 | Save CPU exception context when handling EFI_VECTOR_HANDOFF_HOOK_AFTER case.
46 |
47 | @param[in] ExceptionType Exception type.
48 | @param[in] SystemContext Pointer to EFI_SYSTEM_CONTEXT.
49 | @param[in] ExceptionHandlerData Pointer to exception handler data.
50 | **/
51 | VOID
52 | ArchSaveExceptionContext (
53 | IN UINTN ExceptionType,
54 | IN EFI_SYSTEM_CONTEXT SystemContext,
55 | IN EXCEPTION_HANDLER_DATA *ExceptionHandlerData
56 | )
57 | {
58 | IA32_EFLAGS32 Eflags;
59 | RESERVED_VECTORS_DATA *ReservedVectors;
60 |
61 | ReservedVectors = ExceptionHandlerData->ReservedVectors;
62 | //
63 | // Save Exception context in global variable in first entry of the exception handler.
64 | // So when original exception handler returns to the new exception handler (second entry),
65 | // the Eflags/Cs/Eip/ExceptionData can be used.
66 | //
67 | ReservedVectors[ExceptionType].OldFlags = SystemContext.SystemContextIa32->Eflags;
68 | ReservedVectors[ExceptionType].OldCs = SystemContext.SystemContextIa32->Cs;
69 | ReservedVectors[ExceptionType].OldIp = SystemContext.SystemContextIa32->Eip;
70 | ReservedVectors[ExceptionType].ExceptionData = SystemContext.SystemContextIa32->ExceptionData;
71 | //
72 | // Clear IF flag to avoid old IDT handler enable interrupt by IRET
73 | //
74 | Eflags.UintN = SystemContext.SystemContextIa32->Eflags;
75 | Eflags.Bits.IF = 0;
76 | SystemContext.SystemContextIa32->Eflags = Eflags.UintN;
77 | //
78 | // Modify the EIP in stack, then old IDT handler will return to HookAfterStubBegin.
79 | //
80 | SystemContext.SystemContextIa32->Eip = (UINTN)ReservedVectors[ExceptionType].HookAfterStubHeaderCode;
81 | }
82 |
83 | /**
84 | Restore CPU exception context when handling EFI_VECTOR_HANDOFF_HOOK_AFTER case.
85 |
86 | @param[in] ExceptionType Exception type.
87 | @param[in] SystemContext Pointer to EFI_SYSTEM_CONTEXT.
88 | @param[in] ExceptionHandlerData Pointer to exception handler data.
89 | **/
90 | VOID
91 | ArchRestoreExceptionContext (
92 | IN UINTN ExceptionType,
93 | IN EFI_SYSTEM_CONTEXT SystemContext,
94 | IN EXCEPTION_HANDLER_DATA *ExceptionHandlerData
95 | )
96 | {
97 | RESERVED_VECTORS_DATA *ReservedVectors;
98 |
99 | ReservedVectors = ExceptionHandlerData->ReservedVectors;
100 | SystemContext.SystemContextIa32->Eflags = ReservedVectors[ExceptionType].OldFlags;
101 | SystemContext.SystemContextIa32->Cs = ReservedVectors[ExceptionType].OldCs;
102 | SystemContext.SystemContextIa32->Eip = ReservedVectors[ExceptionType].OldIp;
103 | SystemContext.SystemContextIa32->ExceptionData = ReservedVectors[ExceptionType].ExceptionData;
104 | }
105 |
106 | /**
107 | Setup separate stacks for certain exception handlers.
108 |
109 | @param[in] Buffer Point to buffer used to separate exception stack.
110 | @param[in, out] BufferSize On input, it indicates the byte size of Buffer.
111 | If the size is not enough, the return status will
112 | be EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL, and output BufferSize
113 | will be the size it needs.
114 |
115 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS The stacks are assigned successfully.
116 | @retval EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL This BufferSize is too small.
117 | **/
119 | ArchSetupExceptionStack (
120 | IN VOID *Buffer,
121 | IN OUT UINTN *BufferSize
122 | )
123 | {
124 | IA32_DESCRIPTOR Gdtr;
125 | IA32_DESCRIPTOR Idtr;
127 | IA32_TSS_DESCRIPTOR *TssDesc;
128 | IA32_TSS_DESCRIPTOR *TssDescBase;
130 | VOID *NewGdtTable;
131 | UINTN StackTop;
132 | UINTN Index;
133 | UINTN Vector;
134 | UINTN TssBase;
135 | UINT8 *StackSwitchExceptions;
136 | UINTN NeedBufferSize;
138 |
139 | if (BufferSize == NULL) {
141 | }
142 |
143 | //
144 | // Total needed size includes stack size, new GDT table size, TSS size.
145 | // Add another DESCRIPTOR size for alignment requiremet.
146 | //
147 | // Layout of memory needed for each processor:
148 | // --------------------------------
149 | // | |
150 | // | Stack Size | X ExceptionNumber
151 | // | |
152 | // --------------------------------
153 | // | Alignment | (just in case)
154 | // --------------------------------
155 | // | |
156 | // | Original GDT |
157 | // | |
158 | // --------------------------------
159 | // | Current task descriptor |
160 | // --------------------------------
161 | // | |
162 | // | Exception task descriptors | X ExceptionNumber
163 | // | |
164 | // --------------------------------
165 | // | Current task-state segment |
166 | // --------------------------------
167 | // | |
168 | // | Exception task-state segment | X ExceptionNumber
169 | // | |
170 | // --------------------------------
171 | //
172 | AsmReadGdtr (&Gdtr);
174 | sizeof (IA32_TSS_DESCRIPTOR) +
175 | Gdtr.Limit + 1 + CPU_TSS_DESC_SIZE +
177 |
178 | if (*BufferSize < NeedBufferSize) {
179 | *BufferSize = NeedBufferSize;
180 | return EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL;
181 | }
182 |
183 | if (Buffer == NULL) {
185 | }
186 |
187 | AsmReadIdtr (&Idtr);
188 | StackSwitchExceptions = CPU_STACK_SWITCH_EXCEPTION_LIST;
190 | NewGdtTable = ALIGN_POINTER (StackTop, sizeof (IA32_TSS_DESCRIPTOR));
191 | TssDesc = (IA32_TSS_DESCRIPTOR *)((UINTN)NewGdtTable + Gdtr.Limit + 1);
193 | TssDescBase = TssDesc;
194 |
195 | CopyMem (NewGdtTable, (VOID *)Gdtr.Base, Gdtr.Limit + 1);
196 | Gdtr.Base = (UINTN)NewGdtTable;
197 | Gdtr.Limit = (UINT16)(Gdtr.Limit + CPU_TSS_DESC_SIZE);
198 |
199 | //
200 | // Fixup current task descriptor. Task-state segment for current task will
201 | // be filled by processor during task switching.
202 | //
203 | TssBase = (UINTN)Tss;
204 |
205 | TssDesc->Uint64 = 0;
206 | TssDesc->Bits.LimitLow = sizeof (IA32_TASK_STATE_SEGMENT) - 1;
207 | TssDesc->Bits.BaseLow = (UINT16)TssBase;
208 | TssDesc->Bits.BaseMid = (UINT8)(TssBase >> 16);
209 | TssDesc->Bits.Type = IA32_GDT_TYPE_TSS;
210 | TssDesc->Bits.P = 1;
211 | TssDesc->Bits.LimitHigh = 0;
212 | TssDesc->Bits.BaseHigh = (UINT8)(TssBase >> 24);
213 |
214 | //
215 | // Fixup exception task descriptor and task-state segment
216 | //
217 | AsmGetTssTemplateMap (&TemplateMap);
218 | //
219 | // Plus 1 byte is for compact stack layout in case StackTop is already aligned.
220 | //
221 | StackTop = StackTop - CPU_STACK_ALIGNMENT + 1;
223 | IdtTable = (IA32_IDT_GATE_DESCRIPTOR *)Idtr.Base;
224 | for (Index = 0; Index < CPU_STACK_SWITCH_EXCEPTION_NUMBER; ++Index) {
225 | TssDesc += 1;
226 | Tss += 1;
227 |
228 | //
229 | // Fixup TSS descriptor
230 | //
231 | TssBase = (UINTN)Tss;
232 |
233 | TssDesc->Uint64 = 0;
234 | TssDesc->Bits.LimitLow = sizeof (IA32_TASK_STATE_SEGMENT) - 1;
235 | TssDesc->Bits.BaseLow = (UINT16)TssBase;
236 | TssDesc->Bits.BaseMid = (UINT8)(TssBase >> 16);
237 | TssDesc->Bits.Type = IA32_GDT_TYPE_TSS;
238 | TssDesc->Bits.P = 1;
239 | TssDesc->Bits.LimitHigh = 0;
240 | TssDesc->Bits.BaseHigh = (UINT8)(TssBase >> 24);
241 |
242 | //
243 | // Fixup TSS
244 | //
245 | Vector = StackSwitchExceptions[Index];
246 | if ((Vector >= CPU_EXCEPTION_NUM) ||
247 | (Vector >= (Idtr.Limit + 1) / sizeof (IA32_IDT_GATE_DESCRIPTOR)))
248 | {
249 | continue;
250 | }
251 |
252 | ZeroMem (Tss, sizeof (*Tss));
253 | Tss->EIP = (UINT32)(TemplateMap.ExceptionStart
254 | + Vector * TemplateMap.ExceptionStubHeaderSize);
255 | Tss->EFLAGS = 0x2;
256 | Tss->ESP = StackTop;
257 | Tss->CR3 = AsmReadCr3 ();
258 | Tss->ES = AsmReadEs ();
259 | Tss->CS = AsmReadCs ();
260 | Tss->SS = AsmReadSs ();
261 | Tss->DS = AsmReadDs ();
262 | Tss->FS = AsmReadFs ();
263 | Tss->GS = AsmReadGs ();
264 |
266 |
267 | //
268 | // Update IDT to use Task Gate for given exception
269 | //
270 | IdtTable[Vector].Bits.OffsetLow = 0;
271 | IdtTable[Vector].Bits.Selector = (UINT16)((UINTN)TssDesc - Gdtr.Base);
272 | IdtTable[Vector].Bits.Reserved_0 = 0;
273 | IdtTable[Vector].Bits.GateType = IA32_IDT_GATE_TYPE_TASK;
274 | IdtTable[Vector].Bits.OffsetHigh = 0;
275 | }
276 |
277 | //
278 | // Publish GDT
279 | //
280 | AsmWriteGdtr (&Gdtr);
281 |
282 | //
283 | // Load current task
284 | //
285 | AsmWriteTr ((UINT16)((UINTN)TssDescBase - Gdtr.Base));
286 |
287 | return EFI_SUCCESS;
288 | }
289 |
290 | /**
291 | Display processor context.
292 |
293 | @param[in] ExceptionType Exception type.
294 | @param[in] SystemContext Processor context to be display.
295 | **/
296 | VOID
297 | EFIAPI
298 | DumpCpuContext (
299 | IN EFI_EXCEPTION_TYPE ExceptionType,
300 | IN EFI_SYSTEM_CONTEXT SystemContext
301 | )
302 | {
303 | InternalPrintMessage (
304 | "!!!! IA32 Exception Type - %02x(%a) CPU Apic ID - %08x !!!!\n",
305 | ExceptionType,
306 | GetExceptionNameStr (ExceptionType),
307 | GetApicId ()
308 | );
309 | if ((mErrorCodeFlag & (1 << ExceptionType)) != 0) {
310 | InternalPrintMessage (
311 | "ExceptionData - %08x",
312 | SystemContext.SystemContextIa32->ExceptionData
313 | );
314 | if (ExceptionType == EXCEPT_IA32_PAGE_FAULT) {
315 | InternalPrintMessage (
316 | " I:%x R:%x U:%x W:%x P:%x PK:%x SS:%x SGX:%x",
317 | (SystemContext.SystemContextIa32->ExceptionData & IA32_PF_EC_ID) != 0,
318 | (SystemContext.SystemContextIa32->ExceptionData & IA32_PF_EC_RSVD) != 0,
319 | (SystemContext.SystemContextIa32->ExceptionData & IA32_PF_EC_US) != 0,
320 | (SystemContext.SystemContextIa32->ExceptionData & IA32_PF_EC_WR) != 0,
321 | (SystemContext.SystemContextIa32->ExceptionData & IA32_PF_EC_P) != 0,
322 | (SystemContext.SystemContextIa32->ExceptionData & IA32_PF_EC_PK) != 0,
323 | (SystemContext.SystemContextIa32->ExceptionData & IA32_PF_EC_SS) != 0,
324 | (SystemContext.SystemContextIa32->ExceptionData & IA32_PF_EC_SGX) != 0
325 | );
326 | }
327 |
328 | InternalPrintMessage ("\n");
329 | }
330 |
331 | InternalPrintMessage (
332 | "EIP - %08x, CS - %08x, EFLAGS - %08x\n",
333 | SystemContext.SystemContextIa32->Eip,
334 | SystemContext.SystemContextIa32->Cs,
335 | SystemContext.SystemContextIa32->Eflags
336 | );
337 | InternalPrintMessage (
338 | "EAX - %08x, ECX - %08x, EDX - %08x, EBX - %08x\n",
339 | SystemContext.SystemContextIa32->Eax,
340 | SystemContext.SystemContextIa32->Ecx,
341 | SystemContext.SystemContextIa32->Edx,
342 | SystemContext.SystemContextIa32->Ebx
343 | );
344 | InternalPrintMessage (
345 | "ESP - %08x, EBP - %08x, ESI - %08x, EDI - %08x\n",
346 | SystemContext.SystemContextIa32->Esp,
347 | SystemContext.SystemContextIa32->Ebp,
348 | SystemContext.SystemContextIa32->Esi,
349 | SystemContext.SystemContextIa32->Edi
350 | );
351 | InternalPrintMessage (
352 | "DS - %08x, ES - %08x, FS - %08x, GS - %08x, SS - %08x\n",
353 | SystemContext.SystemContextIa32->Ds,
354 | SystemContext.SystemContextIa32->Es,
355 | SystemContext.SystemContextIa32->Fs,
356 | SystemContext.SystemContextIa32->Gs,
357 | SystemContext.SystemContextIa32->Ss
358 | );
359 | InternalPrintMessage (
360 | "CR0 - %08x, CR2 - %08x, CR3 - %08x, CR4 - %08x\n",
361 | SystemContext.SystemContextIa32->Cr0,
362 | SystemContext.SystemContextIa32->Cr2,
363 | SystemContext.SystemContextIa32->Cr3,
364 | SystemContext.SystemContextIa32->Cr4
365 | );
366 | InternalPrintMessage (
367 | "DR0 - %08x, DR1 - %08x, DR2 - %08x, DR3 - %08x\n",
368 | SystemContext.SystemContextIa32->Dr0,
369 | SystemContext.SystemContextIa32->Dr1,
370 | SystemContext.SystemContextIa32->Dr2,
371 | SystemContext.SystemContextIa32->Dr3
372 | );
373 | InternalPrintMessage (
374 | "DR6 - %08x, DR7 - %08x\n",
375 | SystemContext.SystemContextIa32->Dr6,
376 | SystemContext.SystemContextIa32->Dr7
377 | );
378 | InternalPrintMessage (
379 | "GDTR - %08x %08x, IDTR - %08x %08x\n",
380 | SystemContext.SystemContextIa32->Gdtr[0],
381 | SystemContext.SystemContextIa32->Gdtr[1],
382 | SystemContext.SystemContextIa32->Idtr[0],
383 | SystemContext.SystemContextIa32->Idtr[1]
384 | );
385 | InternalPrintMessage (
386 | "LDTR - %08x, TR - %08x\n",
387 | SystemContext.SystemContextIa32->Ldtr,
388 | SystemContext.SystemContextIa32->Tr
389 | );
390 | InternalPrintMessage (
391 | "FXSAVE_STATE - %08x\n",
392 | &SystemContext.SystemContextIa32->FxSaveState
393 | );
394 | }
395 |
396 | /**
397 | Display CPU information.
398 |
399 | @param ExceptionType Exception type.
400 | @param SystemContext Pointer to EFI_SYSTEM_CONTEXT.
401 | **/
402 | VOID
403 | DumpImageAndCpuContent (
404 | IN EFI_EXCEPTION_TYPE ExceptionType,
405 | IN EFI_SYSTEM_CONTEXT SystemContext
406 | )
407 | {
408 | DumpCpuContext (ExceptionType, SystemContext);
409 | //
410 | // Dump module image base and module entry point by EIP
411 | //
412 | if ((ExceptionType == EXCEPT_IA32_PAGE_FAULT) &&
413 | ((SystemContext.SystemContextIa32->ExceptionData & IA32_PF_EC_ID) != 0))
414 | {
415 | //
416 | // The EIP in SystemContext could not be used
417 | // if it is page fault with I/D set.
418 | //
419 | DumpModuleImageInfo ((*(UINTN *)(UINTN)SystemContext.SystemContextIa32->Esp));
420 | } else {
421 | DumpModuleImageInfo (SystemContext.SystemContextIa32->Eip);
422 | }
423 | }