1 | /** @file
2 | Private include file for GDB stub
3 |
4 | Copyright (c) 2008 - 2009, Apple Inc. All rights reserved.<BR>
5 |
6 | SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
7 |
8 | **/
9 |
10 | #ifndef __GDB_STUB_INTERNAL__
11 | #define __GDB_STUB_INTERNAL__
12 |
13 | #include <Uefi.h>
14 | #include <Library/BaseLib.h>
15 | #include <Library/BaseMemoryLib.h>
16 | #include <Library/MemoryAllocationLib.h>
17 | #include <Library/DebugLib.h>
18 | #include <Library/UefiLib.h>
19 | #include <Library/UefiBootServicesTableLib.h>
20 | #include <Library/PcdLib.h>
21 | #include <Library/GdbSerialLib.h>
22 | #include <Library/PrintLib.h>
23 |
24 | #include <Protocol/DebugSupport.h>
25 | #include <Protocol/SerialIo.h>
26 | #include <Protocol/LoadedImage.h>
27 | #include <Protocol/LoadedImage.h>
28 | #include <Guid/DebugImageInfoTable.h>
29 | #include <IndustryStandard/PeImage.h>
30 |
31 | extern CONST CHAR8 mHexToStr[];
32 |
33 | // maximum size of input and output buffers
34 | // This value came from the show remote command of the gdb we tested against
35 | #define MAX_BUF_SIZE 2000
36 |
37 | // maximum size of address buffer
38 | #define MAX_ADDR_SIZE 32
39 |
40 | // maximum size of register number buffer
41 | #define MAX_REG_NUM_BUF_SIZE 32
42 |
43 | // maximum size of length buffer
44 | #define MAX_LENGTH_SIZE 32
45 |
46 | // maximum size of T signal members
47 | #define MAX_T_SIGNAL_SIZE 64
48 |
49 | // the mask used to clear all the cache
50 | #define TF_BIT 0x00000100
51 |
52 | //
53 | // GDB Signal definitions - generic names for interrupts
54 | //
55 | #define GDB_SIGILL 4 // Illegal instruction
56 | #define GDB_SIGTRAP 5 // Trace Trap (Breakpoint and SingleStep)
57 | #define GDB_SIGEMT 7 // Emulator Trap
58 | #define GDB_SIGFPE 8 // Floating point exception
59 | #define GDB_SIGSEGV 11 // Segment violation, page fault
60 |
61 | //
62 | // GDB File I/O Error values, zero means no error
63 | // Includes all general GDB Unix like error values
64 | //
65 | #define GDB_EBADMEMADDRBUFSIZE 11 // the buffer that stores memory Address to be read from/written to is not the right size
66 | #define GDB_EBADMEMLENGBUFSIZE 12 // the buffer that stores Length is not the right size
67 | #define GDB_EBADMEMLENGTH 13 // Length, the given number of bytes to read or write, is not the right size
68 | #define GDB_EBADMEMDATA 14 // one of the bytes or nibbles of the memory is less than 0
69 | #define GDB_EBADMEMDATASIZE 15 // the memory data, 'XX..', is too short or too long
70 | #define GDB_EBADBUFSIZE 21 // the buffer created is not the correct size
71 | #define GDB_EINVALIDARG 31 // argument is invalid
72 | #define GDB_ENOSPACE 41 //
73 | #define GDB_EINVALIDBRKPOINTTYPE 51 // the breakpoint type is not recognized
74 | #define GDB_EINVALIDREGNUM 61 // given register number is not valid: either <0 or >=Number of Registers
75 | #define GDB_EUNKNOWN 255 // unknown
76 |
77 | //
78 | // These devices are open by GDB so we can just read and write to them
79 | //
80 | #define GDB_STDIN 0x00
81 | #define GDB_STDOUT 0x01
82 | #define GDB_STDERR 0x02
83 |
84 | //
85 | // Define Register size for different architectures
86 | //
87 | #if defined (MDE_CPU_IA32)
88 | #define REG_SIZE 32
89 | #elif defined (MDE_CPU_X64)
90 | #define REG_SIZE 64
91 | #elif defined (MDE_CPU_ARM)
92 | #define REG_SIZE 32
93 | #endif
94 |
95 | #define GDB_SERIAL_DEV_SIGNATURE SIGNATURE_32 ('g', 'd', 'b', 's')
96 |
97 | typedef struct {
98 | VENDOR_DEVICE_PATH VendorDevice;
99 | UINT32 Index; // Support more than one
102 |
103 | //
104 | // Name: SERIAL_DEV
105 | // Purpose: To provide device specific information
106 | // Fields:
107 | // Signature UINTN: The identity of the serial device
108 | // SerialIo SERIAL_IO_PROTOCOL: Serial I/O protocol interface
109 | // SerialMode SERIAL_IO_MODE:
110 | // DevicePath EFI_DEVICE_PATH_PROTOCOL *: Device path of the serial device
111 | //
112 | typedef struct {
113 | UINTN Signature;
114 | EFI_HANDLE Handle;
116 | EFI_SERIAL_IO_MODE SerialMode;
118 | INTN InFileDescriptor;
119 | INTN OutFileDescriptor;
121 |
123 |
124 | typedef struct {
125 | EFI_EXCEPTION_TYPE Exception;
126 | UINT8 SignalNo;
128 |
129 | #if defined (MDE_CPU_IA32) || defined (MDE_CPU_X64)
130 |
131 | //
132 | // Byte packed structure for DR6
133 | // 32-bits on IA-32
134 | // 64-bits on X64. The upper 32-bits on X64 are reserved
135 | //
136 | typedef union {
137 | struct {
138 | UINT32 B0 : 1; // Breakpoint condition detected
139 | UINT32 B1 : 1; // Breakpoint condition detected
140 | UINT32 B2 : 1; // Breakpoint condition detected
141 | UINT32 B3 : 1; // Breakpoint condition detected
142 | UINT32 Reserved_1 : 9; // Reserved
143 | UINT32 BD : 1; // Debug register access detected
144 | UINT32 BS : 1; // Single step
145 | UINT32 BT : 1; // Task switch
146 | UINT32 Reserved_2 : 16; // Reserved
147 | } Bits;
148 | UINTN UintN;
149 | } IA32_DR6;
150 |
151 | //
152 | // Byte packed structure for DR7
153 | // 32-bits on IA-32
154 | // 64-bits on X64. The upper 32-bits on X64 are reserved
155 | //
156 | typedef union {
157 | struct {
158 | UINT32 L0 : 1; // Local breakpoint enable
159 | UINT32 G0 : 1; // Global breakpoint enable
160 | UINT32 L1 : 1; // Local breakpoint enable
161 | UINT32 G1 : 1; // Global breakpoint enable
162 | UINT32 L2 : 1; // Local breakpoint enable
163 | UINT32 G2 : 1; // Global breakpoint enable
164 | UINT32 L3 : 1; // Local breakpoint enable
165 | UINT32 G3 : 1; // Global breakpoint enable
166 | UINT32 LE : 1; // Local exact breakpoint enable
167 | UINT32 GE : 1; // Global exact breakpoint enable
168 | UINT32 Reserved_1 : 3; // Reserved
169 | UINT32 GD : 1; // Global detect enable
170 | UINT32 Reserved_2 : 2; // Reserved
171 | UINT32 RW0 : 2; // Read/Write field
172 | UINT32 LEN0 : 2; // Length field
173 | UINT32 RW1 : 2; // Read/Write field
174 | UINT32 LEN1 : 2; // Length field
175 | UINT32 RW2 : 2; // Read/Write field
176 | UINT32 LEN2 : 2; // Length field
177 | UINT32 RW3 : 2; // Read/Write field
178 | UINT32 LEN3 : 2; // Length field
179 | } Bits;
180 | UINTN UintN;
181 | } IA32_DR7;
182 |
183 | #endif /* if defined (MDE_CPU_IA32) || defined (MDE_CPU_X64) */
184 |
185 | typedef enum {
186 | InstructionExecution, // Hardware breakpoint
187 | DataWrite, // watch
188 | DataRead, // rwatch
189 | DataReadWrite, // awatch
190 | SoftwareBreakpoint, // Software breakpoint
191 | NotSupported
192 | } BREAK_TYPE;
193 |
194 | //
195 | // Array of exception types that need to be hooked by the debugger
196 | //
197 | extern EFI_EXCEPTION_TYPE_ENTRY gExceptionType[];
198 |
199 | //
200 | // Set TRUE if F Reply package signals a ctrl-c. We can not process the Ctrl-c
201 | // here we need to wait for the periodic callback to do this.
202 | //
203 | extern BOOLEAN gCtrlCBreakFlag;
204 |
205 | //
206 | // If the periodic callback is called while we are processing an F packet we need
207 | // to let the callback know to not read from the serial stream as it could steal
208 | // characters from the F response packet
209 | //
210 | extern BOOLEAN gProcessingFPacket;
211 |
212 | // The offsets of registers SystemContext.
213 | // The fields in the array are in the gdb ordering.
214 | //
215 | extern UINTN gRegisterOffsets[];
216 |
217 | /**
218 | Return the number of entries in the gExceptionType[]
219 |
220 | @retval UINTN, the number of entries in the gExceptionType[] array.
221 | **/
222 | UINTN
223 | MaxEfiException (
224 | VOID
225 | );
226 |
227 | /**
228 | Return the number of entries in the gRegisters[]
229 |
230 | @retval UINTN, the number of entries (registers) in the gRegisters[] array.
231 | **/
232 | UINTN
233 | MaxRegisterCount (
234 | VOID
235 | );
236 |
237 | /**
238 | Check to see if the ISA is supported.
239 | ISA = Instruction Set Architecture
240 |
241 | @retval TRUE if Isa is supported,
242 | FALSE otherwise.
243 | **/
245 | CheckIsa (
247 | );
248 |
249 | /**
250 | Send the T signal with the given exception type (in gdb order) and possibly with n:r pairs related to the watchpoints
251 |
252 | @param SystemContext Register content at time of the exception
253 | @param GdbExceptionType GDB exception type
254 | **/
255 |
256 | VOID
257 | GdbSendTSignal (
258 | IN EFI_SYSTEM_CONTEXT SystemContext,
259 | IN UINT8 GdbExceptionType
260 | );
261 |
262 | /**
263 | Translates the EFI mapping to GDB mapping
264 |
265 | @param EFIExceptionType EFI Exception that is being processed
266 | @retval UINTN that corresponds to EFIExceptionType's GDB exception type number
267 | **/
268 | UINT8
269 | ConvertEFItoGDBtype (
271 | );
272 |
273 | /**
274 | Empties the given buffer
275 | @param *Buf pointer to the first element in buffer to be emptied
276 | **/
277 | VOID
278 | EmptyBuffer (
279 | IN CHAR8 *Buf
280 | );
281 |
282 | /**
283 | Converts an 8-bit Hex Char into a INTN.
284 |
285 | @param Char - the hex character to be converted into UINTN
286 | @retval a INTN, from 0 to 15, that corresponds to Char
287 | -1 if Char is not a hex character
288 | **/
289 | INTN
290 | HexCharToInt (
291 | IN CHAR8 Char
292 | );
293 |
294 | /** 'E NN'
295 | Send an error with the given error number after converting to hex.
296 | The error number is put into the buffer in hex. '255' is the biggest errno we can send.
297 | ex: 162 will be sent as A2.
298 |
299 | @param errno the error number that will be sent
300 | **/
301 | VOID
302 | EFIAPI
303 | SendError (
304 | IN UINT8 ErrorNum
305 | );
306 |
307 | /**
308 | Send 'OK' when the function is done executing successfully.
309 | **/
310 | VOID
311 | EFIAPI
312 | SendSuccess (
313 | VOID
314 | );
315 |
316 | /**
317 | Send empty packet to specify that particular command/functionality is not supported.
318 | **/
319 | VOID
320 | EFIAPI
321 | SendNotSupported (
322 | VOID
323 | );
324 |
325 | /** ‘p n’
326 | Reads the n-th register's value into an output buffer and sends it as a packet
327 | @param SystemContext Register content at time of the exception
328 | @param InBuffer This is the input buffer received from gdb server
329 | **/
330 | VOID
331 | ReadNthRegister (
332 | IN EFI_SYSTEM_CONTEXT SystemContext,
333 | IN CHAR8 *InBuffer
334 | );
335 |
336 | /** ‘g’
337 | Reads the general registers into an output buffer and sends it as a packet
338 | @param SystemContext Register content at time of the exception
339 | **/
340 | VOID
341 | EFIAPI
342 | ReadGeneralRegisters (
343 | IN EFI_SYSTEM_CONTEXT SystemContext
344 | );
345 |
346 | /** ‘P n...=r...’
347 | Writes the new value of n-th register received into the input buffer to the n-th register
348 | @param SystemContext Register content at time of the exception
349 | @param InBuffer This is the input buffer received from gdb server
350 | **/
351 | VOID
352 | EFIAPI
353 | WriteNthRegister (
354 | IN EFI_SYSTEM_CONTEXT SystemContext,
355 | IN CHAR8 *InBuffer
356 | );
357 |
358 | /** ‘G XX...’
359 | Writes the new values received into the input buffer to the general registers
360 | @param SystemContext Register content at time of the exception
361 | @param InBuffer Pointer to the input buffer received from gdb server
362 | **/
363 |
364 | VOID
365 | EFIAPI
366 | WriteGeneralRegisters (
367 | IN EFI_SYSTEM_CONTEXT SystemContext,
368 | IN CHAR8 *InBuffer
369 | );
370 |
371 | /** ‘m addr,length ’
372 | Find the Length of the area to read and the start address. Finally, pass them to
373 | another function, TransferFromMemToOutBufAndSend, that will read from that memory space and
374 | send it as a packet.
375 |
376 | @param *PacketData Pointer to Payload data for the packet
377 | **/
378 | VOID
379 | EFIAPI
380 | ReadFromMemory (
381 | IN CHAR8 *PacketData
382 | );
383 |
384 | /** ‘M addr,length :XX...’
385 | Find the Length of the area in bytes to write and the start address. Finally, pass them to
386 | another function, TransferFromInBufToMem, that will write to that memory space the info in
387 | the input buffer.
388 |
389 | @param PacketData Pointer to Payload data for the packet
390 | **/
391 | VOID
392 | EFIAPI
393 | WriteToMemory (
394 | IN CHAR8 *PacketData
395 | );
396 |
397 | /** ‘c [addr ]’
398 | Continue. addr is Address to resume. If addr is omitted, resume at current
399 | Address.
400 |
401 | @param SystemContext Register content at time of the exception
402 | @param *PacketData Pointer to PacketData
403 | **/
404 |
405 | VOID
406 | EFIAPI
407 | ContinueAtAddress (
408 | IN EFI_SYSTEM_CONTEXT SystemContext,
409 | IN CHAR8 *PacketData
410 | );
411 |
412 | /** ‘s [addr ]’
413 | Single step. addr is the Address at which to resume. If addr is omitted, resume
414 | at same Address.
415 |
416 | @param SystemContext Register content at time of the exception
417 | @param PacketData Pointer to Payload data for the packet
418 | **/
419 | VOID
420 | EFIAPI
421 | SingleStep (
422 | IN EFI_SYSTEM_CONTEXT SystemContext,
423 | IN CHAR8 *PacketData
424 | );
425 |
426 | /**
427 | Insert Single Step in the SystemContext
428 |
429 | @param SystemContext Register content at time of the exception
430 | **/
431 | VOID
432 | AddSingleStep (
433 | IN EFI_SYSTEM_CONTEXT SystemContext
434 | );
435 |
436 | /**
437 | Remove Single Step in the SystemContext
438 |
439 | @param SystemContext Register content at time of the exception
440 | **/
441 | VOID
442 | RemoveSingleStep (
443 | IN EFI_SYSTEM_CONTEXT SystemContext
444 | );
445 |
446 | /**
447 | ‘Z1, [addr], [length]’
448 | ‘Z2, [addr], [length]’
449 | ‘Z3, [addr], [length]’
450 | ‘Z4, [addr], [length]’
451 |
452 | Insert hardware breakpoint/watchpoint at address addr of size length
453 |
454 | @param SystemContext Register content at time of the exception
455 | @param *PacketData Pointer to the Payload data for the packet
456 |
457 | **/
458 | VOID
459 | EFIAPI
460 | InsertBreakPoint (
461 | IN EFI_SYSTEM_CONTEXT SystemContext,
462 | IN CHAR8 *PacketData
463 | );
464 |
465 | /**
466 | ‘z1, [addr], [length]’
467 | ‘z2, [addr], [length]’
468 | ‘z3, [addr], [length]’
469 | ‘z4, [addr], [length]’
470 |
471 | Remove hardware breakpoint/watchpoint at address addr of size length
472 |
473 | @param SystemContext Register content at time of the exception
474 | @param *PacketData Pointer to the Payload data for the packet
475 |
476 | **/
477 | VOID
478 | EFIAPI
479 | RemoveBreakPoint (
480 | IN EFI_SYSTEM_CONTEXT SystemContext,
481 | IN CHAR8 *PacketData
482 | );
483 |
484 | /**
485 | Exception Handler for GDB. It will be called for all exceptions
486 | registered via the gExceptionType[] array.
487 |
488 | @param ExceptionType Exception that is being processed
489 | @param SystemContext Register content at time of the exception
490 |
491 | **/
492 | VOID
493 | EFIAPI
494 | GdbExceptionHandler (
495 | IN EFI_EXCEPTION_TYPE ExceptionType,
497 | );
498 |
499 | /**
500 | Periodic callback for GDB. This function is used to catch a ctrl-c or other
501 | break in type command from GDB.
502 |
503 | @param SystemContext Register content at time of the call
504 |
505 | **/
506 | VOID
507 | EFIAPI
508 | GdbPeriodicCallBack (
510 | );
511 |
512 | /**
513 | Make two serial consoles: 1) StdIn and StdOut via GDB. 2) StdErr via GDB.
514 |
515 | These console show up on the remote system running GDB
516 |
517 | **/
518 |
519 | VOID
520 | GdbInitializeSerialConsole (
521 | VOID
522 | );
523 |
524 | /**
525 | Send a GDB Remote Serial Protocol Packet
526 |
527 | $PacketData#checksum PacketData is passed in and this function adds the packet prefix '$',
528 | the packet terminating character '#' and the two digit checksum.
529 |
530 | If an ack '+' is not sent resend the packet, but timeout eventually so we don't end up
531 | in an infinite loop. This is so if you unplug the debugger code just keeps running
532 |
533 | @param PacketData Payload data for the packet
534 |
535 | @retval Number of bytes of packet data sent.
536 |
537 | **/
538 | UINTN
539 | SendPacket (
540 | IN CHAR8 *PacketData
541 | );
542 |
543 | /**
544 | Receive a GDB Remote Serial Protocol Packet
545 |
546 | $PacketData#checksum PacketData is passed in and this function adds the packet prefix '$',
547 | the packet terminating character '#' and the two digit checksum.
548 |
549 | If host re-starts sending a packet without ending the previous packet, only the last valid packet is processed.
550 | (In other words, if received packet is '$12345$12345$123456#checksum', only '$123456#checksum' will be processed.)
551 |
552 | If an ack '+' is not sent resend the packet
553 |
554 | @param PacketData Payload data for the packet
555 |
556 | @retval Number of bytes of packet data received.
557 |
558 | **/
559 | UINTN
560 | ReceivePacket (
561 | OUT CHAR8 *PacketData,
562 | IN UINTN PacketDataSize
563 | );
564 |
565 | /**
566 | Read data from a FileDescriptor. On success number of bytes read is returned. Zero indicates
567 | the end of a file. On error -1 is returned. If count is zero, GdbRead returns zero.
568 |
569 | @param FileDescriptor Device to talk to.
570 | @param Buffer Buffer to hold Count bytes that were read
571 | @param Count Number of bytes to transfer.
572 |
573 | @retval -1 Error
574 | @retval {other} Number of bytes read.
575 |
576 | **/
577 | INTN
578 | GdbRead (
579 | IN INTN FileDescriptor,
580 | OUT VOID *Buffer,
581 | IN UINTN Count
582 | );
583 |
584 | /**
585 | Write data to a FileDescriptor. On success number of bytes written is returned. Zero indicates
586 | nothing was written. On error -1 is returned.
587 |
588 | @param FileDescriptor Device to talk to.
589 | @param Buffer Buffer to hold Count bytes that are to be written
590 | @param Count Number of bytes to transfer.
591 |
592 | @retval -1 Error
593 | @retval {other} Number of bytes written.
594 |
595 | **/
596 | INTN
597 | GdbWrite (
598 | IN INTN FileDescriptor,
599 | OUT CONST VOID *Buffer,
600 | IN UINTN Count
601 | );
602 |
603 | UINTN *
604 | FindPointerToRegister (
605 | IN EFI_SYSTEM_CONTEXT SystemContext,
606 | IN UINTN RegNumber
607 | );
608 |
609 | CHAR8 *
610 | BasicReadRegister (
611 | IN EFI_SYSTEM_CONTEXT SystemContext,
612 | IN UINTN RegNumber,
613 | IN CHAR8 *OutBufPtr
614 | );
615 |
616 | VOID
617 | TransferFromInBufToMem (
618 | IN UINTN Length,
619 | IN UINT8 *Address,
620 | IN CHAR8 *NewData
621 | );
622 |
623 | VOID
624 | TransferFromMemToOutBufAndSend (
625 | IN UINTN Length,
626 | IN UINT8 *Address
627 | );
628 |
629 | CHAR8 *
630 | BasicWriteRegister (
631 | IN EFI_SYSTEM_CONTEXT SystemContext,
632 | IN UINTN RegNumber,
633 | IN CHAR8 *InBufPtr
634 | );
635 |
636 | VOID
637 | PrintReg (
638 | EFI_SYSTEM_CONTEXT SystemContext
639 | );
640 |
641 | UINTN
642 | ParseBreakpointPacket (
643 | IN CHAR8 *PacketData,
644 | OUT UINTN *Type,
645 | OUT UINTN *Address,
646 | OUT UINTN *Length
647 | );
648 |
649 | UINTN
650 | GetBreakpointDataAddress (
651 | IN EFI_SYSTEM_CONTEXT SystemContext,
652 | IN UINTN BreakpointNumber
653 | );
654 |
655 | UINTN
656 | GetBreakpointDetected (
657 | IN EFI_SYSTEM_CONTEXT SystemContext
658 | );
659 |
661 | GetBreakpointType (
662 | IN EFI_SYSTEM_CONTEXT SystemContext,
663 | IN UINTN BreakpointNumber
664 | );
665 |
666 | UINTN
667 | ConvertLengthData (
668 | IN UINTN Length
669 | );
670 |
672 | FindNextFreeDebugRegister (
673 | IN EFI_SYSTEM_CONTEXT SystemContext,
674 | OUT UINTN *Register
675 | );
676 |
678 | EnableDebugRegister (
679 | IN EFI_SYSTEM_CONTEXT SystemContext,
680 | IN UINTN Register,
681 | IN UINTN Address,
682 | IN UINTN Length,
683 | IN UINTN Type
684 | );
685 |
687 | FindMatchingDebugRegister (
688 | IN EFI_SYSTEM_CONTEXT SystemContext,
689 | IN UINTN Address,
690 | IN UINTN Length,
691 | IN UINTN Type,
692 | OUT UINTN *Register
693 | );
694 |
696 | DisableDebugRegister (
697 | IN EFI_SYSTEM_CONTEXT SystemContext,
698 | IN UINTN Register
699 | );
700 |
701 | VOID
702 | InitializeProcessor (
703 | VOID
704 | );
705 |
707 | ValidateAddress (
708 | IN VOID *Address
709 | );
710 |
712 | ValidateException (
713 | IN EFI_EXCEPTION_TYPE ExceptionType,
715 | );
716 |
717 | #endif