1 | ;
2 | ; Copyright (c) 2011, Hewlett-Packard Company. All rights reserved.<BR>
3 | ;
4 | ; SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
5 | ;
6 |
7 | LOCAL &maxmem &systbl &memsize
8 |
9 | &memsize=0x20000000 ; default to 512MB
10 |
11 | gosub FindSystemTable &memsize
12 | ENTRY &systbl
13 |
14 | if &systbl!=0
15 | (
16 | print "found system table at &systbl"
17 | gosub FindDebugInfo &systbl
18 | )
19 | else
20 | (
21 | print "ERROR: system table not found, check memory size"
22 | )
23 | enddo
24 |
25 | FindSystemTable:
26 | LOCAL &TopOfRam &offset
27 | ENTRY &TopOfRam
28 |
29 | print "FindSystemTable"
30 | print "top of mem is &TopOfRam$"
31 |
32 | &offset=&TopOfRam
33 |
34 | ; align to highest 4MB boundary
35 | &offset=&offset&0xFFC00000
36 |
37 | ; start at top and look on 4MB boundaries for system table ptr structure
38 | while &offset>0
39 | (
40 | ; low signature match
41 | if Data.Long(a:&offset)==0x20494249
42 | (
43 | ; high signature match
44 | if Data.Long(a:&offset+4)==0x54535953
45 | (
46 | ; less than 4GB?
47 | if Data.Long(a:&offset+0x0c)==0
48 | (
49 | ; less than top of ram?
50 | if Data.Long(a:&offset+8)<&TopOfRam
51 | (
52 | return Data.Long(a:&offset+8)
53 | )
54 | )
55 | )
56 | )
57 |
58 | if &offset<0x400000
59 | (
60 | return 0
61 | )
62 | &offset=&offset-0x400000
63 | )
64 |
65 | return 0
66 |
67 |
68 | FindDebugInfo:
69 | LOCAL &SystemTable &CfgTableEntries &ConfigTable &i &offset &dbghdr &dbgentries &dbgptr &dbginfo &loadedimg
70 | ENTRY &SystemTable
71 |
72 | print "FindDebugInfo"
73 |
74 | &dbgentries=0
75 | &CfgTableEntries=Data.Long(a:&SystemTable+0x40)
76 | &ConfigTable=Data.Long(a:&SystemTable+0x44)
77 |
78 | print "config table is at &ConfigTable (&CfgTableEntries entries)"
79 |
80 | ; now search for debug info entry with guid 49152E77-1ADA-4764-B7A2-7AFEFED95E8B
81 | ; 0x49152E77 0x47641ADA 0xFE7AA2B7 0x8B5ED9FE
82 | &i=0
83 | while &i<&CfgTableEntries
84 | (
85 | &offset=&ConfigTable+(&i*0x14)
86 | if Data.Long(a:&offset)==0x49152E77
87 | (
88 | if Data.Long(a:&offset+4)==0x47641ADA
89 | (
90 | if Data.Long(a:&offset+8)==0xFE7AA2B7
91 | (
92 | if Data.Long(a:&offset+0xc)==0x8B5ED9FE
93 | (
94 | &dbghdr=Data.Long(a:&offset+0x10)
95 | &dbgentries=Data.Long(a:&dbghdr+4)
96 | &dbgptr=Data.Long(a:&dbghdr+8)
97 | )
98 | )
99 | )
100 | )
101 |
102 | &i=&i+1
103 | )
104 |
105 | if &dbgentries==0
106 | (
107 | print "no debug entries found"
108 | return
109 | )
110 |
111 | print "debug table at &dbgptr (&dbgentries entries)"
112 |
113 | symbol.reset
114 |
115 | &i=0
116 | while &i<&dbgentries
117 | (
118 | &dbginfo=Data.Long(a:&dbgptr+(&i*4))
119 | if &dbginfo!=0
120 | (
121 | if Data.Long(a:&dbginfo)==1 ; normal debug info type
122 | (
123 | &loadedimg=Data.Long(a:&dbginfo+4)
124 | do EfiProcessPeImage Data.Long(a:&loadedimg+0x20)
125 | )
126 | )
127 | &i=&i+1
128 | )
129 | return