1 | ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;
2 | ; Copyright (c) 2012 - 2022, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
3 | ; SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
4 | ;
5 | ; Module Name:
6 | ;
7 | ; ExceptionHandlerAsm.Asm
8 | ;
9 | ; Abstract:
10 | ;
11 | ; x64 CPU Exception Handler
12 | ;
13 | ; Notes:
14 | ;
15 | ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------
16 | %include "Nasm.inc"
17 |
18 | ;
19 | ; Equivalent NASM structure of IA32_DESCRIPTOR
20 | ;
21 | struc IA32_DESCRIPTOR
22 | .Limit CTYPE_UINT16 1
23 | .Base CTYPE_UINTN 1
24 | endstruc
25 |
26 | ;
27 | ; Equivalent NASM structure of IA32_IDT_GATE_DESCRIPTOR
28 | ;
30 | .OffsetLow CTYPE_UINT16 1
31 | .Selector CTYPE_UINT16 1
32 | .Reserved_0 CTYPE_UINT8 1
33 | .GateType CTYPE_UINT8 1
34 | .OffsetHigh CTYPE_UINT16 1
35 | .OffsetUpper CTYPE_UINT32 1
36 | .Reserved_1 CTYPE_UINT32 1
37 | endstruc
38 |
39 | ;
40 | ; CommonExceptionHandler()
41 | ;
42 |
43 | %define VC_EXCEPTION 29
44 |
45 | extern ASM_PFX(mErrorCodeFlag) ; Error code flags for exceptions
46 | extern ASM_PFX(mDoFarReturnFlag) ; Do far return flag
47 | extern ASM_PFX(CommonExceptionHandler)
48 |
49 | SECTION .data
50 |
52 | SECTION .text
53 |
54 | ALIGN 8
55 |
56 | ; Generate 256 IDT vectors.
57 | AsmIdtVectorBegin:
58 | %assign Vector 0
59 | %rep 256
60 | push strict dword %[Vector] ; This instruction pushes sign-extended 8-byte value on stack
61 | push rax
63 | mov rax, strict qword 0 ; mov rax, ASM_PFX(CommonInterruptEntry)
64 | %else
65 | mov rax, ASM_PFX(CommonInterruptEntry)
66 | %endif
67 | jmp rax
68 | %assign Vector Vector+1
69 | %endrep
70 | AsmIdtVectorEnd:
71 |
72 | HookAfterStubHeaderBegin:
73 | push strict dword 0 ; 0 will be fixed
74 | VectorNum:
75 | push rax
77 | mov rax, strict qword 0 ; mov rax, HookAfterStubHeaderEnd
78 | JmpAbsoluteAddress:
79 | %else
80 | mov rax, HookAfterStubHeaderEnd
81 | %endif
82 | jmp rax
83 | HookAfterStubHeaderEnd:
84 | mov rax, rsp
85 | and sp, 0xfff0 ; make sure 16-byte aligned for exception context
86 | sub rsp, 0x18 ; reserve room for filling exception data later
87 | push rcx
88 | mov rcx, [rax + 8]
89 | bt [ASM_PFX(mErrorCodeFlag)], ecx
90 | jnc .0
91 | push qword [rsp] ; push additional rcx to make stack alignment
92 | .0:
93 | xchg rcx, [rsp] ; restore rcx, save Exception Number in stack
94 | push qword [rax] ; push rax into stack to keep code consistence
95 |
96 | ;---------------------------------------;
97 | ; CommonInterruptEntry ;
98 | ;---------------------------------------;
99 | ; The follow algorithm is used for the common interrupt routine.
100 | ; Entry from each interrupt with a push eax and eax=interrupt number
101 | ; Stack frame would be as follows as specified in IA32 manuals:
102 | ;
103 | ; +---------------------+ <-- 16-byte aligned ensured by processor
104 | ; + Old SS +
105 | ; +---------------------+
106 | ; + Old RSP +
107 | ; +---------------------+
108 | ; + RFlags +
109 | ; +---------------------+
110 | ; + CS +
111 | ; +---------------------+
112 | ; + RIP +
113 | ; +---------------------+
114 | ; + Error Code +
115 | ; +---------------------+
116 | ; + Vector Number +
117 | ; +---------------------+
118 | ; + RBP +
119 | ; +---------------------+ <-- RBP, 16-byte aligned
120 | ; The follow algorithm is used for the common interrupt routine.
121 | global ASM_PFX(CommonInterruptEntry)
122 | ASM_PFX(CommonInterruptEntry):
123 | cli
124 | pop rax
125 | ;
126 | ; All interrupt handlers are invoked through interrupt gates, so
127 | ; IF flag automatically cleared at the entry point
128 | ;
129 | xchg rcx, [rsp] ; Save rcx into stack and save vector number into rcx
130 | and rcx, 0xFF
131 | cmp ecx, 32 ; Intel reserved vector for exceptions?
132 | jae NoErrorCode
133 | bt [ASM_PFX(mErrorCodeFlag)], ecx
134 | jc HasErrorCode
135 |
136 | NoErrorCode:
137 |
138 | ;
139 | ; Push a dummy error code on the stack
140 | ; to maintain coherent stack map
141 | ;
142 | push qword [rsp]
143 | mov qword [rsp + 8], 0
144 | HasErrorCode:
145 | push rbp
146 | mov rbp, rsp
147 | push 0 ; clear EXCEPTION_HANDLER_CONTEXT.OldIdtHandler
148 | push 0 ; clear EXCEPTION_HANDLER_CONTEXT.ExceptionDataFlag
149 |
150 | ;
151 | ; Stack:
152 | ; +---------------------+ <-- 16-byte aligned ensured by processor
153 | ; + Old SS +
154 | ; +---------------------+
155 | ; + Old RSP +
156 | ; +---------------------+
157 | ; + RFlags +
158 | ; +---------------------+
159 | ; + CS +
160 | ; +---------------------+
161 | ; + RIP +
162 | ; +---------------------+
163 | ; + Error Code +
164 | ; +---------------------+
165 | ; + RCX / Vector Number +
166 | ; +---------------------+
167 | ; + RBP +
168 | ; +---------------------+ <-- RBP, 16-byte aligned
169 | ;
170 |
171 | ;
172 | ; Since here the stack pointer is 16-byte aligned, so
174 | ; is 16-byte aligned
175 | ;
176 |
177 | ;; UINT64 Rdi, Rsi, Rbp, Rsp, Rbx, Rdx, Rcx, Rax;
178 | ;; UINT64 R8, R9, R10, R11, R12, R13, R14, R15;
179 | push r15
180 | push r14
181 | push r13
182 | push r12
183 | push r11
184 | push r10
185 | push r9
186 | push r8
187 | push rax
188 | push qword [rbp + 8] ; RCX
189 | push rdx
190 | push rbx
191 | push qword [rbp + 48] ; RSP
192 | push qword [rbp] ; RBP
193 | push rsi
194 | push rdi
195 |
196 | ;; UINT64 Gs, Fs, Es, Ds, Cs, Ss; insure high 16 bits of each is zero
197 | movzx rax, word [rbp + 56]
198 | push rax ; for ss
199 | movzx rax, word [rbp + 32]
200 | push rax ; for cs
201 | mov rax, ds
202 | push rax
203 | mov rax, es
204 | push rax
205 | mov rax, fs
206 | push rax
207 | mov rax, gs
208 | push rax
209 |
210 | mov [rbp + 8], rcx ; save vector number
211 |
212 | ;; UINT64 Rip;
213 | push qword [rbp + 24]
214 |
215 | ;; UINT64 Gdtr[2], Idtr[2];
216 | xor rax, rax
217 | push rax
218 | push rax
219 | sidt [rsp]
220 | mov bx, word [rsp]
221 | mov rax, qword [rsp + 2]
222 | mov qword [rsp], rax
223 | mov word [rsp + 8], bx
224 |
225 | xor rax, rax
226 | push rax
227 | push rax
228 | sgdt [rsp]
229 | mov bx, word [rsp]
230 | mov rax, qword [rsp + 2]
231 | mov qword [rsp], rax
232 | mov word [rsp + 8], bx
233 |
234 | ;; UINT64 Ldtr, Tr;
235 | xor rax, rax
236 | str ax
237 | push rax
238 | sldt ax
239 | push rax
240 |
241 | ;; UINT64 RFlags;
242 | push qword [rbp + 40]
243 |
244 | ;; UINT64 Cr0, Cr1, Cr2, Cr3, Cr4, Cr8;
245 | mov rax, cr8
246 | push rax
247 | mov rax, cr4
248 | or rax, 0x208
249 | mov cr4, rax
250 | push rax
251 | mov rax, cr3
252 | push rax
253 | mov rax, cr2
254 | push rax
255 | xor rax, rax
256 | push rax
257 | mov rax, cr0
258 | push rax
259 |
260 | ;; UINT64 Dr0, Dr1, Dr2, Dr3, Dr6, Dr7;
261 | cmp qword [rbp + 8], VC_EXCEPTION
262 | je VcDebugRegs ; For SEV-ES (#VC) Debug registers ignored
263 |
264 | mov rax, dr7
265 | push rax
266 | mov rax, dr6
267 | push rax
268 | mov rax, dr3
269 | push rax
270 | mov rax, dr2
271 | push rax
272 | mov rax, dr1
273 | push rax
274 | mov rax, dr0
275 | push rax
276 | jmp DrFinish
277 |
278 | VcDebugRegs:
279 | ;; UINT64 Dr0, Dr1, Dr2, Dr3, Dr6, Dr7 are skipped for #VC to avoid exception recursion
280 | xor rax, rax
281 | push rax
282 | push rax
283 | push rax
284 | push rax
285 | push rax
286 | push rax
287 |
288 | DrFinish:
289 | ;; FX_SAVE_STATE_X64 FxSaveState;
290 | sub rsp, 512
291 | mov rdi, rsp
292 | fxsave [rdi]
293 |
294 | ;; UEFI calling convention for x64 requires that Direction flag in EFLAGs is clear
295 | cld
296 |
297 | ;; UINT32 ExceptionData;
298 | push qword [rbp + 16]
299 |
300 | ;; Prepare parameter and call
301 | mov rcx, [rbp + 8]
302 | mov rdx, rsp
303 | ;
304 | ; Per X64 calling convention, allocate maximum parameter stack space
305 | ; and make sure RSP is 16-byte aligned
306 | ;
307 | sub rsp, 4 * 8 + 8
308 | call ASM_PFX(CommonExceptionHandler)
309 | add rsp, 4 * 8 + 8
310 |
311 | ; The follow algorithm is used for clear shadow stack token busy bit.
312 | ; The comment is based on the sample shadow stack.
313 | ; Shadow stack is 32 bytes aligned.
314 | ; The sample shadow stack layout :
315 | ; Address | Context
316 | ; +-------------------------+
317 | ; 0xFB8 | FREE | It is 0xFC0|0x02|(LMA & CS.L), after SAVEPREVSSP.
318 | ; +-------------------------+
319 | ; 0xFC0 | Prev SSP |
320 | ; +-------------------------+
321 | ; 0xFC8 | RIP |
322 | ; +-------------------------+
323 | ; 0xFD0 | CS |
324 | ; +-------------------------+
325 | ; 0xFD8 | 0xFD8 | BUSY | BUSY flag cleared after CLRSSBSY
326 | ; +-------------------------+
327 | ; 0xFE0 | 0xFC0|0x02|(LMA & CS.L) |
328 | ; +-------------------------+
329 | ; Instructions for Intel Control Flow Enforcement Technology (CET) are supported since NASM version 2.15.01.
330 | cmp qword [ASM_PFX(mDoFarReturnFlag)], 0
331 | jz CetDone
332 | mov rax, cr4
333 | and rax, 0x800000 ; Check if CET is enabled
334 | jz CetDone
335 | sub rsp, 0x10
336 | sidt [rsp]
337 | mov rcx, qword [rsp + IA32_DESCRIPTOR.Base]; Get IDT base address
338 | add rsp, 0x10
339 | mov rax, qword [rbp + 8]; Get exception number
340 | sal rax, 0x04 ; Get IDT offset
341 | add rax, rcx ; Get IDT gate descriptor address
342 | mov al, byte [rax + IA32_IDT_GATE_DESCRIPTOR.Reserved_0]
343 | and rax, 0x01 ; Check IST field
344 | jz CetDone
345 | ; SSP should be 0xFC0 at this point
346 | mov rax, 0x04 ; advance past cs:lip:prevssp;supervisor shadow stack token
347 | incsspq rax ; After this SSP should be 0xFE0
348 | saveprevssp ; now the shadow stack restore token will be created at 0xFB8
349 | rdsspq rax ; Read new SSP, SSP should be 0xFE8
350 | sub rax, 0x10
351 | clrssbsy [rax] ; Clear token at 0xFD8, SSP should be 0 after this
352 | sub rax, 0x20
353 | rstorssp [rax] ; Restore to token at 0xFB8, new SSP will be 0xFB8
354 | mov rax, 0x01 ; Pop off the new save token created
355 | incsspq rax ; SSP should be 0xFC0 now
356 | CetDone:
357 |
358 | cli
359 | ;; UINT64 ExceptionData;
360 | add rsp, 8
361 |
362 | ;; FX_SAVE_STATE_X64 FxSaveState;
363 |
364 | mov rsi, rsp
365 | fxrstor [rsi]
366 | add rsp, 512
367 |
368 | ;; UINT64 Dr0, Dr1, Dr2, Dr3, Dr6, Dr7;
369 | ;; Skip restoration of DRx registers to support in-circuit emualators
370 | ;; or debuggers set breakpoint in interrupt/exception context
371 | add rsp, 8 * 6
372 |
373 | ;; UINT64 Cr0, Cr1, Cr2, Cr3, Cr4, Cr8;
374 | pop rax
375 | mov cr0, rax
376 | add rsp, 8 ; not for Cr1
377 | pop rax
378 | mov cr2, rax
379 | pop rax
380 | mov cr3, rax
381 | pop rax
382 | mov cr4, rax
383 | pop rax
384 | mov cr8, rax
385 |
386 | ;; UINT64 RFlags;
387 | pop qword [rbp + 40]
388 |
389 | ;; UINT64 Ldtr, Tr;
390 | ;; UINT64 Gdtr[2], Idtr[2];
391 | ;; Best not let anyone mess with these particular registers...
392 | add rsp, 48
393 |
394 | ;; UINT64 Rip;
395 | pop qword [rbp + 24]
396 |
397 | ;; UINT64 Gs, Fs, Es, Ds, Cs, Ss;
398 | pop rax
399 | ; mov gs, rax ; not for gs
400 | pop rax
401 | ; mov fs, rax ; not for fs
402 | ; (X64 will not use fs and gs, so we do not restore it)
403 | pop rax
404 | mov es, rax
405 | pop rax
406 | mov ds, rax
407 | pop qword [rbp + 32] ; for cs
408 | pop qword [rbp + 56] ; for ss
409 |
410 | ;; UINT64 Rdi, Rsi, Rbp, Rsp, Rbx, Rdx, Rcx, Rax;
411 | ;; UINT64 R8, R9, R10, R11, R12, R13, R14, R15;
412 | pop rdi
413 | pop rsi
414 | add rsp, 8 ; not for rbp
415 | pop qword [rbp + 48] ; for rsp
416 | pop rbx
417 | pop rdx
418 | pop rcx
419 | pop rax
420 | pop r8
421 | pop r9
422 | pop r10
423 | pop r11
424 | pop r12
425 | pop r13
426 | pop r14
427 | pop r15
428 |
429 | mov rsp, rbp
430 | pop rbp
431 | add rsp, 16
432 | cmp qword [rsp - 32], 0 ; check EXCEPTION_HANDLER_CONTEXT.OldIdtHandler
433 | jz DoReturn
434 | cmp qword [rsp - 40], 1 ; check EXCEPTION_HANDLER_CONTEXT.ExceptionDataFlag
435 | jz ErrorCode
436 | jmp qword [rsp - 32]
437 | ErrorCode:
438 | sub rsp, 8
439 | jmp qword [rsp - 24]
440 |
441 | DoReturn:
442 | cmp qword [ASM_PFX(mDoFarReturnFlag)], 0 ; Check if need to do far return instead of IRET
443 | jz DoIret
444 | push rax
445 | mov rax, rsp ; save old RSP to rax
446 | mov rsp, [rsp + 0x20]
447 | push qword [rax + 0x10] ; save CS in new location
448 | push qword [rax + 0x8] ; save EIP in new location
449 | push qword [rax + 0x18] ; save EFLAGS in new location
450 | mov rax, [rax] ; restore rax
451 | popfq ; restore EFLAGS
452 | retfq
453 | DoIret:
454 | iretq
455 |
456 | ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
457 | ; GetTemplateAddressMap (&AddressMap);
458 | ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
459 | ; comments here for definition of address map
460 | global ASM_PFX(AsmGetTemplateAddressMap)
461 | ASM_PFX(AsmGetTemplateAddressMap):
462 | lea rax, [AsmIdtVectorBegin]
463 | mov qword [rcx], rax
464 | mov qword [rcx + 0x8], (AsmIdtVectorEnd - AsmIdtVectorBegin) / 256
465 | lea rax, [HookAfterStubHeaderBegin]
466 | mov qword [rcx + 0x10], rax
467 |
469 | ; Fix up CommonInterruptEntry address
470 | lea rax, [ASM_PFX(CommonInterruptEntry)]
471 | lea rcx, [AsmIdtVectorBegin]
472 | %rep 256
473 | mov qword [rcx + (JmpAbsoluteAddress - 8 - HookAfterStubHeaderBegin)], rax
474 | add rcx, (AsmIdtVectorEnd - AsmIdtVectorBegin) / 256
475 | %endrep
476 | ; Fix up HookAfterStubHeaderEnd
477 | lea rax, [HookAfterStubHeaderEnd]
478 | lea rcx, [JmpAbsoluteAddress]
479 | mov qword [rcx - 8], rax
480 | %endif
481 |
482 | ret
483 |
484 | ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
485 | ; AsmVectorNumFixup (*NewVectorAddr, VectorNum, *OldVectorAddr);
486 | ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
487 | global ASM_PFX(AsmVectorNumFixup)
488 | ASM_PFX(AsmVectorNumFixup):
489 | mov rax, rdx
490 | mov [rcx + (VectorNum - 4 - HookAfterStubHeaderBegin)], al
491 | ret
492 |